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Offline Asid

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Book Of Demons
« on: October 07, 2016, 04:25:36 PM »

Early Access
Official Site: Here
Official forum: Here
YouTube Channel:Here
Steam: Here
Price: £14.99

Trailer Published on 10 Mar 2016

About This Game

Book of Demons is a deck-building hack and slash adventure game, where players can decide the length of quests. The game is the first installment of Return 2 Games - a series of original mid-core titles, inspired by the early golden days of PC gaming.

Decide the length of quests!
Have only 5 minutes for a game? No problem! Book of Demons allows you to set the length of each quest, thanks to our Flexiscope™ system. It learns your way of playing and gives you the best experience, making Book of Demons the first truly accessible hack & slash!

Build your own deck of devastating skills!
Collect powerful skill cards, combine them depending on the enemies you're facing and assemble your favorite set of devastating powers! But be warned: efficiency of each card will greatly depend on the situation you're in, so be prepared to make constant adjustments!

Relive the classic with a good laugh!
Book of Demons is a universal tale of good and evil about saving the world from total destruction and ultimate devilry! Sounds familiar? Well, how about retelling the story in a different way, with a humorous twist of a parody?

Be a part of a one-of-a-kind adventure!
Never explore the same dungeon twice - in Book of Demons every level is a procedurally generated, randomly-populated adventure of its own! You won't get bored by the diversity of monsters either - there are over 70 kinds of creatures waiting to be slain: lurking scorpions, snake archers, mad goatmen, not-so-sexy succubi... you get the idea.

Hack & slash in the world of Paperverse!
Book of Demons is indeed a dark fantasy hack & slash, but unlike other action role-playing games, it's set in the pop-up book world of Paperverse. The paper-cut universe is one of the hallmarks of Return 2 Games - a series of mid-core games, inspired by the early golden days of PC gaming. Book of Demons is the first installment of the Return 2 Games series.

Looking for even more challenge?
Slaying the Archdemon won't be the end of the story. In Book of Demons, you can master the campaign with 3 different classes (Warrior, Rogue or Mage), revisit your favorite quests in Freeplay mode or rise to the challenge and explore the dungeons on higher difficulty levels (the last one is called Massacre, with good reason).
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Re: Book Of Demons
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2016, 04:32:39 PM »
Planned features (short and long term road-minimap)

We have decided to split roadmap into a long term one and a short term one. That way you will know what's coming before the Early Access ends and what is coming before the weekend. Of course, things can change - new features might get into the list (got a ton of ideas from the community and some are already implemented) and new bugs might delay us.

As you will surely notice, the Mage class has been delayed a bit. Before you get your pitchforks out let me explain in this thread :-)

The long term mini-roadmap!

•   End-game difficulty modes more meaningful (they will not only change difficulty but also limit healing, destroy some of the equipped cards on death and so on) and permadeath.
•   Warrior rebalanced (includes work on several warrior cards and their effects)
•   General and tileset specific polish, new props
•   More comprehensive tutorials
•   More sounds
•   Demo

•   The Mage class
•   More bosses
•   Archdemon fight improvements and polish

•   The Rogue class
•   Golden keys mechanic (Quest bosses mastering)

After that (confirmed stuff):
•   More content
•   Stars mechanic
•   Optimizations
•   New cards
•   Translations
•   Cursed sarcophagus mechanic
•   New super rare end game cards

In consideration:
•   End-game card upgrade system
•   Level editor
•   Leaderboards
•   Modding support

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Re: Book Of Demons
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2016, 02:24:55 PM »
Major Endgame Update, Free Demo

One of the major complaints we were receiving is that the game is not challenging enough, especially on higher difficulty modes, and that there is not enough incentive to try different card combinations. What we’re launching today is our first attempt to address all of that.

Bosses can now curse cards

From now on, bosses in Freeplay mode will be immune to certain cards, forcing players to adjust their strategy during the encounter. This takes advantage of the game’s hallmark feature, a card system that unifies spells, items, skills, and character stats.

Imposed cards on higher difficulty levels

Additionally, when starting a game on Hard, Nightmare or Massacre difficulty, the game will select 2, 3 or 5 cards at random and equip them in a mandatory fashion. This will force players to build a hand around the weaknesses and strengths of those cards for the upcoming game.

Better way to switch cards during combat

Imagine such situation: you stumble upon a pack or skeleton archers or other ranged units, so it would be great to swap one of your cards and equip the Shield. In previous builds, players would rarely change cards during combat, even when encountering a considerable swarm of enemies with certain special abilities. This was because swapping a card takes time, and it’s often better to just push ahead rather than open the cards pane and take the damage while adjusting your hand.

With the current update, once you open the cards pane, the game time slows down so that you can make tactical changes and respond to the threat in a better way.

Daredevil mode ːpaperdeathː ːpaperdeathː ːpaperdeathː

Players ready for an even greater challenge can try Daredevil Mode, which adds a brutal permadeath mechanic. Once you die, it’s game over, but the depth you achieved is written to the hall of fame. For now, the hall of fame is local only, but if it works nicely we’ll be enabling Steam leaderboards in the next update!

And much, much more

The changes described above are only part of the update. There are hundreds of bugfixes, lots of balance changes and other minor improvements. You can read the whole changelog here or in the game.

In the next update…

For those who were waiting for the next character class, we ask you for a bit of patience. It will be included in the next major update, which we’re already working on. If everything goes per plan, it should be ready by the end of November. And it won’t be “just” the new class, there will be a usual bunch of other exciting features we can’t wait to share with you!

Intrigued by Book of Demons but haven’t tried it yet? No more excuses now!

Offering a demo during early access is something very few developers do, but we’re confident in our game and are working hard to raise the awareness. It’s a kind of experiment for us and we’re very anxious to see how well it goes and what will be its impact on our sales.

For now,
stay safe in paper dungeons! ːarchduckː
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Re: Book Of Demons
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2016, 01:10:54 PM »
Demo available

Great game. If you liked Diablo 1 then you will like this. Grab the demo and give it a spin.  8)
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Re: Book Of Demons
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2016, 08:13:22 PM »
We do listen!


We did a short write-up on how we approach and handle feedback and data gathering for game polishing and balancing purposes. It's mainly aimed at other devs but it's about you - our lovely community

You can read it on our blog.
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Re: Book Of Demons
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2016, 10:45:44 PM »
Version 0.75.11097+ - 09 Nov 2016

•   Borderless window mode added to graphics options
•   Mouse cursor should feel more responsive
•   Visual upgrades in Hell Tileset
•   Fixed typos in both English and Polish versions
•   Fixed potential crash when setting current language

Version 0.75.11161+ - 16 Nov 2016

•   All ghosts will now behave like proper ghosts and walk through walls
•   Skull Spook will now leave a trail of icicles as intended
•   Boots card change: protection against fire is now time limited
•   Charge is no longer interrupted by arrows
•   Speed up scroll speed in cards pane (3x)
•   'Smart keyboard movement' where character tries to always walk straight through crossroads is now optional and can be disabled in controls options. When disabled character movement will be more predictable - each WASD key will map to a single direction.
•   Card slot unlock confirmation window will now work with gamepad
•   Slimy spores spawned by timed state will no longer die instantly after they get out of the radius
•   Although not officially supported, the game should now work on Windows XP
•   Multiple tweaks in gui sounds
•   Monsters spawned by other monsters are now not initially hidden or in stone form
•   Zombie plants now will appear with delay
•   Hungry plant can now attack from distance
•   Voracious plant now spawns slimy spores when it appears and when it dies
•   Sometimes gargoyles would stay too long in the stoneform, now fixed
•   Freezing shockwaves now travel faster

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Re: Book Of Demons
« Reply #6 on: November 29, 2016, 03:56:43 PM »
The Last Update Before the Mage*

*unless something urgent comes up of course.

Today's update focuses on balance, usability, and bug fixes. It's probably the last update before we introduce the Mage character.

Version 0.75.11310+ - 28 Nov 2016
•   Bosses and special chests can now drop special pouches containing 3 cauldron ingredients
•   Monster's double attack now works as intended
•   Boots now protect from fire for 8/10/12 seconds now (a bit longer than before)
•   Remedy card description now hints what effects are enabled on higher levels
•   Heal card tooltip now better describes card effect
•   After being slowed or frozen, you are now immune to slow/freeze for a short period of time
•   Bosses (especially quest ones) have a chance now to resist stuns
•   Mighty Blow’s cooldown increased by 1 second (3->4 secs)
•   Burning Axe upgraded to level 3 now properly increases damage inflicted by fire to monsters
•   When Burning Axe and Frozen Flail cards are equipped together, attack enhancement (fire or ice) is now selected automatically
•   Each consecutive poison tick on player is shorter now
•   Bosses in timed state now have 25% larger activity radius
•   Regular monsters near the final boss in the Archdemon quest have been removed
•   Improvements in Archdemon death sequence
•   Throw card will no longer stun monsters that are about to die
•   Balance changes in Antipope quest
•   Artifact cards loosened by stun can now be fixed with controller
•   Increased leaderboard score security (scores from backed-up saves won’t be uploaded anymore)
•   Snakes won’t get stuck on barrels anymore
•   Slimy spores won’t play charging sound twice
•   Fixed a bug where player’s character would sometimes make wrong turns on complicated crossings with looped paths
•   Fixed number of collected upgrade cards shown in stats window
•   Elemental Corpse spawn more on death
•   After upgrading cards other cards could incorrectly be added to “requirements met” group until the window was reopened. This will no longer happen.
•   Fast clicking on Cook’s doors or Statues won’t allow for spamming voice message
•   Ghost will no longer be highlighted by loot highlight function when traveling through walls/objects
•   Visual upgrades in Hell Tileset
•   Minor visual fixes in Catacombs
•   Fixed an uncommon visual glitch when junk was rendered if a controller was used to open in-game menu.
•   Fixed rare crash when lob type missile was tossed by a boss and loaded from save
•   Fixed a crash so rare it’s basically legendary: when master monster was removed from map with slaves still present and alive
•   Ghosts spawned by bosses will now collide with other objects as intended
•   Countermeasure for WASD fast attack exploit is now twice as strict.
•   Loot can no longer be picked up when the input is blocked but loot highlighting is on.
•   Fixed Slithering Soldier too small collision radius
•   Fixed a possible crash when dungeon with saved flying spore was loaded
•   Improved stability of Cluster and Throw cards

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Re: Book Of Demons
« Reply #7 on: December 05, 2016, 02:46:49 PM »
Major Update: The Mage has arrived!
5 December

Book of Demons just got the biggest update so far. After a short testing phase on a different branch on Steam, we are happy to announce that the long-awaited Mage character is now available to everyone and playable. You can, at last, fight monsters in the paper dungeon using real magic ;-)

Mage is a powerful mystic proficient in all kinds of magic. Wearing only a robe he leaves direct face-to-face combat to his summoned minion, himself bringing devastation from a safe distance.

Mage’s attacks work a little different from Warrior’s. His projectiles are guided and will avoid other monsters to reach their target, but they can still hit walls. That’s why, for a Mage, fighting in tight spaces can be problematic and requires more tactical approach.
But for those (and any other) occasions he has some awesome cards up his sleeve. Mage class comes with 16 new unique class specific cards. Master each of the 11 new spells, 4 artifacts, and 1 item find synergies between them and use them according to situation – and no monster or boss will stand a chance!

Read on: Click Here
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Re: Book Of Demons
« Reply #8 on: January 09, 2017, 05:55:22 PM »
Card Changes The First Wave

Today's update is the first part of the card system overhaul. The less revolutionary part, that prepares the scene for the second update that will come later. I will talk about card changes in more detail at the end of this post. Aside from cards and various fixes and small polish changes main highlights of this update are:

•   Steam Leaderboards are now browsable in-game (in the Hall of Fame)
•   New musical jingles for some events in the game
•   Improved safeguard against antivirus software interfering with the save system
•   Icicles when hit with ice element shockwaves now create smaller echoes of the shockwave, which should allow interesting synergies

Card Changes

In all cases cards on higher levels retain features from lower levels, often increasing the chance for the lower level effect to happen.

•   Ice Bombs spawn icicle when exploding

•   Magic ring (replaced Ring of Balance)
o   Level 1: Dispels all spell caster's by monsters
o   Level 2: Dispel is 2x faster, each dispelled spell spawns 4 mana crystals, 40% to stun dispelled monster
o   Level 3: Each dispelled spell spawns 5 mana crystals, 80% to stun dispelled monster

•   Corrupted Ring
o   Level 1: Healing poison launches guided poison bolts from the player, poison acts faster on monsters, chance to resist poison damage
o   Level 2: Chances improved
o   Level 3: Chances improved

•   Phantom Ring
o   Level 1: Resist slow, chance to spawn icicle when monster is killed (3% per every ːpaperheartː the monster had)
o   Level 2: Player is immune to freeze for 10 seconds after being frozen, when icicle is spawned a small shockwave is spawned, monsters colliding with frozen monsters are slowed
o   Level 3: Monster colliding with frozen monsters have 30% chance for being frozen

•   Demonic Ring
o   Level 1: Monster in flames are 50% slower, when player is standing in flames ice damage is reduced by 50%
o   Level 2: Monsters receive double damage from standing in flame, when monsters are hit with fire shockwave a fire can be spawned (20%)
o   Level 3: Monsters dying in fire fuel it, monsters standing in fire are missing more often

•   Chaotic Ring
o   Level 1: One click on shield now destroys whole shield's level, breaking regular shield spawns 2-4 hearts and magical shields spawn 2-4 electric bolts
o   Level 2: All shields are now destroyed with a single click.
o   Level 3: Destroying magical shield prevents it from respawning.

•   Heal no longer prevents monster's from healing
•   Book of Ice on level 3 now spawns small ice shockwave when icicle is clicked
•   Frozen Flail no longer had monster freeze/slow on collision mechanic but now spawns a small ice shockwave when icicle is clicked
•   Burning Axe no longer slows monsters in fire and doubles their damage. Now has chance to spawn small fire shockwave when monster is hit
•   Blade Storm no longer stuns monsters and no longer triggers card effects ːpaperdeathː
•   Disarmor No longer stuns unpacked monsters
•   Lightning: every segment now has 50% chance to deal 1 dmg to monster, lightnings splits into two lightnings shorter by 1 segment
•   Meteor now deals AoE dmg and breaks shields on impact. On level 2 it spawns shield breaking shockwave. On level 3 that shockwave breaks whole shields.
•   Mana potion no longer resets cooldowns
•   Golem doesn't die when left alone but rather teleports to the player, explodes on death and should be more responsive and less derpy ;-)

That's it for now. If your favorite card got nerfed and lost mechanics don't despair they might return in another form ;-) You can also check the changelog thread to see other changes.

As always, stay safe in dungeons ːpaperheartː
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Re: Book Of Demons
« Reply #9 on: February 05, 2017, 12:59:15 AM »
On Cards and Schedule
4 February

We thought it would be a nice idea to keep you all up to date with the development. Usually, I sneak information about what we are working on into patch notes. However, since this update is shaping up to be quite big and takes more time I will dedicate a separate post to it.

Card system changes
During the last few months of early access, it became obvious that Book of Demons could use more variety when it comes to cards. Initially, we were planning on adding more cards close to the launch date but a neater and broader solution came up.

We are working on introducing card variants. Every card that is in the game right now will become a common card. Once you find a card, there will be a chance a rarer variant of that card might drop later on. A variant will add an extra mechanic to the card. It might reduce mana cost or it can have an effect on cards in the slot to the left. There are many possibilities. And, of course, every card is rumored to have a legendary variant that introduces twists on existing mechanics.

Because each variant will have to be upgraded separately we are also adding the option to downgrade cards (also often asked for feature, that now is properly justified).

As always we are not planning character wipes, the transition to the new system will be seamless.

Other changes
Many other systems will be influenced by the card system update:
•   The cauldron - good news everyone, it will give way more rewards than before  !
•   Mana burn mechanic will change as well. After the update demons on hell tileset will be able to drain hero's mana with successful attacks.
•   During their downtime guys are working on fancy atmospheric effects in the town (right now we have falling autumn leaves :D)
•   Since we had some trouble with antivirus software raiding save files we are adding smart backup features and we will also rework save system to be more power-failure resistant

The Roadmap
“No Battle Plan Survives Contact With the Enemy”
Helmuth von Moltke

So how does all that affects the schedule? As I mentioned before card system changes were not planned when we prepared the initial production plan for early access. That means that the plan has to be updated. We also now have a better feel of overhead related to early access, bugfixes and efforts required by the marketing. We are in the process of preparing a detailed plan, which will take some time since only one person can work on it full time while the rest of us works on cards and other stuff.

I will post details once it's ready but it's safe to say that there are going to be some delays. The rogue will be delayed by a month or two since the cards are getting a major overhaul. The launch will be delayed by some time as well. We initially aimed at Q1 2017 but not we can see that we will need more time to polish the game to the quality levels we find acceptable. We will also have to intensify marketing (gah  ) efforts before the launch and this will take time and resources.

Rest assured that we will work as hard as possible to get all the features in the game as soon as possible and only then we will focus on polishing stuff. We are also recruiting a programmer to speed up the efforts.

Less frequent but bigger updates
You also probably noticed that recently updates were mostly focusing on stability and backend. We made a concentrated effort to address all known bugs and enable features that will allow for easier debugging in the future.

Thanks to that, right now the game is pretty stable we have the lowest crash rate since launch and we are gathering info on the few remaining bugs. For that we have to stop issuing updates for a few days, so we can get more feedback from the same build (it's the only way to get reliable data from Steam).

This will also let us save some time on preparing builds and we will be able to focus on new features.

So, unless something urgent comes up, the next update should be the one with cards.

As always,
Stay safe in the dungeons
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Re: Book Of Demons
« Reply #10 on: March 15, 2017, 05:27:06 PM »
Legendary Update!
15 March

The wait is over! The card system update is finally here. I will try and break down the main changes. Buckle up.

All is common now

The first thing you will notice is that all your cards are now of common rarity. Yes, you read that right, the old common/rare/legend system has flown out of the window. All cards you knew are now common. Additionally, all unidentified cards you might have had before the patch will be identified at no cost, you will find then in your inventory after starting the game.

Pave way for Card Variants
From now on every card can be found in multiple variants. The common rarity has to be found first. After that, there is a small chance that a rare more powerful variant will drop.

There are two variant rarities: Magical and Legendary. Each rarity has modified icon and card template. Magical and Legendary cards use silver and golden templates respectively. Those used to indicate card level, which now will be indicated with stars on the left side of the template and card icon.

Magical variants

Each Magical variant will have one special effect. The effects vary between card types (Artifacts can have different effects than Items or Spells). He are example additional effects:

•   Mighty Blow of Tsunami - the Tsunami variant will cause all shockwaves generated by the player to be bigger. Effect does stack.
•   Left-winged Mana Potion - the Left-wing variant secures the card to the left of it and that card can't be cursed by a boss! However, if this variant gets cursed and disabled the protection expires. So if you have that one crucial card that must be protected against curses better find the Right-wing variant as well!
•   Levander Boots - Levander artifacts increase hit chance against spiders (did you know that placing lavender in your room scares spiders aways? True story!)

Legendary variants

Each card has at least one legendary variant with a very low drop rate (and guaranteed drop from a Quest Boss, making the quest mastering a potentially profitable activity. Once it's added to the game, that is).

Read on for full list: HERE
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Re: Book Of Demons
« Reply #11 on: April 02, 2017, 08:30:06 PM »
The other side of the story

We had a long talk about the core concepts of our game and we agree that portraying Town dwellers as the heroes paints an unjust and skewed image of the whole story.

It was humans who first dug the maze under the Cathedral. When viewed from this point it's obvious that the undead and demonic hordes are simply defending their homes! Maybe sometimes overzealously, true, but how can blame them?

Besides, who doesn't love the underdog? Science seems to back us up on that one

That's why we decided to retell the story in Book of Demons. Once we are done the only available class will be the Skeleton.

You will get an opportunity to fight the onslaught of so-called heroes who invade your warm and cozy Hell. Repel the invaders, fight all the way up to the Town. Raze it to the ground in the name of the Archdemon!

Obviously, Warrior, Mage and Rogue classes will become unplayable once the update rolls out. However, since we don't want to wipe your progress the human mobs in dungeons will retain skills and levels of your current characters.

New cards will have to be introduced to help you in your quest. Skeleton's signature cards will include:
•   “Awkward Boner” - summons a huge but clumsy skeletal minion
•   “Genesis” - conjures a female skeleton companion at a cost of a rib (usable up to twelve times)
•   “Cardboard Barrel” - hide your skeleton in a paper barrel so he can surprise enemies!

The changes in the game should not come as a total surprise as many hints were in place from the very start. For example, during the final showdown, Archdemon states: “Let’s consider who is really evil here. Did I break into your home to destroy you? I have a circle in hell reserved just for you!”

All glory to the Archdemon! Fight for your dungeon! 
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Re: Book Of Demons
« Reply #12 on: April 02, 2017, 08:30:53 PM »
 :laughing4  hmmmmmm
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Re: Book Of Demons
« Reply #13 on: May 11, 2017, 01:08:23 AM »
The Archdemon fights for awards!
9 May - Konstanty

We have some good news to share! This month we are going to fight for awards at two events!

Digital Dragons
Book of Demons got nominated not only for Indie Award at Digital Dragons 2017 but also for the main award in the Best Polish Game Art and Best Polish Game Design categories alongside such games as Shadow Warrior 2 or SuperHot. If you find yourself visiting Digital Dragons this year you can meet us in the indie showcase area.

We also got nominated for the main award at MomoCon 2017! We will be honored to be judged by people whose gaming related content we read on weekly basis. Sadly we won't be able to attend in person (flying over ocean tends to be expensive and we can't sail on a raft until spring storms pass). Still, there will be a raffle with Book of Demons keys so it's worth keeping an eye out for the awards ceremony if you are attending.

We are finalizing all the plans from now to the launch and work on the Rogue. You can expect an update preparing the ground for the Rogue in the next few days. It will contain multiple bugfixes, balance changes, and improvements. If all goes well it will be accompanied by a longer post about roadmap and timeline changes.

Stay safe in the dungeons
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Re: Book Of Demons
« Reply #14 on: May 11, 2017, 04:45:32 PM »
This update and beyond
Book of Demons - Konstanty

Today's update brings a lot of under-the-hood changes in preparation for the Rogue class along with optimizations, balance changes, and bug fixes. You can check the list of changes at the end of this post and in the forums. Changes related only to Rogue class are not listed if they don't change current mechanics. We wouldn't want to spoil the surprise ːpaperdeathː


We are also ready to share the new updated roadmap, for now without dates (more on that in a moment).

Confirmed features

Features we are committed to adding before the launch, work on many of them has already started.
•   Full gamepad support (with the current mouse emulation mode optional for enthusiasts ;-))
•   More sounds and voiceovers
•   Stars mechanics
•   Challenge mode where players can generate their own random dungeon with some degree of control over it and compete with friends and enemies alike trying to complete it in an optimal way
•   Quest mastering on higher difficulty levels (golden keys mechanic)
•   Weekly speedrun to cook leaderboards
•   Special sarcophagi mechanics (like cursed chests)
•   Additional achievements
•   More languages (including Russian, Chinese and Korean) with support for community translations
•   A surprise reward for ending the game ːarchduckː
•   Automap!
•   Redesigned and polished Archdemon quest
•   Improvements to poison and fire mechanics
•   Irritable monster mechanics
•   Support Razer Chroma with full spectrum of glorious custom RGB effects
•   Lots of polishing, balancing, and bugfixes

Features in consideration

Things we would like to add but they might not make it into the game before launch. Again some of them are already prototyped but we may not have time to polish them and fully implement. Or they might prove utterly uncool in tests and we won't do them after all:
•   More cards
•   Twitch social play - enabling viewers to make streamer lives hell ːpaperdeathː
•   Online competitive play mode - not exactly multiplayer but as close as we can get without rewriting the game
•   Full touch controls
•   Level editor/modding/steam workshop support
•   Mac port
•   Eye tracking support
•   Experimental hands-free control scheme ːarchduckː
•   Collector’s edition content

Timeline and launch

As you probably know, parallel to regular development we are working on the production plan and preparing the grand strategy for launch. The launch is the most important moment in the game's lifetime and we have only one shot at doing it right, which is further complicated by the fact that we never launched a game on Steam before.

One of the things we must consider is the launch schedule of large AAA titles. Launching at the wrong time can topple title into obscurity if it can't compete with marketing budgets of titles launched at the same time (something like that happened to Vampire: Masquerade for example).

That's why we are considering rolling out the Rogue update a bit later even though she should be ready in two to three weeks. The Rogue Update (I think I just found the perfect post title for the occasion!) should mark the beginning of our "last straight" marketing effort period ending in the launch. However, considering how many features we want to add before the launch and that we are still in the process of preparing marketing plan we might need a bit more time.

But don't worry, as you have seen we have added more features to the roadmap so we won't idle in the extra time if it comes to that :-)

And now it's finally time for...
Changelog for version 0.85.12641+ - 11 May 2017
•   Numerous backend changes in preparation for Rogue class
•   Archdemon's timed states now spawn monsters as intended
•   Poison now ticks 2x faster on monsters
•   Monster will no longer attack through doors (they can still jump over them) - this may cause regeneration of some dungeon setups.
•   Lowered all projectiles attitude by 30%, now it will be easier to visually estimate missile trajectory and dodge
•   Fixed a rare issue with Mage unlocking when game was started with a very old save file (pre 0.8 version)
•   Gargoyles will now wait for a short period of time after waking up and before jumping at the hero
•   Spiders will now hide less frequently when near the player
•   Heal visual effects will now be disabled when card gets disabled during the effect
•   Refactored and fixed the way Skeleton Belt affects cooldowns
•   Fixed "card can now be used" to work correctly with card variants
•   Added casting sound also for bosses
•   Difficulty spikes on Hell tileset leveled
•   Fixed many typos in cards' descriptions
•   Using special missile card now selects corresponding missile type
•   Changed how attack cursor behaves when shift is held down
•   Added a mechanism that automatically detects changes to card variants configurations in this and subsequent updates and tries to compensate for them (takes away now defunct variant but grants new one of the same level and value when possible)
•   Card variants that decrease mana cost will now be working correctly. Mana cost of a spell cannot be lowered below 1 mana.
•   Small visual improvement to dispel effect
•   Save backup system now will detect if saves got corrupted in an unlikely event of power failure and will attempt to recover previously saved game
•   Bottled Zap & Zeus Fork switched names
•   Fixed kangaroos getting disoriented below 20FPS
•   Fixed doors on Cook's quest level sometimes being rendered as fire or ice sprites
•   Fixed an issue when Undead Kangaroos and skittering monsters could appear undecided under low framerate conditions
•   Fixed a crash when Bomb card tried to toss a bomb when player exited the level
•   Fixed a crash when player was hit with an ice orb
•   Fixed a crash when player played as a warrior
•   Fixed spider spit skill not triggering when hero was close
•   Finding a magical variant won't trigger "new card" glow on common variant
•   Quest boss corpses will no longer remain highlightable with gamepad
•   Optimized low-level particle rendering code
•   Improved the way remaining effect time is presented in card tooltips in case of Hourglass and Golem
•   Fixed Hourglass of Elephant/Time incorrectly calculating effect time
•   Fixed issue when sometimes common cards could be equipable from notification window due to level being too low
•   Fixed rare bug in the Cook quest, where the key wouldn't spawn.
•   Multiple other small balance changes
•   Fixed potential crash in Game of Crows achievement
•   Shortened num_# key labels under the cards, they should fit better now
•   Fixed a rare crash when skipping loader intro

Edit: Looks like we messed up and the game doesn't launch on Windows 7 after this upate. We are working on it right now, sorry :( !

Stay safe in the dungeons! ːpaperheartː
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