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Author Topic: Kingdoms  (Read 27985 times)

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #90 on: December 11, 2020, 12:31:24 AM »
Thu, December 10, 2020

Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!


•   Woodworker now can create and sell planks;
•   Now % that defines when siege will be won/lost can be changed in game settings (Settings >> Game);
•   % From the above addition now can be seen on siege screen;
•   Dialog line "What are you doing?..." was updated for meat gatherers;
•   Dialog line "What are you doing?..." was updated for herbs gatherers;
•   Dialog line "What are you doing?..." was updated for stone gatherers;
•   Dialog line "What are you doing?..." was updated for leather gatherers;


•   Fixed annoying issue when player could accidentally hit the settler while helping to attack wild animal;
•   Fixed issue when siege couldn't be lost even if rating was <-100%;
•   Fixed size of wooden watchtower;
•   AI spreading inside houses was changed a bit in order AI could take all places available;
•   Fixed issue when AI will just stand before house entrance if all animation places there are already taken;
•   Fixed rare issue when AI couldn't properly leave animation place in the house;
•   Fixed issue when settler couldn't properly sell meat in the tavern;
•   Fixed issue when settler couldn't properly collect and sell boston-fern;
•   Fixed issue when "Distance between settlements" parameter weren't properly saved and applied sometimes;

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #91 on: December 16, 2020, 02:16:46 AM »
Tue, 15 December 2020

Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!

•   Now player can block enemy strikes (both from animals and settlers) using RMB (by default);
•   Impact animations were added when player is hit when using block;
•   When block is used it takes stamina, depending on potential damage;
•   When player's stamina is low all strikes will deliver only 50% of damage;
•   If stamina is <0, player's block can't prevent damage;
•   Now arrow loading speed and preparing to shoot depends on archer perks (+10%, +25%, +50%, +75%, +100%);
•   Weapon strikes speed now depends on swordsman perks (+10%, +25%, +50%, +75%, +100%);
•   Energy taken after using a sword now depends on swordsman perks (-30, -25, -20, -15, -10, -5);
•   Stamina now regenerates much slower when in block - 20% from usual speed;
•   Quest "Bring vegetable pie for hungry settler" was added;

•   Fixed issue when player's stamina wasn't properly decreased when swinging a weapon;
•   Fixed issue when pickaxe didn't deal any damage;
•   Fixed issue when player could accidentally hit someone after saving;
•   Fixed false "% to win siege description" in game options;
•   Fixed issue when settlers swords weren't properly visualized sometimes and all settler have default small iron dagger of save form etc.;
•   Fixed issue when player could hit someone just by standing nearby;

•   Now player will see available languages when game is launched for the first time;
•   French translation was updated;
•   Russian translation was updated;

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #92 on: December 21, 2020, 03:32:59 AM »
Sun, 20 December 2020

Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!

•   Now amount of grass on the terrain fully depends on the season;
•   Now settlers will bow to the leader instead of just waving when greeting before conversation;
•   Bowing animations depend on settlers character;
•   Two handed swords damage was balanced a bit;
•   Pickaxe damage was balanced a bit;
•   Pickaxe damage was balanced a bit;
•   Textures of some city gates were changed to metallic;

•   Fixed issue when player couldn't use map properly (including diplomacy one) when there are too much kingdoms on the map;
•   Fixed rare issue when bandits tried to talk to the player being very far away;
•   Fixed issue when player pressed pause during screen fading and could brake game camera and players movement;
•   Fixed issue when settler could stuck in talking animation sometimes when conversation was already over;
•   Fixed issue when music in main menu could start playing for a moment even if volume was set to zero;
•   Fixed issue when players camera could have incorrect position right after landing;
•   Fixed issue when battle music could start playing even if was disabled in music options;
•   Fixed issue when player hands were lighted incorrect at night;
•   Fixed issue when some horses were lighted incorrect at night;

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #93 on: December 21, 2020, 03:34:26 AM »

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #94 on: February 23, 2021, 02:32:59 AM »
Mon, 22 February 2021

Friends, welcome back to KINGDOMS! As you may know from this post last two month I was working on massive performance update that adds multithreading support to the game. During this process I understood that multithreading is only the top of the iceberg and I could try to improve the performance of the game in any possible aspect - textures, meshes, scripts logic, pathfinding, world generation, AI logic etc.etc. The goal was:

o   Add multithreading where is is needed to not harm the performance;
o   Optimize ram usage and remove all possible memory leaks;
o   Optimize scripts logic - mainly for AI, structures and settlements - to improve performance for high-populated islands;
o   Optimize spawn system for almost all in-game objects - settlers bodies, animals bodies, houses models and vegetation;
o   Optimize pathfinding and navigation scripts both for settlers and animals;
o   Optimize all siege connected assets to improve performance during sieges, especially in large settlements;
o   Optimize game loading time and saves loading time;
o   Fix as many bugs as possible on the way;
o   Possibility to use old saves without any issues;

As you can see the amount of work was quite large, but I really hope that the result is 1000% worth it. Now to the points:

This one took good half of the total amount of work. At first I wanted to experiment and understand on practice where multithreading is able to give real performance boosts. After numerous tests the result was: pathfinding and spawning can use multithreading at 100% speed, AI though can use it in some heavy code parts like complicate formula calculations. Of course the result depends on cores you have - 8-cores CPU will give much better result than 2-cores CPU.

The next global goal was to clean up all possible game scripts and change their logic in such way so they could use less CPU resources and give the same results. Update() functions were mainly removed and replaces with IENumerators() - this gave significant boosts to settlers, houses and animals scripts. Memory leaking code parts (i.e. with many GetComponent<> calls) were removed, cleaned and rewritten. Scripts are now working asynchronically to remove all performance spikes from the game.
Some systems, that worked individually for each object and took significant amount of performance - like AI finding place for house - are now calculated in separate threads.

The main key point of Kingdoms is breathing and living world. When playing it you can be sure, that even at very large distance settlers do exact the same thing they do near you - building, trading, crafting, selling, growing stuff at farms etc. For me it was and is to not cheat the player and calculate something in a tricky way, like spawn goods at shops or add settlers to the settlement - even at the distance world should have the same logic as at the very close distance. Most players won't even notice that, but for me it was important to make the world live in any point of the island even of player doesn't see it. And to tell you the truth all these calculation took quite significant part of script calculations. So I revisited all of them to understand where I can improve performance without loosing mechanics working. It was long and quite monotone process but the result is in the game, which is totally fine by me.

Now game uses different compression method and this method increases overall loading time about 80-100%. Another issue was long saves loading, in particular - long roads calculation. This was because game also calculated walls all over the map at start of roads calculation. This was also improved - walls now can spawn much faster and as result it increases save loading about 200%. But roads spawn is not the single spawn system that was changed.

Another serious issue that needed to be fixed is periodically memory leaks. In most cases it was inefficient spawn of static objects. That's why the whole spawn system for static (i.e houses, scaffolds etc.) was rewritten from scratch to remove memory leaks. Vegetation was changed as well. First of, now it uses multithreading, plus many connected systems were changed as well in order to increase performance - masks on structures (that remove grass and other objects), masks on roads, all vegetation textures were compressed, distances were tweaked, LODs were optimized, colliders were optimized as well.

Previous AI bodies also affected performance in a negative way, causing fps drops there and there sometimes so the goal here was to make it work as fast as possible. Was was changes - body texture and mesh combiner scripts are now multithreaded, meshes were optimized (as a bonus all body customization options are more visible now), textures were compressed.

The main thing here is multithreading support. Also some additional features were added to scripts in order to increase performance, i.e. occlusion culling.

As many of you could notice sieges in game affected performance in a very negative way sometimes, so this update will fix it. Many scripts were rewritten here as well, plus optimization of light sources and particles now give significant performance boost.

So, the huge optimization work is over and we're back to usual schedule - three update per week, the next one (0.672) is coming Wednesday. Plus update contains a LOT of bugfixes, I decided not to add them to this announce, they will be added to Wednesday patch note.
Thanks to all the players for support and patience, I really hope that you'll like the result!

1) Please, feel free to use built-in bug reporter (F11) - it will help development a lot.

2) If something is broken make sure you have verified game files and started new world, remember -KINGDOMS is still EA, I try to make saves compatibility for every new version of the game, but can't guarantee it all the time.

3) The game is still in development, it's NOT finished product, updates are coming 3-4 times a week and that will inevitably cause various issues. Updates for game in development and for finished game - are two absolutely different things, remember that. Game mechanics come and gone, bugs are being fixed and new ones appear all the time. Its a normal thing for development process. If you want to experience KINGDOMS as it was initially designed - smooth, without bugs and full of working mechanics - please, wait till final version will be out.

4) You can support development of KINGDOMS on my official Patreon page.

Thanks for your support, see you very soon!


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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #95 on: February 27, 2021, 01:35:03 AM »
Fri, 26 February 2021

Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!
It's Friday and bugfixing is coming! Before going to the list of changes, make sure you didn't miss big 0.671 performance update, that significally improves performance and add multithreading support to Kingdoms. Thanks to all the players who is actively reporting bugs both using in-game reporter (f11) and game community - your help really matters a lot for the game.

•   Slightly changed war modificators by killing settlers or burning the houses - now single attack action can't be less than 5%;
•   Wars balance: now AI settlement can declare war to another settlement even if settlement-settlement distance parameter is too high;
•   A line about active quest was placed at the top of dialogue list;

•   Fixed performance issue for specs with less than 8Gb RAM, when building masks (for removing grass, tress etc.) could take a long time to calculate and cause fps drops, i.e when house model is being spawned;
•   Fixed issue when AI couldn't use shops and taverns at far distances;
•   Fixed issue when AI couldn't properly buy and sell items in shops sometimes;
•   Fixed issue when AI soldiers didn't properly use watch-towers at far distances;
•   Fixed issue when player's title wasn't properly displayed when global reputation was above 10k;
•   Fixed issue in quest "Bring iron axe for farmer" when quest took a sword instead of axe from the inventory when finishing it;
•   Fixed issue when building big stone tower - big wooden tower carcass could spawn instead;
•   Fixed issue when pickaxe could disappear from the inventory when trading to someone;
•   Fixed issue when farmer could stuck at place in the garden collecting vegetables in the loop over and over again;
•   Now when farmers inventory is full by some reason, he/she can put item in the store and use later when needed;
•   Fixed issue when AI didn't participate in wars when settlement-settlement distances were too high;
•   Fixed issue when grass spreading wasn't correctly calculating depending on in-game season sometimes;
•   Fixed issue when farm-to-farm distance parameter wasn't correctly saved sometimes;

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #96 on: March 02, 2021, 12:43:09 AM »
Mon, 1 March 2021

Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!

Todays update adds to the game very useful feature, that will make a life of all travelers a bit easier. Now you can ask settlers to mark various location on your map - settlements of all kind, ruins, useful building like shops or manufactories - it's all there. The idea came to me when we were testing performance for 0.671 and I actually managed to play my game for a quite long time - usually because of often update timeline I usually see only some local areas I'm working for particular update - and that's the downside of such planning. And this time session was large and I could finally play and enjoy (!) Kingdoms. During the testing I clearly understood that game is desperately missing that and that here and here - when working on the game all days long you just don't see such things. So asking for locations is one of these features that I'm planning to add before we'll get back to the roadmap. It won't take long but definitely will make Kingdoms more enjoyable to play.

•   Now player can ask settler about following locations:
o   closest settlement;
o   closest farm;
o   closest bandits lair;
o   closest ruins;
o   closest iron bank;
o   closest shop;
o   closest blacksmith;
o   closest tavern;
o   closest stoneworkers place;
o   closest bakery;
o   closest woodworker's house;
o   notice board;
o   leader of your settlement;

•   The result depends on many factors, i.e. if settler didn't join the settlement, he cant tell about any shops or if shop wasn't build the answer also be negative etc.

•   Fixed issue when the phrase "I cant teach you anything" could stuck in the dialog;
•   Fixed issue when AI's answer after player refuses to make a quest disappeared too quickly;
•   Fixed issue when AI's answer after player agrees to make a quest disappeared too quickly;
•   Fixed issue when the last phrase of AI after finishing the quest was invisible;
•   Fixed issue when marking settler as destination font color was unreadable sometimes, now it's white;
•   Fixed false AI animations and meshes clipping in watch-towers;

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #97 on: March 05, 2021, 01:41:27 AM »

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #98 on: March 06, 2021, 02:33:47 AM »
Fri, 5 March 2021

Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!
Today is Friday and today we have fixing of various bugs you've sent to me through in-game reporter and via community. As always, I'll repeat many time said words - don't be afraid to tell about various issues and report them - it really helps the game to become better with every portion of fixes. Every single report is matter - horse is flying? report! save won't load? report! report and report! My job is to fix things here making Kingdoms the game we all want to see. And now - to the list of todays fixes.

•  Critical issue: fixed bug when sometimes game could freeze at roads calculation when loading saved game;
•  Building and scaffolds pools size was changed from 15 to 30 to prevent situations when player has 15 i.e. build towers in scene but can't build or finish new one because pool is over at 15;
•  Fixed issue when house doors could have false position and rotation sometimes when spawning;
•  Fixed issue when AI gatherers could only gather wood, ignoring all other resources;
•  Fixed issue when AI couldn't sell nothing but wood in the shop;
•  Fixed issue when farmers couldn't properly sell various seed types in shops;
•  Fixed issue when settlers couldn't sell various meat types in shops;
•  Fixed issue when game didn't mark biggest settlement on the map after populated world generation;
•  Fixed issue when gold in killed NPC pockets was calculated incorrect sometimes;
•  Fixed issue when AI farms could have missing doors sometimes;
•  Fixed issue when game marked farm or bandits lair instead of biggest settlement right after landing if save was loaded with player on ship;
•  Fixed issue when saddled horse couldn't properly spawn near the player after whistling;
•  Fixed bugged physics of some doors happening sometimes;
•  The scale of big wooden tower was increased a bit;
•  Fixed issue when player couldn't destroy bandits lair sometimes (new game is required);
•  Fixed issue when the icon of biggest settlement (after populated world landing) could have farm icon instead;
•  Fixed some AI scripts logic in order to increase stability;
•  Default AI building speed was set to 3 instead of 1 in order to balance AI settlements grow speed;
•  Fixed issue when fresh saddled horse couldn't properly called by whistle;
•  Added automatic unused resources unloading to some scripts in order to optimize memory usage and overall stability;

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #99 on: March 13, 2021, 11:47:21 PM »
Mon, 8 March 2021

Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!

Todays update should fix the most annoying and most reported issue of current build (thanks for reporting btw!!) - AI building inside already build houses. First, they won't do this anymore. Second, to fix already messed up structures now player can demolish scaffold as well as already build houses - but in owned settlement only (would be strange if you could demolish structures in some random settlement - though, never say never). Another things to mention - fixes for animals behavior when they could loop in warning animation which was kind of annoying. Plus now player can see the amount of gold of each individual settler in the notice-board list. The rest of changes and fixes follows:


•   Now player can destroy AI scaffolds in owned settlement, no need to wait until house is build;
•   Now player can destroy any scaffold without having Builder perk;
•   Now player can see the amount of known settlers gold when using settlers list;


•   Fixed issue when AI could calculate place for their houses at the same time as player is building something and two result could cause "building-in-building" bug;
•   Fixed issue when AI could spawn their building inside players common house because it wasn't properly added to settlement houses lists during building process;
•   Fixed critical animals behavior, when they stayed at one place in looped warning animation instead of running away or attack;
•   Fixed issue when wild horse could be looped in annoying warning animation;
•   Now horse galloping sound is less annoying and unnatural;
•   Fixed issue when meat-eaters didn't properly react on other animals and didn't chase them;
•   Fixed issue when game sometimes set resolution to 0x0 when first launching the game (mostly because of video driver issue), causing crash, now if this happens, the resolution will be set to 640x480 and players will be able to launch the game;
•   Fixed issue when AI could build a house right inside the wall sometimes;
•   Fixed issue when AI didn't got a gold for item sold in the shop;
•   Fixed critical trading issue when AI gold didn't change after barter causing impossibility to earn money and buy expensive stuff in shops;
•   Fixed critical trading issue when after selling an item the gold went to shops storage and to to settlers pocket;
•   Now the game can recreate options file once it will find out that it was created incorrect by some reason;
•   Now amount of pooled houses depends on RAM available in order to prevent crashes on systems with <8GB RAM;

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #100 on: March 18, 2021, 11:56:52 PM »
Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!


•   New quest type was added: go and discover;
•   New quest was added "Find closest undiscovered ruins for settlement leader";


•   Fixed issue when building a small smith big one was spawning instead;
•   Fixed issue when player could fall underground when building a big smith;
•   Fixed issue when gold payed to AI for training wasn't added to their inventory and couldn't be looted back after killing;
•   Fixed issue when player could build a settlement ignoring "distance between settlements" parameter;
•   Fixed misprint in text "I don't need your service anymore, N" where N should be settlers name;
•   Fixed issue when the game showed no notification when quests were taken, executed or finished;
•   Fixed issue when roads from previous world could be loaded in new world sometimes;
•   Fixed issue when "bring x to y" quest types sometimes stuck at finishing quest stage because of incorrect inventory calculations;
•   Fixed issue when pressing "shift" (speeding up camera movement) on global map didn't work when player was on horse;
•   Some changes in animals behavior scripts in order to increase performance;
•   Shadows of the fire on the walls during sieges were removed in order to increase sieges performance;
•   Fixed issue when pressing on quest in journal didn't correctly marked quest objective sometimes;
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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #101 on: July 27, 2021, 12:43:16 AM »
UPDATE 0.701
Mon, 26 July 2021

Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!

We're finally back on track! Before reading this update news, please make sure you've checked updated roadmap I've published recently. Basically, this update is kind of preparation before real battle - it contains a lot various fixes I've made during this months - some are big ones (like fixing 16Gb RAM performance issue - it was tricky one), some are small, but important. New feature is new quest type - killing a human. Now we can improve bandits activities a bit (i.e. when player joined a gang or made new one) or create some interesting little stories here.


•   New quest type was added - killing a human;
•   New quest "Bandit asks to kill a farmer near by";
•   New quest "Baker asks to kill another baker";


•   !!! Fixed critical performance issue on systems with 16Gb RAM;
•   Fixed issue when vegetation spawn system could use too much RAM sometimes, causing crashes;
•   Fixed issue when player model proportions in inventory menu was too big + fixed camera position;
•   Fixed camera position in player creation menu;
•   Fixed issue when player's puppet became invisible when loading save right after exiting player creation menu;
•   Fixed issue when quest could become bugged sometimes when quest giver was killed;
•   Fixed issue when inventory window could become bugged sometimes not reacting on button pressing;
•   Fixed issue when right after loading game could use too much RAM sometime trying to fix settlements IDs errors;
•   Fixed issue when navigation grid could be calculated incorrect around large bandit house sometimes;
•   Fixed issue when bandit could stuck in walking animation in his house sometimes;
•   Fixed various AI animation issues both in small bandits lair and large one;
•   Fixed issue when player stamina wasn't correctly calculated during melee fight sometimes;
•   Fixed issue when quest animal was killed by AI quest became bugged sometimes;
•   Fixed issue when game could freeze and crash sometimes when calculation road from one settlement to another;
•   Fixed issue when bandits lair became invisible on the global map after exiting diplomacy menu;
•   Fixed issue when game could freeze or crash when calculating and compilating AI cloth textures;
•   Fixed missing eating sound when using some vegetables types right after exiting the battle;
•   Fixed issue when time flow could stop sometimes when pressing inventory button during sleeping;
•   Fixed issue when AI animation time was calculated incorrect sometimes during player's sleep;
•   Fixed issue when houses models were missing sometimes when having too much houses of the same type in the settlement;
•   Fixed issue when "Search for ruins" quest marked iron bank instead of ruins sometimes;
•   Fixed issue when all AI had same appearance or bugged textures after world generation when player pressed inventory button during generation.


•   Russian translation was updated;


1) Please, feel free to use built-in bug reporter (F11) - it will help development a lot.
2) If something is broken make sure you have verified game files and started new world, remember -KINGDOMS is still EA, I try to make saves compatibility for every new version of the game, but can't guarantee it all the time.
3) The game is still in development, it's NOT finished product, updates are coming 3-4 times a week and that will inevitably cause various issues. Updates for game in development and for finished game - are two absolutely different things, remember that. Game mechanics come and gone, bugs are being fixed and new ones appear all the time. Its a normal thing for development process. If you want to experience KINGDOMS as it was initially designed - smooth, without bugs and full of working mechanics - please, wait till final version will be out.
4) You can support development of KINGDOMS on my official Patreon page.

Thanks for your support, see you very soon!

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #102 on: July 27, 2021, 12:45:29 AM »
ROADMAP UPDATED [0.701 - 1.0]
Mon, 26 July 2021

Good day, lords and ladies! I would like to put a few comments here before you'll dive to the roadmap.

1) First of and most important -
it's not 100% final
. I'm sure that before we'll reach 1.0 I'll edit the list not once - mostly with additions and editing of existing stuff, without removing anything, so this list represents features that 100% will be in the final product, so no worries here. Also, Steam sub-forum "Your Ideas and suggestions" still welcomes all the players!
2) Second important thought - when writing this
I tried to be as realistic as possible
in order of development - everything you'll see in the roadmap is 100% possible to develop without any serious issues and that mean - relatively fast. I've prepared code for this, so I hope that everything will be smooth here. As you can see, there are 3 big themes, and some stuff is marked with *. * Means features that not 100% thematic correct, sometimes not at all, but they'll match the development timing.
3) Third important thing -
I've changed my initial development plan a bit
. The plan was to finish all the gameplay stuff till 0.8 and since that add and polish things. But changed my mind and that's why - bringing new content (like new items and building) as important as adding of new gameplay features, I make polishing at Friday anyway, so stuff like main quest, new items, weapons etc. etc. were added to main themes.
And the last question is obviously - when? The answer is - we'll start today. It's 26.07.2021, Monday, and the first update of this roadmap will come today - we're making final test at the very moment. The plan is to release 3 updates per week. Monday, Wednesday - stuff from the roadmap, Friday - bugfixes and tweaks. I.E. today you'll have "New quest type - killing human", Wednesday is for "New system for AI names - second name, titles" and Friday is "Bugfixes".


•   !!!DONE!!! - *New quest type - killing human;
•   New system for AI names - second name, titles;
•   *New UI element - now players with high hunter perks can mark nearest animals by type using a journal.
•   New arrived NPC can automatically form families: wife-husband-child;
•   New AI nickname system: "the Tall", "the Black", "the Strong'' etc. - will be connected with perks and AI characters;
•   Families can live in a house together;
•   *New wild plants type - flowers;
•   New dialogs options for player - marriage proposals;
•   New dialogs options - asking for settlers available for marriage;
•   *Main quest and it's mechanics - I;
•   *New armor/cloth type - I;
•   *New food/resource type - I;
•   New UI element - possibility to add the person (i.e. a good teacher) to the list in journal;
•   New UI element - list of all players houses in the inventory;
•   *New notice board use - orders;
•   *Orders - order for soldiers - patrolling, scouting;
•   *Orders for traders and manufacturers - producing certain goods for money;
•   New family laws - amount of allowed children, possibility to take only married couples etc.
•   Reworked global reputation system;
•   Social ranks system for player;
•   Social ranks system for AI;
•   *New location type - hunters hut;
•   *Hunters can patrol local area, hunt animals and sell trophies in the city;
•   Family tree UI;
•   Heirs and their unique dialog options;
•   *Armor rebalancing and adding new armor types;
•   New quests for family members;
•   *Main quest and it's mechanics - II;
•   *New armor/cloth type - II;
•   *New food/resource type - II;
•   New family quests for AI;
•   Blood enemy system and unique quests - after killing family member the rest of the family will become the blood enemy;
•   AI friends and enemies system - AI can make friends and enemies, that will cause unique quests;
•   Migration system - settlers won't stick in one settlement anymore - depends on happiness and friendship with leader;
•   *New place of interest type - abandoned graveyard;
•   *Main quest and it's mechanics - III;
•   *New armor/cloth type - III;
•   *New food/resource type - III;


•   New resource locations - new ore types;
•   Jewels and new crafting recipes;
•   Jewellery and new structures types;
•   Reworked happyness system that is calculated not only from wealth, but from some additional factors;
•   Trading post in the port;
•   Possibility to upgrade the port (making it stone one);
•   *Integrating marriage into diplomacy - family alliances;
•   Conspiracies system - now certain characters can make a conspiracy against each other;
•   *Main quest and it's mechanics - VI;
•   *New armor/cloth type - IV;
•   *New food/resource type - IV;
•   Orders - sending spy to another kingdom;
•   *Bodyguards system - hiring up to 10 (depends on commander perks) personal bodyguards;
•   *AI bodyguards;
•   Adding family trees UI to diplomacy interface;
•   Possibility to poison other leader and his family;
•   Sabotage system - possibility to sabotage settlement manufactories;
•   Rebellions - now settlers can be aggressive if prosperity was low long enough;
•   Rebellions additions - quests and dialogs;
•   *New armor type;
•   More transparent in-settlement crafting - possibility to leave orders on notice board for certain goods, final quality will depend on settlers perks;
•   Settlement specializations - depends on location, places nearby etc.
•   *Rebalancing smith system - adding new skill tree for armor crafting;
•   Goods that can be produced in certain settlements only, depending on this settlement specialization, without these goods settlers can't be 100% happy;
•   New UI element - list of produced goods in settlement;
•   Trade caravans of various types - carts, horses etc.;
•   Possibility to add guards to caravans;
•   *Main quest and it's mechanics - V;
•   *New armor/cloth type - V;
•   *New food/resource type - V;
•   Bandits raids on travelling caravans - AI;
•   Bandits raids on travelling caravans - Player;
•   *New resource type - fish;
•   *New mechanics - fishing;
•   *New building type - fisherman’s hut;
•   *Main quest and it's mechanics - VI;
•   *New armor/cloth type - VI;
•   *New food/resource type - VI;


•   New building type - guild house;
•   *Main quest and it's mechanics - VII;
•   *New armor/cloth type - VII;
•   *New food/resource type - VII;
•   Guild types - fighters, farmers, traders - each guild has uniques random name;
•   Guild organization - central “office” with smaller “departments”;
•   Guild quests;
•   *Main quest and it's mechanics - VIII;
•   *New armor/cloth type - VIII;
•   *New food/resource type - VIII;
•   *New farm type - animal farm;
•   *Adding more animals types and new goods to the farm;
•   *Main quest and it's mechanics - IX;
•   *New armor/cloth type - IX;
•   *New food/resource type - IX;

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #103 on: July 28, 2021, 11:37:37 PM »

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms
« Reply #104 on: July 28, 2021, 11:39:10 PM »
Wed, 28 July 2021

Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!

Today we're going down the roadmap. It's the first update for family theme that adds unique family name for each person on the island - it will be used a bit later for family systems and marriages. Player can choose family name as well when creating a character. Old saves will duplicate existing name i.e. "Cyfie Cyfie". Also, important change are female names. I've created newname generator that can create unique names both for males and females - I tried to make both look and sound like proper ones, so we could understand the gender of settler just by looking at the name. The next step here will be title system and it's a bit more complex and gameplay affecting - I'll see it in Mondays update already. Also, a small note I didn't cover in roadmap announcement - we still have war stuff to finish. I decided to put in Fridays updates - some adding and tweaks there and there between fixes, without creating new theme in the roadmap.


•   Now each settler has unique family name, created by randomizer;
•   First name of settlers now is generated in unique way, not just from the list - using unique elements, postfixes and prefixes;
•   Settlers from the old saves will change their names automatically - no worries if Gudporn suddenly becomes Anny Kar-Tan;
•   Female names are now different from the males ones, with unique style, so player can know the AI gender just by looking at the name;
•   All names and family names can be translated in different languages, all their parts were put to default English file used for translation;
•   Different family names styles were added, i.e. with using of "-" like Kor-o-Wan or Amir-Tin, or standard ones like Vindor, Sunway etc. - all procedurally generated;
•   Player now can choose a Family name in characters creation menu;
•   Character no cannot be created without inputting families name, new warnings were added;
•   Old save will just duplicate previously chosen name as a Family name, i.e. "Cyfie Cyfie";
•   Generic lore name (i.e emperor's one) were changed as well;


•   Fixed issue when player could use space when inputting characters name, causing saves issues sometimes, warning was added;
•   Fixed issue when player could use dialog menu on the ship sometimes, causing following script errors;
•   Fixed issue when AI could have 2 identical names sometimes even if gender was different.
•   Fixed issue when player could exploit LP in character creation menu just by unlearning perks;
•   Fixed forest generation script error that can cause absence of ruins on the map;
•   Fixed issue issue when by creating of empty world AI characters could have identical faces and hairstyles sometimes;


•   Russian translation was updated;

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