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Author Topic: Nibû  (Read 9532 times)

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Offline Asid

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Re: Nibû
« Reply #15 on: March 13, 2019, 03:31:37 PM »
Nibû Dev Gameplay (RTS) 1v1 Skirmish vs Maggot

Published on Mar 13, 2019
As you can probably tell, the Skirmish AI is a bit too strong.
I'll upload more videos covering Nibû. Stay tuned.
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Re: Nibû
« Reply #16 on: March 26, 2019, 12:18:33 PM »
Update 2.2

Update 2.2 will go live in a few hours.
Additionally, as always, a short rundown with all the changes.

•   Drag-selection is finally bugfree and feels really smooth. I've tested this numerous times on multiple machines.
•   Classic Mode Waves have been changed. The game now ends at 35 waves and is therefore much shorter and more playable for those who don't want to sit through the single game for more than 2.5 hours.
•   Classic Mode now features the 2 new units that were exclusive for the skirmish game mode: until now.
•   ENOURMOUS Performance improvements. The game runs at a solid 93 FPS (avg) (previously 74) on my machine (Tested from Wave 1 - 35)
•   Reduces draw calls from grass, foliage and terrain surface objects.
•   Improved AI Performance in tight spots around buildings and enemies.
•   No more single selection bug. This was persistent until version 2.1, It is finally fixed. Single target selections work now as intended.
•   Drag Selection from a selectable object is now functional, as it should be.
•   Icarus Animation bug fixed. (Clipping through the ground)
•   Enemy Skirmish intelligence optimized. AI will develop more realistically.
•   Enemy Skirmish AI scaling is also optimized, upgrades are much slower and reach their cap earlier.
•   Buggy Tavern UI for the "Extra" Recruitment option has been fixed.
•   No more attack - to - idle mode problems. The AI-States of friendly troops is finally functional again.
•   Some bugs were related to losing the attack target. Those were fixed as well.
•   Health Bars are now correctly adjusted to unit height and don't bug through their heads.

I hope you continue to enjoy Nibû,
I appreciate all the support!

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Offline Asid

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Re: Nibû
« Reply #17 on: April 27, 2019, 11:59:10 AM »
Update 2.3
27 APR @ 8:38AM - ENKÎ


To anyone who is still playing and enjoying the game: Here is the Update 2.3

This update features some more fundamental changes to the construction system, resource delivery, and resource management.

There were some complaints about resources only being delivered to a specific location of the building. This issue has been resolved.

The villagers now gather resources at a higher rate by default. The rate increments from upgrades are not flat values but percentages.

All factions build rate has been increased.
•   Stable cost modified
•   Archery cost modified.
•   Tower HP modified.
•   Sight Tower attack and armor modified.

Swordsmen of all levels: higher attack rate
•   Enemy Skirmish AI has been significantly nerfed.
•   Spearmen and Nobles have more HP.
•   Babylonian Knights: more HP, higher ATK stat
•   Warlords: more HP, more armor

All projectiles in the game travel faster and hit with higher accuracy.

Hope you enjoy :)

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Offline Asid

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Re: Nibû
« Reply #18 on: June 29, 2019, 12:50:42 AM »
Update and Sale!
28 JUN @ 1:32AM - ENKÎ


I've decided to work on a smaller update to fix the few remaining imbalances and bugs.
Additionally, Nibû will join the Steam summer sales for a 45% discount!

Here is a short rundown of the upcoming changes and fixes:

•   Rider bug fixed, double hits are not possible anymore
•   Resource gather rates modified, villagers collect more in a shorter amount of time
•   No more villager collision problems in their pathfinding for resources, there were some minor issues which have finally been resolved
•   Lumberjack crash has been fixed, no more villagers assignment crashes
•   Wall costs reduced and building rate doubled (they have high amounts of HP which makes it tedious to build them in the first place)
•   Warlords, Archers, Rangers and Uruks buffed.
•   Collossos, Warhorses, Lion Riders nerfed.
•   Building costs have been modified to a varying degree.

Enjoy the game!

According to my Steam Stats, there is only one last guy remaining who plays Nibû.
I hope this was worth it for you!

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Offline Asid

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Re: Nibû
« Reply #19 on: September 02, 2019, 07:36:21 PM »
Update "Hero" Coming..
2 Sep @ 12:39pm - Enkî

A large update will be coming this week.
Various reworked areas including the game modes, enemy AI, basebuilding logic and combat!

Next time on Nibû...

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Re: Nibû
« Reply #20 on: September 03, 2019, 11:19:34 PM »
Update HERO Released!
3 SEP @ 1:21AM   - ENKÎ

Hello everyone,

Update HERO has been released and should be live any second.

Its comes with new and unexpected gameplay changes including:

Self-building structures. You don't have to assign villagers to buildings anymore in order to construct them, you start by placing them on the ground and they'll auto build.

Assignment for production buildings such as the lumber, blacksmith, fruit garden, etc. can now be purchased at the cost of 1 free population and 15 gold.
They'll start producing the moment the free population gets assigned by clicking on the worker icon.

Rework of structure collision. This was a large problem for a number of reasons: Buildings couldn't be placed in close distance and that led to a lot of space issues on almost every map. This has now been dramatically improved:
Height and slope calculation for building detection has also been improved.

Unit AI has received its last major update: You units will now have a separate behavior setup for your control, while at the same time continue their default stance after you control them. This system has now been implemented and differences should be noticeable.

Balance changes:
Goliath (-) nerfed,
Colossus (++) buffed,
Heroic Lionrider (+) buffed,
Heroic Swordswielder (++) buffed,
Warlords (++++) buffed,
Rangers (-) nerfed,
Babylonian Knights (+++) buffed,
Skirmishers (+) buffed,
Warhorses (++) buffed,
Cataphracts (+) buffed,
Palavins (++++) buffed,

Spartan Elite (+) buffed,
Tyrant Guards (+) buffed

Hope you enjoy!
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Offline Asid

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Re: Nibû
« Reply #21 on: December 26, 2021, 11:36:39 PM »
Nibu: The Sequel
Sat, 25 December 2021

A sequel for Nibu is coming.

The release date will be in Q1 of 2022.

Stay tuned for more info!
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