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Author Topic: Notice. Microphone for on-line play. Please read.  (Read 16737 times)

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Offline Red2112

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Re: Notice. Microphone for on-line play. Please read.
« Reply #15 on: October 12, 2016, 12:34:41 AM »
It sounds great in the video. Just curious about battery life.

They rate the battery life at about 1000 hours.  Thatīs quite alot of hours of game play  :)
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Offline wilso845

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Re: Notice. Microphone for on-line play. Please read.
« Reply #16 on: October 12, 2016, 10:59:05 AM »
My concern is that the mic in question is for broad casting and such, im assuming your going to have a head set on as well because your mic will pick up the game sounds and other sounds around it. The proof will be in the pudding as they say. I think this has been made very complicated for a simple solution, you will have game and ts coming out at the same time 😖
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Offline Stardog765

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Re: Notice. Microphone for on-line play. Please read.
« Reply #17 on: October 12, 2016, 01:56:41 PM »
Ya I was assuming that little mic was combined with some headphones he already has but ya if this is meant to be used with open speakers thats going to be a real problem.

Just have to see what Red has in mind.
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Offline Red2112

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Re: Notice. Microphone for on-line play. Please read.
« Reply #18 on: October 12, 2016, 05:32:50 PM »
Actualy itīs quite easy...

The mic has a clip which you can pin to your shirt or make some sort of extension from your headphones which isnīt really needed as itīs a condenser mic and they have a very good pick-up range/sensitivity.  Beeing omnidirectional means the capsule will pick-up in a almost 360š which might be the worst part of the mic as it will pick-up surrounding waves if there are any. It would have been better with a unidirectional capsule, but that also has a bad side as you have to have the mic right in front of your mouth, if you move a little to the side it will not pick-up your voice beacuse the polar pattren is unidirectional and only pickīs up whatīs in front of it. Thatīs why singers in a studio use omnidirectional polar pattren capsules, but are in a sound proof booth. Canīt have everything  ::)

I will use my AKG K77 headphones (run of the mil headphones, or canīs as we call them in the audio world.), or you can even use earplugs, which will be connected to my headphones sound card input, and will have the ATR 3350 mic pinned to my shirt via the clip, the mono jack of the AT will go to the input jack of my mic input of my soundcard (onboard, I have an external pro sound card too). Both inputs (headphone and mic) will be mixed via my onboard soundcard/soft which where I can boost gain of my mic if needed. Both signals wil be mixed but one (the mic) will be mono which I can use for one side of the headphones or split it to stereo (which is not a true stereo signal but a split mono signal which will come out on both sides of my headphones.

For this set-up a seperate set of headphoneīs are needed and with the closed dome type so no sounds filter out (my AKG 171), I will try the K77 first, if I get sound leakīs from them and the AT mic pickīs them up, I will switch to the K171 which have no leaks as they are made for tracking. Or I can always use earbuds which donīt have much sound leak.  On open speakers well you know the mic will pick-up what comes out of the speakers and can also produce a bad feedback loop.

Not many people use opened speakers and a mic for the obvious reason, it will pick up your gameplay aswell.

This mic is not meant for open speakers, or any other mic beacuse as I said it will pick up whatīs coming out of the speakers. Itīs meant to be used with headphones like in radio broadcast and you can also use it with speakers (P.A. system) as long as you are at a distance from them so no feedback comes out and you donīt mind getting the speakers sound mixed with the mic input, or the speakers are in front of you pointing at the opposite direction as in a stage concert. Aerobic class, drummer backing vocales for example.  In the video he is using it on a camcorder where you would use it to pick-up ambient sound and or a speach.

I will have to see when they arrive (next week) but off hand I donīt see much of a problem with the gear I have as I can always switch headphones or lower the mic pick-up gain.  If I used TS with voice activated then yes I would forsee a problem beacuse of the omnidirectional polar pattren.  Iīll just have to tell everybody to shut up in the house but you can have the same problem with any other mic that has high sensitivity.  The issue is that most built in micīs that come with headphones are so cheap that they donīt have much sensitivity and thatīs why you need them closer to your mouth and hardly no noise getīs filterd in.

I can always run the mic into my DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) software (Cubase 8.5) and add a noise gate to trigger only when I talk or some compresion with side-chain and filter out what I donīt want. This would be in the case that I use TS with voice activation.

Spent many years over at the "Gearzluts" forum as a hobbiest in pro production, and I have more then 4K in instruments and inboard/outboard gear. I have even modded one of my own amplifiers and made my own stomp boxes/pedals out of sctratch in the past.

Although who knowīs maybe I made a bad choice, will see went I get it.  The mechanics of micīs/headphones are all about the same the difference is in quality.



« Last Edit: October 13, 2016, 10:36:15 PM by Red2112 »
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Offline Don_prince

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Re: Notice. Microphone for on-line play. Please read.
« Reply #19 on: October 13, 2016, 06:38:33 PM »
Actualy itīs quite easy...

The mic has a clip which you can pin to your shirt or make some sort of extension from your headphones which isnīt really needed as itīs a condenser mic and they have a very good pick-up range/sensitivity.  Beeing omnidirectional means the capsule will pick-up in a almost 360š which might be the worst part of the mic as it will pick-up surrounding waves if there are any. It would have been better with a unidirectional capsule, but that also has a bad side as you have to have the mic right in front of your mouth, if you move a little to the side it will not pick-up your voice beacuse the polar pattren is unidirectional and only pickīs up whatīs in front of it. Thatīs why singers in a studio use omnidirectional polar pattren capsules, but are in a sound proof booth. Canīt have everything  ::)

I will use my AKG K77 headphones (run of the mil headphones, or canīs as we call them in the audio world.), or you can even use earplugs, which will be connected to my headphones sound card input, and will have the ATR 3350 mic pinned to my shirt via the clip, the mono jack of the AT will go to the input jack of my mic input of my soundcard (onboard, I have an external pro sound card too). Both inputs (headphone and mic) will be mixed via my onboard soundcard/soft which where I can boost gain of my mic if needed. Both signals wil be mixed but one (the mic) will be mono which I can use for one side of the headphones or split it to stereo (which is not a true stereo signal but a split mono signal which will come out on both sides of my headphones.

For this set-up a seperate set of headphoneīs are needed and with the closed dome type so no sounds filter out (my AKG 171), I will try the K77 first, if I get sound leakīs from them and the AT mic pickīs them up, I will switch to the K171 which have no leaks as they are made for tracking. Or I can always use earbuds which donīt have much sound leak.  On open speakers well you know the mic will pick-up what comes out of the speakers and can also produce a bad feedback loop.

Not many people use opened speakers and a mic for the obvious reason, it will pick up your gameplay aswell.

This mic is not meant for open speakers, or any other mic beacuse as I said it will pick up whatīs coming out of the speakers. Itīs meant to be used with headphones like in radio broadcast and you can also use it with speakers (P.A. system) as long as you are at a distance from them so no feedback comes out and you donīt mind getting the speakers sound mixed with the mic input, or the speakers are in front of you pointing at the opposite direction as in a stage concert. Aerobic class, drummer backing vocales for example.  In the video he is using it on a camcorder where you would use it to pick-up ambient sound and or a speach.

I will have to see when they arrive (next week) but off hand I donīt see much of a problem with the gear I have as I can always switch headphones or lower the mic pick-up gain.  If I used TS with voice activated then yes I would forsee a problem beacuse of the omnidirectional polar pattren.  Iīll just have to tell everybody to shut up in the house but you can have the same problem with any other mic that has high sensitivity.  The issue is that most built in micīs that come with headphones are so cheap that they donīt have much sensitivity and thatīs why you need them closer to your mouth and hardly no noise getīs filterd in.

I can always run the mic into my DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) software (Cubase 8.5) and add a noise gate to trigger only when I talk or some compresion with side-chain and filter out what I donīt want. This would be in the case that I use TS with voice activation.

Spent many years over at the "Gearzluts" forum as a hobbiest in pro production, and I have more then 4K in instruments and inboard/outboard gear. I have even modded one of my on amplifiers and made my own stomp boxes/pedals out of sctratch in the past.

Although who knowīs maybe I made a bad choice, will see went I get it.  The mechanics of micīs/headphones are all about the same the difference is in quality.



I smell another enthousiast... I run motu gear and sennheiser. my dayly driver is a hd650, my sound/capture card is an hdx-sdi... The workstation has a 2408mk3. I was searching for stuff to record our vinyl to PC years back and found the 2408mk3 cheap, from then on it all went downhill...

I would not worry about noise leaking from the headphones, I have no complaints with the hd650 and that thing is pretty noisy...
« Last Edit: October 13, 2016, 06:41:10 PM by Don_prince »
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Offline Red2112

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Re: Notice. Microphone for on-line play. Please read.
« Reply #20 on: October 13, 2016, 10:24:40 PM »
Hey Don thatīs great to hear your in the never ending audio world  ;)

My actual set-up is my 3rd set-up till date. My first audio card was a Creamware Pulsar.  That thing was so complicated to set-up that I got frustrated with the whole audio deal and left it parked for a year! It was routed to a Yamaha mixing board and I did get the whole set-up (Pentium III) working but the Pulsar was a real rescource hog, I still have the card somewhere.  Then I moved on to a TC Electronics Konnekt 24d, I like how TC makes stuff, but the card was new to the market and spent a year waiting and testing there forevermore faulty driverīs. It was paird to a set of Alesis MkII active monitors and Cakewalk (Roland) Sonar 6 DAW. I was lucky to sell the TC K24D and bought a Echo Audio Audiofire 8pre, which runīs through a pair of Yamaha MSP5 active monitors and through Cubase 8.5.  I had to drop Sonar 6 beacuse it dosenīt work on 64x systems.  Will never buy anything from Cakewalk again!  The bummer is that I recently found out that Echo Audio shut down, itīs a shame beacuse Echo Audio was made in the USA and very well built, but they will not put out any drivers above W8, only hardware support for now. For the price it has very good AD/DA converters, you can record a pro record with it. I know MOTU too, there was a time I was looking at the MOTU Traveler before I got the TC K24D.

Itīs not that I wanted to brag, itīs just that audio recording and post production is a BIG world and not a easy one to learn. Gearzluts and Sound on Sound are great places to get knowledge but you have to spend ALOT of time reading!  Thereīs alot of things involved, from calibrating your monitors, sound proofing, mic placement, which mic, what audio chain, and a how to with  EQīs, compresor, reverbs, delays, master meterīs reading just to name a few.

Regarding converting analog LPīs to digital, well Iam old school and find that analog sounds more to life, warmer as they say.  I have an old 1974 Sansui HiFi amp that when I put LPīs on it brings me back to me high school dayīs  ;)  Digital CDīs get lost in volume, just walk away from a CD source and you will find that the CD sound gets lost too, just some bitter high frequencys left in the back ground, they just sound to steril to me, try that with a LP and a amp of itīs time to go with it.  Nothing wrong with digital audio, but sound engineers and soft/hard companyīs are all looking for that 70`s sound trying to mimic those Neive Rupert mixinboards of the past.  Donīt tell the kidīs though, they be like what?  ;D
« Last Edit: October 13, 2016, 10:36:59 PM by Red2112 »
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Offline Asid

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Re: Notice. Microphone for on-line play. Please read.
« Reply #21 on: October 15, 2016, 09:20:44 PM »
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Offline Red2112

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Re: Notice. Microphone for on-line play. Please read.
« Reply #22 on: October 15, 2016, 10:13:04 PM »

I think we did that in the when I was in the "Boyscouts" LOL!
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Offline Don_prince

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Re: Notice. Microphone for on-line play. Please read.
« Reply #23 on: October 15, 2016, 11:52:06 PM »
We should start another tread with this stuff... the only reason I have not is that I cannot come up with an appropriate catchy name...

I tried that when I was 4 with my sister, dunno if it was the cups or the wires, we tried 4 different cups and 3 different wires and differend lenghts, didnt work. Story continued here:,

Anyway on the audiophile stuff I will continue here:,

Goals for next month: Not derailing Asids topics
« Last Edit: October 15, 2016, 11:54:00 PM by Don_prince »
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Offline Asid

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Re: Notice. Microphone for on-line play. Please read.
« Reply #24 on: October 16, 2016, 12:11:41 AM »

I tried that when I was 4 with my sister, dunno if it was the cups or the wires, we tried 4 different cups and 3 different wires and differend lenghts, didnt work. Story continued here:

You're still using it.....  ::)
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Offline Red2112

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Re: Notice. Microphone for on-line play. Please read.
« Reply #25 on: October 17, 2016, 02:12:13 PM »
I have recived the ATR3350 today  ;)

Sounds nice! But you have to tweak your internal soundcard a bit. The input gain was quite low, I Imagen they set this so you donīt accidentally blow your speakers off which is a good thing.  I had to set the gain to +20dbīs in order to achive a -30dbīs below the standard +/-0dbīs on TS. -30dbīs (headroom) is actually what you want while recording in order not to clip your output so Iam fine with that. -30/-70dbīs of headroom is what to look for while recording.

With this setting Iam fine, although internal soundcards AND TS are a bit picky with unwanted sound and can add wierd sine waves to your sound. This dose not happen with pro cards, pro cards are islotated from PCI boards and soft appīs.  In this setting I could hear my girlfriend hitting her keyboard (7mts. away in same room), and did not have to speak loud in order to get a good reading on the TS output meter. It goes to show it has good sensitivity.  Will see when you guyīs hear me on TS!

Element: Condenser (small diaphragm)
Polar Pattern: Omnidirectional
Frequency Response: 50-18,000Hz
Sensitivity: -54db (thus the +20db)
Impendance: 1,000 ohms
Weight: 6g.
Cable: 6mt. terminated with 3.5mm dual mono mini-plug.


I added a 1cnt of an € so you can compare the size.

How I have it set-up for now on my headphones. Battery backpack is clipped to my headphones, thereīs another clip for the mic.

With this and my TrackIR cap Iam gonna look like "Mission Impossible" LOL!

Nothing is in the way with cables. I might find a tidyer way to store the cables.  With 6mt. of cable you can almost go to your WC without losing your conversation LOL!

Your Sesame Street reporter...


PD.: I put this in this thread beacuse this is gameplay specific. Much easier for a newcomer to find here then a dedicated thread.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2016, 02:42:05 PM by Red2112 »
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