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Re: Encased: A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG
« Reply #60 on: November 14, 2020, 12:05:29 AM »
Scanner, bolts and equipment. Essential items under the Dome.
Fri, 13 November 2020


Once again the latest issue of "CRONUS Weekly" is on the screens of your terminals! This week we will tell you about basic necessities under the Dome. CRONUS Corporation cares about the well-being and safety of employees, that’s why these items are provided to the rookies absolutely free of charge.

Scanner CAERUS

Right now tens of thousands of people are working at the facilities of the corporation under the Dome. They conduct dozens of scientific expeditions daily, study relics, build modern security facilities, scientific complexes and residential buildings for employees.

Scanner is the main tool for collecting valuable scientific data, as well as a favorite "toy" of the White Wing. After scanning, all data about relics, corpses and mechanisms are synchronized with the common database. We invented a unique way to collect the most accurate scientific library in the world!


It is difficult to find a person under the Dome who does not have a pair of metal bolts in his pockets. Who would have thought that the best way to neutralize anomalies would be these little helpers. One good throw, and you have just a few seconds at your disposal for safe passage through a terrible anomaly.

Rookie equipment

In addition to technical equipment, each rookie receives combat equipment and personal weapons corresponding to the Wing of the Corporation. Of course, not everyone is allowed to own firearms or energy weapons. But even beginners from the Orange Wing are entitled to self-protection equipment. To get everything you need, immediately after arrival, visit warehouses and talk to Sydney Maynard and Margarita Tkachenko.

Note: Due to the cost optimization, it was decided to remove the headgear and gloves from the issued set. But you can buy them separately from Sydney's warehouse.

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Re: Encased: A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG
« Reply #61 on: November 21, 2020, 03:27:32 AM »
Tours under the Dome. Combond — universal currency of CRONUS
Fri, 20 November 2020


Once again on the screens of your terminals is the latest issue of "CRONUS Weekly"! This week we will continue our tour under the Dome, tell you about one of the most famous observation decks and share information about new advertising opportunities. You also expect a review of Combonds — the universal currency of CRONUS.

Nashville Observation Deck

The observation deck is one of the most interesting places on the Nashville site. All the most important equipment is installed here: ventilation shafts, meteorological sensors and radio system. The site itself, for the most part, is an image project: here, at a height of 96 meters, binoculars are installed, through which you can view most of the Dome in the smallest detail.

If on duty you are directed to Nashville station, be sure to visit this place and enjoy the stunning view.

CRONUS Advertisement Billboards

The infrastructure of CRONUS is growing as fast as ever. This is no longer just a small base for artifact research. It is a whole ecosystem of security objects, scientific complexes, residential buildings and transshipment points. Exclusive billboards of the corporation are installed almost everywhere. They will be the best solution to promote your products under the Dome.

If you are interested in this offer, be sure to contact a Silver Wing representative from one of the terminals. Hurry up, the number of billboards is limited.

Combond — Universal Currency of CRONUS

We are often asked how much does a Dome ticket cost and how much money they should take with them.

Once under the Dome, you should forget about the money in general. Anyone can get under the Dome by filling out the application form of a CRONUS candidate. Thanks to the "Clean List" program, it is available even for people with a difficult past.

Combonds are universal currency developed by the CRONUS committee. There is no point in worrying about your financial situation anymore. Each employee of the corporation receives a fair salary corresponding to their work and can spend this money at their own discretion on new equipment, clothing and entertainment.

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Re: Encased: A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG
« Reply #62 on: November 28, 2020, 02:01:48 AM »
Is it possible to get out from under the Dome?
Fri, 27 November 2020


Good day, dear subscribers and residents of the Dome! In the latest issue of "CRONUS Weekly" we will try to shed light on one of the main mysteries of the Dome, talk about the career consequences of your decisions, and also visit the backstage of one of the main objects under the Dome.

Is it possible to get out from under the Dome?

Unfortunately, even our editorial staff is not ready to answer this question unambiguously. Information about the influence of the Dome on living organisms is strictly classified. But we managed to discuss the most popular theories with anonymous sources.

The Dome is selectively permeable. Inorganic objects leave it through a single hole at the highest point. Any living creature that attempts to return — dies immediately. Some believe it is the atmosphere, others believe in the conspiracy of the CRONUS committee. But these are just rumors, not supported by any evidence. We continue our research and are sure that we will be able to solve this mystery of the Forefathers very soon.

Cable Railway of CRONUS

CRONUS objects are amazing with their scale. At the very beginning of research, a stable system of delivery of artifacts, relics and employees seemed to be a fiction. But CRONUS is designed to solve complex problems.

Crystal Sands city, standing at the foot of the Dome, and the Spire station are connected by a line of passenger and cargo funiculars. Specially equipped cabins run along the line laid directly on the surface of the Dome. They transport employees and cargo of the corporation. This unique system works 24/7 and without the slightest delay.

Reputation in CRONUS

Over the last week, petty crime and hooliganism have become more frequent under the Dome. A group of employees is suspected of vandalism, gambling and other offences. We are looking into this right now and will soon be ready to give the names of those responsible.

We remind all employees to uphold discipline and order. Only this way you can achieve success and career growth under the Dome. Each of your actions will certainly be recorded in your personal file and will have an impact on your future career. We advise you not to spoil your relationship with key employees or make mistakes that could darken your bright future.

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Re: Encased: A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG
« Reply #63 on: December 05, 2020, 02:21:38 AM »
The first mega-anomaly under the Dome
Fri, 4 December 2020


Good day, dear subscribers and residents of the Dome! In the latest issue of "CRONUS Weekly" we will try to shed light on one of the main mysteries of the Dome, talk about the career consequences of your decisions, and also visit the backstage of one of the main objects under the Dome.

The first mega-anomaly under the Dome

Please welcome the first mega-anomaly found under the Dome. Scientists of the White Wing attributed it to the heat type. The influence of such anomalies extends over a vast territory. When you encounter such an anomaly, do not come into contact with it at any cost, the consequences are extremely unpredictable. The anomaly is still poorly studied and is under 24-hour supervision of CRONUS scientists.

Anomalous protector

Each resident of the Dome at least once was in the anomalous zone. In such places, literally all the equipment goes crazy or breaks. To learn how to deal with the effects of anomalies, our editorial staff went to the heart of one of the anomalous zones — Roadside Picnic.

Aaron Melville, manager of the gas station, said that it is possible to deal with the harmful effects of anomalies with a simple homemade device. You only need improvised resources and a "Brass Apple" relic. The resulting device works thanks to the principles of electromagnetic induction. Melville himself calls it the Anomalous Protector, it creates a special field around itself that removes the harmful effects of anomalies.

С12-Nashville Object

Nashville is the true embodiment of the Dome. Here employees daily encounter the most incredible wonders of the Forefathers.

Everything here is based on the latest science breakthroughs, the elevators never get stuck, the guards are polite and competent and the walls are so thick as if made to withstand an atomic bomb. Is it worth even mentioning the record number of surveillance cameras? Thankfully, they don’t need them that much, because no crimes have been reported in Nashville, ever. If you are looking for a place to go for a quick career ladder, this is where you should go.

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Re: Encased: A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG
« Reply #64 on: December 12, 2020, 01:59:11 AM »
Happiness under the Dome
Fri, 11 December 2020


Good day, dear subscribers and residents of the Dome! In the latest issue of "CRONUS Weekly" we will turn away from the achievements of science and discuss simple human happiness. You often ask us whether relationships between employees are possible, should you have children, and if there are schools under the Dome. We have some surprising answers ready for you!

Relationships between employees

The Dome has brought together the best of humanity. The greatest scientists, the strongest managers, the most talented engineers, and the finest disciplined security personnel work here. In this unique collective, everyone has a great chance to meet a person, communication with whom grows into something more than just respect.

Management of the corporation does not block personal relationships between employees involved in various projects. Only the approval of the superiors is required. By the way, moving under the Dome is possible not only for singles. Married couples who fit the requirements for the corporation's employees can count on a joint relocation to the Dome!

*Non-coordinated relationships may result in administrative penalties, demotions, and transfers to remote Dome infrastructure facilities.

Kid in every house

One of the main mysteries of the Dome is human infertility. The residents of the Dome simply can't have a child for yet unknown reasons. Scientists suggest many theories, but none have yet been confirmed. We are sure that no child has ever been born under the Dome. Besides, corporation rules prevent children from being transported under the Dome. There are no schools or kindergartens here.

Does this mean that family happiness under the Dome is impossible? Of course not! Blue Wing engineers have designed unique robots capable of imitating children and teenagers. The machines take on their desired appearance and live with their parents just like normal children. No teenage nihilism, difficulties of growing up and puberty, only pure joy of parenthood!

*The project is in its final testing phase. You must apply at your nearest Silver Wing department to participate.

Remove kitchen slavery

Living conditions under the Dome are one of the best in the world. Hours of cooking food after work, washing dishes, doing laundry, sweeping, and cleaning are all a thing of the past here. The CRONUS Corporation has created all conditions for the happiness of its employees.

Buffets and cafes take care of catering. Here everyone will get a full meal filled with all necessary vitamins and microelements for a modest fee. It will not only be to your liking, but also help to maintain an ideal shape. And a centralized daily cleaning of the accommodation will free up your leisure time for personal research.

*The conditions of accommodation in the Orange Wing may differ from the public offer, check the details with the regional manager of the Clean Slate program.

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Re: Encased: A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG
« Reply #65 on: December 18, 2020, 01:58:23 AM »
Amazing inventions under the Dome
Thu, 17 December 2020


Dear subscribers, in this anniversary edition of the “CRONUS Weekly” we will present the outstanding inventions developed under the Dome. Thanks to technology left behind by an unknown civilisation, CRONUS is able to provide the entire world with innovative devices that will make our planet even better and safer.


Psionics are one of the most amazing, and yet least understood, phenomena of the world under the Dome. Every day, the best scientists find new ways to use these abilities for the benefit of humanity. After careful research and long experiments, the Blue and White Wing experts managed to channel the mysterious energy into a melee weapon.

Thanks to them you can currently see the first Psi Katana. This is just the beginning. Imagine the potential!

“Shiroyama” energy pulse rifle

The rifle is a masterpiece of energy weapons. It was designed by the best engineers, using advanced military technology. It is unique in its power, both inside and outside the Dome. Mass production has been delayed for security reasons. It's currently the one-of-a-kind piece.


One of Blue Wing engineers' most coveted inventions, coming to us from scientists' greatest fantasies. Every day, jetpacks help us make scientific discoveries and explore inaccessible terrain. The most valuable relics and artifacts are hidden in anomalous caves, crevices on steep mountains and underground labyrinths. Reaching them would simply be impossible without a jetpack.

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Re: Encased: A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG
« Reply #66 on: December 19, 2020, 11:37:51 PM »
Encased is joining Koch Media
Fri, 18 December 2020

From the very first day of development, Encased was a completely independent project, funded by our own money and the incredible support on Kickstarter. After receiving many offers we are fortunate enough to be able to cooperate with Koch Media. This partnership will secure the best possible publishing partner support from the whole Koch Media group while guaranteeing us the complete creative freedom to design the game we want and promised to you. We will put all our combined efforts behind the goal to make Encased a unique and truly amazing gaming experience on PlayStation 4, Xbox One as well as PC.

Koch Media will publish Encased within one of its labels. We will share more news on this subject at a later date. For now, the important information for you, our fans and backers is simply, we Dark Crystal Games will maintain full creative freedom and receive the necessary resources to make Encased even better, more interesting and friendly for players. The Koch Media family will support us not only with the group’s full publishing power but sharing insights on global development and releases.

Thanks to the support of Koch Media each character under the Dome will get its own voice — the game will get a full professional voice over, including the environment, dialogues and story inserts. We will be able to work even more carefully on each and every corner of the world, expand game mechanics and available game content. We will translate Encased into additional languages and the full version of Encased will be released simultaneously on PC and consoles! Unfortunately, we will need extra time to add all this to the game. But we are absolutely sure that the end result will not disappoint you.

Thank you to everyone who has supported us since the very first concept art. See you soon under the Dome!

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Re: Encased: A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG
« Reply #67 on: December 19, 2020, 11:45:01 PM »
Encased content patch #4 is coming on December 21st
Fri, 18 December 2020

Time for another great news. We are working tirelessly right now and will release the fourth Early Access update on Monday! We are sure you will like it, it will make the gameplay more interesting and convenient.

On December 21 prepare to return to the updated world under the Dome, meet fresh heroes and take part in new adventures.

More details on the release day. See you soon under the Dome.

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Re: Encased: A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG
« Reply #68 on: December 23, 2020, 02:24:16 AM »
Tue, 22 December 2020

We really wanted to release Encased this year, but we postponed it due to the introduction of new content and full voice acting. The game has increased in size, and we need time to tweak and polish it. We're releasing this patch to delight you before the final push, and also because we appreciate your participation, feedback, and help.

The development wasn’t easy. Three years of work, a large project, and a coronavirus pandemic awaited us. We switched to remote work back in the spring, some of our employees got sick, and some of them even ended up in hospital. Still, we made it: most of the work on the main storyline is complete, the game brought together an active and friendly community and the team welcomed new great people. We also signed a contract with Koch Media! They will help us finish Encased and make it a really good game.

This partnership will allow us to remain who we are and do what the studio was created to do — develop exciting games focused on the wishes of players, not on analytics, monetization and PR. All the work related to quality control, publishing and promotion of the game will be done by our new partners from Koch Media, we believe in their experience and professionalism, and we know that they will do a great job.

In the meantime, here's the last pre-release patch. After that, we're coming to the finish line to release the game you've all been waiting for!

List of changes by category


Encased development is still in an active phase, but work on the main storyline is complete, and the game is fully playable, from start to finish. We want to keep the intrigue alive, and there will be no finale, as well as the second and third acts in the upcoming patch. But don't feel sad: we've added new companions, random encounters, and other important things.
•   We added two new companions: a crime fighter nicknamed Sparrow and a movie actor Cheerful Jack,
•   We added biography details and additional questions about the world, factions and other partners to personal companion dialogue,
•   Companions now have more context reactions,
•   Companions now react to other companions,
•   We added reactions to car theft in the prologue.

•   Skill cap increased to 150,
•   Changed the system of learning skills. Now skills are divided between 5 ranks. To unlock them you’ll need 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 skill points respectively,
•   Ability point mechanics removed,
•   Combined the "Stealth" and "Criminal" skill branches,
•   Rebalanced and refined perks: their total number increased to 79, significantly changed their influence on the gameplay,
•   Character creation menu now has pre-designed heroes available,
•   The character creation menu now allows you to add one of 15 optional traits to your character,
•   Reworked formulas for calculating base values of attributes and skills,
•   Active abilities of the skill "Psionics" are divided between 4 types of psi gloves based on one type of effects: electricity, freezing, fire or mental,
•   Anomalous zones were added to random encounters, affecting gameplay,
•   Devices: added jetpacks that allow you to move around the location,
•   Devices: added harpoons, allowing you to pull an enemy to you,
•   Devices: added different types of grenades,
•   Piloting: added abilities for servoshell,
•   Piloting: in some locations you can ride on electric forklifts, also added puzzles related to electric forklifts,
•   Piloting: added the plot-related ability to use cars in the prologue,
•   Improved support for stealth and non-lethal playthroughs.


Enemy behavior in combat became much more advanced. Enemies now actively use items, abilities, and act within their specialization. The changes affected not only the "combat" AI: we introduced the first version of the crime system. Now NPCs react to the player's unlawful actions: you can no longer break into doors in front of guards and must use stealth. It is better to leave the scene of the crime as soon as possible: the injured character or just a random witness will immediately start patrolling the area and conduct their own investigation. If you are caught, civilians can call guards, who, however, can be intimidated or bribed.
•   Combat AI was redesigned and optimized: enemies actively use abilities, heal themselves and their allies, use consumables (tasers, alcohol, sleep grenades, stimulants),
•   The behavior of the enemies became more diverse and interesting, and all of them have specializations now,
•   Fixed errors with experience and fatigue gaining during non-lethal walkthroughs,
•   NPCs now react to crimes committed by the player. They can investigate what happened, change the faction's attitude toward the player, call guards, etc.,
•   Added a jail system in the settlements: the player's character can be imprisoned, can escape, etc.


We drew a new, beautiful interface that changed all old elements: the main HUD, the PDA (work is still in progress), the global map. The interface of the character creation screen, the combat grid, aiming, ability icons, and much, much more has changed. We got the most readable and user-friendly UI that allows you to focus on the story, exploring the world, leveling the hero and making tactical decisions in battle.
•   Reworked game screen interface,
•   Added ability to scale the main interface,
•   Redesigned difficulty choice interface,
•   Redesigned character creation interface,
•   Redesigned global map interface,
•   Reworked PDA interface — Abilities, Perks, Attributes,
•   Reworked PDA interface — Inventory,
•   Redesigned combat grid and aiming indicators,
•   Redesigned stealth interface,
•   Added option to disable camera shake.


The game's graphics have improved significantly since early access, but we continue to work on the visuals, adding portraits, illustrations, icons, and other visual content to Encased.
•   We added a lot of unique portraits for characters, both for regular NPCs and story characters,
•   Added illustrations to random encounters,
•   Updated ability icons,
•   Faction equipment items for the characters of the first act are now displayed,
•   Added and replaced a lot of assets,
•   Changed, refined and optimized lighting on many locations,

•   We reworked some of the encounter locations: added new content and improved visuals,
•   Improved story locations.

•   Added voiceover for story interactions in the prologue (Russian version only).

There's still a lot of stuff not included in this patch. We're actively developing controller support, directing the voice acting, tweaking and adding many of the little details that always make games more beloved and memorable. Encased is that kind of game for us, and we want it to be that way for you too.

We are very close to the end of development. Just a little more and the full version of the game will appear on Steam, GOG and consoles. Final release date will be announced a bit later.

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Re: Encased: A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG
« Reply #69 on: January 01, 2021, 11:28:12 PM »
New Year, New Challenges
Fri, 1 January 2021


Greetings, dear subscribers. On the screens of your terminals is the first issue of the new year's CRONUS Weekly. We would like to congratulate you with the start of the fourth stage in exploration of the Dome and share our plans for the coming year.

Today we're talking about a new must-see movie, updated interfaces, and the latest inventions of Blue Wing engineers. We have an amazing year ahead of us!

The movie you can't miss!

Dear employees and residents of the Dome! We have told you several times about the rich cultural life under the Dome and today we are pleased to announce the premiere of the exciting New Year's Eve post-apocalyptic sci-fi comedy "Goodbye 2020”!

The story of the not-so-distant future combines humor with a gripping post-apocalyptic thriller and elements of science fiction. Will the heroes be able to save the holiday in the pandemic conditions, confusion and the approaching end of the world? We will find out soon enough in all cinemas!

*All names and events are fiction, any coincidences are coincidental

New Year — New Stage of Research

The holidays are behind us, which means that very soon CRONUS employees will return to the work they love. We have completed the fourth stage of infrastructure development. Now it's time to unlock all the secrets of the Forefathers. New jetpacks, vehicles, electric loaders, updated models of servoshells and weapons will help us in this!

If you haven't yet had a chance to try out all the new features for yourself, hurry back to the testing grounds and seek out the upgraded equipment. The possibilities of technology will blow your mind!

*Some technologies have not passed the final stage of testing. Using them, employees agree with all the risks.

New UI

Have you noticed how much the interfaces of CRONUS personal and work terminals have changed? Our best engineers have gone to great lengths to make working on the Corporation's computers faster and more convenient. We relied on employee feedback to improve every detail, make the map more convenient, the buttons clearer, and the lists more readable.

Office work has never been so comfortable and attractive before!

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Re: Encased: A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG
« Reply #70 on: January 09, 2021, 03:19:15 AM »
Expanding the armory
Fri, 8 January 2021


Greetings, dear subscribers. The latest issue of the CRONUS Weekly is on your screens. Today we will tell you about new inventions and devices that have recently entered the arsenal of the corporation's employees. We have combined the main achievements of science and technology to solve the most complex and ambitious tasks facing the corporation's employees.

Compact flamethrower “Firebug”

The standard flamethrower proved to be a powerful and reliable weapon, capable of repelling any danger. It had only one drawback: its sheer size and weight. Not every employee of the corporation could hold it in his hands. Fortunately the latest development of corporate engineers solved this problem. Meet the Firebug flamethrower. Just as powerful, but much smaller.

This little guy fits easily into any backpack and even an office worker can handle it. Its firepower is also amazing, you can incinerate multiple enemies in a matter of seconds. Don't forget the safety precautions, though!


Another new product from CRONUS engineers is the harpoon. This compact device will help you to shorten the distance between you and your opponent in seconds. If you prefer melee weapons for self-defense, a harpoon can help you turn the tides of the battle and shorten the distance with your opponent as much as possible.

Cryo grenade

Another long-awaited update to your arsenal are cryo grenades that can turn your opponent into a block of ice for cocktails in mere seconds. This incredible invention is made possible by the combination of technology found under the Dome and the genius of Wesley Corporation engineers!

Grenades deal cold damage and affect an entire squad of enemies at once. This type of weapon is extremely useful in the battle against the defense systems of the Forefathers.

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Re: Encased: A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG
« Reply #71 on: January 16, 2021, 02:33:46 AM »
🚙 🧳 Adventures under the Dome
Fri, 15 January 2021


Dear subscribers and residents of the Dome, the latest issue of the CRONUS Newsletter is back on your screens! In this issue, we will tell you about the amazing explorations and adventures that await you under the Dome.

New map of the wastelands

We’re introducing a brand new interface of the global map of the Dome! Now it's easier than ever to navigate in the wastelands. Even a newbie, going on a solo adventure for the first time, will be able to find a simple and safe route to any point.

Travellers have already tried out the new map and enjoyed exploring the new lands beneath the Dome. Now it's your turn!

*CRONUS administration reminds you not to visit the poorly explored regions of the Dome without permission.

Road network

Since the early days of the Dome exploration, CRONUS Corporation has sought to provide convenient and safe travel throughout the wasteland. Currently the main infrastructure facilities are connected by convenient asphalt routes. And in remote areas there are gravel roads, suitable for trucks.

According to the Corporation's infrastructure development plan, very soon all areas will be covered with high-tech roads that’ll make travel perfectly safe and pleasant!

Roadside cafes

What could be more enjoyable than a cup of good coffee on a long road trip? Especially for travellers, drivers and explorers, a whole network of gas stations has been built under the Dome, where they can not only gas up, but also relax in good company, have lunch and buy great hot drinks. The staff of the stations is always friendly and ready to tell many amazing stories about the Dome. Enjoy travelling in the most amazing place on earth!

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Re: Encased: A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG
« Reply #72 on: January 23, 2021, 02:10:02 AM »
Making Life Under the Dome Better!
Fri, 22 January 2021


Dear subscribers and employees, the latest issue of the CRONUS Newsletter is back on your screens! Today, we're going to talk about fashionable new products, road conditions, and the level of safety in the currently built bunkers under the Dome.

Grab your hats before they’re gone!

The CRONUS Corporation pays great attention to the needs of its employees not only in working conditions but also in the simple pleasures of life. It was at the request of the workers that fashionable hats with crocodile leather trim were brought under the Dome.

Now every employee can feel like a movie hero or a famous treasure hunter. However, remember, employees, while conquering new horizons, it is important not only to look spectacular but also to follow all safety protocols. The administration of CRONUS strongly discourages research teams from splitting up, rashly taking unknown artifacts, and using a whip in battles with the mutants of the wasteland.

Go off the road and leave your mark!

This is exactly the way of life that CRONUS employees have adopted. It made it possible to build hundreds of buildings in just a few years of Dome research. The corporation did not stop there and paved high-quality, high-capacity asphalt roads between the sites. Now every employee can easily get to almost any point under the Dome and begin their important work for the benefit of humanity.

Safety comes first!

Readers often ask us about security measures under the Dome, which is not surprising, since you can’t return from under the Dome. It's important for potential heroes of humanity to know that their lives are not in danger.

The entrance to each station is equipped with bunker steel doors, anti-personnel turrets and a special detoxification chamber. You can ee sure that not only mutants, but even bacteria will not get into your new home.

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Re: Encased: A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG
« Reply #73 on: January 30, 2021, 01:39:56 AM »
☠️ Accidents at the Concord station
Fri, 29 January 2021


Dear employees! Once again on your screens is the latest issue of the "CRONUS Newsletter". The company management is concerned about the series of accidents that occurred at the Concord station. Deceased recruits will forever remain in our hearts. The station administration has prepared a detailed report on what happened and will tell how to avoid similar situations in the future.

Attention! Under no circumstances try to repeat the described situations, it’s really dangerous.

Five recruits fell out of the landing pod

Descent is the first thing that awaits a recruit under the Dome. Landing pods are designed by humanity's best engineers and use the power of the most advanced technology. But even the most rugged mechanisms are not immune to the negative effects of anomalies and the weather of the Dome. If during your descent you notice a malfunction or hear a strange sound, report it immediately to the experts.

Don’t try to repair the capsule yourself, and it’s certainly not advised to kick the door.

Cremated alive

No one could have imagined such an incident. One of the recruits was cremated alive in a coffin. The news horrified all employees of the corporation. It was all due to laziness and idleness.

Unfortunately, some employees avoid work by hiding from guards. Many have been caught near vending machines or in toilets, gambling their savings. But who would have guessed that one of the employees would try to hide from prying eyes in a real coffin? By no means repeat that unfortunate man's mistake. And don't ever slack on your job. Remember, together we are building a bright future, and everyone have an important role to play.

Illegal exit from the station

When you arrive at the station, you'll see a lot of special equipment you couldn't imagine in the outside world. Each unit is accounted for and under the strict control of leading engineers. To operate a vehicle, you need to undergo special training. And to leave the station, you need a special permit. Never try to go AWOL or leave the station without permission. Automated security turrets will go off instantly and shoot both you and the corporation's equipment. You’ll die for sure and your relatives will be fined for property damage.

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Offline Asid

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Re: Encased: A Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic RPG
« Reply #74 on: February 06, 2021, 01:42:51 AM »
Emergency weather report
Fri, 5 February 2021


Dear subscribers! Once again the latest issue of the CRONUS Newsletter is on your screens. A storm warning has been issued for the Dome this week. All employees are required to exercise extreme caution and avoid venturing into the wastelands. We don't yet know what the increased natural activity is related to.

Mysterious Artifact

CRONUS Corporation has found an outstanding artifact. During another excavation at the Nashville Research Station, an artifact of impressive size was found. On the outside, it resembles a huge ball of energy. It is hard to imagine what opportunities it will open up to mankind. Perhaps it will help unlock the secrets of the forefathers and answer the most difficult science questions or maybe even become a source of inexhaustible energy. However, many scientists note the serious impact of the artifact on climate change. Our editorial staff will follow the progress of the research and keep you informed.

Increased abnormal activity

The CRONUS Corporation is declaring a state of emergency due to increased anomalous activity. All employees are required to cancel expeditions and other planned outings until the situation improves. Do not count on high-tech equipment or protective suits. Even these can be destroyed in seconds by anomalies. Stay indoors.

Maelstrom went berserk

Since the first days under the Dome, White Wing scientists have been observing one of the most mysterious anomalies — the Maelstrom. Until recently, it behaved quietly and stayed in one place, near the middle of the Dome. But after the discovery of a new artifact, the Maelstrom went berserk. It's too early to tell if these events are related. But one thing we know for sure, it's definitely not worth going near it.

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