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Author Topic: Blue, Gray, and Bocage Scenario-German Perspective  (Read 29525 times)

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Offline choppinlt

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Blue, Gray, and Bocage Scenario-German Perspective
« on: August 27, 2016, 11:20:34 PM »
0600 11 Jul 44 SitRep- your 9th Fallschirm regiment has performed remarkably well considering what has been asked of it. We have received less than adequate supply, almost no replacements, and defending a wide front, yet we have been able to manage against a foe that currently possesses almost every combat advantage. Due to nearby fighting on Hill 192, II Battalion is currently not available. I battalion executed a predawn attack with attached engineers. Currently they have "degraded" cohesion due to their attack and eventual pullback, and they should recover within a couple hours. Unit manpower levels are roughly 60% at the moment, and will get no better. You will receive some reinforcements, but it will be very limited amounts that trickle in. Our orders are clear: surrender no ground without a fight. So make them pay for every inch while trying to protect St. Lo.

Enemy Intel-we have been continuing to face the 29th Infantry Division plus typical attachments (a tank battalion and chemical mortars). They are decent troops, but perhaps the largest advantage they hold is their field artillery with copious amounts of ammunition. To date it appears that the Americans engage in ground combat primarily to draw our troops out to bombard them. While this has led to very slow progress in taking ground for the Americans, this tactic is bearing fruit by depleting our manpower.

Player orders for game start: The current battle plan is to stay idle and await the onslaught. We will bring the engineer company back to use in a reserve position to help in defense. We will use their artillery only for opportunity fire to help blunt American attacks. Otherwise it will remain silent to prevent counterbattery fire and depletion of ammo stock levels.

The battle is on, stay tuned for results! As always, feel free to ask questions.

« Last Edit: September 26, 2017, 02:55:01 AM by choppinlt »
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Offline Christian Knudsen

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Re: Blue, Gray, and Bocage Scenario-German Perspective
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2016, 05:20:16 PM »
More!  More!
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Offline Asid

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Re: Blue, Gray, and Bocage Scenario-German Perspective
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2016, 05:29:15 PM »
Agreed. This is great :)
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Offline choppinlt

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Re: Blue, Gray, and Bocage Scenario-German Perspective
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2016, 07:08:39 PM »
First off great I'm glad you are enjoying what I have so far! Feel free to give suggestions as we go along. And now the results....

Current Time 0800

Turn 1 Staff Report: the engineering company stepped off at 0600 on foot and marched back to a reserve position. The head of the column arrived at 0720 and the entire unit was in place by 0728. Once in place the engineers are going about regaining full cohesion. Meanwhile all 4 FSJ companies on the front line were victims of harassing fire from American artillery. Since the Germans were stationary and occupying prepared defensive positions there was only 1 total casualty from the artillery fire across the whole line, however the artillery fire was effective in limiting supplies and fatigue recovery. Additionally, it delayed the cohesion recovery on 1/9 and 2/9. No German batteries attempted counterbattery fire since they were focused on opportunity fire for any detected enemy movement or potential ground assault. Vague contact was made around where at least 1 of the American 105 units was firing from.

0800 Plan of Action: at this point the German commander plans to keep low, and wait for any reinforcements to arrive. No new orders are being given at this point.

Stay tuned for next turn...

« Last Edit: September 26, 2017, 03:01:35 AM by choppinlt »
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Re: Blue, Gray, and Bocage Scenario-German Perspective
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2016, 04:17:06 PM »
Current Time 1000 Hours

Turn 2 Staff Report:the harassing fire continues against the 4 front line companies. The American artillery was slightly more effective since it caused 2 casualties. Realistically the artillery did little except create suppression. Despite the harassing fire 1/9 and 2/9 fully recover their cohesion by 0815. Additionally, the engineering company fully recovers its cohesion at 0940. No new movement was detected. Some reinforcements have arrived! Company 4/9 enters with degraded cohesion and is immediately ready for orders. No other action to report.

1000 Plan of Action:The first reinforcement has arrived. The good news is that the Americans have postponed their attack, but the bad news is the area for  the main effort of the Americans has not been determined yet. After some careful consideration the German commander decides to move 4/9 approximately 700m west to help establish a new line of defense. From this spot it will prevent the free use of the road to the north, seal the right flank, and help shield the artillery to the south. It is known that the rest of the companies from II/9 FSJ Regt will trickle in over the course of the day (companies 5/9 and 6/9). They can be placed appropriately around 4/9's anchor point. Furthermore, the engineers will be moved over so they can help create "prepared" positions for 4/9.

Game Note- there are 5 levels of unit posture: Attack, Exposed, Hasty, Prepared, and Fortified. I will create a thread that discusses this in more detail, but engineer units can help other units achieve Hasty, Prepared and Fortified postures much quicker. Engineer units can even create pre-pared positions for other units to quickly occupy.

« Last Edit: September 26, 2017, 03:00:35 AM by choppinlt »
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Re: Blue, Gray, and Bocage Scenario-German Perspective
« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2016, 04:37:46 PM »
FYI, updates have been added to the scenario. Visuals have not been created yet, but they are forthcoming!!!
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Offline Asid

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Re: Blue, Gray, and Bocage Scenario-German Perspective
« Reply #6 on: September 12, 2016, 04:49:39 PM »
FYI, updates have been added to the scenario. Visuals have not been created yet, but they are forthcoming!!!
Are they here yet??? :p

This is great. Keep them coming.

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Offline choppinlt

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Re: Blue, Gray, and Bocage Scenario-German Perspective
« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2016, 07:52:03 PM »
Ha, ha, yes they are! Stay tuned for the results! ;D Let me know if you have questions or comments regarding the visuals.
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Re: Blue, Gray, and Bocage Scenario-German Perspective
« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2016, 08:07:04 PM »
Current Time 1200 Hours

Turn 3 Staff Report- at 1045 4/9 marches to its new position and meets the engineer company, and they immediately go to work establishing a new defensive line. They can hear the American artillery in the distance harrassing the front line units. Suddenly at 1145 the occasional artillery explosion turns in to a deafening roar. It can only mean one thing...the anticipated American assault is on. The artillery bombardment has the following effects: 1/9 suffers 2 casualties and its cohesion is reduced to degrade while being hit with 155's and 105's; 2/9 suffers 3 casualties and degraded cohesion while being hit with 105's and 4.2-inch mortars; 6/9 suffers 3 casualties with no cohesion loss; finally 7/9 suffers 4 casualties with no cohesion loss. While I havn't explicitly mentioned it, there are additional impacts from the bombardment. There is additional fatigue loss, units are slowed/prevented from moving, and resupply is slowed/prevented. In short, units don't like to be under artillery fire...go figure! ;)

Game Note-ironically 6/9 and 7/9 took the highest concentrations of artillery, yet they suffered no cohesion loss. Funny how fate works...

1200 Plan of Action-await the assault, await reinforcements, and continue planning a new line of defense.

« Last Edit: September 26, 2017, 03:15:52 AM by choppinlt »
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Re: Blue, Gray, and Bocage Scenario-German Perspective
« Reply #9 on: September 26, 2016, 06:41:00 PM »
Whew, there is a lot of data to keep track of! That is why this is supposed to be a computer game!

Current Time 1400 Hours

Note: I messed up on naming the FSJ infantry companies in the pictures below; 6/9 should be 7/9, 7 should be 8/9 and 8 should be 9/9. I will correct his going forward, but the narrative below contains correct names…

Turn 4 Staff Report- As expected the Americans appear to be throwing everything at us they have at their disposal. Our positions have been hit with many 105's, 155's and 4.2-inch mortars in support of the American attacks. A more accurate estimate of enemy artillery use will be forthcoming after further evaluation. Enemy armor has been spotted on our far right flank. Our artillery has responded to the attacks with defensive fire missions from 3 batteries of 120mm mortars, 2 batteries of 105's, and a battery of 88's. 3 fire missions were used against the armor attack alone (a mortar battery, a battery of 105's and the 88's).

7/9 had first contact at 1216, and is currently still engaged. 7/9 has faced 4 different enemy units, and they have yielded little ground while receiving 11 casualties (roughly 7% casualties).

8/9 had first contact at 1240, and is currently still engaged. 8/9 has faced 2 different enemy units, and they have yielded little ground while receiving 15 casualties (roughly 10% casualties).

9/9 had first contact at 1240, and is currently still engaged. 9/9 has faced 2 different enemy units, and they have yielded little ground while receiving 11 casualties (roughly 7% casualties).

1/9 had first contact at 1224, and is currently still engaged. 1/9 has faced 3 different enemy units, and they have yielded little ground while receiving 9 casualties (roughly 6% casualties).

2/9 had first contact at 1224, and is currently still engaged. 2/9 has faced 4 different enemy units, and they have yielded little ground while receiving 8 casualties (roughly 6% casualties).

3/9 had first contact at 1224, and is currently still engaged. 3/9 has faced 3 different enemy units, and they have yielded little ground while receiving 8 casualties (roughly 6% casualties).

FYI: I did not tally all internal unit support elements (MG platoons, command section, etc.) for sake of brevity. Instead I will just provide casualties per company, and a sum total per battalion which would include all internal elements

I/9 took 41 total casualties.
III/9 took 49 total casualties.

Game Note: all German units had a Persistence Level of ‘Stubborn’. You can visit the forum thread talking about persistence for more information, but ‘Stubborn’ means that a unit is willing to suffer major casualties trying to hold at all costs. Units will typically suffer higher casualty rates and cohesion loss, but will yield less ground to the enemy. Cautious means that a unit is more willing to give ground and preserve casualties. Determined is the all-purpose level of balancing giving ground with force preservation.

Unit Dispositions at 1248 Hours

1400 Unit Dispositions

1400 Plan of Action: The good news is that our lines are holding, and that we are starting to make progress in establishing a new line of defense. The bad news is that our casualties are high, and our tactical success feels phyrric. We know we are causing significant casualties and blunting progress, but our casualty percentages are unsustainable for the long run. At the moment we have to continue to weather the storm, and hope that we have no significant breakdowns. There is a good chance that 8/9 will be pushed off of their prepared positions when their engagement is over. We need to hope that the Americans don't renew their assault in this area, because we are more vulnerable now...but that is wishful thinking. Right now there is little to be done except to continue to dig our claws in and hold on till reinforcement arrive.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2017, 03:19:47 AM by choppinlt »
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Re: Blue, Gray, and Bocage Scenario-German Perspective
« Reply #10 on: October 11, 2016, 08:56:53 PM »
Current Time 1600 Hours

Turn 5 Staff Report: The good news is that our lines have held after repulsing a large coordinated assault. The problem becomes supply and replacements. The Americans are using artillery fire at a rate we could only dream of, and combined with their assaults we are caught in a meat grinder. The Americans are using a sledgehammer approach, and while their first strike was repulsed further strikes are likely to make larger and larger gains until our lines finally break.

The enemy battalion on our left flank broke off its attack at 1426. 1/9 and 2/9 were both forced to recoil 200m. Companies 1, 2 and 3/9 are well under way with recovering their cohesion.
The American battalion located 2nd from the right broke off its attack at 1455 with the battalion on the far right breaking off their attack at 1513. 7/9 was forced to recoil 200m, and 8/9 was forced back 300m. This means that 8/9 no longer receives the benefit of being in prepared positions.After the next assault 7/9 is likely to be pushed from their prepared positions as well. Companies 7, 8 and 9/9 are all recovering from degraded cohesion.

As stated in the previous turn report, 90 total casualties were received.

4/9 continues to create prepared positions for a new line of defense, and we are waiting for the remainder of this battalion to arrive to help shore up the defense. We appear to have made a good choice in establishing our defensive line here first.

Unit Positions at 1600 Hours

1600 Plan of Action: At this point, the plan is to continue to just hang on. To reduce the threat of counterbattery fire, the decision has been made to leave the artillery in a defensive support role. We have no margin for error and we want to limit risks till we get some more reinforcements.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2017, 03:21:19 AM by choppinlt »
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Offline Christian Knudsen

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Re: Blue, Gray, and Bocage Scenario-German Perspective
« Reply #11 on: October 16, 2016, 06:04:22 PM »
How's it going?
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Offline choppinlt

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Re: Blue, Gray, and Bocage Scenario-German Perspective
« Reply #12 on: October 17, 2016, 03:04:14 PM »
It's going slow right now. There is lots of activity going on behind the scenes at the moment that is slowing down scenario progress. It's all good stuff though!  ;) I hope to make progress on the scenario today or tomorrow.
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Offline choppinlt

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Re: Blue, Gray, and Bocage Scenario-German Perspective
« Reply #13 on: October 31, 2016, 05:18:29 PM »
Current Time 1800 Hours

Turn 6 Staff Report: All is quiet while units recuperate from the previous assault. Cohesion recovery is underway for the applicable units when at 1700 the steel rain once again starts to fall. This is no longer harassing fire, but a full-on sustained bombardment lasting till 1800 with every front line company is targeted.

8/9 takes the worst punishment since they no longer count being in prepared positions. They were at least able to prepare hasty positions just prior to the shelling from 155’s and 105’s. They suffered 4 casualties, fatigue loss, and perhaps most concerning is the further loss of cohesion.
9/9 was hit with multiple batteries of 155’s and 4.2-inch mortars. They suffered 3 casualties, fatigue loss, and now has degraded cohesion.
7/9 was hit with a battalion of 105’s and suffered 2 casualties and fatigue loss only.
2/9 was also hit with a battalion of 105’s and suffered 1 casualty with some fatigue loss.
3/9 was hit with multiple batteries of 105’s and 4.2-inch mortars suffering 2 casualties, fatigue loss only.
1/9 was hit with a battalion of 105’s suffering 2 casualties and some fatigue loss.

4/9’s prepared positions have been completed, and from the sounds of it, just in time. The engineer company is now starting to prepare positions for the next company to arrive.

Serious cracks in the defensive line are really starting to show.

Plan of Action: At this point the current plan is to weather the storm as best we can. To conserve ammunition, the artillery remains on Defensive Fire Missions for the inevitable assault. The good news is that another company (5/9) arrives to help bolster our situation, so they will be moved in to place and their positions prepared.

« Last Edit: September 26, 2017, 03:24:20 AM by choppinlt »
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Re: Blue, Gray, and Bocage Scenario-German Perspective
« Reply #14 on: November 21, 2016, 09:31:12 PM »
Current Time 2000 Hours (Updated 19 Dec)

Turn 7 Staff Report:  “Get out of your holes, and take your positions! Here they come!!” After wiping off the dirt and debris of the bombardment the troops find that the inevitable assault is underway. Within a span of 3 minutes every front line unit was engaged starting at 1808 hours.

Only 2 of the American units are still engaging us, but every frontline unit we have are in various levels of contact with the enemy. Our forces appear to have somehow weathered the storm again, and given ground sparingly. Our right flank appears to be the focus of the day’s assaults, though no breakthrough appears imminent at this point. We are awaiting more detailed reports, but casualties appear to be heavy again. The men are very tired and our ranks are thinning at an alarming rate.

Our 105's took counterbattery fire with only minor disruption of operations.

Meanwhile 4/9 arrived at its destination and goes about regaining full cohesion and preparing a new defensive line.

We just received an intel report stating that due to enemy success on our right and the loss of Hill 192 (bad news), we are now a higher priority for reinforcements and resupply (good news). In particular we should see improved ammo stock levels for our artillery. Reinforcements will continue to trickle in.

Unit dispositions as of 1811 hours

2000 Hours Unit Dispositions

2000 Hours Plan of Action:  wait for combat to wind down and make further assessments regarding unit dispositions. Once darkness falls, we will go about re-establishing a new line of defense.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2017, 03:28:38 AM by choppinlt »
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