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Author Topic: Book Of Demons  (Read 30889 times)

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Re: Book Of Demons
« Reply #45 on: December 06, 2018, 03:15:53 PM »
Die, Demons Die! (Book of Demons song)

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Re: Book Of Demons
« Reply #46 on: December 13, 2018, 06:23:35 PM »
Demons are out of Early Access! Woohoo!
13 December

There comes a time in the life of most of the games when they have to spread wings and leave the nest. Yes, I'm talking about exiting Early Access and this time is now.

For this occasion we have prepared a launch trailer narrated by the Archdemon himself:

Book of Demons launched in Early Access two years ago. Since then we worked on improving and completing the game with unyielding support from many of you. You were amazing and together you created the best community we have seen on Steam.

It was an amazing adventure that doesn't end here. We will need a few weeks to prepare the post-launch roadmap so meanwhile let me tell you about the stuff we are adding in today's launch update.

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Re: Book Of Demons
« Reply #47 on: January 01, 2019, 12:20:07 AM »
Happy New Year update!
31 December, 2018 - Konstanty

To set a good example for the upcoming 2019 we are rolling out an update with some quality of life improvements and various bug fixes that the community reported over the holidays.

Besides the minor stuff like missing strings and credits not being displayed most notable fixes are:
•   The Arachgod spiders that wouldn't come out of an ambush will now behave as expected. The ones already on maps won't be fixed but ones in newly generated dungeons will be bolder.
•   Added option to collect cauldron's prizes with a stick on a controller, now each prize will be highlightable.
•   We also changed the useless extra magical parameter on legendary Fan card to something much more useful (it will be swapped in already found cards).
•   Last but not least, we have disabled Razer Chroma support to do some testing. We are in touch with guys at Razer and it will be back as soon as we are sure it's stable.

Full changelog
Version 1.00.17927+ 31st December 2018
•   Fix problem with Arachgod not always getting out of hiding
•   Fixed incorrect number of stars in the equipped projectile tooltip
•   Legendary Fan Card now have more useful magical companion variant
•   Add prize collection under pad stick
•   Crows in Town are once again usable with a controller (Left Trigger + Thumbstick)
•   Fixed a possible crash in upgrade window when displaying a tooltip
•   Fixed card upgrade window not refreshing after a card was downgraded
•   Fix to language change restart doesn't save the game
•   Fix algorithm fixing scroll allocations in the roguelike mode
•   Fixed confusing avatar research related tooltip
•   Fixed missing string on Avatar research screen when using the controller
•   Fixed incorrect upgrade cost in the variant window (was calculated based on equipped variant)
•   Fixed Fortune Teller's gossip sometimes not unlocking properly
•   Fixed missing credits
•   Fixed Healer's missing VO
•   Supporters added to credits

Happy New Year
Have an awesome 2019 everyone, we wish you many ducks and a calm and satisfying year. And, most importantly, stay safe in paper dungeons

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Re: Book Of Demons
« Reply #48 on: January 24, 2019, 02:10:03 PM »
What’s next for Book of Demons and R2G?
Book of Demons - Konstanty

It’s been a whole month since Book of Demons went out of Early Access and the launch dust has settled a bit, so we feel it’s the right moment to talk about the future. Also, it’s the beginning of a new year, so what better time to make new and bold plans? But before we jump to the point, let’s take a step back and look at what we’ve accomplished so far (and why getting here took us so long).

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Re: Book Of Demons
« Reply #49 on: February 07, 2019, 12:10:52 AM »
Online Battles timed event is live!
6 Feb - Konstanty

One recurring request during Early Access was to add multiplayer to the game. We researched that and experimented but in the end, it became obvious we can't do it without rewriting the game from scratch. However, while experimenting we came up with a multiplayer competitive mode that works and we had a surprising amount of fun playing it.

We decided to share this experiment with you. So, without further ado, we present...

Online Battles

What are Online Battles? It's a timed event that will run for a week starting now. Two players are matched together. Both competing heroes share the same class, same random cards, and the same dungeon.

After initial 20 seconds for picking a hand out of random cards, the battle begins. Each time a player slays a monster, a shadow of this monster will spawn in opponent's dungeon. Shadows are tinted red and while they can deal damage and be killed they don't count against total monsters count. Whoever kills all the enemies (excluding shadows spawned by the opponent) wins! There is no way to interact with the other player besides throwing your defeated enemies at him. Watch your opponents moves, time your kills well to throw a wrench in his plans. Two men enter, one man leaves

Why? For fun and science!

It's very important to stress that this is not a completely finished product. It's more of an experiment we put together and are sharing after hewing the roughest of edges. This is our first attempt at multiplayer so we hope it will work reasonably well and you will have fun with it.

We would love to include multiplayer in all future games and we are looking forward to learning a lot from this experiment.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts and feedback.

Changelog for version 1.00.18019
•   Experimental Online Battles mode
•   Fixed walking in the dungeon using WASD keys not working when mouse cursor was over the lower bar
•   Fixed issue when the player could walk in the dungeon with stats window open
•   Fixed card Relic of Rage showing incorrect initial trigger value
•   Disenchanting currently not equipped card variant won't switch the current variant to common while resetting charges to zero anymore
•   Fixed issue when crosscut was scrolling simultaneously with opened frame scrollbar
•   Fixed typos in multiple translations

As always,
Stay safe in the paper dungeons (and slay faster than the other guy) 

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Re: Book Of Demons
« Reply #50 on: November 16, 2019, 01:51:22 AM »
Book of Demons

-60%   £19.99   £7.99

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Re: Book Of Demons
« Reply #51 on: November 16, 2019, 01:52:59 AM »
Book of Demons Final Release Trailer

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Re: Book Of Demons
« Reply #52 on: February 13, 2020, 08:45:10 PM »
Get Book of Demons for iPad!
Thu, 13 February 2020

The day has come - Book of Demons finally hit iPads! Today, on February the 13th (sadly not Friday but what can you do!), you can descend into Hell tapping your way through demonic hordes and hellish cooks - all made out of paper! The game is available on Apple Store for just $4.99 (launch week promotion, the regular price will be $9.99 so grab it while it’s hot :archduck:).

We introduced a bunch of changes into the Tablet Edition, making elements such as shields a bit easier to hit, and completely reworking control scheme to make it touch-control friendly. It's as responsive as you would expect it to be, and the only thing that might be lacking from the tactile experience is the feeling of crumpled paper you would expect from a pop-up book game :archduck:!

Book of Demons: Tablet Edition requires iOS 13 to run and is available on iPad devices. This version is also up-to-date with the current PC build and contains all the content. You can now take your demon-killing everywhere you want, and let's face it: there is no setting unfit for a classic evil-fighting adventure.

Tell your wife, tell your kids and spread the word in general: Book of Demons Tablet Edition is out!
And as always,

Stay safe in the paper dungeons (and join us on Discord)!

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Re: Book Of Demons
« Reply #53 on: March 10, 2020, 12:15:26 AM »
March update has been served!
Mon, 9 March 2020

The Cook got uneasy with how some of our achievements looked, so he forced us to brew up a new update to fix a few things here and there! In the latest Book of Demons update, we have a full menu of changes, including a litter of letters rearranged for your literal convenience.

He rises to fix your letters!

As Book of Demons is receiving a new batch of fixes and changes, our team is hard at work on upcoming projects. For Book of Demons: HELLCARD we are designing a new card look. You can see how the cards will be transformed below. Expect a larger blog update regarding that soon!

Changelog - Version 1.03.20383 9th March:

•   Fixed a very rare bug when Archdemon level would crash
•   Fixed missing controller support in wishlist window
•   Fixed GUI displayed incorrectly when 3:2 screen ratio was chosen
•   Fixed many typos and style inconsistencies in English and Polish language versions of the game
•   Fixed Identify button lightning up when there were no cards to identify at Sage's
•   Fixed legendary Shield card killing zombies with their own poison missiles (sorry!)
•   Fixed Fury of Blows description in the Spanish version of the game
•   Updated translations
•   Added new Supporters and Community Translator to credits
•   Updated Steam API SDK to a current version
•   WASD auto walk on short taps can now be disabled in custom_settings.txt by adding WASDAutoMove = "0"

There's even more... somewhere else!

If you liked the Hellcard cards sneak peek above, consider joining our discord for more information on Book of Demons, Book of Demons: Hellcard, and Book of Aliens! We will have some very exciting news to share with you soon!

As always, stay safe in the paper dungeons,

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Re: Book Of Demons
« Reply #54 on: April 07, 2020, 03:13:43 PM »
Developer update
Sat, 4 April 2020

I thought it would be cool to share what we are doing, hence this update. First of all, although the Town might seem deserted, the work continues behind the shutters!

We have switched to a home office model early during the pandemic. As a team, our origin story is that of working from our bedrooms and we always encouraged working from home when someone was feeling under the weather, so the transition was smooth. We are now scattered all over the country and kept alive thanks to brave pizza delivery people (seriously, everyone who keeps the infrastructure going in these grim times is a hero, kudos to you!).

Meanwhile, we keep working on both Book of Demons: HELLCARD and Book of Aliens. For those of you who are not on our Discord, I will do a quick recap. And encourage you to join the server, of course. It's where we post sneak peeks and where we will organize alpha and beta tests:

So, without further ado...

Book of Demons: HELLCARD

We finished card rendering subsystems. Sounds straightforward but it was a lot of work actually, we want cards to be super readable, smooth, and clear regardless of scaling and we are using a custom engine. We will probably write a separate post about that later on.

I will also have a better quality gif, Steam size requirements are atrocious :archduck:

The card art was a subject of hot debate both internally and with the community on our Discord. We have written a blog post on how the art style evolved and what motivated our decisions.

We are also in the process of reforging the prototype into a production-ready engine. Yet another topic for an upcoming post! The work is progressing smoothly, all things considered.

Book of Demons: HELLCARD
Releasing on Q4 2020

Book of Aliens

In the case of Book of Aliens, we are still tinkering with low-level mechanics, so a lot can (and will) change before release (planned for 2021). We are preserving our playable prototypes, so if all goes according to the plan we would love to show you what the game could have been.

While we tinker, our more artistically inclined part of the team is coming up with coolest ways to render scenes, shaders and, effects. But it all always begins with early concept sketches. Here is a sneak peek of the very earliest paper aliens concepts

Book of Aliens
Releasing on 2021

If you don't want to miss sneak peeks like that and have an opportunity to discuss them with us, consider joining our Discord and the Sneak Peek channel there:

Aside from that, if you would like to support us further simply wishlist the game you are interested in (or both, if that's the case!). Steam offers more visibility to often wishlisted games and that's the best an indie studio without big marketing bucks can count on!

As always,
Stay safe in the paper dungeons :paperheart:

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Re: Book Of Demons
« Reply #55 on: April 24, 2020, 12:49:15 PM »
Book of Demons hits consoles on 30th April
Thu, 23 April 2020

The date is set!

In our previous post, I mentioned that guys at 505 Games are helping us with console publishing and are aiming for release in April. We just found out that everything is on track and only one week from today Book of Demons will hit Xbox One, Playstation 4, and last but very far from least, Nintendo Switch! Also, preorders on Switch are live now and come with a 10% preorder discount.

Coincidentally, today is World Book Day. Life works in mysterious ways :archduck:

In other news

Development on both Book of Demons: HELLCARD and Book of Aliens continue at full speed, regardless of the fact we have to work from homes. We will have a more fleshy update HELLCARD soon, so stay tuned! And if you want to keep an eye on the development consider joining our Discord server where we post sneak peeks. It's also the place where we will organize alpha and beta tests for our games, so the more the merrier :archduck:

Book of Demons: HELLCARD
Releasing on Q4 2020
Hellcard is a cooperative roguelike deckbuilder with Singleplayer and Multiplayer modes. Descend into the paper dungeons on your own, recruit computer-controlled companions or join other gamers in fast-paced tactical card battles against the armies of darkness and the Archdemon himself!

Book of Aliens
Releasing on 2021
Aliens invade Paperverse! Protect the terrorized civilians and discover the source of the alien threat in this minimalist game of battlefield tactics and global defense strategy.

As always,
Stay safe in paper dungeons :paperheart:

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Re: Book Of Demons
« Reply #56 on: April 30, 2020, 02:23:45 PM »
Book of Demons is now on Switch, PS4 and Xbox One!
Thu, 30 April 2020

The hour is upon us! The Book of Demons made it to Switch, PS4, and Xbox One.

The console version is pretty much the same as the PC version when it comes to features, achievements, and stuff. What changed were under the hood optimizations and a lot of UI tweaks to make it more readable and more couch gaming compatible. The same goes for controller support - in console version the card selection was redesigned to make for more snappy combat.

Meanwhile, once the launch dust is still settling, we are hard at work on the upcoming HELLCARD and Book of Aliens. If all goes well I will have cool news to share soon.

PS Some of you might have seen this post earlier today - yeah it was totally me fumbling and posting too early by accident :paperdeath:

As always,
Stay safe in crawled from the comfort of the couch paper dungeons :archduck:


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Re: Book Of Demons
« Reply #57 on: June 17, 2020, 01:00:54 AM »
Hellcard pre-alpha demo test!
Tue, 16 June 2020

Since Hellcard is going to be a multiplayer game, it's crucial to get the netcode right. We want to squeeze as much as we can from the available solutions and that calls for a lot of testing :archduck:

Testing, testing, and then some testing on top of it

That's why a few weeks ago we have started tests with the players over at our Discord Sneak Peek channel. Testing raw net code is no fun, which is why we are doing that on a pre-alpha Hellcard prototype. It has only a few enemies and some early cards but is playable and a challenge. It also gives us a "two birds one stone" type opportunity. Not only we can test the netcode but also core mechanics. By the way, if you would like to be part of similar closed tests in the future consider joining our server:

We have already learned a lot, switched the network topology as a result and we know how we will rework netcode and architecture for the final game. We have almost all the data we need to scrap the prototype and get back to work.

One missing piece is a large scale stress test. We already invited our supporters for closed tests but now it is time to hold an open pre-alpha demo test. And what better time to do that than during Steam Summer Game Festival.


Please keep in mind, that what we are testing here is a pre-alpha prototype build. It will actually be scrapped after the public test and we will use what we learned to improve the actual game. The demo focuses on battles, contains only a fraction of final gameplay and content. Still, it shows what we are going after, can be played and can be won. It features our feedback widget so if at any point you spot bugs or have an idea for improvement write to us! And expect to see a lot of our Work in Progress Skeleton Crew, who came to symbolize the pre-alpha state of the build:

As always,

Stay safe in paper dungeons :archduck:

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Re: Book Of Demons
« Reply #58 on: June 25, 2020, 01:03:50 AM »
Hellcard's public pre-alpha test summary!
Wed, 24 June 2020

The Steam Games Festival was a blast, to say the least! We scrambled to get the demo up and running and tested for it but it was well worth it. We got a ton of valuable feedback from all of you. What's more, we also tested the network backend. You are all amazing, thank you 

As you might already know from the past updates we are now scrapping the demo and writing the net code and the game from scratch. We will use all of that knowledge gathered to power-up the production of Hellcard. With more content, less Infernal Network Errors... aaaand without small cards sticking to a mouse cursor from time to time 

Demo in numbers

Curious how the playtests went? Here are some data we can share!
•   It was quite crowded - over 3000 players tested the demo 
•   DemoN, the community boss, was slain over 100 times! We expected him to die maybe twice, nice 
•   You did a great job spreading the news - 1 out of 7 players told about the game to their friends, almost half of the players played with a friend!
•   You were real brothers-in-arms - almost 9 out of 10 players stayed with their initial party for good and for bad
•   I streamed the game for 16 hours using my homemade jury-rigged setup (green curtain bought for 10 bucks and my phone). Streaming the game is something we will be doing more often in the future (maybe we will even get a real camera not to use my mobile phone!).
•   At one point there were over 7000 viewers on the stream and Hellcard was #1 stream on the whole Steam - that’s INSANE!
•   I also ate 4 candy bars, 2 dinners, and showed my cats twice three times while streaming

But most importantly, we got tons of feedback messages and surveys filled! We were flooded and floored by the amount of feedback we got  It was very positive too, which is a good sign since the demo had only a sliver of the final content of the game!

Oh, and to celebrate the 100th death of the Community Boss, we are working on a special wallpaper. Here is a sneak peek of the early speed paint concept:

So, what will the final game look like, then?

Some of you also mentioned it wasn't clear for them what differs the demo from the full version of Hellcard. As we’ve mentioned before, the demo was supposed to test the core mechanics and multiplayer with the new code only.

This demo prototype sported 28 cards, the final game will have well over 100 cards. There were only a few monsters and two bosses in the demo. The final game will have a lot more, it will be impossible to see all of them in a single run or to play a similar run twice.

In the demo, you got to pick one card or heal between fights. This was obviously a placeholder. In the final game, there will be story events between fights. I don't want to spoil too much as I plan to focus on this in another post.

Last but not least - the singleplayer mode. Obviously, in the final game, there will be a single-player mode. It won't be simply playing with bots either, but a more complex system of companions. Again, it's something I will focus more in a separate post.

This is also the time to thank all the Supporters and Discord beta testers who answered the call and tested the game before it hit Steam Games Festival. Without you, this demo wouldn't be anywhere near the quality it was.

Also, a separate BIG thank you goes to all our friends on Discord who helped us answer the questions during the AmA on Stream. The Discord community even wrote a standalone debug tool and save manager! You are amazing!  For anyone who would like to be a part of that fantastic community here is the link to our Discord

If you tried the demo and liked what you saw, please consider spreading the word and wishlisting the game - it's the only way Hellcard can reach new players as Steam shows wishlisted games to more people. This means a bigger player base and thus more people to play with! Not to mention you will get notified once it's released 


As Always,
Stay safe in the paper dungeons!


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Re: Book Of Demons
« Reply #59 on: October 28, 2020, 03:24:03 AM »
Book of Demons' Special Halloween Special is here!
Tue, 27 October 2020

Defeat the Archdemon and his army of spooky skeletons, ghosts, and fiends in Book of Demons - a modern Hack & Slash game reimagined. Are you ready to enter the dungeon and save the Paperverse from the forces of evil? Grab your swords and shields, bows, and magic staffs, because it’s adventure time!

Halloween under the Cathedral

Colourful fallen leaves, warm sweaters, and the pumpkin spice latte - ain’t autumn great? And if you want some fun, October got you covered too. There is this one day a year when all ghouls, ghosts, vampires, zombies and other monsters leave their comfy dungeons to visit their definitely-not-terrified human friends. Yes, you’ve guessed it - it’s HALLOWEEN time!

This year will be different, however. This year, you will pay all the spooks a visit first instead. The dungeons are already decorated. The treats are already prepared. The monsters are already waiting for you to come and play with them (and steal all their candy). So what are you waiting for? Challenge the Archdemon in a Special Halloween Special

Limited Edition Spooky Challenges

We celebrate Halloween with Limited Edition Spooky Challenges and Halloween decorations in all the dungeons (made by the Archdemon himself). Introducing:

All you need is Blood - each second you lose 1 HP point. Each broken enemy heart gives you +1 HP point. Hearts become a resource you have to manage in order to survive.

Spooky Spores! - we heard you like spores, so we put spores in your spores, so that you can get spores while strolling around the dungeon. Now your own body will spawn spores which then spawn even more spores. And that’s how you become constantly poisoned. Do you run or kill enemies around you? The choice is yours.

For The Horde! - the enemies are super fast and can sense you from a long range

7th sense - enemies spawn once killed and drop gold (killing them doesn't give you more points) - grab as much money as your pockets can hold and run before the monsters surround you!

The more the merrier!

If you want to meet like-minded people or get in touch with us, click here in order to join our Discord channel! Among other stuff that's where we are running sneak peek channel with early betas and previews of Hellcard. Hellcard is going to be a sequel spinoff to Book of Demons and a true single and multiplayer co-op deckbuilder! If that sounds cool, wishlish and follow the game to get updates on public tests and launch.

Q2 2021

Coming Soon

Enjoy Halloween everyone and don't get spooked!

Stay safe in the Haunted Dungeons,
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