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Stellar Tactics
« on: May 14, 2018, 04:33:33 PM »

Enter a stunning Sci-Fi universe filled with meaningful choices and intrigue. A space exploration RPG that features classless character progression, squad-based tactical ground combat and a living universe where your actions have consequences. Gather your team, equip your ship and explore.

Homepage: Here
Steam: Here
Official forum: Here
YouTube: Here


Story  Trailer


•   Build a team of space mercenaries and explore a vast open-world universe
•   Classless character progression and perks allow for unrestricted customization. Specialize team members or master all weapons skills
•   Tactical, turn based team combat - use your action points wisely to ensure victory
•   Tons of gear which can be upgraded with Nano-Tech and component parts to customize your team. All weapons and armor have five tiers of quality and millions of variants.
•   40 ships to choose from. Each can be customized with various quality grades of equipment and specialized as cargo, mining, exploration or combat vessels
•   Space combat utilizes energy management and a dedicated skill progression system
•   Mine for minerals in space and sell the ore for profit to earn enough for a new ship
•   Scan planets to reveal new exploration opportunities or sell the data to faction merchants
•   Discover ancient civilizations, abandoned stations, cave systems, anomalies and the ruins of hundreds of years of unrelenting warfare in a living dynamic universe
•   Accept missions, follow the main story or explore - the choice is yours

Bringing back the nostalgia, excitement and wonder of classic RPG's, Stellar Tactics will thrill you with a compelling narrative, deep strategic squad-based ground combat and rewarding open world space exploration. To survive, you will need to build your team's skills and equip your party and ships with the best weapons, armor and equipment you can find. With 10,000 sectors, tens of thousands of solar systems and millions of planets to discover, you can spend countless hours exploring, fighting, trading and building a party of seasoned veterans that can dominate the challenges of deep space.

NOTE: This game is in Early Access - there may be bugs and the game does not yet contain all features planned for release.

Additional features in development:

You can see the development road-map posted on forums here: Development Road-Map:

•   FTL travel
•   Commodities trading and dynamic economy
•   Extended narrative based on thousands of years of lore, intrigue and faction warfare
•   Devices that will allow the player to fit a total of 12 unique effects both beneficial and combat specific across their team members
•   "Azimuth", a synergistic combat system, presents new challenges for strategic players
•   Crafting system - Refine ore and dismantle equipment for component parts to build useful equipment for your team
•   Ground mining drone system
•   Stealth and trap system
•   Repair system for your ships and ground based equipment
•   Additional perks

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Re: Stellar Tactics
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2018, 11:23:59 PM »
Patch 0.170 - Better mission rewards, new device, enhancements and fixes
21 December - Stellar Tactics

First, I'd like to wish all of you a very Happy Holiday Season and thank you for a great year! This is the second patch as promised that provides additional bonuses to end mission loot, a new device that lets you scan for lifeforms in mission areas, a cleanup pass on the movement/interaction system and more. This is the last patch this year, and it has been a very busy year indeed. I have big plans for 2019 and I hope you enjoy the content and updates to come.

Here are the patch notes:

UPDATED: At the end of missions and when you clear hostile facilities and explore locations, you are now awarded better bonus equipment. Originally this was going to be a crate. I'm going to reserve that for major bosses that will reward epic items, and now grant these reward items as described below.
All granted items are now useful - no more health kits or junk items.
All granted items are of exceptional quality or higher.
You now get three guaranteed items at the end of missions.
Other rewards remain the same - Faction, cash rewards, and ammo are still granted depending on whether the location is a faction mission or a explore location.
--Short missions and explore locations - A chance for a legendary - a total of three granted equipment items (weapon, armor, shield or mod)
--Medium missions and explore locations - A high chance for a legendary - a total of three granted equipment items (weapon, armor, shield or mod)
--Long missions and explore locations - A guaranteed legendary - a total of three granted equipment items (weapon, armor, shield or mod)

UPDATED: A cleanup pass to the movement and interaction system. Overall this brings a few things in line with where they should be as far as object interaction and movement is concerned. Still more work to do on this.
--When moving to a location, if you click a chest, object or NPC, the closest team member will branch off and interact with that item instead of ignoring the object and continuing to move to the destination.
--If a PC is moving towards an object to interact, other team members will stop and wait.
--If a PC is moving towards an object to interact, another click to move will interrupt the interaction and clear the interaction queue.

UPDATED: The help screen while in space has been updated.
UPDATED: When rolling over grenades and health kits popups, descriptions are now displayed on the screen so you can see what kind of grenade or health kit you are selecting.
UPDATED: The high-resolution space option now also displays higher resolution materials for planets.
UPDATED: In higher level encounters, enemy groups are less likely to be generated with multiple missile launchers. Sure, that was fun, but it can also be overwhelming.
UPDATED: New color coding icons for equipment tiers in all menus.
UPDATED: You can now translocate directly to your ship from anywhere on a trade station if you have the Halamis Translocator equipped.

ADDED: A new device exclusive to the Shikaru faction. Shikaru faction vendors now sell the Lifesign Tracker. This device exposes all lifeforms in the current mission area on the radar for 10 seconds. Enemies out of range of the scanner are displayed at the edge of the radar display. You can use this in any mission area to help you track down those elusive enemies hiding in small rooms or in the larger mission areas like caverns and stations. The device has a 2-minute cooldown. The device cannot be used to reveal ethereal creatures. The device uses a global cooldown so other team members that also have the device equipped will need to wait until the cooldown expires. The cooldown persists between saves. There will be many more useful devices coming to the game - cloaking devices, resource node scanners for salvaging, drones for scouting areas and destroying upcoming turret placements in missions etc.

ADDED: Bloom filter setting in the video options screen.

FIXED: A bug that would display the wrong number of available faction tokens when purchasing an item from a faction vendor.
FIXED: When purchasing an item from a faction vendor, the text sent to the log now correctly indicates that you used tokens to purchase the item.
FIXED: The beacon icon now disappears if active when you FTL out of a star system.
FIXED: Blending issues with nebula effects. Overall, nebula effects now better match the star system sky and are more subtle.
FIXED: Removed duplicate log entry when turning in faction missions.
FIXED: A floating container in one of the mission areas and a number of other visual glitches in various mission areas.
FIXED: A mission enemy that was linked to a group on the other side of the mission map in one of the mission areas.

A little of what you can expect for the NEXT content patch:

The first set of final models for some of the ships (10 total)
Victory FT-2 - Light Fighter
Arrow FT-1 - Light Fighter
Triumph ITC-4 - Interceptor
Rovah MK-1 - Explorer
Talon ATKR-2 - Medium Fighter
Khaal ATKR-4 - Heavy Fighter
Tarsus MRCH-2 - Light Merchant
Severin MRCH-2 - Light Merchant
Heron MRCH-3 - Light Merchant
Exetor ATKR-7 - Heavy Fighter

Cargo transfer on stations
Ground mining drone system
Commodities and trading tied to the beacon system currently in the game
Updated animations
Improvements to the pace of combat (tied to the new animations)
Faction Agents will buy scan data

That's not all of course and I'll be working my way through the "What's Next" and "Roadmap" posts on the forums as I move towards Alpha.
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Re: Stellar Tactics
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2019, 01:53:46 PM »
Cargo storage

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Re: Stellar Tactics
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2019, 12:03:03 AM »
More progress on the new ships

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Re: Stellar Tactics
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2019, 11:54:54 PM »
Defense and Mining Drones

Renders of the defense and mining drones [WIP]

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Re: Stellar Tactics
« Reply #5 on: February 24, 2019, 12:01:56 AM »
Patch 0.177 Stability and player suggested QoL updates

Hi all! I decided to set this week aside for a major update to the loading code, QoL improvements suggested by the community and a number of urgent fixes. No screenshots this week, just a bunch of things you've asked for that I needed to "get done". Here are the updates and fixes. Hope you all have a great weekend and thanks as always for supporting Stellar Tactics!

UPDATED: Improved loading speed when moving between areas.
UPDATED: Autosaves now take place before transitioning between areas.
UPDATED: Autosaves are now displayed at the top of the load/save menu under the quick-save slot. You can no longer overwrite or delete autosaves.
UPDATED: When saving over an existing save game, that save games current name is displayed by default with a new time stamp in the save confirm dialog.
UPDATED: Increased the animation speed when swapping weapons.
UPDATED: Ship equipment merchants will always carry at least one mining laser.
UPDATED: NPC ships can now be intercepted when micro-warping.

UPDATED: Added new logic for approaching NPC ships so you follow at a distance once in range. This should make intercepting ships in star systems much easier.
--Reduced the speed of NPC ships that are micro-warping to destinations so you can intercept.
--When you are micro-warping and you target a ship and press the "Approach" icon, you will now approach that ship and match that ships speed once you are in attack range.
--If you target another ship or stellar object, you will accelerate back to full micro-warp speed.
--If the targeted ship arrives at it's destination while you are following the ship, you will drop out of micro-warp in range of that ship.

UPDATED: Increased the frequence of drops for several rare mods (Frequency Modulators and Projectile Weapon Barrels).

UPDATED: End turn options now have dedicated key binds:
[1] - Delay Turn - If you have a full bar of AP, this option will let you delay your turn in the turn order.
[2] - Defend - A chance to reduce or completely mitigate the next attack on this character.
[3] - End combat turn

UPDATED - When you are ready to end your turn, you can now press [SPACE] a second time to end your turn so you do not need to manually select a end turn option. This is the same as selecting the new keybind [3].

UPDATED: Another tweak to the number of ships traveling to/from systems.

FIXED: Fixed a rare random lockup when transitioning between areas. This includes a major overhaul of the loading code when transitioning between areas. If you have any issues moving between areas, please post on the bug forums. I've tested this heavily and everything seems to be working as intended. I'll keep an eye on the bug forums over the next few days to make sure the new system is working as expected for everyone.
FIXED: A rare bug related to high faction levels not populating the system object list (upper left menu when in space) correctly.
FIXED: A rare bug related to high faction levels not displaying correct faction information in faction UI on the star map.
FIXED: The names of equipped devices are now correctly displayed when rolling over the icons on the tool bar.
FIXED: Particle systems were not triggered when launching to space when you first recieve your ship.
FIXED: If a rollover tooltip is visible and you leave a menu using the ESC key, that tooltip is hidden correctly.
FIXED: A visual glitch in the new game cinematic when exiting the crio-chambers.
FIXED: When starting a new game, after the intial cinematic, you will not be able to edge scroll until your implants are activated. You can also recenter the camera on your crew with the "Q" key and access the help menu "H".
FIXED: You can no longer select the end turn option "Delay Turn" if you do not have a full bar of AP.
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Re: Stellar Tactics
« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2019, 12:02:12 AM »
Patch 0.179
A few fixes in this one.

--Planetary gravity well indicators should display now for all planets
--A rare edge case related to the keypad to the room where Phestus is located
--Reduced the experience requirements for space skills (Piloting, Weaponry, Electronics, Targeting)
--Moved a few icons around on space hud. Added a few icons for the upcoming drone mining system.

See the image below - a few icons have been moved around. The shield and weapons toggle icons are now placed in the center panel.

There are two new icons that are not active yet on the UI. They are for a future patch.
--The drone manager in the lower left.
--The launch drone icon shows up when you select a mining node on a scanned planet.

(Urg - typo in the image - not going to fix it - moving on...)

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Re: Stellar Tactics
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2019, 09:32:16 PM »
I try very hard to stay away from early access games, but this one I had to pick up. I probably won't play it at all until it's complete, but hopefully my small contribution will help push this past the finish line.
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Re: Stellar Tactics
« Reply #8 on: February 25, 2019, 11:32:44 PM »
I try very hard to stay away from early access games, but this one I had to pick up. I probably won't play it at all until it's complete, but hopefully my small contribution will help push this past the finish line.

I do the same quite often. Most games I do not play in EA because they are constantly changing in a big way so you have to restart.
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Re: Stellar Tactics
« Reply #9 on: March 03, 2019, 05:31:41 PM »
Drone Manager (WIP)

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Re: Stellar Tactics
« Reply #10 on: March 05, 2019, 01:31:09 PM »
The new Kraken model

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Re: Stellar Tactics
« Reply #11 on: March 05, 2019, 08:27:09 PM »
I try very hard to stay away from early access games, but this one I had to pick up. I probably won't play it at all until it's complete, but hopefully my small contribution will help push this past the finish line.

I do the same quite often. Most games I do not play in EA because they are constantly changing in a big way so you have to restart.

That's my problem.  Restart, restart, restart.  Or I finish the game and then 6 months later it's updated and I don't want to play it again.
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Re: Stellar Tactics
« Reply #12 on: March 19, 2019, 11:34:40 AM »
Click to open/close info HUDs

Space Info Huds opened

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Re: Stellar Tactics
« Reply #13 on: May 08, 2019, 12:25:03 PM »
Patch 0.180 - The new drone mining system and 10 more ships updated
9 Mar @ 4:10pm - Stellar Tactics   

Ten more ships updated!
Aries LATK-2
Vagabond EX-4
Wanderer EX-2
Arden LM-2
Revenant ATK-5
Corsair HATK-2
Ashaton MATK-3
Kraken HATK-7
Traveler EXP-2
Trident MATK-7

The new drone mining system is in the game. Here is how it works.
You can now purchase mining drones at any ship equipment vendor. The total maximum number of drones you can have active and on your ship is 20. Drones on your ship are transferred to any ship you are actively flying so, if you transfer to another ship, any drones aboard your current ship get transferred along with your cargo. Drones are fairly expensive, however, they pay for themselves in a few runs and are a great way to make money while exploring the universe.

Drones have a maximum capacity of 1000 units. When they are deployed, the drones fly to the targeted planetary resource node and mine until full. You can use the drone manager to manage your drones, check their status and set their AI (more on the drone manager below).

Drones have two AI states:
Automatic – Drones will mine a node until full and then fly to the nearest station and unload and sell their cargo. You will get a notification when cargo is sold and credits will be added to your account when the transaction is complete. Drones sell cargo at the base universal average for any resource type. This option is ideal for players who want to earn extra income in a semi-automated fashion to pay for ship and equipment upgrades. If a drone sells a full cargo hold of ore, you will receive mining experience on the crew member assigned to the weaponry station.

Manual – Drones will mine a node until full and then set their status to “IDLE”. The drone will wait on the planets surface until you enter the star system the drone is located at and retrieve the drone. The drone will fly to your ship (assuming you have enough cargo space) and unload the drone to your cargo hold and return itself to storage. This option is designed for players who want to engage in the future trading and crafting features. They can then refine the ore and/or trade crafted items, raw and refined ore. This option will require a ship with a fairly high cargo capacity. If the drone fills its cargo bay, you will receive mining experience on the crew member assigned to the weaponry station.

Deploying a drone:
To deploy a drone you will first need to scan a planet. If that planet has any resources they will be displayed on the planet map in the upper right corner of the screen. Higher skill in scanning will display more nodes if there are any and provide higher quality scan results. The higher the quality of the resource node, the more resources it has available to mine. Higher quality resource nodes also provide higher returns as they are usually rich in valuable resources.

Select the node on the planets surface and the “deploy drone” icon will be displayed below the planet info panel along with the number of available drones you have to deploy. Select the icon and a drone will be launched. The drone will fly to the surface of the planet, the node icon on the planet map will change to let you know a drone is assigned and the drone will be added to the drone manager list.

Retrieving a drone:
Eventually, drones will deplete the resource. A drone with a depleted resource (or a drone that was set to manual that has a full cargo bay) will be displayed in the Drone Manager as “IDLE”.

To retrieve the drone, fly your ship to the system where the drone was deployed, select the drone in the list and click the “Retrieve” button at the bottom of the drone manager. The drone will return to your ship, unload if it has any cargo and set itself to storage. The drone will be removed from the drone manager.

Drone Manage:r
The drone manager can be accessed while in space via a new icon in the lower left of the screen. You can see how many drones you have and how many are deployed. Every deployed drone is listed and selecting any drone will show you it’s current status ( mining, traveling, idle etc.).

You can also access the drone manager from the Log->Map in space or when at stations or mission locations. Selecting a drone will center the map on the system where the drone is deployed.

If you select a drone while in FTL space, the system the drone is located at will be selected in the upper left system panel making it easy for you to target and approach that system for drone retrieval.

NOTE: Currently “Gas” nodes retrieve ore. I’ll make the changes needed to harvest various gas nodes when I get the trading system in the game.

There is a new in-game guide entry for the drone mining system.

Thanks as always for supporting Stellar Tactics and have a great weekend!
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Re: Stellar Tactics
« Reply #14 on: May 08, 2019, 12:27:48 PM »
Progress update - The Trade-Net
13 Apr @ 9:19pm - Stellar Tactics

A progress update on the Trade-Net today. Things are moving along nicely and the universe-side code is completed. I'm wrapping up the UI and will start working on handling accepted contracts and deliver/retrieving contract trade goods this week. Here is a short video showing some of the work that has been done:

Video: Progress update - The Trade Net

The trade net uses a network of placed beacons. Beacons have been in the game for a while now and many of you may have fairly large networks of these devices. The larger the network, the more options you have to find the best deals.

Initially, these could only be used for fast travel between systems. You likely use them to travel back and forth between mission locations or to your favorite home system where you store goods and ships. With the trade-net update, these beacons will start sending data to the trade-net so you find the best places to buy and sell trade goods, ore, and refined ore. A ship with a good-sized cargo hold can make excellent money traveling between systems trading all kinds of goods.

For those of you interested in smuggling, there will be an option to have your Trade-Net "hacked" so it will show contraband items (like the Kchor Brandy shown above). Traveling with these items in your cargo hold is risky. Raiders may spawn and scan your cargo, trade stations may force you to pay a fine if you have these goods in your cargo hold and will seize the items. A high electronics skill can help avoid detection. There may also be a few ship upgrades just for smugglers.

I'll keep you posted as I make progress. I'm hoping to get this out for everyone sometime in the next few weeks.

Meanwhile, here is a list of the latest patch notes since the last announcement. Thank you for supporting Stellar Tactics!

Stability fixes:
--Capped framerate at 60fps - I'll look into uncapping FPS during late alpha. In general, capping the framerate at 60 keeps the physics engine (and overall framerate) stable on higher-end systems with fast CPU's/GPU's and high refresh monitors. The game actually plays much smoother for me running at a 144hz.
--Clearing some dynamic data before level loads.
--Integrated the latest Steam API for stability, upcoming achievements and other plans I have for the game.
--Removed a few files that that game does not need (may have been causing conflicts on some systems).

FIXED: A bug related to autosaves on the Dauntless.
FIXED: A bug related to volumetric effect coloration in certain star systems.
FIXED: Rollover info labels are now displayed correctly when hovering over docking and landing icons.
UPDATED: Added additional info to the star system object list in the upper left HUD that displays the [NEAREST] jump point.

FIXED: When exiting Dauntless the game was generating two autosaves.
FIXED: When leaving the Dauntless, items equipped on characters other than the main character are correctly moved to the stash
FIXED: The number of items in ship cargo holds could be displayed incorrectly in rare cases. Cargo volume is now correctly displayed in the vendor UI, when viewed in the ship cargo UI and in purchased cargo storage. If you have a current save that displays incorrect cargo volume, this patch should resolve the problem.

FIXED: A display error for perk bonuses to the weaponry skill. Specifically bonuses applied to reload speed and efficiency displayed on the ship screen under "Skill Bonus"
FIXED: Targeting a planet and traveling to FTL space then clicking the upper right info panel even if it displayed "No Target" would display the info panel with bad info.
FIXED: Placing a beacon and then deleting another beacon would cause the beacons list to not display the most recently placed beacon.
FIXED: Display of number of drones deployed and in inventory in the log->drone UI
FIXED: The game would lock up while hacking if you had perks selected from the auto-hack line at higher levels (Mystic Keycard, Master Key etc.) when those perks were triggered.

FIXED: Rare random lockup when entering or leaving combat.
FIXED: A bug related to populating the star map search data based on your location in the universe. This could have made it hard to find purchased ships located at remote stations.
FIXED: A bug that would add an empty character between the save name and time played values in the save UI when overwriting an existing save.
FIXED: Deleting saves while in the save game UI could cause a bad entry in the save list.

Resolved issues with several instances where opening a menu and not closing it would cause the game to lock up. Specifically:
--Opening the Drone Manager from the log screen and then pressing the ESC key or any other key that would navigate you to inventory, character information etc. would lock up the game. Thanks again for the reports.
--Opening the "Reputation" menu from the log screen and then pressing the ESC key or any other key that would navigate you to inventory, character information etc. would lock up the game.
--A change to the core AI architecture
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