Radio Commander 1.13 is up!Aug 5, 2020 @ 6:32am BuildID 5374676 (5374656 DLC)
Game fixes and changes:-small fixes to voice recognition;
-clock GUI is now one big switch button for time compression;
-coordinates on GUI click error fixed;
-right click menu dynamically orientated (no problems when right-clicking near screen boarders);
-radio parameter copy bug fixed (waypoints now not selected by default);
-opening audio clip changed for sth less disturbing;
-saving graphical indicator added (save visualization);
-no time compression when radio off;
-back to main menu error finally fixed;
-quick battle recon unit localization error fixed;
-M9 and lost units under attack and token autoposition reveal bug fixed;
-tutorial: previous button fixed;
-font error in summary panel fixed;
-"halikopter" typo fixed;
-dialog options text resize fixed (important for some localizations);
-current tip reset on reload;
-quick battle limit fixed (again... hopefuly the last time);
-SM texts included in additional localization files (player's translations feature).
Editor fixes:-fixed object parameters changing upon saving a map;
-fixed the bug that made it so drawings from campaign maps appeared on their editor counterparts;
-fixed object lists freezing after pressing the "Add" button;
-fixed "timed" event type not activating properly;
-fixed the bug that made it so newly placed objects couldn't be moved if the map template has been changed;
-fixed the "Find" list option buttons not updating after changing tabs without disengaging the "Find" list once it's been activated;
-fixed the changelog text box not updating upon loading a different map into the editor;
-fixed the changelog not updating at all upon attempting to publish a map;
-fixed the "Remove" button disappearing from "Objects to follow" upon hiding the editor tabs;
-fixed the "Find" list activation state not resetting upon tab change;
-fixed unit list not updating upon removing a previously placed unit that's already been assigned to an event;
-fixed events disappearing upon removing units assigned to them;
-fixed area indicators being invisible;
-fixed area indicators not disappearing after changing type of the event that had them assigned;
-removed the ability to assign units to a trigger;
-fixed scrolling problems on tabs that have separate scrollable elements;
-fixed "Object to follow" option not assigning selected objects properly;
-fixed "Object to follow" available object list not updating upon object removal;
-added scale reference to event overlap area window;
-fixed "Objects to ping" available object list not updating properly;
-fixed "NVA battery" units being invincible when facing infantry platoons;
-fixed "Event Activation Mode" not updating the checkmarks and actual selection properly;
-fixed the bug that made it so the same object could be added to a list multiple times;
-fixed issues resulting from changing the selected "Find" type lists without disengaging the previously selected one first;
-fixed dropdown menu activation state not updating properly after hiding the editor tabs;
-fixed the bug that made it so the map camera moved upon pressing WSAD keys within a textbox;
-disabled the ability to activate the RMB dropdown with the pause menu active;
-fixed the RMB being treated as both RMB and LMB;
-fixed the "Trails" tab dropdowns not disappearing upon clicking outside of their designated area;
-fixed the player not being able to draw or use the height tool on maps created in the editor;
-fixed the "Trails" tab keeping an object inspect view open even if it has not been selected after loading a new map;
-implemented proper object filtering, so that only relevant objects may appear on event lists;
-added a proper trail event type;
-changed "Publish" button to "Save and Publish";
-disabled the ability to set custom names to waypoints;
-added feedback message upon saving the map;
-moved "Map Saved" feedback message closer to the relevant button;
-fixed "dialog" and "trial" typos.