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Re: Kingdom Wars 2: Definitive Edition
« Reply #15 on: February 17, 2021, 01:25:59 AM »
Update 15 - Campaign Polish
Wed, February 17, 2021

Hey Everyone,

And we are back with another update as we continue to polishing and improving things across the board. We continue this week with updating our singleplayer campaign - with major rework on Chapter 2 and Chapter 1. We plan to complete rework of the campaign towards the end of March.

This update also include some great fixes from performance to unit tasking and combat improvements. In addition we also worked on some art assets - including scaling units up, and last but not least balancing.

Thanks for the continuing support, and we can`t wait to continue improving Kingdom Wars 2.

Now lets take a look at today`s Update 15:

Update # 15

Fixes and Additions

•   Major improvement to tasking large number of units
•   Greatly reduced the delay when tasking units
•   Increased view of all all melee units by at least 100
•   All melee units are now better at engaging enemy melee units
•   Major performance improvement
•   Huge polishing work on chapter 2 complete
•   Major update of chapter 1 complete
•   Do not show healthpoints bar on damaged buildings in campaign
•   Oil slick objects is not easier to see and catches fire faster
•   Loading screen music disabled if music volume is 5 or less
•   Disable nighttime lights from shining too brightly
•   Scaled up the Dwarven and Human battering rams
•   Scaled up the Dwarven Cannon
•   Greatly reduced volume on loading screen music
•   Lowered over time gold and food income rate for human sheep and cow
•   A bit less resources in stone and gold mines
•   Improved human peasant flag art
•   Zombies a bit larger view during daytime
•   Greatly reduced time it takes to capture base flags in all game modes
•   Easier conditions to win total annihilation
•   Scaled up Ogre unit
•   Palisade and Stone wall hit points reduced by 30% on average to make sieging easier

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdom Wars 2: Definitive Edition
« Reply #16 on: June 23, 2022, 09:32:44 AM »
Update 19 - Campaign and Skirmish Improvements
Thu, June 23, 2022

Hey Everyone,

We have another update for you as we continue to polish campaign and improve the skirmish experience. Special thank you for the bug reports posted and feedback on balancing. In skirmish you will notice some changes to how AI works around the level, which is especially visible on some more more complex levels. And campaign is getting a lot more love, especially the later levels that I didn`t get a chance to polish as much as the first 3 levels.

And we are working on a major milestone 20th update that should be ready by early July.

And sorry for the delay with the patch changes list, will update this post tomorrow morning with all the details

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdom Wars 2: Definitive Edition
« Reply #17 on: January 21, 2023, 12:57:20 AM »
Major Update 26 Incoming
Fri, January 20, 2023

Hey Everyone,

I`m glad to bring some good news - we have a major update on the way that should be ready by next week.

It feels great to work on Kingdom Wars 2 again and we spent quite a bit of time bringing a lot more polish and improvements to the game with the upcoming update.

To give you a brief preview of what`s coming:

-Reworked Skirmish/Survival main menu with updated user interface
-Major AI improvements in combat
-Some final polish to the campaign - making late game chapters be less grindy and easier
-Full rebalance of combat stats - making fights last faster
-Sieging is a lot faster as well, making game feel a lot more dynamic
-Fixing a number of de-sync issues effecting multiplayer
-Improvements to translation of the game, especially the campaign text
-Enabled some new construction for Orcs - like spike traps and body piles
-Rebalanced comabt AI so that Elves are not so overpowering anymore
-Couple of dozen of smaller fixes and improvements across the board

Can`t wait to share this with you, and looking forward to spending more time with KW2 later this winter and spring.

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