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Re: Crush Depth: U-Boat Simulator
« Reply #15 on: September 19, 2021, 12:07:47 AM »
Major update: switch to Unreal Engine and introducing Code Orchestra.
Fri, September 17, 2021

Hello everyone,

We are incredibly excited to announce that, after months of careful consideration and due diligence, we’ve decided to move forward with Unreal Engine. Please have a look at our release trailer below. Apart from that, we would like to introduce Code Orchestra, a brand new framework for combining C#, Rust, Python, and UE5. Further information about how we spent the last couple of weeks, as well as what to expect moving forward, can be found below.

Unreal 5.

When Unreal Engine 5 dropped, it would be fair to say that it took the game development community by storm. The technology advancements in the engine, such as Nanite, Lumen and MetaHuman caused a tidal wave which we were swept up in. We were compelled to look further into the technology.
Our aspirations are grand, using the best technology that can cement us as the definitive U-Boat simulator for years to come means we need to use the best technology available. Unreal Engine 5 offers unparalleled revolutionary graphical fidelity easily ahead of all other engines.

When UE 5 features were announced, we developed a system similar to Unreal’s Nanite, attempting to enhance what we had to help us forgo a complete project refactor away from Unity. The example scene below shows fifty billion triangles being rendered using our dynamic mesh quantization technology in Unity HDRP.

To illustrate the significance, that scene contains 2500 times the triangles count we had in the entire museum scene of the Unity build. Even though this proof of concept worked, we ran into significant roadblocks in interleaving this subsystem with Unity HDRP (decals, DXR lights, etc) and the Unity Game Editor, due to the closed source nature of Unity. This sealed the door on Unity HDRP meeting Nanite-like performance without investment from Unity.

As a side note, over the last 12 months, we’ve also looked into Unigine, Lumberyard, and other options. Those exercises were short in nature since it became apparent quite early in the process they would not provide significant advantages over Unity HDRP.


During the analysis, our goal was to perform thorough due diligence to ensure we fully understood the cost, ramifications, and benefits of refactoring our project into Unreal Engine. A project refactor will set us back by at least half a year and will require significant re-training for the team. We wanted to ensure that we understood these costs well by going through the effort of attempting to port the project over while leveraging the features we were interested in (Nanite, Lumen, native 64-bit double-precision float support, Metahuman, and more). We also needed to ensure core systems such as weather, water, and physics were customizable enough to allow us to reach the quality and fidelity we aspire to.

Unreal Engine is an extremely capable Game Engine built on a core that was released in the late 90s. The core APIs are not as well documented as Unity’s and the core programming language is C++. We found it significantly more difficult to work with, from a programmatic perspective, than Unity, and it became clear we needed to address this.


Not being able to use .NET / C# / and Rust natively in Unreal Engine with native-level integration (such as debugging and API support) would cause a dramatic drop in productivity for our developers. Our simulation subsystems are incredibly complex and ensuring we can maintain a high level of throughput, code safety, iteration speed, and polyglot language support etc. is crucial for the project.


To solve this, we leveraged the open-source nature of Unreal Engine 5 and developed a revolutionary polyglot extension framework to allow us (and other devs) to write .NET C# code in Unreal Engine. We’re launching this capability as a separate product, direct to game developers. We’re calling it Code Orchestra!

Code Orchestra

Code Orchestra is a holistic polyglot development solution for multi-framework development in Unreal Engine. Our goal is to bring multi-language and multi-framework support to Unreal Engine and enable game developers to leverage their existing skills in Unreal Engine.
Code Orchestra uses a novel, patent-pending approach (a combination of custom high-performing framework hooks, heavy code generation, IDE analyzers, and other mechanisms) to provide polyglot (.NET C#, Rust, Python) support for Unreal Engine.

Code Orchestra also supports high-performing Rust code for low latency high accuracy simulations and even allows you to use Python for quick and dirty prototypes (with more languages supported on an as-needed basis).

How will Code Orchestra help Crush Depth?

Code Orchestra will allow us to port over years of .NET libraries we’ve written in C#, will allow us to write our high fidelity, high accuracy, performant simulation code in Rust, and will enable us to quickly prototype new subsystems in Python. The end result will be accelerated project development velocity with the incredible Visual fidelity of Unreal Engine 5.

To learn more about Code Orchestra and to try out the beta for yourself, please visit:

Next steps:

Although we have made the decision to move over to Unreal, that transition is still far from over. We have a wonderful opportunity here to analyse and rethink some of the concepts we have developed over the past few years. If we were to just make a one-to-one copy of the current Unity build in Unreal, there would have been no reason to make the switch to start with; we would also be missing out on the opportunity to leverage the exciting new possibilities that Unreal has to offer. It would be a shame to let that opportunity go to waste.

The next couple of weeks will mostly be spent on further developing the frameworks we need to have in place in order to start creating the world we want to create, very much from the ground up. The downside to this is that it will take a while before we can get a first Unreal build out. The upside is that we expect that build to be of a much higher quality, higher visual fidelity, and more performant than what we were able to offer in Unity.

At this stage, we can't give a reasonable estimate of how long we think it will take us before we feel our first shiny new Unreal build is good enough for a wider release. We have some very exciting ideas there though, of which we will be updating you regularly through our Discord and other outlets. In the meanwhile, we will keep the current - now already outdated - Unity build up, so you are still more than welcome to hop in and explore some of our concepts.

Rest assured that we would not have arrived at this decision if there was a single shred of doubt that this was not the best decision for our project and our long term strategy. It is a very, very exciting time for all of us and we hope the subsim community ultimately recognizes the effort we are going to in order to realize our dreams of building the most realistic U-Boat simulator.

Ask-Me-Anything session on Oct 3, 2021.

As much as I would like it to be the case, I am quite aware that it's undoable to cover all of your questions that come with such a massive announcement. We are therefore hosting a live Ask-Me-Anything session on October the 3rd, 18h00 Berlin/09h00 Los Angeles, on our Discord. Should you have any questions in the meanwhile, or if you wish to submit a question for us to cover during that session, feel free to leave a message here.

As always, thank you for your tremendous support. We are extremely grateful and humbled by the support you have given us thus far and hope we provide you with enough reason to keep doing so. If not, please let us know what you think we can do to improve. Let's not forget that it is you who we make this for, so if you ever feel we should be doing something differently, have a question, or just want a chat, always feel free to send me or anyone else on our team a message.

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Re: Crush Depth: U-Boat Simulator
« Reply #16 on: September 19, 2021, 05:24:47 PM »
Did you buy into this asid ?  I’ve been following this game too seems really interesting.  Glad the finally got the engine squared away so they can move forward.
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Re: Crush Depth: U-Boat Simulator
« Reply #17 on: September 19, 2021, 11:43:49 PM »
Did you buy into this asid ?  I’ve been following this game too seems really interesting.  Glad the finally got the engine squared away so they can move forward.

Yes I did buddy.

When I first tried it there was not much there...It was more like a tech demo. It has been getting fleshed out. I do intend to go deeper  :sifone with my coverage but time has been an issue for me for many months now. Hopefully that will change soon.

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Re: Crush Depth: U-Boat Simulator
« Reply #18 on: October 23, 2021, 11:20:14 PM »
Regular update #61: work on Code Orchestra, training vessel and the U-Boat.
Sat, October 23, 2021

Hello everyone!

I'll try to keep it a bit shorter this time, but no promises there. As you might have read in one of our previous updates, we've decided to split up - for lack of a better word - our workflow a bit in somewhat separate parts in order to be a bit more productive and help smooth our transition to Unreal. We've been working in this new way for about a week or two now and I must say, it's going quite well. Much in line with that, I'll do the updates in a similar fashion as well, so you all have a better overview of what is happening where and why. (edited)

First of all, there is the technical track. We have made great progress with the development of Code Orchestra. For those of you who are unfamiliar with it: Code Orchestra is a holistic polyglot development solution for multi-framework development in Unreal Engine. Our goal is to bring multi-language and multi-framework support to Unreal Engine to empower you to build your project in the language of your choice while retaining full IDE and editor integration with full runtime debugging support.

One of the most commonly cited reasons for people not to work with Unreal is that it only supports C++. We're coming from a Unity background ourselves and being able to use C# for our own project was one of the many reasons it took us so long to decide whether to switch over to Unreal. We've decided to approach that issue not by rewriting the entire thing in another language and working with that language from there on out, but by building a tool that will allow us to continue working in the language we want to work in, C#, instead. There are thousands of developers out there who face this exact same issue, so should you be interested in trying this out for yourself, contact us through:

A video showing what the current build is already capable of can be found here:

Time to move over to the game design and prototyping. As you might have read in a previous update, we're currently working on the development of a training vessel to allow everyone to get their hands on some actual gameplay soon again, as well as prototyping and developing those functions that will be needed all over the place in the world of Crush Depth. Walking around, interacting with other objects, interacting with other players, and the like. The very fundamental stuff. Unreal Engine is also offering us some other possibilities in the way materials, textures, and the like are organized and set up, allowing for much higher graphical fidelity than we had in Unity, at the same, or even better performance. It did mean however that we all had to wrap our heads around it a bit differently than we did in Unity.

All that being said, time for some pretty pictures. The modeling of the first version we want to roll out is as good as done. Texturing-wise, there is still some work to be done as we're not completely satisfied with the current set-up; I'll leave it to you though to judge for yourself. With the next update, I hope to talk a bit more about what you'll be able to do on this training vessel in the first couple of iterations of the new Unreal version. Don't expect too much there for the moment though: the first version will very likely not include more than those very fundamental things indeed. Walk around, steer the ship, and perhaps have some control over the speed of the vessel as well. From there on out though, the lion's share of the work is out of the way, so it's our expectation we can iterate on that in quite a rapid succession indeed.

Overview with a lot
of texturing work still needing to be done.

Detail of the bridge/wheelhouse. Also a work in progress.

Then the U-Boat itself. At this stage in the process, we're mostly spending our time 'translating' (for lack of a better word) the current models and textures we used in the Unity version to a structure and set-up that we can use in Unreal. Were taking a bit of time there, as simply 'moving it over would be a waste of the new and exciting opportunities that Unreal offers us as well, in terms of graphical fidelity, the complexity of the model, etc. Very simply put: we take a part of the U-Boat, we rework it (add detail, revamp the textures, and the like) and store it until we feel enough of the U-Boat, or a system of the U-Boat, is ready to make sense of it in terms of game-play as well. In the next couple of updates, I'll be going into more detail about that process, as well as which systems we're currently working on.

That will be it for now! Let me know if you have any questions or if there's anything you'd like to elaborate on, and as always, thank you all for your support.

Don't forget, Tomorrow, 23rd of October, 08h00 Los Angeles/17h00 Berlin, - Ask-me-Anything! - Join us in the Events channel on the Crush Depth Discord

« Last Edit: October 24, 2021, 12:02:29 AM by Asid »
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Re: Crush Depth: U-Boat Simulator
« Reply #19 on: November 06, 2021, 01:12:45 AM »
Update #62: first glance at our upcoming Unreal version.
Fri, November 5, 2021

Hi everyone! Time for a video update again. We hope you enjoy it and let us know if you have any questions. In short, we cover how our switch to Unreal is going, what we're working on at the moment as well as some of the reasoning behind that. Thank you all for your support!

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Re: Crush Depth: U-Boat Simulator
« Reply #20 on: December 01, 2021, 01:03:37 AM »
Regular update #63.
Thu, November 25, 2021

Hello everyone!

It has been a while since we did an update on our project, my apologies for that. It would be rather dishonest of me to say that everything is going exactly the way we want it to go. Our Patrons and those of you who already own a copy have been informed of this in more detail through our Discord. Should you be a Patron yourself and/or have purchased a copy through Steam,, or our own website, make sure to send me a DM and I'll make sure you get access to the channels where you can read all about it. It is a rather specific, technical issue and we don't believe it is in the best interest to disclose too much information about it at this stage. I do hope that over the course of the next couple of weeks, I will be at liberty to speak more freely about it in public.

Work on game-play ideation and the U-Boat itself is progressing quite nicely. We have been working on the clothing to get an accurate and also rather beautiful set of clothing for our player character. Not quite there yet, but we expect this to be finished somewhere in the next week.

Part of rethinking and redesigning some of our game-play ideas has led us to redesign our port area as well. Our first iteration felt rather 'empty', in the sense that there was little or no interaction between the vessels, no navigational challenges, etc. Another problem we encountered is that our port didn't allow for a combination of rather large vessels (such as our training ship), rather small vessels (such as the Italian motorboat), and everything in between (such as the U-Boat itself). We have therefore opted to redesign the port area in a way that does allow this, as well as creating natural pathways which should lead to more player interaction. If you have any questions about this, feel free to send me a DM. (edited)

Since this is about a one square kilometer area, it took quite some work as well texturing it and setting those textures up in a way that they both look good, and don't tank the performance.

More merchant ships are on the way as well. We've devised somewhat of a new methodology of creating these vessels, which should make it out to crank one out in a couple of days, tops. We're going to need a lot of these, of course, as it is rather uninteresting to encounter the same kind of ship over and over again. The model you see below here is not quite finished yet, but shouldn't take much longer. Once it's done (I expect in the next day or two), I'll put up some screens of the final product.

That's it for now! Thank you very much for your continued support and see you soon!

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Re: Crush Depth: U-Boat Simulator
« Reply #21 on: December 16, 2021, 11:07:28 PM »
Thu, December 16, 2021

Enhanced network synchronization.
Fixed player usable item bugs.

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Re: Crush Depth: U-Boat Simulator
« Reply #22 on: December 21, 2021, 11:21:32 PM »
Tue, December 21, 2021

Significant performance enhancements when inside of the U-Boat in the MMO. Logging monitor w user warning when errors detected.

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Re: Crush Depth: U-Boat Simulator
« Reply #23 on: December 24, 2021, 11:58:36 PM »
Regular update #65.
Fri, 24 December 2021

Hi everyone!

First of all, happy holidays to you, your loved ones, and all the best to you in 2022! Thank you for following our project this year and we hope you see you again on the other side of the festivities again!

The technical track.

As you might have noticed in the patch notes and this channel as well, a lot of work has been put in lately in optimizing the project, working on the netcode, and installing our new server as well. We still have a couple of fires to put out, but we expect to shift our focus more towards implementing some new and hopefully enjoyable game-play futures in the upcoming weeks. A lot of assets have been prepared over the last couple of weeks. One such group of items that took quite a bit of effort indeed is our upcoming firing system.

Firing system, part two.

In the last update, we already showcased a couple of models. I'm happy to let you know that they've almost all been textured and moved inside our project. It'll be a bit longer before you can get your hands on them as well, as we're still working on optimizing the U-Boat itself and preparing it for DenseLOD. For those of you who are unfamiliar with DenseLOD, check the previous update. Building it is a massive undertaking indeed, but an absolute game-changer in terms of what we'll be able to do.

Here are a couple of renders of what some of the equipment of the rather complex firing system will look like. How you will have to use them to get your torpedoes on target is something we'll be covering in-depth in the project itself through interactive tutorials, training missions, and the like.

Ship models.

Another thing we really want to have in this project is a lively, diverse, densely populated world. One of my personal annoyances with almost every submarine simulator is that the amount of ships you encounter (in terms of how many different ships there are) is rather limited. Our workflow has been optimized to the extent that creating a merchant ship from scratch to a fully textured model with very basic functionality (it can float and move) takes about 1-2 days. Our latest creation is this here trawler.

(The last picture in the series to get a bit of a better idea of what these kinds of ships will look like in-game from a normal distance).

There is little excitement to be had in only shooting at defenseless merchant ships, although some might disagree, so we've started on building our first adversaries as well. This model is still in its early stages. There is still a lot of work to be done indeed, but we're hoping to roll out this beauty in the next couple of weeks as well.

Once again, thank you all for your support! Enjoy the holidays, stay safe, and all the best to you and your loved ones. Should you have any questions, suggestions, feedback, always feel free to leave a message in the comments, or contact us on Discord, or through

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Re: Crush Depth: U-Boat Simulator
« Reply #24 on: December 28, 2021, 11:30:06 PM »
Tue, December 28, 2021

MMO Fixes:

fixed camera change orbital target
fixed shift + 1/2/3 spawn target
fixed italian boat throttle control
fixed T2 tanker waypoint AI logic
fixed T2 tanker prefab
enhanced server side sync logic
fixed frame drop when firing flak
enhanced asynchronous logging logic

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Re: Crush Depth: U-Boat Simulator
« Reply #25 on: December 29, 2021, 11:35:02 PM »
Wed, December 29, 2021


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Re: Crush Depth: U-Boat Simulator
« Reply #26 on: December 31, 2021, 11:32:24 PM »
Fri, December 31, 2021

Mission selection UI

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Re: Crush Depth: U-Boat Simulator
« Reply #27 on: January 10, 2022, 11:53:57 PM »
Regular update #66.
Mon, 10 January 2022

Hello everyone,

If you haven’t received our best wishes for 2022 yet, here you go! All the best from the Crush Depth team to you and your loved ones! We’ve been extremely busy over the past few weeks and have some very exciting things to share with you in this update.

The U-Boat.

We’re continuing to make good progress on importing and implementing the components of the firing system, as well as the rest of the U-Boat interior. We’re moving away from the proof of concept version you can try out in the current state of the game, and transitioning more towards a ‘final’ version of the U-Boat itself. I have to say that ‘final’ never really is final, as it’s always possible that new information comes to light and/or we develop technologies that will help us make things look better, function better, etc. What I mean by ‘final’ in this stage is that we’re planning to get those models to a point where they won’t need any updates or changes for quite a while to come. At the moment, we’re mostly working on the structural components of the U-Boat (the walls, the floors, the manholes, ladders, etc.) and the components of the firing system. I hope to be able to share some in-game screenshots there soon as well.


The main reason for the interior screenshots not being available at the moment is that we’re working extremely hard on DenseLOD. We’ve made amazing progress over the holiday period on the new custom rendering system. The newest iteration uses vertex cluster rendering to render the entire scene in a single draw-call regardless of complexity. Clusters are culled individually which results in a greater culling performance and therefore greater performance in general. It also now uses virtual textures which are streamed efficiently to the GPU to minimize VRAM usage and keep it constant regardless of scene complexity. This means we are moving away from out-of-the-box Unity HDRP rendering to our own custom rendering technology aimed to support the scope, scale, and complexity of Crush Depth. For a preview of our progress, please check out the video here:

This system is quite crucial for having the rather enormous amount of different parts we need to have in our U-Boat and the rather detailed textures we're using there as well.

U-Boat Päckchen.

A while ago, we implemented the standard dress blues in our project. Next up is the U-Boat Päckchen, the quintessential onboard dress for U-Boat sailors of all ranks.


Another model we’ve just wrapped up is this Flower-class corvette. Around 300 of these vessels saw active service in the Second World War and were quite the quintessential anti-U-Boat ship for a big part of the war. In case someone is wondering, this model hasn’t been modeled after a specific flower (say the Bergamot or the Kamsack or whichever you were thinking of) but has been painted very much in accordance with the (standard) camouflage patterns for the Atlantic. She’s a bit rusty, as we wanted to experiment and learn a bit more about how to create good-looking rust effects (and I’ll leave it up to you to judge if we’ve succeeded there).

The Joy of Blender!

Tomorrow, we’re also having a little event on our Discord which you can join by, well, just simply joining. All information can be found in the event description here, but should you have any further questions, feel send us a DM on Discord.

New Compute Node.

We just racked our new compute node in our Datacenter last Saturday. The compute node is responsible for running all of the background on-demand physics, hydrostatic, hydrodynamic, electrical, hydraulic, and other simulation subsystem logic on the MMO. It is multi-homed and connected directly to our main proxy nodes. For a refresher on how our simulation subsystems work and what our compute-nodes do, please visit:

For those technically included, here are the specs of our new node:

CPU’s: Dual Intel Xeon Gold 6154 CPU’s (36 core, 72 threads, 3GHz)
Memory: 192GB DDR4 2666 PC 21300 ECC Ram
GPU’s: Dual Nvidia Tesla P100 datacenter accelerator cards
Main Storage: Dual NVME U.2 4TB Enterprise drives
Secondary Storage: 18TB high-density Enterprise drive

That's it for now!

Thank you all for stopping by and thanks for your support of our project! Once again, all the best to you and your loved ones in 2022 and we hope to see you again soon!

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Re: Crush Depth: U-Boat Simulator
« Reply #28 on: January 16, 2022, 11:43:51 PM »
Sun, January 16, 2022

Fix player sync to moving object
Fix player animation jitter when on a moving object

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Re: Crush Depth: U-Boat Simulator
« Reply #29 on: January 25, 2022, 12:46:07 AM »
Regular update #67.
Mon, January 24, 2022

Hello everyone!

Go shoot stuff!

We're very excited to bring you this new update. As work on the frameworks is progressing nicely, we're transitioning towards creating some proper game-play elements. Apart from the MMO-setting itself, it has always been our goal to create other game modes as well, for a multitude of purposes. One of the big questions in game design is how to give players a fun, engaging experience if they only have ten minutes to invest as well as if they have a couple of hours to invest in a single session. Since we're building an MMO as well, how can we create safe environments for people to mess around, learn new things, experiment, etc. without that having a (possible) negative effect on what is happening with their player character in the MMO environment?

As one of the answers there, we're creating a whole set of interactive tutorials, challenges, training missions, etc. We have revamped the flak-gun challenge quite a bit, in the hopes of it being more fun, more immersive, and more representative of what you will be able to expect from the MMO world. Below is a small video of a couple of minutes of game-play. As you can see from this video, this footage has been taken from running the scene through the Unity editor itself, which has some negative effects on the performance. The performance in-game is expected to be better indeed. That being said, it runs quite smoothly in that environment as well, so we're very happy with the results.

I have to point out that we still have a lot of work to do there in terms of dressing up the scene a bit more, the damage model of the airplanes, the UI work, etc., etc. Expect a lot of changes to be made in the upcoming weeks and other challenges to be added as well. That being said, the guns work, the boat is fully controllable, so hop in with your buddies (best enjoyed in a small group) and let us know how you get along!

On a technical note, a big milestone for our project here is the addition of 'lobbies' (for lack of a better word) to our network infrastructure. Apart from the persistent MMO-world, we are now able to let players create their own instances of these smaller sessions, separately from what is happening in the MMO-world indeed. Quite crucial indeed.

Historical material.

One of our team members has obtained 25 original, building and electrical plans of all systems of the type VII, as well as many new instruction manuals for the systems on board. One item we're very excited about is the special building regulation which has information on every pipe and its diameter and the exact layout.

Further work on U-Boat assets.

For those of you who have followed the previous updates, we've done quite a lot of work on creating the assets for the firing system of the U-Boat. Next up are all those items that have to do with the control of the boat itself, tachometers, rudder boxes, compasses, etc. Although a lot of those items are finished already, we're rechecking the texturing work to make sure they meet our standards when it comes to quality, consistency of style, historical correctness, etc., as well as creating some possible variations there.

(Yes, these things would be marked with an X if no paint had been applied yet).

That's it for now!

As always, thank you all for your support and until the next time! Should you have any comments, suggestions, or if you'd like to know more about his project, feel free to leave a comment below and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
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