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Author Topic: SOW Time of play  (Read 3740 times)

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Offline Praetoria

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SOW Time of play
« on: April 14, 2018, 11:01:26 AM »
Good morning, i'm opening this thread cause of some troubles last time about what time we should play.
We have to consider 2 important things:
- we're a small community
- everyone play at different local times
So I think we have to be patient and a bit tolerant, anyone could have some issues and trouble to advice other, for this reason we have to mantain 10 mins of tolerance if some player come a bit later.
10 minutes, is not on hour!  So excepting if we have some crash in game, when it starts we can't add more players  after 45 min of in game session.
We're a little community, for this reason we have to keep our group alive in the respect of other players, and be tolerant.

This is only my advice,
Have a good day guys!

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Offline Asid

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Re: SOW Time of play
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2018, 04:11:48 PM »

I have a lot of experience with organising and participating in multiplayer games. I have experienced all types of game organisation. For SOW in our group, organised play with a set time is the best way.

We have people from different time zones and real life duties. There is a bit of accommodation in the time because the room is open 30 minutes before a game. Everyone should be there and ready to play. If there are any problems with connections or pc issues then these need to be resolved before the game.

There are 2 DOW organised sessions each week. 1 on Wednesday and 1 on Friday. People can get together and play when they want.

SOW is a niche game. It requires some commitment by the player to understand the game mechanics and how we play in multiplayer. If a person wants to play then they are welcome but they also need to make a little effort.

If the actual game day or time is an issue then that needs to be discussed. If not then it is correct to have a set start time.



Ho molta esperienza con l'organizzazione e la partecipazione ai giochi multiplayer. Ho sperimentato tutti i tipi di organizzazione del gioco. Per SOW nel nostro gruppo, il gioco organizzato con un tempo prestabilito è il modo migliore.

Abbiamo persone provenienti da fusi orari diversi e doveri reali. C'è un po 'di sistemazione nel tempo perché la stanza è aperta 30 minuti prima di una partita. Tutti dovrebbero essere lì e pronti a giocare. Se ci sono problemi con le connessioni o problemi con il PC, questi devono essere risolti prima del gioco.

Ci sono 2 sessioni organizzate da DOW ogni settimana. 1 mercoledì e 1 venerdì. Le persone possono stare insieme e giocare quando vogliono.

SOW è un gioco di nicchia. Richiede un certo impegno da parte del giocatore per capire le meccaniche di gioco e il modo in cui giochiamo in multiplayer. Se una persona vuole giocare, allora sono i benvenuti, ma devono anche fare un piccolo sforzo.

Se il giorno o l'ora del gioco è un problema, è necessario discuterne. In caso contrario, è corretto avere un orario di inizio impostato.



У меня большой опыт организации и участия в многопользовательских играх. Я испытал все виды игровой организации. Для SOW в нашей группе, организованная игра с установленным временем - лучший способ.

У нас есть люди из разных часовых поясов и реальных обязанностей. В то время есть немного места, потому что комната открыта за 30 минут до игры. Каждый должен быть там и готов играть. Если возникают проблемы с подключением или проблемами ПК, их необходимо решить перед игрой.

В каждую неделю проводятся 2 DOW. 1 в среду и 1 в пятницу. Люди могут собраться вместе и поиграть, когда захотят.

SOW - нишевая игра. Это требует некоторой приверженности игрока пониманию игровой механики и тому, как мы играем в мультиплеере. Если человек хочет играть, тогда они приветствуются, но им также необходимо приложить немного усилий.

Если фактический игровой день или время является проблемой, это необходимо обсудить. Если нет, то правильно иметь заданное время начала.

С уважением


Tengo mucha experiencia en la organización y participación en juegos multijugador. He experimentado todo tipo de organización del juego. Para SOW en nuestro grupo, el juego organizado con un tiempo determinado es la mejor manera.

Tenemos personas de diferentes zonas horarias y deberes de la vida real. Hay un poco de alojamiento en el tiempo porque la habitación está abierta 30 minutos antes de un juego. Todos deberían estar allí y listos para jugar. Si hay algún problema con conexiones o problemas de PC, estos deben resolverse antes del juego.

Hay 2 sesiones organizadas DOW cada semana. 1 el miércoles y 1 el viernes. Las personas pueden reunirse y jugar cuando lo deseen.

SOW es un juego de nicho. Requiere un cierto compromiso por parte del jugador para comprender la mecánica del juego y cómo jugamos en el modo multijugador. Si una persona quiere jugar, son bienvenidos, pero también deben hacer un pequeño esfuerzo.

Si el día o la hora real del juego es un problema, es necesario discutirlo. Si no, entonces es correcto tener una hora de inicio establecida.

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Offline Praetoria

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Re: SOW Time of play
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2018, 05:03:39 PM »
You are right about  to respect the set start time, but no kind of tolerance, could risk to compromize a little community like this.
I never mean to change or disrespect the time of play, but to be patient is one time someone has 5/10 mins of delay and warns other players.

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Offline General Sandman

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Re: SOW Time of play
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2018, 10:43:20 AM »
First of all, I have to reach back a couple of months. Our regular sheduled appointments for our DoW SoW group actually are 20.00 GMT (always GMT in the following except marked differently) to gather and 20.30 to launch the game. Since I joined DoW, this in practice didnt work at least one single time. When I was new, I came according the predetermined times. So I used to wait for most other members to join more than 30 min and the battles to start at least 20 minutes more. Of course I soon stopped to come much sooner before the starting time at 20.30, but I almost kept to be in place at this point.

The same happened to new players who joined after I did. For exemple Paulchen and Klaus used to be on at 20.00 too and several times they had to wait for nothing, until they realized that a certain punctualtity doesnt pay off in our group.
On the other hand there was a couple of certain individuals who actually never ever made it even close to the set appointments, but almost everytime arrived in the average around 15-20 minutes after the battles were supposed to be already running according our rules. Cos we need some time for preparation, which belongs to the session in fact, another 10-15 minutes passed until we actually started the game.
Sometimes poeple joined the TS lobby, but stayed there and had smalltalk, although it was already like 15 or more minutes over the supposed launching of the battle, while others were already waiting in the SoW channel for a long time.
Sure, smalltalk is good for our group-building. Its important to practice it, but not at the wrong time when others, who perhaps dont even speak the corresponding language, were not able to join the talk, but instead rely on the agreement that we start at a set time.
In a few individual cases there might have been a certain reason, which prevented people from coming at 20.00 or being ready at 20.30. But noone ever told new players, that the sheduling actually doesnt count, so that they didnt had to join at 20.00. Noone ever made clear, that in his opinion or in fact he in principle cannot make it until the given appointments. So that it doesnt make sense to stick on these times as long as "core-players" arent able to generally stick to them.

We observed, that in spite of the permanent delays the registered players actually mostly were present around 20.45-20.50, so that the games could be started at about 21.00. This meant one hour after the supposed gathering-time and 30 minutes after the set launching - and other members in the meantime hanging in a time-hole, always waiting again and again, always the same to occur over weeks and months, until the games finally began.
Therefore we could evidently conclude, that postponing the appointments for 30 minutes would lead to a situation which allows us to begin the battles right in the newly set time - as long as previously the true causes for the delays were of great importance and factually to be seen in context to the former starting-time at 20.30.
Unfortuatly the intention failed. As soon as the appointment had been postponed, a couple of players postponed their appearence at the SoW MP as well. So nothing really changed regarding the punctuality. The battles started even later, but often had to be reduced in their running time and more marching than fighting prevented them sometimes to even reach their climax. And the same people still had to wait for the same other people.

Actually it could be so damn easy:

1. According the experience before the change, it has been proven that most of us were nearly always able to join till 21.45 - 21.55 CET (currently 19.45-19.55 GMT) latest. So, everything that actually had to be done was to get here at the same time as the months before.

2. IMO the central problem is, that some guys cant do other than always watching the ultimo. What is the last moment I have to be there to play? What is the last moment I have to join without having to wait? But 22.00 CET (atm 20.00 GMT) is not the time to get here. It is too late. The set time to be here  is  21.30, but 21.50 CET latest (currently 19.30 and 19.50 GMT). This has been done for very good reasons, which had been communicated several times.
If someone exceptionally comes past 21.50 CET, but can make it in the game-lobby until 22.00 CET, he might be too late but could be considered to be present within a tolerable time-frame.

Those, who try to put off their coming till the last bit, would regulary cause delay and dissent. In spite of the fact that we learned from observing the previous situation, that actually all core-players could easily come at the right time (related to the appointment after the change), such a practice appears to be absolutely unnecessary and is suitable to compromise the community.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2018, 11:52:13 AM by General Sandman »
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“We were the ones who knew but did not understand, well informed but without insight, overloaded with factual data but poor in experience and wisdom. So we went, not stopped by ourselves."

Based on Roger Willemsen R.I.P.


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