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Re: Foundation
« Reply #15 on: June 01, 2019, 12:48:56 AM »
Wine Production Update is live!
31 May @ 5:15pm - Polymorph Games

Hi everyone, the Wine Production Update (Alpha is live!

*Savegames from the previous version are compatible!****
*All mods need to be updated by modders to make them compatible with this new version. See the Migration documentation ****
*All mods from the previous version are unsupported and may cause crashes.****

Game changes
•   New wine production chain:
•   New building: Monastery Vineyard
•   New building: Monastery Winery
•   New building: Cooperage

•   Production of workplaces can now be paused, halving maintenance cost
•   Villager window now displays distance between home and workplace
•   Improved job selection UI

•   Destroying a building under construction will refund upfront cost

•   Add severities to warning window (low, high) to distinguish stuck agents from full workplaces.
•   Farm have separated farm fields, zonable through the workplace window. All fields need to be zoned on previous savegames. You also need to press the "Start production" button once you have finished zoning.

•   Change in balancing (WIP):
•   Reduce production rate of honey
•   Reduce production rate of herbs
•   Reduce the value on herbs and honey on the market compared to wine
•   Wine is tradable
•   Texture uniformisation on Stone Bridge, Small Stone Wall and Large Stone Wall
•   Changes on some Monastery building part cost
•   Update localization

•   mod:registerPrefabComponent to add component to FBX nodes
•   adding workplaces
•   adding monuments and bridges
•   adding walls
•   expose particle systems features
•   overriding game assets
•   individual log files for mods
•   new example mod: Mithril Factory
•   mod IO functions
•   mod dependencies
•   mod sandboxing: hide some potentially dangerous lua function from mods
•   msgbox function will only log and won't display a messagebox, unless enabled in usersetting.config
•   log and crash as soon as a circular parenting is detected
•   lua will use mod relative path when logging lua error instead of long path
•   expose game textures to lua materials
•   fix: generate generated_ids.lua sooner if inexistent
•   fix: COMP_BUILDING_PART.FeedbackComponentListToActivate on certain type of production buildings
•   fix: QUEST.OnFailCallback was never triggered
•   fix: EVENT_CALLBACK_TRIGGER_EVENT with delay 0 was never triggered
•   rename DELAYED_QUEST.QuestResource into DELAYED_QUEST.AssetQuest
•   rename WALL_CONFIG.UvTillingWall into WALL_CONFIG.UvTilingWall
•   rename WALL_CONFIG.UvTillingTop into WALL_CONFIG.UvTilingTop

Bug fixes
•   Construction will cancel if builder profile change to monk
•   Use S3TC compressed texture when supported
•   Forbid zone painting outside of player territory
•   Zone cleaning when abandoning tile
•   Occasional crash when leaving a game containing a bailiff office
•   Fix various crashes
•   Zoning tool optimization & interpolation between two frames
•   Tree shadows are now dynamic
 101 Rate up

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Re: Foundation
« Reply #16 on: June 08, 2019, 12:28:17 AM »
Devlog #07
7 Jun @ 3:15pm - Ash

Hey everyone! Welcome to devlog #07!

What we are working on

With the introduction of the recent content update, we will next be focusing on improving the core experience. Here are a few of the things that we have been working on.

How is the weather today?

Eagle-eyed players might have noticed weather effects in the Early Access trailer… These weren’t just for show and we are currently working on the introduction of the first weather system to Foundation. Of course, I like to tease a little, so you might be interested to know that weather won’t be purely aesthetic!


We have previously mentioned that we are working on an updated mission system for the Kingdom Estate. We will be looking at this for a future update but we have started work on the concept art for soldier levels.


As we add more production chains through development we will need to constantly update balancing in the game. There is still much more balancing to do and it will need continuous tweaking during development. For this end, we are working on an internal tracking tool for the cost per resource, which will help us for future balancing of the game.

It's all in the detail

The level of detail in Foundation (call me biased if you like) is already quite incredible but we are striving to always increase the level of immersion. We are currently working to improve and increase this with more detailed and varied construction steps.

Bug fixes and patch

New updates do, of course, inevitably bring with them new bugs. The community have been feeding back to us any issues created by the last content update and we are currently in the process of preparing a new patch for release in the next few days. We will announce more details and changelog once the patch is ready for distribution.

Final words

Part of the recent update introduced many new modding features, including the possibility for modders to create their own monuments. The modding community have risen to the occasion and have themselves been working hard on new mods since the update. Check out this creation from Paddy Fitzgerald using the new ‘Stone Gate Set’ mod by vjraymon:

If you have created a mod for Foundation in a previous version please don’t forget to update your mod and change it’s status to 'public' for the newly released update.

We hope everyone is enjoying the new Wine update! Feedback has been very good and the community have been sharing their creations on Discord. These screenshots from Milinia and SLy particularly caught our eye!

Thanks for checking out this weeks' devlog and we shall see you soon for more news on development!

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Re: Foundation
« Reply #17 on: June 23, 2019, 03:26:39 PM »
News about the July Content Update!
21 Jun @ 7:46pm - Ash

Hi everyone!

We are happy to present to you what you can expect in our next content update!

For this update, we are focusing on improving the core game experience as well as adding new features and buildings. Expect major changes in the gameplay meta!

Bad Weather

A weather system will be added in the next update, starting with the introduction of rain. Not only will this add to player immersion with suitably gloomy clouds, lighting and of course rain effects but the weather is also going to bring with it additional challenges.

Rain will indeed impact your crop yields, but will improve fish yield! You will need to be careful to produce enough food to sustain your population needs during this period.

A new building: The Granary

The bad weather and reduced yields are going to require you to plan ahead as poor preparations will see your people starve and leave. To aid in this we will be introducing a new building: The Granary!

This new building will allow you to store a reserve of food resources. It will prove useful when undergoing bad weather. In addition, the Warehouse has been modified to only stock non-food resources. Don’t worry about food trading, the traders will visit your granaries as well.

Major changes to balancing

Balancing will be a large focus for the next update. As we add more content to the game, the economics and flow of balance is evolving as well.
One of the things you can expect is having a limit to berry bushes and schools of fish yields. They will replenish over a time cycle. As such, fulfilling your population with berries will be more challenging.

Further balancing changes will focus on a building's desirability. There are a number of buildings that we have introduced to the game during the alpha phase, that are missing their desirability influence.

Desirability has an effect on housing upgrades, whether negatively or positively, and as such will have an influence on where you choose to zone housing for your villagers. Not only that but desirability gives you some control over housing upgrades by making an area more (or less) desirable to live.

With that in mind, we will be adding desirability influence to those missing buildings, such as the Rustic Church & Lord Manor buildings as well as those that negatively influence desirability.

We’ve also improved the desirability visual representation.

Building Construction

In order to make them more immersive, we’ve been improving the visual of building construction steps. We will be integrating a couple of those in the next update.

Warehouse resource visual

Currently, many of the resources stored in the warehouse are stored in boxes. This makes it somewhat difficult to identify, visually, which resources are being kept in each warehouse.

It has always been our intention to allow easy identification of warehouse storage and the next update will bring a couple of new visuals to help you see ‘at a glance’ what a warehouse is stocking.


We will be adding support for modding dependencies. While downloading a mod, you’ll be able to download all dependencies from that mod in a single click.

Release schedule

The update release date will be announced soon, so keep your eye out for more news on the ETA.

All the best
-The Polymorph Games Team

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Re: Foundation
« Reply #18 on: July 07, 2019, 12:15:44 PM »
Devlog #08
6 Jul @ 10:42pm - Ash

Hey everyone! Welcome to Devlog #08

When Crops Go Bad

As mentioned in the recent July Content Update News we will be introducing a new weather system. Bad weather is going to affect the yield of your crops. To start with this will be limited to wheat fields but will be expanded on in the future.

It would be easy to just have those crops disappear or just less production but we want to heighten immersion. With this in mind, Claudine our Senior Artist has been working on rotten crops. Nice!

Below you can see the contrast between a healthy crop and a rotting wheat field during bad weather.

Fish Schools

How on earth do those fishermen and woman find those fish that they bring back? It's a good question and more importantly how do you, as a player, know the best place to position a fishing hut? This is something that Loup-Gabriel (FX Artist) has been recently working on. In the future you will be able to identify fishing spots by the schools of fish and plan your production around them.

Resource Analytics

The upcoming update will bring with it a number of balancing changes. To help with this, Christopher (Game Programmer) has been working on a Resource analytics tool which will allow us to track the overall cost and revenue of every resource in game.

We have had a lot of feedback from the community and this tool will prove invaluable to help get the balance right and fine tune the game.


With the aid of Christopher's new Resource Analytics tool, we will be able to balance production costs and trading values much more easily and efficiently. Phil (Creative Director) and Nicolas (QA Manager) have begun to work on the balancing of the estate progression costs as well as looking at balancing for the new weather system.

Timeline Tool

Ben, our new Engine Programmer has been working on improving some internal processes with the aid of a timeline tool. This tool will allow the artists to easily transition and blend between animations/FX. Previously this would have required a Game Programmer to write any changes into the code.

With this tool, there will be much less requirement for the Game Programmers involvement in the animation/FX process which will help to streamline workflow.

As an example, the new weather system will require a transition between sunny and rain effects. The timeline tool will allow a more automated process which can be changed on-the-fly to see the changes and effects of any animation or FX.

Military Animation

A future update will be looking at the military quest system and we are also looking at some more visual improvements for the soldiers. Michaλl (Animator) has been working on some new soldier training animations.

Soldiers will not always be training though, you will also find them patrolling your cities

Improving Particle System Performance & Functionalities

To better support the new Weather System Lιo (Technical Director) has been improving and optimizing the Hurricane particle system.

The Weather system has required the addition of new particles, with these additions he has also been working on optimization to reduce the load on your PC from the particle system. These optimizations will help to offset the new additions so you can all get to see the gloomy ambiance when the bad weather hits.

There will be more news soon on the July Content Update ETA so keep an eye out for announcements.

Have a great weekend everyone

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Re: Foundation
« Reply #19 on: July 13, 2019, 12:28:55 PM »
July Preview Build is LIVE!
12 Jul @ 5:44pm - Polymorph Games

Alpha July Preview Build is LIVE!

Hey Everyone!

It took us a bit longer than expected but we are happy to announce that the July Content Update is now at a Preview Stage, meaning you can try it out now!

There are so many balancing changes that we want to get your feedback before pushing the build live. Some of the core changes include:
•   Berries and Fish are depletable (but will replenish over time)
•   Farming cycles are global
•   A new building, the Granary, will allow to stock food
•   From now on, Market tenders will only get resources from warehouses and granaries.

There are a whole bunch of other changes, which you can see in the changelog below.

Additionally, we are experimenting a first challenging event related to bad weather. You will see the effects that this will have on your crops and fish production and it will be interesting to see how challenging you find it!

Now that we are on our way to finalize the content update for an official release, it would be very helpful to get your feedback on the preview build by filling this form here:

To get the best experience and feedback from the preview build we would recommend starting a fresh vanilla game. If you would like to check out the new changes you can access the preview build in the Foundation betas tab in Steam.

> Right-click Foundation in your Steam library
> Left-Click Properties > BETAS
> In the drop down choose > preview

The build will automatically download and you can get a sneak peak at some of the things to come in the July Update!

Reminder: It would be very helpful to get feedback on the weather event and balancing changes. Please use this feedback form:

We look forward to hearing how you get on!

-The Polymorph Games Team


•   New Bad Weather event: will give malus on vine and wheat output, but bonus on fish.
•   Grow and Harvesting cycle of Farms and Vineyards are now global
•   New building: Granary, used to stock and trade food resource only.
•   Market tender will now only get resources from Granaries and Warehouse
•   Reduced workplace capacity from 100 to 50
•   Raised Warehouse and Granary workers capacity to 4 and resource capacity to 100 per slot.
•   Warehouse is now unlockable on the Labour Estate Path.
•   Fish and Berries are now depletable and will replenish after a while.
•   Stone source are now limited to 5 workers at a time
•   Building upkeep cost may rise depending on the amount of workers
•   New onboarding quests
•   New unlockables will give trade bonus linked to village allegiance
•   New trading village resource balancing
•   Trading villages stock and needs will deplete upon trading. It will replenish over time.
•   New construction steps visual.

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Re: Foundation
« Reply #20 on: August 02, 2019, 11:32:23 PM »
Bad Weather & Balancing Update is LIVE!
2 Aug @ 7:43pm - Polymorph Games

Hi everyone, the Bad Weather & Balancing Update is now LIVE!

Aside from the new Bad Weather Event, there are significant changes to the core and balancing.

Here's the changelist:

•   New Bad Weather event: will give malus on some productions, but bonus on other.

•   Grow and Harvesting cycle of Farm and Vineyard are now timed on a global cycle
•   New building: Granary, used for stocking food-type resources

•   Market tender will now only get resources from Granaries and Warehouses
•   Reduced workplaces capacity from 100 to 50
•   Rebalanced the Wine production chain, to make it more profitable.
•   Rebalanced the Bread production chain.
•   Desirability has been rebalanced and visual has been improved

•   Buildings will now display their desirability range

•   Raised warehouses and granaries worker capacity to 4 and resource capacity to 100 per slot.
•   Fish and Berries are depleteable. Will replenish after a while.
•   Stone source are now limited to 5 workers at a time
•   Building upkeep cost may raise depending on the amount of workers
•   New onboarding quests
•   New unlockables that will give trade bonuses for a while
•   New trading village resource balancing
•   Trading village will have a maximum amount of buying resource that will replenish over time
•   New construction steps visual

•   The first 7 achievements have been added to the game!

New Languages
•   Gaelic
•   Turkish
•   Japanese
•   Vietnamese

•   5 new Level 2 music snippets have been added

We hope you'll enjoy the new changes!

-The Polymorph Games Team

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Re: Foundation
« Reply #21 on: August 18, 2019, 02:10:48 PM »
Devlog #09
17 Aug @ 5:29pm - Ash

Hey everyone!

We are taking Foundation to gamescom next week! If you are heading to Kφln, you can drop by and say hello and we even have a photobooth where you can get your photo taken with some of your favourite characters from the game. We will also have 6 stations where you can try out Foundation, if you haven’t already.

As some of the team are packing their bags to head off to gamescom this is a perfect time for me to catch you all up on what the team have been up to in the last few weeks.

Environment and ambience

Claudine has been researching some visual variations to increase the ambience of the Foundation environment, including new weather effects as well as looking at options to increase the variation of vegetation.

You might also be pleased to hear that she has also started visual research for future buildings and monuments such as the Castle monument!

Vehicles concept

As you have previously seen, Michaλl has been creating a new ‘vehicle’ for use in the game which Christopher has now been working to implement for a future update. Its first use will be for the when envoy is coming to town to deliver a mission from the King.


The last update saw a number of new animations added to Foundation, for instance the farming cycles have seen a lot of love with new seeding as well as harvesting animations with the scythe.

Michaλl is now hard at work on some new animations for production buildings where we will be increasing workstations in some of the buildings and adding new ones to others. For example, the bakery will see a new workstation for a second baker to be working at the oven whilst the other kneads bread.

He has also been working on new walking cycles for specific jobs as well as new animations for some tools with both single and double-handed uses.

Character visuals

Concept art for job visuals are being worked on and expanded by Vincent, which will see new outfits for jobs such as the Hunter, Forester, Miner and more. On top of this he has been working to increase the variety for character visuals, such as new haircuts for both female and male villagers.

Villager immigration improvements

Immigration is something that we are looking to improve and with this in mind, Christopher has been working on new immigration factors. These factors will see the way current immigration works changed to give you more control over the growth of your city.

With these changes, new factors will affect the quantity of villagers joining your village per immigration wave.

Assignable Building Functions

Phil has been working on some changes to the way monument functions are implemented. In an upcoming update we will see some of the current monument parts become generic.

Some building parts will have a “capacity” which can be assigned as a villager capacity for that building or if players choose that part to be a treasury, for example, then the “capacity” will be combined with a treasury multiplier to create an overall treasury capacity.

This will free up some of the existing parts to allow them to be used more creatively whilst giving you more control over what parts will have particular functions.

The Great Hall

Speaking of assignable building functions, one such function we are currently developing is the Great Hall, which can only be set to 1 building part in all the city. This function will allow you, the Lord, to determine where you will receive requests from envoys. This functionality will also expand in the future.

Hurricane improvements

We are always working hard in the background to improve the game engine to allow the team to improve both the way we create assets, transitions and new features.

Ben has been working on a timeline feature as mentioned in a previous devlog, this is being improved to allow for better handling of the AI and behaviour tree. These improvements will help for game optimization as well as debugging for future updates and improvements.

We have also been testing and working on improvements for GPU compatibility, specifically Lιo has been testing AMD graphics cards for better compatibility as well as investigating crash reports to smooth out the player experience.

Max has been hard at work on Improvements to graphical optimization as well as modding compatibility across game versions to prevent crashes when mods are removed from existing savegames.

With that it’s time for me to go and pack my own bags!

Stay tuned as we will be bringing you more news during gamescom.


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Re: Foundation
« Reply #22 on: September 04, 2019, 11:13:09 AM »
Devlog #10
3 Sep @ 9:23pm - Ash

Hey everyone!

In the last Devlog some of the team, including myself were packing our bags and heading off to Kφln for gamescom 2019. The team are now back and working hard on the next update and I am very happy to report that gamescom was a resounding success with Foundation being nominated for Best Strategy Game in the gamescom 2019 awards!.

We met many new fans as well as veterans of the game. The booth was full from start to end and we would like to say a big thank you to everyone that dropped by the booth during the week! Thanks also to those that braved the photobooth where it was all getting very medieval.

Whilst we were in Germany showing off Foundation the rest of the team were still back in Quebec City so let’s find out what they have been up to whilst we were away.

To help the Gameplay Programmers Ben has been working on a behaviour tree Debugger which will show the current state of a villager in the Hurricane editor. This will make a big difference when searching for issues and bugs in the behaviour of the villagers, particularly as we add more content to the game.

Max has also been hard at work on the dev tools to improve the development process. One such improvement is allowing the Hurricane editor to be ‘moddable’, using Lua, by any of the developers. This will allow them to create their own functions/actions in the editor which are more targeted at their own individual workflow and job role.

On top of this, he has also been working on LOD generation, in order to increase optimization for low-end graphics cards.

Christopher and Loup-Gabriel have been working on Weather Systems. This will be a new environmental feature that has no direct impact on gameplay but will help to immerse the player in the world.

Each map will have Weather Systems configured individually to both add variety and ambiance to the maps.

Weather Systems are still work in progress but below you can see a couple of examples of work so far.

Additionally, Christopher has been taking an initial look at Villager life cycles including aging and eventually the death of a Villager.

As well as the Weather Systems Loup-Gabriel has also been creating placeholders for all the upcoming buildings in the game. These are basic visuals that will help to get an idea of how everything will look in the final game and make sure everything is fitting together visually.

He has also been working on some new decorative items for the stone bridge that will be placeable on bridge nodes.

You may have seen a horse rider in need of coffee in a recent Social Media post… Well, Michaλl has been working to polish the horse and rider animations including the King’s Envoy animations as well as uphill and downhill animations for the horse itself.

Here you can see the new horse reins and improved rider animations as the envoy heads into town.

Teaser: Envoy & Horse

We have also been keeping an eye on player feedback and working on some of the major issues currently affecting many players. Phil has been looking at a fix for the housing building loop bug where houses will continue to be built and not occupied. As well as this he has been looking to improve the collision on the granary which can be too easily create stuck villagers.

Thanks for reading and I'll catch you all soon with more news from the team.

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Re: Foundation
« Reply #23 on: September 21, 2019, 12:59:00 AM »
News about the upcoming Content Update!
Fri, 20 September 2019

A new Monument, new production chain, new features... and much more

Hey everyone!

We are excited to bring you news on the plans for the upcoming content update!

This update will bring a plethora of new content to the game, so without further ado let's take a look at what is to come in the next update.

New Monument: The Tavern

If you have seen the recent teaser you may have already guessed it but the next update will see the introduction of a new Monument, The Tavern!

As the Tavern is a monument it will consist of multiple parts. These parts will include a Public Bar room, Kitchen, Sleeping Room, Stables and many decorative items.

The Tavern monument will have limited functionality in this update but more functions will be added in future updates.

New Production Chain

A new production line will be introduced in the next update which will see the addition of the Dairy Farm and Cheese Maker.

These new production buildings will add both Milk and Cheese resources into the game, as well as new buildings and of course Cows!

A first look at the new Dairy Farm:

Assigning Monument Functions

One exciting new feature, coming soon, will be the ability to assign functions to monument building parts.

With this new feature, the player will have the ability to assign some generic parts a function that is relevant to that monument type, allowing players much more control over their monument building functions and overall creativity with building parts.

The Lord Manor monument set, for example, currently includes a treasury building and a Bailiff office. These building parts will become generic and the players will be able to assign the treasury and Bailiff functionality to the generic parts.

The new update will also see the addition of the Great Hall to the Manor monument functions. The Great Hall is where you will host any Envoys that visit your settlement. Assigning the Great Hall function to a building part will have the added bonus of doubling the splendour for that building part.

Some factors will have an influence on the Monument functions, for instance, the capacity of the part and the quality of the materials used.

Further Monument functions are planned to be added in later updates.

New Immigration Factors

Currently, new villagers join a players village in pairs, with the time between immigration waves being governed by overall villager happiness. The new update will bring some major new changes to immigration, we will be introducing new factors to govern the size of the immigration wave giving you more control over the growth of your city.

In a change to the current system, ‘Happiness’ will affect the immigration count rather than the time between waves. A happier populace will increase the number of new villagers joining a settlement.

In addition to this, ‘Employment’ will also factor in to the quantity of new villagers arriving in a settlement. Having more unemployed villagers in a settlement will reduce the amount of new arrivals in the next immigration wave.

A third factor being introduced will see a players homeless villagers having an impact on new arrivals. The ‘Residency’ factor will require villagers to be housed and if they aren’t, each homeless villager will be factored in to the next immigration wave, reducing the number of new settlers joining a village.

More Workstation Animations

We will be adding even more animations in the next update alongside a workstation animation feature.

The new feature will bring multiple animation to workstations which will increase the number of animations within a production building. For example, the bakery will see a new workstation where one villager will be working the bread whilst a second villager is working the oven.

In a similar vein, the blacksmith will see a new grindstone workstation animation added that will have a second villager grinding tools whilst the first works with a hammer on the anvil.

A new Coal hut workstation animation:

Weather variation

With the new update we plan to add some weather variation to the standard gaming environment.

The new weather effects won’t have the same impact on the challenge to the game as the bad weather event but will increase the level of immersion with variations in the weather environment between sunny, cloudy and rain effects.

Bridge Improvements

Bridges will be getting more detailed with the addition of bridge decorations! There will be a whole host of additional options to improve the look of your bridges, from simple banners to more ornate gates and towers.

Additionally we are looking into improving pathfinding and collision for bridges to ensure they are usable once built and placed correctly.

A Horse of course!

That’s right, we will be introducing the horse into the game, starting off as a vehicle for the Envoy.

And finally…

We will be adding in the possibility to import heightmap data! Initially this will allow modders to include custom maps with their mods or even create a mod that is just a map.

We will be including more villager outfits and applying many bug fixes and improvements, including fixes to improve blocked pathing issues.

Release schedule

We plan to have the update ready for release within the next few weeks so keep an eye out for further announcements.

All the best
-The Polymorph Games Team

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Re: Foundation
« Reply #24 on: October 10, 2019, 01:50:14 PM »
Fall Content Update - 1.4 is LIVE!
Wed, 9 October 2019

Hi everyone, the Fall Content Update is now LIVE!

We have a lot of exciting new content in the Fall Update as well as new features, changes and fixes.

You can check out the full changelist below:

New Production Chains

Dairy Farm

The Fall update sees the addition of a new production chain starting with the Dairy Farm.

•   Produces Milk from Cows
•   Added: Cows
•   Added: Milk resource

Cheese Maker

The Cheesemaker is the next progression in the new production chain. Milk, produced at the Dairy Farm will be processed into Cheese by the Cheesemaker.

Cheese can then be sold at the market as a food resource to satisfy villagers' food needs.

•   Produces Cheese from Milk
•   Added: Cheese resource

New Monument


The Tavern will be a place for your villagers to relax after a hard days work, where they can purchase some wine and also get themselves a hot meal if there is one available.

The Tavern, as all other Monuments, consists of multiple Monument including a Service Counter, for storage and staff, which combined with the Public Lounge will allow you to sell wine to your citizens. The Kitchen will provide meals that will be bought (if available) when wine is purchased.

There are also many decorative items that you can place on your Tavern which will give you even more creative options to decorate and personalize your creations.

Monument Functions

Monument functions will see some changes in the new update, these changes bring a new feature to Monuments which will allow you to choose which Monument part is assigned a particular function.

Some factors of the Monument parts will have an influence on the Monument functions, for instance, the capacity of the part and the quality of the materials used.

The Fall update will also see the introduction of the Great Hall, where you will host any Envoys that visit your settlement but will also bring an added bonus of doubling the Splendor for the Monument part that it is assigned to.

New Vehicle

The Horse

For now, the Horse will only be used by the Envoy to bring you quests but there will be more functions for the Horse in future updates.

•   Added: the Horse
•   Envoy visits the Great Hall

Bridge decorations

The stone bridge now includes a host of new decorative items added that you will can snap to the bridge. With gates, a portculis and bridge towers, to name but a few, you will be able to make an impressive waterside entryway to your cities.

•   Added: Bridge decorations
•   Improved Bridge Collision and pathfinding
•   Added: Warning of incorrect placement


Another new feature on its way in the Fall Update will see the introduction of multiple workstation animations which will increase the number of animations within a production building.

We have also updated and improved on some of the previous animations.

•   Added: Envoy animations
•   Added: Grindstone animation
•   Added: Bakery oven animation
•   Added: Market tender animations
•   Improved: Harvesting animations
•   Fixed: Some animation character rotation


Monuments will now have 3 tabs:

•   General - General Information
•   Edit - Edit Monument
•   Parts - Shows parts; allows function assignation.
- New delete option per part

Within the Parts tab you will be able to assign varying functions to some of the parts using the new assignable functions feature.

Some functions will require extra maintenance costs, hovering over the function will show the effects of the function being assigned.

Other changes to the UI and UX include:

•   Updated Tutorial
•   Confirmation popup on part deletion
•   Taxes collected now show in the budget window
•   Major improvement to the Monument assemblage experience
- Monument parts can now be attached in 3D, so players only need to place the mouse to a node to have the part attach.


New Immigration factors

Immigration is now governed by:

•   Happiness
•   Employment
•   Residency


•   Added Capacity to some building parts
•   Bonus to bailiff depending on building part splendor
•   Updated maintenance costs to include capacity


•   Removed: Leather


Map importer

For the first time, modders will be able to import their own map in the game.

•   Added: Map importer
- Allows for the import of heightmap data for the creation of custom maps

Here’s an example of a Quebec City imported map:

Other Modding Additions

•   Livestock and tool prefabs are now exposed and usable for modding
•   New buildings, building parts, resources and jobs assets are now available.
•   A resource can now have multiple resource types
•   The market tender behavior is now available
•   Building part functions are now assets, declared individually.
o   Core building part functions have also been exposed to the API.


•   Fix: Infinite loading on low-end computers
•   Fix: Bridges (pathfinding / collision)
•   Fix: Do not remove bridge pathfinding connections when placing an obstacle under it
•   Fix: Removed housing lvl 2 door at the wrong location
•   Fix: Adjust housing collider sizes
•   Fix: Warehouse & granary resource visuals
•   Fix: Granary Collision
•   Fix: Forester planting multiple trees standing at the same spot
•   Fix: Fishing spot heights (all maps)
•   Fix: Rustic Church Basement
•   Fix: Beekeeping entrance
•   Fix: Avoid crashes when mods are disabled or changed

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Re: Foundation
« Reply #25 on: October 26, 2019, 11:20:59 PM »
Alpha is live!
Sat, 26 October 2019


•   Fix: Performance issue affecting large cities
•   Fix: Old tax office and bailiff visual are now unlocked with the Lord Manor stone set
•   Fix: Default save game name is back to village name
•   Fix: Map modding - Error that spawn more trees than expected
•   Fix: Map modding - Remove unexpected default fishing spots
•   Modding: Expose

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Re: Foundation
« Reply #26 on: October 31, 2019, 01:05:26 AM »
Devlog #11
Wed, 30 October 2019

Hey everyone!

Welcome to Devlog #11, where I will be giving you some insight into what the team has been working on since the last update.

I don’t often do this but let’s kick off by talking about me! Well… not so much me but at least what I have been up to.

In the last update we introduced a way for players to create their own custom maps that can be uploaded to for everyone to play. With this in mind, I have been learning some basic modding and creating a custom map that is now available in-game. I have then gone on to use this map as a template for a custom map, tutorial video which can be found on our YouTube channel.

Check it out if you fancy making your own map.

For any queries and help with map modding we have a very knowledgeable modding community over on our Discord server that will be more than happy to help.

For those that would prefer to wait for a map generator, it will come before the full release, in fact, over the last couple of weeks, Ben has started work on an early prototype for a procedural map generator.

Moving on to Vincent, who also hasn’t been mentioned in a recent devlog, but for good reason, as he has been hard at work on job outfits for villagers. This has been no small task with multiple job roles for both female and male villagers.

You can see a few examples below of the new outfits:

More recently Christopher has also been working with Vincent on villager outfits, though for Christopher he has been looking at the villagers themselves and allowing for the integration of all the new outfits as well as hair styling. Alongside this, he has been working on some performance optimizations for villagers which should hopefully see some fps improvements in the future.

I know this one will make you happy… one further thing that Christopher has started initial work on is the possibility to force villagers to move home!

Having done some great work on the new workplace animations in the last update Michaλl has also been working on the villager job outfits, in his case he has been looking at skinning the new outfits on the 3D villager models.

Needless to say, the villager outfits are coming together well.

Claudine has begun work on some visual research for new environment biomes, creating mock-ups and sample textures for visual reference.

Here you can see a couple of mock-ups of how things might look:

She has also been looking at a ways to improve and polish some of the current in-game assets and textures, such as improvements to trees, water and ground textures.

Some time ago we teased the Brewery and now we have a Tavern but no beer. Never fear though, Loup-Gabriel has been working to complete the brewery as well as working on the hop farm.

Loup has also been working on a new production chain but there will more info on that in a future news update, however he has also been working on some new decorative items that will work with the new production chain, so I’ll leave that one to your imagination for now.

Maxime has been continuing work on improving performance for low-end systems, as well as general optimizations when generating models, and improving LOD generation.

He has also been working on ways to provide pathing feedback to players when placing buildings and creating the dev tools required to configure this in our Hurricane engine.

Nicolas has, as always, been thoroughly testing improvements and gathering information from the community regarding any bugs and feedback.

As well as this he has been working with the engine programmers investigating possible performance optimizations, one of which was released in a hotfix patch last week to improve performance for larger cities.

Talking of large cities and performance, Phil has been looking at ways to improve villager needs efficiency. This, tied in with villagers moving home will see some major improvements to your overall village/city efficiency in future updates.

Finally Lιo has been looking at many aspects of the Hurricane engine, working with and helping the team.

In no particular order he has been looking at

•   Improvements to our shader system
•   Improvements for our skinning system (new villager outfits)
•   Investigating RAM usage with an eye to improve memory allocation tracking
•   Undertaking performance analysis between updates
•   Prototyping terrain improvements that support more ground types and vegetation (Biomes)
•   Improving the dev tools including the in-house Hurricane editor. For example we now have a new Asset Preview allowing the team to easily explore game assets.

I hope you enjoyed the read! We have a lot of improvements coming and work is well underway for the next update but there is still much to do.

Until next time…

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Re: Foundation
« Reply #27 on: November 15, 2019, 11:28:17 PM »
December Update News!
Fri, 15 November 2019

Hey everyone!

We have some news on the next content update!

… but first we would like to take this opportunity to thank every single one of you!

We have recently surpassed 200 000 sales of Foundation and thanks to all of your support and feedback we are able to realize the game of our dreams, and hopefully yours too.

From the whole team… Thank you!

The December Update

As you can probably tell from the title we are planning to release the next update before the end of the year. We will bring you more news and more details on the update once we are closer to release but in the meantime here are some of the things that will be making it into the next content update:
•   Villagers will move house when too far from their workplace. The lord will also have the authority to force them to move.
•   Jobs will be directly linked with villager status where you as the lord will have more control over status promotion.
•   Improved military system with stats, levels, and equipment.
•   New production chain with two new buildings; The Hop farm & the Brewery.

•   New buildings parts and function for the Wooden Keep.
•   New Character visuals including new job outfits.

•   New weather visuals.


•   New sounds including workplace animation SFX as well as UI SFX.
•   New modding capabilities: Custom components and behavior trees.

The changes to job roles and villager status will be major and due to this, we are planning to release a preview build in order to test and gather player feedback on the new feature. Keep an eye out for further announcements on the preview build release.

We have even more planned for the December Content update and we will bring you more information soon.

And finally…

We are excited to announce our attendance at MEGA & MIGS 2019 this coming weekend!

If you are in and around Montreal this weekend then you can check out more here.

We look forward to seeing you there!

-The Polymorph Games Team

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Re: Foundation
« Reply #28 on: December 20, 2019, 02:10:41 PM »
Winter Update Preview and Patch are LIVE!
Thu, 19 December 2019

Official Winter Update is delayed

Hello everyone! We have kept being busy working on the next update and are very excited to present it to all of you. That said, we need to delay the official update to next year. The extra time will allow us to complete and polish the new features, like the house move feature.

For those of you who are most eager to try some of the new features, we are releasing a preview of the Winter update:
Winter Update Preview

Major Changes:

•   New status promotion system
•   New military system
•   New parts in the Keep monument
•   New beer production chain
•   Visual building and building part preview
•   New onboarding quests
•   A new weather effect


•   Custom Component: Write your own component with custom data and update function, allowing you to control object transform. This will allow way more interaction with the game in a near future.
•   Military system: missions, rewards

Winter Preview Modding documentation can be found here:

To access the Winter Preview Build, right-click on Foundation on your library, and access the preview build under the "Beta" tab:



•   add a tag filter in the mod browser
•   load game crash when a building function was switch from workplace to market
•   mod dependency loading issue


•   most building were considered dynamic object after a load game

Fixes and Improvements:

•   discord, Crowdin & links
•   building part highlight during construction
•   notification width is now constant
•   rain position offset from camera
•   terrain physic collider was not matching visual terrain
•   a few more engine small fixes
•   texture compression quality

The team will be resting for the holidays and will get back at work on January. Happy Holidays to all of you!

- The Polymorph Games Team

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Re: Foundation
« Reply #29 on: January 24, 2020, 02:53:27 PM »
Winter Content Update - 1.5 is LIVE!
Thu, 23 January 2020

Hi everyone!

We are excited to announce that the Winter Content update is now LIVE!

Thank you to everyone that has provided feedback and bug reports on the preview build. The slight delay in the release schedule has given us time to complete the update as well as incorporate and fix any issues and feedback from the community.

The Winter Content Update brings many new changes, content and improvements! You can check out the full changelog at the end of this announcement but let's dive into a few of the highlights.

Villagers Move Home

We know a lot of you have been waiting on this one! Villagers will now automatically move home!

If a villager lives too far from their workplace they will become unsatisfied with their housing and will look to fill any empty housing slots closer to their workplace. If none are available they will look to swap with another villager or even evict lower status houses so that they can move and upgrade, if the house is in a desirable enough location.

If a villager cannot find a house that will satisfy them then you will be notified via the warnings panel so that you can rectify the issue.

Improved Monuments

The Lord Manor has seen some love for this update including all-new monument parts as well as a new assignable function, the Study Room.

The Study Room, once assigned and staffed, will allow a Scholar to study blueprints that you might be rewarded. Without giving too much away, these blueprints won’t be easily acquired, in fact, some villagers may not survive!

The Wooden Keep has also been improved with new parts including a barracks building to house your soldiers, as well as multiple decorative items to set up your military camps.

New Military System

We have made some major changes to the Military system and quests for the Winter Content Update. You will now need to raise your chances of a successful campaign by both training and equipping your soldiers with weapons.

Once trained you will be able to send your soldiers on an extended campaign where you decide the right time to bring them home. Each mission will vary in difficulty but the higher difficulty missions will bring greater rewards.

To facilitate these changes you will now find a new Military manager panel. Here you can check on your soldier’s stats, equip weapons as well as keep track on available and ongoing missions.

New Production Chain

Beer! The Winter Update sees the, much teased, introduction of the beer production chain. Similar to wine, beer is sold in the Tavern as a luxury item and brings with it 2 new production buildings, namely the:

Hop Farm
•   Produces Hops
•   Added: Hops

The Brewery
•   Produces Beer from Hops, Wheat & Water
•   Added: Beer

Both of which can be found in the Public Buildings panel.

Improved UI Elements

With the introduction of the Military Manager panel, we have tidied up a few elements of the UI and also introduced a new Estate Manager panel. You will now find the estate unlockables and the military manager have their own buttons in the top-right menu cluster.

As well as that we have added a new part preview to the build menus. Hovering over public buildings will show you a preview of the building and each monument menu will also give you a useful visual guide to the part you are picking.

New Status Promotion System

The Winter Content Update will now give you more control over the status of your villagers. It will be up to you to decide which villagers are allowed to rise in their societal rank.

This will come at a rising cost dependant on the status upgrade but you will also need a Lord Manor with Great Hall function to be able to hold court and decide on status matters.

Once your lord manor has built you will have the opportunity to upgrade your villagers at the end of each month but only if their needs for the current status have been filled.

Housing already plays a large part in villagers’ happiness, with the new system you will find that commoners will now require a level 2 (stone) house. You will need to improve the housing desirability of an area to ensure that your commoners and citizens get the house they deserve

The above highlights are just a few of the changes and improvements. Check out the full changelog below:

1.5 Changelog

•   Villager move home
•   New status promotion system
•   New military system
•   New parts in the Keep monument
•   New beer production chain
•   Visual building and building part preview
•   New onboarding quests
•   A new weather effect
•   New achievements
•   Jewels (reward)
•   Blueprints (reward)
•   Lord Manor weathercock animations
•   Woodcutter walking animation
•   Hunter animation + bow weapon to hunters
•   Envoy idle (reading scroll) animations
•   Weaver cloth animation - wind effect
•   Allow different tool in separate hands
•   Individual job outfits

•   Shift-Click keep building part and orientation selected on shift-click
•   Unique need concept
•   Separated housing (levels) and water needs in villager information window
•   Help icon on promote window
•   Set barracks as dorms for soldiers
•   Wooden bridge cost
•   Bakery - change bread in oven for an unbaked one
•   Lord Manor Balancing and New part costs
•   Updated Help menu
•   Restore event window on load game
•   Female face
•   Updated localizations
•   Multiple Hurricane Engine improvements & optimizations

•   Non-valid bridges with no positioning warning
•   Material - Multiple materials display as plain grey.
•   Update upkeep cost when editing a monument
•   Wrong calculation when removing resource of warehouse
•   Inn Gateway building zone
•   Upkeep total when game speed is high
•   Entrance/exits being too close to the sides

•   Custom Component: Write your own component with custom data and update function, allowing you to control object transform. This will allow way more interaction with the game in the near future.
•   Military system: missions, rewards
•   Update Modding documentation
•   Fix: Custom maps - Remove resources that aren't over their preferred terrain
•   Fix: Prevent incorrect mods from loading

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