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Offline Asid

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Re: Stars End
« Reply #15 on: October 19, 2019, 12:29:49 AM »
Update # 4 - Weekend Ready
Fri, 18 October 2019

Hey Everyone,

Another day - another great update. The team continues to push extra hard to get Stars End into good shape for next week. Today`s update does great things with gameplay - especially for these who play in TPS mode, including one of the most flexible and customizable TPS cameras in the genre. Ground vehicles, FPS camera and server stability also got some loving - improving things across the board. And horses also got some carrots - with various improvements and fixes.

We continue on Monday with the big update # 5 - an no, not the weekend off - but it`s a large update that will take some time. On Monday we`ll have the last of the vehicle issues resolved, and introduce completely reworked Clan system that should work flawlessly.

Wishing everyone a great weekend ahead, and myself and rest of our team will be available all weekend long on the forums and discord.

And once again - thanks for your support and sticking with us through the hardships of Week 1 EA launch.

And so - presenting Update # 4(0.67)

•   Fixed major server issue with kicking all the players from the server once in a while
•   Completely reworked TPS camera
•   TPS camera zoom level added - controlled with mouse wheel
•   New camera settings for riding horses
•   Reworked TPS camera for riding ground vehicles
•   Shadows for the character now properly shows in FPS view mode
•   Hopefully fixed all the issues with horses duplicating when getting on/off
•   Improvement to horse animations while riding
•   Fixed not being able to move after drinking or eating something inside a ship
•   Rewrote audio system - to avoid same voice lines - like Ferry lines - being repeated for all players
•   Various smaller fixes and stability improvements
•   Changed the way global prompt works - fixing issues with pressing F multiple times
•   Fixed various waypoint manager errors - greatly improving server stability

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Offline Asid

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Re: Stars End
« Reply #16 on: October 21, 2019, 08:17:30 PM »
Update # 5 - The Big One
Mon, 21 October 2019

Hey Everyone,

Thanks for all the support during the launch week. Today we are happy to present the first major weekly update, as we are now switching to weekly update schedule with bigger updates. This update fixes vast majority of remaining launch issues – from claims and server stability to clans and vehicles.

Keep in mind that there will be NO WIPE today! So please don`t worry about that:)

We are continuing full-speed work on our 6th update - due on Monday the 28. With our 6th update we are expecting to resolve last remaining game issues and add a lot of quality of life improvements.

Wishing everyone a great week ahead, our team will be available all week long on the forums and discord.

And so - presenting Update # 5 (0.68)

•   Fixed game crashing after doing certain actions like eating while in a Ferry or spaceship
•   Fixed issues with horse or vehicles duplicating when getting on and off
•   Fixed large number off issues with getting on and off vehicles
•   Fixed all issues when going back to main menu on death screen - removed that option
•   Complete rewrite of the Clan code - fixes all issues with being unable to use clan invites
•   Land and Air vehicles are now locked by default and require the vehicle owner in the driver sit
•   Leaving tutorial or dropping any mission now marks that quest as completed and can`t be repeated
•   Fixed issue with deleting a character not deleting Tutorial progress on the same server
•   Fixed an issue selling items not working if playing in Non-English version of the game.
•   Disabled Caliban ferry from Hera station due to bugs
•   Makeshift claim array increased to 250 items per claim (from 100)
•   Major AI issue fixed where sometimes Mechs, Bugs, Bears would complete disapear
•   Fixed duplication bug when removing part of of the items in a storage, and some refactoring
•   Updated Claims system - can no longer place claims in exploitable zones
•   Claim System reworked fixing all exploits with placing and moving base items and moving items hacking into another player base
•   Some legacy placement code and objects removed
•   Saddle item now purchasable from any Camping vendor.
•   Fixed dropping items not working sometimes
•   Fixed buying stuff at markets not actually buying correct items
•   Fixed large number of bugs that came from interacting with objects and spawning F key
•   Fixed most if not all Missing Items that were looted from containers or found in the world
•   Visual improvement to the main planet - Beta Prairie - reworked light and shadows
•   Major visual improvement to Beta Prairie - reworked terrain
•   Complete rewrite of items drag and drop, and split - fixing wide number of exploits and bugs
•   Split items now works correctly
•   Items of the same type can be combined by dragging into each other
•   Return to Mission screen removed as it was causing all types of bugs and issues
•   Exit prologue button added to pause menu screen
•   Respawn prompts also added to drop prologue mission in the missions window
•   Turned down the ambient crickets and cat screaming on BP due to popular demand.

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Offline Asid

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Re: Stars End
« Reply #17 on: October 29, 2019, 02:49:20 PM »
Update # 6 - Major Update
Mon, 28 October 2019

Hey Everyone,

Hope you had a great weekend! This week we plan to resolve last remaining game-breaking issues with two major updates for you - one for today and another for Thursday.

In today`s major update we looked into fixing most of the bugs and issues reported by players, giving priority to the more game breaking issues. To fix the last of it though we will be adding a whole new player claims system on Thursday.

Also please keep in mind that we will need to do a wipe on Thursday. We do not expect another wipe in the next foreseeable future, and there are many good reasons to justify doing a wipe this Thursday... to name a few:

•   It`s time to consolidate servers - as they can now support higher player population per server
•   We`ll finally have all the exploits fixed - right now quite a few players have millions of credits
•   New claim systems will fix all the problems from player bases being located all over the place lie in towns, tutorial areas e.t.c

With that said, lets look at what today`s update has to offer...

And so - presenting Update # 6 (0.69)

New Features & Major Fixes

•   Resolved a lot of issues with duplicate vehicles, and other issues when spawning f key to enter/exit
•   Completely reworked server reboots, making sever reboots go much smoother without claim or clans disappearing
•   Greatly expanded base construction with base ramp, foundations and new sets
•   Added Concrete construction set: Floor, Walls, Ceiling, Door Frame, Window, Tiller
•   Added Metal construction set: Door, Stairs, Ceiling, Door Frame, Wall, Window, Window Shutter
•   Expanded Wooden construction set: Base Ramp and Foundation
•   Major update to equipping and moving items - to fix all the duping, deleting and other issues when handling items
•   Implemented /stuck command for the chat, teleports player to nearest safe location, has cool-down

Fixes and Additions

•   Fixed mission and ownership tabs not closing properly.
•   Added a receipt to SunsetStarsaparilla to fix Distillery Exploit
•   Reduced Jet-pack flight duration
•   Fixed issue with instant death from hard landings with jet-pack
•   Hunter, Thirst, Stamina e.t.c will never go over 100% or drop into negatives
•   New way to calculate falling damage based on impact speed.
•   Fixed FuelCell and VehicleFuelCell problems – just one craftable and purchasable VehicleFuelCell now
•   Fixed exploit with Plastics
•   Fixed items sometimes disappearing when dragging them into vehicle component slots
•   Fixed items disappearing when closing inventory while dragging something

Misc and Balance Changes

•   Added Normal Maps for Wood Base Structures
•   Layout improvements to buy ferry ticket window. Texts now fit properly in all languages
•   Raw Meat is now stackable
•   Layout improvements for the death screen
•   Fixed Redberry Spaceport Ferry Vendor having two NPCs overlapping
•   Fixed 9x19mmRound loot drop amount from bad font in template
•   Fixed font related issues to ammo

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Offline Asid

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Re: Stars End
« Reply #18 on: October 31, 2019, 12:54:14 AM »
Major Update Tomorrow!
Wed, 30 October 2019

Hey Everyone,

As you might have heard we are doing the "big move" tomorrow.

Major Update
To start things off we are releasing our biggest updated so far - that includes major rewrites of the server and claims code; we also have fixed the last of the game breaking bugs. Some quality of life improvements in this update as well - like new NOVA controls and much more.

Switching to super servers
Same time we will be migrating to the new servers, going from 17 small servers that could barely function with 40 players online to 6 super-servers, that for now can comfortably support 250 players each, but that will be expanded in the near future. Half the servers will be PvP, half PvE, and they will cover the world nicely - with 2 in Asia, 2 in Europe and 2 in US.

...there`s no way around this - due to complexity of this update, and changing to bigger servers - we need to perform a wipe. But lets face it - it`s BADLY needed. Previous duping issues and exploit left many players with millions of credits, and the game world is also quite corrupted from the days when land claims could be placed anywhere.

After tomorrow we don`t expect another wipe for a long time!

Getting Stars End ready for prime time
Keep in mind that while player population is low now, we will start major advertisement and promo events in the first week of December to boost the player population greatly. Meanwhile we still need 4 more weeks before Stars End is ready for this type of larger player pop.

During this time we`ll continue with 1-2 updates per week, fixing last remaining bugs, starting to polish things here and there, and expand the playable planets.

And finally - we just want to reassure you, that after tomorrow`s update all the issues that been plaguing the game for the past couple of weeks - like disappearing claims, spawning inside you base floor, missing vehicles e.t.c - should all be a thing of the past.

However - this is a HUGE update we are doing tomorrow, so I won`t be surprised if something new will pop-up, but we`ll monitor the situation and if so - have a hot fix ready on the same day.

Thanks for your support, your reviews and bug reports! We could not have gotten through the first 2 weeks without your help!

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Offline Asid

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Re: Stars End
« Reply #19 on: November 01, 2019, 02:35:49 PM »
Update # 7 - First Milestone
Thu, 31 October 2019

Hey Everyone,

Before we jump to the big event today - we would like to thank all of our players who supported us during the turbulent, yet fun two weeks since Stars End went live on October 14th. For our small team this was a first experience releasing a game of this complexity and scale - and we are glad that in 16 days after launch we have finally reached our first milestone goal.

With today`s update we can confidently say that majority of the game breaking issues has been resolved. Now we are ready to start new phase of development – polishing and improving smaller issues and player experience across the board. And there`s still a lot of work in this department before we can finally get to improving graphics, characters and adding new content after that. Same time we will be able to fix smaller issues a lot faster now - as all the major server and networking update hurdles are out of the way.

As part of today`s update we are switching to 6 super-servers, half PvP, half PvE, capable of supporting 250 players each for now. We expect to push this further in the future.

Unfortunately we had to do a full on wipe; but we have to agree – wipe was badly needed. This was necessary due to switching to super servers, clearing the world after all the previous dupes and exploits have been fixed e.t.c. We do not expect another wipe for a very long time.

Keep in mind that while player population is low now, we will start major advertisement and promo events in the first week of December to boost the player population greatly. Meanwhile we still need 4 more weeks before Stars End is ready for this type of larger player pop.

During this time we`ll continue with 1-2 updates per week, fixing last remaining bugs, starting to polish things here and there, and expand the playable planets.

Please keep in mind - this was a HUGE update, so we won`t be surprised if something new will pop-up, but we`ll monitor the situation and if so - have a hot fix ready on the same day.

Thanks for your continuous support!

And so - presenting our first milestone - Update # 7 (0.70)

New Features & Major Fixes

•   Switching to 6 super servers with 250 limit – to be expanded in the future
•   Super servers split evenly around the globe with half PvP, half PvE
•   Total wipe on all servers – must be also performed on dedicated servers
•   Complete rewrite of all network code behind claims and territory
•   Fixed over 20 issues and bugs related to claims and territories
•   Server and networking performance is increased several fold

Fixes and Additions

•   Improved server stability and resolved some rare causes of server crashing
•   Corrected some server issues when riding the Ferry.
•   Changed Nova controls to act more like a normal ship
•   Landing Pad completely reworked – has a terminal, and allows custom placement of vehicle
•   Moved crafted ship spawn from landing pad to player inventory
•   Issues with claims disappearing or being inaccessible resolved
•   Wild horses no longer show a saddle
•   Fixed falling through terrain when spawning on a claim with a base
•   Fixed Spacesuit set not working properly - invisible suit and shadow issues
•   Fixed makeshift suit not working at all
•   Claims no longer invisible during placement
•   Window and Door placement nodes separated
•   Improvements in stuck command. It now also searches vertically for a suitable place.
•   Implemented saving last used server settings - for solo/personal/dedicated
•   Corrected some animation issues and optimized game graphics

Misc and Balance Changes

•   Corrected inventory duplication on death exploit
•   Adjusted player when standing, crouching and proning – making it impossible to look through walls - wall view exploit
•   Fixed several vehicle exploits
•   Fixed an issue where base components could be picked up with ignition key while in a vehicle
•   Ground tiller rotation resolved
•   Can no longer make a base inside a territory hub
•   Ground tillers can only be placed on terrain
•   Watch Towers can now be picked up
•   Fixed an issue where the territory claim could be deleted
•   Fixed range of territory claims to 300m, preventing personal claims from overlapping or being placed inside territory claims.
•   Fixed issue with territory guardian attacking current owner.
•   Fixed requirement to destroy Guardian mech(s) in order to set a territory claim.

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Offline Asid

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Re: Stars End
« Reply #20 on: November 08, 2019, 12:53:53 AM »
Update 8 Preview
Thu, 7 November 2019

Hey Everyone,

The team is busy working on the biggest update we had so far... and ETA is Thursday next week.

We wanted to share details of this update with you so that you know what`s coming. There are two parts to this update – some major behind the scenes projects, and some big gameplay changes. So lets go over the changes in some detail here:

•   Server stability and reworked vehicle code – several days of work went into completely reworking the vehicle code that in turn will greatly improve server stability and fix last vehicle bugs
•   Resolving last instances of server crashing and rebooting – things are getting better, but with this update we really hope to fully resolve occasional server restarts
•   Hacking to steal vehicles – it will be possible to steal vehicles by hacking their security, consumes Power Cells. This will probably will only be allowed on PvP servers.
•   Outlaw system – players griefing other players, or killing noobs, will get an Outlaw status, with 5 possible Wanted levels. Outlaw status lowers over time
•   Outlaws will have a nav point visible to other players and a credits bounty on them – both will increase with wanted level. With higher wanted level – Mechs will shoot on sight, and some merchants will become unavailable
•   Noob system – will gives some protection to players playing Prologue, or just starting Survival game - Players who will mess or kill players with Noob status will get an Outlaw status with higher Wanted level
•   PvE servers will get additional protection – for example it`ll be impossible to steal from other player containers
•   Reworked looting system balance – no more high-tier items, and average loot is reduced by 65% – increasing the difficulty
•   Reworked crafting system balance – on average progression will get 50% harder
•   Reworked tutorial that`s designed not to give Tutorial players unfair advantages like space suit, shotgun or jetpack. So for example player will be give Bow and Arrows on Tigon. It won`t be possible to fly the spaceship to explore the space. And other changes to make Prologue more streamlined and not exploitable or OP
•   First part of new character update – most of these updates are not visible to players but are improving character system, and there will be some difference visually. We had to get through this to complete all the non-art related work on the big upcoming character update.
•   Updating Unity from 2017 to 2019 – this was held back due to needed to complete the character update. This will fix a number of bugs and performance issues, as well as allow us to improve game`s visuals more, and fix a number of rare start up bugs on older video cards and fix some rare crashes.
•   Two dozen of other bug and exploit fixes across the board
•   PvE servers get additional protection – for example it`ll be impossible to steal from other player containers

So as you can see we have a major update in the works, and while we would like to apologize for the delay – extra time is needed to complete this update correctly. Wishing everyone a great weekend ahead, and we can`t wait to share this update with you next week.

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Offline Asid

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Re: Stars End
« Reply #21 on: November 14, 2019, 11:51:14 PM »
Update # 8 - Major Update available in Beta Version
Thu, 14 November 2019

Hey Everyone,

We would like to thank you guys for your patience as we were working on resolving last remaining issues and major exploits. With today`s major update and Update 9 next week we worked on the most common player complains about the game. And we continue work base don your feedback - expect the game to be in great shape by the end of the month – bringing you a good gameplay experience without game breaking bugs, or player exploits.

Also with today`s update we are changing our approach to patches. From now on new major updates will be available in a beta mode for a few days, before going live to the main build. This will help us avoid introducing new bugs with the major updates.

And so - major update # 8 is now available in the Beta mode. This major update includes nearly 50 fixes, improvements and new features, fixing most of the remaining major bugs and complaints, as well as addressing exploits and griefing. Outlaw system will be enabled by Monday to bring some order to the PvP chaos.

Update will go live on Tuesday, but Beta is available already. You can access it by right clicking on Stars End in the Steam library, selecting Properties, and then Beta tab. There are now two dedicated Beta servers that will always be available with no progress resets.

Basically if you like you can completely switch to Beta servers - they`ll be available 24/7 and always get the new updates first.
P.S. Keep in mind as a one time thing, there will be a beta server wipe in the next 24 hours (we`ll be switching servers to more powerful once) But it`s a one time thing. This will not effect live servers in any way.

We have a second part of this update, that will be added to the beta build by Monday, and made available to everyone as update goes live on Tuesday.

•   Outlaw system – players griefing other players, or killing noobs, will get an Outlaw status, with 5 possible Wanted levels. Outlaw status lowers over time
•   Outlaws will have a nav point visible to other players and a credits bounty on them – both will increase with wanted level. With higher wanted level – Mechs will shoot on sight, and some merchants will become unavailable
•   Noob system – will gives some protection to players playing Prologue, or just starting Survival game - Players who will mess or kill players with Noob status will get an Outlaw status with higher Wanted level

A bit part of this update was based on player`s feedback, suggestions and major annoyances with the game. We`ll continue to work in this direction with the upcoming 9th update as well. Here`s a summary list of what was done:

•   Corrected a number of vehicle related issues. This greatly helps improve server stability and performance, reducing number of crashes and other server issues.
•   Added a vehicle hijacking system for PvP servers based on player request. System only effects PvP servers.
•   Fixed the issue that allowed players to delete territory hub claims but could not pickup personal claims.
•   Enhanced wood containers so that only members of the originating claim can access them on PvE servers. This was widely requested, and is part of our commitment into making PvE experience about enjoyable teamwork.
•   A massive update and rebuild to the character system for improved performance and visual acuity.
•   Streamlined and improved Tutorial Mission to reduce player issues with mission performance.
•   Loot rebalanced as requested to increase difficulty and improve long term game play – players will no longer find high end items.
•   We softened the breathing sounds when wearing a spacesuit at player request.
•   Improved the character creation system as part of our overall updating and preparation for the Unity update to 2019 version.
•   Fixed some localization issues. Thanks for those who helped us find these translation problems.
•   Fixed the Grazer hack and improved performance and damage, as this was widely reported.

Thanks for your continuous support, read on for the full update details.

Presenting - Update # 8 (0.72)


•   New character system – rewritten from the ground up – very large backend project fixing a number of issues and clearing way for future updates
•   New vehicle system – rewritten from the ground up – very large backend project fixing a number of issues and clearing way for future updates
•   Hijackable vehicles added - PowerCells required to hack a locked vehicle. 12 for spaceship, 7 for Rover, 4 for Quad Bike, 5 for Nova. Hijacking the vehicle will make you and your clan the new owner of the vehicle.


•   Changed the way server restarts work if server crashes, should hopefully get servers to come online within a minute of crashing
•   Fixed a major sever crash when several vehicles were in use
•   Vehicle rigs are only loaded when the player is within 2km of the vehicle – improving server performance
•   Vehicle elements are now saved into a vehicle rig – improving vehicle server performance 50x
•   Major improvement to how vehicles are handled by the game, greatly improving server stability and performance
•   Picking up items and removing other items improved to fix network delay


•   Makeshift and territory claims fixes to avoid being able to claim ownership on a makeshift claim ever again
•   Vehicles now save their position constantly, to avoid vehicle continuing to move as player logs out or crashes
•   World array now contains clan names in vehicle data – fixing issues with missing vehicles
•   Locked vehicles can now be accessed clan wide if the player is in a clan, otherwise it can be access by the owning player only.
•   Entering a vehicle now has an extra call to make sure the vehicle is destroyed, to avoid duplication
•   Issue with landmines not destroying is resolved.
•   Vehicles now allow access for the vehicle owner if a clan is created after the fact
•   Several issue with vehicle at startup is resolved
•   An extra check added to prevent additional vehicle bugs that were bugging out vehicles on dedicated server
•   Fixed various issues when deleting a character, and certain progress being carried over to the new character.
•   Fixed various bug when deleting claims
•   Fixed a bunch of errors and bugs when using air vehicles that lead to extra server load
•   Clan name now updated for a vehicle on vehicle entry + exit, fixing a number of problems of clan not being able to access vehicles
•   Fixed an issue where territory claims could be deleted and makeshift claims could not.
•   Clan owners can delete a Makeshift claim within that clan


•   Wood Containers Clan Only for PVE Server – fixing a number of exploits and players abusing other players
•   Death loot containers on PVE can only be opened by the owned player – mixing a number of player abuses
•   Hijacking vehicles now only works on PvP servers and not part of PvE gameplay


•   Removed high end items from container and world loot
•   Lowered credit gain from crafting and selling from 10% to 5%
•   Rebalanced item costs for all items, making it a bit more expensive
•   Rebalanced crafting receipts – in general it`s 1.5x harder now
•   Lowered number of items for some loot types
•   Fixed a number of crafting exploits
•   Adjusted drop rates for world items to be 1.5x harder
•   Grazer – now does damage to players in PvP
•   Alderman Rack now gives bow and 50 arrows instead of a shotgun
•   Placement radius around mines increased by 70 meters to avoid players placing claims there


•   Reduced size of some unnecessarily huge textures – reducing RAM usage
•   Grazer - fixed ray detection being wrong and colliding with the player itself, and even damaging it.
•   Grazer - fixed and improved hit effects, range, and performance drain
•   Grazer - fixed a number of bugs when changing weapon while using it
•   Reduced running breath volume by 16db

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Offline Asid

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Re: Stars End
« Reply #22 on: November 20, 2019, 12:26:06 AM »
Update # 8 - Major Update in Live!
Tue, 19 November 2019

Hey Everyone,

We would like to thank you guys for your patience as we were working on resolving last remaining issues and major exploits. With today`s major update and Update 9 next week we worked on the most common player complains about the game. And we continue work base don your feedback - expect the game to be in great shape by the end of the month – bringing you a good gameplay experience without game breaking bugs, or player exploits.

And so - after a week of beta testing major update # 8 is now live! This major update includes nearly 65 fixes, improvements and new features, fixing most of the remaining major bugs and complaints, as well as addressing exploits and griefing. Outlaw system will be added in the 9th update.

A bit part of this update was based on player`s feedback, suggestions and major annoyances with the game. We`ll continue to work in this direction with the upcoming 9th update as well. Here`s a summary list of what was done:

•   Corrected a number of vehicle related issues. This greatly helps improve server stability and performance, reducing number of crashes and other server issues.
•   Added a vehicle hijacking system for PvP servers based on player request. System only effects PvP servers.
•   Fixed the issue that allowed players to delete territory hub claims but could not pickup personal claims.
•   Enhanced wood containers so that only members of the originating claim can access them on PvE servers. This was widely requested, and is part of our commitment into making PvE experience about enjoyable teamwork.
•   A massive update and rebuild to the character system for improved performance and visual acuity.
•   Streamlined and improved Tutorial Mission to reduce player issues with mission performance.
•   Loot rebalanced as requested to increase difficulty and improve long term game play – players will no longer find high end items. A lot of new items, and items are not different depending on the loot container.
•   We softened the breathing sounds when wearing a spacesuit at player request.
•   Improved the character creation system as part of our overall updating and preparation for the Unity update to 2019 version.
•   Fixed some localization issues. Thanks for those who helped us find these translation problems.
•   Fixed the Grazer hack and improved performance and damage, as this was widely reported.

Thanks for your continuous support, read on for the full update details.

Presenting - Update # 8 (0.72)


•   New character system – rewritten from the ground up – very large backend project fixing a number of issues and clearing way for future updates
•   New vehicle system – rewritten from the ground up – very large backend project fixing a number of issues and clearing way for future updates
•   Hijackable vehicles added - PowerCells required to hack a locked vehicle. 12 for spaceship, 7 for Rover, 4 for Quad Bike, 5 for Nova. Hijacking the vehicle will make you and your clan the new owner of the vehicle.
•   Reworked player interaction with objects and containers - fixed all the issues with being unable to interact with containers with certain camera angles or TPS mode, and add a targeting dot.


•   Changed the way server restarts work if server crashes, should hopefully get servers to come online within a minute of crashing
•   Fixed a major sever crash when several vehicles were in use
•   Vehicle rigs are only loaded when the player is within 2km of the vehicle – improving server performance
•   Vehicle elements are now saved into a vehicle rig – improving vehicle server performance 50x
•   Major improvement to how vehicles are handled by the game, greatly improving server stability and performance
•   Picking up items and removing other items improved to fix network delay


•   Makeshift and territory claims fixes to avoid being able to claim ownership on a makeshift claim ever again
•   Vehicles now save their position constantly, to avoid vehicle continuing to move as player logs out or crashes
•   World array now contains clan names in vehicle data – fixing issues with missing vehicles
•   Locked vehicles can now be accessed clan wide if the player is in a clan, otherwise it can be access by the owning player only.
•   Entering a vehicle now has an extra call to make sure the vehicle is destroyed, to avoid duplication
•   Issue with landmines not destroying is resolved.
•   Vehicles now allow access for the vehicle owner if a clan is created after the fact
•   Several issue with vehicle at startup is resolved
•   An extra check added to prevent additional vehicle bugs that were bugging out vehicles on dedicated server
•   Fixed various issues when deleting a character, and certain progress being carried over to the new character.
•   Fixed various bug when deleting claims
•   Fixed a bunch of errors and bugs when using air vehicles that lead to extra server load
•   Clan name now updated for a vehicle on vehicle entry + exit, fixing a number of problems of clan not being able to access vehicles
•   Fixed an issue where territory claims could be deleted and makeshift claims could not.
•   Clan owners can delete a Makeshift claim within that clan
•   Nav points are now not shown on default. Only players Claim and Quest points are shown on defaut
•   Reworked all the Ferries to travel much faster
•   Horses now remember the amount of stamina after getting off them. Also fixed some inconsistencies where stamina value was being handled as a float in some places and an int in some others.


•   Wood Containers Clan Only for PVE Server – fixing a number of exploits and players abusing other players
•   Death loot containers on PVE can only be opened by the owned player – mixing a number of player abuses
•   Hijacking vehicles now only works on PvP servers and not part of PvE gameplay


•   Removed high end items from container and world loot
•   Lowered credit gain from crafting and selling from 10% to 5%
•   Rebalanced item costs for all items, making it a bit more expensive
•   Rebalanced crafting receipts – in general it`s 1.5x harder now
•   Lowered number of items for some loot types
•   Fixed a number of crafting exploits
•   Adjusted drop rates for world items to be 1.5x harder
•   Grazer – now does damage to players in PvP
•   Alderman Rack now gives bow and 50 arrows instead of a shotgun
•   Placement radius around mines increased by 70 meters to avoid players placing claims there


•   Reduced size of some unnecessarily huge textures – reducing RAM usage
•   Grazer - fixed ray detection being wrong and colliding with the player itself, and even damaging it.
•   Grazer - fixed and improved hit effects, range, and performance drain
•   Grazer - fixed a number of bugs when changing weapon while using it
•   Reduced running breath volume by 16db

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Re: Stars End
« Reply #23 on: December 02, 2019, 11:15:50 PM »
Update # 9 - Outlaws & Noobs - is now live!
Mon, 2 December 2019

Hey Everyone,

The big updated # 9 is finally here! This update is a major step forward towards making the game fun and fair to play. There are a lot of fixes and improvements to the last of the game breaking issues, but same times it comes with several large new features - like the new outlaw system, new chat, and so much more.

Keep in mind - we are aware of some minor issues with some text appearing broken for small periods of time - but do expect this to be fixed by Wednesday evening.

We hope you enjoy the new update - and we`ll have another major update 10 ready for you later this week.

And so - lets take a look at Update # 9:

Major New Features

•   Major game engine update from early Unity to the latest 2018 Unity build – resolve a lot of bugs, improves performance, stability and visuals
•   Outlaw system - Killing a 'new player' or 3 regular players will make you an outlaw, with up to 5 Wanted stars
•   Bounty system - Outlaws have a red waypoint which is visible by all players, with bounty of 200 credits+
•   Noob System – New players get Noob status for 2 hours in tutorial, or 30 minutes for new character. Outlaw and Noob system is in place to protect new players from getting killed
•   New Chat system – including multiple channels, new layout, clan and whisper system
•   New Chat commands - /tell firstName lastName or click on player name, also /clan myMessage
•   Cleaned up game world from all the illegally placed claims
•   Clean up the game world to fix all the broken claims and territory claims
•   Major improvements to some of the GUI – new colours, better scaling and much more

Fixes and Improvements

•   Hopefully fixed server rebooting so sever would always come back after a crash
•   Fixed various bugs with deleting claims
•   Fixed issues when equipping grenades in various situations.
•   Fixed a bunch of broken invisible trees in Clayton.
•   Replaced all foliage in Clayton to use Nested prefabs.
•   Reduced volume on running and spacesuit breathing sounds.
•   Fixes various issues with camera clipping walls and floor in TPS mode
•   Fixed TPS camera being too zoomed in in some areas.
•   Added waypoints to Tutorial ferry ships
•   Adjusted speed in ferry flight from tigon orbital to New Raleigh to be a lot faster
•   Updated missions waypoints to be bigger and better visible
•   When player is gathering and performing an action and looks away that action stops
•   Fixed some floating polygons in Titan and geometry improvements around the bridge
•   Added new voiceline when boarding Ferry

Balancing Changes

•   Maximum of 3 claims allowed per player per planet
•   Bears are now give a lot more Hide when slaughtered
•   Completely rebalanced weapons – including prices, all damage and materials
•   Added Plastic Bottle Receipt (1 plastic = 6 empty bottles. Empty Bottle price: 10 Credits)
•   Significantly increased the chance to find Empty Bottles when looting
•   Prologue alderman now rewards 50 Wood Arrows instead of 30
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Re: Stars End
« Reply #24 on: December 12, 2019, 11:55:10 PM »
Updated # 10 - Bug Hunting is Live!
Thu, 12 December 2019

Hey Everyone,

With our 10th update we took a step back from adding new features, and concentrated on fixing dozens of bugs and issues – from player reported bugs, to exploits, and some quality of life improvements. This update also introduces durability for items, so after extensive use they will eventually break down.

Also this week we are we are switching to two worldwide super servers instead of regional servers. As our main servers how have expanded player capacity, and since player population is quite low - we are glad to do this, instead of the future. One server will be PvE, and one PvP, with good performance, and without much latency from players playing across the globe.

Unfortunately it will cause some players in EU and CH servers to loose their progress. Everyone playing on NA servers will have progress carry on. We could only copy progress from one server, and had to pick the most busy one. We are extremely sorry for this, but this is part of early access, and will help have more players playing per server.

Thanks for your continuous support, and you can find full update details on our Steam page.

And so presenting Update # 10

Critical Bug Fixes

•   Durability added to items - on average 500 hits for melee weapons before it breaks down
•   Fixed the missing waypoint in death loots
•   Fixed all instances of not being bale to open death loot
•   Fixed major issue with main menu not showing cursor when returning to main menu from the game
•   Player Health can no longer go under 0 or over 1000
•   Fixed issue with some Prologue items not getting removed, or coming back to the inventory
•   Fixed issues with Prologue Horse and Frigate not removing on completing Prologue objectives
•   Fixed weapons and guns firing when looting containers
•   Container names not being loaded for new players entering an area is now fixed
•   Can no longer interact with vehicles while doing another action like harvesting.
•   Fixed broken text in several locations in the UI
•   Chat can no longer be open while inventory and other menus to fix a number of bugs
•   Several bow changes and upgrades to greatly improve bow
•   New bow jump animation to avoid bow getting in the way of the camera in FPS mode
•   Fixed sprinting with a bow in FPS mode with no arrow loaded
•   Various adjustments to bow and camera positions in FPS and TPS modes
•   Removed various debugs from showing when cutting down trees
•   Added a "Select a language" text in the first language selection screen, to be less confusing.
•   Fixed issue when throwing grenades – will not use up and remove the grenade
•   Spaceport waypoints for Beta Prairie and Tigon visible from space.
•   Friend and outlaw waypoints nav points are always visible
•   Updated wanted star
•   Player name and noob status should always be visible.
•   Solomans and Gregadoo shields fixed at entry points
•   Fixed a bug with equipping an invalid piece of clothing

Exploit Fixes

•   Exploit fixed with unlimited tree logs
•   Exploit fixed with logging out while dead
•   Inventory can no longer be accessed when dead – was exploitable
•   Fixed a number of exploits when player dies
•   Fixed exploit with entering 0 items values

Balancing Changes

•   Major PvE change - player bases can`t take damage in PVE anymore
•   Completely reworked weapon damage for all weapons and ammo types
•   Reduced Nova fuel consumption rate – can fly for much longer now
•   Adjusted ferry speeds from Titan to Tigon Orbital
•   Increased durability of Base Wood/Metal Doors and Wood Containers
•   Can no longer place claims around important areas on Nox
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Re: Stars End
« Reply #25 on: December 17, 2019, 01:18:38 PM »
Updated # 11 - Improvements and Fixes
Tue, 17 December 2019

Hey Everyone,

We are working towards a goal of getting rid of all the major bugs in-game by January. And our 11th update is a good step forward in this direction. This updates solves couple of dozen issues reported by players, as well as adds several quality of life improvements - like interaction with objects. We also expanded the durability system and fixed all related issues.With this update we also looked into rebalancing early game – to make it much easier to get started and acquire basic survival gear.

Team continues work at full speed, and you can expect our 12th update by Friday.

Thanks for your continuous support.

And so presenting Update # 11

Critical Bug Fixes

•   Fix for Chat window causing client to lock
•   Fixed all issues related to items integrity
•   Fixed rare issues with claims getting reset on server restart

Fixes and Additions

•   Added Range Weapon Durability
•   Fixed Nails Credit Exploit
•   Minerals will remove their waypoint after finished harvesting them.
•   Removed bottom branches from BP Trees improving their look
•   Increased interaction distance with all containers and NPCs
•   Fixed jackets and coats making players neck invisible
•   Fix missing waypoints in Tarphite mine
•   Fixed issues when mining Helium rocks in Helium mine, or Tarphite in Tarphite Mine
•   Moderators now shown in chat and have more community mode tools at their disposal
•   Makeshift Bow no longer uses SMG graphics when dropped
•   Fixed Font Issue that broke Makeshift SMG Ammo
•   Fix for vehicle components as item integrity is set to 0 when in vehicle slots.
•   Fix for Splitting stack loses integrity value and items delete on relog
•   Can't create items with 0 Integrity by mistake
•   Fixed rare bug with integrity taking on values under 0, or over 100
•   Fixed rare bug with item count going into negative.
•   Fixed incorrectly showing insufficient funds message when buying some items

Balancing Changes

•   Power Cell now doesn`t require Copper Wiring
•   Removed copper from helium mine.
•   Wood Axe - Reduced required crafting materials
•   Saw - Reduced required crafting materials
•   PickAxe - Reduced required crafting materials
•   MakeShift Bow - Reduced required crafting materials
•   Sleeping Bag - Reduced required crafting materials
•   Wood Arrow - Increased the number crafted
•   BowDrill - Reduced required crafting materials

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Re: Stars End
« Reply #26 on: December 23, 2019, 12:24:31 AM »
Update # 12 - Survival Tutorial
Sun, 22 December 2019

Hey Everyone,

We have a major update for you today. Aside from fixing two dozen bugs and adding various quality of life improvement, this update includes a second tutorial that covers first few hours of Survival gameplay. This is essential to help new players get into the game and learn the basics. It could also be useful for our current players. Tutorial goes all the way from crafting a pickaxe, to setting up a base, and asteroid mining. This update also redesigns how space vehicle weapons and mining works. There are actual weapons or mining lasers that go into space vehicle weapon slots now.

Note: Please keep in mind that NOVA now requires a mining beam to operate. It can be crafted or purchased at Land Vehicles merchant on BP or Space Stations. We will change this tomorrow, so that NOVA will come with pre-installed mining beam.

The team continues work at full speed, and you can expect our 13th update before New Years

Thanks for your continuous support, and wishing everyone amazing holiday season ahead!

And so presenting Update # 12

Major Additions and Critical Fixes

•   Add new survival tutorial covering up to 4 hours of gameplay
•   New survival tutorial covers topics from basic gathering a crafting to setting up a claim and mining asteroids
•   Fixed asteroid mining not working
•   Fixes last instances where chat would break GUI
•   Space Vehicles weapons and mining beam slots added
•   Space vehicles can now damage each other and everything else
•   Redesigned character creation menu - though only GUI is changed for now to allow for future upgrades

Fixes and Additions

•   Fix for /tell sending black chat lines.
•   Health/DMG balance to Vehicles (WIP)
•   Fix for Outlaw treating noob status backwards.
•   Animation improvements with unaramed combat stance
[*-Add new powers for Moderators, muting players, new tags, ability to move vehicles and more
Fixed ship weapons not making damage, and unified bullet spawning code a bit.
•   Claimable Nova comes with a VehicleMiningBeam already in the loadout
•   makeshift claims now can only be opened by the owner of the claim (not clan)
•   objects placed in that claim can still be placed and interacted with by the original clan, picking the claim up and resetting it down with a new clan name will remove those permissions.
•   Claim owner now required for deleting a claim, not the clan owner which was being used by clan owners to exploit max Claim counts
•   Deleting a character now resets the claims owned.
•   Fixed character not properly reset after clicking on Delete Player button.
•   Fixed clothes not being set in character creation menu.
•   Fixed various issues when deleting a player in the character menu.
•   Fixed bugs with invisible text in the character creation menu
•   Rocks in Tigon are now minable
•   Fixed character not appearing after going back to main menu and returning to character creation menu.
•   When an item breaks, it shows a notification.
•   The grass that is being stepped on won't be moved by the wind.
•   Vehicle fuel can no longer go over 100%
•   Added messages notifying if the tank is full or if it doesn't have enough room for a full fuel cell.

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Re: Stars End
« Reply #27 on: December 24, 2019, 11:59:42 PM »
Update # 13 - Happy Holidays!
Tue, 24 December 2019

Hey Everyone,

Merry Christmas and best Holiday wishes!

We have a festive update for you today, with Christmas theme added to the Clayton town on Beta Prairie, complete with lootable presents, festive holiday clothing and more. Today`s update also comes with two dozen important fixes and improvements – including NOVAs mining beams, vehicle weapons balancing, major memory and load time optimization and more.

We would like to wish everyone great Holiday season ahead, and we`ll continue with the next major updates just before or after New Years.

And so presenting Update # 13

Major Additions and Critical Fixes

•   Xmas has arrived at Clayton Football Ground
•   For a limited time only come and grab your Christmas gifts – Candy Cane and more
•   Festive Holiday clothing is now available from a new vendor in Clayton Town
•   Find the components available in the park to craft your own Christmas Cake and share it around
•   Mining beams is not added by default to claimed NOVAs, allowing mining in space

Fixes and Additions

•   Bug fixed which prevented custom Robe colours from showing.
•   Adjusted vehicle weapons damage and other stats
•   Wood short wall can now be picked up
•   Made it so you cannot place claims around many different structures.
•   Removed Mercantile Fighter from Vendor
•   Major optimization to memory use
•   Optimization to how quickly players load into the game world
•   Added waypoint to the Mc Derrick's Locker mission.
•   Fixed some invisible objects in Clayton.
•   Character creation menu: sliders have an increased clicking area, Tab switches between name and surname.
•   Fixed some invisible objects during the intro.

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Re: Stars End
« Reply #28 on: January 13, 2020, 11:35:43 PM »
Update 14 is availabe in Beta.
Mon, 13 January 2020

Hey Everyone,

After the long wait out massive 14th update is finally here! Well sortof - it`s now available in the Beta mod on Steam. We plan to switch it to live by Thursday or Friday this week. There`s so many changes, fixes and big additions that we have to keep it in beta for a few days.

You can access the 14th update beta, by right clicking on Stars End in the Steam library, selecting Properties, and then Beta tab. There is a permanent Beta PvP server that doesn`t get reset.

And so lets go over this update. Here`s the patchlog:

Major Additions and Critical Fixes

•   Added Vehicle Management panel (PageDown when inside vehicle)
•   Vehicle Management Panel allows to lock vehicle to your person, clan or unlock it
•   Vehicles can now be saved by storing them on claims and never disappear (not the mission vehicles though)
•   Fix for all vehicle duping issue while flying
•   Fix for vast majority of vehicle disappearing issues while flying or storing
•   Fixed Thrawler bugs floating in the air or being underground
•   Vehicles can now be destroyed and it doesn`t cause any sync issues
•   Added ragdoll physics to creatures and players
•   Added impact to ragdolls from arrows and melee weapons - to be added to firearm weapons
•   Completely rebalanced middle to late game crafting. On average 30% less gathering required. Most of the grind should be gone.
•   Restored bleeding from damage, reworked with 25% chance
•   Added a counter to claim management that shows how many items were placed from 250 limit
•   Reworked bow - improved animations and firing
•   Bow arrows now get stuck in bodies and terrain
•   Bow arrows can be picked up and reused
•   Disabled Christmas theme
•   Fixed grass LOD transitions - improving performance on planets and visuals
•   Greatly increased security of the game files, and code - protecting it from most simple hacking methods.

Fixes and Additions

•   Accessing modes for the vehicle now also applies to passengers, but a vehicle can only be hacked if the drivers seat is empty
•   Fixed a vehicle distance issue where it appears to pause mid-air
•   Fixed various issues with passengers not always working
•   Fixed an issue with claim components not deleting when their health reached zero
•   Loot window recreated with better GUI layout
•   Fixed current weapon discharging when closing Loot window
•   Fixed an exploit where the player could continue placing items after death
•   Some Nox rock fixed
•   Reworked layout of Crafting and Loadout windows - now character is always visible
•   Mouseover tooltips will no longer get hidden by the side of the screen
•   Added Confirmation windows when resetting server and deleting claims
•   Fixed removal of claims by the little lake resort on Beta Prairie
•   Fixed errors when trying to exit the Mercantile Fighter
•   Added Mercantile Fighter back to the Merchants
•   Fixes the running pickaxe swing animation
•   Fixed an issue when moving a land or horse vehicle area to include clan name
•   Fixed major issue with vehicle containers not working right
•   Physical lockers in vehicle only accessible by vehicle owner
•   Changed Copper Ore to Copper to match instructions in last step of Survival Tutorial
•   When sawing, player maintains TPS or FPS view
•   Implemented "Wear" popup menu for gloves
•   Fixed lots of outdated NPC dialogs that used the old dialog system and would fail to give items
•   Rocks: fixed some wrong textures, materials and impostors

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Re: Stars End
« Reply #29 on: January 16, 2020, 11:14:34 PM »
Update # 14 - Major Update is now Live!
Thu, 16 January 2020

Hey Everyone,

The massive 14th update is finally here. This update is a major step forward with multiple improvements when it comes to claims and vehicles. Including a number of major improvements and fixes for claims and vehicles, and ability to store vehicles in the base with various new options as well.

Also the bow and archery has been completely reworked, with new rag-dolls and other gameplay mechanics. Rag-dolls impact other areas of the game, like getting hit by any weapon, or even getting run over by vehicles.

But more importantly this update also fixes what we hope to be the last of rare game braking issue across the board, as well as dozens of other smaller bugs and exploits.

Work continues on a smaller 15th update that is due next week.

And so lets take a look at Update # 14:

Major Additions and Critical Fixes

•   Added Vehicle Management panel (PageDown when inside vehicle)
•   Vehicle Management Panel allows to lock vehicle to your person, clan or unlock it
•   Vehicles can now be saved by storing them on claims and never disappear (not the mission vehicles though)
•   Fix for all vehicle duping issue while flying
•   Fix for vast majority of vehicle disappearing issues while flying or storing
•   Fixed Thrawler bugs floating in the air or being underground
•   Vehicles can now be destroyed and it doesn`t cause any sync issues
•   Added ragdoll physics to creatures and players
•   Added impact to ragdolls from arrows and melee weapons - to be added to firearm weapons
•   Completely rebalanced middle to late game crafting. On average 30% less gathering required. Most of the grind should be gone.
•   Restored bleeding from damage, reworked with 25% chance
•   Added a counter to claim management that shows how many items were placed from 250 limit
•   Reworked bow - improved animations and firing
•   Bow arrows now get stuck in bodies and terrain
•   Bow arrows can be picked up and reused
•   Disabled Christmas theme
•   Fixed grass LOD transitions - improving performance on planets and visuals
•   Improvements to Tutorial, especially during sequence on Tigon and getting to Beta Prairie

Fixes and Additions

•   Accessing modes for the vehicle now also applies to passengers, but a vehicle can only be hacked if the drivers seat is empty
•   Fixed a vehicle distance issue where it appears to pause mid-air
•   Fixed various issues with passengers not always working
•   Fixed an issue with claim components not deleting when their health reached zero
•   Loot window recreated with better GUI layout
•   Fixed current weapon discharging when closing Loot window
•   Fixed an exploit where the player could continue placing items after death
•   Some Nox rock fixed
•   Players horse and tutorial spaceship are now properly removed during tutorial
•   Reworked layout of Crafting and Loadout windows - now character is always visible
•   Mouseover tooltips will no longer get hidden by the side of the screen
•   Added Confirmation windows when resetting server and deleting claims
•   Fixed removal of claims by the little lake resort on Beta Prairie
•   Fixed errors when trying to exit the Mercantile Fighter
•   Added Mercantile Fighter back to the Merchants
•   Fixes the running pickaxe swing animation
•   Fixed an issue when moving a land or horse vehicle area to include clan name
•   Fixed major issue with vehicle containers not working right
•   Physical lockers in vehicle only accessible by vehicle owner
•   Changed Copper Ore to Copper to match instructions in last step of Survival Tutorial
•   When sawing, player maintains TPS or FPS view
•   Implemented "Wear" popup menu for gloves
•   Fixed lots of outdated NPC dialogs that used the old dialog system and would fail to give items
•   Rocks: fixed some wrong textures, materials and impostors

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