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Author Topic: Strategic Mind: The Pacific  (Read 44374 times)

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Re: Strategic Mind: The Pacific
« Reply #75 on: January 17, 2020, 11:25:00 PM »
Playlist with ALL missions of Japanese campaign
Fri, 17 January 2020

Congratulations to Night Phoenix! He has just finished the Japanese campaign! Absolute victory! Check the playlist with ALL missions and very symbolic outro:

Strategic Mind: The Pacific | Japanese Campaign | Mission 1 | Pearl Harbor (1/2)

Thank you for the great videos and looking forward to seeing US campaign from you!

Best regards,
Starni Games development team.

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Re: Strategic Mind: The Pacific
« Reply #76 on: January 25, 2020, 04:38:25 PM »
Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg
Fri, 24 January 2020

Announcement trailer

Steam page

The second installment of the Strategic Mind series is to be released in Spring 2020

Today, we proudly announce the second game in the series Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg. It will cover the German campaigns from 1938 to 1944 with the majority of operations being historical and several alternate history ones in one twenty-operations-long campaign.
The game will be based on Strategic Mind series mechanics, but unlike “The Pacific” it will feature mostly land operations and lots of new units, content, and features.

Another good news for Strategic Mind: The Pacific owners is that most of the new features we will be developing for Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg will also be retroactively implemented in Strategic Mind: The Pacific, so that both games will have unified set of core mechanics and features. It will make it easier to understand and more enjoyable to play, if you have already figured out the rules in Strategic Mind: The Pacific, but want to switch to the European theatre.

We will also keep supporting Strategic Mind: The Pacific delivering further updates.

The work on Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg is going full steam since October, and some preliminary work was being done before that. So, we already have made very significant progress and expect to deliver the game in Spring 2020. We work hard to make further quality improvements to the series to make sure you can enjoy the immersive, smart and challenging game this spring.

For those who played our very first project “Panzer Strategy: Blitzkrieg” - here you can find a detailed comparison of these two projects:

If you are interested in our new project - make sure you add it to the wishlist and follow its page, so that you do not miss any important announcements.

Our team wishes you all a great 2020 year!

With best regards
Starni Games development team

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Re: Strategic Mind: The Pacific
« Reply #77 on: January 31, 2020, 12:18:34 AM »
Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg vs Panzer Strategy
Thu, 30 January 2020

Comparative table
Previously we have announced our new title Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg. It will cover the German campaigns from 1938 to 1944 with the majority of operations being historical and several alternate history ones in one twenty-operations-long campaign.

The game will be based on Strategic Mind series mechanics, but unlike “The Pacific” it will feature mostly land operations and lots of new units, content, and features.

For all those wondering how would Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg would differ from our previous game Panzer Strategy, we prepared a list of all major differences.

See table here

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Re: Strategic Mind: The Pacific
« Reply #78 on: February 22, 2020, 02:56:28 PM »
D.O.W. coverage of Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg


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Re: Strategic Mind: The Pacific
« Reply #79 on: February 27, 2020, 01:20:46 PM »
Guadalcanal campaign codenamed Operation Watchtower
Wed, 26 February 2020

The Guadalcanal campaign codenamed Operation Watchtower was the first major land offensive by Allied forces against the Empire of Japan.

The Battle of Guadalcanal is one of the most epic scenarios in Strategic Mind: The Pacific. Check the first three videos by Night Phoenix:

Strategic Mind: The Pacific | American Campaign | Mission 3 - Guadalcanal (1/7)

Strategic Mind: The Pacific | American Campaign | Mission 3 - Guadalcanal (2/7)

Strategic Mind: The Pacific | American Campaign | Mission 3 - Guadalcanal (3/7)

Need another opinion? Here is how Praetorian HiJynx has made it:

Let's Play Strategic Mind: The Pacific United States | USA Battle of Guadalcanal Gameplay Part 1

Let's Play Strategic Mind: The Pacific United States | USA Battle of Guadalcanal Gameplay Part 2

Let's Play Strategic Mind: The Pacific United States | USA Battle of Guadalcanal Gameplay Part 3

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On the Fence on This One
« Reply #80 on: February 27, 2020, 03:33:02 PM »
I go back and forth on this one on deciding to buy it.  Anyone play it?  Thoughts? 
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Re: Strategic Mind: The Pacific
« Reply #81 on: June 21, 2020, 12:47:35 AM »
Future plans for the Strategic Mind series
Sat, 20 June 2020

We want to keep you updated on our plans

Hello guys,

We want to be transparent about our plans and keep you up to date with our progress.

First of all, we are polishing Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg and will keep doing so.

Secondly, we are preparing updates to bring Strategic Mind: The Pacific up to date with some of the new features added in Blitzkrieg. (The first one is scheduled for the next week).

Finally, we will announce our next project soon. Leave your ideas as to what it will bring in the comments below.

Additionally, we have created a Strategic Mind Franchise page on Steam:

Subscribe to it and to our developer page not to miss our future projects:

We look forward to letting you know the "big" news next week.

With best regards
Starni Games development team

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Re: Strategic Mind: The Pacific
« Reply #82 on: June 25, 2020, 12:58:17 AM »
Update 3.00 is now live!
Wed, 24 June 2020

Achievements, cloud saves, new controls and more!

Update 3.00

Steam achievements added!
You asked us to add Steam achievements since the game release. It did take us quite a while, but finally, the achievements are live. We hope that you will enjoy the additional reward for the sophisticated and large-scale operations of Strategic Mind: The Pacific.

Steam cloud saves
Finally, your saves files will be stored in the Steam cloud. So, you no longer risk losing them and can easily transfer them to another device.

Better Steam integration

•   Now, you can change the language in Steam settings before you launch the game.
•   Also, now your Steam language is set as the game language by default.

New set of controls
Now there is a new set of controls ("Modern") set by default. The old controls are now "Legacy" controls. You can change between the two in the Settings->Game->Controls section.

Unit selection - Left mouse button
Attack/Movement - Right mouse button
Open unit info - Middle (wheel) mouse button (or "I" hotkey)
Unit selection - Left mouse button
Attack/Movement - Left mouse button
Open unit info - Right mouse button

Added ground combat tutorials from the Blitzkrieg
Added 5-part tutorial in ground combat, supplied, infrastructure, etc.
Revamped UI with new features

•   Improved design and usability
•   You can now enter custom names for your units (and save files)
•   You can see the day/night cycle and the current date (icon in the top right corner)
•   Improved the Manual UI

New equipment
•   Sniper squad
•   Molotov cocktail
•   Smoke grenade
•   Spaced armor
•   Searchlights (small, medium, big)

Equipment changes
Now incendiary bomb/shells and armor-piercing bombs/shells cost 0 Prestige to install on your unit, but instead each time you use them you have to spend:
3 Prestige for an Incendiary shell
5 Prestige for an Armor-piercing shell
5 Prestige for an Incendiary bomb
5 Prestige for an Armor-piercing bomb

Recon units can now use mortars and recoilless guns
Slight changes in various equipment stats and cost

Gameplay changes:
•   Reworked AI (it is less "suicidal" now).
•   If the unit has already attacked this turn it cannot change Equipment until the end of turn.
•   Reinforcement no longer costs Command points (only Prestige). Prestige cost is now x2 of what you would have had to spend at the end of the operation. (On default settings 40% of unit cost (it was 50% before)).
•   Removed experience cap (per turn) for all units
•   Increased the experience required to gain a 2-5th level
•   The maximum level for heroes is lowered from 10 to 5 (If you already had high-level heroes they will remain as before with all the skills, but will not be able to level up further. Also, their stats bonus is capped at +5.)
•   Now killing an enemy unit with a hero gives +50 Exp instead of +10.

New settings
•   You can now set the Unit speech volume separately from other sources
•   Fixed disable/enable hex grid option

New hotkeys
•   H; Show/hide hex grid
•   I; Show Unit info screen of the selected unit
•   Alt; Show unit outlines (if disabled)
•   F1; Show hotkeys list

Additionally, we fixed a number of bugs and added some other minor improvements along the way.

We will keep updating and supporting Strategic Mind: The Pacific as well as other titles of the Strategic Mind series. We are working on Polish localization and plan to add it soon.

We hope that we will enjoy playing the revamped version of the game. If there are still some issues left unfixed - make sure to let us know on the community hub.

With best regards
Starni Games development team

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Re: Strategic Mind: The Pacific
« Reply #83 on: June 26, 2020, 01:24:06 AM »
Strategic Mind: Spectre of Communism
Thu, 25 June 2020

New Strategic Mind title

A spectre is haunting Europe — the spectre of communism. (c) Karl Marx, The Communist Manifesto

Today we have great news for you guys!

We have got lots of feedback that you wanted to play as the USSR or Allied powers in Europe. So, we are planning to do both.
Today we are proud to announce our next project - Strategic Mind: Spectre of Communism, depicting WW2 from the USSR’s perspective. Another project dedicated to Allies will be announced a bit later and will be developed after we finish the SM: Spectre of Communism.

As you know, our projects are deep and immersive, and we want to keep that and further improve on it. That is why we cannot do everything at once. Our ultimate goal is to cover all the WWII major powers and major battles. We slowly but steadily march on to that goal.

We would not have been able to continue with the Strategic Mind Franchise without your support guys - it is what keeps us going despite all the adversities.

In Strategic Mind: Spectre of Communism you will follow the historical path from the Battle of Khalkin Gol versus the Japanese in 1938 up to the Battle of Berlin and Soviet invasion of Manchuria in 1945. Then you can keep playing the alternate history part in 1946 with the events unfolding after the WWII historical ending.

If you are interested in the USSR’s perspective on the WWII events, make sure to add the Strategic Mind: Spectre of Communism to your wishlist, to keep track of any future announcements.

Strategic Mind: Spectre of Communism
Q4 2020

With best regards
Starni Games development team

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Re: Strategic Mind: The Pacific
« Reply #84 on: June 26, 2020, 01:19:30 PM »
Update 3.01
Fri, 26 June 2020

More improvements and some fixes

You can now change the difficulty settings before every operation (Suggested by the players' community)
Boarding any type of transport during the Deployment phase no longer requires command points.
Now, the completed objectives in the UI are shown as 3 numbers: (eg. 3/5/8, where 3 is the number of completed objectives, 5 - the number of failed objectives, and 8 is the total number of objectives (issued so far).


•   Fixed bug with multiple "Detected" messages when using HQ air recon skill to locate Submarines
•   The "Musashi" Battleship no longer retreats in the Battle of the Leyte Gulf.
•   Fixed the secondary objective with transport ships on Okinawa (it was impossible to fail)
•   Fixed bug on the Philippines map, where you could complete the objective to capture tanks by flying your aircraft over the designated hex.
•   Other bug fixes in various operations.

We are happy that every day the game becomes better and that community takes an active role in its improvement. We are sure that with your great suggestions and under your watchful eye, we can make the Strategic Mind series much better. There are still many good things that we want to implement (like the "Undo" button), but it takes time. So, we are working on it and will deliver it as soon as we can.

Looking forward to more feedback from you guys!

With best regards
Starni Games development team

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Re: Strategic Mind: The Pacific
« Reply #85 on: July 01, 2020, 11:42:30 PM »
Update 3.02
Tue, 30 June 2020

Added new music tracks from Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg

Update 3.02

New music tracks from Strategic Mind: Bliztkrieg
Added gameplay tracks from Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg.

Bug fixes
Fixed crash with the marines squad. (Reported by: "VeggieJellybean")

Looking forward to more feedback from you guys!

With best regards
Starni Games development team

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Re: Strategic Mind: The Pacific
« Reply #86 on: July 07, 2020, 01:02:24 PM »
Latest Intelligence Report
Mon, 6 July 2020

Provided by our newly established Starni Games intelligence service


Our undercover agents in Valve report that the Steam Summer sale, that allows you to capture all of our products at bargain prices, will retreat in just 3 days! You will have to take action immediately to achieve a decisive victory in this very limited window of opportunity!

Here is the detailed report:

•   Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg 10% discount
•   Strategic Mind: The Pacific 30% discount
•   Panzer Strategy 70% discount

We advise you to strike at up to 3 directions at once to overwhelm the enemy forces.

Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg

Strategic Mind: The Pacific

Panzer Strategy

Good luck!

Starni Games intelligence service

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Re: Strategic Mind: The Pacific
« Reply #87 on: July 08, 2020, 12:31:42 AM »
Update 3.03
Tue, 7 July 2020

Fixed sound issues, save files are now much smaller and other stuff

Update 3.03

In which we added some of the features that you suggested:

•   Fixed major issue with speech being cut off abruptly
•   Added option to set a delay after each phrase 0-5 sec
•   All new save files are now archived, so they take tenfolds less disk space now
•   Added option to set the number of last save files 10-100 — the rest will be deleted automatically

Note: It works only with files created after the update.

We look forward to more feedback from you!

With Best Regards
Starni Games Development Team

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Re: Strategic Mind: The Pacific
« Reply #88 on: July 08, 2020, 12:53:12 PM »
Strategic Mind Soundtrack Announcement
Wed, 8 July 2020

Become a hero who helps us expand the soundtrack for our future projects!

Many of you asked us to create a soundtrack for the game as a separate entity for your convenient use.

We listened to your idea and further improved it!

Not only will you be able to get all tracks from the Strategic Mind series, but you could also become a contributor to the soundtrack further expansion - all funds gathered in 2020 from soundtrack sales will be used exclusively for the production of the additional tracks, which will then be added to our games.

Today, we announce Strategic Mind Franchise Soundtrack. It will be released in two weeks on the 22 July 2020:

The soundtrack currently has all gameplay and cinematic tracks from Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg.

We will create a number of tracks for the upcoming Strategic Mind: Spectre of Communism disregarding the soundtrack sales.

However, we have a limited budget and want to create more tracks then our finances allow. So, we want you to be able to participate in the soundtrack development and invest into more diverse set of tracks.

We will post a plan for possible community-funded tracks soon and hold several community votes allowing you to affect to final tracks list, so stay tuned.

The only downside is that we cannot add all the tracks from The Pacific, as for many of them we have a license only for one commercial product. This fact also caused trouble for the streamers and YouTubers, as the owner of the rights could take action against them. Starting from Blitzkrieg all our tracks are exclusive and we have all the rights, so that is no longer an issue.

Your contribution will help us to keep writing original soundtrack for the series and greatly expand it.

If you are interested in the soundtrack further evolvement - make sure you add it to your wishlist not to miss any important announcements.

With Best Regards
Starni Games development team

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Re: Strategic Mind: The Pacific
« Reply #89 on: July 11, 2020, 01:15:15 PM »
Games Gathering 2020 in Odessa
Fri, 10 July 2020
A report on our participation in the game conference

On July 4 we participated in the game development conference in Odessa, Ukraine. Despite the difficult situation with the pandemics, the organizers managed to hold a relatively small event taking all possible precautions.

Strani Games CEO and founder Ihor Tymoshenko, who also happens to be our lead programmer, is getting ready to travel to Odessa:

At the conference, there were two main activities that we took part in: the game presentation and the lecture for the attendees.

First, we presented our game to everyone interested:

Just before the event, we were approached by another company, proposing to join forces and present our games on their 150 cm wide diagonal touch screens:

The Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg looked awesome on a huge touch screen. You could literally feel yourself an army commander moving tokens symbolizing his troops across the headquarters table.

Secondly, we taught a lecture about the details of our recent controversy in Russia:

The audience was curious to know all the details of our controversial release and asked numerous questions:

After the lecture we went to the afterparty to talk to our colleagues in a more unofficial manner and forge new relations and contacts.

Overall, despite the event being small (due to obvious reasons), we had a lot of productive and insightful discussions and hope that it will help us with both our projects and the overall company development.

We will post some “secret” photos from the afterparty in future news updates, so stay tuned.

With best regards
Strani Games development team

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