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Author Topic: Exanima  (Read 18820 times)

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Offline Asid

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« on: February 10, 2017, 12:28:18 PM »

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Official trailer

About This Game

Explore, fight, survive and unravel mysteries in this unique and unforgiving 3D isometric RPG set in an original dark, low fantasy world. Exanima's exceptional attention to detail and realistic simulation of all things aim to provide a deeply immersive and dynamic gameplay experience.

Features include a deep skill based combat system, complex and smart AI, fully interactive environments, an advanced damage model with accurate collisions and locational protection, roguelike elements and an arena mode to hone your combat skills.

"Those who would enter the underworld shall not only forfeit their lives...
...but bring oblivion to all mankind."

This game features a very deep, truly physics based combat system. This is not just some animation feature, it is a fundamental difference that is central to gameplay. Real momentum, forces and collisions are always at play here, every nuance of your inputs is crucial to the outcome. This will likely be unlike anything you've played before and may take some practice, but can be hugely rewarding and the skill cap is virtually infinite. It is not particularly fast paced or difficult but it does require you to pay attention, it is very tactical and just casually pressing buttons won't get you very far!

Our goal is to create a deep and immersive RPG world based on a more advanced simulation supporting an unprecedented level of dynamic and emergent gameplay. All of the technology we use including the game engine is our own, developed from the ground up to realise this vision.

Exanima is born as a prelude to Sui Generis (SG), our ambitious open world RPG that has been in development for over two years following a successful Kickstarter campaign. Exanima is a smaller yet complete game in its own right, a dungeon crawler that takes place in SG's Underworld some twenty years prior to its events. Both games are being developed in concert, many of SG's more ambitious features will make an appearance in Exanima as development continues.

Exanima provides a reasonably complete and meaningful game experience, but many more features are on their way! We have met our most challenging and significant development goals, now we are ready to bring new features to light and make an even more fun and compelling adventure. Here are some of the planned features, with many already being close to completion:
•   Per session and global character skill progression
•   Large non-linear main game following early content
•   Build and permanently save characters by completing early content
•   New encounters, items and environments
•   Ranged combat and new close quarter manoeuvres
•   Numerous moddable thaumaturgic powers
•   More complete arena game modes featuring outdoor arenas
•   Complex NPC interactions and dialogue
•   Cooperative and competitive LAN multiplayer

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Re: Exanima
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2017, 07:06:14 PM »
Very nice game and for good price, thanks for the info.
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Offline Asid

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Re: Exanima
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2017, 07:09:12 PM »
Very nice game and for good price, thanks for the info.

This is the game I have been telling you about. Real physics  8)
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Re: Exanima
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2017, 05:33:39 PM »

This hotfix brings a few fixes and improvements, more importantly it introduces extended terrain functionality that is necessary for the upcoming story content. The terrain system changes are things that you should (hopefully) not even notice, they are needed to support larger terrains and greatly reduce video RAM usage.

Changelog from to

•   Terrain texture streaming system
•   Terrain texture dynamic LoD
•   Fixed weapons jolting when changing grips
•   Improved smoothness of some motions
•   Adjustments to brightness correction for night time matches
•   Improved arena help / tutorial system
•   Various fixes

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Re: Exanima
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2017, 01:59:32 AM »
What's taking so long?

We've been focusing on work and as usual we've neglected to keep you properly updated. I'm going to make an effort now to give you a brief overview of what we've been working on.

As you well know we've been adding content at a slow pace, with only 5 of the total 14 levels/maps released so far. This is not however because just creating more environments is time consuming or difficult, but because we need to progress the game's core features to properly support further content and the story.

When we came to Steam with Exanima we rapidly fell into a cycle of constant refinement in response to feedback. We spent an enormous amount of time reiterating exisiting features and trying to improve what was already there, rather than moving forward with the features that were still missing. This is a cycle we've been determined to break, but it has already left us with a huge amount of work that has yet to be tackled. We also find ourselves wanting to develop a solid and aready sophisticated foundation for new features, immediately building things to higher quality standards, in order to avoid wanting to revisit previous work yet again.

We've taken all the feedback we've received and endeavoured to build new content to new standards. We're trying to break free of the sometimes monotonous environments, to involve the player more directly in the story and do many other things besides. The game has grown greatly in size and scope since the initial Early Access release, involving some very substantial additions and refinements.

The upcoming update features the first part of a large non-linear environment that will make up the rest of the game's content. We're using new environment building features and we're adding a lot more intricate and unique detail. We have improved both visual quality and variety in our level design.

In order to do this we had to make substantial additions to our level building tools, and we've also created some new advanced tools for general asset creation. These tools allow us to make higher quality visuals while hugely boosting our productivity and avoiding many pitfalls that have caused us to waste a lot of time in the past.

With these important additions to what we're able to do, we've also been revisiting the early game content, taking advantage of new environment building features, introducing new unique elements and remastering key assets.

Perhaps the most important addition coming to the game is dialogue and NPC companions. You may now have someone by your side to share in your misery, and perhaps even carry that damned torch. This will introduce important new gameplay dynamics and provide an avenue to better expose the story and your own involvement in it.

While perhaps most of this could have been done with simpler methods, we've tried to build an important foundation for NPC behaviour and dialogue that has many applications within the game, and many more to explore and build upon. This has been the biggest obstacle towards a release as we are attempting something quite ambitious and there was much work to be done spanning AI, dialogue and authoring tools, even a native OO scripting language. In the long term, it is one of our most important goals to create NPCs that have believable dynamic behaviours with meaningfully diverse player interaction.

With this complete overhaul of the AI we're also trying to tackle many other issues and add depth and variety to even the most basic interactions with the denizens of Exanima.

While we're not quite ready to include it just yet, we have also been working on Thaumaturgy. We will be adding up to a final total of 6 forms of thaumaturgy, with many powers and related skills. Mind is the first, as it is central to the plot. It also ties in with a lot of the work we have been doing with AI.

There will of course be many new items and various refinements to the game in general. We are not comfortable with giving you a release date for the update just yet, but we are at the end of a gigantic endeavour and doing our best to piece it all together and wrap it up.

(We generally avoid spoilers and publicly showing things before they are looking their best, but I will try to add some kind of screenshot here soon.)
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Re: Exanima
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2017, 10:05:39 PM »
Net tileset before/after comparison

This shows the current version of Exanima vs. the improved version created using the new dev tools (thanks to Brandrixco for making the comparison).

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Re: Exanima
« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2017, 03:42:53 AM »
In engine asset tools

Part of our new in engine tools. Thanks to these new tools we're able to create higher quality assets with ease and work much more efficiently as a team.


An example of what we're able to do with the new level design features.

New level design features

Remastered assets and much improved ground detail and variety thanks to the new features.

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Re: Exanima
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2018, 05:37:13 PM »
Closed Beta Testing Vids/Streams

Master Pugilism Match - Testing New AI

Published on Jan 20, 2018

Testing recently improved pugilism AI in Exanima version

Exanima Inept Pugilism Match - Beta Test

Published on Jan 20, 2018

Testing the recently improved pugilism by being very aggressive.
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Re: Exanima
« Reply #8 on: January 21, 2018, 05:39:32 PM »

Did someone ask for bevors?

More bevor fashion

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Re: Exanima
« Reply #9 on: February 27, 2018, 02:35:10 PM »
Dev Coffee Diary 26/2/18

Beads of water slick off the cold tunnel walls like golden tree sap, in the light of the torch.

The undead was not moving. Zetheros nudged it's head with his sabaton. Nothing. Motioning a gauntleted hand, his companion followed behind him, carrying the torch.

"Time for breakfast." Zetheros murmured through his gilded visor.

"What do ya' mean? We're gonna eat this poor sod?"

"Gods no, you fool. We have this delicious medley of grains. I call it cereal. And cow's milk, cashews, and powdered coffee. Why do you think I've been hauling this large metal contraption behind me? It's to keep food fresh you idiot. There's half of a deer in there for dinner, too."

"I-I-I I have an... an apple, it's a little bit dried and grubby though... also some hard flat bread... a bit of smoked pork..."

"Hah. You non-thaumaturges."

Zetheros mixes the 'cereal' together with the cashews, then sprinkles coffee into the ceramic bowl he also happened to be carrying.

"Where'd you get that bowl, good ser, and why do you mix coffee with your cereal?"

"What? You don't?"

With that, Zetheros mysteriously uses his body thaumaturgy to eat the breakfast, without ever lifting his visor.


"By Skallagrim's beard this companion is dull. Pray to our lord Madoc for a smarter one."

"...P-pardon me, ser, but to whom are you speaking to?"

Hey you exanimates!

Are you lost in the darkness, wondering what will this bring? Fear naught, for the weekly update is here!

------------------------- Madoc says ---------------------------

Some pretty significant improvements and fixes in this version, and some important back end additions in the form of the locale system, which is used to track the location of characters and other things in the game world. This is more of an event system and advanced role thing, however not having it implemented was already causing problems even in Exanima's currently simple conditions.

AI fixes and improvements here should make a significant difference to companion gameplay and group encounters

-Improved companion movement AI

-Companion will now break off confrontations to follow the player

-Various AI pathfinding improvements

-Fixed AI often not correctly evaluating some characters in group situations

-New flee mechanics implemented and functional (may need tweaks)

-UI Scaling up to 1440p (4k is coming)

-Cursors now scale with the GUI too

-Fixed NPCs vanishing or cloning on location changes

-Fixed a dialogue related bug causing various issues

-Fixed characters becoming unresponsive

-Fixed characters enganging in overly long staring contests

-Fixed issues with blood sprays

-Various small fixes and improvements

WARNING Due to substantial back end changes affecting game data you may want to back up saves you care about, and also start story mode games from scratch.

Once again this is completely untested, I'll try to hotfix any major issues you might encounter right away.


This is for the insider companion build which is being playtested, and I'm working on armour as per usual.

That's all for now, have a great week!


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Re: Exanima
« Reply #10 on: March 20, 2018, 02:17:45 PM »
Quick Status Update
Bare Mettle (Exanima)  [developer]   7 Mar

"I've been crunching like crazy since the update has gone into beta, this is the first time I feel like things are calming down a bit, so I thought I'd take a little time to tell you how it's going.

In terms of new features everything's in place and seemingly working well. We've been doing several patches a week since going into beta, sometimes multiple ones in a day, and the beta guys have been doing a great job with testing and reporting issues, thanks!

Going into beta testing, and the generally higher level of activity on discord, brought on a fresh wave of feedback, not only regarding new features, but also pre-existing aspects of the game, and countless issues we weren't aware of. As usual this led us to spend a lot more time polishing and improving things than we thought we would. So, We've also been addressing a lot of quality of life issues and making improvements to many aspects of the game that didn't quite seem up to par anymore.

As you know this update introduces a first NPC companion, a completely new and very complex AI system, and dialogue. After adding the companion in beta we thought we'd be fleshing out their behaviour and dialogue, but inevitably we spent most of our time so far focusing on the core aspects of companion gameplay. As you know, Exanima is a fairly complex game to play, and this is no different for an NPC attempting to be the player's equal.

So, for now, the focus in terms of companions has been on making the little the companion does as good as possible, rather making them do more. However most of the work done in all this time has been geared towards supporting varied and dynamic NPC behaviours. This is something that we definitely want to expose, however we think we can add this gradually now rather than further postpone the update. It is a primarily content driven system, so now we're left with the relatively easy task of taking advantage of it.

There is a tonne of stuff in this update besides this, and right now we're just finalising the newest level for the public release. This new level is visually much more elaborate than previous content, but in terms of fuctionality there's nothing that hasn't already been tested. This is one of two new levels, the other being very different from other content and presenting us with many unique technical challenges, which is already complete and tested. The first 3 levels of the game have also been extensively reworked.

The work done for AI behaviour was by far the biggest development hurdle ahead of us. It is in reality where our most ambitious goals are, but we fell far behind with it as we worked to improve core aspects of the game that were more immediately important to an active playerbase. We've been a bit dismissive of all this, and vaguely hoped to work on it gradually, but in reality this needed a huge cohesive effort to become a reality. Moving forward we only have relatively much smaller things to tackle. In terms of assets we've also very nearly completed everything needed to make Exanima content complete, and we've also greatly expanded and improved our development tools, allowing us to make much better content much faster.

That's already turned out a bit longer than I expected, so I'll stop here for now. To sum up, the update is very close now. I think you'll be very pleased with just how much the game has improved across the board. If there's something you want to know more about please ask, it's not very easy for me to understand what you'd like to know about."
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Re: Exanima
« Reply #11 on: March 20, 2018, 02:20:42 PM »
Dev Coffee Diary 19/3/18
Zetheros  has Exanima

More hats:

Hypothetical scenarios #1

The things I do in my free time:


"I'm in the middle of some things, so there's a few reported issues related to what I'm working on that I haven't fixed yet (and hopefully I didn't leave anything in a broken state).

-Improved turning behaviour and animation during locomotion

-Improved random item colouring and outfit generation


-Improved and fixed chain coifs*

-New leather cuirass

-New full helm

-Entering the catacombs now creates checkpoints if enabled

-Fixed companion duping and related issues

-Fixed NPCs jumping off heights to attack someone below

-Fixed Sprint to Dash not working correctly

-Fixed NPCs briefly becoming unresponsive after downing an opponent

-Fixed Sir not roaming around as intended

-Fixed crouch preventing some strikes from executing

-Fixed characters sometimes looking at someone other than their combat opponent

-Fixed some rendering issues with parts of the ground

-Fixed text caret missing from 1440p GUIs

-Fixed some memory leaks

-Numerous content fixes and tweaks

*The volume of data required to update all assets that were affected by this change is large and hence some glitches will likely remain until the next full install is released."

Have a great week! :D
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Re: Exanima
« Reply #12 on: May 25, 2018, 04:16:07 PM »
Dev Coffee Diary 21/5/2018
Hey Exanimates,

No update yet, and it seems I'm taking a break from armour (the multi-layered armour system is in need of work), and am now working on something that I'm super thrilled to work on, but can't talk about. It's like one of those projects you specifically learn 3d modeling for.

I've heard some really fantastic snippets of WIP music from Bethain, the composer for Exanima, for the upcoming levels, but unfortunately I think it's an insider perk that I'm not allowed to share here...

However, I can share the shields I was working on!



I saw even more styles of shields at The Royal Armouries, so I can probably use those for reference, if more shields are called for.

Speaking about The Royal Armouries; I've spotted a real-life golem still standing guard at it's post, and that crazy famous Maximilian hat. There's also a really nice place to get shawarma and chips here.

Have a great week!
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Re: Exanima
« Reply #13 on: June 14, 2018, 10:50:39 PM »
Dev Coffee Diary 11/6/2018
Hey Exanimates,

Kind of a bit in a hurry, have some IRL stuff going on.

And sorry, not a lot of news - I'll be doing retopology today. Update when??

You guys know the reason why horses aren't in Morrowind right? Because Khaijits find them delicious. This is why we can't have good things.

Have a great week!
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Re: Exanima
« Reply #14 on: June 27, 2018, 01:35:06 AM »
Dev Coffee Diary 25/6/18
Hey Exanimates,

Have you ever planned a surprise party for someone, but the surprise party is so awesome and imminent that you want to tell them, but you really shouldn't; otherwise it wouldn't be a surprise party?

Anyway, there's a lot to do; I need to crunch actually, and bank in some work for the week since I'm flying to Turin for the Armeria Reale, then after a few weeks taking a train to Florence for the Museo Stibbert.

This week I'll be working on some simple weapons, and additional stuff that I can't talk about.

See you guys next week!
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