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Author Topic: D.O.W. Steel Beasts Sunday Open Mission 25/10/20 @ GMT18:00  (Read 1962 times)

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Offline Rinix

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D.O.W. Steel Beasts Sunday Open Mission 25/10/20 @ GMT18:00
« on: October 25, 2020, 03:13:00 AM »
D.O.W. Steel Beasts Sunday Open Mission 25/10/20 @ GMT18:00

This scenario is a simulation and does not have any political message.

Jaala Rescue Operation by Zipuli


Sep 24th 2013, 0500 hrs
Resupply area near Jaala.

"Sir, good thing you are still here!" shouts the Battalion's intel officer arriving with a motocycle. Good thing? The resupplying was delayed and for the past two hours you have been sitting and waiting for the remaining supplies to arrive. A basic cockup.
"You need to get rolling immediately! We have an enemy airborne troops landing at Jaala and we lost contact with a supply convoy!" So that's where your coax ammo was being held...?

On the move along Road 46

It's still dark, but that's a good thing as it means you managed to get the company moving very quickly. Good job, you think and pat yourself on the back. The battalion comms frequency has been feeding intel to you about the situation at Jaala. There were no written orders this time, you received everything via radio, while rolling the Road 46.

In short, you know the following about the situation at Jaala:
The poor sods from Hotel Coy (CSS company) were moving through Jaala when enemy choppers opened fire and more choppers started landing troops. The blue-tag POGs got hit hard and lost all their vehicles, but managed to take refuge in the buildings around the convoy and return fire. The enemy air assault got aborted, it seems, when one of the heavy lift choppers was brought down by a NASAMS battery located nearby. Clearly the enemy had no idea about them...? Simply put, everything went to shit in the darknes, for both sides that is. The fighting died down as both sides tried to get their shit together about the situation...

You know the rough location of the destroyed supply convoy. You know there are 20 men alive, holding on and some of them wounded. You have no idea of the enemy strenght or location. There were reports of "tanks", but that could be anything other than trucks, knowing the CSS soldiers' knowledge of enemy equipment. What you do know for sure, is that once the sun comes up and the fog lifts, things will start getting messy.

Just minutes ago you received the mission and plan from your HQ:

"Move into Jaala, destroy any encountered paratroopers and secure an LZ for friendly NH90s, callsign "Viper", that will fly in and extract the friendlies, callsign "Hotel". Report to HQ once the LZ is secured, and the choppers will move in fast. Avoid civilian casualties at all cost! Good luck, Captain!"

...and that's about it. Sounds simple. But it's dark, the enemy is a diehard para with no concept of surrender, and the town is full of civilians, most hiding in their houses but some are always going to let their curiosity win. Crap. At least the thermal equipment and NVGs will allow you to see in the dark!

4km from Jaala

Your unit is ready to attack on the move. The tank platoon (4x Leo 2A4) is on point and your vehicle (CV9030) with the FO's CV (callsign "7") following, the Command platoon (3x XA-180 Pasi and 1x supply truck with mortar ammo, 2x Spike ATGM teams (in "K1" callsign) and 2x 81mm light mortars(in "K2" callsign)) and 2 PzJäger platoons (4x CV9030 each) following your vehicles. Last in the column is the CSS callsign with an ARV and medic team. Your command team inside the CO vehicle at least has a mini-UAV to use for quick recon.

There is no outside support, your company is on its own for this one... Even the MP or local police haven't got there in time to stop the unaware civilian traffic from accidentally getting in the middle of the fight! Time for you to come up with a solid plan! "Happy birthday. Bollocks." Better get cracking then.


- To complete the mission, you need to get to the LZ, secure it and call in the choppers using TRIGGER 1: "LZ Secured!"
- The mission ends a success once all the troops are in the choppers and the choppers are out of the combat zone, and you have no contact with the enemies (mission will not end as long as you are under fire).
- The mission will fail (and end), if:
   - You lose 50% of your unit.
   - One of the rescue choppers is shot down or the troops from the convoy are all killed.
- Mission scoring is based on friendly casualties (your own coy), convoy casualties, enemy casualties, civilian casualties and time spent getting to the LZ. Even one civilian killed will lower your score, but too many dead will result in mission failure, though the mission will not end due to civilian casualties alone.

- There are 5 parties in this scenario: Finnish (you, blue), the Enemy (red), Hotel (green, enemy to red), Civilians (purple, neutral to all) and Cars (brown, will randomly generate static cars in the town at start of sce).
   - Hotel is the convoy survivors and the rescue choppers. They will not show on your map as they have no BMS! This is achieved by making them "neutral" towards your party.
- Blue Force Tracking is ON (map updates only for your own side, will not show enemies)
- Only the FOV90/FO-team can call in fires from the mortars

Version 1.1 - 27th Sep 2013
Mission and map by:

Dogs Of War Vehicles: (in mission)

Leopard 2A4: Click here

CV 90/30-FI: Click here

FOV90: Click here

** Notes **
SB Version: 4.167
Mission Name: Jaala Rescue Operation
Created by: Zipuli
Available at:
Modified by: N/A
Multi-Crew: Yes
Single Crew: Yes
Largest command: Company
Smallest command: Crew Position
Mission Duration: Unknown
Minimum number of players: 2
Date: Sunday Open Mission 25/10/20
Time: 18:00 GMT
Time (local): Click here
Teamspeak IP:
Room: Steel Beasts Pro

Player Skill/Ability:
•   Complete at least 1 tutorial of Leopard 2A4, CV 90/30-FI, or FOV90 (in tutorials as “CV90FOV”).
•   Working knowledge of Comms procedure.
•   Open mission, those outside the unit are welcome, previous DOW members contact us.

Manning list:
1/1.PSJK CV 90/30-FI: Rinix
7/1.PSJK FOV90:

CV 90/30-FIs
A/1.PSJK: Oleg

Leopard 2A4s

H/1.PSJK Wisent ARV + Unimog 1300L/Medic:
K/1.PSJK Fuchs 1A6:
K/2.PSJK Unimog 1300L/Supply:
« Last Edit: October 25, 2020, 03:04:25 PM by Rinix »
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Re: D.O.W. Steel Beasts Sunday Open Mission 25/10/20 @ GMT18:00
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2020, 09:15:27 AM »
A/1 for me.
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Offline Rinix

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Offline Rinix

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Re: D.O.W. Steel Beasts Sunday Open Mission 25/10/20 @ GMT18:00
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2020, 11:45:03 PM »
Here's my screenshots:

The plan

Setting up mortars

The infiltration path

We infiltrate undetected into Jaala

The AI does not notice all of the crashing sounds


B/1 takes casualties, but keeps clearing

Oleg has better luck

Finishing clearing of the LZ

The helicopters arrive!

Infantry moves towards the helicopters

Only half of the helicopters took off, so I ended the mission, it was effectively a victory
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Offline Asid

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Re: D.O.W. Steel Beasts Sunday Open Mission 25/10/20 @ GMT18:00
« Reply #4 on: October 26, 2020, 02:04:32 AM »
Thanks for the AAR Rinix  :thumbsup
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