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Author Topic: Navy Crew Training With simulations  (Read 3384 times)

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Navy Crew Training With simulations
« on: February 11, 2016, 11:01:06 AM »
Navy Crew Training

Who: Orizzonte Sistemi Navali, IBR Sistemi, and Italian Navy
What: Navy crew training
When: Jan 2016
Where: Italy
IBR Sistemi:
Orizzonte Sistemi Navali (OSN):

Using: VBS2 

Seeking to integrate virtual training among traditional training phases, the Italian Navy’s Marinalles New Ships Outfitting and Testing Navy Centre called on Orizzonte Sistemi Navali (OSN) and their sub-contractor IBR Sistemi to develop innovative approaches incorporating serious games into training of naval operation procedures, actions and behaviors.

Founded in 2002, OSN was established by Fincantieri and Finmeccanica, and is a provider of global naval solutions. Since 1998, IBR Sistemi, an Italian software house, has specialized in simulation systems and multimedia applications.

OSN and IBR utilized VBS2 as the virtual environment to provide a proof-of-concept training system supporting elementary crew training to strengthen teamwork and make naval units capable of safely performing long-distance navigation and transfers at Marinalles.

Faced with reductions in time and resources for preparing personnel at sea, the Italian Navy sought virtual training as a way to increase readiness before seagoing operations begin. In addition, the complexity of the system on board required the navy to increase the training capabilities available to operators.

The crew training application built by OSN and IBR using VBS2 allows sailors to simulate the boating handling procedure in a virtual environment where four different crew members collaborate to complete the procedure. Before starting operations, the staff for launching and armament reaches the station shelter boat, wearing the equipment prescribed by law. Before putting the RHIB to sea, all functional controls (fuel supply, ignition system, etc.) are carried out. The launching is carried out by an operator with the assistance of two others who control the correct descent of the RHIB to prevent collisions with the side of the ship. The operation is supervised by a manager using a radio and dashboard. Trainees can practice these procedures together within the networked desktop VBS2 runtime environment.

“This Italian Navy prototype of this system achieved the result of demonstrating the high capability of VBS,” said Francesco Perra, OSN Research & New Products Manager.
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