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Re: For The King
« Reply #15 on: April 19, 2018, 05:30:14 PM »
Full Release is here!
For The King - Jay-Nic

Yes that’s right, Adventurers: Full Release is here!

"Is it everything we’ve dreamed?!"

We sure hope so, Joe Player. We’re so excited and thankful for our wonderful helpful community throughout Early Access.

We’ve experienced the trials and tribulations of all that Early Access had to offer. From great feedback, amazing stories of victory, to terrible bugs that had to be quashed and everything between.

"It was an adventure all on its own"

It sure was. And we’re happy say that we’re not done yet. Of course, we’re going to be in full on support mode for the next while. But once things level off, we will start scheming internally on the next best way to make you all party wipe.

For now, enjoy our three adventures!

For The King

Dungeon Crawl

Frost Adventure

Again, thank you so much to our Kickstarter Backers, Early Access Community, and to all you newcomers joining the quest. We wouldn’t be here without you.

Sincerely IronOak Games

p.s. - Keep those discussions coming in on the Discussion forums, and Discord!
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Re: For The King
« Reply #16 on: April 25, 2018, 12:55:15 PM »
Update 1.0.7771
For The King - Jay-Nic

Citizens of Fahrul!

It is an honour to introduce to you our first post-release patch notes!

"Umm.. yay?"

It’s something to be celebrated, Joe Player. As can be expected after launch: we’re mainly focused on bug squashing. As time goes on: we’ll move on to other things, but for now: we want to make sure the game is smooth and playable.

•   Fixed an issue where people who have already achieved certain achievements pre full release were not getting new unlocks. Your unlocks should now appear when you next start the game.
•   Fixed issue where elemental ailment SFX would persist indefinitely
•   Fixed issue where slowing an already slowed character would result in them losing their slow status
•   Fixed an issue with the enemy/encounter ratio of dungeons
•   Hobo invasion! He will now spawn only once, and stop asking you for money...
•   Removed the Roc Nest encounter from being incorrectly included too soon (if you see this in your old save games, please avoid it, but it will no longer spawn from now on)
•   End Turn Tutorial now properly localized
•   Minor Spelling and Grammar fixes
•   Equipped shields consistent among characters and crash less with backpack
•   Border Edge fixed on Stone Hero Portraits

•   Spiders have less/no armor, slightly reduced health, and do slightly less damage
•   Ghouls Piercing Attack changed to Regular Attack, reduced evasion, reduced crit chance, lower max damage, slight increase in resistance
•   General Reduction in Crit Chances for high crit enemies across the board. Typically now only birds some special enemies have crit chances above 10%
•   Leprechaun -5% crit chance (now 10%)
•   Pirate -10% crit chance (now 10%)
•   Goblin Assassin -15% crit chance (now 10%)
•   Death Knight Boss -10% crit chance (now 10%)
•   Forest Knoll -10% crit chance (now 10%)
•   Crow -5% crit chance (now 10%)
•   Bandits -10% crit chance (now 5%)
•   Thief -15% evasion
•   Swamp Fly -10% evasion
•   Snow Goblin Assassin -25% evasion (now 25%)

Thanks to all the bug reports coming in, as well as the feedback in discord, and the discussion forums.

-IronOak Games

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Re: For The King
« Reply #17 on: May 02, 2018, 01:33:17 PM »
Update 1.0.7814
For The King - Jay-Nic

Hello Adventurers,

We have some changes and fixes for you. In addition to updates/fixes in game: due to the influx of players, we’ve also had to happily increase the capacity of our servers.

•   Fixed Ambush Fail (failed ambush now results in player being ambushed)
•   Fixed a bug where certain debuffs and conditions gave the player 100+ Armor/Resist
•   Fixed translation inconsistencies with Heal, Cure, and Restore
•   General improvement and corrections in translations across all languages

•   Added unique drops for several dead adventurers
•   Increased drops for several dead adventurers
•   Mini Encounters that result in combat now can have max 2 enemies, typically only 1
•   Highly reduced mimic chance in Guardian Forest, For The King and Frost Adventure Mode
•   Increased the probability of the Forest Mystic event
•   Glittering Mines Cultist Boss Armor Down attack now does 0 damage

•   New voice sets for several alt character skins
•   Polish pass on special dead adventurer art
•   Improved hammer splash fx
•   Improved Female Woodcutter’s starting helm
•   Polish pass and optimization for Golden Plains diorama
•   Tweaks to Male Herbalist starting helm
•   Improvements to Linux Bug reporting behind the scenes
•   General improvements to player starting armor geometry

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Re: For The King
« Reply #18 on: May 11, 2018, 02:15:35 PM »
For The King - Jay-Nic

Good tidings to you, Slayers of Beastmen.

"They’re an infestation! We’re performing a service..."

Indeed, Joe Player, indeed.

Today we have another update. Focusing on common issues, stability, and gameplay tweaks.

A nice little quality of life change we added is the ability to view the pickup radius on boats, balloons, haunts and some encounters.

and a minor change to add a backer to all ‘vote buttons’ to make them clearer in all environments

•   Fixed issue where several “icy” enemies weren’t properly tagged as Ice class
•   Fixed bug where Embedded Blade encounter wouldn’t drop an item if you didn’t already have it unlocked in the lore store
•   Very Low Quality setting now uses proper texture resolution which should result in slightly improved performance
•   Fixed issue where Owlbear’s death hug attack was always blocked
•   Fixed Mimic placement in the Encounter Card
•   Fixed an issue where the Dungeon Merchant items would all be greyed out, despite having enough cash to buy (maybe he just didn’t like you? How rude...)
•   Fixed an issue where you could Pickup Party and pull people out of other nearby boats or balloons
•   In certain circumstances during local co-op, a mouse may have lost the ability to control a boat
•   In dungeon crawl online, the number of completed dungeons may have been incorrectly reported across the network
•   End game credits would freeze if entering the menu
•   Incorrect text was displayed when entering a carnival without a ticket while playing online
•   Fixed some intermittent freezes on Linux due to primitive type conversions
•   In Frost Adventure online: the Tavern Pirate fight could be engaged by multiple clients online, and the enemies would double up
•   When attacking a haunt from a boat: the portraits of characters pulled in to the fight are now accurate
•   Fighting the Kraken when Deimos is active now respects the original ocean diorama
•   Fixed an issue with some combat allowing players to use unlimited items per turn
•   Fixed an issue with the Kraken not dropping any loot in some instances
•   Fixed an issue with Quest Items not being removed from inventories when they are no longer needed (Shovel, Mead, Key Fragments etc..)

•   Forest Mystic/Protector no longer have pierce attack
•   Forest Protector now has group lightning attack
•   Pixies now do full attack damage on their regular attack
•   Chaos Fairy now casts Protect Group instead of Protect Others
•   Lightning Hawk Regular attack fixed (was too easily blocked) and now pierces
•   Hide boots set to +2 vitality and Fur Boots set to +4 vitality
•   Added pickup radius hex highlighting for boats and balloons
•   Haunts and certain encounters now show combat radius when moused over

•   Added version validation check in the online browser
•   General polish to dead adventurers
•   Improved Owlbear attack FX
•   Improved Storm Lighting
•   Toned down and optimized snowstorm FX
•   Optimized Rainstorm FX
•   Adding backing to HUD Vote Buttons to increase visibility
•   Version Warning added to Online Lobby to show when the host’s version doesn’t match your version
•   General polish pass on player models
•   Jelly Cube attack FX now 300% more goopy
•   Identify Scrolls cannot be used in the overworld on a treasure chest that a character is also standing on

May the rolls be ever in your favour.

-IronOak Games
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Re: For The King
« Reply #19 on: June 15, 2018, 04:23:51 PM »
ROADMAP: Teasers and upcoming features
30 May - Jay-Nic   

Good day, Adventurers!

Very soon… err… well right now, actually: we’ll be starting a new announcement series aimed at keeping the community updated with some roadmap details, and content teasers in general.

"Oh, sounds like a good idea."

We thought so, Joe Player. Now being that we’re a small studio, we won’t be able to provide massive detailed, and itemized lists of tasks, and timelines. Up to this point: we’ve been happy and successful in staying as agile as possible, and adjusting our priorities based on the vibe of the community, and ourselves. With that in mind, we will be sharing our upcoming roadmap details in smaller chunks, more frequently.

We’ll make sure to prefix all these announcements with the word “ROADMAP” so it’s clear to you whether or not it’s patch notes, roadmap, or any other generic announcement.

All that being said, let’s get to the first inaugural ROADMAP post!

House Rules
TIMELINE: imminent
In order to give as many people as possible the most enjoyable experience we can: we’ll be implementing a new feature, House Rules. Similar to playing any traditional tabletop game where players can massage some of the rules and constraints of the game. Namely with ours, (you guessed it) the difficulty. Through your feedback we’ll be adding more customization options to our House Rules over time.

Teaser screenie!

New Highly Requested ‘Game Mode’
TIMELINE: imminent
Yup, a whole new game mode to play. A more contained, and focused mode than full fledged adventure, and something you can sink as much or as little time in to as you wish. Complete with new Lore Store items, special unlocks and new achievements.

New Story Adventure
TIMELINE: Fall (2018)
A whole new adventure! Kinda like the Frost Adventure… except… without the frost. Also complete with new Lore Store items, special unlocks and new achievements.

Those who are about to party wipe: we salute you.

-IronOak Games

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Re: For The King
« Reply #20 on: June 15, 2018, 04:27:07 PM »
ROADMAP: Next Release
15 June - Jay-Nic

Hello Adventurers,

Today we’re happy to announce the content of our next major update!

"Oh… more teasers?"

No, Joe Player... We ain’t a tease. We got the goods to show!


First, and foremost: the previously mentioned Highly Requested ‘Game Mode’ is…. drumroll please...

Endless Dungeon Mode
That’s right. This new adventure entitled Hildebrant’s Cellar lets you fight down through the depths of your favourite realm agent’s house. See how far you can get until your inevitable demise. Fight a plethora of enemies, avoid traps, mimics, and smash doors. All the things you know and love (or know, anyways… re:mimics) from exploring and conquering dungeons and caves in our other adventures.


But that’s not all, Joe Player... You’ll find things down below you thought only existed in the overworld. We’ve added encounters like Sanctums, Dead Adventurers, Stone Heros, and more to the dungeon.

We’ve also got new stuff!

"Stuff?! I LOVE stuff!"
•   4 new traps
•   New enemies
•   4 new items
•   9 new character customizations
•   3 new Achievements

Here’s one of my personal favourites:

Next up, we’ve got:

House Rules
We understand that there are those out there who want a more casual experience. We also understand there are some masochists who want to make it even harder… With that in mind: we added a few toggles to the create game screen to permit both preferences.

It should be pretty self explanatory, but let me explain it anyways.
•   Chaos frequency will increase or decrease the number of rounds between when Chaos is set to increment. Assuming, of course, that the game mode has Chaos in it.
•   Life Pool will let you increase, or decrease the starting lives. To be clear: this does not change the amount of lives you’ll find in your adventures. And as always: there is no cap to how many you can gather.
•   Economy Inflation Oh, don’t lie: you skipped right to this one, didn’t you!? This will permit you to adjust the percentage increase of inflating items over time. This does not change base prices of items, and does not change starting gold, gold drops, or item drops in any way. It’s only the inflation of the small set of items that naturally inflate in price over time.

Using house rules does come with some caveats, however. Namely that if the game is made easier, then the final achievements for beating Vexor on Apprentice, Journeyman, and Master are not available. These remain locked behind the requirement that you beat the game on the default difficulty settings (or harder).
But that’s it! We want to make the game fun for everyone, but we also need to make it fair for those who worked so hard to get those achievements.

Character Stat Overview
This one is a great quality of life feature that was inspired by none other than Senerio himself (who runs the Discord server). You can now get a full breakdown of all stats, effects, bonus’, ailments etc on a given character. We’ve replaced the functionality of the Toggle Stats button on the character hud to now open this beauty:

Everything is dynamically generated, and even tool-tipped!

On top of these great new things, we’ve got fixes and improvements as always. We’ll have full patch notes on the day we deliver.

Look for these new features to be playable on the 21st

Until then!

-IronOak Games

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Re: For The King
« Reply #21 on: June 20, 2018, 10:29:37 PM »
For The King - Jay-Nic

Greetings Adventurers!

We’re proud to announce another meaty update! We’ve teased you with our last two roadmap announcements that showed off some of the key major features in this update. Now we’re happy to come at you with the full list.

"Great timing! Just in time for -"

Nothing, Joe Player - just in time for nothing... There is no significance in the timing of this update whatsoever, because nothing has been officially announced.

"Oh… uhh, right."

Anywho… If you haven’t followed our last couple roadmap announcements, I’ll give a quick run down of the major features.

New Endless Dungeon Adventure
Titled Hildebrant’s Cellar engage in a never ending dungeon that will drive you to the depths of the world until your inevitable doom. In here you unlock new items costumes and achievements. You’ll even encounter new traps, and new enemies.

House Rules
A new feature when starting a game that allows you to customize some of the key difficulty aspects of the game. Namely: Chaos Frequency, Starting life pool, and Economy inflation. We explained this in the previous roadmap announcement, but I’ll explain it again here.

House rules

•   Chaos frequency will increase or decrease the number of rounds between when Chaos is set to increment. Assuming, of course, that the game mode has Chaos in it.
•   Life Pool will let you increase, or decrease the starting lives. To be clear: this does not change the amount of lives you’ll find in your adventures. And as always: there is no cap to how many you can gather.
•   Economy Inflation Oh, don’t lie: you skipped right to this one, didn’t you!? This will permit you to adjust the percentage increase of inflating items over time. This does not change base prices of items, and does not change starting gold, gold drops, or item drops in any way. It’s only the inflation of the small set of items that naturally inflate in price over time.

Character Stat Overview

The Toggle Stat Bar button now shows a total breakdown of all relevant character statistics, effects, and abilities.

More, More, More
Oh yeah. We’re not done yet. There are a few key features we want to make sure get mentioned.
•   We’ve added Polish language support! Zwycięstwo!
•   Pipe upgrades are now done through the market. They show as an item in the list, and are purchased and equipped for the active player. The pipes themselves don’t change, but we wanted to make sure people weren’t missing out on this essential upgrade in games. This has enabled us to add a shop to the Pipesmith encounter just like other wandering merchants. She sells some herbs now too!

Pipe in a shop!

•   Proc-ing in dungeons has changed for the better! Now, every character after every dungeon encounter has their chance to proc their special abilities. Where previously, a character could only proc his abilities if he was the active player (his name was in the top left). This cuts both ways, however. Poison damage will also have its effect each room. But, so will things like health regeneration. Because of the frequency of this chance to proc: we’ve slightly reduced the likelihood of ability procs in dungeons only. This affects all adventures, not just Hildebrant’s Cellar.
•   The Reset Lore button is back by popular demand… after being removed… by popular demand… To be explicitly clear: this is not a respec! Resetting your lore returns the Lore store to its original ‘factory’ state, and clears your banked Lore. You do not get refunded your Lore purchases.

•   New adventure: Hildebrant’s Cellar - endless dungeon mode
•   New in Hildebrant’s Cellar: encounters from the overworld: Sanctums, Stone Heros, and Dead Adventurers
•   New House Rules so players can customize certain game rules (more to come in the future!)
•   New water temple dungeon
•   New chaos skull enemy
•   New acid blob enemies
•   New armored ogre enemy
•   New hellhound enemy
•   New poison barrel, acid bucket, spikes, tentacles, statue and magnet traps added to various dungeons
•   New trinket and amulet to protect against acid
•   Cornelius encounter made easier
•   Added gold drop multiplier to be used with certain game modes
•   Dead players can now trade with other players to avoid situations where you might lose access to gold or items

•   Included missing player skills from encyclopedia
•   Online lobby polish, now shows game rules and more details per game
•   Fixed issue where certain helmets didn’t fit Forest Mystic’s head properly
•   Fixed bug where Fire Skelly Mage was doing high level burn damage instead of low level burn damage
•   Fixed bug where some backpacks would not fall off upon death
•   Reduced extra screen shaking upon some character deaths
•   Fixed rendering bugs with hexes on min spec
•   Fixed occasional game hang on Lich Crypt chest
•   Fixed bug with fleeing in online games
•   Market list update fix for online games

Other changes and features
•   Polish Language support
•   Haunts lock level when revealed
•   All pipe upgrades are done through the market
•   Boats are slightly cheaper
•   Changes to end game sequence and imagery
•   New ghoul animation set
•   New detailed character stats page
•   Added 14 new items to lore, including new high end custom clothing for only the most discerning of customers
•   Added mead helmet for totally non discerning customers
•   Added ability to customize armor when creating a character
•   New post combat animations to reflect player’s actions
•   Texture optimization pass
•   Lore unlocks and purchases are stored outside of Steam/GOG. This is good for GOG users who don’t want to use Galaxy
•   Re-enabled the Reset Lore Button. Don’t push this button unless you want to lose all your lore. You’ve been warned.

We’ll see you in the cellar.

-IronOak Games

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Re: For The King
« Reply #22 on: August 03, 2018, 01:28:03 PM »
2 Aug

For The King - Jay-Nic
Hey everyone! We hope your summer is going well. We have a small update for you.

•   Fixed a bug in Hildebrant’s Cellar that resulted in the Rooms display going out of sync after a while in online co-op
•   Adjusted difficulty of Hildebrant’s cellar beyond Level 10
•   In the cellar end game screen - (because you’ve all gotten so good) - we’ve added the ability to show more room tokens

We’re still busy building new and interesting features. We’re not quite ready to share specifics or dates, but stay tuned!

Happy Adventuring!
-IronOak Games

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Re: For The King
« Reply #23 on: September 01, 2018, 01:46:46 PM »
For The King - Jay-Nic

Hey everyone! We have a small - but potentially high impact update for you.

Notably: we’ve done a lot of hard research on problems that some people have when loading a co-op online game, and getting a DisconnectByClientTimeout error.

It’s a really strange one to work on, because it seems to have a lot of moving parts including the quality of internet connection, wifi vs ethernet, the progress of the save, and the speed of the various computers involved.

We’ve made a change that should alleviate some of these occurrences, and we’re eager to see how many people it helps.

It should be noted that this may increase game load times to about 20-ish seconds. We really couldn’t avoid this at this stage, and we hope it’s not too impactful for you.

•   Potential fix for DisconnectByClientTimeout error when loading an online game
•   Fixed a game hang when a character dies on his turn, and at the same time: a Chaos Shrine is revealed
•   Added some behind the scenes play-data analytics gathering (no personal information is collected)

If you have been experiencing this issue in the past, then we’d ask you kindly to let us know - once you’ve updated - if it persists, or has been resolved. Feel free to reach out to us using the in game bug report tool and let us know.

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Re: For The King
« Reply #24 on: September 08, 2018, 12:03:17 AM »
Updates and ROADMAP 2018-09-07
For The King - Jay-Nic

Hail Adventurers,

We’ve got a small update for you today, and a tease on a new feature that’s to come that many people have requested.

First, the update. Thanks to everyone who reached out regarding their experiences with the DisconnectByClientTimeout

error during game load. We’ve made some even deeper adjustments, and after extensive testing: we’re happy to release it.

•   Further work on the DisconnectByClientTimeout error when loading an online game
•   Fixed a game hang where a character who was poisoned dies in a dungeon without any lives left, but still has a

sanctum would not get revived, and cause an endless loop of autosaving and turn switching

Happy Friday!
-IronOak Games


Huh? Oh right you are, Joe Player: I promised you a teaser. Have a look!

"Is that what I think it is?!"

Yup: Weapon Switching in Combat will be a thing!
•   Any character with an additional weapon in his inventory will have the new icon and option available
•   You’ll be able to pick your desired weapon from a list to equip it
•   This action will take a full combat turn but will still permit belt item use

This isn’t the only thing we’re working on, of course. But we’re not ready to reveal major details on the next major update.

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Re: For The King
« Reply #25 on: October 30, 2018, 12:44:50 AM »
Update - New mode Gold Rush!
For The King - Jay-Nic

Greeting Adventurers. May the Doot doot be with you.

”And also with you”

Thanks, Joe Player. We’ve got a lot to cover this update, but we’ll start with the most exciting thing. We’re happy to announce yet another new Adventure! In fact, it’s a full on new game mode inspired by this festive spooky season.

It’s Gold Rush! A new multiplayer only Uncooperative Mode!

”What does ‘Uncooperative Mode’ mean, JayNic?”

Well I’m glad you asked, Joe Player. In Gold Rush, you play against other players and are tasked by everyone's favourite scourge Fergus the Mad to be the first to deliver 100 gold coins to his hidden vault. You’re in the (brand new) realm of The Midnight Woods. A land of perpetual darkness, and spoopy night time enemies.

The winner is granted a random one of three brand new cosmetic Lore Unlocks.

•   Midnight Helmet
•   Midnight Backpack
•   Midnight Clothes

”So does this mean you’re attacking each other?”

No, Joe Player. At its heart, it’s still a Cooperative game. But given the mechanics already in place in FTK: you use the abilities and knowledge of the game to help or hinder each other. Sometimes whether you want to or not…

There are a number of strategies you can use to be more uncooperative than normal campaigns. We’ve been having a blast playtesting this mode, and have a few we’ll share.

•   Pulling your team in to unwinnable fights, then running away
•   Strategically dragging your party in to a dungeon when they’re across the map
•   Buying items out from under another player
•   Passing your turn in combat to assure you get the killing blow, and thus the first grab at Gold Coins

We’re sure you’ll come up with many interesting strategies, and we’d love to hear about them in discussions, or discord.

Other parts of this adventure mention:
•   It’s very compact, and dense. The whole game can take anywhere from 30-60 minutes
•   The world is landlocked, and small
•   Unlimited lives. Death is just a temporary setback
•   Sale, sale, sale! The realm is desperate for customers. Towns, Merchants, and Dungeon Shops are all cheap.
•   XP boost. There is a minor XP boost to make things go even quicker
•   Loot, loot, loot. There’s… more loot to scoop up.
•   The amount of gold to collect is available as a House Rules slider, so you can adjust your game length as you like.
•   There are no side-quests

”So all this time that you guys have spent building and refining systems, and mechanics has allowed you to make a dramatic, and unplanned departure from the original concept of the game in the form of this totally new game mode and adventure?”

Wow, Joe Player... I uhh… Could not have said it better myself. And it doesn’t stop there! We’ve got other new features that are across all game modes.

Weapon Switching in Combat
Yes. Now if you have another weapon in your inventory, you can manually select it in place of your combat action. This includes when your weapon breaks.

Safety Stone
The safety stone is a totally new mechanic design to help you out of tough spots… <ominous>for a price</ominous>...
Simply put, the safety stone is an item that all characters have, and will permit instant teleportation to any previously visited town. However, it will incrementally penalize your stats each time you use it. It’s starts at a measly -1% to all stats. Then 2%, 4%, 8%, and so on… (It should be mentioned that for obvious reasons: we kept the safety stone out of Gold Rush)
See it in action HERE


Boat Changes

We’ve added new boats at different strengths, speeds, and costs. In addition: we’ve added the hit points displayed on the boats in the overworld, and a Boat Repair Kit item that can be used to repair the boat in the overworld, or during the dreaded Kraken battle.

On top of that, we’ve changed the way boats, and boat repairs are conducted in cities/ports. Instead of only being able to get boats in Ports, now in any coastal city: you can purchase a Boat deed in their regular Market inventory. In the Services Menu: you can repair your boats adjacent to the town or port.

Cosmetic Items Override Display on Characters
You can now choose to hide any armour you put on, and instead show your cosmetic items. Of course this doesn't actually affect your stats - just the way you look!

”TL;DR; List me!”

New Features / Changes
•   New Uncooperative game mode: Gold Rush. Includes:
•   A new realm: the Midnight Woods
•   A new Achievement for winning Gold Rush
•   Weapon switching in combat
•   Safety Stone: teleport to safety at an increasing cost of penalty to stats
•   Cosmetic Items Override Display - Choose to display your cosmetic item, or your in game one
•   Two more boats: Raft, and Fishing Boat (the original boat is now called “Merchant Boat”
•   Boat repair kit - useable in the overworld, and Kraken combat
•   Boats, and boat repairs purchasable in coastal cities, and ports
•   Treasure chests drop more loot
•   Sea caves have been reskinned with unique art
•   Camera shake has been reduced in combat
•   New Kraken animations
•   New ocean tiles with smaller islands to break up the look of the sea
•   Added more items to the Magic Merchant

Fixes / tweaks
•   Fixed an issue where enemies would spawn too densely
•   Fixed an exploit where using “more info” on a hidden hex would take the player to the encyclopedia for what was hidden there
•   Fixed a bug where you could upgrade the Dragon Pipe without needing it
•   When receiving a main quest with a hidden location: the camera will pan to the middle of the destinations realm, instead of on top of the hidden location
•   Encyclopedia Menu tweaked, possibly in preparation for something in the future...
•   Fixed a bug where the Walloper sold for too little
•   Fixed an issue where “+1 focus” appeared twice from some encounter results
•   Fixed a bug where a chaos attack that was supposed to drain focus, would not drain focus
•   Using “Pickup Party” in a boat will now pickup members in other boats
•   Fixed an issue that would result in incorrect roll slot percentages communicated between clients online
•   Fixed a bug where players could not use belt items at the end of a dungeon floor
•   Fixed a bug where some water encounters could spawn on land when walking off a boat
•   Various controller fixes

The last few months have been full of hard work. Not only on what you’re seeing here in this list, but also new features in the future. An even newerer and biggerer story adventure is well on it’s way!

We’re so happy to have such a great community like you guys who continue to bring us feedback, stories, and criticisms. We hope the game will continue to bring you endless entertainment.

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Re: For The King
« Reply #26 on: October 31, 2018, 01:11:44 PM »
For The King - Jay-Nic

Hello Adventurers,

We’ve got a hotfix for you today.

Mainly there was a problem a few people reported where they “lost control” of their characters and they made attacks without input. This was actually that another player had taken over their turn, and was making attacks on their behalf without really noticing. Anywho - thanks to those that helped track it down.

Fixes / changes
•   Fixed an issue that allowed a player to use an orb, and attack in the same turn and commandeer a subsequent players/characters turn
•   Fixed an issue that would result in a crash if a player tried to hand in Gold in Gold Rush
•   Fixed missing text string for boggling
•   Fixed lighting bug in final dungeon
•   Reduce damage of Witch's Broom by 1 and added standard attack
•   Staff of the Goat Wizard now requires 4 slots for Ice AOE attack instead of 3
•   Tome of Wonder now requires 4 slots for Group Rush instead of 3
•   Fixed the placement of a few loot items in Item Cards

IronOak Games

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Re: For The King
« Reply #27 on: November 14, 2018, 10:49:14 PM »
Pirates are swinging aboard For The King next week in a free update
For The King - (Matt Cox)

There’s only one force known to man that can improve board-game-like strategic RPG For The King, and that force is pirates. They’ll be swinging on board November 21st as part of the Into The Deep update, equipped with new gun-class weapons and with other NPCs (friendly and not-so-friendly) on their tail. If the trailer’s anything to go by, there is a lot of shooting people on boats.

Do what you want, because the pirates are free. Yar, Har, fiddle dee-dee.
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Re: For The King
« Reply #28 on: November 14, 2018, 10:50:19 PM »
For The King - Jay-Nic

Hello Adventurers,

Before the new adventure: we’ve got a quick hotfix here for you.

This is mainly regarding the dreaded DisconnectByClientTimeout error. With some more community help, we’ve managed to make some changes to how games are loaded online that has fixed this issue for our testers.

We’ve also had a couple behind the scenes updates that we didn’t put up notes for, so I’ll include them here now.

Fixes / changes
•   Further attempts at addressing DisconnectByClientTimeout error for online resume games
•   Altered the Female Woodcutter’s appearance
•   Fixed some minor modeling errors
•   Fixed some blurry UI elements


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Re: For The King
« Reply #29 on: November 23, 2018, 01:07:12 AM »
Update - New Adventure! Into The Deep
For The King - Jay-Nic

Ahoy, ye scurvy bilge rats!

”err, pardon?”

Sorry Joe Player… I’ve just been spending so much time in character playing our New Adventure...

”You mean… it’s here?!”

Aye! We’re pleased to announce the latest and greatest ocean themed adventure:
Into The Deep

An ancient evil rises. Take to the sea and freely roam the waters and island realms of Fahrul to gear up, level up, and tech up to save Fahrul from its imminent watery doom.

” ‘Key Features’ us, please”

In addition to the standard things we release with any new adventure like: new weapons, and new items - we’ve also got things like new enemies, new water based encounters, a new character to unlock, a new magic/immunity type, new ocean/island based map generation, new boats, and a totally new weapon type: guns!

Let’s break some key points down.

Guns are high damage dealing weapons that usually have lower number of slots to roll. There are one handed pistols, two handed long guns, and handheld cannons. Once you fire a shot with a gun, you have to reload it via a combat action. Some guns will have a basic melee attack that doesn’t need reloading. There is no such thing as ammo for the gun, you just need to reload after each shot.

Water Encounters/Water Combat
We’ve spent a lot of time filling the ocean realms with as much to do as you have on land. We’ve taken loads of encounters from the land, and made water versions of them. In addition: we’ve added many totally new water encounters. On the combat side: we’ve added both water bround creatures to engage, and grouped enemies on boats.

You’ll fight on a diorama of your boat when you engage water based enemies. Some enemies can do damage to your boat during combat.

Boats and Boat changes
The keen observers of you will have noticed we’ve released a few new features centered around boats in the last few updates. We used the Into The Deep adventure to give us an excuse to expand the features of boats. While most of these changes aren’t new as of today: we’ll still explain them for the sake of completeness.
There are multiple types of boats that can be purchased. Each one has different stats from the last, directly scaling with price. Boats can now be repaired at any port, or town adjacent to a water hex. You can even buy boats from towns adjacent to water hexes - no longer are the limited to purchase at ports only.

Water magic / Wet status
We’ve added a new magic type, and corresponding immunity type. The wet status temporarily removes all immunities on both players, and enemies. That’s right. You can poison a jelly, bleed a skelly, and even remove evasion from Fergus. Of course, it wouldn’t be FTK if we didn’t add items that grant water immunity, and edit some items retroactively.

Combat Revival
Yup. It’s what it says. You can now spend a combat action to revive a fallen character (assuming you have lives left). The character is rushed as well, so he can heal himself, or roll the dice.

Turbo Mode and Attack skipping
In the options menu, you can enable Turbo Mode that will speed the entire game up to 1.5x speed. This only works for offline games - meaning single player, and local coop. On top of that: you can now speed combat animations when double clicking/double pressing your attack. This works online AND offline

New Features / changes
•   New Into The Deep Adventure
•   8 new Achievements
•   4 additional boat types. Boats have varying degrees of movement rolls, HP, and even armor.
•   New chest types and of course, new mimics
•   On ship combat
•   Enemy ships
•   New magic type, Water. Wet status temporarily removes all immunities for both players AND enemies. Bleed skellys bleed!
•   New weapon type, Guns. There are 3 sub classes of guns, Blunderbuss, Musket, and Cannon. Guns typically require a single slot and are very powerful. However they must be reloaded after firing.
•   New enemy type, Suicidal. Suicidal enemies will cause massive damage but kill themselves in the process.
•   New Island Realms. Ashfall Islands and Forest Isles.
•   New Island tech. Some realms now have outlying islands off their coast. Larger continents may now be broken up into smaller archipelagos.
•   New and improved Sea Caves.
•   New rapier animations for the inner swashbuckler in you.
•   Various tweaks to the Kraken battle to take advantage of new Wet status and new boat types.
•   Some enemies can now cause boat damage with their attacks.
•   20 new items, 23 new weapons, 1 new character class, 32 new enemies (8 new races), 12 new lore store unlocks, and 24 new encounters
•   Boats now purchasable from towns with at least 1 adjacent sea hex
•   Improved Shipwreck logic, all characters will now shipwreck to same hex

Other Game Changes
•   Combat Revival: revive and rush a fallen character in combat as a combat action
•   You can take gold and unequipped items from dead players
•   Mouseover belt items of offturn characters
•   Escape button now closes menus before opening the game options menu
•   Menu interaction cleanup: when opening the sub menu of an item, the sub menu will remain open after your chosen option is selected (assuming there is more than one of the items available) - This works in stores, and character inventories

•   Normalized camera shake in combat, reducing it for most cases.
•   Slowing an enemy speeds him up. In a specific set of circumstances: casting a slow on an enemy could cause him to speed up
•   Fixed an issue where Dungeon Crawl could spawn the party on a very small island
•   Fixed a bug where the Frozen Pool would deal double damage on failure
•   Polished the Noble Dress outfit so it’s not so poofy
•   Added missing SFX to combat revive
•   Fixed Encyclopedia entries that incorrectly stated that 10 is the minimum stat (30 is the minimum)
•   Fixed Encyclopedia entries that incorrectly stated that Elite Disarm only requires a single slot (it requires fewer slots with less punishing outcomes)
•   Fixed some logical issues with what items can be used between dungeon rooms, or at stairs of dungeons
•   Certain weapons now use blended overworld animations to avoid clipping and awkward weapon holding
•   Streamlined various controller issues

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