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Author Topic: Kingdoms  (Read 28004 times)

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #75 on: October 07, 2020, 01:13:09 AM »
Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!


Todays update will add to the game 2 new laws for settlement management:
•   Council (if hired) can greet all new arriving settlers, no need to talk to each one personally now;
•   General (if hired) can automatically hire an army and guards, desired amount (% of total settler can be also set);

But the main purpose of todays update is to prepare build for siege - I hoped for today already, but timing is not my strong size - though I fixed many war-camp, army and marching related bugs.
As for siege - soon (I know you tired of this word, as well as I do), we're almost there. Full list of fixes and changes follows:


•   Algorithm that calculated what settlement AI will choose to join was tweaked a bit in order to smooth population on the island and fix the issue with to OP settlements on the map;
•   Slider "Day duration" was added to game options and can be changed after world creation;
•   Fixed rare issue when day duration value could be loaded and calculated incorrect after loading the save sometimes;
•   Fixed rare issue when settlement's Kingdom Color could be loaded incorrect when game was saved right after kingdoms was established;
•   Fixed rare issue when settlement's parameters could be loaded incorrect when game was saved right after kingdoms was established;
•   Fixed issue when Kingdoms could be calculated incorrect after taking iron bank;
•   Fixed issue when new kingdom could calculate random kingdom color incorrect and choose the color that was already taken by other kingdom;
•   Fixed issue maps top UI element (with current time) could stay active after map was closed;
•   Default war declaration period was changed from 30 days to 7 (new game needed);
•   Now tutorial will be shown after player arrives the island (for the first time only);
•   Fixed issue when rain particles could be visible inside port building;
•   Tweaking in some quests logic - now AI will ask for buildings material not when she or he has no house, but when really looking for these materials;
•   Fixed issue when army didn't properly started to march if new war-camp was created after destroying old one;
•   Fixed issue when AI could spawn on the ship in underwear only;
•   Fixed issue when army was send to another settlement some soldiers could stuck at place playing animations from war-camp;
•   Fixed issue when player could press "Build" when building a City Hall without settlement established;
•   Fixed issue when asking settler "What are you doing?" right after landing calculated false answer;
•   New Law was added - now if Council is hired he can greet all new coming settlers, friendship with player will be 0 after that;
•   New Law was added - now General can hire army and guards automatically - the % of total settlers can be set up, but max amount still depends on player perks;

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #76 on: October 14, 2020, 01:32:08 AM »
UPDATE 0.622 [SIEGES #1]
Tue, 13 October 2020

Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!

This was a really crazy week - last 7 days I was working to deliver you the thing that will change Kingdoms. To tell the truth its my four attempt to write this announce - previous tree were too pathos, so this time I'll just tell -we're there. As you can see - there is number 1 before word "siege" meaning that todays update is NOT FINAL - some things are still missing (like some animations, ram and siege tower are still in work, army reaction to enemy is still need to be tweaked), but core mechanic is there - settlement now can be sieged and conquered. I think I'll manage to finish all stuff till end of this week - at least I'm full of enthusiasm after seeing in action all these mechanics I was working last week.

Change log is really LONG this time, I'll point at most important stuff:

•   Optimization work (including lags while crafting sleeping or travelling);
•   Some tweaks were made for early game - now not all building require "Worker" perk;

•   Fixed issue when soldiers in army didn't follow the formation properly after sending an army to settlement (both for player and AI);
•   Fixed issue when army reached it's destination soldier were still marching at one place;
•   Now the spot where marching army will stop depends on closest house position, not the overall settlement position;
•   Fixed issue when wild animals didn't notice settlers around, attacking player only;
•   Fixed issue when army formation could continue moving when roads were calculated;
•   Army formation objects script was optimized a bit in order to increase performance;
•   Fixed issue when fireball could got missing after first shot (including trebuchet in main menu);
•   Fixed issue when wild animal could continue to attack already dead settler;
•   Fixed issue when trebuchets script didn't properly calculated fireball parabola sometimes, shooting right to the ground;
•   Now siege info UI will appear when player is close enough to his army positions or to sieged settlement;
•   Some changes in animals scripts were made in order to increase performance;
•   Some changes in settlers scripts were made in order to increase performance;
•   Now player can't take the settlement by just killing its leader;
•   If leader of AI settlement dies for some reason, its place is automatically taken by other settler in this settlement;
•   Early game balance - now following structures don't require "Workers" perk to be build: bandits lair, small smithy, woodworkers house, stoneworkers place, bakery, small shop, small wooden tavern, farmhouse.
•   Bakery now requires "Butcher" perk to be build instead of "Worker";
•   Now perks needed to establish a settlement marked with a green house in characters creation menu;
•   Some tweaks were made in background calculations during sleeping or crafting in order to remove lags;
•   Fixed issue when wild animal could start to attack a settler in war-camp without any reaction from a settler;
•   Fixed issue when player couldn't properly interact with war-camp chest sometimes;
•   Fixed issue when soldiers couldn't attack wild animals when being at march;
•   Fixed issue when some soldier is being killed when building a war-camp object in AI settlement, AI starts instantly add more and more soldiers at each war-camp object;
•   Now game will automatically fix the number of working soldiers in war-camp if by some reason it was calculated incorrect;
•   Volume of notification sounds was tweaked;
•   Fixed issue when AI army didn't start to march at war when everything in war-camp was build;
•   Fixed issue when AI army went back to camp in the middle of march when AI hired new soldier to the army;
•   Now AI can recruit new soldiers from the settlement when old ones are dying in battle;
•   AI war balance: AI can't declare wars when its army is on the march or sieging other settlement;
•   AI war balance: AI won't declare new wars if AI's settlement is under siege or war was declared recently;
•   AI war balance: AI can't siege settlement that is already under siege of other AI;
•   Fixed issue when attackers could stop too close to sieged settlement;
•   AI can't destroy following buildings during siege: well, notice board, common house and city hall;
•   Each building now have new parameter - HP, trebuchet shot can take 20-30 of HP, max HP is 100, when its lower than 0, house is destroyed;
•   Siege effectiveness depends on following: houses destroyed, settlers killed, leader killed;
•   Fixed issue when army could go to settlement for too long when speed is up (sleeping or crafting);
•   AI will destroy war-camp after war is won;
•   Trebuchet can shoot and damage 4 random targets: houses, settlers, wall and gates;
•   AI will automatically set up barricades when settlement is under siege;
•   Fixed issue when general could recruit to army social workers (tax collector etc.)
•   Fixed issue when AI could walk straight into water when player was standing at the end of pierce;
•   Fixed issue when AI didn't properly assigned soldiers to build structures in war-camp;
•   Lag that appear when many settlers were looking for settlement was significally reduced;
•   When settlement is captured, all fires inside are automatically disabled;
•   When settlement is captured, AI removes all barricades from the gates;
•   Fixed issue when bandits lair parameters could be saved incorrect when lair leader was killed but lair wasn't destroyed;
•   Trebuchet shooting speed depends on soldiers attached to this trebuchet at war-camp;
•   Fixed issue when trebuchet speed didn't change when time was speeded up;

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #77 on: October 15, 2020, 02:47:04 AM »
Wed, 14 October 2020

Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!


If by some chance you've missed yesterday update - check it out first (ABOVE POST) . As it was said yesterday - some aspects of siege are still missing and this is the second update in global "update line". Some main features I would like to point at:

•   Population fix - since last update there was an issue when very first settlement might become overpopulated - fixed;
•   Player can assign soldiers to trebuchet right on battle field;
•   Player can help to reload trebuchets - final speed depends on builder perks;

The rest of changes follow:


•   Fixed issue when settlers joined to the very first settlement on the island when there were no others established causing its overpopulation;
•   Fixed issue when settlers couldn't properly find place for new settlements sometimes;
•   Fixed issue when trebuchet stopped shooting after time was speed up (while waiting, sleeping etc.)
•   Distance when army stops before sieges settlement was increased from 50m to 75m in order to give trebuchets more space;
•   Now fire is properly spread across the wall, if wall is damaged;
•   Size of the fire during sieges is now a bit random to make burning settlement look more natural;
•   Some tweaks were made for trebuchet shots: now most of the time (50%) trebuchet shots the buildings, 30% - the wall, 10% - settlers, 10% - barricades;
•   AI war balance: AI now can attack the settlement if it's at least 1.5 km near;
•   If settlement is conquered before last trebuchet shots hit anything - these shots won't do any damage;
•   Now player can help soldiers to reload trebuchet, the speed added depends on players working perks;
•   Now player can change number of soldiers working with trebuchet right on the battlefield, no need to run at war-camp every time anymore;

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #78 on: October 18, 2020, 03:50:46 AM »
Sat, 17 October 2020

Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!

Next week will continue siege thematic, but before that - bug fixing is coming. Thanks to all players who is using f11 to report various bugs - for small indie games it's very important to have such dedicated players, so thanks you a lot for your activity and participation - this means LOT for the game and its quality, believe me. Full list of changes follows:

•   Shadows were removed from some grass types in order to improve performance;
•   Fixed issue when settlers sometimes didn't join settlements properly after 0.622;
•   Population fix - since last update there was an issue when very first settlement might become overpopulated - fixed;
•   Player can assign soldiers to trebuchet right on battle field;
•   Player can help to reload trebuchets - final speed depends on builder perks;
•   Fixed issue when world generation window could stay active after generation if player pressed esc in process;
•   Fixed issue when trading window won't close sometimes after pressing ESC button;
•   Fixed issue when there wasn't much farms spawned on the map sometimes;
•   Fixed issue when bandits couldn't join bandits lair sometimes;
•   Now the radius from the settlement when player or AI can build a war-camp depend on settlement wall size if it's build;
•   Fixed issue when bandit could establish a lair very close to the settlement but not in the wilderness;
•   Various grass spawn and visual parameters were tweaked in order to increase performance;
•   Grass texture resolution was tweaked from 1024 to 256;
•   Trebuchet shooting priorities were tweaked in order to make bombardment more intense;
•   Veggies and forest objects spawn parameters were tweaked in order to increase performance;
•   Some grass was added to the beach;
•   Fixed rare issue when AI actions weren't properly calculated in the background sometimes;
•   Fixed issue when sound of house destroyed during siege was playing even if player was far away;
•   Fixed issue when AI sometimes couldn't properly calculate distance to closest settlements and as result set settlement of it's own;
•   Some tweaks in AI background calculations were made in order to increase performance;
•   AI enemy searching script was rewritten in order to increase performance;
•   AI enemy spotting distance was changed from 15m to 20m;
•   Navigation grid size was increased a bit in order to fix various AIs and animals pathfinding issues;

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #79 on: October 18, 2020, 03:51:46 AM »

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #80 on: October 20, 2020, 02:28:25 AM »
Mon, 19 October 2020

Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!

Friends, at the moment I'm working on remaining sieges stuff - army fights, towers and rams. I wanted to introduce armies today already, but pathfinding work messed all my plans - walking through buildings and other objects are most common reports, so I took some time to make some changes here.
Then I looked at the list of changes and decided to update the game today anyway because 1) list contains some important fixes including optimization stuff 2) it's quite large already.
As it's clear from the title, main tweak I would like to points is some improvement in blacksmith progression: now player can progress by crafting iron and steel blanks.
The rest changes follow:

•   Fixed issue when AI could stuck half in the ground sometimes when performing static animation;
•   Fixed issue when AI sometimes could be visible in the air;
•   Fixed issue when too many settlers could join a settlement in the single moment;
•   Fixed issue when settlers could join the settlement in big number instead of spreading across all settlements on the island;
•   Fixed issue when settler could freeze at place when navigating sometimes;
•   Fixed issue when wild animal could chase player even if player was inside a structure;
•   Some code optimization was made in AI settlement joining script in order to increase performance;
•   More random was added to behavior when AI chooses what settlement to join;
•   Fixed rare issue when settlers sometimes didn't join the settlement even if there was enough houses;
•   Fixed issue when AI body could be visualized at the long distance sometimes causing performance drops at such moments;
•   Fixed issue when AI could disappear in the middle of walking;
•   Fixed issue player didn't get the got the massage about reputation decrease when siege started without war declaration;
•   Now player will get notification when some settlement sieged the other settlement;
•   Fixed issue when AI could slide in front of player sometimes when moving;
•   Fixed issue when AI could spawn in the ocean sometimes;
•   Fixed issue when AIs facial morphs weren't properly applied sometimes;
•   Fixed issue when AI could walk through buildings sometimes;
•   Fixed issue when animal could cut the path through stone or wall, instead of using all navigation points;
•   AI and animals navigation scripts were rewritten in order to smooth their movement a bit and increase performance;
•   Fixed rare issue when animals weren't correctly spawned on terrain sometimes;
•   Fixed rare issue when animal could vanish somewhere after loading;
•   Fixed rare issue when animal could spawn in the ocean sometimes;
•   Fixed issue when settlement siege could be reset after loading;
•   Fixed rare issue when world generation could stuck when settlers could find suitable place for new settlements;
•   Fixed rare issue when settler continued to move during the conversation;
•   Now player can progress in blacksmith by making iron and steel blanks;
•   Fixed issue when soldiers could half sink in terrain after returning to war-camp after siege;
•   Fixed when soldiers working at war-camp were flying in the air sometimes;
•   Fixed issue when bandits didn't attack player sometimes, just standing at place;
•   Fixed issue when bandits couldn't decide where to join, just standing at place;
•   French translation was updated;

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #81 on: October 20, 2020, 02:29:59 AM »

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #82 on: October 22, 2020, 03:55:13 AM »
Wed, 21 October 2020

Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!

Todays update can be basically called "sieges#2.5" because main new feature will find use (and partly already did) in sieges. Now guards in settlement can react to enemies around - kill wild animals, attack passing by bandits, attack enemy army during siege - the attack range is 100m. I've also made some tweaks there and there to increase damage delivered by AIs weapon - now guards should survive bear or wolf attack and not to die one by one. For player it will be also a bit more challenging to fight AI and good defense (=good armor) is now really matter. Army men will do the same, but only in case they're not at march or in war-camp. The only exception is siege - in that case army will return to settlement to defend it.

The rest changes follow:

•   Fixed critical issue, when AI wasn't properly set up to the terrain sometimes, spawning underground;
•   Fixed critical issue when structures could disappear without any reason after travelling at long distances;
•   Fixed critical issue when all AI around started to attack the animal, that was far away;
•   Fixed issue when army couldn't properly start to march when general was fired (or killed) with army active;
•   Fixed issue when army couldn't properly win the war, when there is no general hired;
•   Fixed issue when general could hire himself as a guard, becoming common milita;
•   Now guards in the settlement or army (if not at march or in war-camp) will defend settlement from wild animals around the settlement;
•   Now guards in the settlement or army (if not at march) will defend settlement attacking army;
•   Fixed issue when soldiers in war-camps sometimes took wrong position to perform war-camp animations;
•   Fixed issue when AI soldiers stood at place after sending to war-camp sometimes;
•   AI weapon damage was increased a bit;
•   Now AI will use strike animation in fights more often;
•   Fixed issue when AI's swords were visualized wrong sometimes - with wrong blades, pommels, length etc.
•   Fixed issue when AI used long two-handed swords instead of one-handed sometimes (new game is needed);
•   AI sword start parameters were slightly changed to more damage dealing (new game is needed);
•   Fixed issue when AI can fall under terrain sometimes when player is approaching;
•   Fixed issue when guards or soldiers didn't properly changed their gear in city hall in case they previously owned shop or tavern;

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #83 on: October 24, 2020, 02:23:12 AM »
Fri, 23 October 2020

Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!

It is time for weekly bugfixing at Friday. Main fixes I would like to focus at are some performance improvements, that were made there and there in some scripts. According to game profiler game now has 15-20% more FPS in 1000+ populated worlds. As usual - BIG thanks to all who is participating in bug reporting. By doing that you help not only me or the game, but also other players, who will have better game experience thanks to your reports and my fixes, so feel free to use bug reporting button (f11) any time you feel it has to be used. The rest changes follow:


•   AI pathfinding script was changed a bit in order to increase performance in large settlements;
•   Fixed issue when AI defense wasn't calculated properly when AI was attacked by wild animals;
•   Fixed issue when AI didn't buy logs for building in shops sometimes, looking for sword instead;
•   Now AI will buy in shops not only logs for building but also wooden planks;
•   Fixed rare issue when after AI bought a house it was still on sale = player got money over and over again;
•   Now AI can move in in empty houses that were left after owners were killed;
•   Now after conquer a settlement players friendship with all settlers alive will be decreased on -50;
•   Now player can take the settlement after killing ALL settlers there, but the chance for new settlers coming after that is significally decreased;
•   House building script was changed a bit in order to increase performance in large populated worlds;
•   AI spreading and smooth across the island was tweaked again in order of balance;
•   Fixed issue when AI could stop in front of building and freeze there without doing anything;
•   Default building speed value was changed to 300%;
•   Fixed script issue when damage dealt by AI was calculated incorrect;
•   German translation was updated (big thanks to MadCad!);
•   French translation was updated (big thanks to KiFouine!);
•   Translation Brazilian Portuguese was updated (big thanks to Kyo!);
•   Russian translation was updated;

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #84 on: October 29, 2020, 02:49:33 AM »
Wed, 28 October 2020

Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!

Todays update was made thanks to your participation in game community discussion. As you know current animals hitboxes are messed up - it time to change it! I've looked through every animal, checked/changed/tweaked every collider in their bodies to make colliders perfectly match body shape - it took quite a time, but the result is totally worth it - now killing animals feels not so clunky and in-intuitive as before. Also, damaging animals head now will take 2x HP. Colliders tweaks will also fix various animals looting issues. As usual - thanks a lot for participation - every discussion is matter, so feel free to leave your feedback in game community. Full list of changes follows:

•   Fixed issue when mouse cursor was sometimes visible on the screen even if UI was closed;
•   Now when animal is hit/shot in the head it receives 2x damage;
•   Fixed issue when AI became invincible when wearing plate armor;
•   Now player can add materials to structure without worker perk in order to have chance to finish buildings that don't require Worker perk to be set up;
•   Now after pressing "Take All" button on dead AI or animal body this body becomes in-active in order of interaction (fixes issue with multiple dead bodies at one spot - now they can be looted one by one);
•   Colliders parameters in bear's body were tweaked and fixed, missing body parts colliders were added;
•   Colliders parameters in deer's body were tweaked and fixed, missing body parts colliders were added;
•   Colliders parameters in buffalo's body were tweaked and fixed, missing body parts colliders were added;
•   Colliders parameters in wolves body were tweaked and fixed, missing body parts colliders were added;
•   Fixed physics issue with wolves dead body;
•   Colliders parameters in rabbit's body were tweaked and fixed, missing body parts colliders were added;
•   Colliders parameters in racoon's body were tweaked and fixed, missing body parts colliders were added;
•   Colliders parameters in foxes' body were tweaked and fixed, missing body parts colliders were added;
•   ~30% of English text was proofread (BIG thanks to Amiiban TNMRN YT!);

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #85 on: November 12, 2020, 12:31:15 AM »
Wed, 11 November 2020

Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!

New siege update has come. Changelog is quite large, mostly containing sieges and AI fighting fixes. Some important things I want to mention:

•   Attackers and defenders now can properly react to each other;
•   Soldiers now can properly use trebuchet animation places;
•   Barricades and gates now can be destroyed with a sword or other weapon;

We're still missing siege towers and rams, but I'm working on it at the moment - with settlers acting properly against each other during siege it became more epic than before, so we're almost at finish line of wars = diplomacy updates are very close.

•   Fixed issue when settler could still receive a damage after siege is over;
•   Fixed issue when settlers list was calculated incorrect sometimes after loading the game;
•   Fixed issue when settler could join the settlement when being very far away from it;
•   Now general can not only hire army and soldiers but also fire already hired ones;
•   Animals behavior script was changed a bit in order to increase overall performance;
•   Now player can see separate army and guards amount on milita management window;
•   Now size of an army that general can hire in players settlement depends on players commanding perks;
•   Now player can't send an army to enemy settlement without having war-camp build;
•   Fixed false warning notification when declaring a war;
•   Fixed issue when "Create a war-camp" button text went missing after pressing "Diplomacy" button;
•   Now settlers of sieged settlement will be aggressive to the player during siege if player is a leader of attackers;
•   Fixed issue when "Recall army" button didn't work properly;
•   Fixed performance issue when after unpausing the game all AI animators could be enabled for a moment causing a lag;
•   Fixed visual issue when AI could start flickering when being at march after game was unpaused;
•   Camera movement on global map was 2x times increased when using "Run" button;
•   Fixed issue when non-soldiers could march to war-camp sometimes;
•   Fixed issue when some soldiers could stay in the war-camp after sending an army to enemy settlement;
•   Fixed issue when player could assign soldiers to trebuchets even if there weren't enough of soldiers;
•   Soldiers now can use trebuchets and play animations there during sieges;
•   New quest was added "Bring healing herbs for wounded soldier";
•   Russian translation was updated;
•   French translation was updated;
•   Some errors in English translation were fixed;
•   Now barricades HP depends on wall type (100, 200, 400, 750, 1000);
•   Now Barricades can be damaged with sword or other weapon;
•   Distance when settlers of a settlement will attack aggressive player was increased from 30m to 100m;
•   Now after killing a settler player will improve siege effectiveness;
•   Trebuchet target choice was changed a bit - now it will mostly attack the houses, the wall and barricades;
•   Fixed issue when AI could start to vanish during the fight sometimes;
•   Fixed issue when AI could stuck near house entrance during the fight sometimes;
•   Fixed issue when settlers could be killed by invisible enemy during siege;
•   Now player receives no damage when being attacked in god mode by AI;
•   Now attacking army can kill civilians;

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #86 on: November 26, 2020, 01:48:24 AM »
Wed, 25 November 2020

Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!

First of, sorry there weren't any updates last week, the reason was given in this post . The worst thing here was that I had some cool content and fixes prepared, that couldn't be uploaded just because my physical condition and this fact pissed me more than covid itself. Anyway, today I decided that its enough and you know "I can". So here is todays update.

The main addition is basically a gamechanger for many of you - possibility to tweak distances between various types of settlement for

AI. With distance control it's possible now to control amount of settlements farms and lairs on the map,. There are 3 sliders:
•   Settlement -- Settlement;
•   Settlement -- Farm (Bandits lairs are here too);
•   Farm -- Farm;

Now the whole map can be filled with farms with only several big settlements - it's all in new tweaks now.
Besides I've fixed various siege issues, some of those were quite serious like settlers that didn't stop to aggro and disappearing walls after conquering a settlement. The rest list follows:

•   Fixed issue when "siege effectiveness" points weren't properly calculated after killing attackers soldiers;
•   Fixed issue when settlers could remain aggressive towards player even after conquering a settlement;
•   Fixed issue when settlement wall could disappear after conquering a settlement;
•   Now player can tweak various distances between location using sliders in game options or during world creation;
•   Default distance between settlements was tweaked to 600m;
•   Default distance between settlements and small locations (farms and bandit lairs) was tweaked to 350m;
•   Default distance between small locations (farms and bandit lairs) was tweaked to 150m;
•   Fixed issue when farms couldn't spawn between settlements properly;
•   Fixed issue when AI didn't use trebuchets during sieges sometimes;
•   Now AI will 100% build at least 1 trebuchet for siege;
•   Economy tweak - now settlers will buy and sell more or less equal amounts of goods in order to keep local shops economically healthy;
•   Now aggressive settlement can actually loose siege when all soldiers in army are dead;
•   Settlers profession randomizer now works more smooth in order to introduce all AI professions on the island in more or less smooth correlation;
•   Fixed issue when player couldn't change day duration using in game options;
•   Amount of farmers and trader was increased a bit in order to boost economy in some settlements;
•   Fixed issue when attackers could sometimes stand still, without attacking sieged settlers;
•   Fixed issue when city defender could stuck at place in combat animation during siege;
•   Fixed issue when settler could stuck at place in combat animation when fighting an animal;


1) Please, feel free to use built-in bug reporter (F11) - it will help development a lot.
2) If something is broken make sure you have verified game files and started new world, remember -KINGDOMS is still EA, I try to make saves compatibility for every new version of the game, but can't guarantee it all the time.
3) The game is still in development, it's NOT finished product, updates are coming 3-4 times a week and that will inevitably cause various issues. Updates for game in development and for finished game - are two absolutely different things, remember that. Game mechanics come and gone, bugs are being fixed and new ones appear all the time. Its a normal thing for development process. If you want to experience KINGDOMS as it was initially designed - smooth, without bugs and full of working mechanics - please, wait till final version will be out.

Thanks for your support, see you very soon!

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #87 on: November 26, 2020, 01:49:58 AM »

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #88 on: December 07, 2020, 01:38:06 AM »
Sun, 6 December 2020

Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!

•   Fixed issue when bandit could play running with sword animation during the dialog;
•   Fixed issue when settlers in conquered settlement could remain hostile after siege is over (new game needed);
•   Fixed issue when player couldn't hire guards in conquered settlement (new game needed);
•   Fixed issue when tax collector didn't collect taxes in conquered settlement sometimes (new game needed);
•   Fixed issue bandits didn't properly react to to players replicas during dialog sometimes;
•   Fixed issue when battle music could be looped even if fight was over;
•   Fixed issue when battle music could be looped even if enemy (i.e. animal) was already far away;
•   Fixed issue when settlers looped in combat animation sometimes even of combat was over;
•   Some structures Update () function were optimized and rewritten in order to improve performance;

•   New animations were added for talking settlers during dialog;
•   Now not hostile settler will use greetings animation during the dialog;
•   Now destroying of bandits lairs will improve commanding perks;
•   Now conquering new settlements will improve commanding perks;
•   New music tracks were added for settlements;
•   New music tracks were added for exploring;
•   New music tracks were added for fights;
•   Now caves have new music inside;
•   New music on the ship;
•   New music during loading or world generation;
•   New music in taverns;
•   New music was added for bandits lairs;
•   New music was added for farms;
•   New music was added for sieges;
•   New quest "Bring poorman's hat for settlement leader" was added;
•   Russian translation was updated;

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I stand against Racism, Bigotry and Bullying

Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #89 on: December 09, 2020, 03:15:16 AM »
Tue, 8 December 2020

Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!

•   Now amount of goods that is added in shop after settler sells there something depends on settlers trader perks - that will boost economy in settlements with skilled traders;
•   Sieges on large distances that plyer can't observe were tweaked a bit to take less time than before;
•   Now settlers can go to the wild and gather a leather from the animals there;
•   Now settlers can mine untreated stone in the wild;
•   Now settlers can gather various herbs in the wild and sell it in shops;
•   Now settlers can buy raw meat in tavern and cook it at home;
•   Now settlers can look for various veggies in the wild and sell their seeds in shops;
•   Now settlers can take various types of meat from killed animals and sell it in shops;
•   Amount of money when settler is performing gathering actions to earn money was increased from 300g to 500g;
•   Houses selling prices were decreased a bit;
•   Now settlers wont pay full sum when buying a house if they haven't this sum;

•   Fixed issue when money wasn't taken from settlers inventory when buying a house or manufactory;
•   Fixed issue when settlers couldn't properly enter buildings sometimes, when there were a lot of other settlers near entrance;
•   Fixed issue when player could fall down the floor sometimes when sleeping on the second floor;
•   Fixed issue when UI could show incorrect amount of bandits in the lair;
•   Fixed issue when settler spend in animation place (inside buildings) much lesser time than needed;
•   Fixed rare issue when tracking a bandit could lead to false settler, that never was in the gang;
•   Fixed rare issue when settlers could join another settlement after loading a save;
•   Fixed rare issue when settler sometimes could take players settlement after loading;
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