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Author Topic: Kenshi  (Read 58941 times)

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kenshi
« Reply #30 on: May 17, 2018, 06:03:10 PM »
Update 0.98.27 Out Now
Kenshi - Koomatzu

Update 0.98.27 is out now! This is on the main stable branch. Please report any bugs, gameplay or balancing feedback etc to either the Steam or Lo-Fi forums. Thank you[/u]

•   German language is now in game! Translation is mostly complete but there may be brand new dialogue that still needs translating.
•   Crossbow damage increased by around 20%Crossbows now affected by the global combat damage multiplier
•   Crossbow global damage multipliers added to FCS
•   When you select a character who is being carried by another player character, you will give orders to the carrier instead
•   Shop guards don't track your position when they can't see or hear you, they go by your last known position
•   Fixed a freeze when you press CONFIRM in the character editor that increases in size based on how long you spent on your character, if blood was enabled
•   Severed limbs on the ground disappear after 24 hours
•   Fixed ally campaigns, where allied factions came to support you against a common enemy campaign but left too soon
•   Fixed the import with "NPC states" causing previously encountered living NPCs to be missing (requires re-import to fix)

•   Added a target distance influence to the "protect allies" AI
•   Police no longer take your weapons when you are arrested (unless they were stolen)
•   Police only confiscate stolen items if they are recently stolen, and not stolen from a bandit
•   Fixed another AI problem where escaped slaves and prisoners could be "magically" spotted by police
•   Fixed hostile campaigns not looting food
•   Fixed AI stealing building materials from towns
•   Fixed player AI not auto-using beds
•   Fixed player idle AI all trying to sit in the same chair
•   Fixed player characters trying to sleep in NPC beds
•   Fixed characters attacking police when released from prison if in HOLD mode
•   Fixed items disappearing from animal inventory if right clicked when your inventory is full
•   Fixed characters not attacking when ordered
•   Fixed another termites bug
•   Character sleeping position not affected by character height
•   Fixed shackles display bug on single robot legs
•   Fixed crossbow range, dodge, and hunger rate tooltips
•   Stopped animals patrolling towns from going indoors

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Re: Kenshi
« Reply #31 on: June 13, 2018, 02:01:24 PM »
Update 0.98.31 Out Now
Kenshi - Koomatzu
12th June:

Update 0.98.31 is out now, with Spanish and Russian languages now updated! This is on the main stable branch.

Please report any bugs, gameplay or balancing feedback etc to either the Steam or Lo-Fi forums. Thank you



•   You can now select a carried character and use the context menu to "Put down" on the portrait, instead of having to hunt down which of your characters was carrying them
•   Fixed bug with armour crafting material costs being too low
•   Made the pack bull less slow
•   Your stealing chance will now be tested against the nearest victim on the same floor, which will fix some situations where you got a too-easy steal chance because an npc was directly above you
•   Fixed the carry animation when running at high speeds
•   Tweaked model for the short cleaver
•   Fixed attack selection distance bugs for scaled up animals like the megaraptor
•   Boots are now dropped when both legs are lost
•   Boots are now refreshed when attaching robot limb if wearing one boot
•   Splint kits now disappear when used up
•   2 crash fixes
•   Fencing an item now also factors in if the victim was from the same town, not just the same faction


•   Russian language added and updated
Bug fixes
•   Re-added Toppers (weapon and blueprint) to the game, though they are rare
•   Added toughness as a bonus stat for Hivers, to compensate for low HP and reflect their spindly downtrodden insecty natures.
•   Sped up crop harvest speeds a bit
•   UC farm shops now sell a more global selection of crops
•   Reduced encumbrance and injury dodge penalties so martial artists don't become sitting ducks
•   Fixed the base translation gamedata.pot being in french
•   Fixed slavers unable to tag you as an obedient slave when in stealth mode
•   Fixed slavers and police destroying your items when trying to store them
•   A fix with the NPC AI getting confused when healing you when you have a robot limb
•   NPC captors can now heal robots
•   Importing a game no longer resets the "Day"
•   Fixed martial arts skill in the main GUI displaying the base stat instead of the derived
•   Fixed Seto not joining you when you give the bugmaster to the shek
•   Fixed player HOLD AI so that when you give a specific attack order they move forward to reach the target
•   Fixed farmer skill calculation on crop yield display
•   Fixed some more termite issues
•   Fixed some wall AI bugs
•   Fixed a bug/exploit where you could get stealth XP in your own buildings
•   Fixed another AI running off miles away to attack someone bug
•   Fixed thievery checks being skipped if wearing full backpack
•   Fixed characters playing dead skipping thief dialog event
•   Missing directx dependencies error caught with more relevant message



•   Crossbow crafting playtested and fine tuned
•   Moved crossbow parts and spring stell crafting to the arrow bench
•   Fixed more the AI for crossbow crafting
•   Fixed the predicted quality GUI for crossbow crafting
•   Fixed crossbow crafting using wrong ingredients and wrong rates
•   Added some acid resistance to the chain hoods
•   Fixed mouseover in character stats panel
•   Fixed characters teleporting to different floors when exiting beds and cages
•   Player cage default action is no longer PICK_LOCK


•   Spanish translation updated (65% complete)
Bug Fixes
•   Tuned some of the stat penalties, ranged stats should get less severe penalties for injuries and hunger, friendly fire should be less of a problem
•   Added a crossbow storage locker
•   Fixed an AI bug with engineers collecting resources from the ground
•   Fixed the "forage animals" AI job
•   Fixed the AI bug with the crossbow parts storage box
•   Rebalanced ore mines (drill was slower than the manual rocks)
•   Fixed characters dropping their carried allies/prisoners to go and have a sit down
•   Characters in offscreen update mode stop and switch modes at screen edges (fixes suddenly appearing onscreen, which looks like teleporting/spawning)
•   Fixed patrolling characters going into some buildings when they shouldn't
•   A few rare pathing fixes
•   A rare crash fix
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Re: Kenshi
« Reply #32 on: June 17, 2018, 10:50:14 PM »
Update 0.98.32 Out Now (Experimental)
13 June - Koomatzu

Update 0.98.32 is out now on Experimental branch! 0.98.31 remains on the main stable branch. To opt in to the experimental version, right-click on Kenshi in your Steam games list -> properties -> betas tab -> then choose “experimental”. If opting in, please be aware of bugs, instability and unfinished content – for the best experience we recommend waiting for stable release... Please report any bugs, gameplay or balancing feedback etc to either the Steam or Lo-Fi[] forums. Thank you

•   Added a pause button to incomplete buildings so that you can put them on hold and your engineers will build other stuff instead
•   Player characters can now automatically throw KO intruders out of the base (check AI options)
•   Fixed campaigns going to empty bases, and they could get confused if you had 2 bases in the same active area and one was empty. They can now redirect too.
•   Fixed AI bug relating to distance with the turret jobs
•   Turret gunners should feed themselves properly now
•   Stopped characters with the "rescue" job from rescuing dead allies and putting them in beds
•   Fixed the Yabuta bandits existing in the desert before you have freed Yabuta (requires import)
•   Fixed a medic AI bug (usually with slavers)
•   "Ditching resources" task now includes raw meat
•   Fixed a thievery XP exploit

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Re: Kenshi
« Reply #33 on: June 26, 2018, 07:30:24 PM »
Update 0.98.34 Out Now
Kenshi - Koomatzu

Update 0.98.34 is out now! This is on the main stable branch.

Please report any bugs, gameplay or balancing feedback etc to either the Steam or Lo-Fi forums. Thank you

•   Re-Jiggered the map item system. Maps are now more useful, they will always unlock different locations to the ones you already know. There are now better maps in the shops that can specifially show you where to potentially find Ancient Science books or Engineering Research or whatever you are looking for.
•   It's now possible to lose your pursuers properly. Before, when you were caught stealing or sneaking they would track you artificially wherever you ran. Now they will only be able to remember where they saw you last, plus a bit of extra projection (he went thataway), then they lose the trail.
•   Changed the auto eject intruders AI to a normal job assigned from the context menu
•   Fixed auto eject job from forcing walk mode
•   Added an auto eject job for throwing out of buildings, if you have a building in another factions town
•   AI no longer shoots at crawling characters with turrets. This way when bandits take over your base and pile your guys outside the gate you can crawl away without getting shot by the turrets
•   Changed medical state for robots from "Unconscious" to "Rebooting"
•   Some AI improvements to the occupy town behaviors. Bandits often thought they had occupied a town prematurely.
•   If your town has been occupied by bandits it no longer deters hostile campaign events. It still deters non-hostile ones, like traders and taxmen, so you don't get in trouble when the bandits don't pay your taxes
•   Crawling characters will now get up (if they can) when they are under attack
•   Medical tooltips now show the point at which you will die, useful when you have a worn-out robot character and don't know what his HP is
•   Rain collector no longer works in acid rain
•   Research and crafting queues are now re-orderable with drag and drop
•   Fixed the hydroponic farms just giving 1 item per plant, instead of 2 or 3
•   Stopped being able to snap buildings to structures you don't own
•   Another medic/robotics AI fix
•   Slightly improved turret snap node selection
•   Fixed bodyguard squad map markers becoming the wrong colour when platoon unloaded
   Additional logging in game launcher for debug purposes
•   More fixes to the campaign AI, fixed premature retreats and cancellations when changing target
•   Fixed that bug where you would randomly see corrupted geometry flash up on the screen
•   Cannibals should now heal their captives if carrying them on a long journey
•   Fixed Luquin
•   Fixed Rebirth guards not catching escaping slaves
•   Fixed a crash with a certain map item
•   Fixed some escaped slave NPCs still getting tagged as escaped prisoners

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Re: Kenshi
« Reply #34 on: June 26, 2018, 07:31:31 PM »
Update 0.98.35 Out Now (Experimental)
Kenshi - Koomatzu

Update 0.98.35 is out now on Experimental branch! 0.98.34 remains on the main stable branch. To opt in to the experimental version, right-click on Kenshi in your Steam games list -> properties -> betas tab -> then choose “experimental”. If opting in, please be aware of bugs, instability and unfinished content – for the best experience we recommend waiting for stable release… Please report any bugs, gameplay or balancing feedback etc to either the Steam or Lo-Fi forums. Thank you

•   The extra stun damage % in armour also now applies to pierce damage. Means that heavy armour guys still get a little stun damage from crossbows
•   Fixed non bandits and cannibals not detecting prison escapes
•   Stopped blood drips under water
•   Fix for engineer job conflicts with resource ditching
•   Fixed a few more bugs that could break AI campaigns
•   Engineer job now ignores jobs that are outside of closed gates
•   Increased stat-penalty light levels tolerance, so it doesn't have to be so bright
•   Fixed illegal goods fencing tooltip
•   Added extra checks to prevent animals spawning in nests on top of player
•   Fixed some characters not floating in water when unconcious
•   Fixed police not healing prisoners
•   Fixed prison sentence time tooltip
•   Fixed character position when exiting cages

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Re: Kenshi
« Reply #35 on: July 19, 2018, 04:27:57 PM »
0.98.38 Out Now!
Kenshi - Koomatzu

Update 0.98.38 is out now! This is on the main stable branch.

Please report any bugs, gameplay or balancing feedback etc to either the Steam or Lo-Fi forums. Thank you

•   Town overrides and roaming squads for world states. Added the Holy Nation, United Cities and Traders Guild. This means that the world now reacts to your actions i.e. if you take down certain leaders or capture powerful bounties. You can talk to allied faction leaders for hints on how to destroy enemy factions (so far that's Moll/ Esata/ Simion)
•   Blood splat size is now based on damage
•   You can now pickup allied npcs to help injured slaves escape
•   Added different blueprint item colors for different types of item
•   Selected player characters can have different map marker colour
•   Some fixes to popup menu on carried characters
•   Map item crash fix
•   A bunch of character movement fixes
•   Fixed unselectable spotlights mounted on Gate III
•   Fixed campaigns never leaving on victory
•   Fixed unlock sound continually triggering
•   Fixed crash dragging last research item when research completes

•   My mistake, the town override and world reaction stuff wasn't included in the last update, it's in there now
•   AI Campaign leader should now wait for the rest of his forces to catch up before attacking the target town
•   Fix for cannibals not healing random prisoners because they were planning to eat them but not for a long time.
•   Fix for campaign AI when the target town vanishes
•   Fixed the missing animation when running in stealth mode while carrying someone
•   Fixed items thinking they were indoors if dropped on a building's ramp
•   Dialogue crowd trigger doesn't affect people already saying something (endless loop fix)
•   Fixed a bug with UTF-8 squad names
•   Fixed player town handle and coverage data not being saved, which should fix a bunch of small bugs, including one of the "walking through walls" issues
•   A couple of stability fixes
•   Oh man, the town override world reaction stuff wasn't in that last update either, cus I forgot I had it disabled in release mode. It's in the game for sure now though, for sure.
   o   Town overrides and roaming squads for world states. Added the Holy Nation, United Cities and Traders Guild. This means that the world now reacts to your actions i.e. if you take down certain leaders or capture powerful bounties. You can talk to allied faction leaders for hints on how to destroy enemy factions (so far that's Moll/ Esata/ Simion)
•   Arrange buttons added to more containers
•   AI fix when a player outpost is too close to a town

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kenshi
« Reply #36 on: July 26, 2018, 02:55:17 PM »
Update 0.98.39 Out Now (Experimental)
Kenshi - Koomatzu

Update 0.98.39 is out now on the Experimental branch! 0.98.38 remains on the main stable branch.

To opt in to the experimental version, right-click on Kenshi in your Steam games list -> properties -> betas tab -> then choose “experimental”. If opting in, please be aware of bugs, instability and unfinished content – for the best experience we recommend waiting for stable release… Please report any bugs, gameplay or balancing feedback etc to either the Steam or Lo-Fi forums. Thank you

•   New savegame system, saving should now be much faster, especially on non-SSD type drives
•   Slaver cage warden now puts dead slaves in the disposal instead of just carrying them around forever
•   Slavers notice if you try stealing slaves by carrying them away
•   Stopped slavers stealing from player cages
•   Fixed a case where robot limbs didn't get healed if you didn't have a medkit
•   Fixed a case where you would be paralysed if someone released you from a prisoner pole
•   Stopped being able to place buildings that create towns in ruins
•   Added some internal data tracking stuff to help hunt down one particular random crash we are getting

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kenshi
« Reply #37 on: August 02, 2018, 12:04:07 AM »
0.98.45 Changelog

-Finished adding robot limb crafting. It's expensive though, you'll need a lot of AI cores for anything above Economy Limbs
-Though Crash X's plague continues, more in depth we have gone with the debug data, hunting, ever hunting, each day closer to our prey.
-Fixed a blank building interior bug
-Fixed a possible squad disappearance bug
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Re: Kenshi
« Reply #38 on: August 03, 2018, 01:35:31 PM »
Update 0.98.46 Out Now (Experimental)
Kenshi - Koomatzu

Update 0.98.46 is out now on the Experimental branch! 0.98.38 remains on the main stable branch.

To opt in to the experimental version, right-click on Kenshi in your Steam games list -> properties -> betas tab -> then choose “experimental”. If opting in, please be aware of bugs, instability and unfinished content – for the best experience we recommend waiting for stable release… Please report any bugs, gameplay or balancing feedback etc to either the Steam or Lo-Fi forums. Thank you

•   Hotfix for the autosave loop issue

•   Added a new option to control town assault frequency. Not the events, but the bandits passing by who try to conquer your town. Realised the old option wasn't working properly.
•   It can also be disabled completely. It defaults to [Normal]. For reference, the raid frequency before now was the one named [High], so the default should now be a little calmer. [Bombardment] has no limits whatsoever, so anything could happen.
•   Improved some of the audio ambience for the buildings
•   Fixed a saving bug
WEAPON REBALANCE - All this rebalancing has not been heavily tested yet, so I appreciate feedback.
•   Katana types now have a penalty to armour penetration, to compensate for their superior speed and lightness
•   Katanas have a 10% damage bonus vs humans, but a 50% penalty against robots
•   Hacker types have a bonus to armour penetration, because that's what they're all about.
•   Polearms do more damage
ARMOUR REBALANCE - The idea was to mix things up a little so instead of some armours being better or worse it's now more balanced, the stronger ones have more weaknesses, and the weaker ones have more strengths.
•   Heavy armours now have slightly reduced coverage. No heavy plate armour can have 100% coverage on a bodypart, to reflect the gaps in the plates.
•   Heavy and plate armour now pretty much makes stealth skills impossible, and give a penalty to crossbow skills due to being more cumbersome
•   Chainmail now slows your combat speed slightly, and is a little worse for stealth, the blackened mail is no longer ridiculously better than the others
•   Medium and light armours now have less cut-converted-into-stun damage penalty, especially the coats and leather shirts
•   Plated Rags are now better for stealth
•   Lots of other stat tweaks and changes that you will have to find on your own.

•   Finally finished distributing all the Cross grade weapons in the world. Most of it's in the new map area, but a couple have been moved around in the current zone.
•   Fixed that random crash that has been plaguing us for ages
•   Fixed old squads suddenly appearing from nowhere or duplicating on imports

•   Hotfix for a new, different crash

•   Mini patch to add some more debug data, for it seems the random crash still plagues us after all. I shall call it: Crash X

•   Finished adding robot limb crafting. It's expensive though, you'll need a lot of AI cores for anything above Economy Limbs
•   Though Crash X's plague continues, more in depth we have gone with the debug data, hunting, ever hunting, each day closer to our prey.
•   Fixed a blank building interior bug
•   Fixed a possible squad disappearance bug

•   "Passive" button added back in, to keep certain characters out of trouble
•   Fixed slavers attacking you for kidnapping their slave a split second after buying the slave off you
•   Fixed enemies sometimes rescuing their leader and putting him in your bed because it's nearest and they don't think you're enemies anymore, and then repeatedly picking him back up again once he's in bed because he looks like he needs rescuing again.
•   Fixed bar beds being unusable
•   You know when a machine crafting an item would be at 99% progress just as it ran out of materials? That shouldn't happen anymore.
•   We fixed Crash X, but such creatures are crafty and cannot be trusted, so we have yet to celebrate by painting ourselves in it's blood.

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Re: Kenshi
« Reply #39 on: August 14, 2018, 09:51:42 PM »
Update 0.98.49 Out Now
Kenshi - Koomatzu

Update 0.98.49 is out now on the Experimental branch! 0.98.48 is out on the main stable branch.

To opt in to the experimental version, right-click on Kenshi in your Steam games list -> properties -> betas tab -> then choose “experimental”. If opting in, please be aware of bugs, instability and unfinished content – for the best experience we recommend waiting for stable release… Please report any bugs, gameplay or balancing feedback etc to either the Steam or Lo-Fi forums.

0.98.49 (Experimental Opt-In)
•   Reduced the number of fog princes in the fog islands
•   Added some undertakers to Mongrel, to help clear up all the bodies
•   Fixed character editor starting race limits
•   Fixed unique characters being duplicated if recruited and you import in their starting town
•   Fixed a couple of crashes
•   Wrote a few more Beep events

0.98.48 (Main Stable Branch)
•   Added more content for town overrides and faction world states
•   Fixed cannibal/fogmen not kidnapping people if far from town
•   Player owned buildings in towns no longer get erased when a town gets destroyed due to world reaction events
•   Slightly increased the global number of science artifacts to compensate for them spreading out to the new un-released zone
•   Added race limits to certain game starts (eg holy nation start has to be a human), added a few more basic game start-off options
•   Fixed NPCs using the players cages for prisoner storage/collection again.
•   Fixed world apocalypse if you made it to 6:04am on day 3495
•   Fixed looting dead pack animals from caravans not counting as theft
•   Fixed slavers duplicating slave rags when equipping new slaves, resulting in piles of slave clothes everywhere
•   Slavers don't get so carried away attacking bad slaves that have already been re-captured
•   Fixed some foliage rocks sometimes having incorrect dust colour
•   Fixed negative medic stats never increasing
•   Fixed dialog crowd trigger bug that messed up the Esata event
•   Fixed player towns becoming undiscovered when loaded after imports
•   Fixed a couple small crashes

0.98.47 (Main Branch)
•   Fixed mounted buildings (turrtets and lights) having incorrect town on import
•   Fixed HOLD button not disabling hold mode
•   Fixed an AI glitch with the auto-sit if the target chair was un-built and clashed with ditch resources
•   Fixed dead bodies disappearing when being carried
•   Fixed a crash

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Re: Kenshi
« Reply #40 on: August 16, 2018, 07:41:58 PM »
Blog #25: Kenshi At Tokyo Game Show
Kenshi - Koomatzu

We’re excited to announce that we're going to Tokyo Game Show next month! The show will take place on 20 Sep 2018 – 23 Sep 2018 at Makuhari Messe. Come say hi if you’re at the show - Chris, Nat and Sam will all be manning the booth / playing games! Plus, we’re giving away 30 TGS day tickets on Twitter this week, make sure to try and grab one if you can get to Tokyo...
World states

We’ve been pretty vague with details on the world states and town overrides we’ve released over the last month or so, so here’s a brief summary on how it works and what we’ve added so far.

As of update 0.98.48 you can now affect the spawns and town states of:
•   The Holy Nation
•   Shek Kingdom
•   Swampers
•   Slave Traders/Traders Guild
•   United Cities
•   Smaller factions such as Flotsam, Rebel Farmers, Kral’s Chosen, Band Of Bones, Manhunters

How does this work?

Smaller factions are pretty simple: take out their leader (Moll of Flotsam, for example) and the rest of the faction will fall into disarray. Wandering squads from that faction will lessen or disappear entirely, and their hometown will likely become destroyed or even taken over by another faction. It may even cause a knock on effect and spawn a new type of squad.

Larger factions can be a little more complex - taking out their main leader (Tengu, for example) alone won’t necessarily change every town and individual squad of that faction. You’ll likely have to find and destroy the bosses of individual towns or other strategic outposts to have an effect. Your actions might have ripple effects rather than simply effecting that boss' hometown e.g. taking out the slave farms and camps around a town will greatly reduce it's access to vital supplies and hence have a negative effect on it, despite the boss still being alive. Taking out the boss of a strong defensive town will mean that nearby towns fall to invading enemies.

So to clarify, ‘town overrides’ does not mean that you as the player can take over towns, but it does mean that you can have an impact on the future of Kenshi inhabitants, both town residents and wandering squads… their fate is in your hands!

In-game tips

To help guide you with this in the game, we've added in some small bits of information. If you forge an alliance with a faction that has a vendetta against another faction, some leaders will give you strategic tips on the best ways to take them down, or some of their troops might aid you temporarily in your path of destruction. So far you can talk to Esata, Simion, Moll and the Phoenix. We’ll soon be working on dialogue for the Anti-Slavers too.

So that's all the main factions now released in game! Now we're just left with refining, perfecting and finishing up a few smaller ones - let us know your feedback in the forums or via Twitter.

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Re: Kenshi
« Reply #41 on: August 21, 2018, 11:20:11 PM »
Update 0.98.53 Out Now (Experimental)
Kenshi - Koomatzu

Update 0.98.53 is out now on the Experimental branch! 0.98.52 is out on the main stable branch.

To opt in to the experimental version, right-click on Kenshi in your Steam games list -> properties -> betas tab -> then choose “experimental”. If opting in, please be aware of bugs, instability and unfinished content – for the best experience we recommend waiting for stable release… Please report any bugs, gameplay or balancing feedback etc to either the Steam or Lo-Fi forums.

•   New animation mod system, allows modders to make animations that don't clash with existing animations or updates or other mods. Can also make unique animations that are used for specific races or characters.
•   Fixed not being able to escape from your own cages
•   Bleeding is now saved and loaded properly
•   An improvement to the AI bug where they would give up a chase immediately

•   Fixed furniture disappearing from purchased buildings on import
•   Added keybinds to select next/previous character
•   Fixed game not starting if there are non-ascii characters in installed path

Released prematurely because I needed to get the above bug-fixes out. I will continue tweaking and experimenting with the armour balances. Please leave feedback in the form of angry rants.
•   Toughness-based damage resistance amplified, so 20% more damage at 0 toughness and 20% less damage at max toughness
•   All shirt armour damage resistances reduced by 40%
•   Global damage decreased 10% to counterbalance the above 2 changes
•   All weapon armour penetration bonuses/penalties increased by 50%
•   Heavy armour coverage reductions from the last rebalance have been reverted
•   Chain and plate damage resistance increased by 0.05, leather lowered by the same amount, also further reduced based on weight class
•   Increased damage and armour piercing of the Heavy Polearm by 10%
•   katana class damage penalty vs robots reduced from 50% to 40%
•   Cleavers get a 10% penalty vs animals
•   Stealth penalties removed from helmets
•   Not yet added, but the plan is to add some hiver-specific armour shirts

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Re: Kenshi
« Reply #42 on: August 25, 2018, 12:04:40 AM »
Update 0.98.54 Out Now (Experimental)
24 August - Koomatzu

Update 0.98.54 is out now on the Experimental branch! 0.98.53 is out on the main stable branch.

To opt in to the experimental version, right-click on Kenshi in your Steam games list -> properties -> betas tab -> then choose “experimental”. If opting in, please be aware of bugs, instability and unfinished content – for the best experience we recommend waiting for stable release… Please report any bugs, gameplay or balancing feedback etc to either the Steam or Lo-Fi forums.



The idea now is that the light/medium armour guys should be able to do more harm and do well 1 on 1, and the heavy guys should handle being outnumbered better and overall last longer
This is a big shake-up for armour. It's un-tested, so I would appreciate feedback, any items that you think are over-powered or worthless.
•   Heavy armour has penalties to dexterity and attack skills. The idea is that it limits you to being a tank, your attack has been sacrificed a little for defence.
•   Medium armours are designed to be for generalists. Less protection than heavy but only mild skill penalties and so more tactical options.
•   Light and specialist armours are designed to be un-restrictive or even offer bonuses, suitable for rangers or glass-cannon melee ninjas and duelists
•   Armour can penalise dexterity and damage dealing
•   Changed the display of the armour stun damage stats in the armour tooltips to try and make it clearer to understand: it now shows 1 line for the final derived cut resistance, and a 2nd line for the incoming cut damage that gets converted into stun damage. Adding these 2 numbers together will get the total "cut resistance" number that it used to display before.
•   Increased shirt armour cut resist by 10%
•   Reduced plate armour stealth penalty so its still severe but not so total
•   The hiver shirts will be delayed because our artist went on holiday, and employment law says I have to let him.

•   Some small tweaks to improve character movement bugs
•   Fixed haul job stealing items from bars if player town radius overlaps
•   Fixed player caravan and military formation spot issues
•   Formation refreshed when value in AI panel changed
•   Fixed bright yellow or white clouds at dusk
•   Fixed AI confusion with almost full inventories when picking items off the ground
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Offline Asid

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Re: Kenshi
« Reply #43 on: August 29, 2018, 01:06:42 PM »
Update 0.98.55 Out Now (Experimental)

-Changed again the tooltip display of the "cut to stun" to again try and make it easier to understand: with the previous update it wasn't clear if the stun was added or subtracted from the cut resistance. It now shows the total cut resistance like it did before the previous update, and also shows an "efficiency" percentage. eg. 80% cut resist efficiency will leave a 20% stun damage.
-Samurai armour dexterity penalty removed but overall damage penalty increased to compensate, so blunt weapons don't get an advantage over swords for samurais
-Samurai helmet now protects from dust storms
-Assassins rags dexterity bonus reduced by 0.1
-Added more stat penalties to the police helmet and reduced blunt resist slightly
-A few more subtle stat tweaks, generally increased the gap slightly between the heavy, medium and light armours.
-Fixed a typo in the gui code that was showing the wrong melee defence bonus in the armour tooltip (it showed the attack bonus instead)
-Spread a few more armour items and blueprints around some of the shops. You can now find blueprints for a faction-neutral version of Holy Chest Plate and the Armoured Hood
-Added a Blackened chain tagelmust
-"Self Preservation" AI should now react to charging enemies once they get close
-Fixed horizon fog blending with clouds
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I stand against Racism, Bigotry and Bullying

Offline Asid

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Re: Kenshi
« Reply #44 on: August 31, 2018, 11:37:48 AM »
Update 0.98.55 Out Now
Kenshi - Koomatzu

Update 0.98.55 is out now! This is on the main stable branch.

Please report any bugs, gameplay or balancing feedback etc to either the Steam or Lo-Fi forums. Thank you
•   Changed again the tooltip display of the "cut to stun" to again try and make it easier to understand: with the previous update it wasn't clear if the stun was added or subtracted from the cut resistance. It now shows the total cut resistance like it did before the previous update, and also shows an "efficiency" percentage. eg. 80% cut resist efficiency will leave a 20% stun damage.
•   Samurai armour dexterity penalty removed but overall damage penalty increased to compensate, so blunt weapons don't get an advantage over swords for samurais
•   Samurai helmet now protects from dust storms
•   Assassins rags dexterity bonus reduced by 0.1
•   Added more stat penalties to the police helmet and reduced blunt resist slightly
•   A few more subtle stat tweaks, generally increased the gap slightly between the heavy, medium and light armours.
•   Fixed a typo in the gui code that was showing the wrong melee defence bonus in the armour tooltip (it showed the attack bonus instead)
•   Spread a few more armour items and blueprints around some of the shops. You can now find blueprints for a faction-neutral version of Holy Chest Plate and the Armoured Hood
•   Added a Blackened chain tagelmust
•   "Self Preservation" AI should now react to charging enemies once they get close
•   Fixed horizon fog blending with clouds

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