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Author Topic: Vox Machinae  (Read 14519 times)

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Offline Asid

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Re: Vox Machinae
« Reply #30 on: October 02, 2020, 03:09:21 AM »
Patch Notes - 0.37.1 alpha
Thu, 1 October 2020

This update addresses bugs and feedback we've received for the 0.37 Lockdown Update.

Fix wobbly Dredge arm.
Fix player eyes not animating.
Fix Bot Stomp mode progressing to the next wave with one enemy still remaining.
Increase minimum impact velocity required to deal damage to Drill legs.
Module sounds should be easier to hear.
Cockpit ambient sounds quieter to accommodate players who lean back while playing.
Horns have been tamed, and also scale back after being held for a long time.
Added sub channel hits to some of the module activations.
Adjusted voice chat to be heard better when leaning back in the cockpit.
Removed computer bloops from voice chat.
Reduce filtering on outside sounds.
Reduced volume reduction that happens during voice chat.
Increase volume of equipment swap sounds in the Hangar.

AMD Radeon users IMPORTANT INFO: If you experience double-vision in the game, please update your video card drivers.

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Re: Vox Machinae
« Reply #31 on: October 31, 2020, 02:53:39 AM »
Patch Notes - 0.37.2 alpha
Fri, 30 October 2020

Further fixes and improvements!
- Fix missing static effect on voice chat screen.
- Fix UI elements flashing momentarily at start of the game.
- Bots will fire slightly less often.
- Audio tuning, including: horns, minigun impacts, ice geysers, hammer missiles.
- Removed "Comrades Only" server filter, which was a source of confusion. Games with your comrades in them will still show with a special icon.
- Fix an error that could happen when quitting the game.
- Restore missing spooky cobwebs during Spooky Week.
- Fix music cutting out on Acidium Lakebed level.
- Add support for Thrustmaster T-Rudder pedals.
- Add support for VPC Mongoos T-50CM2 throttle.
- Add support for Thrustmaster TCA Sidestick Airbus Edition (will show as T16000M in game).
- Fix texture error on pilot eyes.

Also, don't forget it's currently Spooky Week, so watch out for those worms!

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Offline Asid

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Re: Vox Machinae
« Reply #32 on: November 20, 2020, 02:39:53 AM »
Patch Notes - 0.37.3 alpha
Thu, 19 November 2020

This update makes the AI not so terminator-esque. We plan to add a host setting for the AI skill level in the future.

Also of note, microphone input volume is now automatically controlled, so you hopefully won't need to keep telling people they are too loud or too quiet.

There are also lots of bugs fixed!

Server updates are being rolled out throughout the day, so you might not notice some of the changes yet, depending on which server you connect to.

•   Bots will now avoid running into obstacles such as teammates, vehicles, and buildings where possible.
•   Bots have more human-like reaction times.
•   Bots have more variation in their aiming, including targeting limbs.
•   Mic volume is now automatically adjusted to avoid the case of overly loud or quiet voice chat.
•   Improve quality of terrain at Medium and Low terrain texture quality settings.
•   Players who have connected to the game but not joined a team now show up on the player grid (making it possible to kick them from the game, if desired).
•   Fix an error that could occur on the player Interact menu.
•   Fix bug with did not equip newly earned hat when choosing to do so on the "new hat" screen.
•   Fix bug which cause Power Venting module to require pressing twice to reactivate.
•   Increase efficiency of Power Venting module.
•   Fix wrong armor pieces being shown as damaged/destroyed on Dredge when viewed at a distance.
•   Fix capturable factories that spawn as random events on Convoy mode not giving their intended buffs.
•   Fix voice chat being cut off when switching between Hangar and Cockpit when using a controller other than a VR motion controller.

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Offline Asid

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Re: Vox Machinae
« Reply #33 on: November 27, 2020, 03:10:24 AM »
Drill Changes - Patch Notes - 0.37.4 alpha
Thu, 26 November 2020

The Drill Grinder has been relatively unchanged since the original launch of Vox Machinae. Today, we are making some important changes to its fuel and drilling mechanics that we believe further differentiates it from other options, and helps to carve out a unique role while discouraging unintended behaviour.

Our biggest concern with the Drill was its ability to remain airborne at high altitude for long periods of time. This became a problem with the addition of modules, one of which can increase the rate of fuel refill. Since the Drill already had a much faster fuel refill than other Grinders, it was possible to refill faster than gravity could pull you back down to ground level. This problem was made even worse if a leg or two were lost, either during combat or broken off intentionally by the player.

The only surefire way to resolve this was to reduce the base fuel refill rate of the Drill. This does go against one of Drill's design goals though, which is to have a class that can refuel fast so as to re-position quickly when spotted, engage in sneaky brawling, and dodge incoming fire. Our solution is to allow the Drill to rapidly refuel by drilling into things with its drill weapon. This forces the Drill to return to ground level in order to refill for the next big jump. We've also given the Drill a few minor stat buffs. By drilling things, the Drill now effectively has an unlimited fuel supply, but only if it returns to the ground to get it.

Plus, it looks wicked sick.

We hope you try out this new mechanic and let us know what you think. We are always working to make the game more enjoyable for all players in a match.

Full Patch Notes:
•   Drill can now refill its fuel extremely fast by drilling into the ground or enemies.
•   Drill regular fuel refill rate significantly reduced.
•   Increase impact force required for Drill legs to be damaged from falls.
•   Drill legs immediately flare out when using the drill weapon, to assist in good drill-to-enemy ettiquette.
•   Drill weapon now generates a small amount of heat.
•   Drill upward jet force increased by 10%.
•   Drill fuel capacity increased by 15%.
•   Drill downward jets now engage even if the fuel tank is empty (previously they would not activate unless a small amount of fuel had been refilled).
•   Fix enemies not spawning properly in Convoy (oops!).
•   Overhaul Hummingbird module no longer cuts out temporarily if you consume all your fuel.
•   Add support for VKB Gladiator NXT joystick.

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Offline Asid

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Re: Vox Machinae
« Reply #34 on: December 11, 2020, 12:59:12 AM »
Patch Notes 0.37.5 alpha
Thu, 10 December 2020

Hey hey, it's your boy TonyDanza here with another fresh Vox Machinae patch right out of the oven.
Servers will be updated over time so you might not see some of these changes immediately depending on which server you play on (you'll see them right away if playing offline).

Just Drill Things
•   Changed drilling pose to speed up recovery time after drilling.
•   Increased fuel capacity by about 12%.
•   Adjusted drill weapon position to reduce chance of failed ground refueling.
•   Decrease heat cost of drill weapon.

Talkin' 'Bout Bug Smacks
•   Fix a rare error that could cause decreased performance if Discord integration does not start properly.
•   Fix a very rare error that could prevent the in-game screenshot function from working.
•   Fix bug where explosions sometimes dealt unintentional damage to GDR parts that should have been protected by an armor plate which was destroyed by that same explosion. Applies to all explosions, but most noticeable with Hammer missiles.
•   Fix bug where GDR parts at the very edge of an explosion could receive a small amount of negative damage. This sometimes caused destroyed limbs to reappear on the damage readout at critical health and be announced as destroyed more than once.
•   Fix bug which could make adding Comrades or Blocking players not work.
•   Fix an error that could occur when changing a weapon while editing a loadout.

and the other ones...
•   After adding a Comrade, the menu returns to the Interact screen instead of the main menu.
•   Add support for Generic 5-Axis joystick "5-Axis,12-Button with POV ".

I hope you enjoyed these patch notes!
Don't forget to subscribe and smash that like button, and I'll see you on the next one.
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Offline Asid

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Re: Vox Machinae
« Reply #35 on: February 03, 2021, 03:24:13 AM »
Patch Notes - 0.37.6 alpha
Tue, 2 February 2021

Just a little patch today.

We are working on an update for later this month, stay tuned!

•   Add support for VKB Gladiator NXT (Left) joystick.
•   Fix bug which could prevent obtaining a cloud server in a requested region far away from you.
•   Fix bug which could cause some modules to stop working.
•   Fix bug which allowed seasonal hats to continue to display outside of their designated time.
•   Fix "almost done" music in Bot Stomp from playing too early.
•   Fixed some audio errors being added to the log file (did not affect gameplay).

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Offline Asid

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Re: Vox Machinae
« Reply #36 on: February 03, 2022, 11:42:15 PM »
Announcing the Vox Machinae singleplayer campaign, a massive free content update coming soon!
Feb 03, 2022 - We hear people like stories...

Ok so the truth is, we’ve been secretly developing an epic solar system-spanning singleplayer story campaign for Vox Machinae for over 2 years now. What a relief to finally get that out there, such a load to get off of the ol’ chest. What’s that? You want to know all the details of what you can expect to see from this new chapter of Vox Machinae and how we came to this point? Well you came to the right place, here’s the lowdown.

Here's What We're Going for:

Story Scale

The scale of Vox was always meant to be massive. Massive mining grinders that were housed in massive hangars, and serviced by multiple crews. Massive operations, possible only due to oversized conglomerates whose reach spans galaxies. Unreasonably massive resources for undertaking such efforts; measured in gigatons — of fuel, of steel, munitions and manpower. They’re not just big, folks! … they’re WAY too big. With the campaign, we're taking this sense of scale to the next logical extreme with new content you simply have to see in VR to believe.

Read on....

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Offline Asid

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Re: Vox Machinae
« Reply #37 on: March 03, 2022, 11:43:33 PM »
Vox Machinae V1.0 Update is LIVE
Thu, 3 March 2022

A brand-new epic story awaits you with our biggest update ever. Get it while it's hot, and before the price goes up!
Our Biggest Update, Ever.

We've just released our V1.0 update, featuring a brand-new singleplayer campaign. Here's what's in store:
•   An epic story, with ~10+ hours of gameplay content.
•   Uncover the mysteries of the Serus System as your ragtag crew planet hop to protect your mining company's assets.
•   Board the Competence, a fully traversable ship, with lots of movement options.
•   Fully voiced cast of colourful characters you'll interact with.
•   Huge boss battles
•   Witness the massive RIG, a walking beast of a mining machine.
•   All new soundtrack sets the tone and compliments all the action.

Vox Machinae will be coming out of Early Access on March 10th, and along with that we will be increasing the price to reflect this giant leap forward in value.

We'd like to thank everyone in our community for sticking with us over the years and helping make our game the must-have VR mech experience it is today.

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Offline Asid

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Re: Vox Machinae
« Reply #38 on: March 17, 2022, 11:43:55 PM »
Patch Notes - 1.0.5 release
Thu, 17 March 2022

- Fixed a case where Donny could become stuck while jumping in Mission 1.
- Diesel's diary no longer appears invisible when handing it to him in Intermission 1.
- Added controller prompt for going to sleep in Intermission 1.
- Added visual guide towards the briefing in Mission 2.
- Changed default grinder in Mission 3.
- Fixed incorrect default weapon grouping on Dredge loadout in Mission 4.
- Fixed some AI oddities in friendly grinders in Mission 5.
- Moved final checkpoint in Mission 5 to after the dialogue, to get back to the action quicker.
- Added visual indicators to vents in Intermission 5 when they should be interacted with, and remove vents that have already been used.
- Fixed case of two characters standing in the same location in Intermission 6.
- Fixed some cases where controller prompts and mission instructions could overlap each other.
- Battle damage now visible on your grinder while riding the elevator out of the hangar.
- Loadouts and health now persist when continuing from a mission checkpoint. Health is restored gradually on each successive failure.
- Increased health of hammer missile.
- Various adjustments to Intermissions to improve confusing elements.
- Fixed some subtitles that did not match dialogue.
- Multiplayer briefings now play correctly when joining a match that is already in progress.
- BLUE now correctly says Vehicle destroyed instead of Grinder when destroying a vehicle.
- Add support for T.Flight Stick X joystick.
- Add support for L-VPC ThrottleMT-50CM3 throttle.
- Add support for VPC Rudder Pedals.
- Add Support for R-VPC Stick WarBRD.

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Offline Asid

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Re: Vox Machinae
« Reply #39 on: March 24, 2022, 11:23:28 PM »
Update notes for patch 1.0.6
Thu, 24 March 2022

    Added Instructions on how to exit a seat for the first time a player sits.
    It is now possible to skip to the next Mission when in an intermission from the in-game menu.
    Default Smooth turning speed increased from Slowest to Medium. For in ship movement
    Remapping you aim settings no longer makes it not possible to turn in the ship
    Movement Input blocked while operating the floating menu in the ship
    The stampcard in "Clocking Out" is held less weird by the player.
    Fixed Issue where Neberu would be holding her hand out for the stampcard early after bringing the watch to Hans.
    Fixed a issue in "Bump in the Night" where interacting with a vent while a character was speaking could block progression
    Characters Lipsync correctly for words with 's in them
    Fixed floating rocks appearing in the hole of some launch tunnels in campaign missions
    Removed many floating rocks from the final tunnel in "Dissolution"
    Fixed AI Controlled grinders in hoverbrawl being unable to move after respawning in hoverbrawl
    Fixed some lighting issues with the voxyball in Hoverbrawl
    Fixed an issue where a grinders arm would get stuck in a specific rotation after getting damaged
    Fixed an issue where your grinder in the hangar would display as missing all limbs despite not losing all limbs.
    Added support for L-VPC Throttle MT-50CM3

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Offline Asid

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Re: Vox Machinae
« Reply #40 on: January 19, 2023, 01:28:18 AM »
Update notes for patch 1.2.3
Wed, 18 January 2023


    Chainstorm: Takes less time to reach full spin-up, and it gains accuracy as it spins up. Heat cost has been reduced slightly, while projectiles were sped up a little.
    Aftershock: shells travel significantly faster. Spread has been tightened a bit, and delay between shots fired has been reduced very slightly. Finally, the total reload time has been reduced while the arming distance was increased significantly.
    Railgun: Reduced the heat dissipation upon firing.
    Mallet: Reduced reload time and heat cost. Projectile now accelerate from slow to fast very quickly, making it a little easier to land targets.
    Skythorn: Reduced reload and the projectile's lifetime.


    Changed spawning logic so that bots can pick Rook and Overhauls once again.
    Fixed exit screen's "don't show again" toggle to actually work now.


    Aftershock's audio was remastered to have its timing be dynamic relative to gameplay changes.
    Added support for Saitek Pro Flight Combat Rudder Pedals.
    Added support for VKBsim Gunfighter MCG Ultimate Twist.

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