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Re: Foundation
« Reply #45 on: December 12, 2020, 01:43:08 AM » Key Mapping Update is Now Live!
Fri, December 11, 2020

Good news, Lords and Ladies! The 1.6.26 Update has arrived!

This small update brings a much-requested feature from the community, Key Mapping! You can now set up the game controls to suit your own playstyle and requirements. Find it in the Settings panel!

To complement the new Key mapping feature you will also find the following extra functions plus an additional fix:

•   New keyboard shortcuts:
   •   F1 = Help
   •   Home = move to Village Center
   •   Page Up/down = Zoom
   •   1-2-3 = game speeds

•   camera axis inversion
•   mouse camera sensitivity
•   keyboard camera sensitivity
•   fix: navmesh was not generated in some rare regions

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Re: Foundation
« Reply #46 on: January 16, 2021, 02:26:44 AM »
News: Updated Roadmap & Release Schedule
Fri, 15 January 2021

Happy New Year everyone! We hope you all had a wonderfully festive holiday!

We are thrilled to present to you today, an updated roadmap that contains information on many of the new features and content coming to Foundation this year.

Updated Roadmap & Release Schedule

Our objective is to release 3 major updates over the course of 2021. The first of which will be the much anticipated new UI.

This will be followed by 2 Core Updates that will bring an array of new features and additionally continue to improve on the UI and UX.

We have set out below further information on what you can expect to see in these updates.

Update 1 will bring a major improvement to the game in the form of the UI rehaul. You can expect to see a new HUD, building menus, villager menu, information panels and of course much, much more.

The main HUD will see a plethora of improvements that will contain easily identifiable information on resources, events & quests as well as more information panels for quick overviews of your current village.

Many of the information and management panels will all be tied together in an easily navigable and streamlined “Book” (name subject to change). The Book will include tabs and shortcuts that will link directly to facets including: Villager information, Workplaces, Estates, Budget, Resources and your Army. Each tab will include improved ways to sort and search for information that you need, all at your fingertips.

A new main menu will include more detail when looking through saves, a new options menu, help menu, mod menu,... in fact every aspect of the UI will be new and improved and as such will also bring a host of UX improvements.

We will continue to build upon the UI/UX Update with further updates and improvements after its initial release.

Estate Mechanic

Core Update II will focus on improving the Estate mechanic. Your influence with an estate will vary over time, creating a choice of which estate(s) to invest in. Increasing your influence with one estate will have an effect on other estates and as such will affect the path you choose when building your village.

Building Decay

A new feature will be introduced with Core Update II in the form of Building Decay. Every placeable building will require maintenance and if not maintained the building will decay over time.

In order to maintain buildings within your village, you will need to place and staff a maintenance workshop. Each workshop will prioritize and maintain buildings that require repairs and pull resources that are needed to repair those buildings.

As buildings decay, productivity and desirability will be affected and if allowed to decay too far, buildings will become unusable and will need to be dismantled.

Houses occupied by villagers of lower status than the house, or left uninhabited for too long will begin to decay and may require repair.

Further UI/UX Improvements

Core Update II will also continue to improve upon the UI and UX with more accessibility options and menu improvements, taking into account player feedback as we further build on the previous UI/UX update.

Core Update III will add a number of new features that will change the way in which your village population can vary as well as bring new and improved detail to maps.

Families & Aging
•   A family mechanic will allow for the birth of children who will age, work, create their own families and eventually pass away, bringing a full cycle to village life.

•   Varying factors will increase the chance of villager disease that will come with consequences to your workforce if left unchecked.

•   As your villagers now walk through the valley of death they will need a place to be laid to rest.

Map Visual Edges
•   Map edges will be visually improved.

Terrain Biomes
•   Varying biomes will add to the variety of map environments.

Resource Fertility
•   Land fertility will differ, depending on environmental factors allowing for crop-specific fertility.

Cobblestone Roads
•   A much-requested feature will see the introduction of cobblestone roads that will increase efficiency in your villages.

The updated roadmap can be found over on Trello where you can keep up-to-date with all the progress.

Up to Full Release

More features will be implemented up to the full release, including:

•   A major expansion and overhaul of the narrative elements & events
•   Vehicles - where appropriate, villagers will be able to own and use horses
•   A third level of housing status and density
•   A safety need will see more use for soldiers and defense structures
•   New monuments
•   Information map - a zoomed out map showing an overview of available resource nodes and layers
•   Map generator
•   Pastures - allowing for zoning of livestock areas
•   ...and more!

Post Release

The full release will not be the end of development and we will continue to work on features not yet implemented such as a map editor, creative mode and a photo tool as well as work on further DLCs that were planned as part of our original Kickstarter campaign.

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Re: Foundation
« Reply #47 on: February 17, 2021, 01:17:39 AM »
Alpha is now live
Tue, 16 February 2021

Hey everyone!

Small patch, Alpha is now live. This patch is in part a requirement in response to a new privacy policy on

•   add: mod "report content" link
•   request user consent before logging to when rating a mod for the first time
•   fix: mod loading fail on reload when adding new attach node types
•   fix: avoid stuck tax collector or bailiff in a specific part of the lord manor

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Re: Foundation
« Reply #48 on: May 12, 2021, 11:50:06 PM »
Devlog #15
Wed, 12 May 2021

Hey everyone!

It’s been a little time since our last communication but this does not mean we have been resting on our laurels. We know you are all eagerly anticipating the new UI and the improvements that will come with it.

An update on the UI rehaul progress

The very first phase of the new UI implementation is nearing completion. With that said, we would like to share with you some of the work that has been involved with creating the new UI, and to let you know what has been going on in the background for the past few months.

Late last year, we teased you all with some sample images of our UI rehaul. These initial images were conceptual and only a taste of what to expect. Since that time, our UI/UX designer and a good chunk of the team have been busy implementing the full redesign in-engine.

If you have played the game and seen the old UI you will be well aware that although it was functional, it was lacking in many places, not particularly intuitive and also not very aesthetically pleasing. As such, the redesign has required major work. Every menu, icon, HUD element, feedback module… it’s a long list… needed to be updated, redesigned and in some instances built from scratch. Such is the cost of progress.

Once the new design foundation (pun intended) was laid out and agreed upon, work could begin on asset creation, whilst in the background, we ramped up work on the engine. What came out of this was a brand new Interface tool (imaginatively called the GUI editor). This tool effectively allows us to build, visualize and tweak the interface without programming (because yes, the old interface used to be generated purely by code). As we progress, we're constantly making the editor even more powerful, to allow for new features in the game for you, the players.

On top of this we have been making further updates to the engine to allow for enhanced UI visuals including better font rendering, to improve scaling, for the large differences in resolutions throughout the player base.

Much of the new interface is now in place and we are on the final run toward testing, feedback, tweaking and subsequent release. There are still a few elements that need to be worked on, some remnants from the old UI that need to be replaced and we will need to further tweak and improve on the work so far before release.

We know you are eager to see more teasers of what’s to come and of course we wish to oblige...

In other news

The UI has not been the only focus of recent development work. Some of the team have also been working in the background on more long-term goals such as overall art direction and preparation for future content updates.

Some of you may have noticed the changes to the market tents in a social media post some time ago, this was only the start of a broader improvement in the overall art direction. Further work has since been carried out on buildings such as the bakery and in time we will revamp and enhance the majority of the art and assets within the game.

The art team has also been working to design and create tools that will allow for a better way to render environmental aspects and transitions within the game, such as those between grass, sand and rocks. Similarly, they have been looking at ways in which to improve the look and variation of environmental factors such as vegetation, lighting and overall ambience.

These changes and improvements to the art style will not be part of the upcoming UI but you will be seeing more of them in the future.

We will update you all with an ETA for the release of the UI update in the coming weeks.
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Re: Foundation
« Reply #49 on: September 18, 2021, 11:58:50 PM »
Devlog #16
Fri, 17 September 2021

Greetings Lords and Ladies!

With the new UI out it’s a good time to take a look at what else we have been working on and where our focus is now headed.

Before we do though, we would like to mention our growing team here at Polymorph Games. As a relatively new indie studio we are always looking to expand the team and as such we have seen some new faces since the last Devlog.

We have recently been joined by a senior gameplay programmer that will help us as we move our focus to new and improved gameplay features. We also have been swelled in ranks by a new engine programmer as well as a gameplay programmer that is completing an internship with us.

Getting back to the team’s focus, the first thing of note is that in a revised change to our roadmap earlier this year, we are planning to bring you a game update in the Autumn/Fall whilst in the background we also work toward the bigger Core II update.

Let’s take a look at what the team has been working on...


The art team have been hard at work overhauling the current buildings to create a more cohesive and detailed style throughout the game.

You can see an example below of the completed bakery revamp in all its splendor.

Before/after shot of the Bakery

You’ll see the majority of these as part of a larger update, most likely sometime next year, however we will be bringing 2 new buildings to the game much sooner, that have been designed from the ground up with the new and improved styling already implemented.

Currently the focus is on these two buildings which will see both a Candle Workshop as well as a Common Wares Workshop added to the game in the Fall Update. Check out some concept art of the Common Wares Workshop below.

Common wares workshop (concept art)


In the longer term the gameplay team is now focused on Core Update II which will see a complete overhaul of the Estate system and progression. The final design of the Estate system overhaul is now almost complete and work has begun on its implementation. The team are also working on balancing tools to make for easier balancing as we add more content to the game.

In the more immediate future however, the team has also been working on implementing a new feature for the Fall Update that will bring more immersion
when building your village. This feature will see construction step bundles implemented to the game.

These bundles will create a more logical construction process, where materials will be required on construction sites in a relevant order. For example a building’s foundation/basement will be built first and require a specific portion of the overall building resources on site before construction begins. The next step might be walls that require the next bundle of resources.

Construction step bundles essentially break down the overall resource requirements into separate bundles that need to be delivered to construction sites prior to builders starting work on each construction step.


We are still working to further improve the UI with subsequent updates such as the recent UI/UX patch. We still have many more improvements to come.

To this end, the UI/UX team is working on a number of important small improvements and fixes that will come in the Fall Update. Alongside this the team is also working on UX design for the bigger core update, in support of the Estates overhaul, which will require a number of new screens and information panels.

Game Engine & Modding

As you can probably imagine the Engine team is busy working to support any processes that the whole team are working on, such as new Hurricane editor tools for feature integration.

Furthermore the team continues to collate and analyse any crash reports coming in and fixing any instability as quickly as possible. Our crash rate is at an all time low with the biggest crash issue now being graphics drivers. Note: if you are experiencing any crashing on startup please update your GPU drivers with (importantly) a clean install of the GPU drivers.

Modding is also one of the larger projects for the Engine team which has seen them continue to work on exposing more features, such as exposing the mandate system to create custom mandates. They have also been looking to support modders even further with work on Lua debugging support.

In addition to this we continue to work closely with the modding community to gather modding feedback and suggestions, as well as look at ways to improve our feedback gathering to better support the modding community.

We will bring you more news as soon as we have it and keep an eye on our social media channels for more teasers, as we get closer to the Fall Update release.

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Re: Foundation
« Reply #50 on: October 22, 2021, 11:56:51 PM »
Preview build: Alpha 1.8 is live!
Fri, 22 October 2021

A preview build of the upcoming 1.8 Fall update is now available via the Steam betas option tab (access instructions below).

Whilst we continue to work toward the core updates, the 1.8 Fall update comes as a bonus that also enables us to add in some smaller features in preparation for the bigger updates.

We look forward to hearing any feedback and please let us know if you find any issues. Feedback and bugs can be posted on the Steam
forums or alternatively you can join us on our official Discord

Preview build highlights

Two new production buildings

The Candle Workshop and Common Wares Workshop

Construction steps and bundles

More logical construction steps for buildings, including the addition of resource bundles for each step.

QoL and UI

New tooltips, improved layouts and a number of QoL improvements such as improved stockpiling feedback.


An enhanced mod browser, including direct links to
to allow for easier communication with modders.

Modders also get some new stuff, including a debugging tool. More info can be found on the modding wiki

Preview Build Access Instructions

Note: Preview build saves will be compatible
with the full release of the 1.8 Fall update. Most mods will requiring migration
for the full 1.8 release. We recommend starting a fresh save or playing a vanilla for the preview build.

If you would like to take a look or help test out the preview build, you can gain access via the Steam betas tab in Foundation properties.

    Right-click Foundation in your Steam library
    Click on properties
    Navigate to BETAS
    Choose the ‘preview - Next Build Preview’ option

The game will automatically update but if it does not you may need to restart your Steam client.

- The Polymorph Games Team

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Re: Foundation
« Reply #51 on: November 08, 2021, 11:34:18 PM »
The Patch is LIVE!
Mon, 8 November 2021

Hello everyone!

We have just deployed Foundation’s Patch (Alpha)

This is a minor patch that aims to fix some of the most common issues encountered since the release of 1.8.

Here’s what’s included:


    CandleWorkshop: Extension now modifies recipe
    Minor adjustment to the Candle Workshop model
    Adjust building window to properly show recipe modifiers
    Wait for a villager to finish his/her work shift before changing jobs


    Building Window refresh when building parts get unlocked
    Church message tooltip
    Performance issue when unemploying a villager
    Visual issue which doubled the maintenance cost in the preview building window
    Resource depot causing infinite fuel bug with fuelmonger mod
    Building description update when building and part are built at the same time
    Top module not showing resources at 0 when loading a game
    Some work interactive location could become locked after work shift switch
    Crash on launch on Linux Proton
    Localization typo
    SaveGamePatcher: fix stuck interactive locations


    COMP_WORKPLACE can now be instantiated
    Fix: Crash when changing a particle emitter system at runtime

We hope you enjoy this patch and as always, we will be looking for feedback as we move closer to our bigger, upcoming update!

-Polymorph Games

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Re: Foundation
« Reply #52 on: December 06, 2021, 11:53:15 PM »
Preview Build 1.8.1 is available right now!
Mon, 6 December 2021

Try Foundation's new update before it's released! The 1.8.1 Preview Build is live!

This is your chance to test drive some of the new features we’ve been working on.

Among the new features, you’ll notice:

    A resource tracker tool which adds useful icons above entities in the world. Never lose track of your village’s resources anymore!
    Improvements to construction bundles so the visual messaging is more accurate.

As always, we would like to hear from you about this preview build. You can join the discussion here on Steam or choose to do so on our official Discord
server, under the #1-8-1_preview_feedback channel.

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Re: Foundation
« Reply #53 on: December 14, 2021, 11:51:57 PM »
The 1.8.1 Update Is Now Live!
Tue, 14 December 2021

Greetings everyone!

Today we are proud to announce that Foundation’s 1.8.1 update has just landed.

Following a successful and mostly incident-less preview version, we’re releasing this content a bit ahead of time.

Let’s take a tour of the new and updated features, shall we?

Resource Tracker

The biggest and most exciting feature added to 1.8.1 is without a doubt our brand-new resource tracker tool.

It allows you to see where resources are located in your village by right-clicking on a resource icon from the info module, located at the top of your screen.

Left-clicking on the same resource will bring you to its associated entry in the Book, under the Trade tab. We are confident that this addition will make it easier to manage your village and its numerous supply chains!

Enhanced Construction Step Bundles

Another goal we’ve set ourselves for the 1.8.1 update was to achieve better HUD efficiency.

As of 1.8, we’ve added construction step bundles to Foundation. Since then, most buildings are built progressively. This feature adds a lot to the immersion and can even help you plan ahead as each step requires different resources. But we felt like there was room for improvement about how we communicated this information to you.

If you take a closer look at the above building panel, you’ll notice we now display ready-to-build bundles in the progress bar (second background layer). One of the pitfalls or the previous iteration of this feature was that it involved too much guessing. With 1.8.1, we felt the need to share more information about construction steps—clear the fog, in a way.

Modding Additions

Foundation’s mod scene is still going strong years after we first entered early access. True to our habits, we’ve worked closely with the modding community to fix bugs and crashes related to 1.8.1. But that’s not all: browsing the changelog reveals the newly added exposure of single-property types. Combined with COMP_SOLDIER, we can’t wait to see what modders will create next.

1.8.1 Changelog


    Add: Resource tracker (resource icons are shown above entities when right-clicked in info module)
    Add: Resource tracker windows open entity panels
    Add: Resource tracking button in the book (resources list)
    Add: Shortcut from resources in info module to book
    Add: Resource row highlight in the book
    Add: Ready-to-build bundles are now shown in construction progress bars
    Improve: Construction and Bailiff progress bars are no longer shown behind prioritize and cancel buttons
    Improve: parts list and jobs ordering
    Fix: color when conditions are met from green to gold (quests)
    Fix: missing tooltip on delete savegame button
    Fix: buildings generating resources have duplicated descriptions
    Fix: missing localization on Controls window title
    Fix: crash after building the Village Center is the Build menu was already opened
    Fix: if there is at least one incomplete part in a multi-part monument when a reload is performed, all the parts that were previously completed will turn invisible (monuments)
    Fix: walls disappear upon reload
    Fix: Market Goods and Luxury tables are not unlocking
    Fix: crash when building a village center
    Fix: crash no crane on mineral deposit
    Update: community localizations
    Update: rename good and luxury market stall part set category


    Expose single-property types
    Fix: crash when spawning immigrant with job
    Update: modding documentation

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Re: Foundation
« Reply #54 on: January 21, 2022, 11:53:25 PM »
A Look at Foundation’s Future
Fri, 21 January 2022

Hi everyone!

Now that the holidays are decidedly behind us, it’s time to think about what the future holds.

There’s little doubt that 2022 will be a pivotal year for Foundation. We know you’re eager to learn more about the game, hence why we’re sharing an exclusive look at what’s going on behind the scenes…and hopefully answer some of your burning questions!

Laying down the cards

After three years in Early Access (time flies!), we are finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Looking back, we’re proud of what we’ve accomplished so far, but acknowledge that there’s still a lot of work left to do. Still, we’re confident that we’ll cross the finish line before long.

Our current focus is on Core Game II (1.9), which we’ve actually already talked about last year. We can’t stress enough just how much of a game changer this new release will be. We’ll have more details to share about it very soon. In the meantime, here’s some up-to-date info about the new features being worked on right now by the team for this massive update:

Gameplay Types & Progression


As part of our overhauled progression system, your village will now score points according to various metrics (territories, population, etc.). We’re calling this system Prosperity (which is not to be confused with Splendor). The idea behind it is to allow you, the player, to progress in the game without imposing a specific playstyle. For example, you will be able to progress by focusing on a large populated city, but you’ll also be able to progress by focusing on a prolific monastery. Aiming for higher scores isn’t just for bragging rights: you’ll unlock new buildings and put in place new politics (edicts) along the way.


The Estates are evolving and will be closely tied to different gameplay types. Each Estate will have their specific advantages over some core features of the game. For instance, the Labor Estate will fare well in villager taxation, the Clergy Estate on luxury resources and the Kingdom—you probably guessed it—on military campaigns. Also, get ready as having a high Splendor with an estate will negatively impact influence with other estates. This is just a quick overview of our intentions. More on that later!

Victory conditions

We know several players would love to see endgame content added to Foundation and 1.9 will deliver on that front. Victory conditions are late game objectives you can complete to score rare player celebrations in Foundation—and their own achievements. Pick one or more victory conditions to track and try to complete all the prerequisites…if you dare!


If you’ve been following us on social media, you know we hired a talented narrative designer a couple of weeks ago. Core Game II will be the first occasion to see his work applied to the world of Foundation. What does that mean?

Well…we’re not ready to spill the beans quite yet, but here’s a nugget of information for you: our new narrative events aim to make your experience more open-ended. Since 1.9 redefines our global game progression, we wanted to establish the first step of what we could describe as a “dialogue” between players and Foundation. In that sense, the game will feel a lot more responsive by serving events tailored to your play style.

New onboarding

Core Game II is an opportunity for us to review Foundation’s early game and more precisely its onboarding. Since we’re introducing a lot of new features to the game, it’s important that our tutorials and in-game messaging are on point. We’ve put a lot of effort into explaining our systems and helping players understand the steps they need to take in order to build—and maintain—successful villages.

And more! Look forward to our new blog series that will delve deeper into upcoming features included in 1.9

The Core Game II (1.9) update is scheduled for release in the first half of 2022.

Looking even further

Apart from the work being done on Core Game II, our team is working in parallel on other important additions that will see the light of day before/at release. Here’s a few of them:

Residential Revamp

We are rehauling the residential experience to make it more fluid and informative while improving the game’s overall organic layout. Villagers will still build and upgrade (up to a 3rd level) houses by themselves but through blood, sweat, and tears, they’ll be better at it than ever!

Gone are the days where unused space could really hinder your village’s development. Improvements to our painting tool will help determine more precisely where districts are formed and ensure residential space (as defined by the player) is sufficient. The tool will be able to predict how many villagers can be housed within a specific zone.

Map Generator

We already gave you a glimpse of our Map Generator. Work on this feature has progressed steadily since then and is already showing promising results. We know this is one of the most anticipated features and we want to make it right, hence why we’re keeping things a bit under wraps for now.

New Terrain Biomes

One way to add more uniqueness to maps is by making sure biomes are different enough from each other. How are we going to do it? Well, for starters, we want to improve vegetation a lot—even going as far as having different vegetation depending on elevation. Think leafy on lower altitudes and coniferous on higher altitudes. What we’re not aiming for is to add tropical or desert biomes, as we feel they don’t quite fit with our design.


We strive to make Foundation more functional, accessible and enjoyable by all types of players. Expect even more accessibility options in the future, including improved colored text contrast and colorblind-friendly signs/feedback.


We will continue to support the modding community. One way to do so will be by exposing more real-time interactions, but we also plan to let modders edit the user interface (UI), among other things.

Quality of Life (QOL)

Delivering a smooth gameplay experience has always been a top priority for us. On that point, we can say this year will introduce a number of interesting QOL changes, included but not limited to: more tooltips, improved handling of panels and ESC key behavior, new Book shortcuts and UI customization (resize).

We are doing everything in our power to get Foundation our of Early Access before the end of 2022. We will keep you updated as we go.

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Re: Foundation
« Reply #55 on: March 23, 2022, 11:48:06 PM »
Update Preview: Taxes for All
Wed, 23 March 2022

Welcome to the first of multiple preview posts dedicated to our upcoming 1.9 content update. Today, we would like to focus on the new taxation system that will be added to the game.

We are indeed reworking the way your villagers will generate revenue. Your market won’t directly generate revenue anymore when villagers purchase food or goods. Instead, you will be able to tax villagers. Preserving their happiness will be the key to efficiently tax them, so providing them with what they need from the market will keep playing a central role for revenue.

Be careful though as each building will have a maximum amount of taxes it can accumulate. You will need enough tax collectors to get your hands on all of this precious money!

Lastly, you will have control of the taxation rate of your villagers. Know that if you ever feel too greedy, the happiness of your villagers will be negatively affected!

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Re: Foundation
« Reply #56 on: April 21, 2022, 11:10:30 PM »
Update Preview: Live Long Prosper
Thu, 21 April 2022

Hello everyone! Today, we’re back to give you more details about what’s cooking with Foundation.

Back in March, we introduced our new taxation system. This time, let's leave economics behind for a moment and discuss another new feature:

Starting with content update 1.9, Prosperity will replace the current progression system, which is based on growing and promoting your population. It will be something that feels much more in line with your own choices. For example, a small priory relying on trade will be able to progress as much as a village promoting its own population, or a village relying on war efforts.

By raising your Prosperity, you will reach common unlockable tiers, similar to current Estates Unlockable Tiers. These unlockables will give you access to new common buildings and functionalities within Foundation.

The Prosperity score will be based on various core game mechanics. These include:
•   Population
•   Commerce
•   Territory extent
•   Splendor
•   Beautification

That’s it for now. Next time, we will talk about how progression paths are evolving with 1.9 and why they will dramatically change the way you play.

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Re: Foundation
« Reply #57 on: May 18, 2022, 11:21:26 PM »
Update Preview: Your Progression, Your Choice
Wed, 18 May 2022

Hi everyone and welcome to a new sneak peek of our upcoming update.

With Foundation 1.9, we reworked how players progress through the game. There will now be a common progression path, which is divided into different tiers just like Estates. Each tier—and its accompanying core buildings—will be unlocked once specific score thresholds are met (Prosperity).

Alongside our new common progression path, players will also be able to dedicate themselves to one or more of the three available Estates (Kingdom, Labor or Clergy). Essentially, what this means is that players will get to experience Foundation in a very different and meaningful way. This is also part of our plan to further encourage replayability.

Say for example that a player dedicates himself or herself to the Labor Estate. In this case, the gameplay will revolve around a careful balancing act between happiness and taxation. As progression is made, new taxation options will become available, thus rewarding players with features that feel right to them.

One thing to keep in mind is that dedication to one Estate makes it harder (but not impossible) to make progress with another’s.

We hope you will enjoy the added depth to progression systems coming up in 1.9. Player agency is something we believe helps create better, more immersive games. This is one of the few steps we are taking to achieve that goal with Foundation. Next time, we will cover a new kind of unlockable that is sure to spice things up!

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Offline Asid

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Re: Foundation
« Reply #58 on: July 23, 2022, 02:52:50 AM »
Playtests for Update 1.9 Are Underway!
Fri, 22 July 2022

Greetings Foundationeers! At last we have some news to share with you concerning update 1.9!

We are happy to confirm that since last week, we have started two waves of private playtests for the new update, with more waves to follow.

The 1.9 update is one of our most ambitious updates yet, with many improvements to the core experience that represent the culmination of what Foundation is about.

The private playtests will be followed by a public preview phase—accessible to all—during which we’ll also assist modders to transition their mods toward update 1.9.

We can’t wait for you to try out what we have been working hard on these last few months. We’ll keep you posted once we have a target for the release.

In the meantime, know that the team is pouring its heart out to deliver you an update with the same high level of quality that you expect us to deliver.

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Offline Asid

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Re: Foundation
« Reply #59 on: September 15, 2022, 12:28:01 AM »
Coming Soon: Update 1.9 Public Playtest!
Tue, 13 September 2022

Try the new content starting next Monday

Hi Steam community! Today we have awesome news to share with you.

For the past few months, we've been hard at work on Foundation's Update 1.9.

We are happy to confirm that you will be able to participate in a public playtest
starting next Monday, September the 19th.

This will be an opportunity to explore several new gameplay features and overhauled mechanics, including:

    Sub buildings
    Progression paths
    Estate system with trade-offs
    Narrative choices
    Edicts and privileges
    Village Aspirations
    And more!

Stay tuned for more details as the public playtest draws closer!

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