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Re: Reentry - An Orbital Simulator
« Reply #120 on: July 03, 2024, 12:33:13 AM »
Update 0.99.25 is out! - LM lights, CM SECS and TrackIR CTD fix
Tue, 2 July 2024

This patch will improve and correct the SECS logic in the Command Module, improve lighting logic in the Lunar Module, and fix an issue where the game would crash to desktop if TrackIR is enabled in-game while the TrackIR device is not connected or TrackIR software is not running.

CM SECS and the EECOM stating in MOCR

The CM SECS logic has been modified (no changes in procedures) and correctly mapped to telemetry. The telemetry can be seen on the EECOM station in MOCR as the VMLA, VMLB, VMQA, VMQB parameters.
VMLA is the Logic Bus A, VMLB is Logic Bus B, VMQA is Pyro Bus A, VMQB is Pyro Bus B.

Adding integral and numeric brightness to CMC and LGC export

I have added the numeric and integral brightness to the CMC and LGC data export file for use by external software and devices. This can be mapped to modify the brightness of the DSKY digits and the keyboard integral lights.

Lunar Module lighting

I have improved the lighting logic in the Lunar Module, giving you more control of the internal atmosphere in the Lunar Module.

Some of the annunciator (P02) light colors has changed from RED to ORANGE, and the COMPNT lights has changed from RED to AMBER.

You will now need to, as per checklist, use the Anun/Num to change the brightness of the numeric, annunciator (warning light grid) and component lights.

I have also connected and improved the general lighting logic in the Lunar Module. Before, some lights were magically powered and always on regardless of EPS setup and cbs.

The Anun/Dock/Compnt cbs on Panel 11 and Panel 16 (reduntancy) controls the power of most internal lights. One of these needs to be in and the Anun/Num selector used to tune their brightness.

I have also connected the ANUN and NUM Override switches. If things are powered correctly, the override switch will set the annunciator and numeric brightness to max.

Command Module Lighting

A lot of the lighting logic in the Command Module has been wired, however, I have improved the logic for the numeric selector to also set the brightness of the mission timers.



Special thanks to Folgers at the Reentry Discord server for help related to lighting power control.

Patch notes:

    TrackIR (Blocking): Fixed another TrackIR init bug and added the TIR control panel GUI if error/issue is detected.
    Mapping Pyro and Logic Bus A/B to VMLA, VMLB, VMQA, VMQB to EECOM station (MOCR)
    Adding integral and numeric brightness to CMC and LGC export
    LM: Corrected comp/anun lights
    LM: Wired Anun/Num selector to digits
    LM: Wired Integral to integral panel lights
    CM: Wired Numeric selector to digits
    LM: Connected additional light bulbs to EPS
    LM: Connected P11_LTG_AnunDockCompnt cbs to the LM Exterior Docking lights
    LM: Connected the Anun and Num override switches to the logic above

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Re: Reentry - An Orbital Simulator
« Reply #121 on: September 22, 2024, 12:15:35 AM »
Update 0.99.30 is out! - New Historical Missions, Mercury Updates, Bug Fixes
Fri, 20 September 2024

This patch includes several quality-of-life improvements, such as enhancements to the Mission Pad and input binding, along with fixes for critical issues. Additionally, I've introduced new missions, offering around 5-6 hours of gameplay, to Project Mercury.

As Project Mercury is often the first spacecraft players meet in Reentry, I have focused on refining the cockpit logic and visuals to enhance both mission execution and overall immersion. I've also added a set of historic missions (accurate to the best of my ability and limitations of the game), designed to build on the skills you’ve developed in the Academy and Campaigns, allowing you to experience realistic recreations of the first Mercury missions.

Physical Cockpit Switch sound logic fixes
I have updated the sound effect logic around interacting with switches, selectors, fuses, circuit breakers, etc. to prevent the sound effect to play if you interact with a control that is already at the position you try to move it to. In other words, if you try to move a switch in a direction its not possible to move it, it will no longer play the switch sound effect.

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Re: Reentry - An Orbital Simulator
« Reply #122 on: October 12, 2024, 12:07:45 AM »
Update 0.99.31 is out! - Gemini, GT-3, VR, Atmosphere, Rendering, Fixes
Fri, 11 October 2024

Continuing from the previous update with another large patch that focues on Project Gemini, Virtual Reality, and rendering across all space programs.

Note: If you are experiencing issues with this build you can roll back to the previous using the Steam Betas Tab accessible from the Steam client (games properties).

Virtual Reality

This updates contains a lot of minor logic changes and rewires in the general Virtual Reality logic layer. This is all to shape and tune the current VR implementation. This should fix the VR input Action mappings in Apollo missions being disabled on-load. This also fixes an issue where loading previously saved Input Action Mappings.

A new test implementation of what could be the basis of a VR Keyboard/Mouse/Gaze based cursor has also been implemented into this patch. The goal of this is to start a development path where you can use your Virtual Reality headset to render the game but still interact with the panels and UI using the mouse and keyboard. Keep in mind that this is the first test implementation of this. Over the next patches I will iterate on this, as well as writing the logic that hides/disables the controllers if this mode is enabled. For now, the main purpose is to see how this initial implementation behaves.

Mercury and Gemini Academy Overhaul

A huge update has been rolled out to the Mercury and Gemini Academy. It aims to improve the academy flow and adds a lot of new learnings to the academy. It is also now much better at showing you where things are and waiting for you to find things. I also walk you through the ascent before you get to try it yourself. This builds up a good basis of what to expect during your first ascent in a rocket, before doing it yourself.

It is also important to share that the academy tries to teach you the basics and what you really need to know to enjoy flying and operating a craft to the best of my ability. However, I might not be the greatest instructor/teacher.

It is important to remember that the astronauts in-real-life also had to try a maneuver or learn a system more than once before understanding them fully, so if you feel overwhelmed after your first or second execution of a mission, keep in mind that some of this is brutally advanced and that it is OK to not get it all at once.

This means that it might help to run through an academy lesson twice (it is what I recommend in the academy instructions too). First to get a good overview of the system, and then again to understand it with that overview as a base. The community over at the official Reentry - A Space Flight Simulator Discord server tries to help and answer all questions you might have.

Thank you all for some really good feedback on the academy so far!

Orbit atmosphere rendering, color banding, and clouds

I have spent a lot of time writing shaders in this update. A shader is basically a small program that runs on the GPU, instructing it how to process vertices and pixels for example. This update improves the rendering logic and shaders used to draw the atmosphere in space, and somewhat more realistically renders density.

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Re: Reentry - An Orbital Simulator
« Reply #123 on: November 02, 2024, 12:34:16 AM »
Reentry has been patched to 0.99.33
Fri, 1 November 2024

This patch addresses a couple of reported blocking issues. While it's been a couple of weeks since the last update, the delay was due to the complexity of these fixes, which required quite a bit of time and debugging to resolve.

The biggest issue was related to light bleeding between the virtual cockpit and the exterior, leading to flickering of vertices and fragments. This has been especially visible while doing EVAs in Gemini, but was present in all modules. Another time drain was to improve the decision logic between the VR hand controller mode and the VR cursor mode, and using this to fix the flickering mission pad.

While being a small patch, it significantly improves how I render things. This should now allow me to correct the VR Mouse Cursor Offset issue and correctly set its depth.

Please let me know in the comments of issues and things you would like to see prioritized. With the core feature set of 1.0 in-place, I am now fully focused on fixing issues and polishing the smaller things in the game, and your reports during this process is very important.

0.99.33 release notes:

    ? Light bleeding fixes
    ? Gemini EVA flickering light fix
    ? VR: Mouse Cursor improvements
    ? VR: Flickering mission pad
    ? Mercury Academy lesson fixes
    ? Minor Main Menu updates
    ? Another attempt at fixing the blue tint some users see, due to reflection probe settings.

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Re: Reentry - An Orbital Simulator
« Reply #124 on: December 19, 2024, 12:12:15 AM »
Reentry has been patched to 0.99.35
Wed, 18 December

This minor patch focuses on rolling out fixes to bug reports, fixes to typos, improve Save States and continues to iterate on the VR implementation.

Save State improvements
The patch covers improvements to the Save States across all programs, in addition to improving the logic for saving/loading into Gemini/Agena docked states, and improved lunar landed positioning in save states.

Virtual Reality
It also continues to iterate on the VR implementation where I have added the first bits to completely hide and disable the hand controller models during VR Cursor Mode, and it rolls out a pitch offset setting.

Game Overs
This patch also fixes various logic related to Game Overs, such as fixes to suffocation, entry G-Loads (this is off by default, change in Realism Settings), staging requirements during entry dynamics and equipment requirements such as periscope retraction.

Patch notes:

    - Save state fixes: Gemini/Agena docked
    - Save state fixes: Lunar surface landing positioning logic, applies to states made with version > 0.99
    - A lot of minor fixes to SaveStates
    - Game Over system fixes
    - Minor fixes to O2 depletion
    - Mercury: Retracted perioscope is now required during entry
    - Academy lesson updates
    - Rolled out fixes to reported typos and updated the Github repo with latest missions and historical missions
    - Fixes to switch/panel component collision logic
    - Updates to the normal mouse cursor depth check logic when interacting with panels & switches
    - Updates to the VR mouse cursor depth check logic
    - Added a setting to control the VR mouse cursor pitch offset (different based on your HMD)
    - Wrote the logic to hide the hand controllers if VR mouse cursor mode is selected.
    - Improvements to the Level and Xp system

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Re: Reentry - An Orbital Simulator
« Reply #125 on: January 30, 2025, 12:41:21 AM »
Update 0.99.50: Bug Fixes, VR, CM GDC, checklist logic
Wed, 29 January 2025

This patch contains a lot of bug fixes where I have tried to address some of the known blocking issues. It will also roll out an improvement to the Checklist Guidance System (aka "RUN") that helps you execute checklists and plan for maneuvers. In addition I have taken a big leap in improving the Virtual Reality implementation. I have also spent some time improving the Command Module panels and underlying logic (not graphical only), and added some cue cards and PADs that can be visible inside the cockpit.

Note: A lot of core features has been changed in this patch. If this update gives you issues, you can revert to a previous build using the Steam Betas tab. The previous update is on branch: Reentry Version Reentry Version 0.99.45.

Critical bug fixes

- Fixed an issue with the Lunar Module P52 opt 2 logic that would crash the game
- Fixes to the Apollo Ground Crew (cold & dark state) that led to Fuel Cell issues
- Command Module Battery Charger fixes and reverse current fixes
- Fixes to the Command Module EPS logic and Fuel Cell wiring.
- Fixes to the Command Module Accelerometer Indicator
- P52 opt 3, removed one excessive PRO press compared to checklist
- Command Module roll index fixes
- Improved the Apollo Saturn V pre-launch checklist with time stamps
- Fixes and updates to the Academy lessons
- Fixes for the UI and Mission Translation tools
- Mission achievement unlock fixes
- Lot's of typos

Checklist Guidance System
The checklist guidance system has received an improvement and some UI changes. The RUN button has now been split into two different buttons. Both of them will RUN the checklist and move all its instructions into the Checklist Guidance System (CGS). Their difference is how they queue/add the steps of the checklist to the CGS.

The two RUN buttons can be seen in the lower right corner. It was previously in the upper right corner

You can queue up instructions from multiple checklists. To do this, you can open a checklist and press one of the RUN buttons. All instructions are then copied into the Checklist Guidance System. If you go back and select another checklist, and press one of the RUN buttons, all the steps from that checklist will also be queued up, or appended, to the existing steps. By using this feature you can stack up multiple checklists and follow them through the Checklist Guidance System.

The difference between the two RUN buttons is that one of them will add all the checklist steps in-front of the queue (so above the current step), while the other will append all the steps at the bottom of the existing queue.

Some checklists has dependencies, requirements, and asks you to also complete another checklist in-between its steps. Using this new system you can insert the steps from one of those steps in the middle of an already executing checklist without the need of pressing CLEAR ALL, complete the other reference checklist, before having to continue the checklist you were actually completing.

In the image above I have queued up multiple checklists and can now follow the steps to complete them all. Note that when you press RUN now, the checklist name will be appended into the steps to indicate when a new/different checklist starts

During the Academy or the Campaign, you will mostly execute a single checklist at a time, and can in that case use any of the two buttons.

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Re: Reentry - An Orbital Simulator
« Reply #126 on: February 08, 2025, 12:43:58 AM »
Reentry has been patched to 0.99.53 - hot fixes related to CSM entry
Thu, 6 February 2025

This patch mainly corrects issues related to Apollo Command Module atmospheric entry. The previous patch had an issue that inverted the lift-vector during entry, making it very hard to survive even the Academy lesson.

I have also re-worked the Apollo Deorbit, Entry & Landing Academy lesson. It now covers more of the main steps needed for Deorbit and Entry planning. I will continue to iterate on it with more instructions on how to manually fly (I have a video about this). I am also in the process of creating a video tutorial of the lesson.
Next I will add a practice-lesson where you can try to perform an entry using the Checklists (it will be similar to the lesson but use checklists instead), and a Lunar Entry lesson (slightly different procedures).

Note: Unfortunately my family and myself got some kind of virus and all having high fever, causing a delay in fixing things. Updates and response will be slow.

Patch notes:
- Reworked the Apollo Command Module Entry lesson
- Command Module inverted RSI fix
- Fixed an issue with the 0.05G switch preventing the EMS 0.05g light to illuminate
- Fixed the inverted lift direction during CSM entry introduced in the last patch
- More fixes to the command module roll and roll index logic
- Continued to iterate on the CSM/CM auto-maneuver logic
- Reported Typos and minor corrections to AOH checklists
- Minor: Fixed CM entry angle symbol that rendered in the Maneuver Planner UI
- Maneuver Planner: Changed so the estimated "Time to EI" becomes "Time of EI" (MET)
- Maneuver Planner: Added the CM/SM time stamp (MET)
- Additional testing related to a Saturn IB -> SIVB ignition issue (rare), reverted the previous fix

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