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Offline Asid

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Kingdoms Reborn Multiplayer city builder
« on: November 09, 2020, 12:58:33 AM »

Kingdoms Reborn is a city-builder with multiplayer and open world. Guide your citizens. Grow from a tiny village to a prosperous city. Upgrade your houses and technology. With multiplayer, you can cooperate or compete in real-time with your friends in the same open world.

Home page

Single-player, Online PvP, Online Co-op

Kingdoms Reborn - Trailer | City-builder with Multiplayer and Open World



In Kingdoms Reborn, you lead your people to settle in a rich vast wilderness. Inspired by Banished, Anno, and Civilization, the game features challenging resource management combined with an extensive tech tree and upgrades. With multiplayer, you can cooperate or compete in real-time with your friends in the same open world.

!!! Early Access Warnings !!!
This game just came out on Early Access and you might want to wait a bit before jumping in. It really hurts me to see some of you bought something you didn't expect, so here are warnings about what isn't there for you yet.
•   AI players are very primitive, so please ignore them. The game's main challenge is currently just the resource management. (to be improved soon)
•   The game can slow down when population grows to 300+ especially on high game speed. (to be improved soon)
•   The game is not yet designed to be played at max speed. If you play Banished at x10 speed, you might want to wait for further development.
•   There are no military units. In this game, you battle with influence points in an auction-like system.


Manage your people who have to work, eat, and rest just like us
Play multiplayer or solo. Trade, aid, steal, or compete with your neighbors
Immerse yourself in a rich, seamless, procedurally-generated world
Settle in different environments with distinct resources, flora and fauna
Lead your settlement from a tiny village, through eras, transforming it into an advanced civilization
Add dynamics to your gameplay with building, policy, and interaction cards
Trade with the global market in which prices are influenced by your decisions

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Re: Kingdoms Reborn Multiplayer city builder
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2020, 01:00:42 AM »
Card System FAQ

Since there are lots of questions/concerns about the card system, I am putting the related questions/answers here :)

Why the card system?
In Kingdoms Reborn, players use cards to build and take actions. Every round (two and a half minutes), players get a selection of cards that can be bought and used. There are several reasons the card system is there:

• Regulate the pace of multiplayer games. Having a limited number of actions players can take, over time, prevents the game from turning into fast-clicking mayhem. It promotes and encourages strategic thinking and planning.
• Cards allow the addition of more content (buildings, actions, bonuses) without overwhelming and cluttering the UI.
• Cards also act as a soft tutorial, with the short card description helper telling players what they can do with each card.

How did you arrived at the card system?
The city-builder genre so far has been single-player focused, hence why the old menu system works. Pacing was never a problem. People can always speed up and slow down the game.

On another end, mainstream RTS solved the multiplayer pacing problem by forcing everyone to be fast and lubricating the action executions with hotkeys.

Now with this game, we don't want RTS-style high APM play for multiplayer. So it makes sense to throttle the number of actions people can take. Board games have been doing this forever with card system, so why not just put that here :)

Card system from mobile seems to have left bad taste in the mouth for many of us. But rest assured, the card system here follows board game's inspiration (I don't even play mobile game :D).

Does every building need cards to be built?
Common buildings like Houses/Farms/Road/Bridges etc. do not require cards to be built.

Other worries about the card system:
If you are worried about RNG issues related to the card system, I do try my best to mitigate RNG issues with things like card rerolls and Wild Card.
Most beta-testers have no issue with the card system. Some even love it :)

If you are worried about the card system feeling like Mobile Games, rest assured, I don't play mobile games myself. The card system designs here are heavily influenced by Board Games which I love (and I hope you do too :) )

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Re: Kingdoms Reborn Multiplayer city builder
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2020, 12:51:51 AM »
Update Nov 10, 2020
Tue, 10 November 2020

This update is mostly post-launch crash fixes, tweaks, and UI improvements.

Save from the last patch should still work :)

Non Gameplay:
- For Player Overview comparison graphs, mix in some white to make it easier to read.

- Hover warnings explanations when clicking on building and opening the focus UI
- Warning when resource work building is fulls
- Warning for when is Logistics Office delivery target too far

- Animals eating crop guiding popup
- Popup the first time tools or medicine is low explaining how to get them.
- Better market explanation.
- Logistics Office shows arrow coming from storages in radius (yellow)
- During placement, say "Take resources from within radius. Ship them to faraway destination"

- Add tooltip on checkbox when for Overlay boxes (Appeal, Fertility, Animals).
- Clicking Left UI Population/Income/Science/Influence will show the its graph

- -60% base science from unupgraded houses.
- Gifts from AI are now x5 more rare.

- Irrigation reservoir gives 100% fertility (previously 95%), can be build a bit farther from river

- Citizens will get goods from nearest market even if outside radius with the same priority as getting goods from storage.
(This should prevent people from starving when outside of market radius)

- Citizen get food to partially fill their stomach only if they are very hungry

- Citizens from outside market range will still take Medicine/tools take from market.
- Citizens from outside market range will also compare distance between market/nearby storages.

- Fixed: Irrigation reservoir upgrade giving discount without windmill next door
- Fixed: Can change the type of trees other player's foresters plant...

- Guard against double shift upgrade crash
- Guard against isEnum() crash in UseCard()
- Guard against IsResearched() crash in unlockedInfluence()
- Guard against CreateMainMenuSound Crash with proper Warning of how the issue might be fixed

- Fixed: Crashes in DeathAgeTicks()
- Fixed: Crash on demolishing ranch

- Fixed: if you disallow all on storage areas the goods that where on he way still will placed there ?
- Fixed: Workers from workplace drop resources on the ground when trying to clear their workplace

- Fixed: Buy wood card shouldn't work with negative money

- Fixed: crashes sometimes when chatting in lobby just before game starts

- Fixed: able to hotkey select Farm (f) when i dont have it unlocked. Wont let me build it, but can still select it
- Fixed: Employment bureau never spawn when the hands are full when it should spawn.

- Fixed: food consumption info all sitting a 0 (there is definitely food being eaten)
- Fixed: weird looking Food Production/Consumption graph going to 0 every year.

Text Fixes:
- Fixed: Inventor's workshop says uses wood, but it uses iron bars.
- Description correction for "Storages Full", and Fruit Gatherer description
- Fixed: wrong tooltip text for Coal treatment (+15% only on tooltip, when it should say +20%)

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Re: Kingdoms Reborn Multiplayer city builder
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2020, 01:07:44 AM »
Update Nov 14, 2020

!! Branch: test, nov_14
Save from the last patch should still work :slight_smile:

- Get nearer food: scoring system to decide which food pile to get
- People will go to workplace first if the workplace is too faraway.

- Gatherer's hut produce 20% less fruit
- Demolish ranch will just kill animals inside

- Disallow selling Townhall, Employment Bureau, Statistics Office
- Storage space warning reminds every 60 secs (previously 20 secs)
- Warning "Inaccessible" when building's gate tile is inaccessible by Citizens

- Combo bonus show as "Combo Level X" instead of level
- Add Upgrade Townhall to initial questline

- Support typing Thai, Chinese, Japanese on chat
- Chat command "ForceClickthrough"/"ShowDebugExtra" to help people with unable to click buildings issue. (until a proper fix is found)

- Fixed: Farm should not go into dormant state before finishing with drop pickup
- Fixed: Province UI Accidental copy of whole terrainGenerator every frame (slow down province UI dramatically)
- Fixed: Logistics Office placement bugged.
- Fixed: disallow placing books in other players buildings.
- Fixed: Crate card is gone temporarily after warning of not having enough storage.

- Fixed Text: Bakerys, brewerys, Winerys
- Fixed: Player Graph Color looks too similar

- Fixed: when moving home from long distance, citizens will check for proper path first before using forced path (through mountain/water)
- Fixed: hover over the housing count does not list the number of level 7 houses

- Prevent midgame joining (when session is left open)
- Prevent players from joining beyond 6 players..

- Possible fix for construction site not finishing
- Constructor will carry resource for longer distance

- Guard: SetDeliveryTarget crash
- Guard: workEfficiency100/taxHappinessModifier crash

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Re: Kingdoms Reborn Multiplayer city builder
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2020, 04:17:37 AM »
December 1 Update
Wed, 2 December 2020

Here is the patch many of you have been waiting for :)

Some of the more important improvements are:
- Improved AI player
- Improved improved citizen AI
- Tunnel
- Market revamp

This patch will break any saves.

You can switch to nov_9 branch to play your old saves.

I apologize for the delay. There were some critical bugs I had to fix on the experimental branch before merging it to the main updates.

Hope you enjoy the new patch :)

The full patch notes are below:
(This is a combination of multiple patches on the experimental branch.)

Update Nov 11, 2020
- Popup Explanation When Laborer count is 0 for the first time,
- Show food production/consumption per season on graph when hovering over Left UI Food instead of the count (prevent confusion about dropping food)
- disallow tree from spawning right next to building

- Click house will show connection to workplace
- In Citizen's Focus UI, label "workplace: Construction Site" properly (previously labeled as building type)

- Show Dirt Road Hotkey [Z] on its button.
- keyboard shortcut shows [B-H], [B-F], [B-Y] to prevent confusion

- Version Number display on main menu (top right)
- Join game's different version warning suggest steam restart and show host/local version

- Fixed: Single Player "New Game" Crash
- Fixed: Think there's a misplaced decimal point on the Food Usage graph, we're in year 14 but it shows as year 1.4

- Fixed: Demolished farm items won't be picked up
- Fixed: Set Delivery before finishing construction will make workers move resources away from the construction site.
- Fixed: Non-star Fruit Gatherer won't get expelled for winter

- Fixed: Clicking the row before the last row in Job Management UI sometimes cause the job row to disappear.

- Fixed: found out in lobby say multiplayer lobby for host but for non host say single player lobby lol

Update Nov 14, 2020
- Get nearer food: scoring system to decide which food pile to get
- People will go to workplace first if the workplace is too faraway.

- Gatherer's hut produce 20% less fruit
- Demolish ranch will just kill animals inside

- Disallow selling Townhall, Employment Bureau, Statistics Office
- Storage space warning reminds every 60 secs (previously 20 secs)
- Warning "Inaccessible" when building's gate tile is inaccessible by Citizens

- Combo bonus show as "Combo Level X" instead of level
- Add Upgrade Townhall to initial questline

- Support typing Thai, Chinese, Japanese on chat
- Chat command "ForceClickthrough"/"ShowDebugExtra" to help people with unable to click buildings issue. (until a proper fix is found)

- Fixed: Farm should not go into dormant state before finishing with drop pickup
- Fixed: Province UI Accidental copy of whole terrainGenerator every frame (slow down province UI dramatically)
- Fixed: Logistics Office placement bugged.
- Fixed: disallow placing books in other players buildings.
- Fixed: Crate card is gone temporarily after warning of not having enough storage.

- Fixed Text: Bakerys, brewerys, Winerys
- Fixed: Player Graph Color looks too similar

- Fixed: when moving home from long distance, citizens will check for proper path first before using forced path (through mountain/water)
- Fixed: hover over the housing count does not list the number of level 7 houses

- Prevent midgame joining (when session is left open)
- Prevent players from joining beyond 6 players..

- Possible fix for construction site not finishing
- Constructor will carry resource for longer distance

- Guard: SetDeliveryTarget crash
- Guard: workEfficiency100/taxHappinessModifier crash

Hotfix Nov 15, 2020
- Citizens try harder to put resources into storage instead of dropping them
- Citizens prioritize picking up drop instead of gathering when there are too many dropped wood/stone
- Fixed: Clicking down on Job Management row before last and the row disappear.

Update Nov 20, 2020
- Tunnel
- Set target output (produce until X)
- Card hand stacking for later use
- Markets are now storage. Targets fulfilled by market workers
- Double the stone/ore in all nodes
- House Unlock Tech Rationalism gives 30% research bonus (previously 20%)

- Difficulty consumption adjustment changed to: Normal 0%, Hard +30%, Brutal +60%, King +90%, Emperor +120%
- Tooltip showing consumption adjustment for each difficulty level
- Difficulty level now also affect: sickness frequency, tools consumption (age)

Rebalance textile industry:
(Fabric mass-production late-game allow tailor to make clothes faster with finished fabric)
- Tailor can make clothes/Fashionable Clothes straight from cotton/dyed+cotton
- Tailor has 4 worker slots (was 5)
- Tailor nerfed Weaving Machine Upgrade
- Cotton Mill moved to unlock at 22 house lvl 6 (was lvl 7)
- Cotton Mill now produces Fabric at 1:1 input-output ratio
- Clothes cost: 30 (from 15)
- Cotton Fabric cost: 23 (from 7)
- Dyed Cotton Fabric cost: 43 (from 17)
- Fashionable Clothes cost: 50 (from 30)

Food Balance: (lessen storage need, easier to track goods going around)
- Food now cost 5
- 180 default initial food (instead of 240)
- less food consumption per year to maintain the same consumption value per year
- less food production in Gatherer, Hunter, Farm, other Producers accordingly
- Flour cost: 9 (previously 5)
- Beer, Furniture cost: 10

AI Player Improvements:
- AI defends itself
- AI will Upgrade townhall
- AI adjustment for building: Ranch, Farm
- More aggressive expansion

- AI doesn't spawn in Tundra/Desert
- AI spawn check for 5 expandable provinces

- AI Trade for tools, medicine, wood, stone
- AI sell unused luxury
- AI Build trading post/Furniture Workshop/Brewery/Tailor when applicable

- New main menu music from Alistair Lindsay
- Serialize FirstTime Popup states
- Save Game named after city rather than steam name.

- Fixed: Farm production shown as (per season) before any planting when it should be (per year)

- Fixed: UseMedicine() allow consuming resource into -1
- Load Saved will fix any negative resource from bugged build

Hotfix Nov 24:
- "Pass" instead of "Submit" when there is no card selected, and there are 2+ card hand queue
- After Passing a Card Hand, the next hand should be shown...

- Refactor preparation for job system (Soon, most Citizen AI won't change job unless kicked.)
- Doubles the minimum time people will work in a run

- AI upgrade buildings
- Immortal/Diety difficulty level (Consumption +160%/200%)

- Tunnel need to start on our land, but can end on province that hasn't been taken over.
- Tunnel create province land connection (allows taking over province after building a tunnel)
- Added Farm's "produce until"

- Fixed: Hunting drops on farm causes issues
- Fixed: ppl sat in building and does nothing when using "produce until"
- Fixed: Forester's "produce until" doesn't work
- Fixed: Bridge graphic bug when clicking..
- Fixed: Hover warning not refreshed for focus UI
- Fixed: Irrigation Reservoir should reset surrounding farm's productivity
- Fixed: Autosave name remove city name (so it doesn't overflow)
- Fixed: Statistics Bureau and Employment Bureau are highlighted when placing Banks
- Fixed: colony inaccessible

Update Dec 1, 2020
- Citizens stay it their old job unless forced to leave it
- 75% tools penalty on work speed (previously -50%)
- Harder game at higher difficulty...

- AI less likely to Starve (better food management)
- AI farm herb
- AI farm on good fertility ground
- AI import iron for tailor
- AI emergency handling (food/medicine/tools)
- AI more storage

- trees can't spawn right next to rocks

- IsConnected cache (Performance improvement)

Non Gameplay:
- Tech no longer flashes once the last era is completed
- More AI Player names

- Clicking on building from mid range zoom

- Fixed: Mine and quarry doesn’t kick workers once output target is reached
- Fixed: Market shouldn't accept non-market resource

- Fixed: Wild Card has no bank
- Sorted wildcard list

- Fixed: Potter moving texture
- Fixed: Card doesn't top flashing once queued..

- Fixed: Leader boost can be spammed if clicked fast enough
- Fixed: influence income damp integer overflow
- Fixed: Farm meat/leather drop. (again +.+)

- Fixed: Colony production not included in the stats
- Fixed: "Happy bread day" card bonus trigger without the slotted card.

- Fixed: Market shouldn't show slots on focusUI
- Fixed: House's line connection to Townhall shouldn't be there.

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms Reborn Multiplayer city builder
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2021, 11:47:40 PM »
January 7, 2021 Update
Thu, 7 January 2021

This patch includes optimizations, bug fixes, new crops etc.

Sorry about the long wait time.

There was a lot going on with my personal life (wedding and settling into a new house).

This patch will break any saves.
You can switch to dec_1 branch to play your old saves.
(instruction on switching branch)

Hope you enjoy the new patch :)


Full patch notes below:
(This is a combination of multiple patches on the experimental branch.)

Update Dec 29, 2020
- Optimize Citizen/Animal AI performance
- Optimize display system's zoom transition with multithreading

- Max 3 card stack
- Limit the number of Mints that can be built to 8...

- Difficulty increase (Diety is now +300% consumption vs previous +250%)
- 1,000,000 gold to win.
- Lessen winter brightness

New resources:
-Coffee Fruit

- Added Blueberries, Melon, Potato, Pumpkin as food
- Melon gives +3 gold when consumed

Luxury Resource Changes:
- Tulip added to t1
- Vodka/Coffee/Shroom added to t2
- Chocolate moved from t2 -> t3

- House Level 2->3 upgrade requires 3 tier-1 luxury
- House Level 4->5 upgrade requires 3 tier-2 luxury
- House Level 6->7 upgrade requires 3 tier-3 luxury

New Buildings
- Shroom Farm
- Vodka Distillery
- Coffee Roaster

- Tech requirement that might require producing some resource to X amount before being able to research some tech
- Popup Disallow researching a tech without completing the requirement

- Fixed: Ensure no negative snatch/steal
- Fixed: With negative gold, you can't pass any cards
- Fixed: building too far causes freezing people. Not complete fix but should be better (If IsConnectedBuilding() failed, should still check with IsConnected().)
- Fixed: House lvl 7 outdoor furnitures badly arranged.
- Guard: GetCritterBuildingsIncludeFronts Crash

Text Fix:
- Correct Deity Spelling
- Correct Brickworkss->Brickworks in Brickworks upgrade, Printing Presss->Printing Presses for Printing Press upgrade
- When use the "Card Removal" card you see this title on the card selection screen : "Pay the price to build"

Update Jan 5, 2021
- Compress Generated UI Icon textures to consume less GPU Video memory (might help with GPU related crash)
- Higher resolution for generated UI Icon textures

- Guard against crash in IsFrontBuildable()
- Fixed: Texture memory leak when loading game

- Fixed: Shrooms aren't available to be exported from Trading Company
- Fixed: Raw Coffee should not be counted as foood
- Fixed: Melon should count as food

- Fixed: Strange Issue of Zero Input needed for the Distillery...
- Fixed: You can boost AI or other player's buildings.
- Fixed: Selector crystal overlaps with the models for many house levels

- Fixed: people get sick and die without warning
- Fixed: Ranch animals doesn't give birth

UI/Text Issues:
- Techs show its requirement in tooltip and warning popup
- Brighter tech's requirement text
- Coffee Fruit renamed as Raw Coffee (to prevent confusion that it is edible)
- Fixed: Luxury tier description for Coffee, Chocolate, Vodka
- Fixed: Unlocking the new seeds (blueberry, pumpkin at the very least) says "Unlocked Medicinal Herb"
- Fixed: Combo upgrade's description missing % sign
- Fixed: wild animals can have workplace
- Fixed: ResourceTooltip string's image tag not parsed
- Fixed: Tutorial, "Assigning Job" trim video blackout, "Claiming Territory" remove broken video, "Food" remove unneeded broken link.

Hot Fix Jan 6, 2021
- Fixed: Texture nullptr crash upon exiting to desktop
- Fixed: Freezing citizens when building buildings faraway
- Fixed: Animal migration check for province connection validity
- Fixed: Animals overflow in some province
- Reached Maximum Cards Popup has option to never show the message again.

Text Fixes:
- Changed "cure" in Medicine's description to "heal" to prevent confusion between cure/heal
- When paused, speed buttons tooltip show "(current: paused)" instead of "(current:)"
- "Immigration Advertisement" card name is too long.. change to "Immigrants"
- Fixed: Market description text overflow
- Fixed: Also, the 'Little' in Little red deer is lowercase
- Description UI Format to leave space after "Health"

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Re: Kingdoms Reborn Multiplayer city builder
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2021, 04:19:26 AM »
Translation Update
Sat, January 30, 2021

The language update is finally here!

Thank you very much to everyone who helped with Crowdin community translation :)

Added languages:
- Czech
- Chinese (Simplified)
- Chinese (Traditional)
- French
- German
- Japanese
- Russian
- Thai

This update will break older saves.
If you want to play the old saves, please switch back to "jan_7 hot fix" branch.
(switch branch instruction)


For full update detail, checkout the Discord

- Crowdin Project:

- 5 queued card hands will be converted to 1 wild card automatically
- Crash Report Server (From now on, just click "Send and Close" on Unreal Engine 4 Crash Reporter)
- zoom keys: Pgup/Pgdown, "[" and "]"
- Gather/Demolish Button click 2 times doesn't close them
- Gather Button UI Close Button added
- Settings: Allow Turning off Multithreading for Camera
- Settings: Forced Clickthrough (Bypass bug where you can't click objects)

- Cancel gather should cancel people on the way to gather target resource
- Fixed: Loaded the game and Claypit has ground dirt in it. (could solve few other display issues to)
- Fixed: LOD of pine trees has no texture on some zoom levels
- Fixed: Coconut trunk can be too far from its origin square

- Add a search box in the wildcard window to easier find what card you are looking for
- Province overlay hot key [Ctrl-P]
- Save last used map settings
- Food Production/Consumption on graph show "(per season)"
- Scrollable Luxury tier on house Lvl
- On Building UI: Arrow to swap between buildings of the same type.
- Proper plural for buildings
- "Restart Game" button to the in Game menu (Single Player Only)

- Fixed: Coffee too similar to Raw Coffee
- Fixed: Being on a different branch, you can still invite friends to the game through Steam invite.

- 7 superb new music tracks from Alistair
- Password indication for multiplayer session list
- Text Orange for "Fort and Colony Cards will not be recovered."

- Fixed: When laying a stone road above a dirt road , the costs of stones stay on 0

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms Reborn Multiplayer city builder
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2021, 04:13:52 AM »
Multiple Cities Update
Sun, February 21, 2021

You can finally build multiple cities!
The game is now also more optimized for high population.

This update will break older saves.
If you want to play the old saves, please switch back to "jan_31 hot fix" branch.
(switch branch instruction)


For full update detail, checkout the Discord

Multiple Cities Related:
You can now build a new town after unlocking the "Colony" technology in the tech tree
- Colony: Build a new townhall. Townhall must be connected to Intercity Road. (cost 15000)
- Port Colony: Build a new townhall next to water. (cost 20000)
- Intercity Logistics Hub: Bring resources to the colony using Horse Cart (land)
- Intercity Logistics Port: Bring resources to the colony using Ship (water)
- Intercity Bridge: (cost: 1000) Allow building bridge outside of territory for connecting cities
- Old "Colony" becomes "Resource Outpost" with price increased to 5000
- Change left UI resource according to the town centered on camera.
- H multiple time to swap towns
- Switch between towns using Left UI
- [Send Immigrants] button/UI to send citizens between colonies/capital
- Immigrants have cart when they walk to their destination.
- Arrow Buttons in Statistics/Job Bureau to change town the UI is focused on
- Statistics UI with combined cities statistics, or individual city
- Ctrl-Q and Ctrl-E to swap town
- Tooltip for the leftUI arrows: Press [Ctrl-Q] and [Ctrl-E] to switch between towns.
- Shift WASD too speed it up
- Shift-click upgrading warn if there isn't enough resource to upgrade multiple buildings to prevent confusion
- Renamed Cities Overview->Player Overview
- Player Overview show total player statistics instead of capital's statistics (Pop, GDP, main production)

- Decrease pathAI memory usage
- Single Player should no longer have input lag
- Improved Performance for Pathfinding AI
- Animal pauses more and for longer (less unnecessary performance consumption)

- Citizen AI should try to fill up nearby storage tile to max first (instead of just going to the nearest storage)
- Tunnel now costs 3000
- Bridge now costs 300
- Increase price to vassalize by x3
- Shutoff ability to abandon town. (Lots of issues, so it is removed for now unless someone wants it back)
- Remove Claim Land by Food (confusing for multiple city setup)
- Claim Land with money costs x2 more
- Initial money increased to 3000
- Tile/Province Focus UI shows distance from nearest townhall
- Citizens shouldn't idle walk beyond their territory
- Allow Demolishing of Intercity Road in unowned province (not owned by other player)
- Disallow expanding provinces beyond 7 provinces from the townhall. (should help with performance issues)
- Show number of provinces from Townhall on Tile/Province UI
- Tech Box draggable with left mouse button

- Fixed: citizen animation frozen with arms outward
- Fixed: Placing Intercity Road should destroy boar burrows
- Fixed: Stone not removed when placing Townhall Road
- Fixed: Clicking [Back] from single player goes back to lobby list, if previously created a multiplayer game
- Fixed: House Too Far shouldn't show if there is no house in the town
- Fixed: House Deinit crashes for Colonies
- Fixed: Crash when trying to build building outside the map...

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms Reborn Multiplayer city builder
« Reply #8 on: March 18, 2021, 11:50:25 PM »
Happiness Update
Wed, 17 March 2021

!!! This update doesn't work with older saves.
To play the old saves, please switch back to "feb_20" branch.
(switch branch instruction)

The happiness system is now revamped :)
Logistics was improved with new buildings, and horse carts for market/logistics office.
Hope you guys like the improvements!

Summary of Major Changes:

Revamped Happiness System:
- Food Happiness: Having enough food + Food variety
- Housing Happiness: Housing Appeal
- Luxury Happiness: Luxury Variety in houses
- Job Happiness: Job
- Entertainment Happiness: Tavern, Theatre
- Town Attractivenes: New Colonists, Cannibalism, Tax etc.

New buildings: Granary, Hauling Services, Archives: stores cards
New Cards: Motivation, Passion, Slave Labor, Lockdown, Social Welfare, AllYouCanEat

New Abilities:
- Quick Build: Pay money to speed up building construction
- Adjust building budget: Increase upkeep to increase efficiency/job happiness
- Adjust building work hours: Increase work efficiency at the cost of job happiness

- Multiple building card slots
- Market and logistics office use horse
- A lot of Citizen AI improvement+fixes

There are a lot more changes that won't fit here.
See the full patch notes in the Discord (From Feb 20 to Mar 16)

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Offline Asid

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Re: Kingdoms Reborn Multiplayer city builder
« Reply #9 on: April 18, 2021, 11:53:54 PM »
New Major Patch Teaser
Sun, 18 April 2021

Since it has been a while, I want to let everyone know that a new major patch is on its way :)

Our team has been growing with several new artists joining.
With the new patch, their work will finally be shown!

New patch Highlights:
- 3D/UI/Card graphics overhaul
- Tech Tree Revamped
- World Wonders
- Many new buildings and resources

In the new patch, many of your buildings will improve as you advance through ages.

Fishing Lodge


Trading Post

Trading Port


There are also new wonders:

Grand Museum

Grand Exhibition Hall

And new buildings such as this oil well:

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Re: Kingdoms Reborn Multiplayer city builder
« Reply #10 on: July 09, 2021, 11:20:42 PM »
The First Major Patch has Finally Arrived!!!
Fri, 9 July 2021

Era Progression Patch

This massive patch completely revamps the game on all aspects.
- Era Progression & New Research Trees
- World Wonders & Victory Condition
- New Art Assets both 3D/2D & Revamped UI's look

We really hope you enjoy this patch we worked so hard on :)

Thank you again to everyone in the community who helped playtest and gave a lot of useful feedback!

Era Progression & New Research Trees

Progress your Kingdom through four different Eras: Dark Age, Middle Age, Enlightenment Age, and Industrial Age. Each era brings with it many new interesting buildings, resources, and bonuses!
Numerous new buildings have been added, such as Glassworks, Steelworks, Concrete Factory, Oil Rig, Coal Power Plant, and much more.

World Wonders & Victory Condition

Flaunt your Kingdom’s success by building these oversized structures! These Wonders also grant powerful gameplay bonuses and large amounts of Victory Score.
The game now ends once all the different World Wonders are constructed. Victory Score is calculated based on Wonders Built, Population, Happiness, and Money.

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Re: Kingdoms Reborn Multiplayer city builder
« Reply #11 on: December 28, 2021, 11:51:24 PM »
Beta Testing for Major Update: Beyond the Border
Tue, December 28, 202

Hi Kingdom Builders :)

We would like to invite you to the beta testing for the upcoming major update (Beyond the Border patch) which we hope to finally release in Jan 2022!

Beta can be access from here:
Find "Kingdoms Reborn" in your steam library
Right click —> "Properties"
Select "BETAS" Tab
Under the dropdown menu of “Select the beta you would like to opt into:”, select “test_beyond_border_public_beta - Beyond Border Patch Public Beta”

Updates Summary

New faction "The Emirates"
Master traders: -20% trading fee.
Oasis builders: Clay-based buildings, but -50% wood-cutting yield.
Desert-born: Starts with Sheep Ranch instead of Forester. Miner’s Fortune replaces Wheat Seeds as a starting card option. Many techs and buildings are customized for desert living.
Also, the default faction (The Duchies) has a +5% research speed bonus.

Expanded interactions with other players
Conquer: Vassalize, raid, raze or conquer enemies.
Compete: Build Spy Nests and Spy Centers to steal and sabotage others.
Cooperate: Build Embassies, Foreign Quarters, Hotels on allies’ territory. Build Caravansary to enhance trade routes.
City states: Minor neutral cities now populate the map.
Computer players: Smarter AI in growing their economy and city planning.
Customize your leader: Faction, color, icon, portrait.

Military units
17 unique units from 6 types with various strategic advantages.
Garrison military units decrease Steal Card effectiveness.
Build a fort to protect your province from raiding.

New global resources & improvements
Fertility: Oasis, Irrigation Pump
Food: Pita Bread, Cactus Fruits, Agave, Spices
Luxury: Date, Tequila, Toilet Paper, Carpet
Animals: Roaming animals can be captured, collected in zoos for bonuses, and traded.
Ancient Wonders: 4 unique wonders to claim. Grant bonus appeal, province income, and increase hotel effectiveness. Contain more artifacts than ruins. Place in museums for bonuses.
Card Buildings: Zoo, Museum, Card Combiner
Influence-based buildings: World Trade Office, Policy Office, Resource Outpost
Quality-of-life: Non-rectangular farm, centralized auto-trade screen

Thank you again for your patience and support!
Merry X'mas and Happy New Year :)

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Re: Kingdoms Reborn Multiplayer city builder
« Reply #12 on: March 10, 2022, 11:54:43 PM »
Major Update "Beyond the Border" is Now Live!
Thu, March 10, 2022

A brand-new faction "The Emirates", economic co-ops, military, spies, ancient wonders, artifacts, oasis, and more!

Hi Kingdom Builders!

After countless refining and beta testing, we are proud to announce our second major update.

We've been told you'd like to see a brand-new culture, fresh gameplay styles, more multiplayer interactions, expanded global resources, quality of life improvements, and yes, some military actions — Now here they are!

See the updates below or find out right away by clicking the PLAY button now :)

New faction: “The Emirates”
•   Distinct in-game design and animation.
•   Master traders: -20% trading fee.
•   Oasis builders: Able to use Clay to construct buildings, but suffers from -50% wood-cutting yield.
•   Desert-born: Starts with Sheep Ranch instead of Forester. Miner’s Fortune replaces Wheat Seeds as a Starting Card option. Has access to techs and buildings adapted to desert living.
•   Balance: Default faction (The Duchies) gets a +5% research speed bonus.

Expanded interactions with other players
•   Conquer: Vassalize, Raid, Raze or Conquer enemies. Plunder other countries’ riches to make your nation wealthy at their expense.
•   Disrupt: Build Spy Nests and Spy Centers to steal resources and kidnap foreign citizens.
•   Cooperate: Enjoy mutual bonuses with allies by building Embassies, Foreign Quarters, and Hotels in their territory. Build Caravansaries to enhance trade routes.
•   City states: Neutral, single-province cities are now scattered throughout the map.
•   Smarter AI: Better city planning, less likely to die off, and faster at growing their economies. The AI now progresses through the eras like players.
•   Customize your leader: Choose between different factions, colors, icons, and portraits.
Introducing military gameplay
•   Command 17 unique units from 6 branches of your military, each with its own strategic advantages.
•   Garrison military units to decrease Steal Card effectiveness.
•   Build Forts to protect your provinces from raiding.

More global resources & improvements
•   Fertility: Oasis, Irrigation Pump.
•   Food: Pita Bread, Cactus Fruits, Agave, Spices.
•   Luxury: Dates, Tequila, Toilet Paper, Carpets.
•   Animals: Roaming animals can be captured, traded, and displayed in zoos for bonuses.
•   Ancient Wonders:4 unique wonders to discover and claim as your own. Provinces with an Ancient Wonder benefit from an increase in Appeal, province income and Hotel effectiveness.
•   Artifacts: Raid Ruins and Ancient Wonders for Artifacts to display in Museums for bonuses.
•   Card Buildings: Zoo, Museum, Card Combiner.
•   Influence-based buildings: Manipulate global commodity prices with the World Trade Office and get city-wide bonuses with a Policy Office.
•   Quality of life: Non-Rectangular Farms, Centralized Auto-Trade Screen.

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Re: Kingdoms Reborn Multiplayer city builder
« Reply #13 on: June 23, 2022, 09:44:38 AM »
‘Rise of Valhalla’ - New Patch Teaser!
Wed, June 22, 2022

Become the ruler of your Viking realm

To all our Norsemen, put down your meads! A major announcement is in order.
Come with us as we set our sight for Asgard in the upcoming “Rise of Valhalla”patch! ⚔️🤘


'Rise of Valhalla'
introduces a Viking-themed faction that adds a Nordic flair to game experience.

The Viking-themed faction

This new settlement is well-suited to making a home in the snowy, bitter wilderness.

Town Hall


Mushroom Farm

Gold Smelter


We're working on more gameplay changes for this patch and would welcome your feedback!

Share your ideas for the new Viking Faction in the comments below or on our Discord server.

Can’t wait to embark on this voyage with all of you! ⛵

Kingdoms Reborn team

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Re: Kingdoms Reborn Multiplayer city builder
« Reply #14 on: December 12, 2022, 12:02:02 AM »
‘Rise of Valhalla’ - The Viking-inspired Patch Beta is live!
Sat, December 10, 2022

Updates Summary

Norsemen Faction
Play as the brand new Viking-inspired faction surviving in the snowy, bitter boreal wilderness.
Unique Resources:
Mead and Cheese
Unique Military Units:
Berserker and Longship
Unique Wonders:
Great Long Hall, Basilica, Stave Church

New Buildings
Only one Provincial Building can be built per province
Crop Breeders:
Farm special crops nearby
Luxury Importer:
Importing Luxury will now require the Luxury Importer. (to prevent exploitation of Luxury Imports.)
Card Shop:
Buy buildings, province-specialty, and slot cards!
Naval Control:
Create sea trade blockade - collecting fee of other players' ports
Deepsea Fishing Port:
Fish for Deepsea Tuna populated around reefs all over the world's oceans.

Ships Sailing:
Fishers, and Traders now sail with their ships.

Farming Productivity / Fertility Map revamp

- Crop Breeders now replace the Province-based Resources that appear at the start of the game.
- Farming Productivity affected by Crop Yield and Fertility Dependence
- Balance fertility rate across different Biomes
- Fertile Province: Find fertile map icons indicating high fertility provinces suitable for crop farming.

Electricity Revamp:
Reworked Electricity UI / Distribution / Balance

Military Revamp:
New Military Unit Slots. Increase your Military Slots by growing your population.
Rebalanced Military Units - Power and Cost

Gameplay Rebalance:
Many aspects of the game (e.g. cost, consumption, population, upgrade system) have been adjusted to ensure challenging gameplay into the endgame

Gameplay Optimization:
Improved gameplay performance, including pathfinding and UI performance

Upgrade Points System:
New resource designed to make building upgrade choices more interesting, and to help keep the gameplay engaging into the endgame.

Beta can be access from here:

    Find "Kingdoms Reborn" in your steam library
    Right-Click → "Properties" → Select "BETAS" Tab
    Under the dropdown menu: “Select the beta you would like to opt into:”
    Select “test - Viking Beta”

The full update should be out on December 15, 2022.

Thank you again for your patience and support!
Kingdoms Reborn Team :)

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