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Author Topic: Victory At Sea Pacific  (Read 21103 times)

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Offline Asid

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Re: Victory At Sea Pacific
« Reply #15 on: October 01, 2018, 05:25:16 PM »
Victory at Sea Pacific: Patch 1.0.6
Victory At Sea Pacific - James Evil Twin

Now on main branch


•   The South Dakota-class battleship, Wasp-class carrier, and Brooklyn-class cruiser may be constructed in shipyards when unlocked.
•   Fighter AI will automatically pick a new target if their ordered intercept target lands, and will not always pick weaker targets over stronger ones.
•   Gun accuracy gradually increases as a ship fires on a single target.
•   Aircraft require 50% less aviation fuel, and supply ships carry 10% more aviation fuel.
•   Aircraft launched via the bridge will try to move together in formation.
•   Reduced the price of the Cherokee-class tugboat.


•   Added a UI scale slider to the options menu.
•   Updated some Russian-language text.

Bug fixes:

•   Fixed a bug where aircraft in combat view would forget an attack order given on the bridge.
•   Fixed an instance of aircraft teleporting to a distant airfield and landing.
•   Fixed an instance of aircraft getting stuck when loading into combat view while trying to take off.
•   Air raid sirens use the correct volume setting.
•   Aircraft on the bridge show the correct speed when selected.
•   Ship-launched seaplanes land closer to their home ship.
•   Aircraft squadrons load into combat view in their formations.
•   Ships account more accurately for their turning circles when using anti-submersible weapons.
•   Removed long delay on flights launching from airfields at high timescales.
•   Battle markers no longer linger after quitting to the main menu and re-entering the campaign.
•   Fighters cannot engage in dogfights without ammunition.
•   Fixed a bug where coastal structures could position themselves in the sea.
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Re: Victory At Sea Pacific
« Reply #16 on: October 15, 2018, 01:59:03 PM »
Patch 1.1.1
Victory At Sea Pacific - James Evil Twin

Hi everyone, As you know we have been collating everything and here is the next patch based on feedback, as I said previously we want to make this the game we all want to play and will continue to improve, so please keep sending us your feedback as we will be tweaking and fixing beyond the bugs.

In order to play this game go into your library, right click on the name Victory At Sea Pacific and click Properties. under BETAS, select “Beta” there is no password required.

If it doesn't update right away select Properties again, local files and verify the integrity of the game.


•   Improved the AI for ship formation movement, to keep ships moving at speed more often.
•   Convoys now retain any surplus supplies when unloading into a port that can’t hold their entire cargo, instead of ditching them.
•   Supply convoys now try to steer clear of enemy ports.


•   Aircraft flights in the squadron list show the planes' campaign-level order, if they have no combat-level order.
•   Added a toggle for v-sync.
•   Added a warning icon when torpedoes are near a player’s ship.
•   The upgrade button is available for Japanese home ports that are not major ports but have shipyards.

Bug fixes:

•   Updated navigation to open up some impassable areas of sea in combat view.
•   The resource panel shows the correct number of available bombs in a port.
•   Fixed a bug where one aircraft flight in a squadron could forget its position.
•   Fixed a bug (from the beta patch) where dive-bombers would refuse to dive-bomb.
•   Fixed a bug where aircraft payloads could sometimes not be swapped.
•   Can no longer order a fleet to merge into one of another navy.
•   Fixed a bug where shells, bombs, and torpedoes could teleport away upon moving the camera.
•   Fixed a bug where aircraft weapons could load incorrectly from saves.
•   The Vought Corsair fighter has a shorter, more accurate range.
•   Non-hostile Allied ports in the Japanese campaign do not declare war if the player starts combat with a hostile Allied fleet nearby.
•   Stopped erroneously excessive shell amounts being taken from ports when resupplying.
•   The atomic bomb collection icon does not show up unless that objective is active.
•   Ships no longer ignore the presence of aircraft-launched torpedoes.
•   Updated fleet movement mechanic, and fixed some formation and ship spawning issues.
•   Fixed the supply convoy list getting confused by multiple convoys of the same name.
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Re: Victory At Sea Pacific
« Reply #17 on: October 31, 2018, 03:29:38 PM »
Patch 1.1.2
Victory At Sea Pacific - James Evil Twin

Hi everyone,

Here is the next patch based on community feedback, we will continue to improve, so please keep sending us your feedback as we will be tweaking and fixing beyond the bugs. We want this to be the game you want to play.

In order to play this game go into your library, right click on the name Victory At Sea Pacific and click Properties. under BETAS, select “Beta” there is no password required.

If it doesn't update right away select Properties again, local files and verify the integrity of the game.


•   When ordered to attack, ships in a formation will stay in formation until their target is close to weapon range.
•   Bombers that have not yet dropped their payload will continue with an attack order even if the squadron leader is returning to its carrier or airfield.
•   Fighters automatically return home after expending their ammunition, but others in their squadron may likewise continue with an intercept order.
•   Added a toggle to bottom right of airfields to forbid their AI from automatically launching aircraft.
•   Added alert popups for spotting enemy aircraft.
•   Removed alert popups for spotting enemy convoys, or enemy fleets that are not currently at war.
•   A ship’s seaplanes floating on the water will automatically return home when the player leaves the area.
•   Seaplanes on the sea are visible in the bridge view.
•   Submersibles are less effective against ASW-armed ships in bridge combat.
•   Shifted some ports’ supply drop-off points.
•   Added more randomised names for non-historical US battleships.

Bug fixes:

•   Fixed a bug where an excessive number of sounds could attempt to play and reduce performance.
•   Aircraft squadron markers on the bridge show the total number of planes in the squadron, not just in the lead flight.
•   Bombers cannot bomb ports at an excessive distance during bridge combat.
•   Fixed a bug often preventing land-based AAA batteries from firing in bridge combat.
•   Reduced the lethality of land-based AAA in bridge combat, when it does fire.
•   The South Dakota-class battleship’s model now has all three 16-inch gun turrets.
•   Fixed a bug preventing damaged aircraft on an airfield from repairing.
•   Fixed a bug that could cause non-player faction squadrons to spawn in a tight cluster.
•   The exchange panel on the fleet screen shows the correct port’s name.
•   Improved AI for ships following a formation, so they will not intermittently try to double back on themselves.
•   Players can no longer order a flight armed with torpedoes or depth charges to attack a port.
•   Fixed a bug where a move order could end up targeting the wrong position.
•   Ensured the American campaign always starts at war, and the war state is correct when loading older saves.
•   Ensured that landed aircraft load from saves on their home carrier or airfield.
•   Ports do not send aircraft against deep-diving submersible fleets on the bridge.


•   Updated the intercept order icon on the squadron list.
•   Depleted bomb or ammunition icons are now red.
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Offline Asid

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Re: Victory At Sea Pacific
« Reply #18 on: October 31, 2018, 03:30:27 PM »
Patch 1.1.3
Victory At Sea Pacific - James Evil Twin

Patch 1.1.3

Here is our latest patch based on community feedback, we will continue to improve, so please keep sending us your feedback as we will be tweaking and fixing beyond the bugs. We want this to be the game you want to play, and please we try to monitor all your conversations and suggestions so if something has not appeared that you have suggested does not mean it isn't coming.

In order to play this game go into your library, right click on the name Victory At Sea Pacific and click Properties. under BETAS, select “Beta” there is no password required.

If it doesn't update right away select Properties again, local files and verify the integrity of the game.


•   Submersible fleets will deep-dive when attacked on the bridge, and will automatically return to periscope depth after some time has passed.
•   Ports don’t send aircraft against deep-dived fleets, and aircraft don’t do damage to deep-dived submarines in bridge combat.
•   Orphaned flights from lost carriers will store themselves in the nearest airfield’s hangar, not the runway.
•   If flights are launched with an order to attack or intercept, but no targets are available, they will patrol in the air for a while before landing.
•   Updated the initial positions of fleets at the start of a port battle.
•   The escape key opens the options screen, rather than the fleet screen.
•   When an ASW aircraft’s last remaining target dives and hides, the plane will bomb its last known position.

Bug fixes:

•   Fixed a bug that could cause aircraft to freeze in midair during combat.
•   Independent flights should no longer bunch up when loading an aircraft squadron into combat.
•   Convoys don’t discard the supplies in their hold when collecting new ones from a port.
•   Rations are consumed at the correct rate on ships.
•   Fixed a bug where destroyed aircraft could complete their launch procedure from a sinking carrier.
•   Fixed a bug where a flight could land but remain in a squadron, breaking the squadron list.
•   Morale updates as normal when a ship is docked.
•   Fixed squadron list elements getting stuck if dragged and double-clicked.
•   Fixed a bug where split up squadrons in a fleet would end up with the same name.
•   Fleets that are forced out of a port due to enemy attack will not automatically dock again if given a new order.
•   Fixed aircraft flying further than their range will allow at high timescales.
•   Non-ASW aircraft do not try and bomb submerged submersibles when they lose all other bombing targets.


•   Adjusted the colours of the squadron list and rectangular unit markers, to make the currently selected unit clearer.
•   Added a bindable key to show and hide the UI in the combat view.

•   Independent flights should no longer bunch up when loading an aircraft squadron into combat.
•   Convoys don’t discard the supplies in their hold when collecting new ones from a port.
•   Rations are consumed at the correct rate on ships.
•   Fixed a bug where destroyed aircraft could complete their launch procedure from a sinking carrier.
•   Fixed a bug where a flight could land but remain in a squadron, breaking the squadron list.
•   Morale updates as normal when a ship is docked.
•   Fixed squadron list elements getting stuck if dragged and double-clicked.
•   Fixed a bug where split up squadrons in a fleet would end up with the same name.
•   Fleets that are forced out of a port due to enemy attack will not automatically dock again if given a new order.
•   Fixed aircraft flying further than their range will allow at high timescales.
•   Non-ASW aircraft do not try and bomb submerged submersibles when they lose all other bombing targets.


•   Updated the Chinese-language localisation.
•   Adjusted the colours of the squadron list and rectangular unit markers, to make the currently selected unit clearer.
•   Added a bindable key to show and hide the UI in the combat view.
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Offline Asid

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Re: Victory At Sea Pacific
« Reply #19 on: October 31, 2018, 03:31:23 PM »
Patch 1.1.4
Victory At Sea Pacific - James Evil Twin

Here’s the latest patch based on community feedback.

Main features include selecting a single torpedo for your subs!

Please keep sending us your feedback as we will be tweaking and fixing beyond the bugs. Please we try to monitor all your conversations and suggestions so if something has not appeared that you have suggested does not mean it isn't coming.

In order to play this game go into your library, right click on the name Victory At Sea Pacific and click Properties. under BETAS, select “Beta” there is no password required.

If it doesn't update right away select Properties again, local files and verify the integrity of the game.


•   Submarine torpedoes can be manually fired individually, by lowering the spread below the minimum.
•   AI carrier fleets will retreat if all their bomber flights have been lost.
•   Large aircraft drop their payloads (except torpedoes or nuclear bombs) as multiple bombs.
•   Added a button to select all kamikaze aircraft on a ship.
•   Added buttons to select all bombers, torpedo bombers, kamikazes, and fighters, and to recall all aircraft, to airfields.
•   Aircraft repair at the same rate regardless of their toughness.

Bug fixes:

•   Fleets should not be repositioned in a port attack if they are raiding with aircraft outside gun range.
•   Fixed a bug that could cause ships to be partially disassociated from their fleet in patch 1.1.3.
•   Fixed a bug that could cause the tutorial to become stuck.
•   Aircraft selection buttons immediately refresh upon swapping out aircraft payloads.


•   Colour-coded the fleet morale icons.
•   Added an option to simplify flight UIs.
•   Added additional feedback when weapons are unable to fire.
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Re: Victory At Sea Pacific
« Reply #20 on: November 28, 2018, 02:10:50 PM »
Patch 1.1.5
Victory At Sea Pacific - James Evil Twin

Here’s the latest patch based on community feedback.

Please keep sending us your feedback as we will be tweaking and fixing beyond the bugs. We try to monitor all your conversations and suggestions but if you think that we are not addressing a feature please post on the community forum either in General Discussions or Bug Reports and let us know what specifically is causing you issues. We sometimes miss specific things in long conversations so it’s good to have it’s own thread and we would rather have more than one thread on a subject than not have one at all.

In order to play this game go into your library, right click on the name Victory At Sea Pacific and click Properties. under BETAS, select “Beta” there is no password required.

If it doesn't update right away select Properties again, local files and verify the integrity of the game.

•   Improved navigation for bridge-level fleet movement, so fleets can use smaller channels between landmasses.
•   Torpedo tubes on surface ships may use the single-shot mode.
•   Narrowing the torpedo spread to single-shot mode does not need such a long button press, and a thin firing arc indicator is still displayed in that mode.
•   Added a key to pause time.
•   Camera tilt and rotation keys are now rebindable.

Bug fixes:
•   Ships are returned to their fleet upon loading a save, if they had been saved in the “shadow realm” state.
•   Sinking ships cannot be added back into a fleet by dragging their squadron list elements around.
•   A carrier’s wind indicator is hidden if the carrier is docked.
•   Fixed a potential game lockup when unloading terrain.
•   Fixed saving and loading of the fog of war state.
•   Fixed the fleet screen placing ship icons incorrectly when viewing a large fleet.
•   Fixed a case of supply convoys “teleporting” a great distance when entering into combat.
•   Fixed a case of dive-bombers not diving if merged into a squadron with a different ordered altitude.

•   Flight markers on the bridge display their navy’s name, instead of the faction’s name.
•   Updated Chinese localisation, and fixed some location names.
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Re: Victory At Sea Pacific
« Reply #21 on: November 28, 2018, 02:11:26 PM »
Update 1.2.0 ———— MODs!
Victory At Sea Pacific - James Evil Twin

We have added MODs to this update, it is quite comprehensive giving you lots of options for creating scenarios and even new ship types! You want to create your own historical battles or bizarre craft? You can!

We have even added a couple of mini examples for you to try!

In order to play this game go into your library, right click on the name Victory At Sea Pacific and click Properties. under BETAS, select “First Look” there is no password required.

Please keep sending us your feedback as we will be tweaking and fixing beyond the bugs. We try to monitor all your conversations and suggestions but if you think that we are not addressing a feature please post on the community forum either in General Discussions or Bug Reports and let us know what specifically is causing you issues.

We sometimes miss specific things in long conversations and don’t tend to read comments on the announcements (as it’s hard to directly reply to people on there) so it’s good to have it’s own thread, we would rather have more than one thread on a subject than not have one at all.

•   Added mod support.
•   Partial war bonds are refunded when a ship construction is cancelled, depending on how complete the ship is.
•   Flights stored in an airfield's hangar may be scrapped for a full refund in war bonds.
•   AI fleets will not scramble all their fighter flights against single spotter planes.
•   Fighters ordered to defend an aircraft will follow that aircraft.
•   Improved AI for positioning ships attacking with their anti-submersible weapons.
•   Ration usage is now determined per crew member rather than a fixed rate for each ship, totalling 3 weeks of rations.
•   Improved pathfinding on the bridge to use straighter paths when available.
•   Improved optimisation on the ocean and fog.
•   Fleets may be renamed via the fleet screen.

Bug fixes:
•   Aircraft do not “bunny hop” when changing altitude at high timescales.
•   Crashing aircraft finish crashing after loading a save, so their ghosts don't linger on forever.
•   Fighters defend the correct friendly unit when launched with a defend order.
•   Attack orders against small fleets, such as torpedo boat forces, are no longer instantly cancelled.
•   Fixed deep diving via radial menu in the combat screen.
•   Fixed a bug where an independent ship would set its throttle to 0 after receiving its first turn command.
•   Destroyed flights no longer display the “out of fuel” tooltip.
•   Independent aircraft whose squadron leader is not currently dive-bombing can themselves dive-bomb.
•   Fixed some cases of fleets loading in with all their ships on top of each other.
•   Fixed some infinite loading screen situations.
•   Fixed a bug where amphibious assault forces would spawn on the opposite side of the port.

•   Added submerging and surfacing controls to the fleet order radial menu on the bridge.
•   Updated the Chinese localisation, and fixed some strings that weren’t being localised.
•   Added more feedback when the attack order is disabled.
•   Radial order buttons update immediately upon opening.
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Re: Victory At Sea Pacific
« Reply #22 on: November 28, 2018, 02:12:02 PM »
Hotfix 1.2.0p2
Victory At Sea Pacific - James Evil Twin

In order to play this game go into your library, right click on the name Victory At Sea Pacific and click Properties. under BETAS, select “First Look” there is no password required.

•   Fighters prioritise weaker dogfighters and more threatening bombers when determining which aircraft to target.
•   Bomber flights prioritise carriers and high value targets when bombing fleets from the bridge.

Bug fixes:
•   Stopped saved games breaking on load.
•   Fixed an instance of ships loading in at a sinking angle when they shouldn’t.
•   Improved the battle stations switching, and got the battle stations siren to obey the volume settings.
•   Improved high-altitude bomber behaviour when ordered to bomb a close target.

•   Updated the Chinese localisation.
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Offline Asid

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Re: Victory At Sea Pacific
« Reply #23 on: November 28, 2018, 02:12:30 PM »
Patch 1.2.0p3
Victory At Sea Pacific - James Evil Twin

We have another hotfix for MODs based on feedback. Below is the list of changes.

•   Morale multipliers may be changed in mods.

Bug fixes:
•   Fixed 1.2.0’s fleets sailing through the middle of Australia.
•   The port resource tally shows the correct number of available aerial torpedoes.
•   Fixed a bug where aircraft within a flight would sometimes not refuel to the same level.
•   Fixed a bug where ports might not earn their faction any war bonds upon restarting the campaign.

•   Added ASW bomb icons where relevant, and added a button to select all ASW bombers.
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Re: Victory At Sea Pacific
« Reply #24 on: December 07, 2018, 02:58:54 PM »
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Offline Asid

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Re: Victory At Sea Pacific
« Reply #25 on: December 17, 2018, 02:57:42 PM »
1.2.1 new ships and aircraft
17 December - James Evil Twin   


Added the Akagi-class aircraft carrier, the Erie-class gunboat, and the V-class destroyer.
Added the Aichi B7A dive/torpedo bomber, the Mitsubishi A7M fighter, Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress level bomber, Consolidated B-24 Liberator level bomber, and North American B-25 Mitchell level bomber.
Supply convoys may be controlled, and ordered to collect and deliver supplies. (Their AI will continue as normal when without a player order.)
Torpedo bomber AI tries harder to attack a ship from its port or starboard sides.
Bombers are now a little less inaccurate.
Added extra moddable gun inaccuracy multipliers based on different ranges, and a moddable variable for the range at which guns will automatically open fire.
Added moddable per-side income multipliers and per-port shipyard capacities.
Changed fleet-building logic to make it easier for the AI to build large fleets.
Enemy navies build ships faster at higher difficulty levels.
Ordering a flight to attack a port in combat view will retain that order on the bridge.
AI Carriers are more likely to target valuable warships in combat mode.
The Kongo-class has the higher speed of their 1930s refit.
Dogfight calculations can make use of fractional dogfight ability stats on aircraft.
Reduced the AA range of the Casablanca-class escort carrier.

Bug Fixes:

Fixed a potential infinite loop upon loading saves.
Updated some port structure positions. Singapore no longer has one artillery emplacement under the ground.
Fixed a bug where port supply priorities could spontaneously be set to "Mid".
Fixed a bug where the initial AI fleets could be reluctant to assault ports.
Fixed a bug where destroyed anti-air emplacements could damage aircraft on the bridge.
Pennsylvania and Tennessee-class battleships' secondary fire comes from from the correct guns on the models.
Fixed a bug where ports could provide vision to the wrong navies upon loading a mod.
Aircraft do not bank while taking off from a runway.
Torpedoes and starshells do not disappear after saving and loading.
Fixed a bug where aircraft could load in from a save at a different altitude.
Flights stored in an airfield hangar are destroyed when the port is captured.
Aircraft don't try sticking to their formation when their squadron leader is landing, unless they want to land.
Closed up some holes in the terrain.
The Mitsubishi G4M's payload can be correctly switched to an Ohka kamikaze plane, if they are available.
The button to select all bombers on an airfield works when all bombers are level bombers.
Stopped the camera being able to shoot off into the distance after starting a new Japanese campaign.
Fixed a bug where fleets trying to repair without a port to target could freeze the campaign.
Corrected the upgraded AA ranges of some ships, and ensured AA range upgrades are displayed correctly.
Fixed a bug where airfields would stop showing up after quitting to main menu and starting a new campaign.
Splitting civilian ships from a fleet creates a new convoy, rather than a combat fleet.
Fixed a bug where port markers could display the incorrect number of docked fleets after loading a save.


Supply convoys now have rectangular markers on the bridge.
The amphibious assault order on the bridge has a distinct icon.
The fleet screen now contains the list for selecting fleets, and buttons to set the crew assignment of all ships in the selected fleet at once.
Disabled the recon order button when targeting non-hostile ports.
The small roundel for docked fleets is that of the correct navy after capturing a port.
The left mouse button may no longer be rebound, to prevent crazy things potentially happening upon clicking.

Updated Chinese localisation.
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Offline Asid

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Re: Victory At Sea Pacific
« Reply #26 on: January 09, 2019, 07:51:38 PM »
Victory At Sea Pacific - James Evil Twin

Happy new year! Here's the first of this years updates!


War bonds on kills can be gained by units other than ships.
Ships may be renamed, by clicking their name on the fleet screen.
Aircraft engines are a bit quieter.

Bug Fixes:

All player-built convoys should now be controllable. Removed an obsolete warning about uncontrollable convoys.
The fleet resource panel shows a convoy's transported supplies, not the ships' own supplies.
The historical Atlanta-class cruisers will show up before generic, non-historical ones.
Fixed a bug where port structures could be positioned incorrectly after quitting to the main menu and reloading.
Selecting multiple aircraft flights on the bridge displays the lowest current range of all selected flights, not just the range of the first flight.
Aircraft can always land on a docked ship.
Fixed a case of part of an aircraft squadron turning back when on a bombing run.
Squadrons remember their flagship after loading a save.


Docked ships' current speed is displayed as 0 knots.
Docked fleets don't show an unnecessary route line.
Added a close button to the tutorial skip popup.
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Offline Asid

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Re: Victory At Sea Pacific
« Reply #27 on: January 11, 2019, 04:56:42 PM »
1.2.2p1 Hotfix
Victory At Sea Pacific - James Evil Twin

Vision range in combat has been scaled better with regard to gun ranges.
Dive-bombers attempt to target the centre of a ship, rather than its closest point.

Bug Fixes:
Fixed a bug where gun firing arcs would flatten out after a number of shots have been fired.

Updated Chinese localisation.
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I stand against Racism, Bigotry and Bullying

Offline Asid

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Re: Victory At Sea Pacific
« Reply #28 on: January 28, 2019, 04:40:21 PM »
1.2.3 Patch
Victory At Sea Pacific - James Evil Twin

In order to play this game go into your library, right click on the name Victory At Sea Pacific and click Properties. under BETAS, select “First Look” there is no password required.

Please keep sending us your feedback as we will be tweaking and fixing beyond the bugs. We try to monitor all your conversations and suggestions but if you think that we are not addressing a feature please post on the community forum either in General Discussions or Bug Reports and let us know what specifically is causing you issues.

We sometimes miss specific things in long conversations and don’t tend to read comments on the announcements (as it’s hard to directly reply to people on there) so it’s good to have it’s own thread, we would rather have more than one thread on a subject than not have one at all.


Fighter AI gives intercepting flights with powerful bombs or torpedoes a higher priority.

Bug Fixes:

Fixed a bug causing spotter aircraft to instantly land when launched.
Enemy ships out of line of sight are consistently visible when spotted via radar, or by them firing their guns.
All player convoys are now controllable after loading saves of older campaigns.
Convoys navigating the enemy-controlled Philippines no longer get themselves stuck.
Upgrade costs are read correctly from mods, and mod creation doesn't output incorrect projectile speeds.
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Offline Asid

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Re: Victory At Sea Pacific
« Reply #29 on: February 15, 2019, 12:00:46 AM »
1.3.0 update! Get your first look at the new Royal Navy Campaign!
11 Feb - James Evil Twin

Introducing the Royal Naval Pacific Campaign!

In order to play this game go into your library, right click on the name Victory At Sea Pacific and click Properties. under BETAS, select “First Look” there is no password required.

Please keep sending us your feedback as we will be tweaking and fixing beyond the bugs. We try to monitor all your conversations and suggestions but if you think that we are not addressing a feature please post on the community forum either in General Discussions or Bug Reports and let us know what specifically is causing you issues.

We sometimes miss specific things in long conversations and don’t tend to read comments on the announcements (as it’s hard to directly reply to people on there) so it’s good to have it’s own thread, we would rather have more than one thread on a subject than not have one at all.


Added the Royal Navy campaign.
Added the Implacable-class carrier, the S-class submersible, and the U-class submersible.
Player fleets under a move or patrol order may automatically send spotter planes out to scout.
Ship squadrons in a line formation now turn more efficiently.
Added a spotter loadout for the PBY Catalina.
Reduced the costs of the Flower and Bathurst classes.

Bug Fixes:

Ensured distant bombers will keep going towards target ships when their squadron leader is returning to their carrier.
Ships may always repair critical hit effects when docked in port, even if their engineering section is destroyed or uncrewed.

Added a button to the flight selection panel to automatically replace all flights on a ship or airfield with a more advanced equivalent, if any are available.
The B-24 Liberator sprite now displays correctly.
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    Victory at Sea Atlantic - World War II Naval Warfare

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    Last post May 17, 2024, 12:15:19 AM
    by Asid
    Worth Taking a Look This Holiday Season: By JC

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    Last post December 18, 2017, 08:33:35 PM
    by General Sandman
    War in the Pacific Admirals Edition

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    Last post January 16, 2019, 01:42:53 PM
    by Asid
    WarPlan Pacific

    Started by Asid

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    Views: 4793
    Last post April 19, 2021, 11:31:26 PM
    by Asid