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Warhammer 40,000: Gladius
« on: June 26, 2018, 07:43:12 PM »
Warhammer 40,000: Gladius

Astra Militarum units preview
The Astra Militarum, commonly known as the Imperial Guard, is the primary fighting force of the Imperium of Man. Across a galaxy of a hundred billion stars, there must be billions of Guardsmen at least – yet even the Departmento Munitorum on Terra, which oversees this immense force, has no real idea of how many troops there are at any one time. A safe estimate is to say that there are millions of regiments.

In Warhammer 40,000: Gladius the Astra Militarum is one of the four factions you can play as. Its strengths are, of course, its huge numbers, its mighty vehicles and its fortifications.

The Astra Militarum can field inexpensive ranged infantry. They can field a lot of Guardsmen who suffer from low morale, but who cares about low morale when you can just overcome any enemy with your sheer numbers? And you can always use your Lord Commissar to remind them of their duty…

If you need more punch you can decide to send in the Heavy Weapons Squads which will pierce enemy armour with krak missile launchers, or you might want to deploy some Bullgryns: carrying shields and power mauls they are mighty melee units.

The Astra Militarum on Gladius has the assistance of some Adeptus Mechanicum units. With the Kastelan Robots you have massive machines protected by repulsor grids at your disposal, while the Techpriest Enginseers can be used to found new bases as well as to repair vehicles on the field.

The Astra Militarum also makes extensive use of psykers. You can use the powers of the Wyrdvane Psykers to directly cause damage on enemy units by engulfing them with a torrent of psychic flames as well as debuff them by sapping their strength. Then there are Primaris Psykers, hero unit with an extensive array of powerful psychic powers.

But where the Astra Militarum truly shines is in its vehicles range.

First off you can use Scout Sentinels for recon duties and to support infantry.

The Leman Russ Battle Tank is the mainstay of the Imperial Guard’s armoured forces. Those tanks have won countless battles for the Imperium and will no doubt continue to do so! Make wide use of them.

Then there is the mighty Baneblade, an unmistakable icon of the Imperium’s armoured supremacy. Possessed of overwhelming firepower, exceptionally thick armour, and a roaring power-plant that allows it to surge into battle with surprising speed, the Baneblade is a truly deadly foe in any conflict.

Armoured groups give their best when they are led by a Tank Commander, a special hero unit with a great synergy with other Tank allied units by boosting their speed and damage.

The Astra Militarum also possesses devastating long range firepower. When the Imperial Guard go to war, they march to the thunderous report of batteries of Basilisks whose guns can flatten entire cities.

Should you be struck from above, fear no more, the Hydra is here! Whether faced by lightning-fast xenos fighters or daemonic, leather-winged monstrosities, the Hydra Flak Tank is ideally equipped to blow aerial foes out of the sky.

Speaking of aerial power… use your powerful Marauder Bombers to raze enemy bases to the ground from the sky. Protect them and conquer aerial superiority with the fast Thunderbolt Heavy Fighters, and make lightning strikes with your Valkyries, which are able to transport your troops anywhere on the map!

Last but not least, the Astra Militarum can erect mighty field fortifications, the Imperial Bastions, fortresses that can withstand even the most fierce of punishments!

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Re: Warhammer 40,000: Gladius
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2018, 02:34:15 PM »
Space Marines units preview

With bolters blazing, the Battle-Brothers of the Adeptus Astartes crush the foes of the Imperium wherever they may be found. Each Space Marine is an elite genetically-engineered super-soldier, a mighty and fearless hero worth a hundred lesser men.

Each Space Marine is recruited into a thousand-man Chapter, before they are extensively modified, with nineteen extra organs and the crucial Chapter gene-seed. From the numerous Ultramarines and mysterious Dark Angels to the fierce Space Wolves and tormented Blood Angels, each chapter has its own traditions and style of combat.

Armed with the finest weapons the Imperium can provide, clad in suits of intimidating power armour and borne to war aboard swift and deadly fighting vehicles, they are the Imperium’s ultimate weapon. Though relatively few in number, it is the Adeptus Astartes who represents Humanity’s best hope for survival – for they are the greatest warriors the galaxy has ever known.


Tactical Space Marines are the first line of offense of any offensive of the Adeptus Astartes. Armed with boltguns and clad in ceramite armour, you can later equip these mighty warriors with a range of grenades for increased offensive abilities. They can also be deployed from the orbit, but only once you research the Orbital Deployment technology. They are elite soldiers and they are immune to fear, and cannot be broken by morale, like all Adeptus Astartes.

Assault Space Marines come into play when you need fierce melee warriors… armed with vicious chainswords and bolt pistols, they can use their jump packs to make bounded leaps across the battlefield and make boosted flights over short distances.

When you need to take on a vehicle from a distance, Devastator Space Marines are the perfect choice. Their powerful lascannons can cut through any kind of armour.

Amid the fire and thunder of the front lines, Space Marine Captains set a peerless example to their brothers as they carve down one enemy after another. Each Captain is a skilled warrior, a veteran of hundreds of battles who has slain whole armies of foes during his celebrated career.

Terminators are indomitable warriors who undertake those missions that even their power-armoured brethren cannot. With their storm bolters and their power fists they can cut through virtually any ground opponent.

Apothecaries are corageous field-surgeons who face the full heat of battle, their nartheciums healing even grievous injuries, and their vials of combat stimms and anticoagulants quickly getting wounded brothers back into the fight.

Space Marines Librarians are powerful psykers, harnessing the potent mutation they bear as a force to defend Humanity. They can hurl blasts of force that crush their victims to paste, while others twist the flow of time itself, or revitalise their brothers with incredible surges of vitality.

Chaplains are warrior-priests who can be found wherever the fighting is thickest, inspiring their brothers to greatness with every thunderous blow and roared exhortation.

Vehicles and artillery

With their mighty power fist and blazing multi-melta and storm bolter, Dreadnoughts are armoured war engines which trample a path of destruction through any foe.

Thunderfire Cannons are colossal, quad-barrelled artillery guns that are designed to excel in a static defence role. Each is capable of firing and reloading at a punishing rate, unleashing salvo after salvo of high explosive shells, pounding the enemy into oblivion.

Scout Bikers perform an essential task for the Adeptus Astartes. Not only they are excellent scout, executing recon missions and gathering intel on enemy forces, but they are also adept at using their speed and manoeuvrability to outflank their foes.

Skimming over the battlefield at breakneck speeds, Land Speeders bank and roll with incredible agility. Able to navigate tangled urban ruins, narrow-sided canyons, and even to weave through dense forest canopies, this vehicle possesses unrivalled manoeuvrability.

When Stormraven Gunships streak into battle with their weapons blazing, heretics and xenos cower! More of a flying tank than a conventional dropship, the Stormraven is the most versatile aircraft in the arsenal of the Adeptus Astartes. Fast, manouvreable, resilient, boasting prodigious firepower and a substantial transport capacity, the Stormraven can perform many different roles.

The smaller Stormtalon Gunship is extremely fast and agile, and makes a superb air-interceptor and ground attack craft. There’s no better vehicle to reap air superiority than the Stormtalon!

And now let’s get to the tanks.

The Predator is just brutal. The battle tank’s autocannon is the bane of enemy infantry and light vehicles, making this tank your go-to choice to crush & exterminate.

The Vindicator is a short-ranged sledgehammer of a vehicle, a siege tank whose massive demolisher cannon can reduce any target to a smoking crater.

Last but not least we have the Hunter: from out of its massive turreted warhead chamber, it sends skyspear missiles thundering into the heavens. Emitting a pierce scream as it tears across the firmament, each of these sacred rounds seeks out the skyborne foes of the Emperor. Entombed in the heart of each missile, a servitor savant guides the ordnance to its foe.

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Re: Warhammer 40,000: Gladius
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2018, 01:10:09 PM »
Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Necrons units preview

An eternity ago, the Necrons forsook the frailties of flesh for deathless bodies wrought from cold metal, in their subjugation to the star-gods know as the C’tan. In their new immortal form, they took on the then-masters of the galaxy – the Old Ones – and in aeons-long battle they defeated them. In their desperation, the Old Ones seeded the galaxy with psychic races, thus awakening the horrors of the warp, and the Necrons – weakened by a simultaneous battle of liberation from the C’tan – retreated to their home-worlds.

There, falling into hibernation, they slumbered for untold time. As other races were born and drove themselves to extinction, they lay deep and undisturbed in multitudinous worlds, tended and defended in their not-sleep by their monstrous Canoptek automata.

Now, across the galaxy, they are awakening. Even here, this Crownworld’s master circuits are stirring. The Necrons – now unthinking machines, save for their few Lords and Triarchs – are arming themselves for war again. Their technology is millennia ahead of that of the galaxy’s younger races. Soon, legions of sinister, advanced war machines will pour from the tombs buried beneath the planet to conquer and enslave – nothing mortal is safe.


Even with a glimmer of consciousness to guide them, Necron Warriors are fearsome and resilient foes. Armed with ancient energy weapons, they can scythe down their enemies with lethal volleys of gauss flayer fire, while their unyielding metal bodies repair themselves should they sustain damage.

Triarch Praetorians are the ancient law keepers of the Necron race, peerless warriors charged with the survival of the dynasties and the primacy of the ancient Necrontyr codes. They can use their rods of covenant both in melee and in ranged combat, and they can fly past obstacles with their gravity displacement packs.

Destroyer Lords are the most maniacal of their kind. This is chiefly because they retain far more intellect than baseline Destroyers, and can bring all their fearsome intelligence to bear in their pursuit of universal oblivion.

Necron Lords, though lesser in stature and power than an Overlord or phaeron, are nonetheless formidable foes in their own right, and often march to war at the head of a vast mechanical army.

Armed with oversized gauss cannons, Heavy Destroyers send blazing energy blasts searing across the battlefield. These heavily armed adherents of the Destroyer Cults glide across scorched earth scanning for victims, the flickering light of their weapons’ energy cores echoing the cold hatred in their optics.

Canoptek Scarabs sweep across the battlefield in vast undulating swarms that devour all in their path.Crypteks bend the forces of the universe to their will, creating impossible technology and esoteric weaponry to lay waste to armies and destroy worlds.

Transcendent C’tan are all that remain of the once mighty star-gods. They are echoes of their former selves, splinters of energy that survived the Necrons’ betrayal and were trammelled in tesseract labyrinths. Even in their reduced and fettered state, Transcendent C’tan are still beings of immense power.

Though essentially an automated drone, a Canoptek Spyder is nonetheless a formidable foe. Its vast array of self-repair and back up systems offer substantial protection against incoming fire. In return, any enemy that strays within reach of the Canoptek Spyder will have flesh scoured from bone by a multitude of mechanical tools and pincers.

Like an enormous spider, a Triarch Stalker looms over the battlefield, its devastating weaponry directed by a high-ranking Triarch Praetorian. When a Triarch Stalker advances, it does so with a speed and surety that belies its jerking gait. Indeed, it can cover all manner of terrain with a deftness and precision seldom found in the walkers of less advanced races.

Operated by slaved Necron warriors but guided by super-complex navigation programs, Tomb Blades are contra-gravity crafts which move with a speed and agility no living pilot could hope to match.

Annihilation Barges are the Necrons’ favoured anti-infantry support platforms. At the Overlord’s command, the Annihilation Barges’ ancient repulsor sleds are coaxed back into life and the vehicles accompany the tomb world’s army to war.

Victory through overwhelming firepower is a common tenet of Necron strategic thinking. Nowhere is this more evident than in the Doomsday Ark. Though deceptively fragile at first glance, the Doomsday Ark is a self-propelled energy cannon whose raw, unsubtle firepower is so vastly destructive that a single shot can turn the tide of a battle.

The Night Scythe is the Necrons’ favoured tool of invasion, a sickle-winged herald of woe that possesses the ability to beam Necrons directly into battle.

Doom Scythes are heralds of terror and dismay. These supersonic fighter craft range ahead of a Necron army, drawing upon their strategic datastacks to operate with virtual autonomy.

The Monolith is an ancient war monument of unimaginable destructive potential. When its massive silhouette looms over a battlefield, it will lay waste to entire armies with strobing torrents of gauss fire and the deafening crack of its particle whip.

The Obelisk hovers low over the battlefield, the somnolent hum of its gravitic repulsors sowing dread in the hearts of the foe. As it drifts into view, black lightning arcing across its glowing hull, the Obelisk presents a darkly majestic sight. Yet wonder turns swiftly to horror as the Obelisk’s weapons cycle up, glowing tesla spheres rising open to spit crawling skeins of lightning that reduce those nearby to blackened, twitching husks.

Only a race as ruthless and self-serving as the Necrons would think of unleashing a Tesseract Vault to further their ams – though each Vault is a potent weapon of war, the beings held within these floating prisons pose an almost incalculable threat.
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Re: Warhammer 40,000: Gladius
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2018, 11:50:34 AM »
Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Orks units preview

Heavily-muscled, aggressive, eight-foot-tall fungal thugs with a love of warfare, the Orks were a spacefaring peril long before the human Imperium entered the galactic scene. Spread evenly across the galaxy, for the most part they are an irritant to any other inhabitants, like lazy, belligerent neighbours. But occasionally, as a swarm of locusts, the scattered tribes and clans form into a Waaagh! – something between a crusade and a riot – and devastate entire sectors until they run out of things to fight and fall instead into internecine warfare.

Ork Boyz are the heart and soul of any warband. They charge into battle in a great mass, crashing into the enemy like a green landslide. The average Ork Boy is mean-tempered and exceptionally tough, more than compensating for his lack of intellect with a talent for violence.

The richest and most battle-hardened nobz can become Meganobz by paying a Mek to build them a suit of mega armour. Though other Orks mock the Meganobz for wearing such armour, only the dullest would do so within earshot. Even a direct hit from a tank is unlikely to do more than knock a Meganob over, worsening his already foul temper.

An Ork Warboss is the strongest, toughest, loudest and most violent Ork in his tribe. These massive greenskins seize the lion’s share of the loot from every fight, meaning they are usually armed and armoured better than any of their followers.

Tankbustas are Orks who have become completely addicted to the thrill of destroying the armoured fighting vehicles of their foes. Their desire to hunt down and slay the biggest, most dangerous tanks they can find echoes the primal instinct of the big game hunter.

Whenever an Ork needs something building, be it a shiny new shoota or the boss’ new ride, they go straight to the Meks. Without Mekboyz, Orks would lack for light, power, transport, and even guns (they lack for sanitation regardless, but that’s another story).

Weirdboyz are the most psychically attuned of all Orks. They are capable of vomiting blasts of Warp energy that can reduce foes to molten goop in seconds.

Often referred to by other Orks as Doks, Painboyz are the greenskin equivalent of both surgeons and dentists. They are driven to perform exploratory surgery on living creatures just as Mekboyz are driven to fiddle with machinery.

Ork Battlewagons rumble to war on a collection of tracks, tyres and massive spiked rollers. Whether lumbering gun-fortresses, bright red speedsters or gaudy rust buckets smeared with Ork glyphs, Battlewagons are massive slabs of motorised junk built to carry big mobs of greenskins into battle.

What they lack in survivability, Warbuggies make up for in speed, numbers and dakka. They encircle the enemy in speeding squadrons, guns blazing wildly while their crew throw their heads back and howl like Madboyz.

The Killa Kans’ grot pilots put their relative skill with firearms to good use, blowing the zog out of anything unlucky enough to cross their path. Despite being hardwired into a ten-foot tall killing machine, Killa Kan pilots still retain a good degree of Gretching cowardice. As a result they still believe in safety and numbers, and have a bad habit of losing their nerve under fire.

Streaking into battle through war-scorched skies, a Dakkajet’s massive thruster leaves an oily contrail of black smoke in its wake even as its guns spit streams of bullets at the foe. Though not as nimble as the aircraft of some other races, Dakkajets are capable of an incredible turn of speed that makes them a fearsome enemy to face in aerial combat. It also helps that Orks fly like complete headcases.

Burna-bommers are the inevitable by-product of the Orks’ love for speed, fire, and the desire to combine these things while killing something. Strapped with as many incendiary bombs and rockets as is physically feasible, Burna-bommers streak low over the battlefield, raining conflagrant death down on tightly-packed enemy infantry.

Deffkoptas buzz across the battlefield, weaving through the sky on a trail of foul-smelling smoke. As they swoop low over the heads of the enemy, the fiendish Ork flying machines fire punishing salvoes of shot, rokkits and bomms into their midst.

The roar of Mek Gunz has heralded the end for many a hapless foe. Spitting out blasts of crackling energy, swatting planes out of the air or crushing their victims in fists of bright green force, these big, clanky field guns have enough dakka to stomp even the toughest target.

Squiggoths are Orkoid monstrosities, towering hulks made of little more than muscle and bad temper. They are distantly related to Squigs and have all savagery and single-mindedness of their smaller cousins, but Squiggoths can grow so large that they dwarf tanks and even buildings.

A Gorkanaut is everything an Ork aspires to be. Massive, tough, loud and destructive, its blocky silhouette looms menacingly over friend and foe alike. From its hulking, orkoid shape to the brutal weapons it wields, a Gorkanaut epitomises the unsubtle brutality of Gork and hi no-nonsense way of war. Every Gorkanaut is essentially a massively overbuilt armoured war suit bristling with dakka and packing an armoured claw the size of a Killa Kan.

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Re: Warhammer 40,000: Gladius
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2018, 01:34:06 PM »
Astra Militarum Faction Preview in Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics of War

Published on Jul 10, 2018
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Re: Warhammer 40,000: Gladius
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2018, 11:14:47 PM »
Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics of War is OUT!

The first ever 4X turn-based strategy game set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe is now available on PC (Windows and Linux)!

Purge the Xenos! Gladius Prime is a newly rediscovered planet: once it was a prosperous Imperium Colony, but then they discovered something weird, powerful and terrible. Forsaken for centuries, it is now an endless battlefield littered with skeletons of Imperium cities and crawling multi-legged horrors. Four factions want to claim back Gladius Prime: the mighty Space Marines, the warmonger Astra Militarum, the steel legions of the Necrons and the green tide of the Orks.

Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics of War is a turn based 4X strategy game: you need to eXplore the planet, eXpand your dominions, eXploit the forgotten artefacts and - above all - eXterminate your enemies, as in Warhammer 40,000 universe there is no space for diplomacy. You can simply crush any opposing force you will meet with your growing army, or you can try to undertake the quests you will be assigned. Whatever you choose, beware - Gladius Prime itself is a dangerous opponent.

Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics of War is now available on PC (Steam, and You can decide to buy either the normal edition of the game as well as the Deluxe Edition, containing the base game plus the digital soundtrack, 7 amazing digital wallpapers and one extra neutral unit, the fearsome Lord of Skulls!
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Re: Warhammer 40,000: Gladius
« Reply #6 on: July 26, 2018, 02:04:13 PM »
Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Post-release update

AlbertoC (Matrix/slitherine)

The release of Warhammer 40,000: Gladius was a huge event for us, and we are really happy with how it went. We’re also very happy with how the game has been received so far: we’ve heard a lot of enthusiastic comments and opinions, from both the public and influencers. We’re really glad to see you guys like the game.

Naturally, we’ve also received some exceptional feedback: lots of good ideas, suggestions and criticism. We are really grateful for all kinds of feedback. We have been doing our best to gather all of this feedback and process it. It was particularly useful for all the updates we have worked on so far.

In fact, we’ve released several updates in just a few days, with the team working non-stop to keep improving the game and making it better and better, following this feedback. Balance changes, bug fixes as well as some much requested new features like UI scaling and MP chat were introduced in a short time – and we won’t stop here. In fact we have just released a new patch today bringing several new tools for multiplayer.

We’ve received a lot of questions about Gladius and its future, and today we’ll try to answer to the most common ones.

1) Do you plan to add more content?

Answer: Yes. We’re already working on it. Gladius will be a long journey, one that has just begun. You can expect news soon. To give a more detailed answer, we plan to keep polishing the game and our support will be constant and frequent. Alongside frequent updates, we have plans to expand the game and add lots of new content. We have so many ideas ourselves, and many more that you guys gave us.


2) Do you plan to add more races?

Answer: Yes :) we do. There are several races that we plan to add in Gladius. They will definitely come. Needless to say, each one of them will have a unique approach to the gameplay, just like the existing playable factions. We know you guys would love to have your favourite faction added to the game, and we’ll do our best not do disappoint you.


3) I have a great idea that I think would make the game better and should be implemented.

Answer: That’s great! We love to hear your thoughts. Please do post about it on our Steam forum, Slitherine forum or our social media. We can’t promise that we’ll implement it: some we might not agree with, or it might not integrate well with the other systems. We might have other plans. Or maybe there won’t be enough time or resources. But we’ll certainly listen.


4) I have found a bug! Help me please!

Answer: we’re a small team and we don’t have a huge QA department, but we’re doing our best to give you as smooth an experience as possible. As we already mentioned above, we’ve already released plenty of updates so far, and we’ll continue to do so, so if you find a bug please report it on the Slitherine Support Forum or Steam Support forum.


5) I’m slightly confused about a specific feature of the game, what can I do?

Answer: Gladius is a deep game and some players sometimes have trouble understanding all the game’s mechanics and thus have trouble at formulating an optimal strategy. The best way to learn the game is to play the introductory scenario as the Space Marines and then read the help tips. The in game Compendium is also extremely useful as it contains all info about the game’s mechanics. Two other great places where you can find lots of useful info are the manual and the Wiki page.


6) Where can I find an opponent for multiplayer?

Answer: the best place would be the fans Discord group! It’s a great place to meet and chat with other Gladius fans, and you’ll have no trouble finding other players for multiplayer and you can also make new friends.

Let’s conclude this update by saying a big Thank you for your constant support. We’re really happy and we are looking forward to announce what the future holds for Gladius. Stay tuned!
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Re: Warhammer 40,000: Gladius
« Reply #7 on: August 11, 2018, 12:13:48 AM »
The Deluxe edition content is now available

The content of the Deluxe Edition is being repackaged and is now available for purchase separately!
You can now get your hands on the Lord of Skulls extra unit, on the Wallpapers and the Soundtrack as they are all on sale as separate items. You can receive more information on each individual DLC product page.

Check them out!

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Re: Warhammer 40,000: Gladius
« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2018, 03:45:10 PM »
Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Updates incoming...

We have great news for all Gladius fans!

The team got some vacation and they are now back at work, really busy finalizing some exciting features.

First off, they have been working on a new free update which will go into open beta any day now.

Among the usual balance changes and minor fixes, that'll bring two major changes that we feel will greatly please players.

First off, the world builder has been greatly improved. You can now customize your maps to a much higher degree, to the extent that you can control the biome size and density. Do you want to play on a desert planet? You can. Would you rather play on a completely arctic world? You can definitely do that now. It is extremely flexible.

Secondly, the AI has been completely revamped. It is now much better than before. It's been improved decisively in several areas: resource collection, building priorities, combat... you'll see that the AI will be much tougher than it ever was.

But that's not all...

There are DLCs with more content in the pipeline. We will announce the first one very soon, and it'll be a smaller one while we prepare for bigger things. The team from Proxy Studios is working hard on implementing a new race, one that'll have a completely new type of gameplay... but all in due time.

We are excited to see that so many people liked Gladius. It's been a success for us and we are looking forward to expanding the game. This is just the beginning. There are many directions where we can go from here, and we can’t wait to hear your feedback about it. Please let us know what you would like to see added in the game.
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Re: Warhammer 40,000: Gladius
« Reply #9 on: October 16, 2018, 01:32:52 PM »
Warhammer 40,000: Gladius gets its first DLC: the Reinforcement Pack!

Since Warhammer 40,000: Gladius has been released players have been enthralled with it: for the first time ever it was possible to play a 4X strategy game set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, and we are glad to see that it was so well received.

Proxy Studio, developers of Gladius, haven't been idle since then.

We are ready to announce its first DLC, which will be released on Friday October 19th!

With the Reinforcement Pack new units join the fight on Gladius Prime!

With one new unit per faction, plus one for the Neutral faction, the expansion will widen the strategical options for all commanders.

You can now lead the Tempestus Scions elite troops for rapid-insertion strike tactics, for the greater glory of the Imperium of Man. Or perhaps you want more dakka (can't ever have enough dakka) and would rather field your new Flash Gitz, ready to unleash cataclysmic fire on their enemies?

What is this noise I hear? That's the new Land Raider, a mighty and unstoppable war machine, ready to deploy its Astartes passengers wherever they're most needed. And what of the elite warriors of the Necrons, the Immortals? Heavily armed and armoured, they will stop at nothing in the completion of their masters' goals.

On top of that, there is a new threat lurking in the shadows, biding their time and ready for an insurrection... the Neophyte Hybrids!

This is just the first of a series of planned expansions for Gladius. In the past month the team has been working hard to implement a brand new playable race, one which will be played in a drastically different way. Stay tuned, for there will be more news soon!
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Re: Warhammer 40,000: Gladius
« Reply #10 on: January 07, 2019, 04:27:04 PM »
The Tyranids will invade Gladius on January 15th!

If you are a Warhammer 40,000 fan, chances are you have heard of the new expansion coming for Warhammer 40,000: Gladius, Tyranids. We are now ready to announce its release date: the Tyranids are coming to Gladius on January 15th!

The Tyranids are an expansionist and aggressive race, always ready to unleash their ravenous hordes on their terrified enemies...

Just like the other factions, the Tyranids come with their own unique set of units, technologies, heroes and buildings. Their behaviour is faithfully represented through new unique and original gameplay mechanics and they play like no other faction in the game.

We will cover their gameplay and their units roster later on during the week as well as announce some preview streams, so stay tuned!
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Re: Warhammer 40,000: Gladius
« Reply #11 on: January 15, 2019, 04:21:00 PM »
Emperor preserve us! The Tyranids are here!

War spares no one: Orks, Necrons, Astra Militarum, Adeptus Astartes. All are spilling blood. But no one expected this.

It started as a rumour: xeno test subjects escaping from an Adeptus Mechanicus research facility. Then it turned into something more sinister... word of something lurking in the remote corners of Gladius Prime, ever growing, driven by an insatiable hunger.

Now everything has changed: the Tyranids are here!

Watch the trailer!

Tyranids is the new DLC for Warhammer 40,000: Gladius. Lead a brand new faction, the Tyranids, in their effort to conquer Gladius!

With new gameplay mechanics, new units, research tree and questline, the Tyranids are a unique addition to Warhammer 40,000: Gladius. Tyranids is available on PC and Linux. You can buy it by visiting its product page.

Tyranids is being released alongside a sizeable update to Warhammer 40,000: Gladius, which introduces a highly requested feature: Steam Achievements! You can read the full changelog here.

We will be streaming the new DLC live on our Twitch channel today at 6 pm GMT. Richard Yorke will be the Hive Mind: will he manage to consume his foes?

Last but not least: to celebrate the Tyranid invasion we will be discounting Warhammer 40,000: Gladius at 25% off for the duration of the week, until Sunday. Don't miss this chance! Get it now!
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Re: Warhammer 40,000: Gladius
« Reply #12 on: May 17, 2019, 12:43:37 AM »
The Chaos Space Marines are coming! A new DLC for Warhammer 40,000

"Sometimes, our battle seems eternal. We fought with Horus at Terra and with Abaddon at Cadia. A handful of ancients even remember the pacification of Luna, fighting alongside the False Emperor as we crushed the gene-cultists.

Yes, we have fought a long, long war. Yet, these ten thousand years, our Warband has been undivided in its faith, even though the Imperium still stands.

When Cadia fell, we were there. We made our prayers to the Dark Gods for guidance and entered the Warp behind Abaddon’s fleet, and there we stayed, stuck like insects in some dead gods’ amber.

We wandered dark corners, lost to the warp’s delights, until our craft found an entryway to… this dead planet. This pathetic world that stinks of the Corpse God’s Empire and more.

Why have we been brought here? Something is here, something the Dark Gods need us to claim. We will find it and make it our own."

Warhammer 40,000: Gladius is back with a new playable faction, the Chaos Space Marines.

Fueled by their hatred for the Imperium, they will stop at nothing before they exact their revenge. Fielding hellish machines, wielding Warp powers and possessing the experience of a thousand wars, these ancient warriors are ready to conquer Gladius Prime, killing and enslaving all who oppose them. In the name of the Warmaster, and their Dark Gods.

The new DLC Chaos Space Marines introduces a brand new faction, with new unique mechanics and 18 new units. The new gameplay mechanics are tailored around the unique nature of the Chaos Space Marines faction. They can sacrifice their own population to please the Dark Gods and obtain their benevolence in the form of boons bestowed upon them. They can also benefit from the Dark Gods generosity to upgrade their units with powerful Marks of Chaos. And of course, they units can either become Daemon Princes if they perform well on the battlefield or, if they are unlucky, they can be demoted to Chaos Spawns.

Naturally, the new faction comes with a whole new set of units, technologies, buildings and quests!

Chaos Space Marines is now available for pre-order on Steam, at 10% off discount! You can pre-order it here.

Steam page
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Re: Warhammer 40,000: Gladius
« Reply #13 on: June 27, 2019, 12:19:42 AM »
The Chaos Space Marines land on Gladius on July 18th!

Some of you might have noticed already, but it's official: we are going to release Chaos Space Marines on July 18th!

Chaos Space Marines is the new expansion for Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics of War. A brand new faction enters the fray, ready to wage a cruel war for total control of Gladius Prime.

The Chaos Space Marines are relentless ancient warriors. Relying on their superior Astartes training, bolstered with the arcane power of the warp and making use of daemonic machines, they are a force to contend with, and will stop at nothing. All of Gladius Prime will be theirs, in the name of the Ruinous Powers!

You can currently pre-order Chaos Space Marines on Steam, at a 10% discount. Chaos Space Marines adds a plethora of new units, techs, buildings, and of course brand new gameplay mechanics. We will be showing and telling more in the weeks to come, so stay tuned!

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Re: Warhammer 40,000: Gladius
« Reply #14 on: July 08, 2019, 11:40:14 PM »
Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Chaos Space Marines Story Trailer

We have some great news for all Warhammer 40,000: Gladius fans out there!

As promised, here's the new story trailer for the Chaos Space Marines!

Watch the trailer!

But that's not all.

For all of you who are wondering how the new faction plays we have planned a live stream preview! Stay tuned for the official announcement and when & where!

You can currently pre-order Chaos Space Marines at 10% discount on Steam. The full release of the expansion is going to happen on July 18th.

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