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Author Topic: Settlements  (Read 16096 times)

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Offline Asid

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« on: November 15, 2018, 03:27:42 PM »

Settlements is a game of managing resources in the ruins of our world. Recruit characters and level their skills and equipment from the stone age until the space age, while trying your best to avoid the very thing that led to our destruction previously.

Steam: Here
Official forum: Here
YouTube: Here
Wiki: Here


Early Access Trailer


Civilisation as we know it has been destroyed. We are little more than a few scattered people living in caves and under bushes, banging rocks together to keep warm and eat berries.

Your challenge is to bring humanity together. Lift us up out of the stone age and forge ahead, all the while worrying about what destroyed mankind last time and if it will return to finish the job.

Settlements is a game of managing resources and crafting output over a limited space. You control the pace of the game, relax for many days of playing as you customize each character and train their skills in the items of the era, or rush ahead researching technology as fast as you can. The choice is yours.

The goal of Settlements is to bring a deep crafting RPG game to as wide a range of PCs as possible. Just as enjoyable on a gaming desktop rig as on a low-end laptop used for browsing the web.


•   Character Customisation - Change name, appreance & voices, obtain a large range of feats and even allocate them to a family.
•   10 Technological Eras - From the Stone age to the Space Age. You control the pace of advancement through research and seeking out more land to settle. Play at a speed you are most comfortable with and stay in an era as long as you wish.
•   100+ Buildings to place and use from housing to factories. With space being your primary issue for much of the game, deciding on what to build is key to success.
•   60+ Character Skills. Each character can only train in 15 skills at any one time, so you will need to develop specialists and keep them alive.
•   10+ World Skills. Ranging from house design and metal lore to militia combat training, these skills will effect all your settlements.
•   Diplomacy Points. Although you cannot fit everyone into your settlements, the people who live in the wild are still important to your success. Help them and gain diplomacy points that can be spent on benefits later.
•   1000+ Items, books and recipes: The game has in-depth crafting at its core. Your characters will need to gain skills in various crafting methods to unlock the ability to craft rare and more powerful items as well as advance in technological eras.
•   100+ Base Monsters
•   9 Boss fights, each with their own unique treasure. (Including some with difficulty levels, ultra rare drops and rare spawns)
•   Scout the world for information on the Blight and help out the struggling remains of mankind.
•   5 Difficulty Settings
•   World and Settlement Threat - leading to the Doomsday system and Main Plot Failure! Be careful not to take on challenges that are beyond your character's skills. Too many failures will increase doomsday points and lead to Victory for the Blight.

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Offline Asid

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Re: Settlements
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2018, 03:30:23 PM »
Guide 1 Getting Started

Guide 2 Resource Gathering

Guide 3 - Crafting and Research

Guide 4: Game Interface and Character Sheet

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Offline Asid

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Re: Settlements
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2018, 03:30:59 PM »
What is Next!

Update 1: The Black Swamp

As well as several game improvements, this free update adds the following to the core game:
•   A new merchant system
•   A new adventure
•   The boss fight: The Swamp Vampire
•   New 15 items
•   2 new pets
•   6 new recipies
•   A new character feat.

Language Support

Thanks to community support, the tutorial is now also available in Chinese, German, Japanese and Dutch
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Offline Asid

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Re: Settlements
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2018, 01:04:12 AM »
Beta update 1.1.7
Hello to all!

This beta update is the pre-patch ahead of the Christmas update that will go live on the 1st of December.
Another announcement will be made when the Christmas update starts, explaining the mechanics of the event!
The patch also has the following changes and fixes.

•   Added: Christmas content pre-patch (The go-live will be on Dex 1st with an update explaining the event).
•   Added: The ERA of a recipe or building unlock has now been added to the unlock pop-up and text window message.

•   Changed: Search, Climbing, Swimming and Negotiate books have been removed from the rare book merchant. These skills are only available in adventures.
•   Changed: The Weaponsmith feat bonus now also works with pistols.
•   Changed: The Rangedsmith feat bonus now also works with all rifle types.
•   Changed: Xp gain for Way of the Wasp has been increased from 1 per success to 2.

•   Fixed: Some melee based rifles were not doing any damage when placed in the ranged slot.
•   Fixed: Missing text on some ranged weapons in the character sheet.
•   Fixed: Missing text on the mass attack option on some ranged weapons.

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Offline Asid

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Re: Settlements
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2018, 02:04:18 PM »
Settlements Christmas Update
30 November - Tormunda

Greetings to all!

Ho! Ho! Ho! and welcome to the Christmas update for Settlements.

Starting on December the 1st a Christmas tree will become available for you to upgrade and obtain presents.
The tree will be visible at any Settlement with a center building (EG: Not available at the oil pump!), clicking on the tree will open the tree menu.

1) These are your currently unused tree baubles. Common-Rare baubles have a chance to drop off of monsters when slain.
2) This is how many baubles you need of each type, in order to upgrade your christmas tree.
3) Tinsel will upgrade the chance of rare gifts. Tinsel can be obtain from opening gifts.
4) This is how many unopened gifts you currently have.

Each in-game midnight, santa will take a look at your tree and if he likes it, he will leave gifts for you. The odds of him leaving gifts are based upon the level of your tree.

There are all kinds of items available in the gifts, from Candy and Cooking Receipes to Pets!

As well as the Christmas update the following additions, changes and fixes are also included in this update.

•   Added: The ERA of a recipe or building unlock has now been added to the unlock pop-up and text window message.

•   Changed: Search, Climbing, Swimming and Negotiate books have been removed from the rare book merchant. These skills are only available in adventures.
•   Changed: The Weaponsmith feat bonus now also works with pistols.
•   Changed: The Rangedsmith feat bonus now also works with all rifle types.
•   Changed: Xp gain for Way of the Wasp has been increased from 1 per success to 2.
•   Changed: Updated the treasure in many adventure quests to be closer to your current era.

•   Fixed: Some melee based rifles were not doing any damage when placed in the ranged slot.
•   Fixed: Missing text on some ranged weapons in the character sheet.
•   Fixed: Missing text on the mass attack option on some ranged weapons.
•   Fixed: Map location issue in adventure quest fixed.
•   Fixed: Some text errors.

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Offline Asid

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Re: Settlements
« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2018, 03:22:00 PM »
Important Notice: 64Bit vs 32Bit

Up until now I have been working on keeping the game withing a 32bit memory profile.
This means that all extended memory is ignored, no matter what OS you are using.

Although the game works fine in 32 bit, I am unable to provide extra content to people who are playing on a 32 bit machine.
Please understand that I have tried my best to squeeze in content to the small memory window. This is often noticed when you relead the game mid-game or if you are running several other services, limiting your base memory.

To this end I am moving all new development to 64 bit only.

Not only will this allow me to provide extra content but it will also make the base game far more stable and perform better for those users who are using a 64bit OS.

Steam allows me to query how many users are using a 32 bit OS (if you have allowed steam to query your OS) .Out of those users who have allowed steam to do this, there are NO users using a 32bit OS.

There is a new BETA branch available listed as 64bit. This is a test area for the new client that is available to all users. When I am happy the new client is stable, I will switch this to be the default client and then move the 32 bit client to the beta branch so that people with old machines can still play the game (Without any extra content).

I hope you understand and approve this move that will allow me to continue to add to the game you all enjoy and provide a stable game for all users.
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Offline Asid

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Re: Settlements
« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2018, 03:43:32 PM »
64bit Client goes to Beta Branch
The Beta Branch is now the latest 64 bit client.

Beta Update.

•   Changed: Re-balanced game client sizing
•   Changed: Changes to the size of some text
•   Changed: Changes to the location of some parts of the GUI
•   Changed: Changes to the character sheet GUI
•   Changed: Save file format
•   Changed: 64 Bit client only
•   Changed: Now using .Net Frameworkv4.7.1

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Offline Asid

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Re: Settlements
« Reply #7 on: December 10, 2018, 01:37:20 PM »
64bit Client goes live.

I am happy to announce that the 64bit client is now the default client when playing the game.

For those who have 32bit machines you can still access the old client by switching to the beta branches and selecting the 32bit option
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Re: Settlements
« Reply #8 on: December 12, 2018, 02:40:27 PM »
New features in Beta

There are several new features available in the beta branch for testing.
Along with the new features there are many new feats.
The details of which are available on the forums.

Please post any issues with the beta on the bugs forum. Thank you.

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Offline Asid

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Re: Settlements
« Reply #9 on: December 12, 2018, 02:40:46 PM »
Beta Update.

Many major additions to the game are available for testing.


•   Added: New Feat - Skill 16. This feat allows you to purchase an extra skill slot
•   Added: New Feat - Skill 17. As above.
•   Added: New Feat - MaceMaster. An extra 4% critical for maces / clubs
•   Added: New Feat - AxeMaster. An extra 4% critical for axes.
•   Added: New Feat - Polearms. A feat for 4% critical for polearms.
•   Added: New Feat - PoleMaster. An extra 4% critical for polearms.
•   Added: Crafting Repeat - A long awaiting request to allow a reapeat option on the craft menu. When ticked, any follow on recipe will swap with the starting recipe and continue indefinately.
•   Added: Character Filter Text. - A text field is now available on the character sheet that can be seen in the character lister menu and can also be filtered by.
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Offline Asid

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Re: Settlements
« Reply #10 on: December 18, 2018, 01:11:33 AM »
Special Christmas Update
17 December - Tormunda

Merry Christmas and welcome to a special Christmas Update.
The update adds several of the most popular community requests, some of which have been long awaited and it is fitting that they now arrive as a special xmas gift to the community.


The new update now has an extra 'Repeat' column on the far right.
When a building has both a current and a follow on recipe, the repeat flag will now cycle those recipes.
Example: If you set the current recipe to produce 5 Copper Ingots and then a Follow on recipe of 2 Tin ingots. When the repeat flag is ticked, the production will continue to cycle betwen the Copper and Tin ingots in the quantities reqested.


It has long been requested that extra abilities to search for and filter Characters in the Character Lister would help in equipment planning.
To this end there is now a Free Text Field in the character sheet that can be filtered in the Character Lister menu.
Below is an image of the field on the Character Sheet.

With the introduction of more skills to the game it has become a much debated requirement to allow for more than 15 skill slots.
Understanding that not all characters need so many skills and that a key management part of the game is to juggle skills around your character pool, the release of extra skill slots is as follows:
1) All characters can purchase 2 extra skills with gold.
2) These 2 extra skills are obtained as feats in the General Feats tab.
3) The costs of these extra skill slots are not cheap, however by the time you have characters in need of these extra slots, the gold costs should be managable.

Some key weapon types are in need of some love to make them desirable. Axes, Polearms and Maces are often taken as a secondary weapon type compared to the Sword.
To Help balance this, extra feats have been added to make these other weapon types more desirable.

•   Added: New Feat - Skill 16. This feat allows you to purchase an extra skill slot
•   Added: New Feat - Skill 17. As above.
•   Added: New Feat - MaceMaster. An extra 4% critical for maces / clubs
•   Added: New Feat - AxeMaster. An extra 4% critical for axes.
•   Added: New Feat - Polearms. A feat for 4% critical for polearms.
•   Added: New Feat - PoleMaster. An extra 4% critical for polearms.
•   Added: Crafting Repeat - A long awaiting request to allow a reapeat option on the craft menu. When ticked, any follow on recipe will swap with the starting recipe and continue indefinately.
•   Added: Character Filter Text. - A text field is now available on the character sheet that can be seen in the character lister menu and can also be filtered by.

•   Fixed: A bug where research would not happen if you have a quantity of the item being researched, larger than your current store allowance.
•   Fixed: An error in the German Tutorial where some steps did not show.

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Offline Asid

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Re: Settlements
« Reply #11 on: January 22, 2019, 02:44:43 PM »

•   Fixed: Issue with the taunt ability when the character has a taunt feat bonus.
•   Fixed: Colours on the new game start screen not being correct due to a change in the development software version.
•   Fixed: A few minor text changes.
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Offline Asid

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Re: Settlements
« Reply #12 on: February 17, 2019, 06:14:21 PM »
Beta Update is available

•   Added: Better memory management of the client & assets. All memory leaks should have been squashed now.
•   Added: Support for multiple monitors. You can now drag and drop the client between moinitors and it will resize as required.
•   Added: Improved screen draw performance for the settlement areas.
•   Added: Improved the stability of multiple reloads of the game. There should not longer be any need to restart the client.
•   Added: Diplomacy - You can now increase the wealth of merhants by 1% per 1DP spent. This means that merchants will now turn up with a larger pool of coins available to purchase equipment from you.

•   Changed: Location of several menu screens
•   Changed: The size of several menu screens.
•   Changed: Diplomacy - Summoning merchants now costs 2 DP.
•   Changed: Diplomacy - The ability to buy 10 coins for 1 DP has been removed.

•   Fixed: An issue with the Oil rig not recalculating oil output correctly when machinery was changed.
•   Fixed: An issue where tooltips did not show on the character screen, when the character was loaded from the scouting screen.
•   Fixed: The Diplomacy point display was not updating as DP's were spent.

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Offline Asid

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Re: Settlements
« Reply #13 on: February 21, 2019, 01:04:15 PM »
Latest Update has gone live!
21 Feb - Tormunda

This is the last general performance update before Content Update 2 begins.
News on the Content Update 2 will be released next week.

The patch notes are as follow.

•   Added: Better memory management of the client & assets. All memory leaks should have been squashed now.
•   Added: Support for multiple monitors. You can now drag and drop the client between moinitors and it will resize as required.
•   Added: Improved screen draw performance for the settlement areas.
•   Added: Improved the stability of multiple reloads of the game. There should not longer be any need to restart the client.
•   Added: Diplomacy - You can now increase the wealth of merhants by 1% per 1DP spent. This means that merchants will now turn up with a larger pool of coins available to purchase equipment from you.
•   Added: Ability to select combat stances for your characters on the character sheets.
Once selected, that character will start all combat encounters in the desired stance until changed.

•   Changed: Location of several menu screens
•   Changed: The size of several menu screens.
•   Changed: Diplomacy - Summoning merchants now costs 2 DP.
•   Changed: Diplomacy - The ability to buy 10 coins for 1 DP has been removed.
•   Changed: Several user interfaces

•   Fixed: An issue with the Oil rig not recalculating oil output correctly when machinery was changed.
•   Fixed: An issue where tooltips did not show on the character screen, when the character was loaded from the scouting screen.
•   Fixed: The Diplomacy point display was not updating as DP's were spent.

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Offline Asid

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Re: Settlements
« Reply #14 on: February 24, 2019, 12:02:02 AM »
Expansion News: Update 2 - BEASTMASTERY

Since the launch of Settlements there has been a heavy focus on adding community requests and expanding on the current content, with more boss fights and equipment.

So after the last wave of updates you may be asking what is next for the game?

The answer is:

The second free expansion to the game.

Without giving away all the spoilers right away, the new expansion will add the new character skills of Beastmaster and Veterinarian as well as the world skill of Animal Breeding.

Masses of new pets have been added to the game as well as the ability for characters to use 2 pets at once.

All pets have now been classed as either a Combat or a Support pet. With further subclasses as worker, assault, defender, harasser, mount, protector or distracter.

As your skill in beastmaster increases so will the ability of the pets you command. However the downside is that all pets can now be attacked in combat and knocked out. A knocked out pet will no longer fight for you until the battle is over.
This creates a whole new dynamic of trying to match what pets are best for what characters based on their combat and settlement roles.

As well as this there will be 2 new adventures that will become available from era 3, these new adventures are randomly filled with monsters of your current era and can be played as many times as you wish, no matter what era of the game you advance to. Some of the new pets can only be found within these adventures.

Adding to that, you will also have the ability to breed your own pets. Once you have 2 or more of the same pet you can spend coin to attempt to upgrade to a better or even a rare version of the advanced pet.

The expansion will also come with a host of new steam achievements to unlock.

More information on this expansion will become available as it enters beta testing.

Beta testing is planned to begin on the 28th of Feb (this date may move slightly), so for those who wish to wait until the expansion is stable before enjoying the new content, please make sure you switch to the default branch now.

I hope you enjoy the new content and the many extra hours of play it will bring to the game.
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