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Author Topic: Air Hauler 2  (Read 46578 times)

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Offline Asid

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Air Hauler 2
« on: May 24, 2017, 05:53:15 PM »

Air Hauler 2

  Air Hauler 2 puts you in complete control of your own freight & passenger company - take charge of operations both in the boardroom and in the cockpit

Official Site: Here
Official forum: Here for owners of AH2

Compatability: FSX, FSX: Steam Edition, Prepar3D



About This addon

A free-roaming squad based RPG. Focusing on open-ended sandbox gameplay features rather than a linear story. Be a trader, a thief, a rebel, a warlord, an adventurer, a farmer, a slave, or just food for the cannibals. Research new equipment and craft new gear. Purchase aAIR HAULER 2 IS INITIALLY BEING RELEASED AS AN 'EARLY ACCESS' VERSION.

Early Access means that Air Hauler 2 is not yet 100% complete, but is at an advanced stage of development, meaning that it can be released to all those Airhaulics who are keen to see what’s new and who would like to contribute to the final stages of its development.
There may be bugs, issues and missing or incomplete functionality in this Early Access version, which is being made available to users who would like to see how this new version is looking and provide their input, if they wish, to help the developer in adding new features and resolving issues.
The Virtual Airline feature, for example, ideally needs input from a larger group of users than a small beta testing team and will be implemented during the EA period.

Building on the immersive and addictive Air Hauler, Air Hauler 2 puts you in complete control of your own freight & passenger company - take charge of operations both in the boardroom and in the cockpit.
The limitless possibilities and flexibility of Air Hauler 2 will let you immerse yourself totally in every operational detail of your company - each crucial flight which will have an effect on the reputation and reach of your expanding empire.
The level of complexity is up to you - simply fly jobs between bases and buy or lease aircraft, or carve out a career in the air freight or airline industry by hiring AI pilots, trading shares on the stock market with real-world NYSE/FTSE/DAX prices, and even risking everything on loans to fill up your dream hangar.
Air Hauler 2 tracks all your financial activity, whether you're buying aircraft or air bases, fuel or repairs, or paying for landing fees or even loans and leases. Take out insurance if you think the part-time pilots you've hired might let you down when you can least afford it.
As the pilot charged with delivering the goods or passengers on time, you can decide to fly a job in multiple legs, or stop anywhere en route for refuelling or maintenance. Create your regular passenger routes, and look out for special humanitarian missions. Contend with real-world weather conditions if you want the extra challenge and keep a watchful eye on your fuel economy - the price of fuel in Air Hauler 2 can vary with the real-world price of aviation fuel for added realism!
The busy pilot will appreciate Air Hauler 2's flight briefings in the Flight Simulator kneeboard, and you can easily create a custom parking position anywhere on an airport and choose the airport gate for your departures.
Trade commodities for delivery on your cargo routes, and open manufacturing plants & factories at your bases to create parts for manufacture into more precious commodities.
If your management skills are needed in the boardroom, then recruit other pilots to fly jobs for you and keep track of them all with the AI pilot system. Detailed Map views showing all the airports in Flight Simulator will help you keep tabs on available jobs, the locations of your bases and fleet and also view the live locations of other online Air Hauler 2 pilots.
Air Hauler 2 puts you in charge every step of the way - from landings to leases, flight plans to finances, and repairs to recruitment.

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Offline Asid

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Re: Air Hauler 2
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2017, 05:56:22 PM »
v47 - Now available

Hi All,
The latest update to AH2, v47, is now available from your Just Flight orders page! There's quite a lot in this one, so here are the stand out features:

REMEMBER - when you install the new version it will first remove the previous version (leaving your company files intact). Then run the installer again to re-install - NOTE that if you've installed AH2 somewhere other than the default path that you check the installation path when running the installer for a 2nd time.

Aircraft are now subject to systems failures - the lower the aircraft condition, the higher the chance of a failure! These systems can be repaired from the usual Fleet -> Repair screen. Note that AI pilots will always repair inop systems before flying an aircraft so factor that into cargo/positioning flights!

Auto-pause is back and there's a new tab on the Flight Monitoring window which allows you to Save and continue a flight later, or to Auto-save the flight every X minutes. For now, the flight is saved into the <sim folder>\Flights directory and will be named CurrentAH2.flt. If your sim crashes, load this FLT flight back into the sim (browse to it, right click, open with and choose Flight Sim from the "Find another program), but leave AH2 running throughout - it should reconnect without issue when SimConnect is available. You can also use FSUIPC's autosave feature or similar. I will look to copy the flight file into the My Documents/Flight Simulator Files directory in the next update, but for now it's in <sim folder>\Flights (so it won't appear on the flight planner load in FS unless you browse to it).

In Options, there's the new Airport Management section. From here you can disable airports you don't want to use (note this is NOT designed so you can disable all airports except for just a couple and endlessly shuttle between them), and it also includes a Co-Location airport management screen - press Search, wait for the results (can take 10 mins or so), then you can choose which airport from a co-located set you want to keep with the checkboxes on the left or right side of the grid (the left side is always the larger airport), or simply select "Tick All" on one side. That should put an end to issues whereby you are at one airport but AH think's you're at another as they're located very close to each other.

There is a curated list of ICAOs for which you'll take no surface damage (think Orbx etc) - if you have an airport to add to the list, post the ICAO to the topic in General Discussion, and I'll add it. AH2 will get the list and add the airport next time it loads up and you can re-sync the list manually from there also.

The issue whereby fuel prices are very high at some airports should now be addressed - if not, let me know, along with the ICAO code for the airport, in the bug reports forum. I've also done some balancing on crew availability, longer cargo flights, and supply mission expiries (they work like ferry flights now in that they expire within 1-3 days but when you accept them, you get a new expiry date which will be 1-3 weeks - see the mission narrative for details of the delivery expiry).

I'll be looking at P3D v4 64-bit support once it has released on the 30th May - note that until I announce/update it, AH2 will not be compatible with the 64-bit P3Dv4 - more details once the SDK is released.

Aside from that, it's been quite a week in the UK this week with the terrible atrocity in Manchester. If you have kids, give them an extra hug and please do consider donating to the Manchester Evening News fund for those affected, or through any of the involved charities.

Full change/feature/bug fix list is:
•   Option sliders now save correctly and show correctly on restart
•   Fixed issue with flight planning from an interim location
•   You can now remove flight planning legs by right clicking on the leg in the left hand side list
•   Resolved an issue with date formatting and Italian versions of Windows which was crashing SimConnect
•   Aircraft names on map are now offset vertically, pilot name spacing adjusted
•   AI would fail to load a cargo to the same destination when doing multiple jobs
•   Fixed issue with missing start/end airfields for missions
•   Fixed an issue with jobs changing colour to the mission job colour en-masse
•   Starting bases are now restricted based on minimum runway required for the starting aircraft
•   Closing airport chooser on the new game wizard should let you select from the map still (rather than complaining and reopening)
•   Removed additional monitoring from the flight monitor (now that the Italian date issue is resolved)
•   Offloading JetA turned it into 100LL and wasn't added to existing stocks at a base fuel depot
•   Flight monitoring is now disabled if you're in the wrong aircraft
•   You can now add additional production items to factories
•   Factory is re-selected in the list after modifying
•   Fixed issue with insurance reducing repair costs multiple times
•   Fixed issue with pln files for airports with ampersands in the name
•   Use all fleet for job generation now enabled by default for new companies
•   Added warning if cancel out of co-pilot assignment for aircraft which need one during job assigning
•   Did some adjustment of fees for large cargo hauls
•   You can now transport Aircraft Parts in your own aircraft
•   AI pilots subject to runway length restrictions (required length will be shown if the destination is too short)
•   Fixed issue with pax sector sliders not being enabled when that seat class is available
•   You can now choose your currency symbol in options rather than use the Windows Regional Setting symbol
•   Move Fleet Aircraft to personal fleet is now possible - ONE WAY ONLY
•   Added the ability to ignore airports
•   Added a handy management screen for co-located airport management
•   Surface Damage is now ignored at specific airports - list is curated - Post airports on forums for inclusion as required
•   Added Distance to airports chooser when choosing a destination for positioning flights
•   Fixed issue with AI aircraft in the Sim having low cruise altitudes
•   Airport management list now refocuses on last entry
•   Buying out a leased aircraft will now populate the purchase cost in the DB so it can be sold subsequently
•   Company rep now affects rank of pilots generated for hire, the higher your rep, the more higher ranking pilots will appear in the marketplace
•   Multiple aircraft data editing is now possible - hold control/shift to multi select
•   Mission supply duration increased, after "accepting" they'll have longer expiration depending on quantity
•   Added Kg to fuel loading in Cargo loading screen
•   System Failures can now occur on aircraft - the lower the condition, the more likely they are to happen
•   Failed equipment/systems can now be repaired in the Fleet -> Repair section (Insurance can be used as normal)
•   AI pilots will always repair failures before flying
•   You cannot repair an aircraft which is currently being repaired by an AI pilot
•   #Manchester #westandtogether
•   Pilot status now shows systems being repaired as part of the task description
•   Resolved issue when loading fuel from Fuel Depot onto aircraft which was ignoring fuel capacity
•   AH should now handle an FS crash better and will attempt to reconnect - use FSUIPC or similar to auto-save, or load the AH2 FLT file from the FS/Flights directory
•   Added Auto-Pause feature on Flight Tracking
•   Added Auto-Save feature on Flight Tracking - saves to <sim folder>\Flights\CurrentAH2.FLT
•   Co-pilots are now awarded benefit for completing cargo jobs along with their Captain
•   Fixed issue with a malformed SQL query when choosing an AI pilot
•   AH will now bring Steam to the foreground when attempting to launch FSX:SE in non-networked mode

Anyways - enjoy, and let me know of any issues in the Bug Reports forum.

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Offline Asid

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Re: Air Hauler 2
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2017, 05:29:17 PM »
v50 - Now available!
Slopey Global Moderator

The latest update to AH2, v50, is now available from your Just Flight orders page! There's quite a lot in this one, so here are the stand out features:

REMEMBER - when you install the new version it will first remove the previous version (leaving your company files intact). Then run the installer again to re-install - NOTE that if you've installed AH2 somewhere other than the default path that you check the installation path when running the installer for a 2nd time.

This update resolves some issues with engines shutting down on AH connecting to the sim, issues with fuel still being loaded in network mode, and a conflict which was preventing generation of your fleet in the sim under certain circumstances.

When creating a new company you can now opt to cash in the starter aircraft for full credit during the New Game wizard.

NB: This update DOES NOT add P3D v4 support - I've heard reports that AH is working ok with P3D4, but I won't be able to test this myself until the weekend - if any updates are required (beyond adding P3D4 into the sim choice menu), I'll release a patch for that next week hopefully - until then - your mileage may vary with P3D4 (but I'd be interested to know if it's working meantime).

Patch notes are:
•   Type ratings sometimes started at 0N 0W rather than the correct airport
•   Progress bar added for Pilot progression to next rank in pilot details
•   Fixed issue with Fleet aircraft not being show in the Sim
•   Fixed issue with mixture being incorrectly set at SimConnect connection
•   Fixed error on flight planning when a positioning leg is required
•   Resolved issue with pax sector last flown times being reset on edit
•   Get down Shep!!! R.I.P John Noakes
•   Very hard landings now trigger system failures
•   Added company name to status bar
•   Fixed issue with first aircraft in new company reporting failures
•   You can now opt to sell the starter aircraft during the new company setup wizard for full value
•   Changed fuel loading slightly to ensure it can't possibly be populated in network mode
•   Fixed incorrect chart cache path

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Offline Asid

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Re: Air Hauler 2
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2017, 07:45:09 PM »
V51 - Now available - P3D4 Support
Slopey Global Moderator


Hi All,
V51 is now available! This update adds P3Dv4 compatibility, and also introduces Nomad Mode for the first time.

You can get it from your JF Orders page - remember and run it twice, once to uninstall, and again to re-install - your existing company information will not be removed. If you haven't installed to the default path please CHECK the path when re-installing - if your company doesn't appear after re-installing, that's likely what's happened and you've installed to the wrong location.

P3D4 support is now added - remember and install the XPACK SimConnect if you're running P3Dv4 for the first time with AH2.

The new Nomad mode is a hardcore play mode for AH2 - you're not allowed to own any bases, and can only pick up jobs and missions from airports you've already visited. If you wish, you can drop out of Nomad mode at any time, back to the more standard gameplay (with bases etc), however note that the switch is one way - once you've cancelled Nomad mode, you can't go back.

Other updates in this patch include the ability to associate your VA company with multiple AH company files - this will be balanced a little in the future (there'll likely be a minimum rank for your pilot before you can do this), but it's in for now for testing. The next patch will be largely VA focused and include the ability to purchase aircraft to the VA fleet and book them out, along with other improvements. Weekly Payroll and penalties will also be implemented (they've been disabled for now).

Patch notes for this version are:
o   Fixed issue with Waypoint distances in flight planning
o   Fixed issue with airports not shown during flight planning
o   Fixed issue when selecting a mission from the map via the route
o   P3D v4 support for new path added
o   Nomad mode is now implemented
o   Ability to Toggle off (one way) Nomad mode permanently in Options screen
o   VA: you can now associate the VA company to multiple AH companies
o   VA: Event log now cleared when leaving VA
o   Removed spurious change Date/time option in Pax sector context - use Sector Details instead
o   Required Runway distances reduced by 20%

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Offline Asid

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Re: Air Hauler 2
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2017, 06:17:12 PM »
V52 - Now available!!!
Slopey Global Moderator

V52 is now available!

You can get it from your JF Orders page - remember and run it twice, once to uninstall, and again to re-install - your existing company information will not be removed. If you haven't installed AH2 to the default path please CHECK the path when re-installing - if your company doesn't appear after re-installing, that's likely what's happened and you've installed to the wrong location.

This update is largely a hotfix for Nomad Mode which resolves an issue when purchasing aircraft, and also lets you change aircraft configuration.

An issue with fuel loading has also been resolved, and AH now loads fuel correctly into standard aircraft (continue to use network mode for A2A/PDMG aircraft or those aircraft with their own fuel/payload managers).

Change List is:
•   Fixed an issue with job generation when buying an aircraft in Nomad mode
•   Resolved a problem whereby AH was unable to load fuel into the center tank
•   Sorting order for numerical columns in the Aircraft Marketplace corrected
•   You can now change aircraft between pax/cargo config when in Nomad mode
•   You can now reconfigure seating in Nomad mode
•   Config/Seating changes now cost 1% of the aircraft purchase cost
•   You are no longer charged for seat changes if nothing has changed
•   Fixed an inconsistent fuel weight conversion on the Cargo Loading screen
•   Resolved VA company registration issue
•   Fixed aircraft picture anchoring on Fleet form

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Offline Asid

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Re: Air Hauler 2
« Reply #5 on: August 10, 2017, 07:35:45 PM »
v53 - Now available!

Hi All, V53 is now available!

You can get it from your JF Orders page - remember and run it twice, once to uninstall, and again to re-install - your existing company information will not be removed. If you haven't installed AH2 to the default path please CHECK the path when re-installing - if your company doesn't appear after re-installing, that's likely what's happened and you've installed to the wrong location.

This update includes Smuggling missions - they'll appear once your reputation with clients at airports is high enough. Keep below the required altitude (above ground level) at all times, and keep those lights off when you're flying those missions. You get 3 strikes, then you're busted! If you get busted, you fail the mission, and there's a chance your aircraft can be impounded! To release an impounded aircraft, you'll need to pay off the fine (20% of the hull value). Mission rewards for smuggling missions will be increased shortly to reflect the risk.

Also in this update are some fixes for Nomad mode so you can buy 2nd hand aircraft. You can now also alter the contents of the default FLT which AH2 generates via the Options page. Note that you can ONLY adjust sections which AH2 doesn't need - anything for location/aircraft/fuel/payload etc cannot be modified, entering values in there will produce undesired effects. You can change panel/camera positions and other sections however - do not use if you don't know what you're doing.

You can also now launch a company directly from the command line - remember to enclose company names in quotes if they contain a space, i.e.: c:>AirHauler2.exe "my company.db"

Full change log is:
•   You can now purchase used aircraft when in Nomad mode
•   After a flight, you'll be asked if you want to save the new fuel burn value
•   Boarding time - added units in Sector Details for clarity
•   Pax flight processing should now correctly use UTC time
•   Flights folder wasn't created if it doesn’t exist when saving the flight with the autosave
•   Trapped an error when getting the processor ID
•   You can now buy commodities when in Nomad mode
•   Aircraft over 90% condition now have a 2% chance of a failure occurring
•   Who's the leader of the club that's made for you and me?
•   Pax route utilisation now uses approximated local time rather than UTC
•   You can no longer fly unavailable aircraft incorrectly
•   Smuggling missions now appear at NPC reputations over 30%
•   Failing a smuggling mission results in a chance the aircraft will be impounded
•   Airport ICAO Exclusion list updated
•   You can now pay off a fine to return an impounded aircraft to service
•   You cannot close a base which has a factory while the factory remains open
•   You can now launch AH2 directly into a company by passing the company name as an argument (enclose in quotes)
•   You can now edit portions of the FLT file from options (not position/flight plan portions though)
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Offline Asid

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Re: Air Hauler 2
« Reply #6 on: September 29, 2017, 03:27:01 PM »
v54 - Now Available!!!
Slopey Global Moderator

Hi All, V54 is now available!

You can get it from your JF Orders page - remember and run it twice, once to uninstall, and again to re-install - your existing company information will not be removed. If you haven't installed AH2 to the default path please CHECK the path when re-installing - if your company doesn't appear after re-installing, that's likely what's happened and you've installed to the wrong location.

Humanitarian aid missions are now available - there are two currently, in Mexico City, and St Maarten. Both are for Emergency Housing Supplies which can be constructed at a factory. You won't get paid for delivering these goods, but you will receive a cargo rep boost for each load you deliver. It's not shown on this version (it's in the next patch), but the amounts you need to deliver are up to 50k lbs for Mexico city, and 30k for St Maarten. If you deliver a smaller amount, you'll get a proportionate amount of rep up to the maximum (around 3) for each delivery. This will need to undergo balancing at some point so don't be surprised if it changes. I'll also be adding more mission types such as evac etc (for Pax rep) in the very near future.

There have been some changes to VA functionality and the new VA Fleet code is almost ready to go. It'll be in the next patch once I have worked out a few late breaking issues which need in-depth testing. VA functionality should be back to normal for now, but as with the last week, expect some VA errors here and there while I cut in the final Fleet code.

Also in this version is the new "Office Designer" - the templates are stored in the new \Office directory in the AH2 program directory. You can create new ones via the office designer - import an image, then add click areas, and save the template as a zip file into that directory. You can choose which template to display from the Options form, and optionally show the click zones (and hide the description in the bottom right) as required - I'm looking forward to seeing what people come up with, and I'll run a little competition for the best one in the next month or so.

Full fix/update list is:
•   Smuggling missions - you are now allowed to use lights under 150ft AGL
•   Fixed an issue where "Add After/Add Before" if there are no pax sectors causes an error
•   Added ability to change fuel burn value in the fleet screen (for those who didn't want to update it and clicked Yes by mistake)
•   Added option not to ask to update fuel burn - disabled by default
•   Fixed an issue with large repair prices caused by a mismatch between the fleet aircraft and static aircraft records
•   Fixed issue with Exporting commodity stocks (Jobs map, commodity stocks, export stocks)
•   Prevented blank fields in the Aircraft Details form
•   Fixed issue with additional aircraft entries being added when updating fuel consumption figure
•   Enabled Humanitarian Missions - they will be added as events occur around the globe!
•   We come in peace!
•   Number of Humanitarian missions now shown in main menu item
•   Emergency Housing Supplies enabled as a commodity (factory construction only)
•   Emergency Medical supplies enabled as a commodity (factory construction only)
•   Emergency Food Supplies enabled as a commodity (factory construction only)
•   Pax added to ad-hoc fleet details page (not enabled in this build)
•   Fixed an issue with idle aircraft not being marked as such on startup
•   You can't open a base or factory at an airport which is experiencing a humanitarian crisis
•   Airports within 150NM of a humanitarian crisis will close their markets for the duration of the crisis
•   You cannot now transfer a VA owned aircraft to your personal fleet

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Offline Asid

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Re: Air Hauler 2
« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2017, 05:51:50 PM »
v55 - Now Available!
Slopey Global Moderator

Hi All,

V55 is now available!!
You can get it from your JF Orders page - remember and run it twice, once to uninstall, and again to re-install - your existing company information will not be removed. If you didn't install AH2 to the default path previously, please CHECK the path when re-installing - if your company doesn't appear after re-installing, that's likely what's happened and you've installed to the wrong location.

This patch adds more VA functionality - you can now purchase Aircraft for your fleet (can't sell them yet, but coming soon), and other VA members can book the aircraft out and fly it. NOTE That they MUST have the aircraft imported into AH2 themselves, i.e. if you have a Concorde from Bob's Whizzy Add-ons, anyone else in the VA need to have that same add-on installed, and added to AH2 before they can book it out. Owners can also return the aircraft (i.e. a forced book-in) back to the VA Fleet - doing so will prevent that aircraft being used by the person who last booked it out, and if they're in-flight, you won't get any credit for the jobs!

VA back-end processing is also now live. Cargo jobs which have expired by over 1 week will be automatically failed (usual -2 penalty), pax sectors which have not been flown in a week will result in a rep reduction (0.5 rep per sector). Also pilot salaries - weekly/monthly - will now be paid. The Weekly payroll will fire on Monday just after midnight, the monthly payroll fires on the 1st of the month, just after midnight. Base rentals will also need to be paid, again on a Monthly basis with a pro-rata if the base was opened during the month. The first base you create for your VA will continue to be free, but monthly rental will now apply.

NB - I am intending to have a Virtual Airline cleardown in about 2 weeks time. Please have a go with the VA Fleet functionality meantime, and if any problems arise I'll correct them as quickly as possible.

Changes/Fixes/New Stuff:
•   Cargo loading/Unloading now shows in the Aircraft status along with Pilot status
•   Added an "Ops" Click zone for office
•   Added a "Personal fleet" click zone for office
•   Fixed an issue deleting an aircraft which wasn't in the fleet
•   You can not now repair an aircraft which hasn't been delivered yet
•   Re-written Factory production to fix non-production issue
•   Very high fuel prices should now be reset on tartup
•   You can now buy commodities from an airport with an aircraft there, but no pilot
•   When dumping aircraft parts, they are now properly disposed of
•   Fixed issue with flight planning when removing a leg from the plan
•   AH2 will now warn when trying to repair an aircraft which doesn't exist in the Aircraft Management database (i.e. hasn't been re-imported or similar after moving machine/sim)
•   AI pilots can not be assigned to VA aircraft
•   Buying commodities from the Jobs Map screen now refreshes the Fleet details
•   VA Cargo now shows properly for VA Fleet aircraft
•   VA Cargo location tables no longer list zero entries
•   VA aircraft are marked with [VA] in the Fleet list for easier identification
•   Cargo Transfer enabled between aircraft at same airport
•   AH will now check for VA aircraft being removed (force book-in/return) at startup/before flying etc
•   VA item quantities are now shown on the Main menu
•   VA Pilot salaries (Weekly or Monthly) now enabled (Weekly is Monday 00:00 UTC, monthly is the 1st of the month 00:00 UTC)
•   VA Cargo job expiry is now handled on the back end server
•   VA Pax Routes are now processed weekly - failure to fly a sector results in -0.5 rep
•   VA Base rentals will now be charged monthly from 1st December 00:00 UTC
•   Virtual Airline screen is now split out into separate screens
•   Removed Stock market option for now until new back-end provider identified
•   You cannot open the new VA screens if you're not an owner/member of a VA
•   When forming a VA, the owner now has Buy/sell fleet permissions assigned by default
•   Fixed issue with VA events not being updated when closing pilot details if required
•   Your initial VA base is free to create, but you do have to pay monthly rental on it at the end of the next month.


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Offline Asid

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Re: Air Hauler 2
« Reply #8 on: February 06, 2018, 04:42:36 PM »
v56 - Now available - Please update asap!!
Slopey Global Moderator

Hi All,

v56 is now available - please update sooner rather than later, as the v55 version expires on the 31st!!! Apologies for the tight turnaround on this one, I was trying to squeeze in the VA functionality for applications etc, but after testing I've had to bump that to the next update (hopefully within 1 week), and this update is the non-VA related content for now.

You can get it from your JF downloads page as normal - uninstall AH2, install the new version - your company files will not be impacted - however ENSURE you install back to the same path if you've not been using the defaults.

NB - if you're getting an error when importing aircraft, please download again from the JF website - there's a hotfix which is now live on their site

There are a few new features in this release - first up, there's a new screen which shows all available jobs (a la AH 1). I'll be reviewing the use of this screen, and if people prefer it to the airport centric one, then the jobs map may be removed so cargo jobs are only shown on the Available Jobs screen. Accordingly, "Jobs Map" has now been renamed to "Overview Map" (which was the original name anyway), and remains the place to go for commodities/missions etc.

Also in this version is the ability to exclude specific aircraft from AI generation (due to a mixture setting issue in P3D4 simconnect), and you can also now individually choose which aircraft require networked mode and which do not - this is all configurable from the Aircraft Management screen -> Modify Aircraft Data, then set the "don't show in FS" and the "Requires Networked Mode" check boxes as necessary.

Full change log is:
•   fixed an error with Fly Now when no VA jobs selected
•   Fixed a typo on the message which appears when no VA is avialable
•   Fixed issue when buying Aircraft with a zero cost due to previous bug
•   Last activity at a base is now tracked, which affects job generation
•   Last activity date is now updated during rep award against location
•   AH now Sets last active date when taking a job/pax/mission etc…
•   The Touchdown Hero skill now also reduces the required runway length
•   Base inactivity over 31 days means less internal job generation to other bases
•   All Available Jobs screen added
•   You can now load cargo on/off an aircraft which is being repaired
•   AH will now create a few jobs at an airport in Nomad mode if there are zero available at startup
•   Fixed an issue whereby AH2 thought you were editing multiple aircraft incorrectly.
•   You can now set aircraft to NOT be generated by FS ATC with the "show fleet in FS" setting, from Aircraft Management (regardless of the option setting)
•   You can now set aircraft to require networked mode in Aircraft Management (regardless of the option setting)
•   Opening a new base requires a pilot at a location, rather than just an aircraft
•   Fixed issue with a loan installment being shown on the ledger as a payment when creating a new loan
•   You can no longer do a Type Rating on, or repair an aircraft, which is unavailable
•   Fixed issue whereby an aircraft in transit was incorrectly being listed as idle
•   Only Flights over 40NM count towards pilot experience, to prevent level griding at nearby airports
•   Fixed issue with fuel price being incorrectly displayed when fuel loaded from depot
•   Resolved issue where Buy fuel for depot was labelled wrongly if it's a base transaction
•   Fuel type is now shown on cargo loading screen
•   Cargo loading - added USG values for fuel loading
•   Offloading max fuel now doesn't show negative numbers
•   Resolved issue when opening the new All Jobs window along with the Overview Window
•   Removed un-necessary In/Out column from available jobs grid
•   Fixed issue with Transfer to VA from Available Jobs grid
•   Available Jobs button now shows number of jobs available after opening the window

There will be a further update as soon as possible (later this week or early next), to introduce the Virtual Airline functionality which needs a little bit more testing before I put it live.


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Re: Air Hauler 2
« Reply #9 on: February 06, 2018, 04:43:52 PM »
v57 - now available.
Slopey Global Moderator

Hi all,

Just a little update to v57. This fixes a few of the snags which came out of v56, and also takes account of some backend VA code changes for stuff which will release next week.

As usual - it's in the Your Orders section of the Just Flight website. Check the path when un-installing/re-installing please to ensure it's correct.

Changes are:
•   The accepted jobs grid and associated number now update instantly when assigning a job to an AI pilot from Available Jobs
•   Resolved an issue with aircraft importing
•   Fixed an issue with a DBNull error for dates associated with new bases
•   Fixed issue with fuel quantity being shown incorrecty when cargo loading
•   Back end changes for the new VA functionality next week


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Re: Air Hauler 2
« Reply #10 on: February 22, 2018, 12:55:14 PM »
v58 now available!
Slopey Global Moderator

Hi All,

AH2 update 58 is now available! You can get it from the JustFlight site as normal. Go to Your Account -> Your Orders, choose AirHauler 2 Early Access, and download the new installer.

Remember you need to run it twice - once to un-install, and again to re-install. NOTE: ENSURE YOU INSTALL TO WHERE YOU INSTALLED PREVIOUSLY IF NOT THE DEFAULT

If you can't find your company files after installing, that's a dead giveaway that you've installed it somewhere else by accident. The installer cannot remove company files, but if in doubt, backup your static.db from the AH2 folder, along with the Company folder prior to uninstall/re-installing.

This update fixes a few issues with the previous release, along with changes to the VA functionality.

VA Owners
If you're a VA Owner/admin, you can now access the "Advertising and Hiring" tab in the VA Company screen. If you tick the "Show in VA Hiring BBS" box, your company will appear in the new Hiring BBS screen in the VA menu. Note that the checkbox change happens immediately, so set your hiring text first, then check the box, and click "Save Advertising Description". The 2nd tab on that screen "Applications" will show you the status of any applications you've received from pilots wanting to join your VA. You can "Reject" or "Approve" applications from the buttons on the bottom right. Note you can't edit the Notes above that directly, but you'll be prompted to edit them when you change status. You can also right click on individual entries in the grid and change their status to "Under Review/Awaiting Info/On Hold", or you can choose to hide the entry.

If you mark an application as "Accepted", that will be fed back to the user, and they can then "Join" from their end. Once they have, the application will be marked as "Joined", and the user will be in your VA.

Pilots looking for a VA

Once an owner has advertised their VA, you can apply to join it! Go to the "Hiring BBS" in the Virtual Airline menu, and you'll be able to see a list of all the VA's currently "hiring". Read their description and review their aircraft types and bases to see if it's a good fit for you, then you can "Apply" using the button at the bottom. Your applicaitons will be shown in the "My Applications" tab. Check back on this screen regularly (press refresh if need be), to see if your application has been rejected or accepted, or any comments/status - if it is accepted you can then "Join" the VA with a button which will be shown under your application text.

This is the first pass of the Hiring functionality, and I'll expand it as necessary as we go along - I'll be adding an image/logo to the Hiring BBS for each VA shortly, and if anyone has any feedback on what other features they'd like to see around VAs and members, that'd be welcome.

Next on the list for VA functionality is some form of rudimentary messaging system/message board, and also the ability to send an ACARS message to a flying pilot from the VA Radar screen.

Other fixes/changes/items in this release are:

•   Fixed Estimated range on Cargo Loading screen at initial load
•   Avail Jobs now stays on the last selected job after a refresh
•   Added "Ramp Weight" to Cargo loading page
•   VFR flight plan should now push through to FS properly
•   You can now multiple select to accept jobs on the Available Jobs and Overview Cargo Jobs lists
•   The Available Jobs page now remembers the map filter settings
•   Fixed an issue with Show Airports not being set on Overview Map
•   Fixed DbNull issue with base items
•   AI pilots landing at a base should now reset the base last visited date
•   Fixed an issue whereby you were unable to purchase aircraft for VA
•   Added NPC reputation to Available Mission grid
•   Added Aircraft registry to commod buy/sell stock location drop downs for ease of identification for the correct aircraft
•   Fixed issue with the fuel pricing adjustment for very high pricing values
•   Fixed issue with number conversion involving currencies
•   Of course I still love you - get well soon!
•   Fixed issue when changing seat configuration from "Custom"
•   Added VA pilot "Cargo Value" which shows the notional value of cargo they have delivered (not actual, in case the job is ultimately failed)
•   AH no longer downloads charts for the flight breifing if the option to use JA charts is not set in options
•   AH now shows a progress message when loading charts
•   Added Current fuel % to the cargo loading screen
•   "Transfer to VA" button on the All Jobs screen now works
•   Transfer to VA button now appears on Accepted Jobs screen
•   VA job numbers in Main Menu now updates when job assigned to VA
•   Fixed VA Jobs were not not being drawn on the VA Jobs map
•   Clicking on the List box of pilots should center the map on that pilot in the VA Main form Radar
•   Added VA "Advertising" and Pilot Application functionality - see release notes for details

Comments/Feedback/Rage etc in the appropriate forums please :) Keep VA hiring stuff in the VA forums please, unless it's a bug in which case post in the.... bug forums. When posting bugs ENSURE you post as much info as possible, i.e. Sim, Aircraft, Location, what you were doing at the time, and the error details from the "Details" button on the error report - the generic error message without those details doesn't tell me enough usually.


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Re: Air Hauler 2
« Reply #11 on: April 09, 2018, 06:21:50 PM »
Patch v60 - You can get it from here meantime until JF upload it.
Slopey Global Moderator

Hi All,
As you've noticed, v59 has expired. Apologies for the downtime. However you can download this file below, extract ALL the contents to the AH2 program directory, overwriting what was there previously, and that'll update you to v60. The new version installer from JF will be along shortly.

The file is available here:

Extract ALL the files and COPY THEM into the AH2 program directory (By default that's C:\Program Files (x86)\JustFlight\AirHauler2 but it might vary if you've installed it elsewhere). Then launch it. The first time it launches you might have to maximise it (which is an offshoot of the new window position saving stuff), otherwise it might be a funny size.

DO NOT RUN THE AirHauler2.exe on its own in a different directory (extract and then copy in - it's NOT an installer, it's just a replacement for the existing file), or you'll get a Window Declaration error.

Full change list is:
•   Buying commodities from the base screen now takes the cargo capacity of the aircraft into consideration
•   Fixed the opening cost/monthly rental column sort order when opening a new base
•   AH will now not attempt to download airport charts if it sees that the machine is offline
•   Fixed issue with offloading cargo when the cargo job no longer exists
•   Fixed issue with Aircraft Schedule when single pax flight booked on a Sunday
•   Removed the combo from the Buy/Sell from Base dialog
•   Fixed a small issue with the pax satisfaction display while in flight
•   Add required fuel/cargo amounts to Network mode dialog
•   VA aircraft now charge landing fees to the VA
•   VA aircraft now charge fuel to the VA
•   Fleet Pax Config cancel message changed
•   Changed Fleet Config dialog title
•   Companies need >30 overall reputation before NPCs are available at airports
•   For Airports which are bases, there should always be at least one NPC Mission giver available
•   You can now dump VA cargo and it won't reappear on the aircraft, however this will result in failling the job (as you won't be able to deliver the full amount)
•   Modified loading routines to increase speed - some tasks are now background processes if not critical
•   AH should now restore to the previous screen location/size on the subsequent launch
•   Added ability to upload picture to the VA Advert
•   Added a basic Web based Chat Room (refreshes every 10/15 seconds) to the VA section

Again, apologies for the downtime, and hopefully this will get you all hauling again :)


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Re: Air Hauler 2
« Reply #12 on: April 09, 2018, 06:23:11 PM »
v61 now available!
Slopey Global Moderator

v61 is now available from "Your Orders" on the JustFlight website as normal. Uninstall/Reinstall, and if you are concerned about the uninstall procedure backup your Company folder and static.db first. Note that if AH fails to find your company on restarting this is almost certainly because you've installed it to a different path than previously.

v61 includes a Mission/NPC reset due to a long standing bug which was causing major performance issues (and thousands of NPCs at every airport!).

Change list for this version is:
•   You cannot change the config of a VA aircraft from the Company Fleet screen
•   You can no longer sell VA aircraft from the fleet screen (which didn't work properly anyway). Book it in and sell from the VA fleet instead.
•   Fixed an issue when loading VA aircraft with the same cargo type for different jobs
•   Added a timeout to the version check, just in case.
•   VA hiring BBS is now ordered by Logo, Alpha
•   VA image logos must be no larger than 350x200 and 100Kb
•   Fixed an issue which caused NPC mission givers to continually generate, hammering loading times - required NPC cleardown
•   You can now dismantle a construction facility (25% of opening cost returned)
•   Placeholder VA Hiring BBS image added
•   Fixed an issue with missing data in custom airport entries


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Re: Air Hauler 2
« Reply #13 on: May 04, 2018, 07:11:39 PM »
v62 - Now Available!
Slopey Global Moderator

Greetings Programs!!!
The latest AH2 update (v62) is now available from "Your Orders" on the JustFlight website. Run it once to uninstall, then again to re-install - PAY SPECIAL ATTENTION to where you re-install it if you have not installed it to the default program files directory - if all your companies vanish, it's always because you've installed it to the wrong place.

Headline items in this version are - you should now see your AI pilots moving about in the various map screens. I've also finally fixed support for non-EN/US number format - so if you're not from the UK/US, and you've had to set your regional settings to EN/US to use AH, you should now be able to set them back to your native format and it should work - note that you may find the odd issue, but please report it in the bug forum and I'll clear them up as I go.

I've also fixed the issue with inflated fuel prices - if AH finds any, it will rescan the scenery database to pull them back into line when it starts. This may take a couple of minutes, but once it's done, it's done and you should be good going forward.

Also fixed is the root cause of some of the graphics errors so with any luck it'll be far more stable when drawing map routes even for larger companies.

Full Change list is:
•   Cosmetic tidyup on VA Pax Route add form
•   Added more logging entries to the Passenger Satisfaction report
•   Fixed issue with 20k loans always being available
•   AI aircraft on cargo/pax jobs now show on the maps in their current position
•   Cargo Job upload - convert to UTC when pushing to VA
•   Resolved most of the issues surrounding non EN/US number formatting
•   Resolved issue with AI job completion after number formatting changes
•   The aircraft radar/map icons now show the correct heading rather than just set cardinal points
•   Seating changes are not charged if the seating has not actually changed
•   Changed the seating config when purchasing an aircraft to the "normal" one
•   RIP Chicken Tikka - off to the great hen house in the sky :(
•   Adjusted maintenance hours reporting after a Simulator flight for Pax flights
•   Synchronised in-flight AI map updates across pages
•   Added processing date to Passenger Flights progress ticker on startup
•   Fixed long standing bug which was causing odd fuel prices at some airports - resolved on loading company now
•   Resolved issue with great circle path generation for co-located airports which was causing a graphics crash


UPDATE: there is an issue with buying commodities, and also accessing the airport management settings in v62 - a hotfix to address those is here: Just unzip and copy the AirHauler2.exe into the AH2 program folder replacing the existing one. I'll patch this out next week, but as it's a Bank Holiday in the UK, that won't be until Wednesday at the earliest.

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Re: Air Hauler 2
« Reply #14 on: May 15, 2018, 08:30:15 PM »
v63 now available!

Hi All,

v63 is now available. This includes the two v62 hotfixes which were released last week and a few other changes. Note there was a bug in the new version check, so you won't receive a notification from inside AH that a new version is available unfortunately, but that is fixed in this version so shouldn't be a problem going forward.

As always, download from Your Orders in your JF Account page, and run twice, once to un-install, then again to re-install - pay particular attention to the install path if you haven't installed AH2 to the default folder.

Fixes/updates in this version are:
•   Fixed an error when opening the Airport Management section
•   "F" error when selecting a route on the map page
•   Added in-flight AI aircraft to Base map
•   Clicking on an aircraft icon in the fleet screen focuses the grid to that aircraft
•   Fixed issue preventing sales of commodities from the Overview Screen
•   Commodity stock at an airport now includes aircraft with stock on-board
•   Fixed issue preventing supply of goods to a Supply mission directly from an aircraft
•   Fixed issue when transferring commodities to a factory which already had some of that commodity in stock
•   Fixed issue with stock levels in the Overview Map -> Commodity stock list being incorrect
•   Fixed issue with the new version notification not firing


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