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Author Topic: Empire in Arms the Napoleonic Wars of 1805 - 1815  (Read 27924 times)

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Offline pzgndr

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Re: Empire in Arms the Napoleonic Wars of 1805 - 1815
« Reply #15 on: January 03, 2017, 05:14:24 PM »
Well, FWIW, here's an observation to share.  After spending about 6 months getting into somebody else's code to find and fix some bugs and finally get things working better, and then another couple of months waiting for Matrix Games to finalize and post the public beta installer, the response has been a tad bit disappointing.  I got several kudos along the way that somebody was actually doing something, and I expected some of them to provide some feedback since the public beta has been out for a few weeks, and yet I did not expect such silence.  Granted, it is the holiday season and folks are probably playing with their newer and shinier toys, so perhaps it is still too soon to jump to any conclusions.  The good news is that I have not gotten any bad news about the update.  LOL

I share this simply as a data point for consideration.  We all get disappointed when our games get to be like 90-95% "there" and then development dies.  We continue to hold out hope that the developer returns or somebody else steps up to take on the project.  In some cases we've seen development resumed as with TOAW (Ralph Trickey), JTCS (Jason Pethro), and others.  The problem in our game industry is that this rarely happens enough and there just aren't many good solutions for resurrecting dead games that remain entombed under various copyright and other proprietary rights laws.  I don't think throwing source code to the wind hoping it will grow roots as an "open source" project somewhere is the right solution.  However, more encouragement should be offered to developers to allow other developers to continue projects.  In my case, I am not comfortable trying to develop game source code from scratch but I am persistent enough to run issues to ground and resolve them by editing existing source code.  It's doable, and others can do this also.

Ah well, I intend to keep at it and get this update officially released so that I can move on to another update.  I have the latest Embarcadero Berlin C++Builder and I've started working through compiler errors to port Empires in Arms into the Win7/8/10 world.  And I will continue to fix bugs and make improvements.  Cuz, that's the kind of guy I am.  Onward!
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Re: Empire in Arms the Napoleonic Wars of 1805 - 1815
« Reply #16 on: January 03, 2017, 06:30:00 PM »
Keep at it pzgndr.

I think some people get fed up with waiting for a fix or an update. It can get to the point where the abandon the game and move on. The people who are deeply interested or passionate about the game will remain.....This can be a small number if it is a niche game.

In today's age of Steam & regular sales people tend to discard games at a greater rate.

I appreciate your efforts.

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Re: Empire in Arms the Napoleonic Wars of 1805 - 1815
« Reply #17 on: January 23, 2017, 09:48:43 PM »
New v1.21.04 Hotfix for Public

Hello, the public beta installer appears to be fine and folks are able to play. I've fixed a few issues related to sieges and blockades, and made a few other little enhancements. Unless there are some showstoppers with PBEM that I need to look at, I'd like to move towards an official game update using v1.21.04. There are still plenty of bugs on the list, but I'd like to lock this down and get a final package to Matrix.

I suspect a lot of players are holding off trying these hotfixes and public betas, waiting instead for an official release patch. Once that happens, we should get some more players back and more feedback about going forward. Or arguments, whatever.

Below is a list of latest improvements. Please save a copy of the v1.21.03 EXE and paste the attached v1.21.04 EXE into your game folder. Let me know if sieges and blockades are better. Thanks.

Empires in Arms the Napoleonic Wars - 1.21.04
- 0000541: [Rules Deviation] Incorrect interpretation of separate peace in the game - resolved.
- 0000576: [Game Bug] Enemy Depot in City blocks occupation - resolved.
- 0000646: [Game Enhancement] AAR battle marker - closed.
- 0000759: [Game Enhancement] Instead of an AAR battle marker, simply indicate number of factors involved in a battle in the log - resolved.
- 0000811: [Game Bug] Forces in city and out of city somehow switched - resolved.
- Game bug with port guns firing without enemy garrison present - resolved.
- Game bug with naval attack upon enemy fleets in a blockade box - resolved.
- Added political shading on/off toggle for main map based on mini-map selection.
- Added additional checks for besieged cities using sea supply to verify no blockades.

Download (2.60MB): HERE

Original post: HERE
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Offline pzgndr

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Re: Empire in Arms the Napoleonic Wars of 1805 - 1815
« Reply #18 on: January 24, 2017, 01:56:53 PM »
I think we are getting closer to an official update?  A group is starting a PBEM game so I want to wait for some feedback on whether PBEM still works OK or if I need to fix something that I may have broken along the way.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

I managed to successfully tweak the AI last night to stop Britain AI from making frivolous amphibious invasions into France and Holland.  Intuitively I could think of blocking Britain and Russia from invading France and Holland prior to 1813, but making it happen in the code while still allowing invasions of French-controlled Sweden or Denmark was frustrating me all weekend. It appears to work OK and I can further tweak it as needed.  But for now, this is a significant improvement for Britain AI since it won't be losing precious forces and needlessly giving up PPs to France.   

I really would like to wrap this up and be done with v1.21.  Then I can do the grunt work to port the code to the latest Embarcadero Berlin C++Builder compiler and move ahead with the next version.
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Re: Empire in Arms the Napoleonic Wars of 1805 - 1815
« Reply #19 on: February 13, 2017, 04:45:46 PM »
New UPDATED v1.21.04 Hotfix for Public Beta

I am posting an updated v1.21.04 as a pre-release candidate. Based on comments received from a pbem game, I think the path problem may be resolved now. At least, I was able to recreate the error before the fix and now it seems OK. This needs verification by the pbem game team.

Also included in the zip are two updated .ged files for the \Data\databases directory to correct map data bugs. Please copy the new EXE into the main game directory and the other two files into the sub-directory.

One minor graphics glitch I am working on is transfer of unit factors during reinforcement phase. Land unit images appear fine but naval fleet images and names are not appearing on the selection menu for some odd reason. You are still able to click where the icon should be to select a fleet and then transfer factors normally with images, so this is not a game stopper. I will continue to investigate this.

If the pbem game works ok and there are no other burning issues to resolve, this should be close to final for official release. I will wait to hear back from the pbem game, or from any others trying a smaller group pbem test game. Thank you.

Empires in Arms the Napoleonic Wars - 1.21.04
- 0000541: [Rules Deviation] Incorrect interpretation of separate peace in the game - resolved.
- 0000576: [Game Bug] Enemy Depot in City blocks occupation - resolved.
- 0000646: [Game Enhancement] AAR battle marker - closed.
- 0000759: [Game Enhancement] Instead of an AAR battle marker, simply indicate number of factors involved in a battle in the log - resolved.
- 0000811: [Game Bug] Forces in city and out of city somehow switched - resolved.
- Game bug with port guns firing without enemy garrison present - resolved.
- Game bug with naval attack upon enemy fleets in a blockade box - resolved.
- Added political shading on/off toggle for main map based on mini-map selection.
- Added additional checks for besieged cities using sea supply to verify no blockades.
- AI Enhancement to restrict risky British and Russian amphib invasions into France and Holland prior to 1813 - resolved.
- Game bug with display of naval unit factors for heavy fleets with both heavy and light ships - resolved.
- Map data bugs with duplicate sea Area3 near Sveaborg that should be Area700, and duplicate land Area253 near Sevastopol that should be Area252 - resolved.
- Game bug with path and opening files related to loading PBEM gamestart file - resolved?

Download (2.97MB): HERE

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Re: Empire in Arms the Napoleonic Wars of 1805 - 1815
« Reply #20 on: March 17, 2017, 02:13:21 PM »

Time for a quick update.  Except for some PBEM issues, the public beta appears stable.  So I am going to proceed with preparing the package for making v1.21.04 an official update.  I should get that to Matrix next week and hopefully it we'll get it released in early April sometime.

I want to get on with migrating the code to the new compiler so that hopefully the game runs better under Windows 10 and I can resolve those PBEM issues and other data issues.  And get on with more bug fixes and game enhancements.


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Offline pzgndr

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Re: Empire in Arms the Napoleonic Wars of 1805 - 1815
« Reply #21 on: April 23, 2017, 11:32:42 PM »
FWIW, Matrix has posted the official v1.21.04 update.  Finally.  This has been a long year.   :)
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Re: Empire in Arms the Napoleonic Wars of 1805 - 1815
« Reply #22 on: June 26, 2017, 05:26:53 PM »
NEW: State of the Game and Future Plans as of June 2017

Posted by: pzgndr 22/06/17

Hello, it's been a year since I posted [link=]State of the Game and Future Plans as of June 2016[/link].  A year ago I set out with some ambitious goals:

The plan is to complete a v1.21 official release in 2016 to build upon the work already done for v1.20 and v1.21, and also to tackle some of the major bugs and several other minor issues. This should also include new setups for EiA v3.1 and EiH v4.0.

It took a bit longer to get the official release out, but v1.21.04 was finally released in April.  I think I largely succeeded in continuing development where Marshall Ellis left off with wide-screen implementation. Some notable improvements include:
- Numerous bug fixes
- AI enhancements
- Separate campaigns for both classic Empires in Arms and alternate Empires in Harm

For the past few months I have been struggling to migrate the game code to a new compiler.  Despite making some headway, I have determined that the challenges are greater than I anticipated.  So I have decided to end that effort and return to doing what worked for the past year.  At least the game runs in WinXP compatibility mode and should continue to do so for the foreseeable future under Windows 10.  I know there are some data issues with PBEM file transfers and other quirks in the game, and hopefully I can track these down and resolve them.

I had hoped that the official update would attract some players back.  This is still a great Napoleonic grand strategy wargame!  If you have played the latest v1.21.04 update, please share some feedback to let me and others know what you think.  Going forward, I'd like to continue doing what I was doing to work off issues from the old Mantis bug reports: bug fixes, AI improvements, game enhancements, and the 1812 scenario.  Resolving PBEM issues is a priority.  I have some other priorities in mind, but I'd like to hear from players.  What do you want to see done?
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Re: Empire in Arms the Napoleonic Wars of 1805 - 1815
« Reply #23 on: July 22, 2017, 02:55:24 AM »
v1.22.00 beta for PBEM test

Linked below is v1.22.00 beta that addresses several PBEM and 3rd Party Combat issues.  I think I have tracked down and resolved the loan money issue, again, and hopefully resolved it for good.  I am still seeing some DOW issues in my internal playtesting but others in a 7-player PBEM game using v1.21.04 have not seen any problems.  The following is the changelog for this version:

Empires in Arms the Napoleonic Wars - 1.22.00
- 0000106: [Game Enhancement] Implement external combat option for naval battle – closed.
- 0000581: [UI Enhancement] Warning of extensive foraging losses – resolved, to provide more warnings for player confirmation.
- 0000619: [Game Bug] Cannot Specify a Surrender in 3rd Party Combat – closed, PPs are supposed to be awarded if corps or fortifications are involved.
- 0000670: [Game Bug] There is no 'draw but defender withdraws' option in 3rd Party Combat System – closed, only the attacker retreats in draw.
- 0000782: [PBEM Bug] Diplomacy Phase messages – resolved?
- 0000817: [PBEM Bug] Awaiting battle results pop up message is confusing – resolved.
- 0000846: [Game Bug] Lend money to Major Power – resolved?
- 0000849: [Game Enhancement] Can't use 3rd Party Combat Resolution when running a blockade – closed, running blockade forces an immediate combat resolution during naval move not naval combat phase.
- 0000859: [PBEM Enhancement] Clearing PBEM Battle Folder – resolved?
- Restore phase skip for simultaneous diplomacy – resolved?
- Add prompts for PBEM phase skips if no reinforcements arriving or no naval forces – resolved.
- Cosmetic improvements for View Turn Income Summary readability – resolved.

Install EiANW.exe into your Empires in Arms game folder.
Install wgslabel.txt into your \Data\programtext folder.

I would greatly appreciate one or more PBEM playgroups to give this beta version a playtest and provide comments.  The updated files can be installed over the v1.21.04 official release, but I recommend a clean separate install as a beta version.  I'm really looking for feedback on the lending money between MPs, DOWs working, whether sim dip phase skips works, and the new messages for PBEM games.  This could be a 7-player game, or a smaller playgroup would be fine.  Just a quick PBEM game to get through 1 or 2 economic phases to see if things work.

If PBEM works OK, I'll wrap this up as an official hotfix while I continue to work on other issues for the next v1.22.xx official release.

Download (2.60MB): HERE
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Re: Empire in Arms the Napoleonic Wars of 1805 - 1815
« Reply #24 on: August 17, 2017, 03:44:09 PM »
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Re: Empire in Arms the Napoleonic Wars of 1805 - 1815
« Reply #25 on: November 05, 2017, 09:21:12 PM »
New Patch Available v1.22.01

Hi All,

We have a new version of Empire in Arms for you to try out. It is available as an attached .zip file below. Two additional files will be posted with the updated pdf manuals.

IMPORTANT NOTE FOR V1.22.01: This interim version is NOT a comprehensive update. Please upgrade to the official release v1.21.04 and then install v1.22.01. Additional bug fixes and other improvements, as well as new data files and setups for the 1812 Scenario, are planned for the next v1.22.xx comprehensive official release.

Version 1.22.01
- 0000061: [Game Enhancement] Optional rule Overwhelming Numbers - resolved, but 6:1 criteria and no defender withdraw exception.
- 0000157: [Rules Deviation] Unable to reinforce into a battle after the round in which the battle completes - closed, leave as is.
- 0000166: [AI Enhancement] AI doesn't defend its navy in port - resolved?
- 0000210: [UI Enhancement] Battle Casualty Selection Buttons are hard to see - closed, O/S in charge of displaying the face of speedbutton.
- 0000214: [Rules Deviation] Disbandment of the Holy Roman Empire should be required before forming Confederation of the Rhine - closed, leave as is.
- 0000257: [UI Enhancement] Put focus on corps after siege success - closed, players can set Auto Garrison Level.
- 0000304: [UI Enhancement] Battle Summaries not posted – resolved.
- 0000357: [Rules Deviation] Reinforcement rules - closed, leave as is.
- 0000381: [Game Bug] Ottoman Garrisons have issues not merging or not being able to add factors to them and in side by side display - closed, could not reproduce.
- 0000510: [Game Enhancement] Add optional rules for proportional naval losses – resolved (see new rule
- 0000512: [Rules Deviation] More than 3 Provinces of Home Nation can be ceded; also capital province should be cedeable - closed, leave as is.
- 0000599: [Rules Deviation] Corps in Garrisons are not counted as part of a garrison to contest control of city upon DOW - closed, garrison forces only per rules.
- 0000628: [Rules Deviation] Corps in city areas should be able to withdraw into cities if there is capacity for them - closed, all retreats must be into an adjacent land area per rules.
- 0000691: [Game Bug] Unable to add Nelson to blockading fleet during reinforcement phase - closed, leave as is.
- 0000698: [Rules Deviation] Defeated fleet fled to enemy-controlled port – resolved.
- 0000699: [Game Enhancement] Make setting orders for one fleet in a stack automatically changes the orders for all fleets in the stack - closed, leave as is.
- 0000704: [Game Bug] Tie result does not register in game – closed.
- 0000717: [UI Bug] Selecting all forces from second page of outflank does not allow removal of casualties – resolved.
- 0000727: [Game Bug] Minor countries showing in log as winning or gaining political points – closed.
- 0000741: [Game Bug] Fleet can attack evil twin - closed, could not reproduce.
- 0000742: [Game Bug] When French and British ships are present in same area, Nelson is placed on French ships - closed, could not reproduce.
- 0000744: [Rules Deviation] Only one of many corps in an area able to besiege – closed.
- 0000771: [Rules Deviation] Capture of transports should require fleet to declare an attack - closed, leave as is.
- 0000788: [Rules Deviation] Implement Forced Naval Retreat Rule - resolved, also deleted -1 penalty for all light ships.
- 0000798: [Game Bug] Timing of naval evac is incorrect – resolved.
- 0000804: [Rules Deviation] Loser of trivial battles incorrectly losing political points – resolved.
- 0000829: [AI Enhancement] AI never attempts to reinforce - resolved?
- 0000830: [AI Enhancement] AI never commits guard – resolved?
- 0000835: [Game Bug] Poland not receiving money or manpower - resolved, added income and manpower collection at Kingdom creation.
- 0000844: [Game Bug] Transport fleets without escorts attacked in port fight back – resolved.
- 0000850: [AI Bug] Battle crash when selecting units to lose - closed, could not reproduce.
- 0000853: [Game Bug] Free States not at war with same enemy as controlling major – closed.
- 0000860: [Game Bug] Producing units in a Kingdom – closed, could not reproduce.
- Piracy rules improvements – resolved (see revised rule 12.2.1).

Version 1.22.00
- 0000106: [Game Enhancement] Implement external combat option for naval battle – closed.
- 0000581: [UI Enhancement] Warning of extensive foraging losses – resolved, to provide more warnings for player confirmation.
- 0000619: [Game Bug] Cannot Specify a Surrender in 3rd Party Combat – closed, PPs are supposed to be awarded if corps or fortifications are involved.
- 0000670: [Game Bug] There is no 'draw but defender withdraws' option in 3rd Party Combat System – closed, only the attacker retreats in draw.
- 0000782: [PBEM Bug] Diplomacy Phase messages – resolved?
- 0000817: [PBEM Bug] Awaiting battle results pop up message is confusing – resolved.
- 0000846: [Game Bug] Lend money to Major Power – resolved?
- 0000849: [Game Enhancement] Can't use 3rd Party Combat Resolution when running a blockade – closed, running blockade forces an immediate combat resolution during naval move not naval combat phase.
- 0000859: [PBEM Enhancement] Clearing PBEM Battle Folder – resolved?
- Restore phase skip for simultaneous diplomacy – resolved?
- Add prompts for PBEM phase skips if no reinforcements arriving or no naval forces – resolved.
- Cosmetic improvements for View Turn Income Summary readability – resolved.

Download (5.1MB): HERE

Extra files
Please install all of these new files over v1.21.04 and you should be good to go.

Here is the \Data\Docs manual. : HERE

Here is the \Manuals EBOOK manual. : HERE

One more file, changed in v1.22.00 for pbem improvements. This is the wgslabels.txt file for \Data\programtext : HERE
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Re: Empire in Arms the Napoleonic Wars of 1805 - 1815
« Reply #26 on: April 17, 2018, 04:39:49 PM »
New Patch Available v1.22.02 Beta

Hi Everyone,

We have a new update available for Empires in Arms! It is available to download from both the Members and public areas:

Members Area Download

Public Area Download

IMPORTANT NOTE FOR V1.22.02: The v1.21.04 version introduced new data files and setup files for the 1805 Grand Campaign.  During this transition, older games likely will not work.  Zipped backup files for old data files and setups were added, but players should also backup any custom data files and setups from prior versions.  Renaming the old eianw001.ged and eianw001.tpj files to some other number (e.g., 011) may work and may allow older games in progress to continue.   However, players are strongly advised to install a new and separate version of the game and upgrade to v1.22.02.  Please do not use data file numbers 003 and 004, as these are being reserved for future data files for the 1812 Grand Campaign.

Version 1.22.02
0000111: [UI Enhancement] Need a warning if Free State economic phases are not actioned – resolved.
0000152: [AI Enhancement] AI vs. AI combat now trivial / change to chits   assigned – resolved.
0000658: [tweak UI Bug] In 'hot seat' game, "Talk to AI Allies" lists HUMAN allies, too – resolved.
0000700: [Game Enhancement] Make transfer of money to minor states automatic – closed, leave as is.
0000788: [Rules Deviation] Implement Forced Naval Retreat Rule - resolved, with exception for light ships defending in port attack.
0000846: [Game Bug] Lend money to Major Power – improvements made, but problem not resolved.
0000864: [Game Bug] Pursuit less than 1 column (no pursuit) posts up a pursuit screen - resolved.
0000865: [Game Bug] River penalty in battle applies for any corps crossing, rather than all corps attacking across a river - resolved.
Add checks to prevent placing depot inside a besieged and blockaded port city – resolved.

Happy Gaming!
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Offline pzgndr

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Re: Empire in Arms the Napoleonic Wars of 1805 - 1815
« Reply #27 on: April 17, 2018, 07:01:59 PM »
You beat me to it making an announcement here!  :howdy

Here is the full change log:

Version 1.22.02
•   0000111: [UI Enhancement] Need a warning if Free State economic phases are not actioned – resolved.
•   0000152: [AI Enhancement] AI vs. AI combat now trivial / change to chits assigned – resolved.
•   0000658: [tweak UI Bug] In 'hot seat' game, "Talk to AI Allies" lists HUMAN allies, too – resolved.
•   0000700: [Game Enhancement] Make transfer of money to minor states automatic – closed, leave as is.
•   0000788: [Rules Deviation] Implement Forced Naval Retreat Rule - resolved, with exception for light ships defending in port attack.
•   0000846: [Game Bug] Lend money to Major Power – improvements made, but problem not resolved.
•   0000864: [Game Bug] Pursuit less than 1 column (no pursuit) posts up a pursuit screen - resolved.
•   0000865: [Game Bug] River penalty in battle applies for any corps crossing, rather than all corps attacking across a river - resolved.
•   Add checks to prevent placing depot inside a besieged and blockaded port city – resolved.

Version 1.22.01
•   0000061: [Game Enhancement] Optional rule Overwhelming Numbers - resolved, but 6:1 criteria and no defender withdraw attempt.
•   0000157: [Rules Deviation] Unable to reinforce into a battle after the round in which the battle completes - closed, leave as is.
•   0000166: [AI Enhancement] AI doesn't defend its navy in port - resolved?
•   0000210: [UI Enhancement] Battle Casualty Selection Buttons are hard to see - closed, O/S in charge of displaying the face of speedbutton.
•   0000214: [Rules Deviation] Disbandment of the Holy Roman Empire should be required before forming Confederation of the Rhine - closed, leave as is.
•   0000257: [UI Enhancement] Put focus on corps after siege success - closed, players can set Auto Garrison Level.
•   0000304: [UI Enhancement] Battle Summaries not posted – resolved.
•   0000357: [Rules Deviation] Reinforcement rules - closed, leave as is.
•   0000381: [Game Bug] Ottoman Garrisons have issues not merging or not being able to add factors to them and in side by side display - closed, could not reproduce.
•   0000510: [Game Enhancement] Add optional rules for proportional naval losses – resolved (see new rule
•   0000512: [Rules Deviation] More than 3 Provinces of Home Nation can be ceded; also capital province should be cedeable - closed, leave as is.
•   0000599: [Rules Deviation] Corps in Garrisons are not counted as part of a garrison to contest control of city upon DOW - closed, garrison forces only per rules.
•   0000628: [Rules Deviation] Corps in city areas should be able to withdraw into cities if there is capacity for them - closed, all retreats must be into an adjacent land area per rules.
•   0000691: [Game Bug] Unable to add Nelson to blockading fleet during reinforcement phase - closed, leave as is.
•   0000698: [Rules Deviation] Defeated fleet fled to enemy-controlled port – resolved.
•   0000699: [Game Enhancement] Make setting orders for one fleet in a stack automatically changes the orders for all fleets in the stack - closed, leave as is.
•   0000704: [Game Bug] Tie result does not register in game – closed.
•   0000717: [UI Bug] Selecting all forces from second page of outflank does not allow removal of casualties – resolved.
•   0000727: [Game Bug] Minor countries showing in log as winning or gaining political points – closed.
•   0000741: [Game Bug] Fleet can attack evil twin - closed, could not reproduce.
•   0000742: [Game Bug] When French and British ships are present in same area, Nelson is placed on French ships - closed, could not reproduce.
•   0000744: [Rules Deviation] Only one of many corps in an area able to besiege – closed.
•   0000771: [Rules Deviation] Capture of transports should require fleet to declare an attack - closed, leave as is.
•   0000798: [Game Bug] Timing of naval evac is incorrect – resolved.
•   0000804: [Rules Deviation] Loser of trivial battles incorrectly losing political points – resolved.
•   0000829: [AI Enhancement] AI never attempts to reinforce - resolved?
•   0000830: [AI Enhancement] AI never commits guard – resolved.
•   0000835: [Game Bug] Poland not receiving money or manpower - resolved, added income and manpower collection at Kingdom creation.
•   0000844: [Game Bug] Transport fleets without escorts attacked in port fight back – resolved.
•   0000850: [AI Bug] Battle crash when selecting units to lose - closed, could not reproduce.
•   0000853: [Game Bug] Free States not at war with same enemy as controlling major – closed.
•   0000860: [Game Bug] Producing units in a Kingdom – closed, could not reproduce.
•   Piracy rules improvements – resolved (see revised rule 12.2.1).

Version 1.22.00
•   0000106: [Game Enhancement] Implement external combat option for naval battle – closed.
•   0000581: [UI Enhancement] Warning of extensive foraging losses – resolved, to provide more warnings for player confirmation.
•   0000619: [Game Bug] Cannot Specify a Surrender in 3rd Party Combat – closed, PPs are supposed to be awarded if corps or fortifications are involved.
•   0000670: [Game Bug] There is no 'draw but defender withdraws' option in 3rd Party Combat System – closed, only the attacker retreats in draw.
•   0000782: [PBEM Bug] Diplomacy Phase messages – resolved.
•   0000817: [PBEM Bug] Awaiting battle results pop up message is confusing – resolved.
•   0000849: [Game Enhancement] Can't use 3rd Party Combat Resolution when running a blockade – closed, running blockade forces an immediate combat resolution during naval move not naval combat phase.
•   0000859: [PBEM Enhancement] Clearing PBEM Battle Folder – resolved.
•   Restore phase skip for simultaneous diplomacy – resolved?
•   Add prompts for PBEM phase skips if no reinforcements arriving or no naval forces – resolved.
•    Cosmetic improvements for View Turn Income Summary readability – resolved.

As I mentioned on the Matrix forum, I strongly recommend a clean setup installation, a reboot, and then installation of the comprehensive update.  If all is well then we will make this an official update shortly.  Enjoy!!
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Re: Empire in Arms the Napoleonic Wars of 1805 - 1815
« Reply #28 on: April 19, 2018, 11:14:54 PM »
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Mp Decisive Campaigns: Blitzkrieg videos (finished)

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Re: Empire in Arms the Napoleonic Wars of 1805 - 1815
« Reply #29 on: May 15, 2018, 03:22:31 PM »
Empire in Arms has been updated officially to version 1.22.02

You can donwload the patch from:


Check the full Changelog below!

Known Issues
Upgrading from 1.00 to versions 1.08.07 and beyond should be comprehensive and should not require any special upgrade methods to be utilized.

IMPORTANT NOTE FOR V1.22.02:  The v1.21.04 version introduced new data files and setup files for the 1805 Grand Campaign.  During this transition, older games likely will not work.  Zipped backup files for old data files and setups were added, but players should also backup any custom data files and setups from prior versions.  Renaming the old eianw001.ged and eianw001.tpj files to some other number (e.g., 011) may work and may allow older games in progress to continue.   However, players are strongly advised to install a new and separate version of the game and upgrade to v1.22.02.  Please do not use data file numbers 003 and 004, as these are being reserved for future data files for the 1812 Grand Campaign.   

Upgrading an existing game while battle files are in the \Battles directory may cause unit location problems. Please delete files in your \Battles directory (after completing your battles) before upgrading.

Upgrading may cause intermittent font issues. This may look like you are missing text/buttons. To remedy this, please REBOOT after loading a patch!

Pressing a key to skip the Matrix movie from playing may not always work, depending on the machines video card buffer size.

There may be some issues with Microsoft Vista/Win7 (Screen sizing errors, game not running, etc.) and if you do see any difficulties then try the following:
1. Right click on the EiANW.exe file
2. Click properties
3. Click the compatibility tab
4. Check off the compatibility mode and then switch to something other than Vista (e.g., Windows XP Service Pack 3).

We have also found that Win7/Vista handles the Load Setups/Load Saved Game dialog boxes differently and may require manual navigation to proper directories. We are looking to fix this in a future release for Win7/8/10 compatibility.

Change Log

Version 1.22.02
•   0000111: [UI Enhancement] Need a warning if Free State economic phases are not actioned – resolved.
•   0000152: [AI Enhancement] AI vs. AI combat now trivial / change to chits   assigned – resolved.
•   0000658: [tweak UI Bug] In 'hot seat' game, "Talk to AI Allies" lists HUMAN allies, too – resolved.
•   0000700: [Game Enhancement] Make transfer of money to minor states automatic – closed, leave as is.
•   0000788: [Rules Deviation] Implement Forced Naval Retreat Rule - resolved, with exception for light ships defending in port attack.
•   0000846: [Game Bug] Lend money to Major Power – improvements made, but problem not resolved.
•   0000864: [Game Bug] Pursuit less than 1 column (no pursuit) posts up a pursuit screen - resolved.
•   0000865: [Game Bug] River penalty in battle applies for any corps crossing, rather than all corps attacking across a river - resolved.
•   Add checks to prevent placing depot inside a besieged and blockaded port city – resolved.

Version 1.22.01
•   0000061: [Game Enhancement] Optional rule Overwhelming Numbers - resolved, but 6:1 criteria and no defender withdraw attempt.
•   0000157: [Rules Deviation] Unable to reinforce into a battle after the round in which the battle completes - closed, leave as is.
•   0000166: [AI Enhancement] AI doesn't defend its navy in port - resolved?
•   0000210: [UI Enhancement] Battle Casualty Selection Buttons are hard to see - closed, O/S in charge of displaying the face of speedbutton.
•   0000214: [Rules Deviation] Disbandment of the Holy Roman Empire should be required before forming Confederation of the Rhine - closed, leave as is.
•   0000257: [UI Enhancement] Put focus on corps after siege success - closed, players can set Auto Garrison Level.
•   0000304: [UI Enhancement] Battle Summaries not posted – resolved.
•   0000357: [Rules Deviation] Reinforcement rules - closed, leave as is.
•   0000381: [Game Bug] Ottoman Garrisons have issues not merging or not being able to add factors to them and in side by side display - closed, could not reproduce.
•   0000510: [Game Enhancement] Add optional rules for proportional naval losses – resolved (see new rule
•   0000512: [Rules Deviation] More than 3 Provinces of Home Nation can be ceded; also capital province should be cedeable - closed, leave as is.
•   0000599: [Rules Deviation] Corps in Garrisons are not counted as part of a garrison to contest control of city upon DOW - closed, garrison forces only per rules.
•   0000628: [Rules Deviation] Corps in city areas should be able to withdraw into cities if there is capacity for them - closed, all retreats must be into an adjacent land area per rules.
•   0000691: [Game Bug] Unable to add Nelson to blockading fleet during reinforcement phase - closed, leave as is.
•   0000698: [Rules Deviation] Defeated fleet fled to enemy-controlled port – resolved.
•   0000699: [Game Enhancement] Make setting orders for one fleet in a stack automatically changes the orders for all fleets in the stack - closed, leave as is.
•   0000704: [Game Bug] Tie result does not register in game – closed.
•   0000717: [UI Bug] Selecting all forces from second page of outflank does not allow removal of casualties – resolved.
•   0000727: [Game Bug] Minor countries showing in log as winning or gaining political points – closed.
•   0000741: [Game Bug] Fleet can attack evil twin - closed, could not reproduce.
•   0000742: [Game Bug] When French and British ships are present in same area, Nelson is placed on French ships - closed, could not reproduce.
•   0000744: [Rules Deviation] Only one of many corps in an area able to besiege – closed.
•   0000771: [Rules Deviation] Capture of transports should require fleet to declare an attack - closed, leave as is.
•   0000798: [Game Bug] Timing of naval evac is incorrect – resolved.
•   0000804: [Rules Deviation] Loser of trivial battles incorrectly losing political points – resolved.
•   0000829: [AI Enhancement] AI never attempts to reinforce - resolved?
•   0000830: [AI Enhancement] AI never commits guard – resolved.
•   0000835: [Game Bug] Poland not receiving money or manpower - resolved, added income and manpower collection at Kingdom creation.
•   0000844: [Game Bug] Transport fleets without escorts attacked in port fight back – resolved.
•   0000850: [AI Bug] Battle crash when selecting units to lose - closed, could not reproduce.
•   0000853: [Game Bug] Free States not at war with same enemy as controlling major – closed.
•   0000860: [Game Bug] Producing units in a Kingdom – closed, could not reproduce.
•   Piracy rules improvements – resolved (see revised rule 12.2.1).

Version 1.22.00
•   0000106: [Game Enhancement] Implement external combat option for naval battle – closed.
•   0000581: [UI Enhancement] Warning of extensive foraging losses – resolved, to provide more warnings for player confirmation.
•   0000619: [Game Bug] Cannot Specify a Surrender in 3rd Party Combat – closed, PPs are supposed to be awarded if corps or fortifications are involved.
•   0000670: [Game Bug] There is no 'draw but defender withdraws' option in 3rd Party Combat System – closed, only the attacker retreats in draw.
•   0000782: [PBEM Bug] Diplomacy Phase messages – resolved.
•   0000817: [PBEM Bug] Awaiting battle results pop up message is confusing – resolved.
•   0000849: [Game Enhancement] Can't use 3rd Party Combat Resolution when running a blockade – closed, running blockade forces an immediate combat resolution during naval move not naval combat phase.
•   0000859: [PBEM Enhancement] Clearing PBEM Battle Folder – resolved.
•   Restore phase skip for simultaneous diplomacy – resolved?
•   Add prompts for PBEM phase skips if no reinforcements arriving or no naval forces – resolved.
•    Cosmetic improvements for View Turn Income Summary readability – resolved.

Version 1.21.04 (04/19/17)
•   0000541: [Rules Deviation] Incorrect interpretation of separate peace in the game - resolved.
•   0000576: [Game Bug] Enemy Depot in City blocks occupation - resolved.
•   0000646: [Game Enhancement]   AAR battle marker - closed.
•   0000759: [Game Enhancement] Instead of an AAR battle marker, simply indicate number of factors involved in a battle in the log - resolved.
•   0000811: [Game Bug] Forces in city and out of city somehow switched - resolved.
•   0000839: [PBEM Enhancement] PBEM Admin Menu for Minor Country Diplomacy - closed.
•   Resolved game bug with port guns firing without enemy garrison present.
•   Resolved game bug with naval attack upon enemy fleets in a blockade box.
•   Added political shading on/off toggle for main map based on mini-map selection.
•   Added additional checks for besieged cities using sea supply to verify no blockades.
•   Resolved AI enhancement to restrict risky British and Russian amphib invasions into France and Holland prior to 1813.
•   Resolved game bug with display of naval unit factors for heavy fleets with both heavy and light ships.
•   Resolved map data bugs with duplicate sea Area3 near Sveaborg that should be Area700, and duplicate land Area253 near Sevastopol that should be Area252.
•   Resolved game bug with path and opening files related to loading PBEM gamestart file.
•   Resolved player view mode bug in PBEM.
•   Resolved PBEM Admin Menu bug setting wars with minors.   

« Last Edit: May 16, 2018, 01:19:40 PM by Asid »
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