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Re: Ylands
« Reply #90 on: March 05, 2021, 01:49:39 AM »
Dev Diary #166 - Editor and Exploration
Thu, 4 March 2021

Hey there, fellow ylanders.

Originally I planned to discuss some cool new features and improvements update 1.6 will introduce but seeing the discussions about the current state of the game and where it‘s headed, I thought it's more important to react to these instead.

Let me start by addressing the concerns about us focusing mostly on the Editor/platform instead of Exploration.

In the past years, we have spent a lot of time working on the Editor, the Workshop and the platform in general. During this time it was our primary focus, and this meant that - unfortunately - Exploration got less love than what we would have wanted. That is a fact, and we understand the disappointment of those who wanted us to improve Exploration in the first place. While we did make some Exploration improvements, these were not necessarily enough. We are also aware that some features are now actually might even be worse than they used to (probably the biggest issue is still maps being smaller).

All of this happened because of three reasons.

This year Ylands will be officially released in China (which is something that only a few dozen „western“ games achieve each year) and thanks to the support from our team here, now, months before the release, the platform there already contains hundreds of games. For Ylands, a project that we still plan to develop for many years to come, this is obviously very important.

The second reason is something we haven‘t talked about yet, but since some of you already started asking - and we are close enough to start discussing this as well; here we go. Often in the past, actually even years ago, when the Editor and platform was nothing like they are now, we kept being approached by teachers from various countries who were interested in using Ylands and its visual scripting and easy to pick-up systems, as tools to teach kids the basics of scripting & programming. At that time we didn‘t feel ready to provide such a solution, but now we got to a point where we can and want to; so this year we plan on introducing Ylands to schools as a learning tool. At first here, in the Czech Republic, followed by other countries. The Ylands version for schools will be pretty much the standard Ylands you know and love but stripped of some features (quite obviously monetization and some others). We have all the features we wanted to have but it took us long to get here.

So what‘s next?


We have already started focusing on Exploration with update 1.5 and that has brought a major change to the basic gameplay loop. Instead of playing many Exploration games, building your structures, ships only to lose them when you start another Exploration game, you now play in a large Exploration universe where you can keep your progress, explore any number of ylands - be it local games, games hosted on dedicated servers or locally hosted by other players.

In 1.6 we will continue with these improvements. We got rid of the barrier and will give you more power over your ylands. We are adding new ways to build with your friends and tools to prevent visitors to your ylands doing any harm. We are giving you better ways of building. We even made a lot of smaller improvements that you asked for (like introducing a rake, an object you can use to smooth terrain, etc.). Actually, there is so much cool Exploration-related stuff in 1.6 that for the first time we won‘t be able to introduce all of it in Dev Diaries before it comes out!

And the updates past 1.6? Again, a ton of cool Exploration features, fixes and improvements.

We are already planning something that will make the maps much, much bigger (the actual local maps where you move without loading). In 1.6 we, the devs, are already able to create special unique scenes in the Editor that then can be found in Exploration by players (think of Random Encounters, but entire islands). In the future, we will give the same power to you. That is how the Editor and Exploration will „click together“ and all the time and effort we put into Editor will be beneficial even for the only-Exploration players. Imagine Exploration with custom made worlds, that can be pretty much anything...

And that is, actually, the third reason why we focused so much on having a working Editor/platform first (if you look back in forum posts and Dev Diaries, you will find we dreamed this up this looooong time ago).

That is what the future of Ylands is.

I hope that this answers some of your questions (and maybe even concerns) about the future of Ylands and what role Exploration and the Editor play in it. I understand that this covers only parts of what your concerns are, and I will continue in the next Dev Diary with some other topics like server stability, our plans to get more players to play Exploration and anything else you ask for in the discussion below this post. Please note that with CM gone (we are already talking with some promising candidates) and finalizing features for 1.6 we may not be able to answer everything you ask right away and it may take some time / it will be answered in the next Dev Diary.

That‘s it for today, I will talk to you next Thursday so until then... stay healthy and classy, ylanders!

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Re: Ylands
« Reply #91 on: March 14, 2021, 07:51:22 PM »
Dev Diary #167 Fixing Exploration
Thu, March 11, 2021

Hey there, fellow ylanders.

Today I would like to continue talking about some of the concerns you have voiced and the problems that you’ve faced.

One of the most common complaints was about the quality of the servers; progress being lost or wiped. I know this did happen quite often in the past (especially with Exploration games after 1.5 - that’s one of the reasons Exploration was marked as “experimental”) but with several fixes released post 1.5, we believe this shouldn’t happen anymore. There still may be some hidden bugs that under some circumstances require a server restart, but I promise we'll do our best to eliminate these as well. Due to how the game works now, even if a restart happens - in no case should the player lose more than around 10 minutes of the progress. If your current experience differs, please let us know on our forums and feel free to PM me. I will do my best to help you with that.

Another thing I promised to talk about is the size of the Ylands community. By focusing on the platform more than on Exploration in the last few years we've lost a lot of the players we initially had. We also made some unpopular decisions such as going F2P, that caused the community to shrink further. At the same time, we didn’t really try actively to bring more players to Exploration because we wanted to fix it, improve it ... but never really got to it until now.

So our plan right now is to release 1.6 before the end of this month. This update will bring a lot of cool new features to Exploration and fix many of the issues you've reported (missing smoothing tool, overpowered propeller pack, and more). We hope that by fixing and improving Exploration, we will eventually get to an amazing experience that you all be happy with. We have already started working on two major features for 1.7, which are directly based on your feedback and will, without any doubt, make Exploration much better and closer to what we all want it to be. We will start talking with you about those immediately after 1.6 is released.

We are so confident about 1.7 being a major Exploration improvement that we are planning to actively start bringing players into Ylands again. At that point we would like to ask those who have left at any point, disappointed by the state of the game, to come back and see what we’ve done with it with the last 3 updates. At the same time, we will let even those who don’t own Exploration to try it in a limited way (currently we’re thinking of limiting them to their starting yland, however, we will allow other players to visit them - if they own the DLC).

So that’s our plan. I understand the disappointment of those who were more interested in Exploration than Editor, but I truly believe that if they spare a few minutes to check out the new Exploration this summer, they will be pleasantly surprised.

That's it for today - next week I will tell you more about what great Exploration features you can expect in update 1.6. Until then, as always... stay healthy and classy, ylanders!

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Re: Ylands
« Reply #92 on: March 29, 2021, 11:59:56 PM »
Update 1.6: Trading Territories
Mon, 29 March 2021

🏝️ Handcrafted Exploration ylands
🏝️ Vendor crafting
🏝️ Many many, Exploration improvements & changes
🏝️ Text scripting
🏝️ Global leaderboards
...and more!

Clean your spyglasses and tighten the riggings - we are charting a course to ylands no one had seen before! Update 1.5 meant a new dawn for Exploration and we are continuing the trend with update 1.6 - Trading Territories.

The biggest feature of this update is the ability to encounter completely customized, hand-built ylands while exploring your world map - carefully created and curated by us. In the future, not only player created ylands, but entire games will be discoverable this way. Think of the possibilities!

Players will also be able to set rules on an yland-to-yland basis now, giving them control over who can visit & build on their lands.

For the hardcore creators we have a real treat in this update: the beta version of our text-scripting API, that will allow unprecedented flexibility for all you creators out there!

Of course, we have sprinkled quite a few other amazing features, so read on to find out more!

Update 1.6 - Trading Territories - major features

Handcrafted Exploration ylands:
think of these as random encounters on steroids! Entire ylands, flora & fauna, carefully crafted by our designers, ready to offer you never before seen sights and truly unique Exploration adventures. And this is just the beginning, in the future you'll see holiday themed ylands, player created ylands and even entire game modes showing up in your Exploration games!

Building station:
just stand next to this amazing new invention and feel like the weight of the world lifting from your shoulders as you fly around its area of effect, making building a breeze.

Vendor crafting:
ever felt you need more trading in your Exploration games? With the new vendor crafting station, this can now be a reality!

My yland, My rules:
players will now able to set rules for every ylands they discover (and belongs to them), enabling who can build & where, giving them full ownership of the yland.

Other Exploration changes:
we have changed quite a few Exploration bits; the barrier is now gone from the early game, the propeller pack is now not game-breakingly powerful & changes to how "block hardening" is handled means a more streamlined Exploration experience. And let's not forget about an addition that will warm the heart of all the homeowners...a rake, for all your terrain smoothing needs!

Text scripting:
a new extremely powerful way to code your games within the Editor - the new scripting API will let the best creators out there use our own specialised version of JavaScript to create games of never-before seen complexity. We cannot wait to see what you can come up with!

Global leaderboards:
Creators will now be able to implement leaderboards that span the entire game, across servers and instances of their games, collecting competing players' data from within the entire Ylands ecosystem! Daily & weekly breakdowns will make sure there is always something or someone to compete with.

Misc. changes & addition:
as usual, we have also added numerous quality of life changes to both Exploration and the Editor and squashed more bugs that we can remember,

To read about the nitty gritty details, follow this link to the changelog.

To keep track of all the latest news, follow Ylands on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

Until next time, stay classy!

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Re: Ylands
« Reply #93 on: April 10, 2021, 11:34:59 PM »
Dev Diary #171: Crafting Improvements
Thu, 8 April 2021

Hey there, fellow ylanders.

We are currently finalizing a patch
that will fix some things that have popped up since we‘ve released update 1.6 and are fully focusing on version 1.7
so it seems like a good time to start discussing some of the features (or changes) we are currently working on.

One of the things we would like to address in the next update is crafting recipes
and how you learn these. We already have a huge number of items you can craft in the games (and, as promised, will be adding recipes for more existing objects based on your feedback). Right now there are over 2000 recipes in the game - which is quite a lot.

Being able to craft so many things is good, but working with so many recipes is not an easy task... and neither is learning them. In the past players used to learn those gradually based on some relationships between the objects they crafted and those unknown to them. This, however, wasn't working very well, so currently, the players have access to all the recipes right from the beginning. Even though they are divided into categories, finding what can be crafted can be quite painstaking and not fun at all. Also, and that‘s actually the most important thing, there‘s no fun in uncovering new recipes, no awarding those that deserve it.

To improve this game part we plan to do the following:

* dramatically reduce the number of recipes available right from the start. We will divide all the recipes into two categories - let‘s call them „core“ and „fun“. The core ones (mostly things needed to progress through the game) you will know right from the start. The rest (the absolute majority) you will uncover during your travels. So those, who explore, will have more interesting clothes, prettier houses, finer statues.

* group some entities even further, so instead of 20+ hay building blocks blocking (pun intended) what you see in the list you will see one „hay building blocks“ group

* do some UX tweaks to existing UI

We believe this change will have a major impact on gameplay
. The exploration will feel much more rewarding, players‘ clothing and housing will be highly differentiated. This is also the reason why we won‘t let players choose when starting a new Exploration game whether they already know all the recipes - we want the world to feel real and plan to add the possibility of sharing the recipes with others.

That's it for today and we will talk to you again in a week. Until then, as always, stay healthy and classy, ylanders!

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Re: Ylands
« Reply #94 on: April 29, 2021, 11:44:41 PM »
Dev Diary #174 Stream Q&A
Thu, 29 April 202

Hey there, fellow ylanders!

The regular streams we‘re doing with Naru are a lot of fun and we get to answer a lot of questions from you, the players. Unfortunately, sometimes it‘s impossible to provide all the information you seek because it first needs to be consulted with the team. So today I‘ll post answers to such questions here and the next week we‘ll return to talking about the cool Exploration / Editor features, which the 1.7 update is going to bring.

Q: Can the Ylands Team add random encounters without uploading the game client? Or was that just for Custom Scenario islands?

A: At this point, it is possible only for custom scenario ylands.

Q: Will we be able to customize the appearance of the new vendors?

A: Technically it is definitely possible. We‘ve put it in our suggestion list, but it has a low priority.

Q: Can we change the terrain to y=0 in Editor?

A: To put this simply - the visible mesh is calculated from voxel terrain data and there is certain imprecision that is difficult to get rid of. So, unfortunately, there is currently no easy way for us to align the terrain precisely with the plane at zero y coordinate.

Q: When will the players be able to transport tamed animals and vehicles by ship? Is there an estimate for this time? (yes/no is ok)

A: We‘ve already tested various solutions and there are some serious issues with this (not unsolvable but requiring substantial time that would have to be taken away from other features) so in the end, we are leaning towards the idea of allowing (un)summoning those instead of transporting them. We would like to have this feature in the 1.8 update .

Q: Can the players have a branch of the tech tree for refining oil?

A: This is a neat idea and we‘re storing it for later (possibly when we do a major update of energy)

Q: Are we bringing back the repair system?

A: What is a very high priority for us is being able to repair ships so that players can engage in naval battles. We‘ll try to bring this to the game as soon as possible (sometime past 1.7).

The damage/repair system for items is something that we would like to bring back at some point but in a different, more interesting way. However, it‘s not currently slated for either 1.7 or 1.8.

Q: Can we have more slots in the toolbox?

A: That is definitely a problem and we‘ll fix that in the upcoming 1.7 update .

Q: Can creators get the hit position for thrown objects (grenades and arrows)?

A: This is currently not possible (basically right now whenever an object is fired/thrown it becomes a different entity and is stripped of most of its data), but we understand that this can be very handy and so we will look into it some more.

Q: Can creators create groups using scripting?

A: Not really. At this point the groups don‘t exist in the game, they are just a helpful way of putting together objects in the Editor and in the game this information is not present.

Q: Can players add grass terrain (like sand/dirt) in Exploration?

A: This is something we are currently discussing - not only this type of terrain but maybe also being able to „pick“ some water and drop it someplace else. We‘ll keep you posted.

Q: Can creators get a better raycast for where the players are looking

A: TL;DR: Right now it‘s not possible, but it should be in future.
Detailed answer: This is a good question because it touches an „issue“ that affects a lot of scripting done by creators. The way things work in Ylands is, that in the multiplayer, absolute majority of the game is simulated on the server and very few on the client. When you play a single-player local game, this isn‘t an issue. But when it‘s multiplayer, it‘s when things get ugly. For example, all the scripting is performed on the server, while the camera is handled only locally and the server doesn‘t have any information about where each player is looking (because it doesn‘t really care about that and in MP you always want to send as little data between a client and a server as possible). This is also why it‘s not easy for us to add some specific instructions. Imagine you would want us to add a feature where you would (on a mobile device) want to evaluate a pinch gesture to say, zoom your camera. While this would work well in locally run singleplayer, in a MP game we would have to send the current gestures data to the server, it would act based on that and send back the result to the client. If your latency is high, say 150ms, it would take 300 ms for you to see the effect of your action. Be assured that if the game took one third of a second to react to your gestures (or even more) it would be useless.
There are two ways of solving this. Firstly it‘s some sort of prediction (which we already use with some things like player‘s movement) but which needs to be specifically tailored to every feature/use case or by allowing some scripts to run locally and perform some actions without having to communicate with the server.
If you‘re among the creators that keep running into this problem you may be happy to hear that we are already discussing how to implement some sort of "local scripting" and even though I can‘t give you any timeframe at this point, we feel that this is extremely important and want to have it in the game as soon as possible.

Q: Can the players use a compass while riding/flying potion/driving?

A: Sure, we‘ll add that.

So, that‘s it for today. I will see you next week and until then... stay healthy and classy, ylanders!

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Re: Ylands
« Reply #95 on: May 06, 2021, 11:53:12 PM »
Dev Diary #175 Yland Hopping
Thu, 6 May 2021

Well hello there, Ylanders!

Whether you are an experienced adventurer or a rookie sailor, there is always more to explore!

And to give you an even more exciting journey of discovery, in the 1.7 update, we would like to implement a system of scenarios, which we hope, would challenge you in completely new ways.

You asked us to give you some sense of progression through the game - and this is it. We are going to introduce a kind of "experience points" that will let you open specific ylands. These ylands could be just about anything, so you would have to be on the lookout for a mind twisting puzzle, a hard-hitting boss fight or maybe even something utterly indescribable! Once you "complete" this yland, you will receive a reward for all of your hard work.

We expect the primary way of increasing the experience level through random encounters, so as you keep exploring the world and bumping into unexpected events, you would level up as an adventurer and would be more ready to tackle more and more challenging scenarios. And to enable you to gather up friends you've made along the journey of exploration, these milestone scenarios would be available in multiplayer as well. These would, however, still require a certain level of experience to access.

We believe that this will add a lot of fun to Exploration and we are looking forward to telling you more details soon :)

That's everything for today's dev diary. We will continue working on the 1.7 update and keep you informed!

In the meantime....

Stay classy, Ylanders!

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Re: Ylands
« Reply #96 on: May 13, 2021, 11:37:45 PM »
Dev Diary #176 What comes after 1.7
Thu, 13 May 2021

The first pieces of information about the 1.8 update

Hey there, fellow ylanders!

A lot of you have been asking about what will the updates beyond 1.7 bring and so today I would like to give you some information about 1.8, which will be mostly focused on polishing and adjusting.

As you know, we have been working really hard on making Exploration much better and some quite radical changes have been done. So far, you, the players, seem to like where we‘re headed, which is reassuring. However, the game can't be made better just by throwing in massive changes.

So far we have received literally thousands of pieces of feedback. Ideas on how to improve features. What you are missing. What you don‘t like.

You might have noticed (at least we hope you have :) ) that in every update we try to react to such feedback, but it‘s not enough. Because of the major features and big changes, there‘s usually not enough time to fix smaller things. Some may think that these things are not that important, that we would be better off adding feature X or Y. But the truth is that when there are many such things (and there are), the overall experience suffers. This may not be such a problem for a long time Ylands players who are already accustomed to some of our weird quirks, but this is something that needs to be taken care of before we try to attract more players back to our game.

And that‘s why 1.8 will be mainly about polishing. We are going through your feedback and deciding what are the things that you (and the game) need and which we haven‘t managed to fix. It can be a small annoying UI thing or something that a larger game system is missing (how can one have naval battles when ships can‘t be damaged...(sad) ). Just to give you some examples - an easier way to share games with other players, building improvements, being able to carry a torch while holding a weapon and much more.

So what would YOU like us to fix?

With 1.8 released we expect to feel good enough about the game so that we can start actively bringing new players into the game. We consider that a whole new chapter for Exploration.

So, that‘s it for today. I will see you next week and until then... stay healthy and classy, ylanders!
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Re: Ylands
« Reply #97 on: May 20, 2021, 10:53:28 PM »
Dev Diary #177 Assets Going Forward
Thu, 20 May 2021

What's happening with assets in the upcoming updates?

Hey there, ylanders!

With 1.7, many big things will be coming to Ylands and we are oh, so excited about them! What’s more, we are even planning some very cool stuff for its release! But more about that another time... Apart from these big changes and improvements, the 1.7 update will also bring something that you may have wondered about and that you have asked about: assets.

In the past, we have released asset packs on a semi-regular basis and we intend to release these in the future as well. But going forward, we want to focus on working on Exploration and that is keeping our artists and designers veeeeery busy (in a good way of course!). Which is why adding new assets will mostly be included in updates rather than separately in the future.

You don’t need to worry that there would be any fewer assets though! We are still going to be bringing new and new things for you to unleash your creativity upon and use them in unexpected ways to come up with incredible creations.

We would also like to see releases of new kinds of assets that would be a part of a holiday event like Halloween or Christmas, or assets connected to a specific time of the year like a summer or a winter pack. We have also been noting down your suggestions and wishes for specific items and we are hoping to grant those wishes as well - so please, keep them coming!

That’s it for this week’s Dev Diary and we’ll be in touch with the next one!

Stay safe, healthy and classy, ylanders!
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Re: Ylands
« Reply #98 on: May 29, 2021, 12:42:27 AM »
Dev Diary #178 EA Surprise
Thu, 27 May 2021

Hey there fellow Ylanders!

The Ylands team has been hard at work improving Exploration and we are very proud of our work. All this, however, would not be possible without our community and especially those who helped us way back when Ylands was in Early Access. And with today’s Dev Diary, we wanna address you guys specifically.

First of all, we want to mention that we appreciate your support and the time you invested in giving us feedback and helping us along the way. While going through this feedback, we realized that many of the points that were suggested by our EA players are already implemented in the game or are about to be, mainly as part of our polish and adjustment focused 1.8 update. Which is why we would like to invite you back into the game to see for yourself and tell us what you’d still like to see implemented.

In the near future, we will start reaching out to our EA players with a small surprise and we are planning even more EA related activities. Before that happens, we would love to hear from you, tell us what you like, what you’d like to see changed and improved, or simply come say hi and keep in touch!

That’s it for today and next week we will give you a sneak peek into a super cool feature that is coming out in 1.7!

Stay classy, Ylanders!

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Re: Ylands
« Reply #99 on: July 02, 2021, 11:33:18 PM »
Dev Diary #183 Grateful Experimentation
Thu, 1 July 2021

Hey there, Ylanders!

As we're getting ready to launch the 1.7 update in about a week's time, we need to pause for a moment and acknowledge a specific group of our dedicated players.

Before every release, an important part of the development process is the testing phase. And even though we put a lot of effort into testing ourselves, with a game like Ylands, which has many features and oh so much creative freedom, we are very grateful to our player base testing the experimental version because each of you uses the game in a different creative way and produces combinations of things we never even thought about!

Especially now, when we are working on fixing issues reported by players using the pre-release experimental version, we wanted to express our gratitude and also encourage more players to take part in this testing in the future. We would love to hear from you if you knew about this testing being an option and if you're thinking about trying it out in the future!

That's it for this week, Ylanders! And very soon, we will be excited to announce that Update 1.7 - Marvelous Mysteries is out!

Stay classy, Ylanders!

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Re: Ylands
« Reply #100 on: July 15, 2021, 11:55:47 PM »
Dev Diary #184 Missed the Stream?
Thu, 15 July 2021

Hey there, Ylanders!

As you probably know, our newest update is out! The 1.7 update - Marvelous Mysteries - has now been out for a whole week! We are very excited to hear what you think about this new update, so do let us know!

In case you missed the news, the 1.7 update is packed with cool new features and on top of that many QoL improvements alongside bug fixes.
To point out just a few of these great new features, you can now immerse yourselves in enjoying:
•   Mystery Ylands - if you'd like to spice up your exploration life, try looking around Mystery Ylands. These are special locations, which you can access and solve a mystery, be it a puzzle, a dungeon or a different kind of challenge entirely! If you do that, you will be rewarded of course!
•   The Exploration Demo - if you're not sure you want to commit to purchasing the Exploration DLC, this is the feature for you. You can try out what it's like to live on an yland, you'll learn how to craft and you can even have other players visit you! The demo is not time limited, you cannot leave the starting yland, so if you'd like to venture beyond the borders of this yland, you will need the DLC (which you can now get directly in-game without having to leave, buy and then come back!)
•   Object Brush Tool - if you like playing around in the Editor portion of Ylands, you may have found yourself struggling to make your landscapes nice and full. The Object Brush tool is you best friend then! Use it to span a large amount of objects across your terrain or any other surface in a pattern you choose.
•   Crafting Tweaks - when starting out, you now don't need to be overwhelmed by all the recipes that are available to you. Instead, you progress through a crafting tree as you discover the relevant resources. You can also drag non-workstation recipes into the hotbar and craft directly from there! Should make building things much easier, right?

... and many more!

If you'd like to see the developers talk about and show the new features, you should definitely re-watch the recording from our live stream from earlier this week. You'll get to meet Nikki, Naru, Equi, Rudy and Aleš as your hosts! The stream recording is available here:

That's it for this week, so till next time...

Stay classy, Ylanders!

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Re: Ylands
« Reply #101 on: July 22, 2021, 11:48:31 PM »
Deav Diary #185 Featuring Creations
Thu, July 22, 2021

Hey there, Ylanders!

While you are now enjoying all the new features of Marvelous Mysteries, we're of course already hard at work polishing things up for the 1.8 update!

In case you missed what 1.8 will be about, head right over to this Dev Diary, which gives a closer look at what we have planned.

A big part of any update is focusing on our wonderful community. With 1.8 it will be doubly true, as we will be improving the experience not only for our current players, but we will also be bringing in those who may have not heard of Ylands yet. And what's a better way to present the creativity and innovativeness of the Ylands community than to show the best that it has to offer?

For this very reason, we would like to create a short video featuring your wonderful creations. If you're interested in helping us out with this video showcase, all you need to do is to send over your blueprints, compositions or even whole scenes along with its screenshot. Within the next few days, we will share a link → right here ← , which you can use to submit these. And worry not, anything you send us for this video trailer will be used only for this very purpose.

What kind of blueprints, compositions or scenes are we looking for? Just. About. Anything. Got a nice pirate ship you built? Share it! A log cabin with an exquisitely designed fireplace? That'll look great! Happy how that house with an indoor garden turned out? We wanna see it!

That's it for this week, Ylanders but worry not! More creative challenges are coming your way very, and by that we mean VERY, soon!

Have a fantastic time and don't forget to...

... Stay classy, Ylanders!

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Re: Ylands
« Reply #102 on: July 29, 2021, 11:33:09 PM »
Dev Diary # 186 Composing Blueprints
Thu, 29 July 2021

Hey there, Ylanders!

We're not gonna beat around the bush too much this week. You know the 1.8 update is going to be the next in the line of improvements to the game. And because it will be mostly a "polishing things up" kind of update, we want to, once again, hear from you!

This time, let's talk about blueprints and compositions. We know they're not, well, the best they can be. We hear you. But we want to do something about it!

So this Dev Diary should serve as a confirmation of the fact that we know, that blueprints and compositions could be better and also as a space to discuss what we can improve! Let us know what what you like and don't like, hit us up with improvements that you would suggest or point out what you think would be a good idea when it comes to blueprints and compositions.

That's it for this week and we look forward to reading your ideas!

Stay classy, Ylanders!

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Re: Ylands
« Reply #103 on: August 05, 2021, 11:34:07 PM »
Dev Diary #187 Picking it up!
Thu, 5 August 2021

Hey there, Ylanders!

We hope that you had a great July and as we enter August, we come bearing good news!

When we were going through the feedback you have shared with us for the 1.8 polish update, we couldn't overlook one issue that many of you have with picking up items. It can get tedious after a while when trying to collect all that bamboo for a sweet new blueprint you just placed, right? We get you. More importantly, we hear you! Let us tell you all about what's happening at the Ylands HQ right now:

In order to save your mouse buttons and also your fingers, we started working on a mass pick up function. That's right, the community asked and here we are, working on this massively requested feature.

Before we're able to tell you about how exactly the mass pick up function works, we have to go through a design process that ensures that the best possible solution is developed and implemented. Which is why we need prototypes. Currently there are several prototypes being discussed, developed and tested and while they're all looking super promising, only one will be the one. So keep your eyes peeled, because more on this topic will be coming soon and we will want your input!

The mass pick up feature, of course, isn't the only thing we're working on. We have been getting some amazing feedback regarding Mystery Ylands and we're happy to report that more are on their way, as well as something new and exciting that will make Mystery Ylands even more interesting! Because you see, when you're on a Mystery Yland and you... oh, that's right, we can't tell you just yet! But it will add another marvelous layer to solving mysteries and make them even more appealing.

We hope you are having fun exploring the Mystery Ylands and we will report with another dose of dev news in a week's time!

Stay classy, Ylanders!
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Re: Ylands
« Reply #104 on: August 12, 2021, 11:41:40 PM »
Dev Diary #188 Pictures Prioritized
Thu, 12 August 2021

Hey there, Ylanders!

Here at the Ylands HQ, we've been busy with polishing things up for the upcoming update, which, as we've mentioned in the last few Dev Diaries, is going to be all about improving Quality of Life based on your suggestions. With that in mind, this week's Dev Diary is going to introduce a small thing that will impact not only our talented creators but practically everyone who will launch Ylands.

When you upload your custom game to Ylands, you have the option to choose an image for your creation which will show up as a thumbnail on the main Ylands screen. What we would like to see is more of these images to showcase your beautiful creations! Which is why we want to prioritize games which will have an image uploaded and those will show up before games without one. This way, players can get a better idea what the game they are about to play is about. And our creators can use this as an opportunity to create an interesting image that will draw players in.

If you've made a custom game with a thumbnail before, how did you choose to go about creating the image? Did you take the screenshot route? Or perhaps a collage of interesting assets from the game? Did you add text to the image? Or any other element? Let your fellow creators know so that you can inspire each other!

Players, what has been the most memorable game thumbnail you've seen in Ylands so far?

Well... And that's it for this week, Ylanders!

We'll be in touch next week!

Stay classy!

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