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Author Topic: Kingdoms  (Read 27990 times)

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #45 on: July 14, 2020, 12:52:53 AM »
Mon, 13 July 2020

Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!

It's time to finish war-camps, amount of work is quite large here (i think i've mentioned this last week), so i decided to update the game in several steps - today war-camps UI (activated through diplomacy map) and buildings are coming, the next update will finish building process and camps needs, like morale and hunger. There are 14 places in war-camp, where player can set up a building or a siege machine. There are 5 types:

•   Tent (raises morale);
•   Field kitchen (needed for hunger);
•   Trebuchet (destroys walls during siege);
•   Siege-tower (soldiers can get into closed settlement);
•   Ram (destroys closed gates during sieges);

The next step is adding working needs and parameters for war-camp: morale, hunger, deference, siege machines strength and army strength. Also full working building process (using resources) for war-camp structures is also planned for next update. Besides, more details will be added to the tents - like commanding table (to manage camp right from the tent), banks, barrels etc. As you see, we're also a step closer to sieges and wars (which is great by me). Full list of changes follows:


•   Fixed issue, when doors spring had position too close to the wall, causing various physics issues with the door;
•   Resources, needed to build a City Hall were tweaked;
•   Fixed issue when war camp calculated soldiers position incorrect sometimes;
•   War camp now can't be set too close to the settlement, bandit's lair, farm or ruins;
•   Fixed issue when wall didn't delete near by vegetation and rocks properly;
•   Fixed issue when walls were added to path-finding grid, causing various AI path finding issues;
•   Fixed issue when soldiers looked in wrong positions when reaching a war camp;
•   Fixed issue when AI path finding could be still calculated through the wall;
•   Fixed issue when map icons could be created and become visible when player closed diplomacy map when war camp position was calculated;
•   War camp now can be destroyed once created;
•   Fixed issue when player could created new war-camp while old one was calculated;

1) Please, feel free to use built-in bug reporter - it will help development a lot.
2) If something is broken make sure you have verified game files and started new world, remember -KINGDOMS is still EA, i try to make saveы compatibility for every new version of the game, but can't guarantee it all the time.
3) The game is still in development, it's NOT finished product, updates are coming 3-4 times a week and that will inevitably cause various issues. Updates for game in development and for finished game - are two absolutely different things, remember that. Game mechanics come and gone, bugs are being fixed and new ones appear all the time. Its a normal thing for development process. If you want to experience KINGDOMS as it was initially designed - smooth, unbuggy and full of working mechanics - please, wait till final version will be out.

Thanks for your support, see you very soon!


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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #46 on: July 16, 2020, 12:04:23 AM »
Wed, 15 July 2020

Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!

Today we're finishing war-camp management mechanics - there are quite a lot new gameplay details here, so i'll explain how the management works. Each war-camp has 14 spots for 5 different buildings (tent, supply tent, trebuchet, siege-tower and ram) and require resources to be build. When you send your army to war-camp you can assign soldiers to help you with building. Amount of workers you can set for each object depends on your commanding perks - from 1 to 4. The more soldiers assigned, the faster war-camp object will be build. You can assign soldiers not only to scaffolds but also to finished structures, i.e soldiers assigned to supply tent will add +5 supply points to the camp. There are 2 types of camp parameters;

•   Morale - will define how much damage your army will deliver in battles;
•   Supply - defines how much HP soldiers will have in battles;

I'm still thinking how to use morale and supply in coming wars, so they'll definitely affect more stuff when time will come and i'll start to develop sieges.

Also, now you can manage war camp right from Commanders tent, using a table there. I've also added some details to tents, like tables, barrels, food, banners etc.

War camp management is almost here - the last thing to do with war-camps are soldiers animations when assigning them to buildings, so monday update will finalize war-camp mechanics. And after that we'll be ready to march at war - and first in the list are sieges.

•   Fixed issue when players save could get broken when building and then destroying (with torch) bandits lair (new game needed if issue exists);
•   Fixed settlements banners shaders transparency on global map;
•   Fixed issue when soldiers stuck at place after destroying warcamp;
•   Fixed issue when warcamp parameters could be loaded incorrect;
•   Fixed issue when settlement parameters were calculated incorrect sometimes when sleeping or waiting;

1) Please, feel free to use built-in bug reporter (F11) - it will help development a lot.
2) If something is broken make sure you have verified game files and started new world, remember -KINGDOMS is still EA, i try to make saves compatibility for every new version of the game, but can't guarantee it all the time.
3) The game is still in development, it's NOT finished product, updates are coming 3-4 times a week and that will inevitably cause various issues. Updates for game in development and for finished game - are two absolutely different things, remember that. Game mechanics come and gone, bugs are being fixed and new ones appear all the time. Its a normal thing for development process. If you want to experience KINGDOMS as it was initially designed - smooth, unbuggy and full of working mechanics - please, wait till final version will be out.

Thanks for your support, see you very soon!

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #47 on: July 18, 2020, 01:29:00 AM »
Fri, 17 July 2020

Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!

It's Friday and bugfixing is coming. Before you'll go check full list of fixes (it's full thanks to your reports!(f11)), i want to point on one particular one in todays update - help AI to build. Now player is able to add resources to AI houses in owned settlement and get +1 friendship for reach resource added. It was discussed recently in the community and this small addition is first step before i'll add something more significant here - like building quests or/and orders mechanics. And as usual, full list follows:

•   Fixed issue when some soldiers were running at place when sending them to war-camp;
•   Fixed issue when soldier didn't go to gathering spot at warcamp when being far away from the settlement;
•   Fixed issue when AI or player could set a house too close to warcamp;
•   Fixed issue when roads calculation window stayed enabled even when calculation was over and player could move;
•   Fixed issue when roads calculation could go wrong when player hit pause button during roads generation;
•   Fixed physics parameters on various doors in houses;
•   Fixed issue when houses door was inaccessible when house was standing in hilly terrain;
•   When building a farm or bandits lair player now is in the same conditions as AI - can't build farm and lair closer that 100m to other lair, farm or settlement;
•   Fixed issue when army formations prefab was visible in the sky;
•   Fixed issue when AI could build a house too close to city gates, blocking it;
•   Both player and AI can't build a structure closer than 30m to city gates;
•   Fixing false warcamp UI elements positions when using various screen resolutions;
•   Farms name was added to global map icon in order to make orientation on the map bit easier;
•   Fixed issue when player couldn't destroy owned building in the settlement where player wasn't a leader;
•   Fixed issue when player could stuck at place after fighting an animal;
•   Now structures can't be set too close to the water - both for player and AI;
•   Creating of populated world was speed up a bit;
•   Now player can help building houses in owned settlement, gaining friendship with house owner;
•   Fixed issue when central info text was visible when global map was open;
•   Fixed issue when player build empty house and finished house wasn't added to houses owned by player;
•   Some changes were made in AI fighting script in order to increase performance;
•   Fixed issue when player couldn't track settler from notice board when other location was tracking using global map;
•   Fixed issue players save could be broken due to incorrect save of items in various houses (new game needed);
•   Russian translation was updated;

1) Please, feel free to use built-in bug reporter (F11) - it will help development a lot.
2) If something is broken make sure you have verified game files and started new world, remember -KINGDOMS is still EA, i try to make saves compatibility for every new version of the game, but can't guarantee it all the time.
3) The game is still in development, it's NOT finished product, updates are coming 3-4 times a week and that will inevitably cause various issues. Updates for game in development and for finished game - are two absolutely different things, remember that. Game mechanics come and gone, bugs are being fixed and new ones appear all the time. Its a normal thing for development process. If you want to experience KINGDOMS as it was initially designed - smooth, unbuggy and full of working mechanics - please, wait till final version will be out.

Thanks for your support, see you very soon!

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #48 on: July 21, 2020, 12:33:09 PM »
Mon, 20 July 2020

Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!

As you may remember we're getting close to sieges stuff, war-camp development is almost over, but before jumping to that i decided to make a "performance" day before we'll jump forward. So todays update is mostly about improving performance, fixing most reported and critical bugs (hello, roads calculation) + adding some very important feature, some of you (i'm sure) will like. First - performance.

I know that there were report about lags during riding or travelling on fast speed. These lags were connected with applying of vegetation masks, so i made some changes there and there and now travelling became much smoother (but there is still a laaarge room for improvement). Next, bugfixing. Thanks to your reports, the most annoying bug - roads calculation window pop-up when it shouldn't (when sleeping, trading, looting etc.) was fixed. (Full list of changes follows, as usual).

And finally, new mechanic or i think more gameplay improvement. Now player can change all "speed" options right in game, so you don't have to start new game to change chopping or gathering speed, it can be made in-game now. Also i've set max settlers cap to 5000, it can be changed right in game as well, no new game is needed.

•   Fixed issue when wall calculation took too much time after loading;
•   Fixed issue when roads could be calculated wrong after starting new game, causing various issues (i.e. stuck "roads are calculated" window);
•   Fixed issue when road didn't delete mask properly;
•   Vegetation mask calculation scripts were rewritten in order to reduce (ideally - remove) lags when player is moving;
•   Lags when riding a horse were reduced a bit;
•   Fixed issue when interaction text was visible when enabling global map;
•   Fixed issue when roads generation window could pop-up even when some UI element was active (looting, trading etc.);

1) Please, feel free to use built-in bug reporter (F11) - it will help development a lot.
2) If something is broken make sure you have verified game files and started new world, remember -KINGDOMS is still EA, i try to make saves compatibility for every new version of the game, but can't guarantee it all the time.
3) The game is still in development, it's NOT finished product, updates are coming 3-4 times a week and that will inevitably cause various issues. Updates for game in development and for finished game - are two absolutely different things, remember that. Game mechanics come and gone, bugs are being fixed and new ones appear all the time. Its a normal thing for development process. If you want to experience KINGDOMS as it was initially designed - smooth, unbuggy and full of working mechanics - please, wait till final version will be out.

Thanks for your support, see you very soon!

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #49 on: July 23, 2020, 01:34:46 AM »
Wed, 22 July 2020

Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!

Today's update is the last in war-camp management "series", as i said somewhere before - the only thing was left here were AI animations in war-camps, so here we are. When assigning a settler to a structure in war camp this settler will automatically move to spot and play animation - building, chatting etc. Important moment here is that i want to use these script in coming updates as well - for assigning settlers to siege towers, ram, battle-spots etc. If war-camp animations scripts won't show any issues, they'll be used in sieges - i hope we'll start at Monday already, after Friday bugfixing. Alongside I've fixed some bugs there and there (mostly war-camp issues), full list follows. Oh, yeah, almost forget, some bonus for those who want to experiment a bit - i've fixed "NPC max amount slider" in game setting and set max number to 10k - this is experimental though to understand how such number will affect total performance. Now to fixes:

•   Delay between roads calculation was increased a bit;
•   Fixed issue when roads masks for vegetation could be calculated incorrect on hilly terrain;
•   Fixed issue when road generation screen could appear when player was on board of the ship, right after creating populated world;
•   Fixed issue when player could start building a wall, when there were less than 4 houses in settlement, pop-up message was added as well;
•   Fixed issue when NPC max setting wasn't saved correctly when changing it using game settings;
•   Max NPC number on the map was increased to 10k (in game settings only!) - use with caution, needs testing;
•   Animals path-finding script was changed a bit in order to increase performance;
•   Fixed banner animation near war-camp commanders tent;
•   Banners were added to all types of gates except 1;
•   Fixed issue when banners on houses weren't changed correctly when changing banner using message board;
•   Fixed issue when changing building type in war-camp new building was finished;
•   Fixed issue when changing building type in war-camp calculated incorrect resources amount needed for building;
•   Fixed issue when AI stood still sometimes when war camp was destroyed;
•   Fixed issue when Soldiers in Camp and Soldiers Working values were calculated incorrect after loading a save;
•   Fixed issue war-camp building weren't deleted properly after destroying war-camp;
•   Commanding and Bandits perks icons were updated;
•   Fixed issue when banner icon wasn't updated correctly when changing banner in settlement management window;
•   Fixed issue when war-camp parameters were calculated incorrect when creating war-camp right after destroying previous-one;
•   Fixed issue when assigned workers were calculated incorrect when creating fresh war-camp after destroying previous-one;
•   Fixed issue when war-camp couldn't be deleted properly;
•   Fixed issue when assigned workers weren't removed when building type was set to "nothing" in war-camp;
•   Fixed issue when morale and supply percent value was shown incorrect when using war-camp management window;
•   Fixed swords visibility for guards animations;

1) Please, feel free to use built-in bug reporter (F11) - it will help development a lot.
2) If something is broken make sure you have verified game files and started new world, remember -KINGDOMS is still EA, i try to make saves compatibility for every new version of the game, but can't guarantee it all the time.
3) The game is still in development, it's NOT finished product, updates are coming 3-4 times a week and that will inevitably cause various issues. Updates for game in development and for finished game - are two absolutely different things, remember that. Game mechanics come and gone, bugs are being fixed and new ones appear all the time. Its a normal thing for development process. If you want to experience KINGDOMS as it was initially designed - smooth, unbuggy and full of working mechanics - please, wait till final version will be out.

Thanks for your support, see you very soon!

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #50 on: July 25, 2020, 01:01:55 AM »
Fri, 24 July 2020

Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!

New Friday - new bug-fixes! Some of fixed bugs were quite old, i.e. bugged time speed-up when crafting or bugged wooden logs physics. I'll never be tired to remind - feel free to report bugs in-game using reporting tool - f11. Every report helps the game to become better and more enjoyable to play. We all hate bugs - more reports = less bugs. Thank you all for participation and i hope you're ready for next week updates, hehe. See ya, full list of fixes follows:

•   Trading window now can be closed after hitting ESC;
•   Fixed issue when crafting process was calculated incorrect, when hitting ESC during crafting;
•   Fixed issue when time was still speeded up when crafting process was over;
•   Fixed issue when tree log was spawned in wrong place after cutting a tree;
•   Wooden log physics was reworked in order to fix various connected physics issues;
•   Wooden log model was replaced with new one;
•   Fixed issue when player could use pause menu during waiting or sleeping;
•   Now player can use ESC to stop waiting or sleeping in the middle of process;
•   Fixed issue when Roads Calculation window stayed active 100% completed;
•   Fixed issue when game could start to calculate roads when sending a bug report;
•   Fixed issue when AI animations were playing even when game was paused;
•   Fixed issue when building model stayed active in from of player when loading the game in the middle of building process;
•   Fixed issue player could use inventory when bug reporting windows was active;
•   Fixed issue when settlers body could be spawned in the middle of the tree;
•   Now when using godmode (g+o) player now can learn or unlearn perks just by clicking it in inventory;
•   Fixed issue when wooden log could become invisible when hitting non-terrain object, i.e. rock or player;
•   Gathering Raycast length was changed a bit in order to make gathering a bit more comfortable;
•   Russian localization was updated;
•   Fixed issue when AI could stay still right after landing;


1) Please, feel free to use built-in bug reporter (F11) - it will help development a lot.
2) If something is broken make sure you have verified game files and started new world, remember -KINGDOMS is still EA, i try to make saves compatibility for every new version of the game, but can't guarantee it all the time.
3) The game is still in development, it's NOT finished product, updates are coming 3-4 times a week and that will inevitably cause various issues. Updates for game in development and for finished game - are two absolutely different things, remember that. Game mechanics come and gone, bugs are being fixed and new ones appear all the time. Its a normal thing for development process. If you want to experience KINGDOMS as it was initially designed - smooth, without bugs and full of working mechanics - please, wait till final version will be out.

Thanks for your support, see you very soon!

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #51 on: July 28, 2020, 12:30:10 AM »
Mon, 27 July 2020

Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!


Before we'll jump to adding siege stuff i decided to make a small break with wars to

1) add some stuff that was planned a long ago
2) take more time to think about siege mechanics once again - basic concept is ready, now i'm thinking of details and their realization;
3) fix and polish where needed war-camp mechanics, because they'll also be part of siege planning;
Soo, today i'll add some int resting stuff, that will be the base for more similar mechanics - dialog with attacking bandits. In the current build bandits behavior is not so much deep as it should be (and was designed) - they just attack player when player is approaching.

Now bandits are asking for money in dialog. And you as player can:

•   Give those money and get rid of bandit for a while;
•   Try negotiate and change final sum (depends on trading perks - both player and bandit);
•   Attack
•   Try to join the gang (possible only with bandits perks);

The tricky part was that it's the first time when aggressive AI starts conversation, so separate "talking" script was written. I want to use the same mechanics further - i.e. in apology when some settler was accidentally attacked or in quests - hate this word, but potential is quite good here, so i hope that new mechanic will work without issues.

At Wednesday we'll start with sieges - i have a plan to add stuff in several stages (like it was with warcamps), more info will come with Wednesday update.

Oh, yes, i've fixed tax collector - now when settler is far away, money will be taken from settlers storage - i hope it will solve the issue with settlers wandering far away.

•   Fixed issue when part of the wall was spawned outside the settlement and stayed there even after save/load;
•   Fixed issue when tax collector couldn't collect taxes from settlers, that were too far away, now if settlers is far away tax collector will take money from settlers storage;
•   Fixed issue when player couldn't press "back" button in "i don't need your service anymore" dialog;
•   Fixed issue when AI answer "Sorry, i can't teach you anything could loop";
•   Fixed issue war-camp wasn't set properly sometimes due to script error;
•   Now bandits are asking player for gold when meeting;
•   Player now can ask bandits to join their camp during "asking for money" dialog;


1) Please, feel free to use built-in bug reporter (F11) - it will help development a lot.
2) If something is broken make sure you have verified game files and started new world, remember -KINGDOMS is still EA, i try to make saves compatibility for every new version of the game, but can't guarantee it all the time.
3) The game is still in development, it's NOT finished product, updates are coming 3-4 times a week and that will inevitably cause various issues. Updates for game in development and for finished game - are two absolutely different things, remember that. Game mechanics come and gone, bugs are being fixed and new ones appear all the time. Its a normal thing for development process. If you want to experience KINGDOMS as it was initially designed - smooth, without bugs and full of working mechanics - please, wait till final version will be out.

Thanks for your support, see you very soon!

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #52 on: July 30, 2020, 01:20:34 PM »
Wed, 29 July 2020

Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!

Today's update is the very first in "siege" series. But before i'll tell you about barricades and their function, i want to share with you the whole plan concerning coming sieges. As i said this Monday i want to deliver sieges mechanics in several stages:

•   Barricades and gates;
•   Defense towers reworking;
•   Sending troops from war-camp and starting siege;
•   UI and siege calculations: troops, defense, walls destruction, gates breach etc.
•   AI siege-scripts and behaviors;
•   Battle-animations and AI vs AI fights during siege;
•   Using siege Technic - trebuchets, rams and siege towers;
•   Final stage - taking the settlement;

As you can see, a lot of work is ahead, i think the most stuff will be added in 1 update, but some may take 2 (I bet at UI like it was with war-camps). So the final result will be here around end of August. On the way i want also ti improve some existing mechanics there and there - melee combat animations improving (for player), bodyguards system (similar to those we had already in 2017), new weapons (maybe!) like spear and crossbow etc. In example in today's update i've tweaked archery a bit - aiming system was changed, now you can use default dot to aim (not the current arrow position), which makes the whole shooting process much more intuitive. Plus arrow colliders were changed a bit.

Not to barricades. Each wall in settlement has 4 gates. if build. And player now can finally interact with those gates. To defend a settlement you can set up a barricade near wooden gates and close the gates for stone-ones. This mechanics will be used in defense calculation.


•   Fixed issue when dialog with bandit was looped after player and bandit became friends (>10 friendship);
•   Fixed issue when player couldn't attack bandits after choosing "join gang" in dialog;
•   "Join gang" line was changed a bit in order to be more neutral;
•   Archery was reworked a bit - aiming is now orienting on central dot (previous - on actual arrow position), arrows colliders were changed, where needed;
•   Fixed issue when gates #2 blocked correct path-finding calculation, blocking exit/enter to the city for settlers;
•   Gates #4 position was changed a bit in order to make entrance a bit higher;


1) Please, feel free to use built-in bug reporter (F11) - it will help development a lot.
2) If something is broken make sure you have verified game files and started new world, remember -KINGDOMS is still EA, i try to make saves compatibility for every new version of the game, but can't guarantee it all the time.
3) The game is still in development, it's NOT finished product, updates are coming 3-4 times a week and that will inevitably cause various issues. Updates for game in development and for finished game - are two absolutely different things, remember that. Game mechanics come and gone, bugs are being fixed and new ones appear all the time. Its a normal thing for development process. If you want to experience KINGDOMS as it was initially designed - smooth, without bugs and full of working mechanics - please, wait till final version will be out.

Thanks for your support, see you very soon!

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #53 on: August 01, 2020, 11:27:52 PM »
Fri, 31 July 2020

Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!

It's friday and new bugfixes are here! This bugfixing is mostly about warcamp issues - i.e. soldiers equipment now works correctly, settler now can be set as soldier right in dialog as well as player can change soldiers rank there, treasure chest was added to commanders tent in order to add equipment without running to City Hall every time. Also, i've made some small addition for the players who use "no war" option - with this setting enabled you won't have restriction to build 1 settlement at time. By the way, this idea was given by some of you - players - so be free to use Your ideas and suggestion section if Kingdoms community, i look there very often, because this isn't only source of great ideas, but also source of big inspiration. Thanks again for ALL your bug-reports (f11) - this is really a huge help for the game! Full list of changes and fixes follows:

•   Fixed issue when player couldn't join bandits gang and dialog looped;
•   Fixed issue when quests lines where visible during usual conversation - about teaching or help in settlement;
•   Fixed issue commanding perks icons and bandits icons had wrong textures;
•   Fixed issue when player was unable to speak with settlers after speaking with bandit;
•   Fixed issue when animals could move during "warning" animations;
•   Pop-up message was added, when player tries to build new house when having another scaffold to build;
•   Fixed issue city gates could have wrong height position after loading;
•   Now player can build multiple settlements when "no war" option is enabled;
•   Now its impossible to create and manage war-camp when "no war" option is enabled;
•   Fixed issue when soldier could take all items from the chest when equipping an item;
•   Now soldiers automatically equip items when being in war camp;
•   Settlement's treasure chest now can be accessible right from commanders chest in war-camp;
•   Fixed issue when AI still could use tree's coordinates when tree was disabled by road or structure;
•   Now player can change settlers job to "Milita" right in dialog;
•   Now player can change rank of soldier right in dialog;
•   Sunrays intensity was decreased a bit, color change script was changed;
•   Fixed issue when equipped items weren't shown correctly on the soldier;
•   Russian translation was updated;
•   Now when pressing "Changelog" in main menu you'll automatically open all changelogs in Steam community;
•   Fixed issue when wall was unable to build sometimes, when previous wall had active barricade;


1) Please, feel free to use built-in bug reporter (F11) - it will help development a lot.
2) If something is broken make sure you have verified game files and started new world, remember -KINGDOMS is still EA, i try to make saves compatibility for every new version of the game, but can't guarantee it all the time.
3) The game is still in development, it's NOT finished product, updates are coming 3-4 times a week and that will inevitably cause various issues. Updates for game in development and for finished game - are two absolutely different things, remember that. Game mechanics come and gone, bugs are being fixed and new ones appear all the time. Its a normal thing for development process. If you want to experience KINGDOMS as it was initially designed - smooth, without bugs and full of working mechanics - please, wait till final version will be out.

Thanks for your support, see you very soon!

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #54 on: August 04, 2020, 12:09:35 AM »
Mon, 3 August 2020

Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!

Today's update will bring some changes to defense towers functionality. Now each tower has new parameter:
•   Observation radius

This parameter will affect how fast your guards will react on enemy army or warcamp. Also i've tweaked perks and resources needed to build towers. Full list of changes follows:

•   Fixed issue when player could cancel crafting while crafting process, causing instant time speed up;
•   Fixed issue when AI had not maxed speed when landing during player's crafting process;
•   Fixed issue when AI didn't exit the house properly, without spawning near entrance after using animation place;
•   Fixed issue when AI landing wasn't calculated properly sometimes, causing AI to stand near port for quite long time;
•   Fixed issue when AI landing spot wasn't applied correctly causing to spawn at wrong coordinates;
•   Fixed issue when bandits couldn't exit house properly when starting a fight;
•   Fixed issue when after any fight AI teleported to last animation place instead of walking to house entrance;
•   Distance was added to tracking icon;
•   Fixed issue when player couldn't properly use objects that were under characters feet - logs, berries, vegetables etc.;
•   Resources and perks need to build defense towers were reworked;
•   Deference towers now have new parameter - "Observation radius";
•   Fixed issue when players stats (HP, vigor etc.) were calculation during roads calculation;
•   Fixed issue when recruiting soldiers line showed players name, but not AI's;
•   Fixed issue when AI was playing "gather" animation near house entrance after using house to eat a meal;


1) Please, feel free to use built-in bug reporter (F11) - it will help development a lot.
2) If something is broken make sure you have verified game files and started new world, remember -KINGDOMS is still EA, i try to make saves compatibility for every new version of the game, but can't guarantee it all the time.
3) The game is still in development, it's NOT finished product, updates are coming 3-4 times a week and that will inevitably cause various issues. Updates for game in development and for finished game - are two absolutely different things, remember that. Game mechanics come and gone, bugs are being fixed and new ones appear all the time. Its a normal thing for development process. If you want to experience KINGDOMS as it was initially designed - smooth, without bugs and full of working mechanics - please, wait till final version will be out.

Thanks for your support, see you very soon!

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #55 on: August 08, 2020, 02:19:38 AM »
Fri, 7 August 2020
Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!

It's Friday and another pack of bugfixes are here. Most of them are about various pathfinding issues connected both with AI and animals. Also animals behavior scripts were changed a bit in order to make hunting less annoying because of unpredictable animals paths. Also some tweaks in melee were made. Thanks (again!!!!) to all the players who uses in-game bug reporter! Sending bug with f111 is the best way to make me see it and fix, so feel free to use f11 as often as you like, the more reports = less bugs:) Full list of changes follows:

•   Fixed issue when animals spawn point could be set in the ocean;
•   Fixed issue when animal could be chased into ocean;
•   Animals moving path was tweaked a bit in order to make their movement a bit more predictable;
•   Now when animal changes running trajectory pathfinding obstacles are calculated in order not to let animals to run trough various objects;
•   Fixed issue when animals speed was too high sometimes, when running;
•   Pathfinding scan setting were tweaked a bit in order to make AI and animals paths more accurate;
•   Fixed issue when animals repath rate was too low when fighting, causing various pathfinding issues;
•   Fixed guards animations at City Hall entrance;
•   Fixed incorrect Y position for "writing" animation used for Tax-collector and Council in City Hall;
•   Sword hit point for the player's sword was changed a bit in order to make sword to hit the target not to soon and avoid too fast strikes;
•   AI now attacks more often and more aggressive;


1) Please, feel free to use built-in bug reporter (F11) - it will help development a lot.
2) If something is broken make sure you have verified game files and started new world, remember -KINGDOMS is still EA, i try to make saves compatibility for every new version of the game, but can't guarantee it all the time.
3) The game is still in development, it's NOT finished product, updates are coming 3-4 times a week and that will inevitably cause various issues. Updates for game in development and for finished game - are two absolutely different things, remember that. Game mechanics come and gone, bugs are being fixed and new ones appear all the time. Its a normal thing for development process. If you want to experience KINGDOMS as it was initially designed - smooth, without bugs and full of working mechanics - please, wait till final version will be out.

Thanks for your support, see you very soon!

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #56 on: August 11, 2020, 12:10:20 AM »
Mon, 10 August 2020

Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!

In today's update we'll try to make AI attack settlements, as form of bandits raids. Now after some time (that depends on "War is declared every day(s)" parameter) bandits will come to closest settlement to attack settlers and steal money from dead bodies. Player can set in game options how much bandits is needed in gang to attack the settlement (from 1 to 10). If city has guards they will automatically fight with attackers. Basically this update is kind of test before the same mechanic will be added for more massive siege battles. When settlement is raided (or it will be under siege soon) player will get notification + visible UI with defenders and attackers numbers. Also, UI show current actions made both by defenders and attackers. As already said, i want to see how this mechanic will work and tweak it there and there to add it to wars mechanics.
Also, i've fixed some bugs connected with AI fighting, full list follows:

•   Many speeds options cap was set to 5000%, that basically can turn the game into "Press E" simulator, can be used only in-game;
•   Bandits now can raid nearest settlements and steal money from City Hall and attack settlers;
•   Fixed issue when object's info icon could be visible when other UI windows were open (like trading, looting etc.);
•   Raid's info window was added to UI, it will be visible when player is in raided settlement;
•   Fixed issue when AI couldn't properly attack the enemy (except player), just standing near this enemy;
•   Now if bandit kills peaceful settler, he/she takes all settlers money;
•   Player can set up minimum number of bandits that can attack nearest settlement;
•   If "NO WAR" option is enabled, bandits won't attack settlements;
•   Fixed issue when dead settlers were sometimes counted as living ones in settlers list;
•   Fixed issue when walls colliders weren't properly calculated as obstacles when calculating pathfinding grid;


1) Please, feel free to use built-in bug reporter (F11) - it will help development a lot.
2) If something is broken make sure you have verified game files and started new world, remember -KINGDOMS is still EA, i try to make saves compatibility for every new version of the game, but can't guarantee it all the time.
3) The game is still in development, it's NOT finished product, updates are coming 3-4 times a week and that will inevitably cause various issues. Updates for game in development and for finished game - are two absolutely different things, remember that. Game mechanics come and gone, bugs are being fixed and new ones appear all the time. Its a normal thing for development process. If you want to experience KINGDOMS as it was initially designed - smooth, without bugs and full of working mechanics - please, wait till final version will be out.

Thanks for your support, see you very soon!

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #57 on: August 13, 2020, 12:20:05 AM »
Wed, 12 August 2020

Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!

Today's update will bring more life, management and logic to AI settlements. Before this update non-player settlement were lacking on many things: no city hall, defense towers, no guards on streets or at their posts, tax-collector didn't collect the money and council didn't managed settlers roles. For now on

all listed things will happen in AI settlements. Basically it's also the kind of preparation for settlements siege mechanics - my task was to odd the chances between quite fast acting player and quite slow developed AI - in meaning of settlement management. Also, many bugs were fixed along the way, some of them were quite old, full list (as usual!) follows.

!!!IMPORTANT!!! It's recommended to start new world to make new mechanics work properly, old saves will work though, but some visual issues (like floating boards or missing wells) are expected!!!

•   Fixed issue when settlement leader didn't go to owned tavern/shop/manufactory if having such;
•   AI management system was completely rewritten and reworked in order to fix various issues;
•   Fixed issue when well and notice board placement in AI's settlements was on other side of the map sometimes;
•   Fixed issue when bandits had notice boards and well in their lairs sometimes;
•   Fixed issue when walls are being build all over the map in AI's settlements sometimes;
•   Fixed issue when both notice-board and well became red after placing them;
•   Fixed issue when player could move after entering "FINANCES MANAGEMENT" window;
•   Fixed issue when settlement script can cause fps drops when leader of settlement was killed or missing;
•   Fixed rare issue when AI tried to take jobs from notice-board using scripts from 2017 build, causing overall fps drops and lags;
•   Fixed issue when walls of AI settlement can cross with walls in player's settlement causing various visual bugs;
•   AI now can hire City Hall staff - tax collector, ambassador, council, general and guards and manage city finances and taxes depending on various perks like trading-, commanding-ones;
•   AI now can build City Hall in settlement;
•   AI now can build Watch Towers depending on settlement size, Tower type depends on leaders commanding perks;
•   Rocks colliders parameters were tweaked a bit in order to properly exclude them from navigation grid and fix "walking trough" stones issue;
•   Fixed guards animations in second floor of City Hall;
•   Tax collector "collecting" radius was tweaked in order to speed up his work a bit;
•   Fixed issue when "roads calculation" could pop-up while sleeping or waiting;
•   House set-up script was changed a bit in order to speed up populated world generation;


1) Please, feel free to use built-in bug reporter (F11) - it will help development a lot.
2) If something is broken make sure you have verified game files and started new world, remember -KINGDOMS is still EA, i try to make saves compatibility for every new version of the game, but can't guarantee it all the time.
3) The game is still in development, it's NOT finished product, updates are coming 3-4 times a week and that will inevitably cause various issues. Updates for game in development and for finished game - are two absolutely different things, remember that. Game mechanics come and gone, bugs are being fixed and new ones appear all the time. Its a normal thing for development process. If you want to experience KINGDOMS as it was initially designed - smooth, without bugs and full of working mechanics - please, wait till final version will be out.

Thanks for your support, see you very soon!

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #58 on: August 15, 2020, 01:55:01 AM »
Fri, 14 August 2020

Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!

I've decided to upload today's update a bit earlier than usual, because update contain very important fixes for critical and game-breaking bug. In particular - update fixes bugged roads calculation, caused after 0.533, no new game needed, fix will delete all roads (including bugged ones) and create fixed ones once again. Also, some issues with stuck City Hall workers were fixed + you can experience some issues with false notice boards positions when using saves made before 0.533, so now notice board can be destroyed. As usual, full list of updates follows. All these fixes weren't possible without your participation, so if you'll notice some bug in game. please be free to use built-in bug-reporter (f11), this will help Kingdoms a lot!

•   Fixed issue when roads calculation could create a loop, creating roads over and over again;
•   Looped roads from #1 were deleted in order to make save file working again without further issue, though game will calculate roads again;
•   Fixed issue with performance drops during sleeping, crafting or waiting. caused by backgrounds calculations;
•   Bandit's raids were tweaked a bit: now they can attack only if player is near by;
•   Fixed issue when leader could count watch towers and city hall as his own house, trying to use it for needs purpose - eating and sleeping, causing various logic bugs;
•   Fixed issue when AI leader couldn't properly use City Hall animation places;
•   Fixed issue when player couldn't use City Hall's chest after killing settlement's leader and taking it;
•   Now player can destroy notice board if it's location should be changed;
•   Fixed issue when AI build their buildings on well and notice board created by player (new game needed);
•   Pathfinding calculation distance was changed for 30m to 15m in order to include many objects that use occlusion culling (object is enabled only when it's visible by camera) were correctly included to pathfinding grid;
•   House setting script for AI was changed a bit in order to remove buildings corners floating above or under earth sometimes (new game needed);
•   Fixed rare issue when game could stuck at populated world calculation;
•   Fixed rare issue when player couldn't establish new settlement and could move when management window was active;
•   Russian translation was updated;

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #59 on: August 18, 2020, 12:26:12 AM »
Mon, 17 August 2020

Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!

Today's update will bring more understanding to AI's mechanics and behavior. For now on player can ask any settler with friendship more than 10 (practically - everyone) "What are you doing?" and settler will explain his current actions. This small (but not in meaning of development - a LOT things were made to add this dialog line, because it takes all AI's aspects) addition should dramatically change the whole understanding on how AI works in the game. Now it's always clear - what settler does in the current moment and why. I tried to make this as vary as possible. One of many examples - when smith settler is looking for ore to craft things - in shop or in the field - this will be two separate replies and in the second one settler will reply that ore wasn't found in any shop that's why he's going the gather it himself. Also, i'm slowly starting to add more quests to the game. i.e. today's update will bring 7 new quest. As for fixing - there was one serious bug, that was reported the most - non-destroyable buildings in players settlement - it was fixed (thanks to your activity and reports!). As usual, full list follows:

•   Fixed issue when player couldn't destroy house in owned settlement;
•   Fixed issue when wall wasn't build after clicking "Build wall" button;
•   Now player can build walls and roads even if "AI can't build walls" and "AI can't build roads" parameters were enabled;
•   Fixed logical issue when settler bought food in shop but if it wasn't a berry still went to forest to gather berries;
•   Fixed logical issue when settler ate in Common House he could stuck near it's Entrance when next action is going to sleep;
•   Now player can ask settler what he's doing at the moment;
•   Fixed some logical settlers behavior when settler is going to the shop, tavern or at home to relax or clean there;
•   Player can ask what settler is doing only if friendship is greater than 10;
•   Quest "Bring 3 fox meat to settlement leader" added;
•   Quest "Bring 1 fox skin to settlement leader" added;
•   Quest "Bring 3 pumpkins to settlement leader" added;
•   Quest "Bring 3 pumpkins to settlement leader" added;
•   Quest "Bring 1 azalea to ambassador" added;
•   Quest "Bring 1 fern to wounded settler" added;
•   Quest "Bring 1 fern to trader" added;
•   Quest "Bring 10 wooden logs to settler" added;

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