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Offline Asid

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Re: Stars End
« Reply #45 on: April 04, 2020, 12:37:02 AM »
Update 28-2 - Crews Fixes & FPS view update
Wed, 1 April

Hey Everyone,

We have a second smaller update today that fixes a few critical issues. Crews, Territory Hubs and horse camera issues have all been fixed. This update also brings major changes to FPS view with various improvements. Aside from that a dozen other good fixes and additions.

Work continues on Part II of the Colossal update – that we are expecting later next week, ~7-10 days away. Unfortunately, part two of this update will come with a full progress wipe. This will be a necessary wipe as we are switching to a completely new SQL database. This move finally allows us to fix all issues with missing items, vehicles e.t.c. It also opens up possibility of MMO like super high population limits. And finally, this switch guarantees that we will not need to wipe progress in the future.

Meanwhile, lets take a look at today`s Update 28-2


•   All issues with creating new crews have now been fixes
•   Major rework of FPS camera view, much better and shows body more
•   In FPS view interaction with objects e.t.c now looks significantly better
•   Fixed issues with territory hubs purchases not saving
•   Fixed major issue with getting on a horse and camera not moving


•   Sawing objects will now hide outline while sawing
•   No longer show object outline once interaction with object has begun
•   Fixed sawing log FX not showing properly
•   Harvesting plants now has visual effects and branches fall off
•   All rocks in-game are now breakcable, including crystals, nox rocks e.t.c
•   Fix for delete character not removing claim slots.
•   various fixes and changes in the way a crew is created
•   Removed the notification when getting in a vehicle

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Re: Stars End
« Reply #46 on: April 16, 2020, 01:08:02 AM »
Upcoming Update 29
15 April 2020

Hey Everyone,

As you might have heard we are working on a huge update 29 that brings brand new MMO like database. So we wanted to give you some updates on our progress and ETA.

First of all - we are a bit behind here. This update took us extra couple of weeks to complete, but we are finally getting close. As soon as this Friday, or latest mid of next week this update will go into open Beta. With full launch to live few days later.

On a bright side - with this delay we managed to compete a lot of other side projects while the lead and server programmer were finishing up. So this update comes with major fixes like reworked AI behavior, to new features like private property and stealing , as well as new feature support like voice chat, controller support, preparation for dedicated hosting utlity, and a lot of other good stuff.

To recap - the main part of this update is a switch to a brand new SQL MMO database. This move finally allows us to fix all issues with missing items, vehicles e.t.c. It also opens up possibility of MMO like super high population limits in the future.

Unfortunately, this update will come with a full progress wipe on all servers. This will be a necessary wipe as we are switching to a completely new database. However - this is a "wipe to end all wipes" and in the future we`ll have a lot of database porting options, so we probably won`t need to do another wipe again.

Once again we wanted to apologize for the delay, but we are almost there.

Thanks for your support, and we can`t wait to share this awesome update with you.

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Re: Stars End
« Reply #47 on: May 09, 2020, 12:42:30 AM »
Update 29 - Full Redesign - enters Beta testing
Fri, 8 May 2020

Hey Everyone,

After several months of work, we are finally here - ready to start beta testing the massive update 29. Update is now available in Beta on Steam. We plan to bring the update live after about 1 week in beta.

This update is a full redesign of Stars End. Starting from switching from server based game to SQL powered MMO, and ending with full visual rework of the main playable area.

Please keep in mind - that this update does come with a full progress wipe, that was unavoidable with the change to new database and MMO approach. However, now we have everything in place to avoid progress wipes in the future.

Also please keep in mind - that the process of hosting and solo play is a temporary solution, that requires some work on your part. Installing SQL and creating a login for it. All the instructions are linked from the Host section in the main menu. We apologize for the inconvenience. This process will be streamlined and simplified in the future.

How to Play

To enable Beta version of Stars End, please follow the following steps:
-Right clicking on Stars End in the Steam library
-Select Properties, and then Beta tab.
-On that screen Opt-in to participate in the beta.
Beta has it`s own MMO PvPvE server that keeps all the progress and will not be reset. Once this update goes live, you can switch to official MMO servers and make a new character, or continue to pay on beta.

And so - introducing update 29 - beta 1:

The change-log comes with couple of thousands changes, so bellow is the summary and not the actual detailed patch notes.


•   Bellow changes required a full progress wipe
•   MMO switch – changed from two official servers to two main MMO servers
•   New SQL database features make sure there`s no need for progress wipes in the future
•   Completely new database powered by MySQL capable of supporting very large playerbase on one server
•   Hosting Dedicated servers redesigned, and requires payer to install SQL
•   Solo Play is still possible, but requires hosting new server, after installing SQL
•   Solo Play and Dedicated Hosting process is to be simplified in the near future
•   New database eradicates majority of bugs effecting Stars End over the past few months
•   New database cuts loading time from up to 3 minutes to as low as 20 seconds


•   Started work on the major visual updated effecting every area of the game
•   Beta Prairie planet is the first to get completely redesigned
•   New grass, new trees and plants, new rocks, higher resolution textures
•   Planet now has defined bi-oms with different plants, trees, and animals
•   FPS camera reworked
•   TPS camera improved with lowest point and transparent grass


•   Added voice chat with proximity chat
•   Initial gamepad support implements – still needs a bit of work
•   Private property implemented, with loot and containers in some locations being private
•   Implemented stealing and outlaw system for being caught stealing
•   Outlaw Deed and Shady merchants available at Orbital stations to help get rid of Outlaw status
•   Various resources are now available on the ground to pick up – rocks, sticks, fiber e.t.c
•   Animal AI redesigned – fixing number of issues and making Bears, Thrawlers, Oraphangs much smarter
•   Enabled sneaking around Ais or animals field of vision
•   Email signup added to the main menu, with reward item for signing up with valid email


•   Over 200 bug fixes and minor additions across the board

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Re: Stars End
« Reply #48 on: May 20, 2020, 01:08:02 AM »
Update 29th - Coming to Live on Thursday
Tue, 19 May 2020

Hey Everyone,

We are putting finishing touches on the major 29th update that everyone has been waiting for a very long time now. And we are glad to say that after a number of delays this update is finally coming Live this Thursday.

We are down to two last issues to fix - passengers in vehicles, and a bug with new AI, making it turn sideways.

And please accept our apology for all the delays - and keeping it in beta for such a long time. But having worked on this update for so long, we fear we might get very bad feedback if this update is anything less than perfect.

We are almost there, and next update on Thursday will not go to beta, but straight to live. I would love to promise it today or tomorrow, but to be safe - we`ll only launch this on Thursday afternoon.

Thanks for your patience and understanding.

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Re: Stars End
« Reply #49 on: May 29, 2020, 12:12:07 AM »
Update 29 - Full Redesign - is Live!
Wed, May 27

Hey Everyone,

After several months of work, we are finally ready to bring you Update 29.

This update is a full redesign of Stars End. Starting from switching from server based game to SQL powered MMO, and ending with full visual rework of the main playable area.

The work continues full speed as we plan to release several more updates in June.

And so - introducing Update 29:

The change-log comes with couple of thousands changes, so bellow is the summary and not the actual detailed patch notes.


•   Bellow changes required a full progress wipe
•   MMO switch – changed from two official servers to two main MMO servers
•   New SQL database features make sure there`s no need for progress wipes in the future
•   Completely new database powered by MySQL capable of supporting very large playerbase on one server
•   Hosting Dedicated servers redesigned, and requires to install SQL
•   Solo player is still possible, but first my host the server after install SQL
•   Solo Play and Dedicated Hosting process is to be simplified in the near future
•   New database eradicates majority of bugs effecting Stars End over the past few months
•   New database cuts loading time from up to 3 minutes to as low as 20 seconds


•   Started work on the major visual updated effecting every area of the game
•   Beta Prairie planet is the first to get completely redesigned
•   New grass, new trees and plants, new rocks, higher resolution textures
•   Planet now has defined bi-oms with different plants, trees, and animals
•   Orbital space station completely redesigned
•   Started on Nox moon redesign
•   FPS camera reworked
•   TPS camera improved with lowest point and transparent grass


•   Added voice chat with proximity chat
•   Initial gamepad support implements – still needs a bit of work
•   Private property implemented, with loot and containers in some locations being private
•   Implemented stealing and outlaw system for being caught stealing
•   Outlaw Deed and Shady merchants available at Orbital stations to help get rid of Outlaw status
•   Various resources are now available on the ground to pick up – rocks, sticks, fiber e.t.c
•   Animal AI redesigned – fixing number of issues and making Bears, Thrawlers, Oraphangs much smarter
•   Enabled sneaking around Ais or animals field of vision
•   Email signup added to the main menu, with reward item for signing up with valid email


•   Over 200 bug fixes and minor additions across the board

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Re: Stars End
« Reply #50 on: May 29, 2020, 12:33:51 AM »
Update 30 - Solo without mySQL
Thu, May 28, 2020

Hey Everyone,

We are continuing with constant updates, and today we are happy to bring you new singleplayer mode, that does not require mySQL. Keep in mind that internet connection is required, and there are still some minor glitches we are working on in singleplayer – meanwhile you might be able to see a ghost vehicle or claim of other players, but experience is fully singleplayer, and this will be resolved in a day or two.

This update also fixes the few leftover bugs from last night`s update. Please keep in mind that there are still a few known issues and we are working around the clock to bring you another solid update later this week.

Our plan is to continue fixing the last bugs for the next couple of weeks, as well as to add stand alone app to host dedicated server. After this we`ll continue with adding new content.

And so - lets take a look at Update 30:

New features and fixes

•   Added solo mode - with one click singleplayer game start
•   Solo mode doesn`t require mySQL to play
•   Fixed major issue where players completing prologue would be re-spawned at Tigon instead of Beta Prairie
•   Fixed major issue with space ship disappearing after arriving to the new planet
•   All spaceships that disappeared before will not reappear and be usable again
•   Fixed rare instanced of vehicles duping
•   Fix for claim name not showing
•   Fix for being unable to rename the claim name
•   Fixed some issues with refinery not working
•   Refinery now shows a second navigation points and highlights so player clearly see it
•   Fixed ambient sounds not stopping when leaving a planet.

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Re: Stars End
« Reply #51 on: May 31, 2020, 01:21:11 AM »
Update 31 - Less Grind & More Fixes
Sat, 30 May 2020

Hey Everyone,

The team continues with non-stop work, and we are very grateful to see more positive feedback and reviews in the past week. Also it`s great to see Stars End attracting more players, and that players are playing in the game for longer. Thanks for all the support!

We have another update today that does a great deal for removing grinding from resources collection. Right now most of the resources collection activities are nearly twice as fast - from asteroid mining, to mining with pick axe or sawing logs. More improvements are on the way.

Today`s update also fixes good number of remaining bugs after changing to new MMO servers. We have resolved issues with vehicle duping, trees, item duping and more. In addition Oraphant is back in game with improved AI. We also included new options for AA and Vsync.

We`ll continue with another update no Tuesday with a good number of fixes and additions, as well as more work on making Stars End resources collecting be a lot less grindy.

And so - lets take a look at Update 31:

New features and fixes
•   Fixing all issues with bases getting raided, or items stolen on Solo
•   Various fixes for invisible player interaction on Solo
•   A lot of improvements to the new Orbital Space stations - bigger platforms
•   Added force field to Orbital Space Stations allowing oxygen on the landing pads
•   Fixed major duping issue with vehicle multiplying on player claims
•   Fixed issues with items disappearing from storage boxes
•   Fixed issues with Trees remaining standing after getting cut down
•   Fixed renaming claims not always working
•   No longer can place vehicle inside the Orbital Space station
•   Players now have 90 minutes to fix a broken claimed vehicles
•   Various fixes for broken vehicle spots being spawns together with Oil Tanks
•   Fixed issues with Bear going through walls
•   Animals now play groan sounds when taking damage
•   Fixed animals not showing blood when being hit by melee weapons
•   Oraphant is added to the game, with a lot of areas populated around Clayton
•   Fixed dropping items on the ground not working

Balancing Changes
•   Mining Scrap Metal from ruins now gives twice as much Scrap Metal in half the time
•   Mining from rocks now twice as fast
•   Mining from Asteroids is now twice as fast
•   Sawing logs now generated double the amount of Wood Logs, in 30% less time
•   Grazer now mines twice as fast from all sources

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Re: Stars End
« Reply #52 on: June 03, 2020, 01:37:58 PM »
Update 32 - Even More Fixes
Tue, 2 June 2020

Hey Everyone,

Welcome to part two of our less grind update. You will find last of resources gathering has been reworked, with practically all grindy gathering gameplay eliminated.

We also continue to fix bug leftover from the major database update last week. Of note we have fixed issues stopping players riding horse on Solo, and solo crew issues. In addition, we fixed various items, dupes, and allowed relogging back inside the vehicle.

We`ll continue with another update later tomorrow or on Wednesday.

Thanks for your continuous support

And so - lets take a look at Update 31:

New features and fixes
•   Fixed major issue with Solo - being unable to use Crews properly
•   Fixed major issue with Solo - not being able to ride horse and other vehicles
•   Relogging when inside a vehicle now puts player back at the helm, or mounts the vehicle
•   Winter quest is back to the Orbital station
•   Fixed major issue with base components showing random damage
•   Force field base layer around orbital station works and looks a lot better now
•   A lot of fixes for vehicles going missing under different circumstances
•   Fixed items duping or going missing in some situations
•   Fixed being unable to drop items on the ground
•   Fixed major exploit with unlimited parts taken from Vehicles
•   Fixed vibrating saddle on horses in claims
•   AA and VSync off by default - improving performance on lower end systems
•   Ferry navpoint marked as important - now new players will know where to find Ferries
•   Fixed claim component exploit of two crew members picking up the same component.
•   Added new loading sequence as the game connects on startup
•   Game will warn player about firewall or other startup issues
•   Moderators can now permanently mute players from chat

Balancing Changes
•   Grinder collects resources 30% slower in general, but faster on metal ruins
•   Reworked amount of wood sticks and fiber that collecting bushes gives (in general more now)

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Re: Stars End
« Reply #53 on: June 07, 2020, 12:18:43 AM »
Update 33 Preview - ETA Wedy June 10th
Sat, 6 June 2020

Hey Everyone,

Apologize for a small delay with this update, we are rewriting several systems in order to fix most of the remaining bugs. Upcoming update brings dozens of fixes and improvements, and takes care of some exploits, as well as late game balancing (like requirement water bottles for oil e.t.c). In addition, we are included some new features like updated music direction with new music that players on random during gameplay.

We expect next update by Wednesday next week. Sorry for the delay guys. And here`s a preview of what we have completed so far, for this update. I`ll update this post as more of the update is done:

Thanks for your continuous support.

Update 33 Preview:

New features and fixes

•   New Ambient Music system. The game plays random ambient music except when in areas with music
•   Various fixes for Ferry not working right
•   Fixed Ammo bug bundle exploit
•   NOVA mining effect greatly improved
•   Grazer now repairs your own claim components, and damaged other player bases
•   Fixed player spawning sideway inside nova, and at the wrong location
•   When mining in space player now sees waypoitns to asteroids and space debree
•   Fixed building bases while self hosting
•   Vehicle new player planet respawn not working when moving between planets
•   Nearly completed work on new player admin console (to be enabled end of June)
•   Fixed art for vehicle wreck having dozen of tires in place
•   Fixed various issues with melee weapons not properly damaging Oraphant
•   Oraphant is now significantly tougher
•   Fixed odd rotation of passengers when leaving vehicles

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Re: Stars End
« Reply #54 on: June 13, 2020, 01:20:11 AM »
Update 33 -Major Improvements
Fri, 12 June 2020

Hey Everyone,

We have a major update today. With this update we have resolved majority of the new bugs and issues after the big move to mySQL. And we can finally say the game world is in a good place now.

This update also completes the big balancing change that removed all the grinding from the game. We take it further this time, with mining and gathering made a lot easier, and refunds added to crafting – like empty water bottle refunds when using water or oil in crafting.

This updates also lays foundation for the in-game music. This will be expanded and updated with more unique tracks based on the planet and environments that player is in.

We expect next update by Wednesday next week that will include the fixes for last rare issues, at which point we will be able to switch to mostly work on new content.

And so presenting Update 33

New features and fixes

•   New Ambient Music system. The game plays random ambient music except when in areas with music
•   Completed balance changes - mining rocks gives a lot more stone, one per hit, and more resources in bushes
•   Empty water bottles are now refunded when crafting with them - including them filled with oil or water
•   Fixed various bugs with AI sometimes disappearing after getting off horse or other vehicle
•   Game world is now a lot brighter during night time
•   Fixed player spawning sideway inside nova, and at the wrong location
•   Fixed building bases while self hosting
•   Vehicle new player planet respawn not working when moving between planets
•   Nearly completed work on new player admin console (to be enabled end of June)
•   Fixed art for vehicle wreck having dozen of tires in place
•   Fixed various issues with melee weapons not properly damaging Oraphant
•   Oraphant is now significantly tougher
•   Fixed odd rotation of passengers when leaving vehicles
•   Fixed various bugs with crafting in space
•   Fixed dropping item or death loot not always working
•   When mining in space player now sees waypoitns to asteroids and space derbies
•   Improved the visual FX when mining in space
•   Various fixes for Ferry not working right
•   Fixed Ammo bug bundle exploit
•   Grazer now repairs your own claim components, and damaged other player bases

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Re: Stars End
« Reply #55 on: July 28, 2020, 12:34:27 AM »
Update 34 - Large Summer Update is Live!
Mon, 27 July 2020

Hey Everyone,

After several weeks of works, our large July update is here!

This update takes Stars End to a much more polished level when it comes to performance and bugs. We have reworked most of the core system, database structures and so on.

There are over 150 bugs and additions as part of this update, from small improvements to long term fixes that has been plaguing the game since EA launch.

You will also notice that the old outdated Prologue has been removed – it`s missions can still be accessed from Tigon Orbital station though.

We also have a new brief intro sequence and that`s also activated when you die - and have your clone drop to the planet in an escape pod.

Keep in mind that with update of this magnitude, we might have introduced some new issues, but these would be quick to fix, and we expect next update by Monday next week that will polish up this update with last fixed.

After this major update we are back to weekly and bi-weekly updates, with big projects out of the way, we can finally work on smaller fixed, balancing, polish and new content.

Here`s the main patch notes from this udpate, though we are keeping this short not to have a 4 pages long patch notes listing all the fixes. And so - let`s take a look at Update 34:

Major Changes
•   Over 100 bug fixes across the board
•   Removed old Prologue
•   New player spawn sequence with escape capsule drop
•   New game sequence with escape capsule drop
•   Old prologue mission is available from Tigon Orbital station
•   Major visual improvements to terrain on Beta Prairie
•   Major visual improvements to how planets look in space
•   Major visual improvement on exiting and entering atmosphere
•   All NPCs now can be killed

Fixes and Additions
•   Can now remove any vehicle from the world in the Tab
•   New controller and key mapping setup
•   Controller mapping greatly improvement
•   Added Brightness to the options
•   Added mouse sensitive to the options
•   Improved orbital mining with nav points and asteroid improvements
•   Added Mechs to Orbital Stations
•   When crafting it now auto sets max possible amount
•   Mining beam can now be installed on any space ship and used to mine
•   Horse can now only jump once every few seconds
•   Fixed all issues of falling through the ground bug
•   Fixed all issues with controller
•   Fixed various chat issues like not seeing chat
•   Fixed major startup issue with spinning camera

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Re: Stars End
« Reply #56 on: July 30, 2020, 01:14:21 PM »
Update 35 this Saturday - Fixes and Massive Redesign
Wed, 29 July 2020

Hey Everyone,

We are glad to see the new update 34 brought some very well needed changes, and fixes. Thanks for all the kind words and great feedback.

But as some of you have noticed there`s still a couple of bugs we need to iron out. For example with the items inside the Wooden Boxes - this is just a temporary problem, and once we release the 35th update this Saturday morning - everything will be back in place.

Also we can`t wait to share the new graphics and planet surface update with you this Saturday. We have been busy working in the new tech into the game, that allows us to have hundreds of trees in the area, instead of a dozen like in the current design. Same tech will be used for all sort of props, vegetations e.t.c

This is a low quality preview from the Unity Editor

This update also greatly improves performance.

Thanks for your patience with the couple of ongoing issues, and we can`t wait to share this new update with you in a couple of days.

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Re: Stars End
« Reply #57 on: August 03, 2020, 01:40:31 AM »
Update 35 - Progress Revert & Fixes
Sun, 2 August 2020

Hey Everyone,

As you might have noticed, there were some leftover issues after the 35th update. And we are glad to say we managed to sort out vast majority of these problems. Today we have a smaller follow up update, that fixes some of the leftover bugs from the last update. These bugs including not seeing items in wooden boxes, having empty claims around and not being able to properly remove vehicles in the info screen.

Unfortunately, with this update we had to revert the database back couple of days. We are deeply sorry about the lost progress over this weekend.

This update also completes the game`s translation into French, German, Russian and Chinese.

And we hope we can make up for the revert with the major upcoming update this Tuesday. We have been busy working in the new tech into the game, that allows us to have hundreds of trees in the area, instead of a dozen like in the current design. Same tech will be used for all sort of props, vegetation e.t.c. This update will now only make the game world look much better, but greatly improve the performance. Here`s a very low quality preview from the Unity editor.

Meanwhile, lets look at the fixes in today`s Update 35.

Fixes and Additions
•   Translated all the game text into French, German, Chinese and Russian
•   Spaceships that went missing after update 34 are back
•   Most items missing after update 34 are back
•   Fixed issues with wooden container boxes not showing items
•   Fixed issue with vanishing vehicles on area change
•   Fix items deleting when placing a vehicle
•   Fixed various other issues with different container boxes
•   Fixed various spawn issue and character sometimes looking broken on spawn
•   Escape menu can't be opened during death which resulted in broken GUI.
•   Fixed extreme shaking while in the NOX outpost
•   Fixed various issues with airlock doors not always working correctly
•   Fixed rare bug being unable to pass through airlock doors
•   Fixed being able to fly through some of the asteroids in the asteroid belts
•   Various adjustments and fixes to navigation points to minable asteroids
•   Rebalanced bullet damage making necessary fixes – in most cases reducing the damage
•   The booster ful now runs out much faster, but still enough to cross between planet with 1 fuel
•   Fixed common container error due to player not in same relativeArea.
•   Fixed common error with POIs resulting in trees or terrain loading at odd points
•   Fix for error when player has disconnected while picking up a vehicle.
•   Fixed a lot of visual bugs while in space, such as white flash of stars ever few seconds
•   Correct text on fiber and wooden sticks on the ground.

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Re: Stars End
« Reply #58 on: August 05, 2020, 12:05:46 AM »
Update 36 - Last Daily Update
Tue, 4 August 2020

Hey Everyone,

We would like to apologize for several daily updates over the past few days. With 3Gbs download for each update, this has been overwhelming to players with limited internet connections.

Now that we are finally done with all the critical fixes, we can switch to weekly updates, and today`s update fixes the last of game breaking issues.

We will continue with the massive 37th update within a week, this update will include major changes to the planet graphics, style, and huge leap forward in performance. Sorry for a bit of a delay with this update - but it needs some extra polish, and well - we do need to give our playerbase a break from large daily downloads.

Meanwhile, lets look at the fixes in today`s Update 36:

Fixes and Additions
•   Default view in-game in all instances switched to TPS, can still access FPS view by pressing T key
•   Fixed major bug where logging out while on a vehicle would cause you to loose the vehicle
•   Fixed bug with logging out on a vehicle causing you to be at different location
•   Fixed issue with AI units not showing when on a vehicle on SQL Hosted server
•   A lot of improvements to AI units showing while riding a fast-moving vehicle
•   Draw-distance visual improvement (need to reset Visual Options for this to take effect)
•   Fixed issues with game world looking extremely bad on all but Very High graphical settings
•   Improved the look of Nav Point - smaller and more stylized
•   Improved Russian Translation of the game
•   Fixed Mechs not doing any damage to the player
•   Fixed a dupe with building components sometimes being added twice to inventory
•   Fixed being unable to move on space stations
•   Fixed extremely weird gravity while on NOX moon
•   Various improvements to the distance fog on the planet
•   Fixed the strong white fog being there when approaching planet surface all the time
•   Fixed bug with refuelling vehicle not remembering how much fuel was added on relog

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Re: Stars End
« Reply #59 on: August 08, 2020, 02:08:28 AM »
Update 37 - More Polish
Fri, 7 August 2020

Hey Everyone,

And we are back with another update. There were a dozen more fixes and improvements we wanted to add to the game before we release the big terrain and visual update next week. Today`s update fixes a few annoying issues like bow, info vehicle screen exploits, issues with claims and a few other things.

Next week - we will finally bring you the massive 38th update that we`ve been teasing about for a while now. That update will include major changes to the planet graphics, style, and huge leap forward in performance.

Thanks for your continuous support, and meanwhile, lets look at the fixes in today`s Update 37:

Fixes and Additions
•   Fixed major bug with some of the spawn points making player unable to exit spawn escape pod
•   Fixed major issue with bow freezing after using the last arrow
•   Increased fuel per container for land and air vehicles.
•   Claim component damage fixed where it was randomly destroying components in a single shot.
•   Fixed an issue where Death Loot did not remove after it expired.
•   Changed PvP so that repair tools (repair hammer, grazer) work correctly on claims and vehicles. (The grazer no longer heals players in the same crew.)
•   Vehicle INFO now updates correctly and placing the Used Vehicle restores equipment, stats, and inventory. Selling the Used Vehicle pays out less than a new vehicle, and destroys the inventory and equipment.
•   Fixed some item handling bugs that were causing random incorrect items, errors, and players unable to log into the game.
•   Fixed claim placement and removal issues. Claim markers and components no longer dupe.
•   Metal doors and sleeping bags now take damage and can be repaired.
•   Territory Refinery works now and has been adjusted in size for player "comfort of use".
•   Fixed the issue with claim count not showing the correct number of claims a player has.
•   Changed the asteroid system for better looks and performance.

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