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Author Topic: Strategic Mind: The Pacific  (Read 44354 times)

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Offline Asid

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Strategic Mind: The Pacific
« on: December 12, 2018, 03:05:00 PM »

Strategic Mind: The Pacific is a turn-based strategy set in the WW2 period depicting the war between the USA and the Empire of Japan waged in the Pacific Ocean with mindblowing historical accuracy and attention to detail. Two Sides. Two Commanders. Two Destinies.

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Strategic Mind: The Pacific. TEASER#1


Strategic Mind: The Pacific is a turn-based strategy set in the WW2 period depicting the war between the USA and the Empire of Japan waged in the Pacific Ocean with mindblowing historical accuracy and attention to detail.

It offers an immersive experience of commanding both sides of the conflict, allowing you to gain a unique understanding of the situation through the eyes of both sides top commanders, resulting in enjoyable and insightful gameplay.

Build up, train and equip your troops with the newest weaponry available to maximize their efficiency and set sail for victory. The core element of the game is large scale naval battles with numerous carrier ships bringing so much more aircraft into the battle for seizing the control over the ocean. Upon overtaking the sea you will have to set foot on hostile land through a series of costly landing operations.

You will have to make your naval, aerial and amphibious forces act as one flawless mechanism - a task only a truly strategic mind can achieve.

Key features:

•   Play both sides of the conflict to gain unique insight into the epochal events of the War in the Pacific: the United States of America defending both its global power and its ideals; and the Empire of Japan fighting for their right to take the future of our world into its hands.

•   You can decide which ships, submarines and aircraft will constitute the bulk of your force. Manage your fleet between missions with all models becoming available at the historically accurate moments.

•   Unique system of attachments allows customizing your units with additional equipment to increase their efficiency and weave them perfectly into the strategy of your own division.

•   Oversee your units becoming more experienced combatants throughout the campaign and choose which skills they should focus on to better suit your strategy.

•   Detailed system of naval battles allows you to damage various ship systems, such as all sorts of armament, hull, engine, flight deck etc. For instance, damaging enemy ship`s engine will reduce its speed and thus all of its defenses making it easy prey for the rest of your flotilla.

•   Choose which of the commander skills will better suit your strategy and employ them at the right moments to turn the tide of battle.

•   Modern graphics combined with historically accurate models of all units make the playing experience much more immersive than ever before.

•   Employ the heroes forged by the furnace of war for the most difficult tasks to ensure the success of the operation.

•   Witness the events unfold through the plot driven cutscenes.

•   Intricate combat mechanics allow you to show the full extent of your tactical and strategic superiority.

•   No “premade DLC nonsense” and long-term support. You gain access to the two full campaigns when you buy the game with all the features. We are likely to make some additional content in the future, but we offer you the full game you can play without worrying about the need to buy any crucial DLCs. The game will be supported long-term in any case.

« Last Edit: April 17, 2019, 04:15:53 PM by Asid »
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Re: Strategic Mind: The Pacific
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2018, 10:29:09 PM »
Strategic Mind: The Pacific. FULL TRAILER

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Re: Strategic Mind: The Pacific
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2019, 02:48:44 PM »
Another screenshot of Strategic Mind: The Pacific

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Re: Strategic Mind: The Pacific
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2019, 02:57:38 PM »
Night and day sequence

We are working on the night and day sequence in Strategic Mind: The Pacific. Nights and days will differ not only visually. Time of the day will affect the gameplay greatly.
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Re: Strategic Mind: The Pacific
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2019, 03:34:43 PM »
How day and night sequence will work in the Strategic Mind: the Pacific

We are implementing day/night cycle in the game and would like to shed some light on this matter. Please, bear in mind that this feature is in the early stages of development and is subject to future changes throughout the testing process.

As for now: there is a recurring 3 turn cycle (2 turns day, 1 turn night). So each third turn will be a night turn. Night puts some penalties for both sides.

•   For land units: penalty to all attacks, severe spotting range reduction.
•   For air units: severe attack penalty, severe spotting range reduction.

Before you begin to worry about your troops coping with such unfavourable conditions, you should know that there will be ways to tackle these penalties to a certain degree. A system of special equipment and skill for aviation should give your units an edge versus equally disoriented units of your opponent.

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Re: Strategic Mind: The Pacific
« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2019, 05:41:07 PM »
Terrain types in Strategic Mind: The Pacific
21 January - Daizor   

Most of the time your fleet would be in the Ocean waging naval and aerial battles. However, numerous landing operations like the Battle of Iwo Jima and the Battle of Okinawa will require your troops to advance through land. The best place to land is Clear terrain.

However, oftentimes you would have to land in the Shallows - which hinders your advance and makes your troops an easy target.

Upon overtaking coastal area you will proceed to fight in Forest terrain which provides good hiding places as well as better defensive capabilities but hinders your onslaught.

Mountains are the best place to build an impenetrable defence. Rough terrain is difficult both to attack and to move into.

It is best to avoid moving your troops through Swamp and Fields, especially your wheeled units. There are following types of land units movement in the game: on foot, wheeled, half-tracked, tracked, towed etc. It is important to understand the pros and cons of each type and to provide them with sound tactical command.

Small rivers run between hexes and make attacking across them an unfavourable endeavour, unless your troops have a clear advantage. A bridge would allow your troop to cross the river without reducing the tempo of your advance.

In future updates we will provide you with more info on City hexes and infrastructure as well as other aspects of the game.
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Re: Strategic Mind: The Pacific
« Reply #6 on: January 24, 2019, 03:15:35 PM »
Lights and shadows in Strategic Mind: The Pacific

We are working on day and night sequence :) Work in progress!
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Re: Strategic Mind: The Pacific
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2019, 12:23:07 AM »
Carrier ships in Strategic Mind: The Pacific

As you may already know Strategic Mind: The Pacific will have mobile floating airfields - carrier ships.

They can take up to 5 aircraft units on board depending on their class. Thus carriers have by far the biggest reach: they can attack as far as their planes could fly and return safely.

Keeping your carriers at a safe distance to continue attacking from afar, and in turn, locating the positions of the enemy carriers is the key to winning major naval battles.

Carriers are also a valuable asset during landing operations: providing air support to your land troops is the task of great importance.

Carriers are both deadly and vulnerable, which makes them a top priority target for the enemy forces. Be warned that the enemy will try to locate and destroy your carrier ships by any means.

Thus you should take great care in safeguarding them with your escort ships and other naval forces. Carriers were a novelty at the time and not all of naval officers realised the full extent of their power.

You will have a chance to unleash the full potential of carrier forces upon your enemy and prove your strategic superiority.

Add the game to your wishlist to stay updated :)
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Offline Asid

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Re: Strategic Mind: The Pacific
« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2019, 12:01:35 AM »
Some units of the Strategic Mind: The Pacific
30 Jan - Daizor

From left to right:
•   Tench-class submarine;
•   Fletcher-class destroyer;
•   Northampton-class cruiser;
•   Iowa-class battleship;
•   Essex-class aircraft carrier.

Strategic Mind: The Pacific is a turn-based strategy set in the WW2 period depicting the war between the USA and the Empire of Japan waged in the Pacific Ocean.

Two Sides. Two Commanders. Two Destinies.

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Re: Strategic Mind: The Pacific
« Reply #9 on: February 05, 2019, 04:26:18 PM »
Carrier-based aircraft in Strategic Mind: The Pacific
5 Feb - Daizor   

We have various types of aviation in the upcoming Strategic Mind: The Pacific. Today, we will tell you more about carrier-based aircraft.

Only aircraft of certain specifically designed models could successfully land and take off from an Aircraft carrier thus being invaluable assets in naval warfare.

On the picture, you can see USA carrier-based planes of 3 different types: fighters(1), dive bombers(2) and torpedo bombers(3).

Fighters can effectively fight off the enemy aviation and protect both allied ships and bombers.

Dive bombers are better at precise bombing, but have troubles carrying torpedoes (some models could and some could not).

On the contrary, torpedo bombers were modified to carry out successful torpedo attacks but were vulnerable to the enemy fighters during the attack.

Thus dive bombers will have more options of various bombs to carry and limited choice of torpedoes, while torpedo bombers have a better choice of torpedoes.

Also, dive bombers can attack exact ship part of their choice, while torpedo bombers have fewer penalties from carrying cumbersome torpedoes.
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Re: Strategic Mind: The Pacific
« Reply #10 on: February 19, 2019, 12:44:47 PM »
Early gameplay video of Clemson-class destroyer
18 FEB @ 3:51PM   - DAIZOR

Meet Clemson-class destroyer in Strategic Mind: The Pacific. The Clemson-class ships were commissioned by the United States Navy from 1919 to 1922.

Until the Fletcher-class destroyer, the Clemsons were the most numerous class of destroyers commissioned in the United States Navy and were known colloquially as "flush-deckers", "four-stackers" or "four-pipers".

In 1944, the ship was converted into a high-speed transport and transferred to the Pacific taking part in several invasions.

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Re: Strategic Mind: The Pacific
« Reply #11 on: February 21, 2019, 12:23:20 AM »
Strategic Mind: The Pacific early access moved to April 30

The reason for the delay is that we decided to present you with a more polished and ready-to-play version of the game, and we need a little bit more time to test everything out and fix all arising problems.

We want the early access version to be a good representation of what awaits you in the full version of the game (apart from cut scenes, which we cannot add at this point, unfortunately). Thus, we put lots of effort to start Early access with decent quality and then plan to gradually improve on it until the full release.

We are sorry to move the start of the Early access date and hope for your understanding. Our aim is to make the game more enjoyable for all of you in the first place. It is in our best interest to release early access as soon as possible, but the quality of the game (even in the early access phase) is our top priority, so we work hard to make it happen and expect 30 April to be the final date.

We will continue to post regular updates on the different aspects of the game and its mechanics to keep you up to date. In the next update, we will tell you about the difference between Early access and Full release in more detail.
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Re: Strategic Mind: The Pacific
« Reply #12 on: February 21, 2019, 01:07:38 PM »
How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?
21 Feb - Daizor   

We want to keep you informed about how our work progresses. So, here is the table representing the comparison of our expectations for the Early access version (at launch, April 30) and the Full release version of the game.

see table here

Let us go over the main points and provide you with more detail.

As many of you could have guessed, cutscenes require lots of effort. We have already done the script and other preliminary work, however, there are still much to do in this regard. So we do not expect them to be ready before the full release.

The similar situation exists regarding the voice acting. We have to finalise all the lines before making and implementing voice acting.

All units and rewards for Early access are already in the game. As well as most of the skills.

HQ skills, equipment and icons are work in progress.

Core mechanics are ready, but require additional testing and polishing both before and after the beginning of Early access stage.
Day/night and rain features are now being tested.

We plan to add heroes after the beginning of Early access as the work progresses and we deal with more crucial elements of the game.

We hope that this portion of content will help you understand what to expect from the Full version of the game (apart from cutscenes). And, on the other hand, your feedback would help us make the Full version even better.

We want our development process to be as transparent as possible without spoiling too much of the actual game. We want you to be informed about our work, but at the same time keep some surprises in store for the time when you will finally be able to launch the game.
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Re: Strategic Mind: The Pacific
« Reply #13 on: February 26, 2019, 12:30:17 AM »
It`s a rainy night

Weather effects in Strategic Mind: The Pacific #1

Day and night sequence. Heavy rain. Aerial view.

Weather effects in Strategic Mind: The Pacific #2

Day and night sequence. Heavy rain. Aerial view.

Weather effects in Strategic Mind: The Pacific #3

Day and night sequence. Heavy rain. Closer look.

What would be a more difficult time to attack than in the middle of the night? That would be in the middle of the rainy night.

We have already told you about the day/night sequence in one of our previous reports. However, today we bring you a short video of combinations of day, night and rainy weather.

Both night and rain have their effects on your troops. So, when you bring them together it truly becomes one hell of a night. Your troops would be lucky to even locate the enemy forces.

Despite the difficulties, you have to understand that the enemy troops have the same problems, and if you diminish the degree to which night affects your forces, you would be able to gain an edge.
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Re: Strategic Mind: The Pacific
« Reply #14 on: February 27, 2019, 04:44:16 PM »
Nice, thanks for the post.  :thumbsup
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