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Author Topic: Tigers Unleashed Beta 24/08/16  (Read 17923 times)

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Offline Asid

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Re: Tigers Unleashed Beta 24/08/16
« Reply #15 on: August 27, 2016, 01:53:03 AM »
Hi Bigus

Scott prefers people to email him. I think that is not the way to go but he's fine with it. If you do email and get a resolution then please post it here.

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Re: Tigers Unleashed Beta 24/08/16
« Reply #16 on: August 30, 2016, 12:55:07 AM »
Thanks Asid,
I have e-mailed Scott.

« Last Edit: August 30, 2016, 01:19:42 AM by bigus »
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Offline Stefanoc

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Re: Tigers Unleashed Beta 24/08/16
« Reply #17 on: August 31, 2016, 02:41:54 PM »
Hi Asid! :)
Can you tell me something about the status And The  time needed for the POA2 patch? It is already finished, or in The  making after the TU patch?  Thanks!
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Re: Tigers Unleashed Beta 24/08/16
« Reply #18 on: August 31, 2016, 03:28:30 PM »
Hi Asid! :)
Can you tell me something about the status And The  time needed for the POA2 patch? It is already finished, or in The  making after the TU patch?  Thanks!

Hi Stefanoc.

The POA-2 Patch is not far way. Hopefully a few weeks.

You can always contact the dev directly.  Here is the direct email for the dev

As you know The dev does not communicate through any forum. This is something which is alien to me. The info i give here is from my direct contact and dealing with him.

I WISH THE DEV WOULD RESPOND ON PUBLIC FORUMS SOMETIMES. Maybe you can email him and let him know that you would prefer a presence on a forum. Any forum. If that is what you think would be helpful.

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Re: Tigers Unleashed Beta 24/08/16
« Reply #19 on: August 31, 2016, 08:16:32 PM »
Thanks for the answer! I'll wait ! and follow the forum, for me "alien" is how only one person  handle this huge and complex software!  :)
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Offline bigus

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Re: Tigers Unleashed Beta 24/08/16
« Reply #20 on: September 02, 2016, 10:02:26 PM »
Hi Asid! :)
Can you tell me something about the status And The  time needed for the POA2 patch? It is already finished, or in The  making after the TU patch?  Thanks!

Hi Stefanoc.

The POA-2 Patch is not far way. Hopefully a few weeks.

You can always contact the dev directly.  Here is the direct email for the dev

As you know The dev does not communicate through any forum. This is something which is alien to me. The info i give here is from my direct contact and dealing with him.

I WISH THE DEV WOULD RESPOND ON PUBLIC FORUMS SOMETIMES. Maybe you can email him and let him know that you would prefer a presence on a forum. Any forum. If that is what you think would be helpful.


I've been e-mailing Scott for the saved game issue I was having. (some scenarios would not load properly after a save)
He has responded quickly to every e-mail I've sent and seems to be working hard to fix these and other issues.
I can tell you that this beta is 100 times more playable than the previous version. Although not perfect yet, he seems to be dedicated to finishing it. This is good.
I agree that he needs a forum to discuss some of the issues with Tigers and POA2.
I can drop a hint that we need some form of outlet to discuss issues but I don't think I would pull a lot of weight.
Maybe we need several current playtesters to e-mail him and ask him his thoughts on it.
Could we set up a dedicated Tigers/POA2 forum and invite him to join?

Notes on issues (from Scott):
Loading saved game  problem was and is only happening for certain scenarios. not all. "Sons of Chaos" scenario is one of them for me. Confirmed by Scott.
"Clear Urban/IP's Room-by-room" is being looked at. Delay has been confirmed by others.
Long communication delay was a result from HQ not having a radio operator for this scenario ("Sons of Chaos"). Line of sight and runners only resulting in long delays in communications.

Thanks to Scott for his prompt reply to my questions.

This is the first game I've ever seen that has tank recovery units. very cool!
I'm not sure how to use them yet but cool anyway.
Wego system doesn't hurt either.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2016, 01:56:37 AM by bigus »
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Offline Asid

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Re: Tigers Unleashed Beta 24/08/16
« Reply #21 on: September 02, 2016, 11:35:47 PM »

Could we set up a dedicated Tigers/POA2 forum and invite him to join?

We have done this for others and would do it for Tigers/POA2.

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Re: Tigers Unleashed Beta 24/08/16
« Reply #22 on: September 08, 2016, 07:55:33 PM »
New update out 08/09/16

See here
« Last Edit: September 08, 2016, 08:15:18 PM by Asid »
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Re: Tigers Unleashed Beta 24/08/16
« Reply #23 on: December 19, 2016, 03:15:03 PM »
Latest update info as of 13/12/16

The dev does not like forums. So here we are.

Beta 17/11/16
* = Corrections
+ = Additions/Improvements

* Map Notes weren't always being shown in the mouse-over text box.
* Fixed a lock-up when more than one non-compostie unit was given orders to clear the same urban/IP location.
* Fixed "Target couldn't be created" status messages in XO Staff Officer Targeting report ([Show All Unit vs Unit Targeting]).
* Unit movement paths displayed on the map weren't always being removed when selecting other units or changing orders modes.
* Adjusted dust creation for round impacts and explosions - wasn't always being added.  Rubble creation now also automatically adds dust outside of the action that caused it.
* Fixed an FOW issue where friendly units were not being properly shown on the map even though they were known.
* Corrected issue that sometimes prevented existing arty missions having their ammo values changed.
* Corrected crater "overspill" into adjacent hexes/locs.  Was sometimes being artificially truncated.
* Fixed a major movement path/command error when detachments were created by combat actions and the AI subsequently gave them (or their parent) orders in reaction to perceived enemy threats.  Also sometimes affected other units.
* When selecting to fire DF at an an area target, the check routines now only verify the LOS - not sighted/known values.
* Human vs. Human games now always return to player control after the combat phase (auto-run settings ignored).
* Updated the AI to rotate the hull when firing a turret-mounted gun when the turret can't be rotated.
* Fixed an error where sometimes the correct time and conditions were not being displayed in the Setup Phase.
* Updated the WpnSys Data Table Editor Form - was showing double first columns, and can now set name of new system when adding.
* Fixed an intermittent c++ access error when an artillery impact detonated multiple mines without any other units nearby.
* Fixed a number of incorrect size values in the IP Data Table.
* Corrected C++ error in Composite Units Form
* Fixed access error when selecting "Specialized Engr Op" from Engineering Operations Form.
* Added a "Water Placement OK" flag to IP's; IP's and obstacles placed in prohibited terrain from previous saves are now automatically removed.
* VP's weren't being added back when player-placed objects (IP's, mines, etc.) were removed from the map.
* Limited situational auto-unloading to ground units.
* Stopped the Main Form Pop-up menu from auto-selecting options.
* Fixed "Cut/Copy/Paste" pop-up menu functions from Force Selection Form; now also highlight updated units on tree.
* 'Done' button now always enabled after force selection on low Expert Levels.
* Fixed an intermittent c++ access error in the AI force auto-selection process.
* Corrected issues with New Game Checklist form:
 - was showing incorrect steps completed
 - was not completely resetting after closing
 - was not displaying correct Personnel VP totals.
* Fixed "Div by zero" floating point error in Shoot & Scoot determination routines.
* Corrected an issue with sighting under low light conditions - was "overflowing" and acting as if in full light.
* Lowered mechanical breakdown probabilities (for movement).
* LOS wasn't being displayed in replay (at Level 6) for units that were destroyed during the turn.
* TO&E Form was resizing properly below a certain size.
* Fixed intermittent error showing nation force, mission, and control (AI vs. Human) on Loading Form.
+ Updated Turn Combat/Action Reporting to better preserve FOW and also show more results info.
+ Adjusted force auto-selection routines; now more heavily weighted towards combat arms over support type formations.
+ Added new options to speed up sighting (Preferences | Performance):
 - "Aggregate Units of Same Type": all units of the same general type (Infantry, AFV, etc.)in a loc are considered a single 'unit' for sighting purposes (as spotter or tgt) and use avg values for unit values and equipment.
 - Min Visible Target Size: A random determination is made to skip checking to the LOS to targets of this apparent size (in Min of Arc) or smaller.
 - Quick LOS Blocking check:  The blocking points (as %) in the spot and tgt locs are totaled, and a random determination made to see if the LOS should be skipped (60% blocked, 60% chance of being skipped).
+ Arty Missions Form now shows message while processing.
+ Mouse Wheel now zooms in/out on map.  Zoom-in centers on mouse position.
+ Optimized LOS sighting routines
+ Added options to use multi-core processors/threading: Set in Preferences | Performance.  Currently only used for Turn Detection Phase.
+ Updated AI to better unload units when they get into locs threatened by enemy fire.
+ Added automatic checks for visible display layers when new game loaded, or player logs in.
+ Adjusted LOS X-Section Form to be resizable.
+ Adjusted Main Form to make resizing smoother.
+ Modified hexside obstacles to be a single side (instead of N/S/E/W)
+ Updated FOW for obstacles to be more realistic.
+ Expanded set-up sequence and controls to give players more options and information on the steps and sequence.
+ Added check if primary map display layers enabled when game first shown.
+ Adjusted max possible known level for enemy personnel in IP's, based on IP blocking: 30%=Level 4 Max; 50+%: Level 3 Max.
+ Updated Engineering Operations Form to be more intuitive, and to show more information and feedback on actions.
+ Added option to remove unit FOW from combat reports in games with at least one AI player (use Arrow Control on Reporting Form).  It affects ONLY the text shown; normal FOW and limitation remains in effect for all purposes.
+ Added "Suppression to S-1 Staff Officer, and also as an option for 'mouse-over' text (Preferences | Map/Colors"
+ Changed "Move Timeouts" caption on Combat Reporting Form to "AI Move Timeouts", and added a descriptive mouse-over hint.
+ Added "additional Illum" level to mouse-over text (from flares, fires, etc.)
+ Added and option to "Zoom out for Air Movement" in the combat phase instead of just doing it by default.
+ Added option to stop the auto-close countdown for the LOS Form during the Combat Phase/Replay (Detail Level 6)
+ Updated the Set Initial Conditions Form (when creating new games) - Nation selection now on top, and country name shown in header.
+ Improved ammo selection AI to better account for "area" effects from HE, flame, incendiary, etc.
+ Leader casualty status now shown in S-1 screen, incl from all previous turns.
+ Additional unit symbols added.
+ FSO (arty) Staff Officer now shows a list of all IF units and allows player the option to see their existing missions & possible targeting locations.
+ Added checks for invalid weapons systems when creating/editing scenarios.
+ Updated Composite Units Editing Form to be more user-friendly & allow multi-selection.
+ Added option to remove a carrier from a Composite Unit Group after unloading passengers (if they are in the same group).  This creates a separate unit for the carrier.
+ Updated Unloading Form to be easier to use and provide more information on Composite Unit Group status and on how to keep them together.
+ "Added "TRP:" to the info text string for them in the Location Information Box.
+ Expanded range of Scenario/Day Part Dust and Foliage adjustment levels to 2000% (20x normal) from 200% (2x normal).
+ Changed TEC Dust Adjustment Value to be a straight percent instead of a relative value between 0 and 10.
+ Adjusted the Weather Periods Form - now easier to use, and more analytical when adjusting the number of periods per day. Also added a button to change the current time.
+ IP dimensions now in centimeters (cm) instead of decimeters (dm).
+ Added timed info-box showing max ammo ranges for firing unit when selecting DF targets.
+ Added ammo max range text to Weapons Systems Info form.
+ Added button on Unit Info Form to reset all unit symbols to the default values in the Weapon Systems Data Table.
+ The "Show Unit" and "Show Terrain" display toggles are automatically turned on at the start of a player's turn / combat phase.
+ Any "Currently Selected Locs" are reset when entering the Staff Officers Form to reduce confusion.
+ Added a display box that shows weapon system for selected FRIENDLY units. <Right-Click> for options and Main Menu | Preferences for On/OFF toggle.
+ All accy calcs are now based strictly on CEP/actual deviation of the round at range & tgt size.
+ Round CEP/deviation past the defined max range are now adaptively extrapolated from previous curve values instead of simple exponential/straight line.
+ IP combat routines updated to be more detailed and include aiming specifically at opening/ports, and over walls.
+ Updated to a newer compiler version.
+ Added and additional "set-up checklist control" after force selection to show what steps have been done, and which can (or must) be performed before the game can begin.
+ Improved and optimized the AI routines for selecting smoke arty targets.
+ Completely updated the AirDrops form to be more user friendly, to allow editing after missions initially saved, and also to show more information on each pass/stick.
+ The Arty Missions Form was updated to be clearer, and added icons to the Tree View to show the status of potential calling/spotting units: OK, no LOS and/or too long commo delay.
+ Arty/IF impacts now shown individually on the map & saved for the mission.  A slightly darker color is used for spotting rounds. The size will reflect the blast radius (within set minimum/maximum sizes based on zoom level).
+ Added ability for users to adjust and change the automatic unit name creation scheme when selecting units form the TO&E.
+ Added a new Preference for how unit info and name strings are displayed during the game.  Preferences | Display [Set Unit Name Format].
+ The combat report now shows estimated crater sizes.
+ Updated CAS Staff Officer display on the map - the mission heading, start point, strafing/weapon release points are now shown.
+ Made the CAS Missions form more user-friendly, added processing status messages and additional information instructions.
+ Added additional reporting for smoke/dust/chem/nuclear generation from impacts, fires, wrecks, movement, etc. (higher detail levels only).
+ Added option to show the movement paths for all the unit in the force when giving orders ("Show All Paths" checkbox).
+ Adjusted DF Targeting Form to show more info, and also the max ranges are displayed on the map for all weapons in the selected unit (that have ammo).
+ "Engage Armored Tgts With Small Arms" SOP now set to "NO" for older games (before it was implemented) when they are loaded in.
+ Added more detail to "No Files Found In Folder message" when looking for Tutorials or Scenarios, and not just any saved games.
+ Added checkbox to S-3 Staff Officer Form to show weapon system in the Name field.
+ Updated Victory Results screen to show more detailed info.
+ Added new sub-form to more easily set basic armor material properties and see results immediately.
+ Added a new "Set Firing Group Quantity" sub-panel for greater ease of use.
+ Added new Movement SOP orders - units can now stay behind "line" units, or at some distance (+/-) relative to their HQ.  Automatically set by the AI, and also updated for saved games.
+ Added new option to change SOP orders for ALL units regardless of Type or Weapons System in UNit Info Form (subject to Force vs. Formation selection).

Current work 13/12/16
•   Finalising rework of the mouse-over routines.  Somewhere along the line they stopped working entirely on the off-map form, which was partly due to the new compiler graphics stuff and partly because they used different routines to decide what to show than for on-map. 

•   I got the new compiler stuff figured out (which required rewriting a lot of my graphics library), Finalising the on map routines to also handle the off map stuff.  But that required a rework of the FOW storage arrays, and also adjusting some of the FOW routines. 

•   Working on DF accuracy - it may not be accounting for low light/weather conditions. 

I will upload the beta as soon as it is available. Regards
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Offline Agathosdaimon

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Re: Tigers Unleashed Beta 24/08/16
« Reply #24 on: December 20, 2016, 03:39:46 PM »
the update sounds great! looking forward to it!
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Offline Asid

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Re: Tigers Unleashed Beta 24/08/16
« Reply #25 on: December 20, 2016, 03:42:53 PM »
the update sounds great! looking forward to it!

I will post here when I have it.

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Re: Tigers Unleashed Beta 24/08/16
« Reply #26 on: December 23, 2016, 09:28:27 PM »
the update sounds great! looking forward to it!

Me as well.

"+ Added new Movement SOP orders - units can now stay behind "line" units, or at some distance (+/-) relative to their HQ.  Automatically set by the AI, and also updated for saved games."

I wonder if this is the "Banzai" trucks?

Glad to see some progress on this one.
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