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Re: Medieval Kingdom Wars
« Reply #105 on: February 29, 2020, 12:17:07 AM »
Update 1.18 - Major Graphics Update
Fri, 28 February 2020

Hey Everyone,

It feels great to bring you another great update, just few days after the last one. We hope we can keep us this weekly update schedule as we move forward.

Today`s update is our biggest visual improvement for MKW so far. Please make sure to turn on Bloom in the game`s option though and play with Epic camera (if your PC supports that). We also recommend starting a new campaign as one of the Iberian or Italian Lords to experience the most of the new content.

We hope you`ll enjoy the new experience, and please consider reviewing MKW - we sure can use some more recent reviews. Thanks!

This update also comes with several fixes and improvement, though our main focus was on graphics and new southern city set. Also we went a bit too far with difficulty in the last update, so made some adjustments, reducing the upkeep for example.

And a word about the 19th update as we are taking a bit of a detour before we get to more bug fixing and performance improvement. The 19th update will feature major re-balancing of the game flow, making things a lot more streamlined and faster. Aside from being able to control the game speed in hamlet battles and while building up your town, we are completely re-balancing RTS mode economy and flow. Before it might take you 10 minutes to build up your hamlet, and 20 to build up a large town - we are changing this to only take 3/6 minutes respectively.

For now - introducing Update 1.18:

New Features & Major Fixes

•   Created southern version for most Italian and Iberian towns, with forever summer, and desert/palm tree terrain set
•   Major Visual update with distance fog and other improvements
•   Major visual improvements – distance fog is now present for all camera settings
•   Major visual improvements – make sure to turn Bloom On if it`s off
•   Bloom has been reworked to be less bright, and more natural
•   Redesigned tutorial cinematics with distance fog and other improvements

Fixes and Additions

•   Call to Arms is now activated with middle mouse button or double click right mouse button
•   New players start with bloom on by default
•   Rotating mouse wheel in the main menu no longer hides the distance fog
•   Distance fog now enabled right away as gameplay starts, and not only on camera scroll
•   Fixed main menu not having any visual effects when returning to it from scenario
•   Rotating minimap is now default option for new players
•   Playing proper intro and outro cinematic for battles where player attacks or defends a hamlet

Balancing Changes

•   Lowered unit upkeep, it was increased too much in the last update

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Re: Medieval Kingdom Wars
« Reply #106 on: March 03, 2020, 02:27:26 PM »
Update 1.19 - Total Gameflow Re-balance
Mon, 2 March 2020

Hey Everyone,

Today`s update comes with short patch notes, but changes are massive and really effect the gameplay. Please keep in mind that if you don`t like the changes, we are open to discussion and continuing re-balancing. With that said - welcome to MKW on steroids. The main goal was to speed up slower parts of the game, as well as to give players a way to control the game speed.

The end results: it`s now possible to achieve in 1 hour of gameplay, what would take 2.5-3 hours before. All the waiting and grinding was taken out of the town build up, it`s now fast and fun, just keep an eye on that unhappiness meter, as your time is limited (unless you are playing with Chill mode enabled).

RTS gameplay now also becomes a much more important part of battles, as you can get your base setup faster and train more soldiers during the course of the battle.

On top of that you can now increase the game speed both in build up mode and during battles, that will make things go even quicker during the slower moments.

We been playing with the new game speed rules for a few days now, and I must say - feedback is very good, hopefully you`ll like the changes as well.

Signing of for now, but keep in mind - we are hard at work on a major update 1.19 and 1.20 coming later this month. We are working on a new world map transfer window, fixing two dozens of remaining bugs, and a huge update to the combat lag and AI lag that should finally deal with large battles lag.

And so, lets take a look at Update 1.19:

New Features & Gameflow Rebalancing

•   Ability to control game speed in RTS mode is back
•   Town build up and combat gameplay completely rebalanced
•   RTS game speed completely rebalanced
•   Happiness drain while in a town increased by 30%
•   Instead of spending 12-14 minutes to build up a hamlet it takes 6-7 now
•   Resources gathering by mines, livestock and serfs has been increased by 40%-50%
•   Unit and building production time decreased by 30%-40%
•   Rebalanced some costs, like cheaper serf
•   Corrected welcome message and some localization

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Re: Medieval Kingdom Wars
« Reply #107 on: March 07, 2020, 12:46:32 AM »
Update 1.20 - Unit Transfer Redesigned
Sat, 7 March 2020

Hey Everyone,

We have another major update for you today. The top achievement this week is the brand new Unit Transfer window. This has long been one of the weakest points of our GUI, and finally it`s been redesigned. You can now transfer multiple units, select where to transfer them, and time to transfer units or form armies have fallen from 30 seconds on average to 5.

Today`s update also comes with a solid visual and CPU performance improvement, as well as a lot of polish for the AI. We also looked on making certain parts of the game look better, and fixed some long standing bugs.

We are just getting started, and have more great updates coming to you this month. Thanks for your support!

And so presenting Update 1.20:

New Features & Major Fixes

•   Unit Transfer completely redesigned, but can still use old way of transferring
•   Unit transfer – select multiple units and click on any other army slot to transfer there
•   Unit transfer – select multiple units and use Transfer button to transfer and auto sort
•   Major performance improvement on the World Map for Epic camera settings
•   Minor performance improvement for Performance camera on world map and in combat

Fixes and Additions

•   Fixed one of the sources of very bad lag in large town sieges
•   AI will no longer do a suicide charge out of large towns each time now
•   AI will only sally forth to attack the player if it has 2x stronger force and a very good chance of winning
•   Small chance AI will sally forth at random to surprise player
•   AI will no longer build ballista on towers, as it was spamming them too
•   AI will not cheat in the first two years and use armies with advanced units, only the basic
•   High level AI towns still use the cheat units for now, but this is to be fixed shortly
•   Balanced AI armies in the first two years, more difference between easy, mid and hard difficulty
•   All campaign world map cinematics now have distance fog
•   Town intro, battle intro and victory cinematics now have distance fog
•   Fixed level design issues in some of the large towns
•   Polished main menu scene fog
•   Mobile Siege Weapons are much better at going to attack the specific target, but will get distracted if fired by ranged units
•   Various issues due to unreachable AI ballista on towers have been resolved
•   Removed tree visible in the middle of some hamlet rivers
•   Hill terrain set improved with dirty terrain under trees

Balancing Changes

•   Rebalanced early game technologies - they are not more affordable
•   New campaigns now start with more trade goods, allowing researching more early game

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Re: Medieval Kingdom Wars
« Reply #108 on: March 27, 2020, 01:28:30 PM »
Mini Update 20 & Upcoming Update 21
Thu, 26 March 2020

Hey Everyone,

We hope everyone is able to stay safe and healthy during this challenging time...

Luckily for our studio - we have always been working remotely, so we are able to continue our work uninterrupted. And so - lets take a minute to update you on what we are working on and what`s coming up next.

Mini-update 1.201

First of all - we had a mini-update today. This update fixes couple of issues we had with the game past couple of weeks:

•   Fixed not being able to enter or fight in some towns and getting stuck on the loading screen
•   Fixed all issues with some units getting stuck and becoming completely unresponsive
•   Fixed some issues with changing unit formations

Upcoming Update 1.21
And work continues on the major update 21 that we are expecting within two weeks. This updates comes with impressive list of features, here`s a few of them:

•   World map fixes and updates including fixing wrong town location, wrong geographical features and more
•   Performance improvements in large town combat
•   Performance improvements in other large combat scenarios
•   Major improvement of World Map AI in all areas
•   Rebalanced AI progression to keep players challenged as the game progresses
•   Dozens of bug fixes and other improvements

New Kingdom War Title
Within a week or two we will be announcing our next Kingdom Wars project...

...I can confirm that this will be continuation of the type of a game we started with MKW, and I think a lot of our Kingdom War players will find interesting. Can`t wait to share details with you guys. And I would like to say that it in no way effects our updates and commitments to both Kingdom Wars 2, and Medieval Kingdom Wars. You can expect a full on announcement, with media and in-game screenshots and more within 10 days.

As always - thanks for your support!

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Re: Medieval Kingdom Wars
« Reply #109 on: April 27, 2020, 02:11:11 AM »
Update 1.21 - Total Rebalancing & New Game
Sun, 26 April 2020

Hey Everyone,

Hope everyone is staying safe. We have a lot of news and exciting updates for you today!

Update 21
We are glad to finally present the long-awaited update 21. It took us good month and a half to compete, but we think this was well worth the wait. This update completely re-balance mid and late game. The challenge and difficulty will scale up correctly now, providing players with never ending challenge, from early to late game. This updates also does wonders for visual performance on the world map and covers a range of other issues.

Please keep in mind - there are hundreds of balancing changes in this update, and there`s a chance we might have went too far in some aspects. Please let us know what you think about the changes, and if there are aspects that our players don`t agree with, we`ll do a quick follow up update until we get this right.

New Game
Soon we will be releasing the next Kingdom Wars game. You can expect the Steam page with media, trailers and full announcement by May 15th. The new game is called "The Plague: Kingdom Wars". It`s a successor to Medieval Kingdom Wars, though gameplay is vastly different, and it`s more of Survival Grand Strategy game.

This might seem like bittersweet news. But rest assured - this only means great things to MKW. We are continuing regular MKW updates for at least the rest of 2020, and our work on The Plague: Kingdom Wars will not impact MKW updates.

World Map Expansion
Now for some good MKW news! You might have seen us do this with our previous Kingdom Wars game. Since the two games are pretty close together, we will be able to copy the elements of the new game into MKW.

The most noticeable will be the huge World Map expansion added to MKW this summer. We are talking 35-40 new Kingdoms, nearly 300 new Lords to play as, and world map that`s nearly 5 times larger.

We are very excited both to share The Plague: Kingdom Wars with you, as well as to add this huge free world map expansion to MKW.

And back to the update...
With that said, lets take a look at what today`s major update brings us.


•   Massive graphical performance boost for World Map
•   Average world map performance increased from 45 FPS to 90 FPS
•   Greatly improved performance fighting on smaller Hamlet maps

Combat AI & Pathfinding

•   Combat AI will perform much better when sieging or defending Hamlets
•   All Hamlet maps now have just one entrance instead of two
•   Unit pathfinding has been significantly improved in Hamlet battles

World Map AI Redesign

•   Complete rework on World Map AI for mid and late game
•   AI will send build up large force of 3 or 4 armies at before attacking in later years
•   AI will progress much faster after 3 years into the campaign – bigger armies and better units
•   AI builds up it`s towns nearly twice as fast on the world map with walls and buildings
•   AI will upgrade it`s garrisons a lot more often as it advances
•   AI will no longer Raise towns, but players can still do that

Fixes and Additions

•   Redesigned first tutorial chapter, no more oil pitch lag
•   Greatly increased upkeep for the very top tier of units - Knights, Longbowman e.t.c
•   Minor visual downgrade of the World Map - a bit less density for forests
•   Various stability and performance improves across the board
•   Fixed rare issues with unable to start multiplayer battle
•   Fixed various localization issues in all supported languages

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Re: Medieval Kingdom Wars
« Reply #110 on: July 01, 2020, 11:37:38 PM »
Massive Update Incoming + Plague: Kingdom Wars this July
Tue, 30 June 2020

Hey Everyone,

Hope everyone enjoying the summer and staying safe.

Upcoming Major Updates
Our team is wrapping up work on the upcoming new Kingdom Wars game - The Plague, and it will be released to Early Access this July. With that work complete, we are starting process of copying cool new tech and upgrades from the new game to MKW. These updates will make the bulk of the upcoming Update 22 and 23 later this summer, and will really help improve MKW.

To give you some previews of the cooler features:
-Total war like unit positioning preview when tasking soldiers
-Custom campaign game save
-Major performance improvements due to the new engine updates
-Large number of fixes and improvements to AI, combat and pathfinding

...and a lot more. We`ll post a detailed preview towards the end of next week.

World Map Expansions DLC
And as we have mentioned in our previous announcement, we can`t wait to release a huge DLC later this summer or early fall, that will feature a 4x bigger world map.

This new world map expansion will bring over 20 additional Kingdoms, and features areas from Constantinople and Middle East to North Africa, Poland and Sweden. And while it will be a little bit smaller than world map in the Plague, it more that double the playable area of MKW.

The Plague: Kingdom Wars

And now it`s time to finally properly announce The Plague: Kingdom Wars. The game page is now up, and you can visit is here:

You will note quite a bit similarities visually between MKW and The Plague. And while we are working towards making every asset be different from MKW, on our early access launch, the game share about 40% of art assets and 70% of level assets.

When working on The Plague our main goal was to come up with a brand new gameplay experience, and new tech to make large world map and battles possible. And good part of art and level workload was left for after we launch in Early Access.

Free Access to MKW Veterans
Following our studio's tradition, we will be giving all veteran MKW players a chance to get the new game for free. This week, we will be contacting thousands of players who have logged over 30 hours in MKW. Those who decide to join the pre-release beta test will receive a free key and will be able to start playing as early as next week, and will forever keep this free copy of The Plague.

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Re: Medieval Kingdom Wars
« Reply #111 on: July 10, 2020, 12:48:54 AM »
Massive 70% sale on MKW & The Plague: KW is released
Thu, 9 July 2020

Hey Everyone,

Our team has exciting news to share, as the sequel to MKW has been released today! To celebrate this we have started a massive 70% sale on MKW. An affordable way to get into the genre, for these not ready to take the plunge and try Plague: Kingdom Wars.

Upcoming Major Updates

As our team is wrapping up work on The Plague, we are working on copying cool new tech and upgrades from the new game to MKW. These updates will make the bulk of the upcoming Update 22 and 23 later this summer, and will really help improve MKW.

To give you some previews of the cooler features:
-Total war like unit positioning preview when tasking soldiers
-Custom campaign game save
-Major performance improvements due to the new engine updates
-Large number of fixes and improvements to AI, combat and pathfinding

...and a lot more. We`ll post a detailed preview towards the end of next week.

World Map Expansions DLC

And as we have mentioned in our previous announcement, we can`t wait to release a huge DLC later this summer or early fall, that will feature a 4x bigger world map.

This new world map expansion will bring over 20 additional Kingdoms, and features areas from Constantinople and Middle East to North Africa, Poland and Sweden. And while it will be a little bit smaller than world map in the Plague, it more that double the playable area of MKW.

Thanks for your support, and can`t wait to share these cool updates with our MKW players!

Medieval Kingdom Wars   -70%    £10.99    £3.29

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Re: Medieval Kingdom Wars
« Reply #112 on: September 03, 2020, 02:55:52 PM »
Update 1.22 - Resuming Updates
Wed, 2 September 2020

Hey Everyone,

Hope everyone is staying safe. We have a lot of news and exciting update for you today!

Introducing Update 22
We are glad to finally present the long-awaited update 22. Please read on for patch notes. This update includes a few new features like a preview of how and where battalion will form when you task it, as well as things like GUI rescaling and minimap improvements, and a lot of other fixes and improvements.

Resuming Updates
We are back to actively updating MKW, and you can expect a solid update every 2-3 weeks this Fall. Today`s is just the first of four updates that will be adding cool new tech and features from the improvements we made to our engine while working on The Plague Kingdom wars.

Upcoming World Map Expansion
As we complete the work on porting rest of Plague tech and improvements to MKW, we will finally release the big DLC that adds the highly expanded World Map. We expect this to be ready towards November.

The Plague Bundle
As you might have heard, we have recently release The Plague: Kingdom Wars. To make it easier for our players to take the plunge and purchase the new installments we have setup the "Complete the set bundles", which gives everyone who purchased MKW additional 15% off The Plague: Kingdom Wars

This might seem like bittersweet news. But rest assured - this only means great things to MKW. We are continuing regular MKW updates for at least the rest of 2020, and our work on The Plague: Kingdom Wars will not impact MKW updates.

Update 22 Patch Notes
With that said, lets take a look at what today`s major update brings us.

•   Major scaling GUI update with various improvements in all menus for all resolutions
•   Added battalion formation and location preview when tasking units
•   New Campaign menu redesigned to show more lords
•   New Campaign menu now highlights the current selected lord
•   Minor improvements to unit tasking – a bit faster and more accurate
•   Minor improvements to performance – during large scale combat
•   Fixed some of the big towns not saving one of the buildings
•   Minor reduction to the zoom in level
•   Polished the translations, correction a lot of errors especially in Russian and German version
•   Repaired the proxy – fixing most issues when trying to play multiplayer games
•   Resolve a number of connection issues between players when playing with friends
•   Fixed common bug with parts of the screen flashing oddly – especially on shadows
•   Fixed various visual issues during campaign cinematics
•   Fixed various issues with minimap
•   Minimap now updates while the game is paused
•   Fixed very rare crash when sending units to climb to a wall

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Re: Medieval Kingdom Wars
« Reply #113 on: November 14, 2020, 01:15:38 AM »
Major Update 1.23 - Coming Soon
Sat, 14 November 2020

Hey Everyone,

We have some exciting news, as the work on the major update 23 is finally nearing completion.

Apologies for the delay, but some of the elements of this update were quite complex and required some time. Following this update for the rest of November and December we`ll be switching to smaller, more common updates.

As for the ETA - the best case - we`ll have this update out by Sunday evening , or worst case by Wednesday, depending on how the beta testing of the update continues.

And for the preview, here`s some of the bigger changes:

-Performance was one of the main areas of focus - from greatly decreasing loading times, to boost both the FPS and CPU performance, on average we showed off 30% of the loading times, and you can expect quite smoother experience in all game modes, even in very large town combat

-Reworked combat - combat got a total makeover, from the way battalions look, to how they fight, you will no longer see units just standing next to each other taking damage or swinging swords in the air

-The other part of this update was to copy dozens of improvements made while working on the Plague, from interface to the way menu operate and more, this really helps to streamline the gameplay experience.

-And finally we took the time to include fixes to a few annoying issues that plagued the game for a while

Looking forward to sharing this update with you in a few days!

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Re: Medieval Kingdom Wars
« Reply #114 on: November 15, 2020, 12:44:34 AM »
Update 1.23 - Optimization & Reworked Combat
Sat, 14 November 2020

Hey Everyone,

We have some exciting news, as the work on the major update 23 is finally complete.

Apologies for the delay, but some of the elements of this update were quite complex and required some time. Following this update for the rest of November and December we`ll be switching to smaller, more common updates.

With this update we focused on optimization and performance - greatly decreasing loading times, to boost both the FPS and CPU performance. You can expect quite smoother experience in all game modes, even in very large town combat

We also rebuilt melee combat from the ground up - starting from the way battalions look, to how they fight. You will no longer see units just standing next to each other taking damage or swinging swords in the air

And finally update comes with dozen of other improvements made while working on the Plague, from interface to the way menu operate and more, this really helps to streamline the gameplay experience.

Please keep in mind - that we have a World Map corrections updated on the horizon that fixes various mistakes with town position and names on the world, and a lot more.

Update 23 Patch Notes
Now lets take a look at what changes our 23rd update brings


•   Completely reworked unit battalion formations, sizing and shape
•   Units will no longer swing weapons at each other several meters apart
•   Units will no longer stand by each other dealing damage and not actually fighting
•   Units now approach each other in battle to form closer battles lines, with other standing back if there`s no space
•   Battles between melee units now take on average 30% longer
•   Fixed issues in naval combat where units will keep on fighting for a very long time
•   Reduced the protection bonus to units that are on walls, speeds up the sieges a little bit
•   Range units now do a lot less damage, and are less OP - all ranged armies will no longer work
•   Siege weapons can now survive a bit longer vs ranged fire, making sieges less dead locked
•   All unit hitpoints reduced by about 30% that rebalances melee battles together with other changes


•   Main menu loading time reducing by up to 80%, by reworking how it`s created. Campaign creation scene changed
•   Major improvement to visual performance in large battles, with up to 30% less FPS drop
•   Minor reduction in unit quality on all settings - but with big FPS gains
•   Normalized and optimization all the lord and king textures - diplomacy menu now opens much faster
•   Saved over 500mb in visual memory usage by optimizing textures
•   Improved new level loading speed on all levels by up to 15%


•   When starting a new campaign, GUI will point which towns player can control with convenient arrows
•   Double click on the world map no longer opens call to arms, only opened with the middle mouse button
•   Fixed issue with GUI layout for difficulty for the new campaign creation being broken
•   Palisade Gate now looks very different from rest of the palisade wall
•   Reworked various common GUI icons like closing windows and others for a cleaner GUI
•   Removed huge Notre Dame cathedral showing up in many of the capital cities
•   Improved performance in the first tutorial battle level
•   Naval combat tutorial is much faster, and easier for the player
•   Minimal zoom is a bit higher

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Re: Medieval Kingdom Wars
« Reply #115 on: January 04, 2021, 03:28:21 AM »
Major Update Incoming
Sun, 3 January 2021

Hey Everyone,

We want to start by wishing everyone Happy New Year! All of us hope it`ll be a better one.

We have big plans for Kingdom Wars games in the coming year, including completing Kingdom Wars: Plague later in the year, doing updates to the original Kingdom Wars and Kingdom Wars 2, and of-course, moving forward with several large updates for Medieval Kingdom Wars.

With MKW our plan is to continue releasing sizable updates very 5-7 weeks for the rest of 2021. Overall game experience and content will continue to improve and expand.

To start things of - we have major update 24 coming in the next few days. In this update we focused on both combat performance, as well as greatly updating and improving combat and world map AI.

Skirmish vs AI will finally become challenging, with AI properly attacking and defending. On the world map AI will start progressing and researching units as the years goes by.

This update also comes with a dozen of most commonly requests fixes by our players that we collected on our forums and discord.

Once again - all the best wishes in the new year, and can`t wait to share this update in a few days!

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Re: Medieval Kingdom Wars
« Reply #116 on: January 17, 2021, 01:16:58 AM »
Update 24 - New Combat AI & Performance
Sat, 16 January 2021

Hey Everyone,

And we are back with one of our biggest updates to MKW in a while! After countless days of work, and long nights testing, we are finally happy to present the completely reworked combat AI. This update also really helps with combat performance issues, especially during these large 3 AI sieges.

This update also greatly improves level design in hamlets and larger cities, as well as includes couple of dozen commonly requests fixes by our players that we collected on our forums and discord.

And as you might have heard we have a busy schedule for 2021, with a number of large updates and content planned for MKW this year. We expect the next major update to be released in 3 weeks from now. Thanks for your continuing support!

And now lets take a look at what changes our 24th update brings

Major Changes & New Features

•   Total rewrite of the combat AI - much tougher and smarter
•   Major performance improvement during combat
•   Major performance improvement especially during large town sieges
•   All hamlets redesigned for the gates to face middle of the map and potential enemies
•   Citizens will not get killed during town sieges – does not distract units though
•   Players can no loner gather wood from house towns inside large towns
•   Large towns are now at disadvantage in skirmish - due to limited wood
•   Level design update to all large towns - added decorative trees

Reworked Combat AI

•   AI attacks in much larger and better prepared waves
•   AI uses siege weapons a lot better
•   Defensive AI will now place defenders on walls during battles
•   AI will now correctly build large armies, and not stop at only max of 15 units
•   Fixed major issue with AI getting stuck when attacking Hamlets and not progressing
•   Fixed major issue with AI getting stuck when attacking some of the large towns
•   Fixed various instances where AI will not do anything after one attack
•   Defensive AI will eventually build siege weapons
•   AI will now build walls in campaign hamlet battles
•   Defensive AI will leave defenders on walls when launching attacks
•   AI will build a lot more siege weapons
•   AI will now build units and buildings in army vs army combat
•   AI army vs army AI will not just blindly attack, but also defend and flank
•   Fixed issue with AI not having stone for siege weapons
•   Fixed issues with second AI on the same team usually not doing anything

Changes and Additions

•   Fixed issue on the Paris type map with attackers camp not building walls correctly
•   In large towns relocated some of the wall markers, to group them better - makes AI work better
•   Town Houses no longer give wood
•   Fixed tax rate string in Spanish overlaping
•   New flyby cinematics for hamlets
•   Various fixes with Hamlets level design
•   Easier to see if player can afford the tech or not on the Stewards window
•   Foot Knights and Swordsman will no longer have super long bad looking formation

Balancing Changes

•   First Tutorial level is few minutes shorter now and easier to win
•   Forth Tutorial level is now much faster and easier to win
•   Reduced Mounted Plated Cavalry stats by about 20%
•   Trees now have a lot more resources in them
•   Even small trees in town now give a lot of wood
•   Doubled the price of the Fire Cart
•   It`s now a lot more expensive to rebuild gates
•   Lowered passive food income rate from cows and chickens
•   Much faster to capture town flag, especially if defender almost has no units

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Re: Medieval Kingdom Wars
« Reply #117 on: February 19, 2021, 03:56:18 AM »
Next week - Update 25 Incoming
Thu, 18 February 2021

Hey Everyone,

First of all - apologies for a small delay here - planed to release the 25th update this week, but looks like we`ll need a few more days here.Right now I`m putting the finishing touches on the next update and it should be ready to go by Tuesday next week.

With the 25th update I focused on fixing a long standing problem where Tutorial campaign would turn many players off the game, and they would stop playing after an hour. And indeed - Tutorial Campaign had it`s problems - it was trying to do too much, and at time was extremely drawn out and slow. To this extent I`m reworking it from the ground up - while content is mostly the same, it`s extremely streamlined and the whole tutorial campaign will now take 2 hours instead of 6 to complete.

In addition - this update includes some major combat AI improvements - especially to how it uses siege weapons to breach the walls, and we are also looking at some issues with units ignoring orders.

Having had to focus on the tutorial campaign for the upcoming update, I left some bigger projects for the 26th update that will be released right after - aiming for the 2nd of March.

Can`t wait to share the upcoming updates with you, and thanks for the continuing support!

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Re: Medieval Kingdom Wars
« Reply #118 on: December 29, 2021, 11:40:52 PM »
Update 27 - Worldmap Diplomacy Improvements
Wed, 29 December 2021

Hey Everyone,

Hope your holidays are going well and your staying festive and safe. We have another large update today that redesigns the world map diplomacy, greatly improving the way AI uses world map diplomacy as well as includes a layer of polishing and balancing for most diplomatic features, especially for middle to late game, once player becomes King and diplomacy really comes in to play. This update also includes some fixes for battles, cinematics and other aspects of the game, as well as improve the flow of the siege battles that now will be a bit faster.

We will continue with another large update in January. Meanwhile wishing everyone the best New Year celebration ahead.

With that said, lets take a look at what this 27th update

Changes and Additions

    Diplomacy menu now shows relations with each nation right on top of the nations portrait
    Player no longer needs to select each kingdoms portrait in diplomacy window to check relations
    Major rework of how AI handles world map diplomacy
    Fixed various problems where players would quickly find him/herself at war with all the nations
    AI will now often sign a cease fire treaty with the payer to end long standing war conflicts
    AI will also now often declare peace with each other
    Waging a defensive war against another country will quickly raise relations
    Waging offensive war against another nation will worsen the relations
    Various other improvements and balancing to the world map diplomacy system
    Fixed issue with becoming King being extremely difficult in some Kingdoms, due to other lords having unresonable renown value
    Signing alliance treaties effects player standing with other nation and his lords a lot less negatively
    Razing towns will impact relations with all other nations less negative, but still has an effect
    Greatly reduced penalty in diplomacy when becoming King
    Rebalanced the cost of running a Kingdom when King, hiring lords e.t.c all adjusted
    Fixed lag spike at the start of town view or battle intro cinematics
    Town defense and attack gameplay is now faster with AI or player being able to siege gates faster
    Infantry is better at taking down palisade wall gates now
    Siege Workshop level up is much cheaper now
    Improved combat victory and intro cinematics
    Fixed issue during town view intro cinematics where citizens would stand still

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Offline Asid

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Re: Medieval Kingdom Wars
« Reply #119 on: January 05, 2022, 11:49:20 PM »
Update 28 - Camera and Pathfinding
Wed, January 5, 2022

Hello Everyone,

We would like to wish you a very Happy New Year! We plan to do a lot of wonderful things with Medieval Kingdom Wars this year, and starting this year right with a solid update. Today`s update includes improvements to unit pathfinding, camera scrolling few more things across the board.

Hoping your staying safe! We`ll be back with a larger update next week as we continue to improve and expand MKW. Thanks for your continuous support!

And now lets take a look at what changes our 27th update brings

Changes and Additions
Improvements to world map and combat camera scrolling
Camera movement, zooming in and rotating now have the same speed no matter the game speed selected
Camera scrolling is a lot smoother and faster now
Improved camera zoom and rotation
Fixed rare issue where camera would get locked up and will not move again
Fixed issues with camera sometimes jumping to the corner while scrolling
Pathfinding updates when tasking large number of units is about 50% faster now to calculate the destination
Tasking units is a bit smoother now, especially when tasking small to medium groups
Tasking several battalions at a time is instant now without any delays
Improved world map light settings - it`s a bit darker without overwhelming bloom effect
Various improvements to the world map light settings
Fixed several achievements that weren`t working right
Minor balancing on ranged units and ranged siege units
Fixed couple of rare crashes (black screen) in the tutorial campaign
Improved lighting in some scenes and levels in the tutorial campaign

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