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Games Discussion / Re: Field of Glory: Kingdoms
« Last post by Asid on Yesterday at 12:02:19 AM »
New Open Beta Patch 1.03
Thu, July 25, 2024

We are happy to announce that the new Open Beta Patch 1.03 is now available with 80 new entries.

You can now opt-in to the Public Beta on Steam.


- Norman events now work for Humans in SP (only). Overall improvements made to it.
- Al-Andalus AI can expand without restriction (was unable to cross the Pyrenees).
- Paris gets its own flag.
- When a law benefits the Emperor (of the HRE), all HRE members will be displeased.

- You can now search for any buildings using the Find tool (e.g., where is my master armorer or how many Venetian Fondachi are in my territory).
- Province building queue enabled (see the tooltip on the right-hand side of the panel).
- A message will be issued if you can't recruit and a unit queue is canceled.
- Fixed wrongly formatted messages when a vassal gives you troops.
- Fixed an issue with not seeing your token progress chance in some rare cases in the Nation Panel.
- Scrolling arrows added in the unit queue (region panel).
- More messages are now private to reduce clutter.
- Provincial units are shown in single regions for reference.
- Fixed a display bug for the end year of the last military reform.
- No message is issued when you gain and lose a capital on the same turn.
- Fixed PBEM Lobby display issue.
- Fixed the visual bug of Devastating Charge showing only a +1 bonus.

- Fixed some minor issues in Military Reforms bonuses.
- All ships are now levies.
- Fixed charge working in hills.
- Levies units cost a bit more upfront in manpower but 50% less in money upkeep.
- If a region revolts and the legitimate owner is under occupation, rebels will be of his nation.

- Ruler's stats change by ±5% Court Expense, Conversion, Authority (was ±10%).
- Court Expense reduction can't go above 75% (was 90%).
- Court Expenses formula tweaked for extremely high national treasury.

- Improved launcher logic when launching FoGM.
- New functionalities added to PBEM chat.
- In PBEM, files are always saved locally to reduce issues with cloud saves generating OOS.
- Development Speed (faster game) / AI Aggressiveness PBEM options (works in SP too with more granularity).
- Fixed terrain sounds rising the sound volume progressively.
- AI Search depth option can't be changed in MP.

- First Muslim can also be Shia.

- Allied wars (i.e., triggered because of an alliance) will automatically trigger a white peace once the initial protagonists are at peace.
- When in an alliance, the default is to help if relations are Amiable (was: Always).

- A vassal can only be absorbed by his liege.
- Fixed: Peer of the Realm becoming vassals will not transform (uncommonly) to independent regions.
- Vassals won't gift surrounded lands to their liege if the liege has reached Max Demesne.
- Vassals will retrocede less easily isolated regions within a liege territory if these regions are adjacent to their capital.

- Buildings producing trade goods are more informative about the local availability of them.
- Single Trade Goods display mode (in Trade Panel) works for all categories of Trade Goods and is more informative.
- When an epidemic or a plague is removed in a region, an 'immunity' bonus is provided for 8 turns to prevent reoccurrence.
- Fixed: Barracks never being allowed won't be listed as a 0 slot.
- Added Clockwise Stairs and Dormant Bridge as new Fortification buildings.
- Added Precious Stone Mine.
- Slightly rebalanced temporary Fortifications.
- Fixed: Paved Roads were not buildable.
- Slave workforce will be properly removed by Orthodox populations.
- Reworked slightly the Local > Town > City watch line of buildings.
- Toll bridge won't be added if only one building slot remains.
- If you disband buildings, in addition to lowered loyalty, revolt risk will also increase exponentially if non-zero.
- Woad Harvest costs a single slot.
- Detinet costs no slot.
- Trench & Stakes provide 1 peasant unit (mini-event).
- Reinforced Gate provides 2 peasant units (mini-event).
- King's Herald gives twice as much Stewardship as there is Loyalty (doubled).
- Shell Keep was not buildable, fixed.
- Several buildings can store more Equipment (Notably, the Minor Stockpile 5>20).

- Recruit non-standard unit RGD is less generous by 1/3.
- Fondachi can only be placed in coastal regions.
- Some other changes to RGD.
- Extra test for the free anchorage event.
- Minor fiefdom can provide one of these 3 missing RGDs: Remove Civilized, Absorb Vassal, Form Vassal.
- Promote to Clergy will always produce a clergyman of your state religion.

- The AI is less likely to restart a war with someone it was recently at war with or someone who has beaten it several times.
- AI is less prone to propose peace for new wars.

- Cyprus harbor moved slightly.
- Fixed a region connection near Wales.
Games Discussion / Re: UBOAT submarine simulator UBOOT
« Last post by Asid on July 25, 2024, 02:09:42 AM »
2024.1 (Preview 25)
Tue, 23 July 2024

Dear captains,

There is a new patch ready for 2024.1 beta.

- Russian localization update by Hard.
- French localization update by FvJ and Placebo.
- Italian localization update by BeeTLe BeTHLeHeM.
- German localization update by Ruby.
- Updated Korean font.

- Continuation of texture work for Type VII interiors. These new changes should improve performance on systems that experience lags due to a texture streaming feature.
- Fix: Various improvements to the bottom part of Type II engine room overall look and resolved various issues with volumetric fog that could appear there.
- Fix: Minor graphical issues with one of the cargo hold scenes on merchant ships.
- Fix (regression): Incorrect texture on an external hatch on Type VII U-boats. Also fixed an incorrect texture on antenna on preview models of several U-boats and incorrect texture on starboard wooden panels on Type VIIB conning tower.

- Added a hint to a manual mode of all devices that pressing ALT will show UI, while TAB will open the quick orders menu (it's the same hint that was used earlier exclusively in regular FPP). This hint may be disabled in the settings.
- Aesthetical improvements to Crew Specializations screen.
- Fix: Loading free items onto the ship is no longer mentioned in the budget log.
- Fix: Updated miniatures of U-764 and U-995 to have submarine pens in the background.
- Fix: In some cases, after clicking on a new message notification, while radioman was walking to his station, nothing was happening.
- Fix: Uboatopedia and Credits buttons in the main menu were remaining in the clicked state after use.

- Fix: Radio music could sometimes desynchronize between individual speakers on the ship and have some echo.
- Fix: Radio music was remaining audible during map cutscenes, but it usually didn't fit there.

- Fix: Terrain issue near Narvik.
- Fix: Some warehouses didn't had a visible roof from the inside.

- Fix: Reworked initial objectives for the rendezvous with a Japanese submarine assignment. There were several issues with the previous objectives.

- Using a mouse wheel to zoom out from a manual mode of a device now always switches the view to the section view of the U-boat (when playing with normal perspective selected in the settings). Previously, it was dependent on the previous views and sometimes confusing.
- Fix: Fixed several errors spotted in the logs sent with the use of the in-game bug reporting tool.
- Fix: It wasn't possible to completely disable periscope stabilization by editing game sheets.

Games Discussion / Re: Ready Or Not (Elite SWAT Team)
« Last post by Asid on July 25, 2024, 02:06:09 AM »
Ready or Not: Home Invasion DLC is Now Available!
Tue, 23 July 2024

The Home Invasion DLC and its accompanying base game update are now released! You can view the full changelog here:

Much of the Home Invasion DLC content is free for all players, however if you want access to the DLC exclusive cosmetics check out the Home Invasion store page here:

(If you already own the Supporter Edition, the Home Invasion DLC is included for free.)

DLC weapons: Free for all players
DLC maps: Free in multiplayer if the lobby host owns the DLC
DLC cosmetics: DLC purchase needed (with the exception of balaclavas and new camo options for base game cosmetics)

If you have any bug reports or feedback, please post them on our Discord bug report forum channel or our Discord feedback report forum channel to consolidate them most effectively.

Follow Ready or Not on Steam here.
Our other links: Discord, X, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook.

Stack up and clear out.

VOID Interactive

Scourge Of War / Re: Scourge Of War - Remastered
« Last post by Asid on July 25, 2024, 01:59:31 AM »
Dev Update 7/23/2024
Tue, July 23, 2024

MP Update

I've got to figure out how to write these things without having to find a picture to go along with it. Thankfully the team has a folder with screenshots, so I have some options.

I was on contract for a while with a crypto firm and they changed direction and ended the contract. So I'm looking for my next gig, but also not wasting any time and going full time on MP while also interviewing. Of course if we sell over 100k copies, then I'll do this full time, but we're pretty far away from that :) No worries, it's always been a labor of love for the team.

I've discovered a few things in the past few years, I'm not a huge fan of the new versions of C++. Maybe if I spent more time using it then things would be different. I've never been one to create template, although I use them all the time. But there is a point where the code is very hard to read and I've always been someone to read the code rather than the docs. I've also spent a few years now learning cloud backend services coding in Go. It's so EASY. After decades of C++, writing micro-services let's you focus so much more on the architecture rather than the code. It's been nice to add a new skill to my portfolio.

Not much of an MP update so far. I have the lobby working. Right now that will be the way, the only way, to launch MP games. I had to take the Steam version and backfit it into our older PowerLobby feature. But it's going well and it connects much better. By doing it this way, the Steam Client acts as the intermediary for MP. Now I am working hard to get the kinks out of the game launch.

I have a couple of routers at home, a vpn as well. Using the lobby connection method works everytime in launching a game between my machines when they are not on the same lan. The host list will pick up the lan games, but when I use the different routers, they can never see each other. But they can create a room and play a game together through there.

I knew there was going to be a way to do this through Steam. It's a big reason we went all in on Steam. When we were with Matrix, they had to run the lobby server. It was a horrible solution, but when power lobbies went down, we did not have any other choice. It was awesome that they did that for us, but I'd rather not be dependent on a publisher for that service. Yes, I know we are now dependent on Steam, but it's different.

Thank you everyone for being patient while we work through these issues. It's this community that convinced us to give it another go and move the games to x64.

I appreciate all the great feedback and we all attempt to answer the questions on the discussion group here and our new discord channel.


Update 1.4.16-17
20 July 2024

Final Glory :
- Stop allied alliance rolls on eNapoleon has been removed from map until ned of feb 1813
- When Austria becomes neutral in March 1813, other nations units are removed from map to arrive as reinforcement next turn.
- No alliance die-roll for the Allies in March 1813.
- Prussian reinforcement only arrives if Prussia is Anti-French.
- When Sweden troops comes on map in March 1813, foreign units are expelled from Swedish Pomerania to arrive a reinforcement on next turn.
- Retreat into neutral Austria is not permitted.

- No manoeuvrer on the rear for a besieged force.
- Reduced risk of invalid stacking in city hexes without siege

Steel Beasts Pro / Re: S B Videos Thread
« Last post by Rinix on July 22, 2024, 12:26:09 AM »
PhanPhantasy mentions that M1A2 SEPv3 tanks are being delivered to Australia. This means that we will see the M1A2 SEPv3 coming to Steel Beasts. :)
Games Discussion / Re: UBOAT submarine simulator UBOOT
« Last post by Asid on July 21, 2024, 10:32:00 PM »
2024.1 (Preview 24)
Sun, July 21, 2024

Dear captains,

There is a new patch ready for 2024.1 beta.

- Spanish localization update by Miguel Haakon.
- English localization update by Steve.
- Japanese localization update by かねのもうじゃ.
- Portuguese localization update by AlexShuma.
- Russian localization update by Hard.
- Italian localization update by BeeTLe BeTHLeHeM.
- Chinese localization update by Alex Zheng, JM-LeiDao, 36 D, Xenon_Tennessee, 人生多忐忑, 肚子困脑袋饿, Parrot with Carrot.
- French localization update by FvJ and Placebo.
- Czech localization update by Spid3rCZ.
- Ukrainian localization update by vovanvoks.
- Korean localization update.
- German localization update by Ruby.

- Added a possibility to hide contact tooltips on map by pressing ALT, to make it easier to use map tools.
- Added a warning in the torpedo launchers UI, that the periscope was manually rotated along with a button to reset that rotation. This was a common reason of unusual salvos reported using F11 bug reporting tool. This warning appears only when salvo visualization is enabled in the settings.
- Added a bearing display in a ship selection panel and reworked the overall layout of this panel.
- Fix: After hovering a control that displays a number of working sailors and switching view mode using any keyboard shortcut, the tooltip from that control would remain on the screen and not disappear.
- Fix: Values of various parameters displayed in the tooltips that were calculated from the modifier trees were sometimes incorrect. This problem was affecting only values displayed in the UI, while the actual values used in the simulation were unaffected.
- Fix: UI was entering into an invalid state, when any HQ-related notification was clicked in an interaction view (for example in the radio menu).
- Fix: It was possible to set "Any" as a sailor group schedule entry using a right mouse button, even though it wasn't intended and couldn't be set with a left mouse button.

- New & updated textures for Type VII interiors for a more efficient memory use. These updates should improve the apparent texture resolution within the same texture budget.
- New textures for binoculars, buckets, footbridge and several other objects.
- Fix: U-boats displayed in the U-boat selector were very blurry, if a low UI scale was set in the settings.
- Fix: Fixed various texture issues in several scenes that appear during external interactions, for example during a meeting with another U-boat.
- Fix: Resolved various issues with behaviour of lines between masts on Liberty ships after they took damage.
- Fix: Rendering distance in FPP was sometimes too low during a foggy weather and was clipping objects at distances at which they were still clearly visible.

- Fix: It was possible to spot merchant ships occluded by buildings in the southern part of the port of Wilhelmshaven, while departing on a default route.
- Fix: Improved the default undock route in Marseille and La Spezia.
- Fix: Large gap near Sydney.
- Fix: NPC ships weren't correctly avoiding coasts near Cardiff, if the tide was low.

- Updated Uboatopedia in English and German.

- Fix: Cleaning sailor could sometimes clip with a torpedo in the stern torpedo room on Type VII U-boats.
- Fix: Sailors could break limbs due to a heart attack.
- Fix: Crewmen could sometimes perform certain actions indefinitely, like trying to carry a wounded sailor to safety, if something has interrupted the animation.
- Fix: Extend periscope button wasn't having any effect for a long time after moving periscope manually.
- Fix: Sailor rescued in the Enigma assignment was lacking a background story.
- Fix: Fixed several mismatched voice clips in the German voice no. 4.

- Fix (regression): In tutorial #4, the "Set destination" objective was duplicated and one of the copies was remaining active for the entire duration of the mission.

- Reorganized and decreased dependencies between game's asset packs to decrease memory use, especially during long playthroughs.

- Fix: After saving and reloading the game many times, it was possible for the wave splash effects on the bow and conning tower to move away from their correct locations.
- Fix: During view mode transitions in the captain only mode, for a fraction of a second, water and an incorrect fog could be visible inside the U-boat.
- Fix: After zooming out from the radio menu using a mouse wheel, the camera could sometimes switch to an unexpected mode for example FPP mode of another officer.
- Fix: Officer assigned to AA gun on Type IIA and Type IID could accidentally hit sailors on the conning tower.


GHPC Update 20240710.1
Fri, 19 July 2024

GHPC Early Access has been updated to version 20240710.1.

This is a minor update, introducing new adjustments and bug fixes.

We've got plenty more in the works for GHPC! As always, you can get additional info by visiting our Discord server and YouTube channel. Links are on the GHPC website.


•    Increased turn rate of Kobra GLATGM
•    Removed muzzle blast when firing Kobra GLATGM


•    Fixed training range target vehicles appearing at mission start
•    Fixed floating anti-tank emplacements appearing in some missions
•    Fixed Blind Buffalo not launching or having no vehicles present
•    Fixed errors when using customized player vehicle in Longer Road
•    Fixed issues with scripted damage in Longer Road
•    Fixed issues in Silver Dart
•    Fixed issues in Pragmatic Payment Part 1
•    Fixed issues in Fog Of War
•    Fixed 9M112 (early model) not being removed from ammo racks when loaded
•    Fixed Rally mission being customizable

Thanks for playing!
Games Discussion / Re: Broken Arrow
« Last post by Asid on July 20, 2024, 12:07:36 AM »
Unit Clip #1 - MIM-104 Patriot
Fri, 19 July 2024

Deploy the MIM-104 Patriot as an excellent surface-to-air missile system and protect your troops from aerial strikes.

Today we post the first entry in a new series of short videos on Broken Arrow, each featuring a specific unit contained in the game.

The first of these unit clips focuses on the MIM-104 Patriot. We hope you enjoy it! Let us know what you think in the comments section.

Flight Simulation / Re: Announcing the TFDi Design MD-11
« Last post by Asid on July 20, 2024, 12:07:29 AM »
MD-11 Updated to Version 1.0.7
17 July 2024

TFDI have just pushed their first major update to the MD-11! Version 1.0.7 is now available to be downloaded through the MD-11 Installer. The full changelog can be found below

1.0.7 (17 July 2024)

    ➕ ADDED - Realistic parking brake engagement logic and option
    ➕ ADDED - Altimeter sync setting and functionality
    ➕ ADDED - AILERON DEFLECT OVRD code (button does not yet function)
    🔧 FIXED - T/O THRUST activating with ATS off
    🔧 FIXED - RCWS causing permanent outboard aileron lockout
    🔧 FIXED - PROF TO not showing in meters when meters are selected
    🔧 FIXED - (P3D) Default GPWS conflict
    🔧 FIXED - VS/FPA button in P3D
    🔧 FIXED - Lack of fuel not causing engines to flame out
    🔧 FIXED - Lack of fuel not causing APU to flameout
    🔧 FIXED - Edge case crash in CAWS system caused by ADC power loss
    🔧 FIXED - Spoiler toggle event only extending spoiler
    🔧 FIXED - Engine start possible without air source
    🔧 FIXED - Invalid RTE RSV FUEl entry when entered by weight
    🔧 FIXED - VOR/ADF needles instantly snapping to values
    🔧 FIXED - Canadian altimeter setting in MSFS EFB
    🔧 FIXED - Missing FD1/FD2 annunciation on PFD
    🔧 FIXED - CAWS alert power requirements
    🔧 FIXED - MASTER WARNING/MASTER CAUTION/SD cue lights activating without DEU power
    🔧 FIXED - ABS DISARM light not coming on when initially selecting AUTOBRAKE TO
    🔧 FIXED - Windshield wiper INT behavior
    🔧 FIXED - Windshield wiper timing
    🔧 FIXED - AP heading bug not following aircraft heading on ground
    🔧 FIXED - Brake behavior and baro sync options not being retained properly
    🔧 FIXED - P3D EFB maximum fuel value not matching
    🔧 FIXED - AUTOPILOT alert not playing on startup
    🔧 FIXED - EVAC switch behavior with respect to the guard
    🔧 FIXED - GPWS OVRD switch/guard not playing sound
    🔧 FIXED - EVAC switch/guard not playing sound
    🔧 FIXED - (P3D) EFB not applying DEFLECTED AILERON setting
    🔧 FIXED - Horizontal alignment of vertical FMA
    🔧 FIXED - Pitch stability and pitch trim flight performance
    🔧 FIXED - ER buttons not animating
    🔧 FIXED - Chocks preventing brake actuation
    🔧 FIXED - PIP pylons not working
    🔧 FIXED - Wingflex-related visual issue
    🔧 FIXED - Gear handle release button not working
    🔧 FIXED - Deflected aileron button not working
    🔧 FIXED - Backward strobe lights
    🔧 FIXED - Missing wingtip nav light
    🔧 FIXED - Missing strobe ground flash
    🔧 FIXED - Deflected aileron override button appearing with option disabled
    🔧 FIXED - Gear handle animation
    🔧 FIXED - Strobe timing
    🔧 FIXED - (P3D) Hoppie code not displaying after saving
    🔧 FIXED - Avionics fan starting without A/C power
    🔧 FIXED - Oil pressure alert during startup
    🔧 FIXED - Cabin lighting brightness
    🔧 FIXED - MIN PROF not being reset by changing approach
    🔧 FIXED - A scenario causing v-speeds to be reset
    ✏️ CHANGED - Included current panel states
    ✏️ CHANGED - Changed TCAS altitude calculation to attempt to resolve erroneous altitude reporting
    ✏️ CHANGED - Improved display startup timing
    ✏️ CHANGED - Certain EFB settings saving to the airframe instead of user settings

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