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Author Topic: Blue, Gray, and Bocage Scenario-German Perspective  (Read 29524 times)

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Offline choppinlt

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Re: Blue, Gray, and Bocage Scenario-German Perspective
« Reply #15 on: December 19, 2016, 04:12:48 PM »
Updated narrative and visuals.  :) We are still waiting on battle results, but these can be "normalized" as we go.
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Re: Blue, Gray, and Bocage Scenario-German Perspective
« Reply #16 on: January 12, 2017, 04:20:18 PM »
Current Time 2200 Hours

Turn 8 Staff Report: By 2022 the Americans had fully disengaged. Our troops report that the 2 enemy battalions to our right had engineer support. The battalion to the far right was the only unit with tank support, and it appears 5 tanks were knocked out during this latest attack. Our forces also report liberal usage of artillery in every attack including 155’s, 105’s and heavy mortars. The unit with tank support advanced the furthest with a 400m advance. All other enemy units advanced 200m. Due to the total enemy advance on the day, only the infantry companies in reserve occupy prepared defenses. All other units occupy hasty defenses. Currently the enemy forces are consolidating gains, but it is unclear at the moment what their immediate intentions are.

In total we suffered 76 casualties this round of combat with 177 casualties total for the day. All frontline forces are recovering cohesion, and all units should be fully recovered by 2300 hours.

We just received a message from HHQ stating that due to the loss of Hill 192 (just off map on the east edge), our sector is a higher priority for reinforcements and resupply. In pa
rticular we should see improved ammo stock levels for our artillery. Reinforcements will continue to trickle in, however replacements appear to be nil.

2200 Unit Dispositions

Plan of Action: now that darkness has arrived we will start to withdraw and redeploy some of the infantry companies, and establish a new MLR in anticipation of renewed attacks in the morning. Hopefully we can recover some fatigue as well. There will be no offensive artillery fire missions tonight to allow stocks to recover for tomorrow. We are looking forward to see what reinforcements we receive.

Game Note: I have little data on the German casualty rates in this area from July 11, however I do have reliable information on casualties sustained and artillery expenditures for the Americans. Historically the 29th lost around 500 men on this day. This scenario produced 303 casualties, but the Americans delayed their initial assault till noon. So if the Americans had started their assault at 0600 in this scenario (as what happened historically), you could interpolate the results to be close to 500 casualties. So that is a good sign that my game mechanics are producing reasonable results! If anyone has any data they want to share (from credible sources), please feel free to let me know.

Even though I don’t have any data regarding the Germans, 176 casualties feels a little light…but I can’t be sure at this point. One huge factor is that I allowed the Germans to start in prepared defensive positions. I see no reason at the moment to tweak anything, but I will definitely keep an eye on this. You are witnessing the first real play-through with all these different mechanics in action together, warts and all! While there is definite work needed, I am happy with how it is coming together. I hope you are getting a lot of value with seeing a scenario unfold and getting a real feel for how the game concept is supposed to work. It is my hope that these scenarios will lead to better understanding.

I havn’t taken the time to analyze artillery expenditure yet, but that will be interesting to see how that turns out!
« Last Edit: September 26, 2017, 03:32:19 AM by choppinlt »
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Re: Blue, Gray, and Bocage Scenario-German Perspective
« Reply #17 on: January 31, 2017, 08:13:51 PM »
Current Time 2400 Hours

Turn 9 Staff Report: All units have recovered their cohesion loss, except Kompanie 8/9. American armor was heard withdrawing on our far right, but otherwise all was quiet. It doesn’t appear the Americans are going to continue to press the attack, which means we need to prepare for another full day of combat.

Kompanie 6/9 has arrived and is now ready for orders. The entire 9th Fallschirm Regiment is now on the map.

2400 Unit Dispositions

Plan of Action: Since it doesn’t appear that the Americans are going to press the attack, we can think about redeploying our units to establish a new line of defense. The addition of the III Battalion should help tremendously in trying to slow do the Americans. In the mean time we await the arrival of additional reinforcements and supplies.

Our redeployment plan is as follows: 2/9 will withdraw from the line and assume a position in reserve to support the rest of I Battalion. This allows us to take advantage of 3/9 still occupying prepared defenses.

The significant gap created by 2/9 withdrawing will be partially covered by 7/9. It will also withdraw from the line and dig in a few hundred meters northwest of Hill 147.

5/9 will move up to the line and assume a position a few hundred meters south of where 7/9 previously occupied.

4/9 will move north and assume a position just east of Hill 147 that can support the rest of II Battalion.

6/9 will move north and join the battered remnants of 8/9.

9/9 will remain in place take advantage of their prepared defensive positions.

14/9 and 9 RHQ move down the Martinsville Ridge a few hundred meters toward St. Lo and take up new positions.

13/9 will fall back to the outskirts of St. Lo and can act as a fire brigade.

All units withdrawing from the line will do so using Infiltrate movement to help prevent the enemy of being aware of what we are doing.

Game Note: Infiltrate movement is the slowest rate of movement whereby small groups of troops move at irregular intervals to attract less attention than a mass movement would. Units moving by infiltration are less likely to be detected, and are less attractive targets for enemy fighter-bombers and artillery even if detected. The down side is that movement is very slow and the unit is potentially more vulnerable to ground attack due to being strung out.

Proposed Redeployment

« Last Edit: September 26, 2017, 03:36:05 AM by choppinlt »
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Re: Blue, Gray, and Bocage Scenario-German Perspective
« Reply #18 on: February 17, 2017, 03:14:26 PM »
Current Time 0200 Hours

Turn 10 Staff Report: All movement is going as planned, and there is no enemy activity to report. The engineering company is marching to its destination and should be in place by 0230. 2/9, 5/9, and 7/9 are all infiltrating to their new positions, and they should all be in place by 0400. All other units that were given orders have reached their new positions.

0200 Unit Dispositions

Plan of Action: finish redeployment and dig-in. The additional battalion has helped shore up our defense. We have to be careful since our margin for error is much less, but as further reinforcements appear we can consider local counterattacks to disrupt the Americans. Yesterday we enjoyed the advantage of being in prepared defenses, but today promises to be a bloodier day since only 2 companies start off with the benefit of occupying prepared defenses.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2017, 03:37:59 AM by choppinlt »
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Re: Blue, Gray, and Bocage Scenario-German Perspective
« Reply #19 on: February 24, 2017, 06:52:43 PM »
Current Time 0400 Hours

Turn 11 Staff Report: As you can hear the Americans have already started preparations by commencing harassing fire with artillery on all previously known positions. 2/9, 5/9 and 7/9 have all reached their new positions as planned, but the harassing fire caused 2 casualties each to 2/9 and 5/9 as they withdrew. 7/9 reports harassing fire in front of it hitting 5/9’s former positions, but is not suffering from its effects due to setting up positions behind where 5/9 had occupied. No other units have reported issues sustained from the latest artillery fire.

0400 Unit Dispositions

Plan of Action: 7/9 will be redeployed behind the mortar company, otherwise all other units will remain in place and await reinforcements. All artillery will all be under the Op FM orders in anticipation of the next attack.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2017, 03:39:47 AM by choppinlt »
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Re: Blue, Gray, and Bocage Scenario-German Perspective
« Reply #20 on: March 21, 2017, 04:27:51 PM »
Current Time 0600 Hours 12 Jun

Turn 12 Staff Report: 7/9 arrived to its assigned destination. Harrassing fires continued with minimal impact until 0500. At 0500 the volume and intensity greatly increased to a full preparatory bombardment. Through the din of the bombardment American armor was detected combining with the mid-right infantry battalion, so the American attack appears imminent. Since 0300 Hours, casualties are reported as follows:
1/9 reports 16 casualties
2/9 reports 2 casualties
3/9 reports 5 casualties
5/9 reports 2 casualties
6/9 reports 8 casualties
8/9 reports 7 casualties
9/9 reports 10 casualties

0600 Unit Dispositions

Plan of Action: await the assault and react accordingly.  :sstorm
« Last Edit: September 26, 2017, 03:41:38 AM by choppinlt »
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Re: Blue, Gray, and Bocage Scenario-German Perspective
« Reply #21 on: April 13, 2017, 07:26:02 PM »
Current Time 0800 12 Jul updated

Turn 13 Staff Report: The anticipated attack has begun. First contact was made at 0609 on our far left. By 0621 there were 4 attacks underway.

The engagement on the far left began approximately at 0609 and ended at approximately 0750. It involved companies 1, 2, and 3 with no fire missions provided in defensive support. Casualties were reported as high, but the enemy was halted after a small to moderate gain. The enemy was reported as an infantry battalion with some artillery support.

The engagement on the middle left involving companies 3, 4, 5, and 9 has been under way since 0621, but the attack appears to be losing momentum. A battery of 120mm mortars and 105’s have fired missions in defense of this attack. The enemy appears to be making a small to moderate gain thus far, and our casualties are reportedly high. This sector reports that the enemy is attacking in battalion strength with significant artillery support.

The engagement on the middle right started about 0619 and is currently still in progress. Companies 4, 5, 6, 8, and 9 are all involved in this engagement, and report heavy casualties. A battery of 120mm mortars and 105’s are providing fire support in defense. The enemy appears to be in battalion strength with armor and significant artillery support. They appear to be making significant gains.

The engagement on our right started approximately at 0612 and is currently still in progress. Companies 6, 8, and 9 are involved in this fight, and report heavy casualties. A battery of 120mm mortars and 105’s plus the 88’s are providing fire support in defense. The enemy appears to be in battalion strength with armor and significant artillery support. They appear to be making significant gains.

Reports are being analyzed, greater detail will be available later.

I am pleased to announce the arrival of a company from the 12th Stug Brigade. They await your orders.

0621 Unit Dispositions

0800 Unit Dispositions

Plan of Action: <revised> The addition of the armor creates an interesting debate. Shall the armor be used to help blunt the American armored assault, or do we counterattack and perhaps catch an un-suspecting unit off guard? I am going to opt for the higher risk/reward option and perform a local counter attack. The Stugs will form a battle group with 2/9, some artillery support will be attached, and strike northeast in an attempt to catch that infantry battalion exposed. I will issue “Cautious” persistence to lower potential casualties if things go wrong, but hopefully this will help disrupt the American tempo of operations. Meanwhile 13/9 (the engineers) are going to take a new position almost due south of 9/9 in an effort to help shore up the line and slow down any potential breakthroughs.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2017, 07:05:08 PM by choppinlt »
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Offline Tactical Wargamer

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Re: Blue, Gray, and Bocage Scenario-German Perspective
« Reply #22 on: May 02, 2017, 05:51:16 PM »
Great read.....nice work.
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Saturday Evening LAN Wargaming Group for the past 25 years 1900hrs Eastern Standard Time North America

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Re: Blue, Gray, and Bocage Scenario-German Perspective
« Reply #23 on: May 16, 2017, 04:25:19 PM »
Thanks Tactical Wargamer! I apologize for the hiatus. It turns out the life can get unexpectedly busy some times.  :)
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Re: Blue, Gray, and Bocage Scenario-German Perspective
« Reply #24 on: May 16, 2017, 04:31:09 PM »
Current Time 1000 Hours 12 Jul

Turn 14 Staff Report: All engagements were reportedly over by 0833. The Americans continue to assault our lines with infantry supported with armor and liberal amounts of artillery. The last round of engagements are worrying because they appear to be making greater gains than yesterday.

Reports indicated that we have sustained 75 total casualties this last round of combat and total 126 casualties today from all causes. All units except 8/9 should recover their cohesion by 1100. With no enemy interference 8/9 is likely to recover no sooner than about 1600.

1/12 has formed the battlegroup with 2/9 with a battalion of 105’s and all regimental mortars in support. They are going to attack northeast toward Belle Fontaine with “Cautious” persistence. Contact with the enemy is anticipated to at approximately 1030. *Read last turns Plan of Action, it was recently revised to include this move.

13/9 has arrived at its destination and is digging in.

1000 Unit Dispositions

Plan of Action: Cross our fingers that the local counterattack doesn’t go horribly wrong. All other units continue to prepare for the next assault.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2017, 07:02:47 PM by choppinlt »
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Re: Blue, Gray, and Bocage Scenario-German Perspective
« Reply #25 on: September 25, 2017, 07:59:51 PM »
Current Time 1200 12 Jul

Turn 15 Staff Report: All units were recovering and preparing for the next round of assaults. Meanwhile 2/9 conducted its attack, but was quickly repulsed by highly effective American artillery! We appear to have taken notable casualties, but we are awaiting further information. While the attack was a disappointment, it may have thrown the timing off of that American battalion, because it has not moved since.

In the meantime the Americans are conducting another round of general assaults with the rest of their forces that started at approximately 1110. We are waiting for additional information on how the battle is progressing.

1031 Unit Dispositions

1200 Unit Dispositions

Plan of Action: wait and see how the assaults turn out.
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Re: Blue, Gray, and Bocage Scenario-German Perspective
« Reply #26 on: September 25, 2017, 10:38:00 PM »
Biting my nails!
How exciting!!!

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Re: Blue, Gray, and Bocage Scenario-German Perspective
« Reply #27 on: October 18, 2017, 08:08:29 PM »
Current Time 1400 12 Jul

Turn 16 Staff Report: All engagements appear to be over at the moment, except one. It appears that our lines are still holding.
The attack on our far left appears to be from an infantry battalion, and it was supported with a light amount of artillery. This attack advanced 100m and lasted until 1251. Our infantry held despite no artillery support, but we suffered 25 casualties.

The attack on our middle left appears to still be in progress. Initial reports indicated enemy infantry well supported with artillery. More details will be available later.

The attack on the middle right ended at 1313 and advanced 200m. This attack appears to be from a reinforced infantry battalion with armor, lots of artillery, and probably engineers. Our infantry received notable artillery support in defending this area, but we suffered 23 casualties.

The attack on our far right appears to have advanced 300m with the engagement ending at 1330. This attack also appears to be an infantry battalion supported with armor, lots of artillery and probably engineers. This attack received most of our available artillery support, and we suffered 21 casualties.

1400 Unit Dispositions

Plan of Action: With our primary objective achieved, the Stug's are going to be pulled from the line to a reserve position on the left side. Also, it is time to remove 8/9 from the line. Due to their cohesion, they probably won't pull out before the next wave of attacks. Other than that, we will await yet another round of assaults.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2017, 08:20:20 PM by choppinlt »
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Re: Blue, Gray, and Bocage Scenario-German Perspective
« Reply #28 on: October 18, 2017, 08:12:13 PM »
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Re: Blue, Gray, and Bocage Scenario-German Perspective
« Reply #29 on: December 19, 2017, 05:18:26 PM »
Current Time 1600 12 Jul

Turn 17 Staff Report: the attack on our middle left ended at 1406. The attack appears to have been an infantry battalion well supported with artillery. The enemy appears to have used mostly 105’s and heavy mortars, with some 155’s. The infantry greatly appreciated the Stug support which greatly blunted the assault, however It is reported that the enemy was still able to advance 200m before halting. Our losses are reported as 18 personnel and 1 Stug.

All forces are nearly complete in re-grouping from the last round of attacks. As ordered, the Stug’s pulled from the line and are nearly complete with their redeployment. We are still waiting for 8/9 to begin their withdrawal from the line, but considering their condition this is not a surprise. There is no other action to report at this time.

We also want to report that a weather front is moving through the area and storms are forecasted for almost the entire day tomorrow. (Sorry this was a game manager mistake! Players should have been informed of this earlier, although I’m not sure it would have changed anything).

1600 Unit Dispositions

Plan of Action: continue to give as little territory as possible, and hope for additional reinforcements. The Americans are likely to attack one last time before nightfall. Considering the forecast we are hoping for a reprieve tomorrow, but this may entice the Americans to attack tonight. Fortunately our lines have not broken, though it has been close. The arrival of the Stugs has greatly improved the stability of our situation, but the trick will be to use them without over exposing them.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2017, 07:10:19 PM by choppinlt »
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