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Author Topic: Kenshi  (Read 58973 times)

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kenshi
« Reply #60 on: November 27, 2018, 01:14:47 AM »
0.99.23 (Experimental)
-Terrain and navmesh updated, probably nothing noticeable, move along

Moved to stable Branch as well


0.99.24 (Experimental)
-Artifact items quantity assigned to locations is directly proportional to town value rather than random (rewards more consistent) (optional: requires import to see changes)
-AI fix for cases when a base had only one gate and the AI wouldn't go through
-When other factions take over a Holy Nation town they break all the emperor statues
-Fixed the city hero gangs not harassing players
-Fixed indoor combat stat penalty
-The non-violent food raids go home rather than hang around your food barrels for 4 hours
-Fixed the Mongrel building in Black Scratch
-Fixed loading screen when window resized
-AI fix for guards that dont put the criminals in cages and just hold them while in shopkeeper mode
-Untestable fix for "give up chase" dialog event triggering when people are just fighting and not even chasing
-Road editor handles locked roads
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Offline Asid

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Re: Kenshi
« Reply #61 on: November 28, 2018, 02:14:35 PM »
0.99.25 (Experimental)

-Fix for raid campaigns repeating their announcement dialog instead of leaving/attacking
-Floating damage numbers now include the cut-stun efficiency damage factor
-Searching for text in FCS translation mode selects the line when dialog is opened
-Japanese updated
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Offline Asid

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Re: Kenshi
« Reply #62 on: December 01, 2018, 01:14:36 AM »
Update 0.99.26 Out Now
Kenshi - Koomatzu
Update 0.99.26 is out now! This is on the main stable branch.

Please report any bugs, gameplay or balancing feedback etc to either the Steam or Lo-Fi forums. Thank you

•   Artifact items quantity assigned to locations is directly proportional to town value rather than random (rewards more consistent) (optional: requires import to see changes)
•   AI fix for cases when a base had only one gate and the AI wouldn't go through
•   When other factions take over a Holy Nation town they break all the emperor statues
•   Fixed the city hero gangs not harassing players
•   Fixed EV_I_SEE_ALLY
•   Fixed indoor combat stat penalty
•   The non-violent food raids go home rather than hang around your food barrels for 4 hours
•   Fixed the Mongrel building in Black Scratch
•   Fixed loading screen when window resized
•   AI fix for guards that dont put the criminals in cages and just hold them while in shopkeeper mode
•   Untestable fix for "give up chase" dialog event triggering when people are just fighting and not even chasing
•   Road editor handles locked roads

•   Fix for raid campaigns repeating their announcement dialog instead of leaving/attacking
•   Floating damage numbers now include the cut-stun efficiency damage factor
-Searching for text in FCS translation mode selects the line when dialog is opened
-Japanese updated

•   AI shopping should now work, traders should buy stuff from your shop counters, NPCs will visit your town if it is set to public
•   Fix for characters being magically freed from cages after healing
•   Walls now twice as tough against smashing
•   Rare fix for AI getting stuck when pathing back home to a locked up base
•   Stopped captured NPCs disappearing on load when their town is destroyed
•   Prisoners who escape from cages will now bash their way out of locked doors instead of getting confused
-Japanese rolled back due to errors, will update again soon

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kenshi
« Reply #63 on: December 05, 2018, 02:35:31 PM »

-Fix for Rebirth town size being too low, confusing the guards AI
-Fixed the bridge in Rebirth
-An AI fix where newly recruited characters were missing the "protect allies" job
-Prevent passing squads from stopping to relax in hostile towns if they pass by
-Fixed anti-slaver allied dialogue
-Possible fix for characters sometimes slowing to a walk when nearing their destination
-More nice loading screens

-Fix for many of the ally aid campaigns not triggering
-Fixed prison sentence times not saving, so all prisoners got pardoned on reload

-Fixed newly built walls collision being passable so you couldn't walk on top until the game was re-loaded
-Gate guards in Mongrel should stay closer to the gate and not go off getting lost fighting in the foglands so much.
-Walls made 2.5 times tougher again, they should now be approx 25% as tough as their equivalent gates
-[Dismantle] button now asks if you are sure, except for walls because you might want to delete a lot of them some day
-a rare crash fix
-Fixed the collision
-Some other technical mumbo-jumbo
-Spanish update (99% complete)

-Stack now has a functioning police station
-Flotsam has a bakery
-Fixed characters getting fed an invisible meal when getting in a cage if tagged as escaping
-Fixed slaves picking their own shackles not counting as a crime because they were considered part of the enslaving faction
-Changed the over-aggressive skeletons in HN territory
-Fixed a crash

-Fixed the missing audio problem from last update
-More fog princes in the Fog Islands, to make sure people get eaten
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Offline Asid

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Re: Kenshi
« Reply #64 on: December 06, 2018, 02:23:06 PM »
1.0 Out Now!
Kenshi - Koomatzu

Kenshi version 1.0 is now out!

After 12 years of working alone, working as a six man team, shrinking back to a four man team, and suffering the dreaded year-long pathfinding update disaster of ‘15... we kept going til the end and we finally hit version 1.0.

We want to thank all of our players who have spread the word, supported us along the way and never given up on us during our long development. And of course we want to give a special thank you to all of our moderators (Shidan, Hatsune and Lumi) and contributors (Gauthier, Vlad, Yuri, Yayoi, YangFu, Egoisto.j.k, Tanishi, Urakata and many more!) who have given us their time and help to make Kenshi as good as it can be.

We will still be supporting Kenshi so if you do come across any technical issues we may have missed, just make a report in the bug forums and we’ll look into it asap.

Happy explorations :)
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Offline Asid

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Re: Kenshi
« Reply #65 on: December 11, 2018, 12:06:25 AM »
1.0 Out Now!
-390 updates later
-1611 occurences of the word "fix"
-Number of years passed unknown
-Thankyou to all the supporters, forum moderators and bug reporters for all your hard work
-Russian updated (100%, thanks Vlad!)
-French updated
Showing 1-5 of 5 comments

-French updated (99%)

-Fixed again that pesky bridge in Rebirth
-A fix for the AI constantly alternating between self preservation and another task
-Announcement dialogs shouldn't get repeated, but if they do it won't keep snapping the camera to the location anymore, only once per raid
-A fix for characters in crowds sometimes getting pushed through walls
-Buildings town reassigned when new player outpost created (for walls). If you built your town walls before anything else they would be assigned the wrong town and the AI builders would ignore them.
-Spanish tweaks
-French update

-A small number of people are getting an unexplained random crash, this is an experiment to see if something we did fixes it
-A bug sometimes gives player buildings the wrong town, not sure how but sypmtoms of this will be the AI not getting food or items or building things. With this update you should be able to fix any broken towns by importing.

-Fixed being able to reorder research to skip prequisites
-Fixed multi-line datapanel text overlapping
-AI fix where a crippled character with un-healable legs would still keep trying to heal them
-Fixed some bugs with corpse disposal AI
-Slaves can no longer claim bounties on other slaves in a slave camp
-Fixed an AI bug in Okran's Shield where prisoners were all getting piled up by a bed
-Japanese, french, german, portugese, spanish updated

-Combat spark effects added
-"Entered new biome" notification sound
-Fixed a crash that could be caused by a bad mod
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Offline Asid

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Re: Kenshi
« Reply #66 on: December 12, 2018, 02:13:28 PM »

-Truncated research data panel lines if nameis too long
-AI fallback for bad nest locations
-Fixed game crashing if install path has non-ascii characters

-Changed the launcher saying spanish was incomplete, because it's not, it's finished
-Spanish tweaks for some stat names being too long to fit on their GUI lines
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Offline Asid

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Re: Kenshi
« Reply #67 on: December 14, 2018, 11:07:17 PM »
-Fixed the City Hero gang waiting for you by the wrong gate in Heng.
-If you defend yourself from the City Heroes or similar bandits you should no longer get attacked by the guards
-Fixed carpets disappearing from your buildings on re-load
-2 crash fixes, one caused by re-ordering the research list


-A fix that should solve the problem of buildings and walls sometimes getting assigned to the wrong town, which led to bugs like characters not getting food or not building things.
-Nests can no longer spawn in inaccessible locations
-More NPC AI fallback for bad nest locations
-The point at which your health causes you to go into a coma, based on toughness, is now moddable in the FCS: ["max toughness ko point"]
-German update
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Offline Asid

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Re: Kenshi
« Reply #68 on: December 14, 2018, 11:08:03 PM »
Free Demo

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kenshi
« Reply #69 on: December 19, 2018, 01:41:14 PM »
Updated Roadmap

Kenshi has now left Early Access and is fully released.

What does this mean for Kenshi’s future? It means that there will be no new features added, Kenshi is feature complete, but we will be continuing to fix all crashes and bugs reported to us. Localisations (in German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian and Japanese) have all been finished and are in game, however we have been noticing a couple of small issues popping up since release, so we will continue to refine these.

Right now we are working hard on bug fixes – We understand crashes and bugs can be frustrating, you can report all instances in our Steam or Lo-Fi forums and we’ll look into it asap.

We’ve had a few issues reported including some missing strings which didn’t export and text not fitting in GUI buttons. We’re on it and should have an update out within the week. We also had reports from Japanese players that the translation is inaccurate and… not so good. So we have employed an experienced video game proofreader to refine this. You should see gradual improvement patches for Japanese over the next few months, we aim to be finished with all edits by March 2019. We welcome any feedback from all non-English speaking players!

We’ve seen some confusion amongst the community about luxury features and optimisation upgrades coming. Just to clarify, we will not be adding any more features or engine changes to Kenshi. Fortunately we were able to add a few luxury features before release including crawling combat, unarmed combat, dismemberment, blood and ranged combat. However no more luxury features will be being added.
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Offline Asid

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Re: Kenshi
« Reply #70 on: January 11, 2019, 12:10:08 AM »

-Font scaling should be improved, increasing font size should no longer over-increase the line spacing
-The font scaling slider in the options should no longer crash probably
-Fixed animals sometimes replying to human speech
-Fixed the bridge in Rebirth (again)
-Doors use name of parent building in context menu
-AI fix for inacessible walled off towns with an internal gate
-Small updates for Spanish, German, Portugese
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Offline Asid

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Re: Kenshi
« Reply #71 on: February 07, 2019, 12:05:06 AM »
-Small AI performance optimisation, prevents cases where your framerate could get destroyed if you were running a huge base with 100's of machines.
-Fixed crash if character name uses missing wordswap
-Also only show one error message per missing wordswap
-Fixed game not exiting after failing to save.
-Back thread save icon not stuck on when failing to save
-Fixed platoons not saving if faction name contains *
-French and Russian updated

-Fixed getting neverending assaults from the Holy Nation if you killed all of their leaders
-Fixed another crash related to animation modding
-Fix for an Black Dragon assault that could never end in some situations

-Added death items to the Skin Bandits to make them less frustrating
-Fixed skin bandits just dropping captives at the town entrance
-Fixed crash when adding combat animations in a mod
-Fixed a rare case where characters could get stuck on the edge of an obstacle
-French spelling fix
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Offline Asid

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Re: Kenshi
« Reply #72 on: June 15, 2019, 08:38:38 PM »
Blog #28: New Horizons
22 FEB @ 3:34PM   - KOOMATZU

Kenshi Post Launch

How has the Kenshi 1.0 launch gone since December? We think it’s gone pretty good!... Kenshi has been getting some amazing attention since release and we've been making enough sales to fund future projects. We're especially enjoying the reception from our fans, plus fan art and fiction on the Kenshi subreddit since it's subscriber count blew up to over 12,000!

We've been seeing some amazing Let's Plays from Cohh Carnage, Aviticus Dragon, Rycon, Robbaz, Darkosto, Kokoplays, Matthas, and YY, plus more. Not to mention there are too many mods for us to even keep track of. Our average play time is 50 hours per player and we made it to the top 250 reviewed games[] on Steam in 2018! Plus we had some great articles including The Guardian[],  PC Gamer and RPS's Bestest Bests. All in all, the interaction from our fans has been a great inspiration and motivator for us in these past few months, and we can now proudly say, after the bad rep associated with early access games, we did good on our promise as an early access indie developer.

New To Lo-Fi Games

With Kenshi's great success, we've since expanded our team to begin work on our next project. But hey, that’s still a secret for now...

We now have Vitali, our new 3D Artist, joining us remotely, and hopefully an extra programmer very soon to join us in our UK office. We also have a team of artists working with us on the concept for our next game. Among the various studios we hired was  Studio 5518 who we discovered after finding their own Kenshi fan art - Some of you may recognize this glorious piece of Holy Nation fan art[] which we shared on our social media some while ago.

Coming up

Before we get too far ahead of ourselves in new projects, we're still continuing with bug fixing thanks to player bug reports and feedback. A Japanese localisation re-haul is also due out this spring, which will address the odd translations and inconsistencies reported to us last year. Likewise, expect a slightly improved French update this spring too.

We're also working on some merchandise designs for our official shop, due open in the coming months. We'll be keeping the prices as affordable as possible to thank our fans for all their support, and just because we wanna see you all wearing Kenshi t-shirts. We ran a poll on our Twitter page and after input from our fans, we'll be carrying on more designs based on the requests we got back.

Happy tech hunting!

UPDATE: There seems to be a few misunderstandings that we're abandoning Kenshi. So we've clarified that our next plans are actually to work on the prequel, which Kenshi will share the same future engine and upgrades with - here.

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kenshi
« Reply #73 on: June 15, 2019, 08:38:53 PM »
Update 1.0.29 Experimental
14 JUN @ 12:37PM - SAM

Out now on the experimental branch only. To opt in to the experimental version, right-click on Kenshi in your Steam games list -> properties -> betas tab -> then choose “experimental”. If opting in, please be aware of bugs and instability.

Please report any bugs or feedback to either the Steam or Lo-Fi forums[]. Thank you.

•   Fixed a random crash
•   Fix for some situations where a carried person would never get put down if they died
•   Passive characters wont fire turrets unless attacked
•   Fixed dropping items onto portraits when view is scrolled

•   Japanese translation rollback to v1.0.22, last known best version. There is currently a mix-up with the japanese translation that we are working to fix, but we're not doing well because we don't understand japanese.

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kenshi
« Reply #74 on: June 15, 2019, 08:39:45 PM »
Kenshi 2 is already in development
PC Gamer
21 Mar

Kenshi took developer Lo-Fi Games around 12 years to create, and it finally left Early Access in December. It's great—just give our Kenshi review a read—and more than a bit weird. And a follow-up to the massive post-apocalyptic sandbox is already in development.

The Kenshi 2 announcement was made without much fanfare, hidden away in the Steam updates and announcements forum (cheers, ResetEra). Lo-Fi was planning on working in peace without the pressure that comes from announcing a new game, but pressure from another direction made the developer reconsider.

"Our original plan was to keep the new project quiet so we could work on it without public pressure and then do a big press release when we had something to show," studio founder Chris Hunt explains. "However it seems lots of people are getting confused or angry about us not still tinkering with Kenshi or leaving the world of Kenshi behind, so I'm going to go ahead and announce early what we are working on now, as I think it will put most people at ease."

Kenshi 2 will be set before the first game, a whole 1,000 years earlier, letting Lo-Fi dig into the world's history. This is when the Old Empire was apparently top dog. That's the ancient civilisation whose ruins you'll find scattered around Kenshi, so presumably we'll be taking a trip back to before the apocalypse.

It will use the same engine as the first game, though it's being upgraded for performance. The upgrade will benefit the original Kenshi, too, as it will be applied as a free update. Other features could also be shared across the games.

"Why keep the same engine? Because a completely new engine would break everything and take another million years to finish," says Hunt. "By sticking with the same code we are making the decision to prioritise gameplay instead of graphics. (Not to mention a much faster release date)."

What that release date will be is still a mystery. Probably sooner than 2030, though.

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