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Re: Encased: A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG
« Reply #45 on: August 15, 2020, 02:23:43 AM »
Massive update #3. Dome — ideal place to live in.
Fri, 14 August 2020


Dear subscribers, the latest issue of the CRONUS Weekly is back on your screens. Today we will report on the completion of the third stage of infrastructure construction under the Dome, we will inform you about the great achievements of our corporation, improved living and working conditions for all employees and mind blowing inventions that have changed the usual way of life.

Third update

The third stage of infrastructure construction under the Dome has been completed. We have joined forces of all best CRONUS specialists to make a real breakthrough in the betterment of life under the Dome. Now we can safely claim that the Dome is the best place to live on the planet. And very soon, it will reveal all its secrets to the world.

Cloaking field generators

Thanks to the third major update, all CRONUS employees will receive personal cloaking field generators. These compact devices allow you to conduct reconnaissance special operations covertly to avoid losses among the personnel. With the stealth data you can see how much enemy attention has been drawn. Guard systems of the Forefathers, wasteland mutants and any other opponents will not even have time to notice that they’re now in our scientists' laboratories.

New weapons

Dome is safer than ever. But to be sure of tomorrow, CRONUS has almost completely upgraded its arsenal! New weapons with improved performance and enhanced armour-piercing capabilities, new non-lethal weapons that are perfect for scientists and pathfinders, and brand new armor and protective suits for every employee.

In addition to that, today we launch a special offer for everyone who wants to get under the Dome. 20% discount on an unforgettable journey with our Steam partner!

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Re: Encased: A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG
« Reply #46 on: August 22, 2020, 12:49:38 AM »
Emergency weather report. Management visit with inspection.
Fri, 21 August 2020


Dear subscribers, once again the latest issue of the CRONUS Weekly is on your terminals. Today we will tell you how the weather affects anomalies, the results of an unscheduled administrative check and how to become the owner of a spray gun for self-defense.

Weather report

Breaking news! From this day on, every resident of the Dome is obliged to listen to the weather forecast data every day. White Wing scientists have found the relationship between the weather and the activity of many anomalies.

The results of observations confirm that the electriс anomalies have grown to unprecedented sizes. It could have been caused by increased storm activity, but it’s too early for final conclusions, hundreds of hours of observations and experiments needed to be done. One thing is for sure: you can't neutralise them with simple bolts.

Management inspection

Last week, CRONUS conducted a major upgrade of the entire infrastructure under the Dome. Such an important event did not go unnoticed by top management. This week, a commission of leading managers personally visited the main research facilities.

"Everything went according to plan. The laboratories and research facilities have been cleaned up and put in perfect order. The equipment, furniture and equipment have been replaced with the latest models. The staff has been urgently instructed and successfully recertified. The unannounced inspection showed no signs of corruption, abuse of authority, embezzlement or financial fraud. There is only a bright future ahead for us," said Silver Wing authorized specialist.

Self-defence items

Residents of the Dome, we are receiving more and more requests for self-defense weapons. We hurry to inform you that thanks to the recent renovation of infrastructure, the Dome has become one of the most comfortable and safe places to live on the whole planet. However, the safety and security of the settlers is a priority for CRONUS. A series of non-lethal weapons has been developed especially for employees with dubious backgrounds.

Starting today, you can send a request for a pepper spray gun. The weapon is not only easy to use, but also can easily disable your opponent for several hours thanks to the unique chemical composition of the pepper mixture. All this without significant harm to your target's health.

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Re: Encased: A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG
« Reply #47 on: August 29, 2020, 03:42:33 AM »
Forefathers mysteries, anomalies and artifacts
Fri, 28 August 2020

Welcome, dear subscribers. Once again "CRONUS Weekly" is on your terminals. Today we’ll focus on mysteries of the Forefathers, anomalies and artifacts. In recent video chronicles, we told you how you can get the most valuable inventions for your personal use. If you missed it, we advise you to watch it immediately.


Almost everyone who has heard of the Dome at least once asks a question: where did all these technological wonders come from? Unfortunately, no one, even the best minds of humanity, is ready to answer this question. We call the creators of the Dome the Forefathers and know too little about them.

Every day, the best scientists of the White Wing carefully study the technologies left by the Forefathers to turn them for the benefit of humanity. Even today, dozens of amazing inventions are ready to be transported to the outside world, and it is you, our readers, who can become their first owners.

Holographic projector

Holographic projector is one of the new advanced technologies of the Wesley industries, a real breakthrough in data transmission. In a few days it gained popularity in almost all areas under the Dome. Officers of the Black Wing especially liked it. The presentations of new models of weapons and armor have never attracted so much attention before.

Projectors are especially useful in the training of recruits, the battles with holograms are absolutely safe, but they allow to create situations as close to reality as possible.


Anomalies, perhaps, are the main secret of the Dome. Despite the huge budgets that CRONUS allocates to study, we still know too little about their properties. Risking their lives, every day dozens of researchers go to the wastelands to study these wonders some more.

You may have already encountered some anomalies at the Concord station. Here, every newcomer, under the strict control of scientists, must understand what he’ll soon face.

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Re: Encased: A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG
« Reply #48 on: September 02, 2020, 02:28:15 AM »
How to Master Combat? — Encased RPG Development Update #11
Mon, 31 August 2020

During the development of Encased, nothing has changed as much as the combat system. Many skill trees, scaling from different attributes, as well as dozens of different weapons surprise every new CRONUS employee.

Today we want to talk about the combat system in more detail, tell you how it works and how to become a survival expert under the Dome. Get comfortable, we're starting.

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Re: Encased: A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG
« Reply #49 on: September 05, 2020, 02:55:04 AM »
Catastrophe that changed the world
Fri, 4 September 2020


Welcome, subscribers and first settlers of the Dome!

Once again the latest issue of the CRONUS weekly is on your screens. In this issue we will tell you how mankind discovered the Dome, pay special attention to the recruit combat training, as well as show you inner workings of one of the most important CRONUS laboratories.

Catastrophe that changed the world

Walking around the Crystal Sands, newcomers can’t even imagine that a few years ago, in place of all these buildings, laboratories and training grounds, stretched a lifeless desert. In a short time CRONUS managed to build an infrastructure, which had no analogues in the world.

The Dome was found by chance: Everything began with the mysterious disappearance of the military aircraft. It was reported that the pilot lost his course during the sandstorm. Two rescue helicopters went to search, but both crashed. Only one crew member survived. He reported that one of the vehicles allegedly crashed against an "invisible wall" and, while falling, hit the second helicopter.

This is how mankind first encountered the Dome, a mysterious construction of an unknown civilization.

Self-defence lessons

Employees! We remind you that combat training is a guarantee of survival in a harsh and dangerous world under the Dome. It seems that some of you have been negligent in your training with holograms, which resulted in significant losses during the last mission. CRONUS does not tolerate repeated errors. Each recruit now has to watch a specially made video course by the best Black Wing team. Follow the instructions and become a real war machine in no time.

Emulator project control room

Dear subscribers. Today we managed to look behind the scenes of, perhaps, one of the most important rooms under the Dome. On your screens, the anomaly research project control room. Here the best minds of the corporation are developing technologies based on resources left by the ancient civilization. Each scientist or engineer is ready to part with a quiet life under the Dome, just to touch the secrets of the forgotten civilization and help the project to control the anomalous nature of the Dome.

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Re: Encased: A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG
« Reply #50 on: September 13, 2020, 01:11:05 PM »
Cinema premiers without risk for your health
Fri, 11 September 2020


Dear subscribers and residents of the Dome, the latest issue of "CRONUS Weekly" is once again on your screens. Today we will talk about the revival of cultural life, discoveries of biologists and testing of the panacea.

Return of movie theaters

When we say that the Dome has become a new center of the world, it’s not only because of science and technology. We know how important it is to support culture and art, that's why we are happy to present the first full-length film made under the Dome.

Deader than dead is an exciting adventure movie, highly appreciated by cultural consultants of the Silver Wing. The film combines an exciting plot and a deep humanistic message. The movie is fully filmed and edited under the Dome, and its actors instantly became worldwide stars! You can watch this unique artistic expression very soon in any cinema around the globe or on the screens of your terminals with an extended subscription to CRONUS originals.

Cockroach soldier

In the past, when we were all afraid of a possible atomic war, everyone knew that cockroaches could survive even a nuclear winter. Thanks to the discovery of the Dome, world powers maintain a balance, but cockroaches can still surprise us!

Truth to be told, they evolve rapidly under the influence of the Dome environment. For example, look at this handsome guy! In the hive, he takes the role of a soldier. On his head he has spikes that can penetrate the car metal, and his shell is difficult to break for the most ordinary bullets. Fortunately, everything is under control, and White Wing biologists control every creature. These mutants won’t be able to escape!

Cure for all diseases

Just 10 years ago, a person could die from an infection with a simple splinter. You had to drink tons of medicines and hope for the best if you wanted to cure yourself. The technologies found under the Dome have turned our idea of medical science upside down. Now most diseases, injuries and even gunshot wounds can be cured in a matter of hours with medical bags.

A brand new Stimpack is looking for volunteers for testing. This is a simple formality that will cure the test subjects of any illness. White Wing physicians claim it to be harmless and with no side effects. The device has already been tested by the top executives of the corporation. Now it's your turn!

New expedition

The world of the future calls for the strongest! On September 24, the Against The Moon universe will open its gates for pathfinders.

Chthonic monsters of the Moon run rampant on the Earth. Only brave defenders can resist the infinitely strong enemy. Intelligent Arx citadel asks for your help, brave employees. Throw the invader a challenge in card battles, sacrifice heroes for the common good and control three characters at once. The whole planet has risen to repel the invasion and fight the last battle Against The Moon!

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Re: Encased: A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG
« Reply #51 on: September 19, 2020, 11:34:19 PM »
History of power armor creation. Community support. New sightseeing routes
Fri, 18 September 2020


Dear subscribers, CRONUS weekly is once again on your terminals. Today we will show you how servoshell has been improved over the years of development under the Dome. We will discuss new interesting places for expeditions and scientific researches, as well as celebrate the modest achievement of our first settlers.

From prototype to production. History of power armor transformations.

Servoshell is one of the main achievements of Blue Wing engineers. High-tech suit is not only protecting against radiation and harmful effects of anomalies. It also allows people to carry cargo beyond the limits of human capabilities and perform complex engineering tasks.

However, the servoshell wasn’t always like the one we have today. It has come a long way from the first sketches, to the launch of full-scale production. Now these suits serve for the benefit of all humanity.

Note: all rumors about the great military potential are overly exaggerated. Servoshell was made solely for industrial purposes.

Places to visit under the Dome

Every day dozens of bright minds get under the Dome in search of new knowledge. Scientists, researchers and pathfinders are all enticed by the mysteries and riddles left by the Forefathers. So, where should you go right away? We recommend picturesque grottoes with anomalies. Truly amazing place! But do not hurry to go on an expedition. Every newcomer must be instructed and get permission before leaving the station.

800 reviews! New milestone for the community!

Once again, CRONUS Corporation would like to thank all its employees. The number of reviews on the Steam site has passed the 800 mark. Thanks to your feedback, day after day we are working to improve the quality of life and work of all Dome residents. Continue to share your emotions and impressions from amazing journeys and adventures in the mysterious world of the Forefathers.

See you under the Dome!

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Re: Encased: A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG
« Reply #52 on: September 25, 2020, 01:59:26 PM »
Big CRONUS deal and new external threat
Thu, 24 September 2020


Welcome, employees and first residents of the Dome!

The latest issue of "CRONUS Weekly" is once again on your screens. Today we will tell you about a major media deal between the companies CRONUS and Supercolor. We will share the photos of the new improved servoshell station. But most importantly, we will tell you how to participate in the rescue operation from the new global threat to all of humanity.

Big CRONUS deal

Last week, CRONUS Corporation signed a contract for the supply of jukeboxes with a major manufacturer of audio equipment — Supercolor.

CRONUS repeatedly pointed out the importance of developing not only domestic infrastructure, but also cultural life under the Dome! This massive deal is yet another bold step towards improving the quality of life for every employee of the corporation.

“Now each dining room and cafe will offer not only tasty and healthy food, but also excellent music, approved by the CRONUS moral commission”, — says the head of the CRONUS public relations committee

CRONUS rescue expedition

Employees! A terrible threat requiring your attention once again hangs over the outside world!

According to preliminary data, the Earth was attacked by chthonic monsters led by the Moon. Only the most courageous warriors can challenge the invader and repel the attack of an omnipotent enemy.

Starting today, on September 24, CRONUS Corporation will send the first squad of volunteered heroes to the rescue expedition.

Against The Moon

Servoshell station

More and more are asking questions related to the latest servoshell models. And we totally understand you! Literally every resident of the Dome dreams to try on such a technological and impressive costume. One of the most frequent questions: "What power source uses this miracle of engineering mind?"

The technology of the Forefathers helped us even here! To recharge the scientists of the Blue Wing have developed special stations that convert voltage into high power. Just a few minutes in those stations and the suit is ready to continue helping mankind in learning all about the incredible mysteries of the disappeared civilization!

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Re: Encased: A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG
« Reply #53 on: October 08, 2020, 01:01:57 AM »
New invention of Wesley Industries and excavation under the Dome
Wed, 7 October 2020


Dear subscribers, the latest issue of the CRONUS weekly is once again on your screens. In this issue you will learn how excavations under the Dome are progressing, about the new and incredibly useful invention of Wesley industries, as well as how the training program for new recruits is changing.

Compact harpoon from Wesley Industries

The Dome is full of dangers, cliffs and high mountains. But what are you going to do if you notice an artifact of the Forefathers or a unique anomaly in the abyss? How do you get to it?

This is the question that Wesley company has answered with their new invention — a miniature harpoon. It is convenient, powerful, and most importantly — compact. The administration of CRONUS recommends it to any wasteland researcher.

Excavation under the Dome

Despite the developed infrastructure of the Dome, excavations and other research do not stop for a day. Who knows what other mysteries and secrets have been left behind by the mysterious civilization of the Forefathers.

The hardest and most dangerous excavations under the Dome are carried out by the Orange Wing under the careful supervision of scientists. In case of emergency, the life of each employee is insured. Relatives and friends of the deceased will receive compensation at any CRONUS station under the Dome.

CRONUS training program

During the study of relics, artifacts, anomalies and other technologies left by the Forefathers, CRONUS Corporation has collected a huge baggage of knowledge that has no analogues in the world. Even now we can say that the employees of the corporation are the best in their respective fields and have no equal.

The training program of the Black Wing deserves special attention. In two years, the recruits turned into well-trained and disciplined defenders of the Dome residents. All this is due to, perhaps, the best program of training and education for soldiers.

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Re: Encased: A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG
« Reply #54 on: October 10, 2020, 02:46:51 AM »
Back to the roots. Forward to the brighter future!
Fri, 9 October 2020


Dear readers, this letter may seem familiar to you, even if you see it for the first time. After all, on your screens is the 50th-anniversary issue of the CRONUS weekly! Today there’s no news, just memories of the very first issue.

(ARCHIVE!) The opening ceremony of the Dome was attended by more than 10 thousand settlers

On September 26, the Dome was opened for the first researchers. More than ten thousand settlers went to build a bright world of the future. There is a lot of work ahead, mysterious artifacts and supernatural anomalies will one day submit to the intelligence of researchers and will be converted for the benefit of mankind. We ask you to join us, too!

Comment from the present: Just imagine, not so long ago there were only 10,000 of us. Just imagine how much work each of us has done to create the largest world corporation, consisting of representatives of all nations. Together we are building the future for all humanity.

(ARCHIVE!) Bugs fixed

The best minds of CRONUS believe that true mastery lies not in avoiding mistakes, but in correcting them in time. So our best specialists work tirelessly to improve the quality of life of each settler. Many errors and bugs have already been fixed.

Comment from the present: Since the release of this material, the management of the corporation has implemented three major infrastructure upgrades and many additional changes. Together we make our lives better!

(ARCHIVE!) More than 85% of the first settlers are satisfied with the quality of life under the Dome

An independent user survey proved a high level of satisfaction with the living conditions under the Dome. 85% of users left positive reviews. CRONUS corporation is grateful and promises to maintain a high level of responsibility!

Comment from the present: And it was only the beginning! Even now, independent surveys under the Dome show 99.9% satisfaction with living and working conditions!

C.R.O.N.U.S. Weekly is not the only way to monitor corporation updates

We hope you got the same nostalgia trip as we did and urge everyone to share materials about our projects on social networks in order to invite the best specialists to our team. In addition, subscribe to our social networks to be the first to know about project updates.

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Re: Encased: A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG
« Reply #55 on: October 17, 2020, 02:41:00 AM »
New military inventions of CRONUS
Fri, 16 October 2020


Welcome, employees and first residents of the Dome!

On your screens the new issue of the "CRONUS Weekly". Today we will continue the section about amazing inventions and tell you about the latest and boldest novelties in the military industry.

Cryo Grenades Field Tests

Wesley Industries once again proves that nothing is impossible, and takes on the implementation of the most daring ideas of the Black Wing. Until recently, ordinary privates only joked about miraculous freezing grenades, and today this weapon is ready for field use! A single accurate throw, and even a big squad cannot escape from the battlefield.

Hydraulic Power Gloves

Hydraulic glove is another bold invention of the best CRONUS engineers. While everyone around the world has to rent expensive loading equipment, CRONUS employees can handle any medium or lightweight load with one hand. One person armed with such a useful item can replace up to three forklift trucks. All this became possible only thanks to relics and artifacts left by the Forefathers.

First Servoshell Concept

You have already heard the accusations against CRONUS many times, allegedly in almost all our inventions there is an obvious military potential. But it's worth examining early blueprints to understand that rumors are clearly exaggerated. For example, servoshell was first introduced to the world as a means to handle heavy loads, and additional metal plates were only needed to protect employees during heavy and dangerous work.

Unfortunately, the Dome was not as hospitable as we thought, and all military prototypes were approved by CRONUS only to protect their employees.

See you under the Dome!

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Re: Encased: A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG
« Reply #56 on: October 24, 2020, 02:29:11 AM »
The truth about labor and living conditions in CRONUS
Fri, 23 October 2020


Greetings, employees!

The latest issue of "CRONUS Weekly" is once again on your screens. This week we will dispel the fears of recruits about the harsh working conditions under the Dome, talk about the safety measures taken by CRONUS and plunge into the past, remembering what the first research bunkers looked like.

Dome and its inhabitants

It is difficult to ignore how much the Dome has affected its inhabitants. Dozens of local flora and fauna have been transformed beyond recognition. And it is not only about appearance. Once harmless bugs became aggressive and cruel killers.

The CRONUS security service strongly recommends not to come into contact with any insects or animals. Immediately report your finding to the nearest control center, a group of specialists selected from the best employees of each Wing will visit the place immediately. Any mistake can cost you your life or at least your health.

Dangers when working with artifacts

Mutated animals are not the only danger in the wasteland. Studying artifacts and relics is an even more dangerous but ambitious task. The mysterious objects left by the forefathers contain amazing and frightening secrets. But rest assured, you have nothing to be afraid of.

Each object is studied by the best minds of the White Wing. We use only the most advanced equipment, which has no analogues in the whole world. In case of emergency, there is always a squad of the bravest and most prepared fighters. They will definitely deal with any unusual problem.

If there is a place where you can safely explore all the wonders of an unknown civilization, it is exactly under the Dome.

First CRONUS bunkers

Many residents won’t even remember what the land under the Dome looked like just a couple of years ago. New recruits are surrounded by high-rise stations, high-tech laboratories and training grounds. It is hard to believe that previously there were only small bunkers with minimal equipment.

The infrastructure of CRONUS has grown to such a high level only thanks to the hard work of the first settlers and the technology of the Forefathers! Right now every employee has almost unlimited access to the best benefits of CRONUS and can confidently call the Dome their new home.

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Re: Encased: A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG
« Reply #57 on: October 30, 2020, 02:32:39 AM »
Trick or treat. Halloween under the Dome.
Thu, 29 October 2020


Dear readers! The latest issue of the CRONUS weekly we’ll dedicate to Halloween! We will tell you how the holiday will be celebrated by the international team of the CRONUS Corporation and what was the most popular costume last year. We will also share an invitation to the mysterious Ancestors Festival that was organized by our friends outside the Dome.

Costume party!

Halloween is so close! It's time to dust off the creepiest suits and masks to go scare friends and neighbors. Celebrate in an ominous, funny or unusual way at a costume party organized at your station!

By the way, last year the most popular costume was of a desert raider, more than 95% of participants came in this appearance. And this is smart, because it is always worth keeping a humanoid form, to not provoke the defense systems of the Corporation.

*The CRONUS administration reserves the right to have a detailed inspection of any costume at the celebration in order to avoid entering of unexplored life forms on the territory.

Ancestors festival

Not only the Dome is famous for thematic parties. People around the world are celebrating this event. So our friends from a friendly corporation decided to celebrate Halloween with a special festival.

On October 29, the first seasonal event in the history of Against The Moon, the Ancestral Halloween Festival, is waiting for all of us. Get ready to meet new enemies and fight in a completely new type of battles, puzzles. A new story campaign, unique Pumpkin opponents and exciting battles with the strongest monsters await you.

Nine cards, dozens of options for the outcome of events are at your disposal and there’s only one winning combination!

Which costume to pick?

It is easy to stand out from the crowd with original outfits, the main thing is attention to details. Despite the simplicity of execution, there is something frightening in this predatory look of the beast. Cunning, deviousness and keenness — these are the qualities most often attributed to foxes. Do you think it's just a great costume or a true soul expression through a suit?

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Re: Encased: A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG
« Reply #58 on: November 06, 2020, 01:52:44 AM »
Factions that divided the Dome — Encased RPG Development Update #12
Thu, 5 November 2020

Dark Crystal Games is returning with the latest Encased development update.

Today we will tell you about the forces that took power under the Dome after a mysterious incident.

Factions are an important part of the game and will have a huge impact on the story and adventures of the protagonist.

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Re: Encased: A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG
« Reply #59 on: November 07, 2020, 03:31:13 AM »
Feature film «Factions that divided the Dome»
Fri, 6 November 2020


Welcome, dear employees and subscribers! In the latest issue of "CRONUS Weekly" we will tell you about interesting and promising vacant positions, share a new feature film and tell you about other creative feats of talented employees.

Feature film «Factions that divided the Dome»

The CRONUS management has repeatedly expressed its support for the creative initiatives of its employees. Today we are pleased to present the feature film "Factions that divided the Dome". The plot of the film will tell you about the importance of having one centralized management system. Without strict control, the society would be plunged into chaos and endless war for power.

Before starting your work, CRONUS strongly recommends that you read the list of allowed topics in advance. Otherwise, the Committee may impose a ban on your film production at any time.

Manager of Cafe or Gas Station

*Roadside Picnic is a transshipment point, as well as one of the most popular facilities under the Dome.

Don't worry that you might not have enough qualifications to work at CRONUS. Especially if you have difficulty finding a job in the outside world. Now all this is in the past for you.

Administrator of a transshipment point is one of the most popular positions under the Dome, for which neither experience nor additional education is needed. The northern and eastern parts of the Dome are covered with a developed network of highways with related infrastructure: cafes, motels and, of course, gas stations.

Right now there are more than a dozen and a half gas stations, but the CRONUS management expects to increase their number to 50 within two years. So, if you have been dreaming of your own nice place for a long time, then immediately go under the Dome. You will not find a more promising place in the whole world.

Prohibited topics for creative endeavors

Today we managed to get a picture of one of the paintings, confiscated from employees, called "Maze of Death". We support creative freedom, but we strongly recommend avoiding propaganda of violence. Just look at this "work of art" and imagine what is going on in the author's head. By the way, all his "masterpieces" have already been confiscated and he was taken to the medical center for psychological examination.

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