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Author Topic: SOW Waterloo Multiplayer Sunday 10/02/19 at 21:00 GMT  (Read 1931 times)

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Offline General Sandman

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SOW Waterloo Multiplayer Sunday 10/02/19 at 21:00 GMT
« on: February 06, 2019, 06:05:48 PM »

SOW Waterloo Multiplayer Sunday 10/02/19 at 21:00 GMT

Immersive, friendly session.

Played with full fog of war.

**                    Notes                      **
SOW Version: Waterloo 1.03
Largest command: Corps
Smallest command: Brigade
Mission Duration: 150 - 240 minutes; 180 min regulary
Minimum number players: 2
Date: Sunday 10/02/19
Time: 21:00 GMT
Time (local): Click here
Teamspeak  IP:  Please wait in lobby for access to other areas.
Room: Scourge Of War

Extra Notes:
•   TIME LIMIT: 01.30 a.m. GMT at the following day, if no different agreement has been made by the participants.
•   The room will be open at 20:30 GMT for preparation & mission setup
•   House rules: Click here
•   HITS system
•   Courier orders
•   Bare map. Full F.O.W.
•   No voice during game. (comms by courier only)

Mods required:
•   DOW Community Toolbar V8: This will be provided.
•   If an updated mod is required you will be sent a link via pm

Player Skill/Ability:
•   Must be proficient Using HITS
•   Have a good understanding of UI

You must apply in advance. For this rule is set for good reasons, not having signed up until 20.50 GMT latest, means you wont play. If you signed up, but cannot make it or arent sure you can make it in time, post it here! When signing up, you declare that you most probably will be able to participate and that you are ready to play at 21.00 GMT latest. If you re not sure that this applies, dont sign up. You still can inform, that you might come, but in any case, confirm until the given deadline.

21.00 GMT is the starting time for the MP game to be launched! It is NOT the time when we begin to meet pre battle. Make sure you appear 10 or at least 5 minutes before 21.00 GMT. Joining the host later, but in any case before 21.00 GMT latest is only tolerated. Keep in mind, that not letting wait your comrades is simply a matter of respect!

Mission discussion Click here

« Last Edit: February 07, 2019, 10:19:24 AM by General Sandman »
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“We were the ones who knew but did not understand, well informed but without insight, overloaded with factual data but poor in experience and wisdom. So we went, not stopped by ourselves."

Based on Roger Willemsen R.I.P.
