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Re: War of Rights
« Reply #15 on: May 25, 2019, 12:30:41 AM »
War of Rights Historian interview: Making Civil War history fun!
24 MAY @ 6:25PM   - [CG]TRUSTYJAM

Recently, Youtuber Ranger Dave sat down with Campfire Games Historical Advisor Clark Morningstar for an interview and have just now released it in a great video of his featuring on-location footage of Harpers Ferry as well as general War of Rights gameplay!

A big thank you to Dave for featuring us.
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Re: War of Rights
« Reply #16 on: June 01, 2019, 12:36:50 AM »
May 31st - Update 153 Released!
31 May @ 2:31pm - [CG]TrustyJam

- Released South Mountain, featuring 3 new skirmish areas.

Garland's Stand

September 14th – 10:00 close to Fox’s Gap

CSA Brig. General Samuel Garland having been ordered by Maj. Gen. D.H. Hill to defend Fox’s Gap and its road – directly exposing the wagon trains of the Confederate army should it fall, is now deploying his brigade next to the Wise Farm. To his immediate front Union Colonel Scammon’s brigade consisting of the 30th and 12th Ohio is advancing and engaging with the 13th and 20th North Carolina while the 23rd Ohio is putting pressure on his far too drawn-out line’s right flank.

Hatch's Attack

September 14th - 18:30 close to Turner’s Gap

In an effort to secure the southern part of South Mountain itself and thus open up the flank of Confederate Major General D.H. Hill situated at the strong defensive positions at Mountain House and on the Dahlgren Road at Turner’s Gap, Union Brig. Gen. John Hatch’s 3500-man division pushes onwards and upwards through some of the most difficult and rocky terrain of the battlefield. On top of the crest CSA General Garnett’s 400-man division is rushing forwards to safeguard the flank of the mountain gap.

Colquitt's Defence

September 14th – 19:00 Turner’s Gap

Positioned behind a stonewall at the base of Turner’s Gap and on the fenced-in Dahlgren Road running above the gap, overlooking the National Road headed into Turner’s Gap, CSA Colonel Colquitt’s brigade readies itself for the attack it knows is coming after having witnessed Union Gen. Hatch’s attack on Garnett to the left of Colquitt’s brigade an hour earlier. On the National Road in front of them, Union Gen. Gibbon’s brigade begins its slow but steady push with an iron-like determination.

- Added a new WIP officer order system implemented via a radial menu that can be activated by pressing Q. Currently it will write the order in the chat to the players of the same regiment as the officer who are within 30 meters of the officer. The intent later is then to tie this into the bugler who will than be able to bugle that particular order, making all players of the same regiment as the officer receive the given order in the chat as well as give a small appropriate buff to the players in the vicinity of the officer and the bugler. The radial menu contains a huge variety of new orders, including Form Column, intended for marching as well as Fall In, which will spawn an icon on top of the officer giving the order. All the specific orders can also be bound to specific keys via the options menu if you find yourself very often drawing line or column formations.

- Made all orders given by the officer only appear to the players of the same regiment as the officer.

- Added support for passworded servers. Support for setting the password via G-Portals website will be added very soon, otherwise you can add sv_password=MyPassword to the dedicated.cfg file either via FTP or via the G-Portal website. The password can also be added, changed or removed while ingame via the ingame admin panel which can be activated, by pressing E. Adding changing or removing the password will not affect the players already connected to the server. Currently when attempting to join a passworded server, if the password is typed incorrectly once, you will unfortunately have to restart the game in order to try and type the password again.

- Added 56th VA, 18th VA, 89th NY, 23rd OH, 2nd OH, 4th OH, 5th OH, 13th OH, 12th OH, 20th OH, 30th OH, 36th OH, 51st PA, 2nd USSS, 13th AL, 23rd NC, 19th IN, 23rd NY and 18th GA regiments for use on South Mountain and in the drill camps.

- Updated several uniforms of the 72nd PA, 69th NY, 9th NY, 13th GA and quite a few more.

- Added class names to text messages from NCOs and Officers.

- The player name in text messages from officers are now colored light green.

- Updated several dirt textures throughout the game.

- Updated the staircases of several buildings to allow for better traversal.

- Fly tent model updated - more tents will be updated in the future.

- The West Woods Evening Skirmish now starts 30 minutes earlier in the day.

- Minor vegetation updates, Antietam.

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Re: War of Rights
« Reply #17 on: June 14, 2019, 12:44:14 AM »
June 13th - Update 154 Released!
13 Jun @ 11:40am - [CG]TrustyJam

- Added the 4th skirmish area to South Mountain.

Reno's Fall

September 14th - 18:00 close to Fox's Gap

After the Confederate collapse at Fox's Gap earlier in the day due to the attacks by Union Maj. Gen. Reno's IX Corps, CSA Brig. Gen. Hood now orders his division south to relieve the battered Confederate lines in an effort to regain a foothold at the gap. To deny the Confederates the chance of doing so, the 51st New York and Pennsylvania are sent forward with the Corps commander in close proximity in order to inspire his troops and inspect the lines.

- Fixed an issue with the skirmish game mode where when a player joined, the server would sync the current state of the game mode to the client, then afterwards, the client would reset the data of the current skirmish round, making it look like the round had just started, until a player got killed and the server then synced the data again.

- Fixed an issue where the flag flap sound would continue to play from the player who was flag bearer last, even if that player no longer had the flag.

- Allowed players to change the name of the server via the sv_servername cvar and have the lobby data update automatically.

- Fixed the issue where the ticking clock music theme might start when the new area starts if the player joins the server just as the previous area is about to finish.

- Made the morale states of both teams on the Deploy Screen and near the compass as well as the triggering of the huzzah or rebel yell, all get triggered from the same system, resulting in it always changing or triggering at the same time.

- Made the ticking theme start if a player joins the server if there are 3 minutes or less left of the match.
- Most likely fixed the issue where the bayonet is stuck on the trigger guard of the rifles.

- Fixed the distance cornstalks sometimes not being rendered when running the game at the lowest settings, allowing players to see through the cornfields.

- Made the officer nametags as well as their text messages golden and yellow instead of light green.

- Updated wall tent models.

- Fixed players being able to spawn inside hay stacks.

- Flag bearer spawn locations on South Mountain should provide more satisfactory results.

- Updates to the following regiments: 8th FL, 9th IN, 9th NY, 18th NC, 12th SC, 14th IN, 15th MA, 20th NY and 52nd NY.

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Re: War of Rights
« Reply #18 on: June 15, 2019, 08:29:21 PM »
WoR Content Creators Highlight
14 Jun @ 11:15am - [CG]TrustyJam

We'd like to thank our great community and the content creators within it for helping us spreading the word of the game and at the same time creating some very entertaining videos.

Thank you!

Here's a few most excellent youtube videos, all released within the last 24 hours.

Calibrated Core shows off the vertical flanking possibilities of the newly released skirmish area "Colquitt's Defence", part of the Battle of South Mountain:

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Re: War of Rights
« Reply #19 on: June 18, 2019, 09:10:42 PM »
Maintenance Update
18 Jun @ 4:46pm - [CG]TrustyJam   

- Recompiled all the game files from scratch resulting in a smaller game size as lots of older files have accumulated in the build over the past 6 months.

- Regenerated the shader cache and deleted all old shaders. Over the next few days, you may sometimes for a brief moment see some assets appear white or distorted in its colors. That is because your game along with our remote shader compiler is recompiling the shader for the specific asset which in the end allows us to compile a clean shader cache with only the required shaders War of Rights is using in its current state.

- Fixed the player information in the bottom right corner not working properly when Auto Show HUD has been disabled in the options menu.

- Made the morale loss message get shown upon death even if Auto Show HUD has been disabled in the options menu.

- Added an experimental fix which might prevent players from spawning on objects underneath the terrain when spawning on the flag bearer.
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Offline Asid

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Re: War of Rights
« Reply #20 on: June 24, 2019, 11:32:53 PM »
June 24th - Update 156 Released!
24 Jun @ 5:35pm - [CG]TrustyJam   

- Released the 5th skirmish area of the Battle of South Mountain.

Cox's Push

September 14th - 11:00 Fox's Gap

As the 30th and 12th Ohio attack the left flank of Garland's Brigade, Union Division Commander Jacob Cox pushes forward the 36th and 23rd Ohio to engage the Confederate 5th North Carolina as well as the 23rd North Carolina, having just reinforced the stretched out and besieged Confederate line. Between the two lines is Fox's Gap, a windswept, valley-like gap covered in stonewalls, fencing in the numerous fields covering the area.

- Fixed the victory screen sometimes writing the wrong team as the victor.

- Fixed an issue where a flag bearer might be able to switch to a rifle after having spawned.

- Added a system that allows newly spawned to be walked through after having spawned in order to fix the issue of players being stuck inside each other on spawn.

- Sword attacks will now trigger flesh hit sounds.

- Fixed the salute animation disabling itself after having been triggered.

- Updated A tent models.

- Fixed a few collision issues with the Piper Barn model.

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Offline Asid

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Re: War of Rights
« Reply #21 on: June 26, 2019, 12:16:29 AM »
War of Rights is currently 50% off!
25 Jun @ 6:49pm - [CG]TrustyJam   

Part of the Steam summer sale, War of Rights is currently 50% off!

Partake in truly team-oriented, historically authentic & immersive massive Civil War battles!

Grab your copy at:

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Re: War of Rights
« Reply #22 on: June 26, 2019, 02:58:53 AM »
I have this and holdfast, they're pretty fun.  I'd like to see both of them develop a bot system where you can be an officer commanding a company of bots / AI.  It would flesh out the battlefield more and hold my attention a little longer, after a couple hours of waiting to reload that flintlock every time I

Still great games, especially war of rights, it's like getting to see what it's like to be a civil war renactor with out all you friends and family thinking your nuts when you dress up in a real civil war get up and go to a battlefield.

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Re: War of Rights
« Reply #23 on: June 26, 2019, 11:53:35 AM »
after a couple hours of waiting to reload that flintlock every time I

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Re: War of Rights
« Reply #24 on: July 02, 2019, 06:55:41 PM »
July 2nd - Update 157 Released!

- Fixed a couple of possible crashes when leaving the server.

- Fixed the amount of casualties on the victory screen sometimes being flipped.

- Fixed the camera being permanently very blurry if you join a new server after having left a server while the background behind the user interface was desaturated.

- Fixed an issue where the UI would stop functioning properly if the player opened the ingame menu, clicked Leave Server and then clicked No.

- Fixed an issue on the Drill Camp where regardless of the base or the flag bearer being selected in the Deploy Screen, the spawnpoint the player ended up spawning on would always be random.

- Fixed overly bending weed patches on South Mountain.

- Increased the amount of fog during stormy weather.

- Made the sunlight slightly more yellow during midday.

- Updated the wood log pile model and textures.

- Made the banning and kicking of players work more reliably via the admin panel in the tab view and the admin panel on the E button.

- Fixed an issue where the mouse cursor would appear if an admin closed the tab admin menu and then pressed the right mouse button.

- Added the ability for admins to right click on a player in the tab view and click Spectate, this will then activate the worcam and the camera will then fly over to the player and attach itself to the player. If WASD is pressed, the camera will reenter free flight mode.

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Re: War of Rights
« Reply #25 on: July 11, 2019, 01:42:07 PM »
July 10th - Update 158 Released!
10 Jul @ 2:16pm - [CG]TrustyJam   

- Released the next skirmish area of South Mountain: Anderson's Counterattack.

With but a few hours of daylight left the 9th and 89th New York along with Clark's Battery take up a defensive position on the northern side of Fox's Gap, defended by Garland's, now broken, Brigade earlier in the day. CSA Gen. G.B. Anderson, arriving with badly needed reinforcements to the remnants of the Confederate force, targets Clark's Battery and the two New York regiments for his counterattack.

- Fixed a couple of spawn related crashes.

- Fixed a bug where the flag bearer would be unable to respawn after having died.

- Fixed a bug where a player would sometimes spawn with no nametag and slowly just drift in a set direction out of the map.

- Fixed players appearing at their corpse for a single frame when respawning.

- Fixed the UI partly locking up if the player presses Tab while typing in the chat.

- Added several exclusion areas to Harpers Ferry, fixing players sometimes spawning inside the town houses there.

- Added an animation for when players pick up the flag from the ground.

- Various minor character material and uniform updates.

- Added stacked wheat bundles to the whatfields of Fox's Gap, South Mountain.

- Updated the farmer wagon model and texture.

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Re: War of Rights
« Reply #26 on: July 27, 2019, 11:39:02 PM »
July 27th - Update 159 Released!
27 Jul @ 6:20pm - [CG]TrustyJam   

- Reworked the entire class selection logic for more reliability.

- A class is now claimed directly when the class image has been clicked. Previously the class would first have been claimed when the player moved onto the Deploy Screen.

- The available classes will now auto update whenever another player picks a class and if a class such as the officer is no longer available, that class will automatically be greyed out.

- The Class Selection Screen will now output on screen error messages if something goes wrong or if the selected class was just taken by another player as you clicked the class icon. If an error message is outputted, the Class Selection Screen will reset.

- The selected class is now automatically remembered by the UI and will be reselected if the player should go back to the Class Selection Screen from the Deploy Screen.

- The Deploy Screen will now output on screen messages when the flag bearer spawn becomes available, if you are in the flag bearer spawn queue and the flag bearer becomes Out of Line or gets killed.

- Possibly fixed a couple of UI related crashes.

- Reduced the applied TSAA smoothness, resulting in a sharper image with less ghosting effects.

- Fixed setting the weather via the ingame admin panel.

- Fixed several of the reported instances of players not being able to enter houses.

- Added a few new house prop items.

- Fixed being able to spawn inside certain closed-off structures via the flag bearer spawning.

- Updated Pry Grist Mill textures.

- Minor updates to Colquitt's Defence and Anderson's Counterattack, South Mountain.

- Updated Moore House textures.

- Optimized tent LOD's.

- Minor character skinning updates.

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Re: War of Rights
« Reply #27 on: August 08, 2019, 11:48:33 PM »
August 8th - Update 160 Released!
8 AUG @ 5:56PM   - [CG]TRUSTYJAM

- Added a list of players that currently are in the selected regiment on the Class Selection Screen.

- Players will now lose their current class if they go back to the Faction Selection Screen, freeing the class up for other players to pick.

- If you go back to the Class Selection Screen as an NCO or Officer, the rank you previously had selected will automatically be selected for you again.

- Fixed the Maryland, PHB regiments giving an error if a player tried to select a class from that regiment on the Class Selection Screen.

- Fixed the UI not being able to find certain rank and weapon images on the Deployment Screen.

- Balance tweak for the end game event Final Push: The time given to attack in Final Push has been decreased from roughly 3 to 2 attacks.

- Added several new interior props to the houses in the game.

- Increased the visibility of the bullet trail effect.

- Lightning now starts to happen when the weather is worse than it did before.

- Added 1841 Mississippi rifle and sword bayonet to the majority of the 39th New York.

- Minor visual updates to South Mountain.

- Fixed a few bad spawn areas in Harpers Ferry.

- Increased the attacker's tickets by 10 on the Bolivar Heights Artillery Redoubt skirmish area, Harpers Ferry.

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Re: War of Rights
« Reply #28 on: September 02, 2019, 07:45:20 PM »
September 2nd - Update 161 Released!
2 Sep @ 5:06pm - [CG]TrustyJam   

- Fixed a long standing and regular crash issue.

- Fixed players not being able to type in the ingame chat during the endgame screen.

- Made the colors get damaged when the flagbearer gets killed.

- Updated several spawning exclusion areas throughout the levels for better flag bearer spawning results.

- Cleaned up the respawn game logic for the various game modes, which should help make death to respawn UI process much more reliable.

- Fixed various bugs with the Picket Patrol game mode.

- Several additional interior props added throughout the levels.

- Several visual updates to the Harpers Graveyard skirmish area.

- Several map boundary adjustments to the Harpers Graveyard skirmish area in order to limit flanking the enemy via running on the cliffside of the area.

- Fixed Freelook not being visible on other players.

- Slightly improved the performance on Very High settings if your system is GPU bottlenecked.

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Re: War of Rights
« Reply #29 on: September 17, 2019, 11:28:48 PM »
Field Report 43: Artillery Progress Update
Tue, 17 September 2019

Hello and welcome to the Forty-Third Field Report!

One of our programmers, Michael will guide you through the progress below.

Artillery Progress

Hello everyone!

For those of you who don’t know me my name is Michael and I have been a programmer at Campfire Games for 3 years. I am responsible for a lot of the notable systems including: the formation system, the weather system, free-looking, spectating, the admin tool, officer orders, capture zones and more. Currently, I am committed to two of our most important roadmap features which I am here today to talk about!

Arriving soon will be one of the most requested and anticipated additions to War of Rights, the artillery! Here is a brief rundown of what to expect and where we are now.

The very first artillery implementation which we’re quickly headed towards will be a work in progress (as most if not all things in an alpha are) and will thus feature both limited game mechanics as well as a lot of new exciting bugs for you to enjoy.

That being said, it will feature the core mechanics of functional artillery:

•   Different artillery classes with different tools and weaponry.
•   Unlimited artillery crew slots - if a team wishes to use all available battery pieces (or none) they can do so.
•   Pushable cannons (by wheels) by two players at once.
•   Ammunition and powder pickups from limbers.
•   Different types of loads (such as explosive shell and canister shot).
•   Horizontal aiming adjustments by lifting the tailspike of the cannon.
•   Vertical aiming adjustments by turning the elevation screw of the cannon.
•   Firing by fixing a lanyard to a primer and pulling it.
•   Recoil from firing will require the cannon to be pushed back to its initial position in order to maintain accurate fire.
•   Pushable limbers in order to make sure that the supply for the cannon can be moved with it should it be deemed a good idea to relocate the gun.

Here’s a short list of some of the things we’ll be looking to bring to the artillery system in later released iterations:
•   Artillery specific team damage punishment system (the first release of artillery will have friendly fire turned off).
•   Chance of normal and catastrophical misfires without proper maintenance of the cannon.
•   Dry sponge & worm tools for properly clearing stuck embers after firing.
•   Chance of explosion when hitting the limbers.
•   Chance of explosion when hitting the shell while it is being carried over to the gun for loading.
•   Vent hole plugging step while loading.
•   Fence destruction.
•   Horse drawn artillery.

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