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Re: Ready Or Not (Elite SWAT Team)
« Reply #30 on: April 14, 2022, 11:39:05 PM »
Vol. 28 Ready or Not Supporter Development Update
Thu, 14 April 2022

Future Update News and Community Spotlight

Future Update News and Community Spotlight

Howdy gamers,

Welcome to the 28th edition of our biweekly newsletter! In this briefing, we'll be primarily focusing on content made by our wonderful and passionate modding community, as well as a few sneak peeks at what our team is working on behind the scenes.

Community Spotlight -- Mods of the Month

Since Ready or Not entered Early Access, we've been lucky enough to see tons of mods from our community that add content to the game and offer unique experiences for players. We love our modding community and will continue to support it and expand support for it throughout development of Ready or Not. Today, we'll be sharing three mods in particular that caught our eye this month.

1.) "Pup SWAT' on Nexus Mods, by BeYkeRYkt

Based on concept art released for Ready or Not, this mod provides high quality character skins that bring an old school, classic look to your SWAT team. Lovers of the 90s and early 2000s aesthetic rejoice, we've found just the mod for you.

Above: A timeless look for door kickers everywhere.

2.) 'Super-A Club' on Nexus Mods, by matthew9324, TayW, and mal0.

The neon lights, vibrant decorations, and numerous private rooms of the Super-A Club make for an exciting environment to move through and clear. This is an incredibly colorful map that radiates personality and clearly had a lot of love put into it.

Above: The club's entrance. Blinding lights are ignorant of the chaos brewing within.

3.) 'Breaking News' on Nexus Mods, by CCRifles.

Breaking News provides a new map for Ready or Not constructed of entirely unique assets laid out with care and precision. Alternating between claustrophobic close-quarters combat and open office spaces, your journey through this independent media office will require careful attention and a steady hand.

Above: Advancing through Breaking News.

Fast Food Update Preview -- Under the Hood

We're happy to share some updates from our level design team on one of Ready or Not's test levels, 'Fast Food'. Still in its very early stages, we've seen a lot of progress on expanding and texturing the level to get it up to our standards.

Above: The familiar fast food place is starting to look a bit more alive.

Above: The back is coming together as well.

Above: The competition across the way.


This concludes our 28th biweekly briefing, focusing on community-made content and some sneak previews of how Fast Food is starting to come together. Please tune in next time for even more development news, and keep an eye out on our social media!

If you'd like to help us test new content on the Supporter exclusive experimental branch, provide us with your game feedback, and keep up with all the activity and playtesting events occurring within the Ready or Not Alpha, you can become a Supporter at or at our Steam store page.

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Re: Ready Or Not (Elite SWAT Team)
« Reply #31 on: April 28, 2022, 11:25:12 PM »
Vol. 29 Ready or Not Supporter Development Update
Thu, 28 April 2022

Future Update News and Community Spotlight

Howdy gamers,

Welcome to the 29th edition of our biweekly newsletter! This time around, we'll be showcasing our team's work on updating the game's SWAT models and adding new variations for players to choose from. Expect to see more of these models(and others we haven't teased yet) in the near future!

Updated SWAT Models and Variants

Our modelers have been working hand-in-hand with our on staff police advisor, implementing the feedback of an experienced SWAT team member to improve existing equipment and add new options for players to take advantage of. We're excited to show off what we have so far, so without further ado, let's get to it!


Countless new kit options, from uniform color, to vests, to helmets.

Above: New helmet variations with functioning IR strobes.


This concludes our 29th biweekly briefing, unveiling a variety of changes we're working on for the game's SWAT models. Please tune in next time for even more development news, and keep an eye out on our social media!

If you'd like to help us test new content on the Supporter exclusive experimental branch, provide us with your game feedback, and keep up with all the activity and play test events occurring

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Re: Ready Or Not (Elite SWAT Team)
« Reply #32 on: May 17, 2022, 10:26:10 PM »
May Update Addendum
Tue, 17 May 2022

To the Ready or Not Community,

Our developers have been hard at work on putting together our largest content update yet, including new levels, characters, weapons, and a complete cover system for civilians and suspects to utilize. The extra time allotted to our team to work on this update has allowed us to perform necessary bug hunting, problem solving, and mechanical integration.

At this point we now have a firm grasp on how much work is left ahead of us to get the update in a playable and test-ready state. Unfortunately, we'll need just a little bit more time to ensure we can adequately prepare the large amount of new content and systems being added to the game.

Our biggest content update yet will be available to all Ready or Not players in the first week of June.

We know that we've already asked for you to wait for us once, and we know that this delay will come as frustrating news for our community. These extra few days will be crucial in making the update consistently playable and ready to experience with your friends without forcing our dev team into a crunch period that is all too common in the industry.

Going forward, we will continue to communicate any such development news so that we are maintaining openness with our player base. We thank you for your patience, for your support, and for your passion that pushes us to make the game better every day.

We're so excited to share everything that we've been working on with you, and we'll see you in the first week of June!

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Re: Ready Or Not (Elite SWAT Team)
« Reply #33 on: May 26, 2022, 11:47:20 PM »
Vol. 31 Ready or Not Development Update
Thu, 26 May 2022

Preview of Club and Valley Maps

Attention Officers,

Welcome to the 31st edition of our biweekly newsletter!! This time around we'll be taking a deeper look at Club, Valley, and Penthouse, all three of which have progressed significantly in recent weeks.

The Prysm Night Club

Pulsing lights and pounding music, strong drinks and intoxicating vibes. The promise of something more within. A crowded dance floor left vacant and streaked with blood. Pain and chaos. Bring an end to it.

Above: The heart of the club.

Read on....

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Re: Ready Or Not (Elite SWAT Team)
« Reply #34 on: June 05, 2022, 12:55:47 PM »
Status Report on the Next Content Update
Sat, 4 June 2022

A Quick Update and Teaser for the New Content Coming Very Soon!
To the Ready or Not Community,

We are excited to get the new content update in your hands as it is our biggest one yet! At this time, we're putting the finishing touches on the bevy of new mechanics being added into the game so that they're fully playable and testable for our community. As soon as it’s ready, we will be deploying the update to our experimental testing branch for Supporters to experience and help us find any major issues before public release.

It's been a long wait, but we're ready and excited to share some of what you can expect this month. Our team has put together a 6 minute video showing off the overhaul to the game's A.I., specifically new suspect behaviors and the built-from-scratch cover system they utilize. We are confident that these new mechanics will add significant depth and replayability to Ready or Not.

Keep your feet on the ground.
Void Interactive

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Re: Ready Or Not (Elite SWAT Team)
« Reply #35 on: June 09, 2022, 07:20:01 PM »
Vol. 32 Ready or Not Development Update
Thu, June 9, 2022

A walk through Los Suenos

Attention Officers,

Welcome to the 32nd edition of our biweekly development update! This time around we're going to explore elements of environmental storytelling in the game, breathing life and adding detail to the world of Ready or Not.

Los Suenos is a city in decline. Widespread poverty and homelessness, skyrocketing crime rates, and a lack of municipal support are just some of the issues facing the local population. There is an aura of desperation and hopelessness across the city, and the symptoms and results of this can be found throughout the game's levels.

Without further ado, let's explore the everyday realities of Los Suenans....

A Stagnant, Halted Place

The 4U gas station has been hit hard by Los Suenos' woes. The city officials' refusal to budge on wage increases has led to a now 40 week long strike by sanitation workers. Garbage is piling up in the streets, and its nauseating stench lingers wherever you go.

Above: They've stopped trying to maintain it. Why bother?

Above: Trash ends up wherever there's space. No one's paid to pick it up.

As if things weren't bad enough, a robbery gone wrong turns into a hostage situation inside the gas station. An armed civilian tried to put a stop to things early, but being a hero doesn't always pan out.

Above: He should have known better. Luck wasn't on his side; in this city, is it ever?

Above: A failure to eject at the worst possible time.

It's no surprise people are driven to crime. With the worn down DeBanco security services protesting for safer working conditions amidst a string of robberies, there's no one to transport money for the banks. No one to refill the ATMs.

Above: We can't even access the money that we have. What the hell can we do?

Above: Just a machine that mocks us. What's it good for?

Throughout Los Suenos, you'll be able to see broader signs of the city's struggles through its media outlets. Whether it's over radio, TV broadcasts, or newspaper publications, everyone's looking for answers that no one seems to have. A series of magazines in the game's levels help to flesh out this story.

Above: A little bit of history for one of America's most storied, and now downtrodden cities.

Above: Trouble across the border. Tensions boiling over. Who's going to fix this?

Above: Even the affluent are starting to feel the pain. The rats spread like a plague.

This is just a taste of what you can expect from Ready or Not's environmental storytelling, as we strive to make the world come alive and include as much detail as we can in every level to contribute to the world that we've built. You'll see more and more added with continued updates to the game, so be on the lookout!


This concludes our 32nd biweekly newsletter, focusing on the various story beats located in the game's levels. Please tune in next time for even more development news, and keep an eye out on our social media!

If you'd like to help us test new content on the Supporter exclusive experimental branch, provide us with your game feedback, and keep up with all the activity and play testing events occurring within the Ready or Not Alpha, you can become a Supporter at or at our Steam store page.

Keep your feet on the ground.
Community Management Department

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Re: Ready Or Not (Elite SWAT Team)
« Reply #36 on: June 12, 2022, 04:12:58 PM »
The Largest Supporter Edition Content Update Yet
Sun, 12 June 2022

The Largest Content Update Ever, Now Available to Supporters

Attention Officers!

We’re happy to finally bring the supporters one of our biggest updates yet!

The update brings substantial changes to our AI cover system, new weapons, a mountain of bug fixes, the semi-final version of the Valley of Dolls map, and so much more!

It’s been a long time coming but we very much hope the wait was worth it, as of the posting of this announcement the patch will be live for Supporters with the public branch coming when more issues are worked out and tested by the Supporters.

Without further ado, lets get right into the longest patch notes yet!

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Re: Ready Or Not (Elite SWAT Team)
« Reply #37 on: June 17, 2022, 12:17:01 AM »
Community Content Exhibit Vol. 2
Thu, 16 June 2022

Welcome to the 2nd in our series of monthly newsletters dedicated entirely to community creations and contributions to Ready or Not. This time we’ll be focusing on some pieces that didn’t make the cut for the Art Contest and those that came before and after!

Listed is no particular order, let us begin!

Community Spotlight – Mods of the Month

1.) Starting strong, we’ve got a fantastic pixel representation of Ready or Not’s arsenal brought to us by Hash. The high level of quality of these pieces would very much not be out of place in a pixelated Ready or Not!


2.) The next piece is one brought to us by Rennn, bringing to life the terror of being jumpped by a very well placed criminal and the following panic as the team struggles to reorganize and deal with the threat. Sadly this piece received a criminally low amount of votes due to its late entry.


3.) Finally we end with the highest scoring piece from the Art Contests public vote, presented to us by LesterDem. A piece parodying the iconic teaser image for the movie John Wick 2.

Editors Choice

4.) Just after the contest I came across piece that’d be a shame not to share, we’ve got an image brought to us by Cannon Fodder who sadly missed the art contest's submission date. A humorous exchange between two ex
Law Enforcement Officials.



Thank you to everyone that participated in our first ever community art contest, and for the positive reception from everyone that voted and gave feedback. Without all of you such events would not be possible and we hope that it will be the first of many.
Going forward we can’t wait to see what else the community brings to the table as we continue on into the future.

If you'd like to help us test new content on the Supporter exclusive experimental branch, provide us with your game feedback, and keep up with all the activity and play testing events occurring within the Ready or Not Alpha, you can become a Supporter at or at our Steam store page.

Keep your feet on the ground and pen in your hand.
Community Management Team

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Re: Ready Or Not (Elite SWAT Team)
« Reply #38 on: June 25, 2022, 03:05:04 AM »
Vol. 33 Ready or Not Development Update
Fri, 24 June 2022

Data Center Preview

Attention Officers,

Welcome to the 33rd edition of our biweekly development update! Before we dive into this briefing, we want to let you know that Ready or Not is now available for 10% off during the length of the Steam Summer Sale, its first ever discount Be sure to tell your friends before you continue this briefing, where we’ll be taking the first ever look at Data Center, a new level still in its early stages of development.

An Endless Stream of Data

Data Center sees the Los Suenos Police Department raiding the offices and server rooms of a shady tech company. The search for sensitive information related to an active case is a race against the clock, requiring the player to overcome a series of secured doors and on-site security guards.

Above: A very early look at the exterior and surroundings of the map, Data Center.

Above: A collection of tens of thousands of files, all tucked away in the mountainside.

Data Center's interior combines a series of open spaces utilized by the staff, and claustrophobic, tight stacks of servers with little space to maneuver.

Above: Watch your fire. Those vending machines aren't cheap, you know.

Above: A state of the art kitchen. Only the finest for the company's employees.

Above: The amount of dirty secrets and dollar signs stored on these machines is staggering.

Above: Be careful. Everything in this room is valuable and delicate to boot.

While Data Center is still in the early gray box stages, there's a ton of depth already on display and much more to be added. Our level designers, artists, and story writers are all hard at work putting it together. We look forward to sharing more with you in the future!


This concludes our 33rd biweekly briefing, taking a first look at one of Ready or Not's future levels, Data Center! Make sure to tune in next time for more development news.

If you'd like to help us test new content on the Supporter exclusive experimental branch, provide us with your game feedback, and keep up with the Supporter community, you can become a Supporter at or at our Steam store page.

Keep your feet on the ground.
VOID Interactive

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Re: Ready Or Not (Elite SWAT Team)
« Reply #39 on: June 29, 2022, 09:16:55 PM »
The Biggest Content Update Yet Is Now Public
Wed, 29 June 2022

With over 500 Fixes Thanks to the Feedback of Supporters

Attention Officers!

Since the release of the Supporter branch, the Dev team has pushed over 500 internal fixes with all of the feedback we received from the Supporter Edition owners to bring the cleaned-up version of the update to everyone! With that being said we here at VOID Interactive are very excited to ship out the latest build of Ready or Not for all players!

To celebrate, we’ve also prepared a beautiful trailer showing off the tweaks to Barisa Cove, some beautiful shots of NEON, and even a special guest at the very end that some of you that are well versed in the tactical shooter genre may recognize.

If you'd like to help us test new content on the Supporter exclusive experimental branch, provide us with your game feedback, and keep up with the Supporter community, you can become a Supporter at or at our Steam store page.

Make sure you follow Ready or Not on Steam here:

Keep your feet on the ground.
VOID Interactive

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Re: Ready Or Not (Elite SWAT Team)
« Reply #40 on: July 09, 2022, 12:20:26 AM »
Vol. 34 Ready or Not Development Update
Fri, 8 July 2022

Character Concept A̴͉̅r̵̪͝ť̸͕

Attention Officers,

Welcome to the 34th edition of our biweekly development update! In this briefing, we're going to take a look at some of the concept art our team has put together for Ready or Not's characters. This is their first step en route to being fully integrated suspects and civilians within the game's levels.

Going forward we’re also going to be changing how we update the community on upcoming patches and how we announce dates to ensure that, at a minimum, we never have to delay an update ever again. In the process of getting the AI rework and the new maps to Supporter Edition users for testing, we announced a timetable which hindsight now tells us was a little over-optimistic as we had to delay the release a few times.

In the future, definite timeframes will not be made public unless we are 100% sure we can deliver on that date, which will hopefully amount to smaller lead times between announcement and update.

Scumbags and Security Guards

Our first character in the spotlight is none other than the charming George Brixley, the prime suspect of our as-of-now unseen level of Agency.

Above: Mr. Brixley with his tools of the trade. For perfect touch-ups with a smile that could rot.

Greasy, smug, unkempt. Any number of words could be mustered to describe George Brixley. Except, perhaps, for 'wholesome'. His exploitative work at the Agency makes him and the fruits of his labor a top priority for police to bring down, but he won't be alone. And he certainly won't be unprepared.

The next character concept we have to show off can be found at Data Center, the level featured in our last newsletter.

Above: The data they're guarding is more valuable than gold. They sure dress like it.

The MindJot security team is well-trained, professional, and equipped with bleeding edge gear. They're well compensated to ensure that their clients' information, no matter what it may be, is safeguarded from any threat. This is their territory; tread carefully.

Lastly, we want to take a look at some concepts of a few characters that we've kept under wraps until now. We're very excited to show off -- 8,15,13,5

Above: Wake up. Remember. Your country needs you.

There is not an End. Every road converges upon You, every bloom becomes Us. Listen to Them. Listen. Breathe.

Above: You're not a hero. Not a King. Not a God. Just mulch for us all.

Where has it gotten you, this heaven-scorned fury? The blood seeps through you. Your eyes blinded by viscera. You're disgusting. You don't have to be this way. You don't have to be this way. You can be more.

the pus blooms, Our roots take hold. a Throne for Our vaunted Sepulchre. may we All claim it.

Don't let go. It's too late, now
. You remember. Take hold. Fight for Us. The Lost

Conclusion 7 15 2 0 18 9 15 2 2

This concludes our 34th biweekly briefing. Make sure to tune in next time for more development news.

If you'd like to help us test new content on the Supporter exclusive experimental branch, provide us with your game feedback, and keep up with the Supporter community, you can become a Supporter at or at our Steam store page.

Peel open your e̴y̶e̵s̷.
VOID Interactive

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Re: Ready Or Not (Elite SWAT Team)
« Reply #41 on: July 20, 2022, 03:06:17 AM »
Ready or Not PVE Update - Patch 21677
Mon, 18 July 2022

•   Hotel lighting fixes
•   Gas lighting fixes
•   Fix players being able to walk through vending machines on gas
•   Removed Ridgeline and Hospital (We have received enough feedback on these levels and they will return complete later)

•   Fix bullets not penetrating through limbs
•   Fix ammunition penetrating through suspects despite being blocked by armour
•   Fix shotgun ammunition having incorrect penetration and armour durability damage
•   Fix buckshot having too much spread
•   Fix excessive camera movement when shot with certain weapons
•   Incapacitated kill penalty buffed to -200 (was -15)
•   Damage to neck bone is now considered a headshot instead of a body shot
•   Multiple crash fixes

•   Armoured suspects will now react more severely to bullet impacts
•   Reduced suspect damage tracking time from 5 seconds down to 1 second
•   Fix AI getting stuck under some beds on Meth
•   Fix an issue where an arrested AI who were previously in a cover pose would snap back to the cover pose again
•   Fix a few animation snapping issues related to cover
•   Fix an issue where suspects taking damage in cover would not play a hit reaction animation
•   Fix swat AI not looking in the direction they are moving sometimes
•   Fixed bug causing AI to get stuck arresting
•   Changes to Suspects reactions when encountering a player
•   Fixes to arresting animation

•   Fix supporter only items appearing unlocked for everyone
•   Localization updates
•   Weapons/Items/Gear
•   Removed suppressor socket for Python Revolver
•   Renamed PFC9 to PC19
•   Fix the M320 Grenade Launcher sometimes killing the user firing

•   Created dedicated modding FMOD bank for the modding wizards

•   Certain glass smashing sounds are now easier to discern which direction they’re coming from
•   Improve footstep directional audio (especially above / below)
•   Balance SWAT footstep volume
•   Breaching shotgun equip SFX changed to be more appropriate
•   Added feedback when door is unlocked using lockpick gun
•   Player dirt footstep SFX now easier to hear
•   Various improvements to reverb

•   Fix certain door not playing SFX when closed
•   Fix SWAT footsteps not playing on certain surfaces
•   Fix NPC footsteps not playing on certain surface
•   Fix certain explosion having waaaay too much reverb
•   Fix certain reverb activating a second reverb
•   Potential fix for certain SFX when entering certain bushes sounding delayed
•   Potential fix for SWAT shotgun breaches not having pew pew SFX

•   Added additional diegetic track

•   Additional sound detailing
•   Bump volumes for certain SFX
•   Various optimizations

Fast food
•   Certain SFX now sound like they’re coming from the world
•   General backend improvements to restaurant track
•   General improvements to ambiance

•   Fix exterior ambiance firing inside of main restaurant

Hotel (First Floor)
•   Added additional rumble layer to exterior

•   Place certain SFX in the world for more immersive feel
•   General improvements to ambiance
•   Various optimizations

•   Fix metallic walking sounds on certain surfaces
•   Fixed certain ambiance popping when looped

•   Added cloth wind SFX
•   Added tunnel pipes SFX
•   Added police radio SFX
•   Added diegetic rap SFX

•   General improvements to ambiance (volume, transitions)
•   Improve how certain sounds react behind walls
•   Various optimizations

•   Fix plane sound being audible from the tunnels
•   Potential fix for instances where sounds can drop out

•   Added crowd SFX

•   General improvements to ambiance (volume, transitions)
•   Certain sounds are now placed in the world rather than 2D

•   General improvements to ambiance
•   Various optimizations

•   Added cicadas around level

•   Restore exterior SFX (birds / cars now sound like they’re coming from the world!!!)
•   General improvements to ambiance
•   Various optimizations

•   Potential fix for certain interior diegetic song being cut out too much by gunfire Music

Fast food
•   Overhaul for Fast Food OST (Certain combat section won’t play for now)

If you'd like to help us test new content on the Supporter exclusive experimental branch, provide us with your game feedback, and keep up with the Supporter community, you can become a Supporter at or at our Steam store page.

Make sure you follow Ready or Not on Steam here.

Keep your feet on the ground.
VOID Interactive
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Re: Ready Or Not (Elite SWAT Team)
« Reply #42 on: August 06, 2022, 11:28:16 PM »
Vol. 36 Ready Or Not Development Update
Fri, August 5, 2022

Content: Suspect Gameplay

Attention Officers,

Welcome to the 36th edition of our biweekly newsletter! In this briefing, we’re going to dive into some AI improvements our team has made as well as explore future plans for suspect AI development.

Manipulated Chaos
As of our most recent update, AI behavior will be altered depending on player interaction. Over the course of the game, AI stress will naturally decrease or increase depending on how aggressive your team is. AI in high stress will not hesitate to shoot you and be combative, while AI in low stress will not be as aggressive. Our goal is to show you how your team’s actions impact the world and gameplay experience. As we progress, we hope the stress mechanic will create the opportunity for a wider range of dynamic situations to arise.

Above: Slow to raise the weapon, wonder what else?

Suspect Gameplay
Our team is looking into improving how AI moves through the world by using spline paths during navigation. By using a spline path, AI will be able to move more easily and smoothly around sharp edges and corners, giving them more natural and realistic characteristics. Through the addition of more complex animation transitions, turns will be determined by AI speed and trajectory. In response to gunfire or stress, future versions of AI could slip or stumble during transitions. This new feature aims to make interactions with threats more entertaining and challenging in high-speed situations.

Above: There's no Lombard Street in Los Suenos, but this will do.

Our top priority is improving AI movement and consistency during gameplay. AI can currently burst into full speed without any build-up; we will be introducing methods to slow down encounters, allowing officers time to react. Slowing down initial movement will make interactions more believable, but players should still proceed with caution, even if the threat doesn’t appear to move as quickly as before.

Above: Think twice before you do whatever it is you plan on doing.

For suspect AI gunplay, we’re focused on reworking reaction times and how they locate and engage with players. Instead of suspects blending between two poses (weapon up and down), specific states to raise a weapon and then aim it will be introduced, minimizing issues related to readability during encounters. Our next major update will also include the ability to startle unaware suspects and civilians. Startles will fill the gap when suspects are deciding to flee, hesitate, surrender, or shoot. Lastly, we are working towards creating more variety in suspect profiles and abilities depending on their role in the world. These additions should build up to create a more realistic and improved gameplay experience.

This concludes our 36th biweekly briefing, discussing AI updates already integrated in Ready or Not as well as revealing some exciting plans for gameplay against suspects. Expect more details on our plans to improve civilian interaction and SWAT control in the future. Make sure to tune in next time for more development news.

If you'd like to help us test new content on the Supporter exclusive experimental branch, provide us with your game feedback, and keep up with the Supporter community, you can become a Supporter at or at our Steam store page.

Keep your feet on the ground.
VOID Interactive

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Re: Ready Or Not (Elite SWAT Team)
« Reply #43 on: August 11, 2022, 12:16:04 AM »
Ready or Not Update - Build 21874
Tue, 9 August 2022


    Fix animation pop when AI is surrendering
    Fix suspects not entering cover consistently due to always tracking their movement vector and/or last known enemy location
    Fix cover entry location sometimes not being calculated correctly (leading to difficulties entering cover properly)
    Fix suspects unable to enter cover in tight spaces


    Loadout item selection list now oriented vertically with an interactive scroll bar
    Weapon attachment configurations should now persist in their last state as intended, even after switching away or leaving the loadout menu.
    Full Loadout Presets are now enabled and can be selected and saved from the dropdown on the overview.
    Presets can be quickly applied to AI officers
    “Default” option will reset the loadout (this cannot be overwritten or deleted)

If you'd like to help us test new content on the Supporter exclusive experimental branch, provide us with your game feedback, and keep up with all the activity and play testing events occurring within the Ready or Not Alpha, you can become a Supporter at or at our Steam store page.

Keep your feet on the ground.
VOID Interactive

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Re: Ready Or Not (Elite SWAT Team)
« Reply #44 on: August 18, 2022, 11:58:54 PM »
Vol. 37 Ready Or Not Development Update
Thu, 18 August 2022

Attention Officers,

Welcome to the 37th edition of our biweekly newsletter! This week we will be showing an in-depth first look at our new map, “Coyote”, still in the very early stages of development. Our newest level will take players into claustrophobic halls chiseled out of the hot desert along the border. We can’t wait to see how players handle the tight corners and hidden enemies.

The Path to Freedom

Three teams (BORTAC, HRT, SWAT) have been pulled together on a cold night to stop the exfiltration of key members of the Los Locos gang into Mexico through underground tunnels. Little do they know what awaits them mere feet below the ground.

A small tunnel lies at the back of a property leading deep below the Los Suenos surface. Once opened, the loud steel door gives away your presence within the tunnels, erasing the element of surprise.

Above: The sign reads “Dejad toda esperanza, los que entráis” meaning “Leave all hope, ye who enter”

The Coyotes Den

The tunnels are dark, wet, and narrow. There’s no turning back when you enter, nowhere to run or take cover. The suspects have the advantage over you; they know the layout with their eyes closed and can be hidden in plain sight. Every sound you make will carry, so we need to be especially careful.

Above: If you’re claustrophobic, good luck. The tunnels won’t give you a second chance.

Above: A bedroom, how thoughtful. I guess they do care about their people after all.

Above: The tunnels are lined with small rooms and dugouts. Even more space to hide.

The Cave

Proceed with caution when approaching the hidden dock at the end of the tunnels. Where the water comes from and where it is going is a mystery. We need to find out exactly what they are transporting, where it’s going, and who they got it from.?

Above: I guess there’s light at the end of the tunnel. Literally.

Above: Hope you brought a second pair of socks, you might be getting wet.


This concludes our 37th biweekly briefing, taking a first look at one of Ready or Not’s future levels, Coyote. Be sure to tune in next time for more development news!

If you'd like to help us test new content on the Supporter exclusive experimental branch, provide us with your game feedback, and keep up with the Supporter community, you can become a Supporter at or at our Steam store page.

Keep your feet on the ground.
VOID Interactive

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