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Offline Asid

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SGS Taipings
« on: February 09, 2023, 08:04:34 PM »

The game recreates the Taïping Rebellion (1851-64), the deadliest Chinese civil war, costing the lives of millions. Play the Taïping rebels and their allies, fighting to create their own state, or be the Qing Emperor and crush the revolt and its foreign devils allies before it topples your dynasty.

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Single-player, Shared/Split Screen PvP, Remote Play Together, PBEM

Units scale: regiments and brigades.
Time scale: 1 turn = 1 month.
Map scale: 1 region = 100 km².

SGS Taipings - Steam Trailer



The game recreates the Taïping Rebellion of 1851-1864. it was one of the deadliest and most horrific civil war in China, costing the lives of millions. Play the Taïping rebels and their allies, fighting to create their own state, or be the Qing Emperor and crush the revolt and its foreign devils allies before it topples your dynasty.

Between 1851 and 1864, China was engulfed in its most horrific – and deadly – civil war, the Taïping Rebellion, that cost the lives of millions of Chinese. In this game, you will play the rebellious troops of the ‘Heavenly Kingdom’ (a.k.a. the Taïping) and their other allies like the Nien bandits, against the Qing dynasty. Other rebellions and Foreign powers intervention will play a nuisance role on both sides.

Scenario durations last from 8 turns (for the smaller ones) to over 164 turns (the 13 years grand campaign), each representing a period of one month between April 1851 and December 1864.

One player represents the Taïpings rebels and its allies, the other the Qing Empire various forces. Both have land and naval units under their command and can play some diplomatic game with foreign powers.

•   The Taiping goal is to establish a viable state and a strong army in the heart of China, and once they have gathered forces and encouraged other rebellions, crush the Qings before they have realized the danger. Use help from all sources to achieve surprise and success. Speed is of importance here, but leadership problems and internal feuds may be a real danger in the long run.

•   The Qings are unprepared for the rebellion and consider it a minor incident in remote areas of their huge empire. They must take conscience of the stakes as quickly as possible, before the enemy becomes too powerful and unstoppable. Troops are weak and spread out, leadership bad. Training of new forces, purchasing better weapons and hiring the right leaders is required, but this can only come when the Emperor realizes the situation (via the Qing’s Imperial Concern index).

Be careful, on both sides, of the Foreign devils (French and British forces), as they are for now neutral, but may well be, at some point, become a fearless foe or an opportunistic ally as they will attack the Empire or turn against the Taïpings. Diplomacy will them will play a crucial role.

The map covers most of China, and some nearby areas, divided in regions and provinces. Terrains include ricefields, clear land, hills, mountains and highlands, desert and major rivers, as well as coastal or oceanic waters. There are hundreds of minor or major cities spread over the playable part of the map, as well as a special display where diplomacy is handled. The game’s time scale is one turn for each month of real time.

Weather and climate will play a large role in the game, as winter, floods, rains and drought are modelled through a visual change in the map features.

The players on each side will have access to dozens of different units types (regimental size), such as levies, militias, Chinese or Manchu Banners, cavalry, bandits, triads, Foreign infantry or sailors, old cannons, modern artillery, transport junks and warships, as well as many other types of garrison or supply units. All those troops and ships will cost precious income to build, and some will require training to evolve into more efficient models.

In this game, thanks to the new economic system added to the SGS engine, you will also receive income from key cities and regions, with which you can maintain and expand your armies and fleets. Major income sources will come from the cities and ports you control, as well as the rich agricultural lands. But you will need to be wary of corruption, imperial spending and other sources of waste of your precious resources.

The game's event and cards, more than 200 of them, allow full replayability thanks to the numerous various situations that they create on the diplomatic, military, political or economical fields.

Estimated Playtime: from 1h00 to many hours...
Favored Side: None.
Hardest to Play: Qings.

What is the Strategy Game Studio (SGS)

The Strategy Game Studio (SGS) has been founded by Philippe THIBAUT (see bio below) and other veteran wargame players and designers. They have acquired a license to the source code of a digital game named Wars Across the World (WAW) which gave them access to most base functions for a strategic and operational (not tactical) wargame engine. Most key aspects of that engine were extensively and widely modified, as well as a great number of graphics and UI elements.

The goal is to create a generic but flexible tool, complete with code and game editor, to allow the design and production of games, with a focus on the history years from 1850 and later.
The first game made with the engine, to try the ideas and concept with a real subject, is called Winter War, and covers the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939-1940. Two other World War 2 games are in the production pipeline (see The Games) and other titles on previous (or later) moments of history are in the plans.

Each game will come as a separate product, because it has its own map, different scenarios and a large enough content to be a complete standalone product.

Philippe THIBAUT is the well known designer of the famous boardgame EUROPA UNIVERSALIS and many other board and digital games (including the Ageod games).

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Re: SGS Taipings
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2023, 08:08:31 PM »

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Re: SGS Taipings
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2023, 03:00:53 AM »
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Re: SGS Taipings
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2023, 12:01:30 AM »
Sun, 5 March 2023


Changed of Anti-Taipings revolts: the process and the conditions have been modified to make it more realistic. When the Taipings and their Chinese allies have conquered a province in mainland China and hold all its cities, there is a chance 40% chance (tested every third turn) one city will rise in revolt if the garrison remaining in the province is not sufficient.
A garrison is made of land combat units from the Taipings, Pingnam Guo, Miao, Tiandihui and Hui-Tongzhi. It excludes Triads units, Nien Bandits and Foreign Devils. Infantry, Cavalry, Guns and Revolts/Rebels all count.

- In the 5 Provincial Army province (Anhui, Henan, Hubei, Jiangsu, Zhejiang), the minimum
- garrison to prevent a revolt is 15 such units. If the garrison is 14 or less, a revolt may occur.
- In every other province, the minimum garrison to prevent a revolt is 10 such units.
- If thegarrison is 9 or less, a revolt may occur.

Changed Corruption Events: the process is a bit more frequent and both sides will lose between -5 and -10 gold, flat, plus some percentage (-20% to -50%) of accumulated treasury.

Cards fixes: cards that were reported as not working (e.g. siege cards) were fixed.

Database fix: some errors were fixed. Some nations which had too much or too little movement allowance are corrected: e.g. now the Tiandihui can only move into Guandgdong, Guangxi and Fujian.

Scenario fix: errors of unit allocation and sides in the 1862 scenarios were corrected.
We are working on more content and additions that will come during March.

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Re: SGS Taipings
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2023, 12:41:25 AM »
Fri, March 24, 2023


    Added an information event about the capture of Guangzhou (from Turn 2, when Taiping come close to that city)
    When Guangzhou is captured by Taiping Army, 3 cards are drawn allowing the Taiping to choose their attitude towards Foreign Devils: Welcome, Acquiesce or Expel. Each have different costs in VP and gold, and different benefits and liabilities. Some changes (e.g. Expel) may alter seriously the course of the game and the style of play.
    Added an event early 1855 to ask the Taiping to choose a capital if they have not captured Nanking (Jiangning) by then. Choice is made between Guangzhou, Kaifeng, Wuchang and Shuntian and only one city can be chosen to be the new capital. Hong will moved and settle there. NB: this is less advantageous than having Nanking, but much better than having no capital.
    From 1856, if the Taipings have a capital, an incident (power struggle among them) may occur. If they do not have a capital by end of 1856, their power will be severely reduced.
    Added some new events for game balance and some cards to help identify enemy forces.
    Added information icons in battle to explain some units roles.


    Various cards effects fixed
    Corrected some missing terrains for Ambush and Cavalry charges
    Some localization text was fixed in Chinese.

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Offline Asid

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Re: SGS Taipings
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2023, 11:06:25 PM »
SGS TAIPING - April Update
Wed, 5 April 2023

Fixed error in River Fleet card
Fixed Feng Yunchen still present in 1857 while he had died in 1852
Fixed arrival of leader Luo Dagang
Changed the values of Mongol cavalry to match their actual historical capacities (1 less in all of attack, defense, movement and morale. No longer breakthrough capacity)
From start of game, Green Banners from Yunnan, Sichuan and Henan can enter neighboring provinces.
Englarged some Events parchments to give a better and easier reading.

New Taiping Raid card allowing to destroy a fortified town outside of battle
Added 6 More Interesting Times cards, 3 for each sides, that will have negative effects (loss of cards or treasury)
New Qing card allowing to create the Army of Xiang earlier, but at a very steep cost.
New Qing card that will cost severe lost in accumulated treasury.
Counters background redone to give more flavour and better distinguish Chinese from Foreign Devils.

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