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Author Topic: Simulation Settings  (Read 3003 times)

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Offline Asid

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Simulation Settings
« on: September 12, 2015, 01:34:09 PM »
Simulation Settings

There are now 3 settings replacing the "Training/Realistic" options.
•   User - settings used if running as a User.
•   Admin - settings used if running as a Admin.
•   Enforce - will force all connecting clients to use the User or Admin settings (depends on if client is User or Admin).

Weapon Systems
•   Advanced gunnery features - When enabled:
o   Main armament will start unloaded
o   Changing the nature of the selected round will not unload the current loaded round, it only affects the next loaded round.
o   This setting only applies to updated vehicles
- The fin/sabot round will be loaded automatically if the gunner is AI.
o   With difficulty disabled: all tanks will start with fin/sabot round loaded automatically.
•   Auto aim - Assists aiming by softly locking your weapon cursor on a target as you pass your cursor over the target, firing during the lock, distinguished by a change in color from white to dark red, ensures a direct hit on the target.
•   Auto guide AT - When enabled, allows guided missiles to be treated as "fire and forget". Generally reporting a 100% hit probability.
•   Constant turret slew rate - If enabled the turret will have the same turn rate irrespective of whether they are zoomed or not.
•   Manual Fire - Enables a manual fire action menu item.
•   Semi-transparent aiming - Simulates aiming with both eyes open by making weapon semi-transparent.
•   Show grenade trajectory - When enabled, shows the approximate trajectory line for the throwing of grenades and 40mm grenade launcher.
•   Weapon crosshair - Enables or Disables the 'crosshair' visible without looking through the sights. Its purpose is to give an approximation of where the weapon barrel is pointing.
•   Weapon safety switch - Activates the weapon safety mode (default ON).
•   Mouse look - When this is enabled it allows the camera to rotate much more quickly as the restrictions of the unit's movement are removed. This feature is disabled as default.
•   Force NVG compatibility - Enabling this option allows the player to use night vision (NVG) while looking and aiming down the sight/scope of a weapon. Default is disabled.

Heads Up Display (HUD)
•   3D soldiers names - When disabled, removes the health bar and name field from above the soldiers on your team.
•   Clock indicator - When enabled, this indicator provides a 'Clock method' of target indication. i.e., the clock will be displayed with " Enemy at 3 o'clock" . It only appears when an enemy is located. Disable setting removes this feature and no target indication is given by the AI.
•   Enemy TAG - When Enabled, will show the health and name of the avatar as your crosshairs point at the entity. The information disappears after the crosshairs leave the target.
•   Extended HUD info - Enabled, provides information on the location of the enemy forces. This is provided by an indicator arrow and an estimated distance to target. This information is available from all friendly sources and appears automatically on your screen.
•   Extended HUD info always on - shows extended HUD info persistently, rather than fading in and out.
•   Extended map info - Enabled will provide known friendly/hostile units that will be dynamically displayed on the 2D map.
•   Friendly TAG - When Enabled, will show the health and name of the avatar as your crosshairs point at the entity. The information disappears after the crosshairs leave the target.
•   Hide UI - Removes unit info resources from the screen such as: Health Bar, Fuel Bar, Weapon Type, Radar, Weapon Cursor etc. Server will force these settings on all clients in MP.
•   HUD Waypoints info - Waypoints are shown "floating" above their location with an icon and distance indicator.
•   HUD Waypoints info always on - The next waypoint is persistently shown, rather than fading in and out.
•   HUD labels - If False then this turns off HUD labels for everything except player controlled avatars
•   Nearby shot awareness - Visualize nearby shots directions.
•   Peripheral Vision - Adds visual signals for characters slightly out of direct view.
•   Show speaker icons in AAR - Disables the display of Speaker icons in the timeline in AAR recordings.
•   Use Game Map - When enabled, VBS3 will use the old-style 'Armed Assault' game map instead of the new C2 Interface.
•   Vehicle Awareness Indicator - Situational awareness radar with Turret direction and FOV indicators .
•   Infantry Awareness Indicator - Situational awareness radar with FOV indicators.
•   Hide Steerable Parachute HUD - Hides special HUD controls shown when player is in a steerable parachute.
•   Infantry Heading Indicator - Heading indicator (compass strip) for infantry.
•   Advanced Mini-Map - Changes the Mini-Map to advanced view mode. See Mini-Map Navigation.

•   Can Host MP Session - Allows users to host Multiplayer Sessions.
•   Seagull respawn - This setting toggles between a dead player respawning as a seagull above the battle field, or receiving the "You are dead" message on a black background.
•   Show network stats - This setting enables or disables the network statistics display accessible by players during a network session.
•   VON ID - Shows VOIP ID
•   Start AAR in multiplayer - Automatically starts AAR recording during MP sessions.
•   Advanced head injury - [VBS3 3.4] Head injuries will cause dizziness and impaired vision.
•   Advanced wounding and amputations - Simulates injuries to specific limbs including amputations, and bleeding out. Requires units to be configured for wounds/amputations.
•   Analog throttle - When enabled, requires the user to set the required speed via a successive key presses of the throttle keys (W and S). When the desired speed is attained, the user ceases to press the key and the vehicle will maintain that set speed until the user stipulates a new speed.
•   Backblast Damage - Disable to prevent damage from backblasts.
•   Bleeding - If enabled, units can die from bleeding out from wounds.
•   Cadet Mode and Training hints - Simplifies user interface. Toggles the visibility of hints for specific items.
•   Combat user suppression - When enabled, the player will be effectively suppressed by incoming fire. The player will notice a 'white out' flashing of the screen, momentarily loosing focus on the current FOV.
•   Extended armor - The enabling of this option simulates the addition of extra armor plates to armored vehicles. This allows the vehicle to sustain more damage before total destruction.
•   Health Degradation - This option allows the user to enabled/disable the health degradation (bleeding out) simulation. If enabled then health degrades when less then 75%, and stops at 10%.
•   Helicopter follow contour - When enabled, this will force the helicopter to follow the contours of the ground, adopting a 'tactical flying' attitude.  It will gain/decrease altitude according to the lay of the land.
•   Hit body effect - When enabled, units will aim up when hit. Enabled by default.
•   Injured hands trembling - When enabled, damage to a unit's arms will cause the arms to start trembling, making aiming more difficult. The higher the damage the worse the trembling. Disabled by default.
•   One incapacitated screen - [VBS3 3.4] Same text "You are Incapacitated" on screen for death and unconsciousness.
•   Realistic fatigue - When enabled, the stress applied to the body through factors such as weight being carried, wounds, length of time in battle, directly affect the Morale setting of an avatar.
•   Realistic Repairs - Repairs take longer and players have to get out of repair trucks to carry them out.
•   Simple helicopter model - When enabled, the flight model of the helicopter becomes less reliant on the users flying skills. The helicopter is extremely easy to fly and will not crash into the ground. Speed and Elevation are controlled by single key presses on the keyboard and don't require them to be held down.
•   Unlimited saves - Save single player mission unlimited times.
•   Unlimited fuel - When disabled, the vehicle will adopt normal fuel usage rates and will eventually require refueling from an external source. Enabled, allocates limitless fuel to the avatar.
•   Vehicle and weapon qualifications - When enabled will limit available vehicle roles and weapon usage based on a unit's qualifications. Default is disabled. NOTE: Requires a version of VBS3 with this feature enabled, as this will not generally be available.

Artificial Intelligence
•   AI voices - When disabled, all AI voice radio traffic will cease.
•   Auto report - When enabled, your character will automatically 'radio' reports without prompting based on AI calculations of detection probability.
•   BLUFOR surrender - (Morale Simulation must be on) BLUFOR will surrender if conditions are met.(If you are playing Blufor then this means your side)
•   Independent surrender - (Morale Simulation must be on) Independent will surrender if conditions are met. (If you are playing Independent then this means your side)
•   Long term morale - When enabled, a units morale is judged over 60 seconds, instead of second by second adjudication. This tends to smooth and slow the effects of morale in both positive (slower to feel morale drop) and negative ways (slower to recover skill).
•   Morale simulation - Turns the morale system on or off. "Long term morale" and "Strong morale" settings are ignored if this is disabled.
•   OPFOR surrender - (Morale Simulation must be on) OPFOR will surrender if conditions are met. (If you are playing Opfor then this means your side)
•   Strong morale - Morale has a stronger impact on AI skills. Disabled equates to moral having less of an effect on AI conduct in battle.
•   Xaitment Pathplanning Inside Buildings - Enables AI path planning inside buildings with their own navigation mesh created with the Xaitment MapCreator.
•   Super AI - When Enabled offers a greater intelligence to the AI. The AI will perform with a higher degree of cunning and awareness. Disabled returns the AI to the normal difficulty setting allocated by the scenario designer.

•   3rd person view - Enables or Disables the ability to adopt a 3rd person view port while using the avatar in the game.
•   Automatic driver camera turn - If true, then when controlling a vehicle, the view direction is affected by the direction the vehicle is headed. If false then the camera is independent of vehicle steering.
•   RTE camera retains absolute height - Allows the editor camera in the RTE to follow an absolute height instead of a relative height.
•   Show avatar in 1st person view - Enables/disables the drawing of the avatar proxy in 1st person view when in vehicles.
•   Use DOF for optics - Enables the default (ArmA1) DOF (depth of field) effect for optics.
•   HUD Show Group - Enables arrows at the edge of the screen to indicate the direction of team members.

AI Skills
These settings retain the Training/Realistic choices with the addition of the "Force on client" option.
Enemy/Friendly units - AI settings can be adjusted to the desired intelligence and accuracy level for both friendly and enemy AI units.
Subtitles - The subtitle settings enable or disable in-game main subtitles as well as in-game radio message subtitles.

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