Update 0.99.25 is out! - LM lights, CM SECS and TrackIR CTD fixTue, 2 July 2024
This patch will improve and correct the SECS logic in the Command Module, improve lighting logic in the Lunar Module, and fix an issue where the game would crash to desktop if TrackIR is enabled in-game while the TrackIR device is not connected or TrackIR software is not running.CM SECS and the EECOM stating in MOCR
The CM SECS logic has been modified (no changes in procedures) and correctly mapped to telemetry. The telemetry can be seen on the EECOM station in MOCR as the VMLA, VMLB, VMQA, VMQB parameters.
VMLA is the Logic Bus A, VMLB is Logic Bus B, VMQA is Pyro Bus A, VMQB is Pyro Bus B.
Adding integral and numeric brightness to CMC and LGC export
I have added the numeric and integral brightness to the CMC and LGC data export file for use by external software and devices. This can be mapped to modify the brightness of the DSKY digits and the keyboard integral lights.
Lunar Module lightingI have improved the lighting logic in the Lunar Module, giving you more control of the internal atmosphere in the Lunar Module.
Some of the annunciator (P02) light colors has changed from RED to ORANGE, and the COMPNT lights has changed from RED to AMBER.
You will now need to, as per checklist, use the Anun/Num to change the brightness of the numeric, annunciator (warning light grid) and component lights.

I have also connected and improved the general lighting logic in the Lunar Module. Before, some lights were magically powered and always on regardless of EPS setup and cbs.

The Anun/Dock/Compnt cbs on Panel 11 and Panel 16 (reduntancy) controls the power of most internal lights. One of these needs to be in and the Anun/Num selector used to tune their brightness.
I have also connected the ANUN and NUM Override switches. If things are powered correctly, the override switch will set the annunciator and numeric brightness to max.
Command Module LightingA lot of the lighting logic in the Command Module has been wired, however, I have improved the logic for the numeric selector to also set the brightness of the mission timers.
Special thanks to Folgers at the Reentry Discord server for help related to lighting power control.
Patch notes: TrackIR (Blocking): Fixed another TrackIR init bug and added the TIR control panel GUI if error/issue is detected.
Mapping Pyro and Logic Bus A/B to VMLA, VMLB, VMQA, VMQB to EECOM station (MOCR)
Adding integral and numeric brightness to CMC and LGC export
LM: Corrected comp/anun lights
LM: Wired Anun/Num selector to digits
LM: Wired Integral to integral panel lights
CM: Wired Numeric selector to digits
LM: Connected additional light bulbs to EPS
LM: Connected P11_LTG_AnunDockCompnt cbs to the LM Exterior Docking lights
LM: Connected the Anun and Num override switches to the logic above