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Offline Speedwagon

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Re: Modding Tornado
« Reply #225 on: February 04, 2019, 03:59:00 AM »
Hi Tom,

I watched your video and see what you mean about the acceleration rates shown by the RASH readouts on the HUD. You're asking some very interesting performance questions. Since DI has always done a sterling job with flight modelling I'm really curious about the accuracy of those used for enemy aircraft in Tornado.

Obviously many factors influence acceleration rates but a good place to start is a comparison of thrust-to-weight ratios (that is, engine thrust / aircraft weight). Here are some references I've been exploring:

Short primer from NASA:

List of thrust-to-weight ratios:

Higher thrust-to-weight ratios equal higher acceleration and climb rates. Ratios greater than 1.0 allow vertical climbs. Here is a comparison of fighter/interceptors modeled in the game (number in parentheses is percentage above F3 ADV value):

Mig-31M    1.30    (+56%)
Su-27S      1.26    (+52%)
Mig-29M    1.19    (+43%)
F3 ADV      0.83

Clearly the F3 is at a serious disadvantage right out of the gate. This has always been acknowledged by the designers and overcome by aircrews using good tactics with multiple aircraft. Unfortunately in the game we are always fighting solo in the ADV so our tactics are somewhat limited.

In addition to this ratio the aerodynamic design of each aircraft is a major factor as to how quickly it can be maneuvered to an advantage. Maximum speeds, G-loads, rate-of-climb, turn rates, and service ceiling are just some of the items to consider. Some good info here (use Search button for aircraft thumbnails):

Aircraft info:

I realize this doesn't directly answer your questions, such as "can any of these aircraft accelerate in straight-and-level flight from 510 KIAS to 650 KIAS in 10 seconds at 15,000 feet"? We'll most likely need some math for that. I'm going to see what I can find along those lines next.


« Last Edit: February 04, 2019, 04:34:09 AM by Speedwagon »
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Re: Modding Tornado
« Reply #226 on: February 04, 2019, 06:32:28 AM »
Hi Tom,

OK, here's my attempt at a rudimentary start with help from Sir Newton:

1. First we'll calculate average acceleration of the aircraft you had locked up on the radar:

∆v / ∆t = a

(650 kts - 510 kts) / 10 sec = (334 m/s - 262 m/s) / 10 sec = (72 m/s) / 10 sec = 7.2 m/s/s

2. Next we'll calculate the acceleration capability of each aircraft using the data you provided in your post:

F / m = a

             Thrust       Weight
Su-27    245 kN  /  25000 kg =   9.8 m/s/s

Mig-31   304 kN  /  30000 kg = 10.1 m/s/s

F3 ADV  146 kN  /  20000 kg =   7.3 m/s/s

3. By these figures it appears that even the F3 can pull off that kind of acceleration. However, that's not what you saw in the game:

∆v / ∆t = a

(560 kts - 510 kts) / 10 sec = (288 m/s - 262 m/s) / 10 sec = (26 m/s) / 10 sec = 2.6 m/s/s

4. Seems that calculating acceleration over time is not that simple, due to factors like excess thrust, fuel burn and increased drag, as detailed here:

"If the excess thrust and the mass remain constant, the basic equation of motion can be easily solved for the velocity and displacement as a function of time. This equation can be used only if the force (and the acceleration) are constant. Unfortunately for aircraft, drag is a function of the square of the velocity. So we can assume a constant force for only a very small amount of time. To solve the actual equations of motion for an aircraft, we must use calculus and integrate the equations of motion, either analytically or numerically."

Without getting into equations with calculus, do our simple calculations in step 2 hint at enough "excess thrust" for the Su-27 and Mig-31 to accelerate as you saw in the game? We still don't have direct answers but perhaps we're a step closer?

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Re: Modding Tornado
« Reply #227 on: February 04, 2019, 06:56:03 AM »
113.  Power Status Bar
Mod: The status bar is now multifunctional, gives better avionics awareness in external views, and is suited for both day and night missions. Formatting has been improved and the text displayed is consistent with the in-game's AFDS MFD data terminology.
By Frankie

Here is the Chinese New Year 2019 Tornado mod! It's the eve of the Lunar New Year (aka Chinese New Year), which means a family reunion in a couple of hours! I am releasing this ENHANCEMENT to all Tornado aficionados for testing purposes. This mod will give you more avionics data at your fingertips, especially when you spend lots of time in the external modes. Either enjoying the scenery, hunting down enemy vehicles, or evading SAM and AAA.

Here are some screenshots to whet your appetite.

Informative Power Status Bar with data at the Tornado gamer's disposal.

Night time? The colours change from day colours to night colours to accomodate easy reading.

This mod has the following enhancements (too many to list down, but SpeedWagon knows what it is all about):

1. Enhanced status bar, christened the Power Status Bar, that shows the statuses and visual feedback of
    a. Autopilot modes (F6, F7, F8, F9)
    b. Autothrottle modes (F10)
2. Power Status Bar is colour-enabled for Day and Night for easy viewing of data
3. Power Status Bar appears in ALL external views for additional information awareness of avionics

NVG screen with the Power Status Bar.

Power Status Bar is available in ALL full-screen modes of Tornado (TIALD full-screen view is shown).

I have attached the latest FLIGHT.EXE - 593 KB (607,488 bytes).

Test and enjoy!
Frankie Kam
« Last Edit: February 04, 2019, 07:24:53 PM by Frankie »
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Re: Modding Tornado
« Reply #228 on: February 04, 2019, 07:27:35 PM »
This is an improvement of Mod#113. This version's code is MUCH smaller and its EXTRNPAN.ASM code is more elegant and optimised.


Day screenshot.

Night screenshot.

The Power Status Bar is best experienced by playing the Tornado simulation with a 19' or 21' or more sized monitor.

This improvement over Mod113 uses a built in palette convertor to change some of the bar's colours from day time to night time colors. However most of the colours from Mod#113 are brought over to the improvement code. The main difference is the code of the improvement is vastly smaller and easier to maintain over time. The FLIGHT.EXE and EXTRNPAN.ASM files are in the attachment section of this post.

Compare the 2 sets of screenshots with Mod#13 below.


Day screenshot from Mod113

Night screenshot from Mod113.

Mod113 sports a nice RAF-type blue status bar. Unfortunately I am not able to make the auto-conversion of Day time colours into night time colours to replicate the color scheme of Mod113's status bar.

The source code of Mod113 is very convoluted and complicated, making it very difficult to make changes in future. I created data structures just to handle the night colour scheme of its status bar, only to realise later that Matt Smith and Kevin Bezant had an elegant solution to changing the day colors into night automatically. So the EXTRNPAN.ASM file of Mod113 is bloated and, in my opinion, poorly coded. The FLIGHT.EXE and EXTRNPAN.ASM files of Mod#113 are in the attachment section of my previous post.

Have a great day.

Frankie Kam
« Last Edit: February 05, 2019, 01:29:10 AM by Frankie »
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Offline Tom N

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Re: Modding Tornado
« Reply #229 on: February 04, 2019, 08:55:50 PM »
Thank you very much, Speedwagon!
You provided the basic formulas, very well, very good!

But for v/t we need SI-units
4th EDIT --> sorry, I realized too late, that you already did the right thing about using m/s values, just used IAS instead of TAS.

factor for mach 1 = 1235km/h = 343m/s (I used the google search line for those calculations)
and i used (just now EDIT 3rd and last ^^) a true airspeed calculator
( )
to calculate 650 kts IAS into 845 kts TAS and 510 kts IAS into 663 kts TAS
so it is not 650 knots - 510 knots, rather (1565km/h[435m/s] - 1228km/h[341m/s])  / 10s
= 94/10 (m/(s*s)) = ~ 9,4 m/(s^2) [2nd EDIT: that's nearly the value of earth's gravitational acceleration, holy s#&§ !]

and 304'000N for the Mig-31 with 30000kg ==> 304000 kg*m(/s^2) / 30000kg (result is correct)

I suggest we move this to a special thread (called "technical data and numbers" or similar) to keep this thread clear to Frankie's update announcements.

The data (already) collected might be useful for finding (editing) these lines in the code again
[EDIT 1st: IF necessary at all]

this includes the early posts by me:
- times to use up fuel from 10720 lbs to 0 lbs for 100% engine use + afterburners, then for 100% engine
thrust only , then for 63% idle thrust
- time intervals the SAM launches missiles at you while using ECM and without ECM
« Last Edit: February 05, 2019, 09:33:08 PM by Tom N »
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Offline Speedwagon

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Re: Modding Tornado
« Reply #230 on: February 04, 2019, 11:54:43 PM »
Hello gents!

Frankie: Before I forget to say it -- Happy Chinese New Year! I hope you have (or had if I'm too late) a great celebration with your family. Can't wait to fire up the improved Mod #113. You can be really proud of this one. One of your best yet.

Tom: Good points in your post and the new thread is a great idea, thanks for starting it. I'll drop in shortly to help continue the research!


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Re: Modding Tornado
« Reply #231 on: February 06, 2019, 04:05:01 AM »
Hi Speedwagon

Many thanks for the CNY greeting.

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Re: Modding Tornado
« Reply #232 on: April 23, 2019, 06:25:42 PM »
114-121.  Tornado Easter SuperMod
Mod: This is a compilation of various mods created over a period of three months (February to April 2019). The external views' Status Bar has been greatly enhanced to improve gamer risk assessment. Drone readout data is also shown. Plus a nice Credits Window is now shown.
By Frankie and Speedwagon

I thought I'd share the mods work that I have done over the past three months(!).  Many thanks to Speedwagon for much valuable input for many of these enhancements, especially the Status Bar readouts look and feel.

1. Brought Back Graphics Configuration Controls
Added Keys 2 (Ground texture on/off), 3 (Hill texture on/off), 4 (Clouds on/off), 5 (Graduated horizon on/off) and 6 (Ironwork on/off) to the Pilot View (Home key).

You can now toggle off standard graphics to cater for (really) slower retro PCs

2. Redesigned Kneeboard View (Numlock)
Added Keys 3 (Knots/Mach toggle), 4 (Heading/Roll toggle), 5 (Fuel balance/VAPP toggle), 6 (Drone type/side 4-way toggle), 7 (Horizon level/tilt toggle), 8 (Sound 3-way toggle and 9 (Main/Auxillary status bar toggle) options. These keys change the data displayed on the bottom status bar of the external views. Also added static information on the wingsweep speed limits.

Use this Kneeboard view as a help to the status bar information toggle keys,
and to remind yourself of wingsweep speed limits

3. Drone View Status Bar
Activate by hitting F5 (Drone view) followed by the 9 key. The Drone View status bar will come into view. You will see the following data: Count of Drone Tornado aircraft (maximum 8, i.e., 'B' to 'I'), Current Aircraft letter ('A' to 'I'), Aircraft status based on colour (Blue=airborne, Green=landed/taxing, Red=destroyed), Indicated Air Speed (IAS), Heading (HDG), Altitude (ALT), Range (RNG) from the player's own Tornado, and Aircraft make (e.g., F3, GR4, etc.). Use the bar in tandem with the Flight Waypoint window to enhance gameplay.

The new Drone Status Bar adds valuable information about a drone. In the example above, the player's Tornado is down (Letter A and KIA text in red). Drones B and C are on the ground (green colour), and Drones D to I are airborne. Current drone shown is Aircraft H (brighter cyan colour).

4. Enemy Drone View Status Bar
Activate by hitting F5 (Drone view) followed by the 6 (Aircraft side toggle) key and 9 key. The enemy status bar readout colours are shown in grey. As are the enemy aircraft themselves. I re-coloured the Mig27s (Flogger), SU-25s (Frogfoot), MI-24s (Hind) and MI-26s (Halo) in greyish hues to make the enemy drones more distiguishable from the allied aircraft.

Frogfoot sporting a grey livery. The new Drone Status Bar readouts are colour coded in grey for enemy drones.

5. Status Bar Readouts are Colour Coded to Risk Assessment Scale
The Status Bar readouts in the external views are current color coded as per a risk assessment scale of Green (Normal), Amber (Caution), Red (Danger!/Attention!). The "dark cockpit" concept has been in use for many years in cockpit design to address human factor issues. The basic idea is that system indicators remain "dark" or use a neutral color while things are normal and safe. How does this tie in with the status bar? Many of the readouts on the Status Bar show us the status of the automation. Is it ON or OFF? If it's ON what mode is engaged? This is extremely important in any aircraft but especially so in a Tornado at high speed close to the ground.

For our purposes in the game we can define the "normal" and safest situation as when the autopilot is tracking to a waypoint and terrain following above the ground. In this case the readouts should be green to indicate low risk. By green we mean the same color used for the other readouts, TTG, SPD, ROL, etc. In other situations the autopilot is doing one of these but not the other. We have to monitor the autopilot more to ensure a safe operation. In these cases the readouts should be a combination of GREEN and AMBER to indicate medium risk. If the autopilot or the autothrottle is disengaged, we must then devote our full attention to manually flying the airplane. In this case the readouts should be RED to indicate high risk.

The status bar readouts provide textual, numeric and colour information to the gamer.

With the above color coding, the gamer's risk assessment is made easier and faster. Notice that in the first two scenarios shown above, flying an approach and tracking with TF engaged, almost every readout will be in the same green color. This quickly tells us we are in a "normal" state and the risk factor is low. In the next three scenarios one or more readouts are orange. We quickly know we need to pay more attention to controlling the flight path as the risk has increased. In the last two scenarios the red readouts leave no question that the risk is high.

Colour-coded risk assessment aid in action: Autothrottle is engaged (IAS is green),
but Autopilot is disengaged (THROT is red).

Speed readout in either green or amber depending on Autothrottle status.

Autothrottle is dis-engaged with F10. IAS is shown in amber.

6. VAPP Readout On Status Bar
Activate with the 5 key. VAPP refers to the approach speed for landing. The game manual provides two tables (pages 188 and 296) for calculating the proper speed based on aircraft weight, flap setting and wing sweep:

Digital Integration's Tornado manual is acclaimed for its aviation accuracy.

"However, this results in a lot of mental math in the cockpit. We know the autothrottle handles this calculation during an ILS approach, automatically adjusting speed based on weight, flap and wing sweep settings. Try changing the flaps and wing sweep along with jettisoning fuel and you'll see the speed adjust accordingly. So if we can find the approach speed value in the code perhaps we can display it on the status bar anytime we need it using a Kneeboard shortcut Key. And this would be VERY handy during an emergency such as damaged flaps or wing sweep, inoperative autothrottle, landing on a road without the ILS, many features in the game, one may not appreciate it until you need it -- but once you see the benefit you won't want to be without it." (Speedwagon)

I have now added a VAPP (approach speed) readout to the status bar that automatically adjusts in real-time for changes in weight, flap and wing sweep.

VAPP readout is shown on the status bar (right side)

"V stands for velocity (speed). "V-speeds" are used extensively in flying. As you can see, this partial list of V-speeds is quite long:
For landing, two speeds are typically used: (1) VAPP - desired airspeed during the approach; (2) VREF - desired airspeed over the runway threshold.

VAPP is usually based on VREF plus "factors" for things like flap configuration, crosswinds, etc. The "factors" add safety margins during the approach. Once we get close to the runway thrust is reduced, allowing the airspeed to slow to VREF as we cross the end of the runway." (Speedwagon)

7. Simplified Status Bar For Explore Mode
The Explore window's status bar readout and text have now been simplified.

Less is more.

8. New Credits Window
Activate by hitting \ key. Credits window now allows the text to be easily read, no matter the time of day and or weather condition.

Giving credit where credit is due.

The above work was only made possible by extensive re-coding of HUD2.ASM which allowed me to free up more space for data memory. Many thanks to Speedwagon for many email trails which resulted in the above seven mods. With this, I present the Tornado Easter Supermod. Latest FLIGHT.EXE is attached.

« Last Edit: May 19, 2019, 02:40:20 PM by Frankie »
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Re: Modding Tornado
« Reply #233 on: May 11, 2019, 06:44:43 PM »
122-124.  Three 'useless' views enhanced
Mod: These views have been revamped - Lookup, Look Left Pilot/Navigator and Look Right Pilot/Navigator views.

Lookup View - Before

The Lookup View just gave the gamer a static lookup view of the sky. With the canopy frame shown.

With the canopy frame hidden with key '6'. Since the view was static, its usefulness was limited.

Lookup View - AFTER

Now you can raise/lower the view with the '1' and '0' keys. You may also pan from left to right with the 'z' and 'x' keys.

Look Left/Right View (Pilot) - Before

The original Pilot's Lookup Left view gave the gamer a fixed view out of the window. Not too useful or interesting.

The original Pilot's Lookup Right view was just as sterile. Looking straight out of the window.
But what if you wanted to tilt your head up, down, left and right, looking for boogies?

Look Left/Right View (Pilot) - AFTER

Now you can raise/lower the view with the '1' and '0' keys. You may also pan from left to right with the 'z' and 'x' keys.

Now you can raise/lower the view with the '1' and '0' keys. You may also pan from left to right with the 'z' and 'x' keys.

The end result is this: these much ignored views are now made more useful as they can be adjusted as per taste and desired functionality.

Frankie Kam
« Last Edit: May 19, 2019, 02:39:50 PM by Frankie »
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Re: Modding Tornado
« Reply #234 on: May 12, 2019, 05:31:44 PM »
125.  Early Warning Radar sub-status bar
Mod: Sub-status bar to show whether the player's Tornado is flying above or below the enemy's Early Radar Warning floor. The sub-status bar is displayed when you hit the '9' key when in any of the external views. "RDF" is the Radar Floor height in feet.

EWR sub-status bar - displays whether current aircraft altitude is above or below floor of enemy early warning radar
EWR=ABV    current altitude is above floor of EWR
EWR=BLO    current altitude is below floor of EWR
EWR=CLR    aircraft is clear of EWR coverage

"The EWR was not showing up on the RWR display and the EWR readout was BLO. I turned on the aircraft ground radar and -- bingo -- the enemy picks that up, turns on the EWR, and the EWR readout immediately changes to ABV.

The more I think about this, the more it seems to me that your readouts are just fine. We are simply learning more about how the simulator works. The Profile window in the mission planner does indeed show the EWR floor for the flight-planned route. But I suspect that obviously assumes the EWR has been switched on. During the mission if the enemy is keeping electronically quiet so we can't fire an ALARM at the radar site then it's logical that the EWR floor would be some higher value (perhaps based on other active sites in the area). Once they do turn on that EWR the floor will instantly drop to a lower value.'re work on the readouts might be complete and we just have to figure out the best way to use them. At first pass I'm thinking we should keep both the EWR and RDF readouts. Here's the logic:"

If EWR=CLR we are not in horizontal range of any radar sites (whether they are on or off).
If EWR=BLO and RDF is a relatively high value, we are in range of a least one radar site but it is most likely staying quiet (i.e., turned off).
If EWR=BLO and RDF is a relatively low value, we are in range of at least one radar site and it is actively looking for us (i.e., turned on).
If EWR=ABV ... well, this one is self-explanatory. :)

Using the Simulator mission "IDS - Free Fire" the screenshot below is a flight where
the plan is to overfly an EWR site (waypoint G) from east to west (waypoints D to J)

Use the Point Data window to show the EWR Floor (e.g., 1,523 feet).
Use the Profile Window to show the EWR coverage from waypoint to waypoint

Illustrated Examples of Four Scenarios

Scenario #1: If EWR=CLR we are not in horizontal range of any radar sites (whether they are on or off)

Scenario #2: f EWR=BLO and RDF is a relatively high value,
we are in range of a least one radar site but it is most likely staying quiet (i.e., turned off)

Scenario #3: If EWR=BLO and RDF is a relatively low value, we are in range of at least one radar site and it is actively looking for us (i.e., turned on)

Scenario #4: If EWR=ABV ... well, this one is self-explanatory. :)

Hope your find the EWR sub-status bar useful.
Frankie Kam
« Last Edit: May 19, 2019, 04:49:22 PM by Frankie »
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Re: Modding Tornado
« Reply #235 on: May 12, 2019, 10:22:35 PM »
Awesome Frankie  :thumbsup
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Re: Modding Tornado
« Reply #236 on: May 24, 2019, 05:34:58 PM »
126.  New JP233 Explosion and Crater Effects
Mod: Reworked splash effects used for JP233 explosions and craters.

Digital Integration's Tornado models the JP-233 weapon. The JP233 is (was!) a British submunition delivery system consisting of large dispenser pods carrying several hundred submunitions designed to attack runways. The weapon consists of two main sections: the rear section with 30 SG-357 runway cratering submunitions, while the front section carried 215 HB-876 anti-personnel mines. Both types of submunitions were retarded by small parachutes.

In the image above, you can clearly see both the anti-personnel mines (smaller cascading dots at the front) and the
submunitions (larger bomb-like projectiles with parachutes) being dispensed from the JP-233 pod.

One of the weak points of the simulation are the bomb explosion effects. Ideally, an explosion should be a finitely-expanding sphere of a fireball, ending in a crater. DI's designers got the crater part right, but the fireballs were always, IMHO, rather disappointing in that the fireball was too short in height.

What the JP-233 explosions look like in the game.

Flashes of bright colours...

...followed by cracks and fissures (craters) on the surface

Strangely enough, I find the splash effect (which simulates a bomb hitting a waterway/river/lake) more 'spectacular'. The splash animation features a classic polygon explosion - the splash animation graphics is higher than it is wide. So what I did was I...
1. ...made a copy of the file D:\TORNADO\VISUAL\OBJECTS\MOBILE\SPLASH.INC by saving it as a file named KABOOM.INC
2. ...recolored most of the white-shaded polygons. into red, yellow and amber hues.
3. ...edited the file D:\TORNADO\VISUAL\MOBOBJ1.ASM as such (see the green highlighted code):

The code heave (line 69) is responsible for the default JP-233 effects. So I renamed it to kaboom.
I also had to include in line 102, the code of KABOOM.INC inside MOBOBJ1.ASM.
I also modified line 63 to show a BL755 cluster bomb's explosion as the modified splash effect.

JP-233 runaway strike in progress with the modded JP-233 explosion and crater effects.

Explosions of the JP233 contents (i.e., SG-357 runway cratering submunitions) are now more 'impressive'.

Crater trail in the day

What the craters look like at night

Attached is the lastest FLIGHT.EXE.

Frankie Kam

Update: 11th June 2019
WARNING! This FLIGHT.EXE will HANG your system when an ALARM missile hits an enemy Shilka. The 'solution' is found in Mod#127b.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2019, 05:35:24 PM by Frankie »
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Re: Modding Tornado
« Reply #237 on: June 08, 2019, 07:14:33 PM »
127.  Muzzle Flash and Firing Effects Of Soviet Anti-Aircraft Weapons
Mod: Added firing effects for ZSU-23-4 and ZRK ZOMB (SA-8)

Shilka ZSU-23-4 firing in the night. Note the muzzle flash.

ZRK ZOMB's SA-8 missile firing into the sky

In Tornado, the visual firing effects of the ZSU-23-4 (Shilka) Anti-aircraft guns and the SA-8 missile launches are quite sterile. For example, the Shilka would be firing a stream of hot lead into the sky, but there was no muzzle flash to light up the barrel and surroundings. In vanilla-out-of-the-box Tornado, you almost never got to see the Shilka or ZOMB ZRK vehicles up close, so perhaps DI's design team decided not to spend too much time and effort to touch up the 3D models.

The default in-game Shilka animations omitted the muzzle flash.
All you see is are a string of yellow beads streaming upwards to wards the air target.

Compare that to Microprose's ancient but classic M1 Tank Platoon for DOS.

The outdated graphics of M1 Tank Platoon featured generous sized muzzle flashes

I thought I'd change that. Below is the result. You will also hear the "guns going off" sound when the Shilka is firing.

New firing effects of the ZSU-23-4 in Tornado.
To see the new firing effects of the SA-8, go to 00:45 and 1:46 of the video. I think it's cool.

To achieve this, I modified the AIRBURST.INC, AAA.ASM, SAM.ASM and WEAPONS.ASM assembly source codes. I also created a new file named MUZZLEFL.INC. Attached is the latest linked FLIGHT.EXE file.

Keys used: When your Tornado is being fired upon, hit the Ctrl+Alt keys. Then toggle between a firing Shilka and ZRK ZOMB by hitting the Shift+Alt keys.

Frankie Kam

Update: 11th June 2019
WARNING! This FLIGHT.EXE will HANG your system when an ALARM missile hits an enemy Shilka. The 'solution' is found in Mod#127b.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2019, 05:34:56 PM by Frankie »
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Re: Modding Tornado
« Reply #238 on: June 09, 2019, 04:04:12 PM »
Attaching the file D:\TORNADO\VISUAL\OBJECTS\MOBILE\MUZZLEFL.INC and D:\TORNADO\VISUAL\MOBOBJ1.ASM which are the other two files in the list to be modified.

The other files (attached in the last post) being:

Frankie Kam
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After the Dogs of War are let slip, let us smoke the Pipes Of Peace.

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Re: Modding Tornado
« Reply #239 on: June 10, 2019, 04:02:13 PM »
Apparantly, the last two mods, i.e., Mod#127 and Mod#126 will HANG your DosBox system. This always happens just before an ALARM hits a target. Especially when the target is a Shilka firing lead away moments from its doom. A pity since the FLIGHT.EXE of Mod#127 has some pretty nice (I think) pyrotechnic and sound effects.
I roughly know what is causing the problem and am trying to rectify the problem.
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After the Dogs of War are let slip, let us smoke the Pipes Of Peace.


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