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Seeds of Resilience
« on: July 13, 2018, 01:30:58 PM »

Build a village on a deserted island, and prepare for merciless natural disasters! Learn to choose the right items, understand nature's patterns, use real medieval construction and craft techniques in this turn-base management game.

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Seeds of Resilience Early Access Trailer


Build a village on a deserted island, and prepare for merciless natural disasters! Learn to choose the right items, understand nature's patterns, use real medieval construction and craft techniques in this turn-based management game.

Shipwrecked on a desert island

Seeds of Resilience is a turn-based simulation. You have to manage a team of survivors and build a village starting from nothing.

Turn based

At the beginning of each day, every villager produces action time. Then, you use this time to perform actions like harvesting or crafting. When all villagers have used all of their time, you end the turn and start a new day.

Face the storms

As if getting food and a shelter was not challenging enough, you have to face relentless storms that can damage buildings, crops and the land itself.

Natural disasters

The islands are regularly strucked by wind storms, earthquakes and tidal waves that will give you hard times but also some kind of reward. Winds can carry new seeds, the sea can bring unexpected resources from afar, as for the earth, more ore to mine.

Harvest, craft, build

Patiently go through the steps of re-creating civilization. Start with a stone axe and a shelter made out of branches to finally build elaborate houses and mechanized workshops.

Inspired by real medieval techniques

We made extensive research about medieval construction and craftsmanship, as well as survival techniques. We simplified and balanced data to fit the game’s needs, while remaining consistent with how things work in real life.

Seeds of Resilience’s features

•   Patiently go through the steps of re-creating a civilization: Start with a stone axe and a shelter made out of branches to finally build elaborate houses and mechanized workshops.
•   Survive in a harsh environment where storms and other natural disasters occur way too often.
•   Primary resource is the work time of the survivors. Carefully manage their actions and optimize their skill progression.
•   Detailed building construction: Choose natural resources according to their properties. Use them to craft the materials needed to assemble a building.
•   Realistic medieval construction and craft techniques. Everything could be made in real life the same way.
•   Observe the environment response to human activity. Maybe you should avoid fishing everyday at the same spot or cut down the whole forest.

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Re: Seeds of Resilience
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2018, 01:32:30 PM »
Survival Guides

Survival Guide 1 – Wood Working

Survival Guide 2 – Shelter

Survival Guide 3 - Milling

Survival Guide 4 – Wattle huts

Survival Guide 5 - Metal Working

Survival Guide 6 – Stone roofed cabins
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Re: Seeds of Resilience
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2018, 01:36:10 PM »
Illustrated with the work of archaeological designer Francesco Corni.
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Re: Seeds of Resilience
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2018, 11:32:23 PM »
Vote for the "community feature" that will make next patch

We want to include the community in our development! Alongside with our planned feature for next patch (which is aim for August 2nd) we are pushing 3 ideas.
- Creation of a 3rd map, to improve game length and diversity
- Show skill evolution on a panel ingame
- Customize tempest frequency at the beginning of a map pick

You can now jump in on our public Trello map and vote for your favorite feature!

We started a new wiki here to explain the mechanics more deeply. It takes a lot of time and we only spent an hour on it so you'll have to wait for more! For now, we gave details about Disasters & Skills.

A bit of bad news we have to be clear upfront about. We know we kind of pushed the campaign mode (and it's still appearing ingame) but Gan is developing the game alone. We have to be really careful about where we put the focus. Right now, we mainly need better UI/UX & a bit of late game content.

Campaign is very costly and lengthy to do, so we'd rather cancel it for now.
Rotating the map is 100% impossible with our current engine & technology.

We don't want to spend several months making a new system to only be able to rotate the map!

We know those are quite important for you but at least we can give our explanation & point of view about those.
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Re: Seeds of Resilience
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2018, 11:31:34 AM »
V0.9 - The “Better life” update - Seeds of Resilience

UI/UX improvements
The biggest work in this update was to improve user interface and user experience. Let’s be more specific.
Clever harvesting and recycling

Harvesting and recycling stuff on the map is way quicker. You don’t have to select the right tab anymore! Say you are on the crafting tab and you just lack one branch to complete an axe recipe, you can simply click on a sapling to obtain a branch, and then click on the craft button.

Intuitive building selection
Before this update, selecting a building requires to close the parchment. Not intuitive at all, I know… At the time I made that, it seemed pretty logical to me, and I needed players feedback to realise it was not a good design.

Anyway, now you just have to click on a building and its description will open. From there you can repair it, recycle it, or use its special abilities like fishing.

Storage in a separate window
Storage is not in the parchment anymore, but in a separate window. Food rationing slider now shows in this window when you select the Food category.

Simple objectives for starters
In replacement of the sorry excuse for a tutorial we had before, there are now a series of objectives that should guide new players in the first turns of their first game. We’ve studied the things new players were often missing and invited them to do it in the tutorial so they cannot miss it anymore.

Later we could add long-term objectives that will be like achievements for experienced players.

Other improvements
•   A loading screen with a progress bar, displayed when you start a new game or load a save file.
•   “In construction” and “damaged building” indicators always visible on the map.
•   Waiting time for actions like crafting, fishing, working on a building have been drastically reduced (for crafting we went from 2 seconds to 0.15 second). So now this is nearly immediate so you don’t have to wait, and still this tiny delay gives feedback that makes you sure that the action was made.

Skills window
We asked players to vote for a feature (chosing between 3), and the winning one was a window showing information on skills evolution and unlocks.

This new building has to be placed next to an ore vein. It allows extracting large amounts of ore, which is essential when you start to produce metal tools. Using the mine is also quicker than breaking the boulders on the map.

In the same idea, the quarry is an efficient and nearly endless source of stone, but requires to clear a large area to be built. Also, as you can see in the gif, this will alter terrain.

We’ve got translators working hard for us this month! The game is now available in three more languages: Portuguese, Russian and German. The Steam store page has also been translated.

I also worked on a tool that automatically finds missing translations, because I was always missing a few with each new update.

Minor changes
•   Woodcutting and woodworking skills have been merged, as were mining and stoneworking.
•   Cooking fish is now associated with the Survival skill. Villagers should now be able to learn Survival and Stoneworking skills (where before it was really hard to practice).
•   When a villager is level 1 in a skill, practicing level 0 actions will make it progress twice less than practicing level 1 actions.
•   Tree stumps are now removable with a pickaxe.
•   Pressing Escape when a raft is coming to the island will instantly end the movement (so you don’t have to wait)
•   Some buildings were showing material lines with a required quantity of zero. Those lines are now hidden.
•   Removed “difficulty level” in save file previews

I spent a few days on bugfixes. I wished I could have done more but we chose to focus on new features first. The interesting thing is that some of the UI/UX improvements fixed several bugs by just being implemented.
•   Fixed bugs that occured while loading a save (details are too technical to explain shortly)
•   Bronze tools recipes now really produce bronze tools instead of rudimentary ones
•   Screen resolutions higher than 1920×1200 are now selectable
•   Fixed workshop requirement tooltip
•   Fixed skill progress bar that was showing 100% before really reaching the next level (it happenned when the value was something like 99.7%, it was rounded to 100).
•   Several minor UI adjustements

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Re: Seeds of Resilience
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2018, 12:46:57 PM »
Patchnote 0.9a
Seeds of Resilience - contact

Minor changes
•   Balanced tomato, zucchini and spelt growth and yield, considering players feedback on the matter

•   Prevent quarry rotation
•   Replaced mining skill by stonecutting skill when working in quarry and mine
•   Made loading screen slider non-interactable
•   Discord & Wiki icons on title screen no longer appear above save/load/new game windows
•   Fixed stuck loading bar when you started a new game after having launched another one then returned on main menu
•   Handled corrupted save files in the loading process (it no longer crash the game, there’s an error message then the game returns to title screen)
•   Fixed loading bar that didn’t always start at 0%
•   Harvesting using a tool always consumed 1 use, even when the harvest required 2 or more uses. Fixed.
•   Fixed plants prematurely dying after reload

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Re: Seeds of Resilience
« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2018, 02:55:04 PM »
Patchnote 0.9b

--- Bufixes ---
* Fixed error occuring every turn on Alpha Island
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Re: Seeds of Resilience
« Reply #7 on: August 13, 2018, 02:55:30 PM »
Patchnote 0.9c

Bugfixes ---
* A building you tried to place on empty but not flat enough terrain would show green cells even though you couldn't place it. It now shows red cells in this case.
* Elements on clay terrain were not accessible (you couldn't harvest or recycle resources, neither select building). This has been fixed, and now you cannot harvest clay if there is something on it.
* When building the fishing shack, the fishing rods appeared before the floor under them. The algorithm sorting elements to make them appear in a logical order in the construction animation has been improved, though it's not perfect yet.
* Fixed repairing building not consuming materials
* Fixed turn number coming back to 1 after reloading
* Fixed next storm and newcomers delay not memorised when saving
* Fixed bug that allowed multiple copies of the same villager to come on the island
* Fixed a bug during saving that corrupted the save file (related to the quarry)
* Added saving of cells altitudes * Corrected translation ref on quarry details
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Re: Seeds of Resilience
« Reply #8 on: September 11, 2018, 10:24:55 PM »
PROCEDURAL Update - New game = new island!
Seeds of Resilience - Tavrox

Hello (Insert random name.... oops) and welcome to the procedural update! We didn’t choose the features by random but sure got some stuff done this month!
FYI the game will be on sale from tomorrow (Sept 12) for 2 weeks at 20%!

Update summary
•   Procedural Map Generation: every new game, the island is procedurally generated. You can share seeds with other people on our Discord (
•   Storms Warning
•   Steam Achievements
•   Access hidden resources with CTRL shortcut
•   New localization: italian
•   Zoom In & Out
•   Ingame Shortcuts
•   More & More bug fixes !

Here are a few pictures from the upcoming content:

New game panel with seed display

Storm warning, voted by the community!

Shortcuts we want you to see

See behind trees with CTRL

Jump into the game and try out this slick generation! Tell us what you think in the comments or on Discord.

Next Month update: SEASONS

The planned content for next month is SEASONS.
The game will now have Summer, Winter, Autumn and Spring like in real life. Basically, in winter the crops will be more sparse and the soil will become frozen. You’ll have to plan your game more carefully!

There are 3 features to vote

Minor Changes
•   Added “place stockpile” as the first objective
•   You no longer get chestnut when cutting down a chestnut tree. As with other trees, you have to harvest the seeds that spawn around the tree
•   Added Credits on title screen
•   Window buttons now toggle the window instead of opening them
•   Removed some plants graphic variations that were too hard to see (spelt, flax and cotton had versions with only a couple stems)

•   Fixed quarry no giving any stone
•   Fixed fishing shack repair cost being zero (in time as in materials)
•   Deactivated keyboard shortcuts during writing save file name
•   Set up the right sound when picking tree seeds up
•   Fixed a problem when placing several stockpiles rapidly
•   Fixed quarry/mine making game freeze when trying to extract past the limit
•   Fixed too long repair time by applying a logarithmic function on the original repair time
•   Fixed tree seeds spawning in water
•   Fixed a silent error occuring when trying to craft a tool while missing a material
•   Recycling a building now checks if there’s enough space in the storage
•   Fixed “return to main menu” button which was inactive when on the “all villagers are dead” screen
•   Fixed a glitch that allowed you to have infinite ore veins if you recycled and rebuilt the mine before it depleted
•   Fixed “villager affected to houses” count which wasn’t working, preventing from unlocking the Hamlet achievement
•   Fixed mine building corrupting save files

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Re: Seeds of Resilience
« Reply #9 on: October 11, 2018, 02:54:49 PM »
SEASONS Update! Survive against the four seasons!
Seeds of Resilience - Tavrox

0.11 - The seasons update


This is it! It’s been a huge amount of work on our side as we had to draw an integrate lots of new graphics, so we have autumn leaves and snow everywhere in winter.
More, the growth of each and every plant has been entirely remade, to comply with the calendar. There probably still is some balancing to do, so please give us feedback!

Most trees and plants produce seeds or roots that remain in a dormant state during winter and sprout in spring. There’s also a seasons wheel, with a storm indicator attached to it:

There’s now a seasons wheel, with a storm indicator attached to it:

Read on here
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Re: Seeds of Resilience
« Reply #10 on: November 14, 2018, 10:53:12 PM »
EARLY ISLANDS Update - Beginner islands + new proc generation criteria
Seeds of Resilience - Tavrox

0.12 - Early Islands

This update focuses on new players first experience, a side of the game that becomes more and more important as we reach new people. To all our long-time players: Thank you for your patience, we assure you new content will come!

Read on here

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Re: Seeds of Resilience
« Reply #11 on: January 24, 2019, 12:03:08 AM »
Discover and help us test the new UI!
18 Jan - Tavrox   

Hello everyone!

We know we've been a bit silent those last months, because of Christmas but also because of this new UI. We took some time to make a brand new user interface that will allow you to navigate more quickly in the menus.

You can test it onto the public beta test branch, like this

Feel free to give us your feeling about this new UI in the comments here :) It's not 100% perfect and we'll improve UX over and over but most of the rework is here!

The UI update, unless there are major bugs, will be pushed onto the main branch next week.

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Re: Seeds of Resilience
« Reply #12 on: January 24, 2019, 12:04:01 AM »
23 Jan - Tavrox

0.13 - NEW INTERFACE Update!

It was a long work, but it was needed! UI is now smaller, easier to use, with some additions like a report panel at the end of each turn, giving you more information about the well being of your survivors.

We also reworked keyboard shortcuts, take a look if you like to use the keyboard rather than the mouse.

Shells, crabs and frogs

Finally, shells respawn! A reproduction behaviour has been implemented: once a year, every shell “breeds”: it produces another shell, giving there is space on its natural environment, and there are not too many other shells around.


The same behaviour is used for crabs and frogs, two new animals that offer new sources of food.

Removed stockpile

You no longer need to place stockpiles before harvesting resources. Items will simply stay on the map, clearly identified by a white outline. Next step is to add proper warehouses to store all those items and protect them from the storms.

Minor changes

Now, Snow only appear on higher parts of the islands on the first day of winter. On the second day, it covers more land. On the third day, ice forms on the coast. On the fourth day, ice recedes, kind of announcing spring is close.

Balanced strings and bamboo amount required for fishing buildings and floating bridge


•   LOTS of bugs fixed by the new UI!
•   Zucchinis are no longer immortal, ever producing top tier vegetables. They die in winter along with tomatoes and other annual plants.
•   Snow no longer persist in spring
•   Tool durability and villager time updated every time an action is performed
•   Added missing translations
•   Prevented appearance of fake buildings
•   Fixed storms taking way too much time to finish
•   Fixed static tornadoes
•   Building rotation is now properly restored on loading
•   Firecamp can now be destroyed by a tornado
•   Fixed new buildings appearing damaged
•   Fixed old skills reappearing
•   Prevented selected character changing when zooming
•   Moving map with mouse sometimes didn’t work, everything is fine now
•   After 10 villagers, empty rafts no longer arrive
•   When all villagers died at same turn a newcomer arrived, game was lost (because for a very short time, there were no alive villager on the island and the game detected it). Game is no longer lost on this occasion now.
•   Rationing cursor position is now properly restored on loading

We're also proud to announce we're working with Red Bricks ( to improve our community link! You can now submit features, bugs and others directly here!

All of this was made possible because Seeds of Resilience is now published by Goblinz Studio. We're all french people trying to make good indie games. Goblinz has been putting money & efforts to bring more quality & marketing to Seeds of Resilience!

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Re: Seeds of Resilience
« Reply #13 on: March 06, 2019, 12:41:52 AM »
March Update Teasing!
5 Mar - Tavrox

Hello there!

Sorry we kept you waiting because we needed some time to rest. Our main developer didn't get much vacation for the last months so we felt it was a good time to take a break. The team also wanted to think about the next updates carefully.

We sat down and you can now check our March Update on Red Bricks

Here are some core things we'd like to work on:
•   Better UX for Agriculture
•   Villagers with random traits,
•   Specific mission with specific challenges that will unlock some of those villagers
•   Sound design is being reworked right now! We'll ship stuff when it's ready
•   Optimization, still WIP but should be much better for our 1.0 release players in a few months!
•   Add a bit more narrative for empathy with the villagers

The core problem we'll try to adress is PROGRESSION! What do you think? What is the ONE THING we should be working on according to you?

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Re: Seeds of Resilience
« Reply #14 on: March 29, 2019, 01:24:41 AM »
"Agriculture & Sound design" - March Update

The March Update is here, it’s called “Agriculture & Sound design”.

In this update, you’ll get to understand better how plants are evolving in the game. You now have small panels ingame and a better interface to show you what’s planted and when it will grow.

Edit : I forgot but we also tripled the FPS more lags, people!

You now have more than 20 sounds in the game that are creating a complete soundscape, and a natural ambiance which varies according to the season (and the zoom level!). We will be bringing a few more sounds and short musics with the next update as well. You can congratulate Antonin (programmer) & Jérôme (our sound designer) for their work on it!

Players also get new buildings and items for the late game, including advanced workshops like a forge, a foundry, a sawmill… Existing content has been a bit modified for balancing, e.g. fishing rod has been replaced by a pronged spear (some kind of rudimentary harpoon) and planks are now made in the sawmill instead of the wood workshop.

Have a good day and see you for the next update. We should give more information about it next week!
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