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Offline Asid

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Making History: The Second World War
« on: November 17, 2017, 04:44:20 PM »

Choose a nation and prepare for the greatest conflict in human history, World War II. Build your military and industrial power, form alliances and race to achieve the advanced technologies that will bring total victory in this global-wide turn-based Grand Strategy struggle.

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Steam: Here


Cinematic trailer

About This Game
Making History: The Second World War is the 4th title of a series of turn-based Grand Strategy games. It's unique open-ended design allows players to experience alternative outcomes in the World War II era. This was an industrial conflict between the Great Powers of the Machine Age. The battles will begin in the factories, mines and the research labs, and resolve in the fields, skies and seas across the globe. Players and the AI are faced with historical decisions that change the course of history making every play through a new immersive Grand Strategy experience.

Features (incomplete list)

- Extensive Event content covering pivotal decisions and themes in WWII.
- Hundreds of additional alternative historical events (Release Version)
- Play any nation
- 280 Separate Nationalities
- Colonies, Protectorates and Puppet Governments
- Easy to use scenario Editor for Modding
- Game played across horizontal wrapping World Map
- AI focus on tactical Carrier Gameplay
- Nuclear Attack AI and Tactics
- Dedicated Strategic Bombing AI
- Aggressive AI Air Patrol Tactics
- Strafing Attack Orders
- Air Transport, Railroad, Shipping and Mobilized Unit movement
- Hundreds of Unit Models featuring the most iconic aircraft, tanks and ships
- Missile Launcher Units
- Nuclear Delivery Units
- Jet Era Units
- Paratrooper and Glider Attacks
- Kamikaze Units
- Full Range of Armored and Artillery Units
- Naval Surface and Submarine forces
- Nation Unique Infantry Unit Models
- Naval Supply Vessels to extend Fleet ranges
- Region City Infrastructure Projects
- Detailed Research Tree covering technologies from Pre-Industrial to Atomic Eras
- Sophisticated Economic System
- Build Factories and other city infrastructure
- Expand Resource Output and trade to Supply your Factories and Troops
- Auto-Trade System Option

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Offline Asid

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Re: Making History: The Second World War
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2017, 04:45:55 PM »

The Second World War is still in development however it is mostly feature complete and playable.

Issues we are working on and what to expect from the current version:

- No Manual or Tutorial yet.
- Not all the events have been added to the game. Most Events after 1942 are incomplete.
- The North Africa and the Asian/Pacific theater needs attention.
- Some UI elements may still be stand- in art.
- Game balancing will be an ongoing process through this period.
- Saved games might be broken after updates, although we will try to avoid that.
- AI adjustments will be and on-going process through this period.
- Features additions or alterations are possible through this period.
- Encyclopedia & Nation Descriptions are incomplete.
- Option to show less unit model sets not completed.
- Achievements not implemented.
- More Music Tracks will be added.
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Offline Asid

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Re: Making History: The Second World War
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2017, 04:32:27 PM »
Early Access Game Update #1
Making History: The Second World War - rmgiv

It’s been a week since we released The Second World War and began the Early Access pre-release phase. Overall, the launch went very well. Some players did experience a memory crash but this issue can be addressed through game settings. We’ve changed some of the default settings to minimize future problems. Along with the remaining feature work we will also be doing optimization and performance improvements wherever we can.

This week we spent a lot of effort on improving the way the AI manages the production of factory outputs like Steel and Rail Capacity. We’re trying to get them to produce more and trade more. It may take a few rounds to get the balance right. Please let us know if you think the AI is doing a better job with this.
We continue to make adjustments to the Annex logic so nations will liberate their friends and replace the governments of their enemies. The AI is directed to establish governance based on a character property we call International Policy. There are 4 settings: Imperialist, Expansionist, Ideologue and Neutral. The decisions are also influenced by technology dominance and governing ideology. We want the AI to form coherent states based on the mindset of nations during this era. A few oddball cases will still exist and sometimes that makes for good gameplay. As with most systems in Early Access, we will not declare it done until we release.

The Workshop will be officially turned on with this release. Many of our users like to create mods and we want to support their efforts. The Editor is being kept up to date as new features are added to the game. This might cause mods to incompatible so beware. You may want to wait before investing a lot of time into a large scale project. We decided not to expose the Event editing section since these are still being changed and new Triggers will be added in the next couple of weeks. It will be including at some point in the next few weeks.

And finally, I’ve received a few comments about the choice of music in the game.
I understand the Spaghetti Western style is not accurate to the period. But there’s something about those old Sergio Leone movies that I aesthetically associate with WW2. Maybe it’s because the majority of movies I've watched about the war were made back in the 60's. Since this is Early Access I figured I could try something a bit different. And I do intend to add in some moody ambient tracks to soften things up. If it’s super annoying to most people, I'll swap them out when we release. Until the, every gun makes its own tune.

Next week we have a stack of things to work on, we are hoping our main focus will shift away from the Economy and on to the Military AI. I’ll be on the forums answering questions and making comments when I feel I can be useful.

Notes for Early Access Update #1:

- Added +/- indicators to top bar supplies.
- Lowered points required for most research projects (To Speed up).
- Increased Ethiopian Starting Units.
- Re-added Atheism as Soviet Religion.
- Relocated Wurttemberg Airbase.
- Fixed Music reference errors that kept a few songs from playing.
- Some trigger typos fixed (Thanks to our community spelling skills).
- Added missing unit icons for Colier, Troopship and Oiler.
- Changed Compressed Terrain option to default to On.
- Changed registry location for game settings to Making History SWW.
- Updated World Demand values for capacities.
- AI now considers all resource demands for 2nd and 3rd order production.
- Balanced Resource Costs and Output/Turn Factors.
- Balanced Higher level Transportation Infrastructure properties.
- Starting gold for new subordinates is now deducted from the Master's treasury.
- Annex Puppet now transfers resources and units to Master Nation.
- Updated Status Quo Peace deal annex logic.
- The AI Pre War region list is now based on owned regions.
- Added turn length option to Military Access Event Triggers to keep the AI from ending the treaty.
- Implemented forced Military Access treaties to Soviet Baltic triggers.
- Added fallback unit position index for air patrol units if they don't have a valid one.
- Disallow splitting air groups that are based off of carriers.
- Fixed pixel noise around main menu Buttons.
- Added some New Notification images.
- New Triggers Started: Lend Lease, Bulgaria, Chain Home.
- Added more silent Non-Aggression pacts at start.
- Fixed bugs and made improvements to many triggers.
- Removed Expansionist Policy from all starting nations, added triggers to turn these on.
- Changed Commonwealth nations from Imperialist to Ideologue - except UK.
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Offline Asid

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Re: Making History: The Second World War
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2017, 04:33:19 PM »
Early Access Game Update #2
Making History: The Second World War - rmgiv

A new version of The Second World War is now live. This week we’ve made some big changes to the AI military recruitment system. We noticed a lack of unit recruitment by nations that were in the midst of war. Turns out the AI was being stingy about spending money. We relaxed or removed many of these restrictions. You should see a lot more aggressive recruitment and a more challenging AI as a result.

The aggressive recruitment strategy might have unforeseen impact on the game balance. We’ll make modifications as needed. There were also some incorrect assumptions in data that blocked certain units from ever being built by the AI. With that addressed, a greater variety of units and 3D models should populate the map.

Pretty much all the units have had their combat properties tweaked. Getting this right will take time and we definitely want to hear from the community on what feels right and what doesn’t. On that note, we were able to get in a few of the suggestions from the forums like fixing a fighter model with the wrong propeller. That was an easy one. Other ideas and bug finds have been catalogued to address right away or consider for later. One user pointed out some oddities in the Sphere of Influence system. Our analysis led us to schedule changes that will make the AI less trigger happy in regions they have no real interest.

For next week we plan to continue with military AI. We’re working on getting nations to be smarter about deciding when and where to fight. There’s also a long list of features and bugs that we must whittle away at. Since our goal is to update the game on a weekly basis, this means we only have 4 days of work between each release. On Friday - as long as everything goes well, we begin a code build in the morning that takes several hours to finish. While that is churning. The team meets to discuss game design and implementation goals for the next update. Hopefully by 5PM EST a new release will be ready to go live.

Notes for Early Access Update #2:
- AI considers “in production” units when using AI recruitment templates.
- No long limits military recruitment versus Food Labor concerns.
- Removed MPU check when AI looks to recruit equipment units.
- AI will recruit beyond their ability to support the units to ensure enough troops.
- Remove budgetary considerations for AI recruitment.
- AI will always choose a unit to build if they want to build one.
- No longer move to readiness None when out of money.
- Balanced AI Recruitment Templates for Army, Air and Navy.
- Revised combat properties for most units.
- Update AI region/city control caching before determining AI military % issue.
- Human subordinates are allowed to auto accept trade proposals from their masters.
- Colony trade orders can now be set up from the global production tab.
- Global production tab trade buttons now say "Trade Order" for player colonies and protectorates.
- Colonies and protectorates now show their master's gov type in the ideology score mapview.
- Fixed formatting issue with ethnicity display in establish new nation panel.
- Fixed stack overflow crash when rendering ethnicity list in the region transfer panel.
- Fixed issue limiting artillery recruitment.
- Color code auto trade buttons based on auto trade state.
- AI will consider giving unclaimed regions to nearby colonies.
- Fixed rare error when a cached pathfinder can reference a dead nation.
- If a transport is in port, unload the troops onto the land region and remove the ferry target.
- AI no longer requests regions from an ally of an enemy.
- Include dependencies in white peace.
- Fixed American Fighters III model that was missing 3rd propeller.
- Revised Quebecois Fascists Flag Set.
- Balanced AI Recruitment Templates for Army, Air and Navy.
- Swapped Corvette and Frigate in the Tech Tree.
- Fixed some errors in data causing Fortification III to become available too early.
- Further easing on Research Point requirements .
- Increased price of Arms.
- New event for Japanese Invasion of Indochina
- New event for British Occupation of Faroe Islands and Iceland
- Added time based Military Access & Non-Aggression Pacts
- Added mechanized infantry to new unit class so AI will build
- Fixed mechanized infantry not showing up in the encyclopedia
- Fixed missing oiler and collier Unit Icons
- Removed food maintenance for field artillery
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Re: Making History: The Second World War
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2017, 04:34:36 PM »
Early Access Game Update #3
Making History: The Second World War - rmgiv

Last week we took most of the restraints off military recruitment. This was done mostly because nations were being too reserved about spending money to support units. Now you may find that certain Nations build too many units. A new restraint system is coming soon along with a lot more Military AI improvements.

The AI work is currently focussed on border security, coastal sea zone defense and amphibious assaults. There are improvements to the sea invasion targeting. The AI should be applying more rational criteria when ordering an amphibious assault. For one thing, they no longer look to invade regions outside their Sphere of Interest except when defending an Ally. This should result in more sustainable operations.

Nations now place a higher priority on defending their land and coastal borders. Although there are a few layers of decisions not yet implemented, you should see a difference. The naval AI that manages coastal sea zone defense needs some attention. We find the AI is wisely putting ships into port for repairs but they sometimes leave sea zones undefended in the process. Sometimes it makes sense to stay at sea even when a ship is crippled.

We modified some of the game data to improve balancing. Some of this was in response to feedback from the community, other changes were made as a result of internal testing. For example, I have again sped up Research to make sure nations get through the tree in an expected timeframe. My goal is to get the US to drop an atomic bomb on someone. Getting this to playout at a semi-historical rate could add a nice urgency and suspense to the overall game. In other words, we’d like the nuclear gameplay to be more than an afterthought. There will be more to say about this topic later.

Work on military AI will continue to be our priority for the next release. It’s also time to implement some Operation Barbarossa events. Much of this rests on Germany’s ability to defeat the French in a timely fashion. This key strategic aim is another challenge that is driving our military AI decisions.

We did not expect to complete a full revision of the military AI system in a single week and this process could last several more. At this stage in development, we must keep the game playable, so major code changes will need to be carefully added. Sometimes portions will be kept back until we feel the impact won't undermine the player experience.

Every update will have many changes listed, too many to describe. Please feel free to inquire about features and changes you have questions about. The feedback from the community has been a very big help. Thanks.

Notes for Early Access Update #3
- Balanced AI Army Recruitment Templates
- Reduced Food Cost for Arms from 2 to 1
- Reduced MPU Growth Rates for Higher Food Infrastructure
- Balance Construction Requirements for Transportation Level 6
- Increased Regional Tax Income for Resources (Modified by Transportation Level)
- Removed Setups for Some kinds of Artillery due to UX issues
- Relabeled Army Columns from Mechanized Infantry to Mobile Infantry
- Implemented new Nation Target triggers for some Events
- Revisions and bug fixes in several existing events
- New events for Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Yugoslavia joining Axis or not
- New Italo-Greek War, Tripartite Pact Events
- Fixed Decal on German Rocket Artillery Model
- Added New Infrastructure Icons for Transportation and Food
- Updated Default Motorized Infantry Unit Render
- Updated Mechanized Infantry Unit Icon to Mobilized
- Added Attack Power to Coastal Guns
- Balanced Region Infrastructure properties, Transportation, Movement
- Increased Speed of Research
- Fixed bug in City content that prevented Boston from upgrading Research buildings
- Removed some Cavalry units from a few modern armies
- Modified Opportunity Attack AI
- Improved AI Sea Invasion criteria
- AI will not order Sea Invasions when target Regions are not in the Nation's sphere.
- Include enemy navies and coastal defense when looking for an overseas target.
- Only consider Sphere Infractions when nation or region is directly in sphere.
- Fix a rare Unit display bug.
- Removed map edges for the Amazon Channels so that ships can't path there.
- Added Mobile Infantry category to the military panel.
- Include Airbases in Fogged map objects.
- Added a "Target Nation" operation to the Event scripting routines.
- Fixed bug in AI evaluation that made nearby over water regions as valuable as Claims.
- Changed building reqs for research to work with higher level buildings.
- Added MPU to extract cost for resource capacities.
- Fixed AI MPU checks for expanding resource caps.
- Fixed some issues with transportation display in the encyclopedia and region select panel.
- Updated AI strength estimates for non-equipment units when determining units to recruit
- AI will no longer recruit units that they have no desire for.
- Fixed broken encyclopedia link for research in the gov panel.
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Offline Asid

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Re: Making History: The Second World War
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2017, 04:35:34 PM »
Early Access Game Update #4
Making History: The Second World War - rmgiv

We’ve finished rewriting the Military Defense AI. This work covered several areas important to making the AI nations tougher opponents. Nations will use their Sphere of Interests combined with the AI Character property Militarism Policy to influence the core of their defensive decisions. Recruitment goals are based on the strength and relationships the other nations within their Sphere. Militarism tells the AI how important it is to match or exceed a rival's military strength level. This has the effect of stimulating an arms race mentality between the Great Powers.

The unit placement logic does a much better job defending borders by more effectively distinguishing friendly versus hostile neighbors. Higher Coastal Defense properties combined with increased Amphibious Assault penalties should add more risk and challenge to sea invasions.

The Military Readiness system we borrowed from The Great War has been replaced with something simpler but generally similar. Readiness no longer penalizes based on a supportable number. In the new system, a Low Readiness will lower the cost and combat strength of all units. The Mobilization Rate determines how quickly your Readiness will increase each turn when you set it higher. Upgrading Transportation Infrastructure will speed up the Rate.

I’ve put some effort into getting Food to be more plentiful by removing the requirement from Arms production. This change should also make Arms easier to come by. As I’ve mentioned previously in one place or another, the game balance will be a continuing process up to and likely beyond release. Please give us your feedback.

A few new Events made it into the game, namely Barbarossa, the German invasion of the Soviet Union. We have not finished all the Events associated with the attack, but we do have the Germans creating their Reichskommissariat occupation governments as they conquer Russia. Our focus will next turn to the Pacific War since the Japanese and Americans need attention. But we will eventually get back to Europe and other areas in the World.

For those who use paratroopers you might notice we’ve added little parachutes dropping out of the back of the Air Transports when you deploy Airborne Infantry. More graphical enhancements are scheduled but the priority is still on the Military systems, AI and Events. Each week we will try to include some UI or art improvements in addition to the larger goals.

Our work on the Military will continue through next week but will be primarily focused on combat resolution. Like other systems in the game, we borrowed code from The Great War to get The Second World War up and running as fast as possible. In the last year we’ve replaced almost all the stand-in code and now the combat system is one of the last significant tasks. The changes could be dramatic. At the very least, we plan to greatly reduce the length of overly lopsided battles and enhance the qualitative factors in combat results. If everything goes as planned, the next update should have the basic implementation.

As always, please feel free to inquire about features and changes you have questions about. The feedback from the community continues to be a huge help. We appreciate those who have taken the time to send in saved games and log reports.

If you have a crash, think you’ve found a bug or maybe just noticed one of my spelling errors, post a note on Steam or email us at

Visit our website to read how to get us debugging information:

Notes for Early Access Update #4
- Added Parachute Animation to Air Transports
- Increased Food Outputs for City Food Production Buildings
- Removed Food Requirement from Arms & Add Metals
- Increased Mechanized Farm Food Output Rate
- Lowered Cost of Arms from 8 to 7 Gold Per Unit
- Added new City called Ravine capital of the Reichskommissariat Ukraine
- Removed Soviet Relations with Yugoslavia at start of game
- Gave USA Motored Boats research project
- Adjusted starting AI Character properties for Military Policy
- Increased several region Farm Levels in USA and Canada
- Lowered chance USA will enter war if France is invaded
- Fixed Military Access triggers that had nation's Giving and Receiving reversed
- Added German Claims to Poland
- Added missing Bulgarian Axis Event checks
- Added Control conditions to Vichy Events to make Free France more likely to fire
- Improved issue where Free France was not allying with the Allies
- Gave Free France Total War Military Policy
- New Barbarossa Event
- New German Reichskommissariat Events
- New Continuation War Event
- Added some conditional checks to improve German Eastern European Events
- Fixed missing check in Italian Albanian Event
- Reverted Civil War definition to be based just on region Nationality
- AI will now choose between Oilers and Colliers based on naval supply needs
- New Assault Penalty for Amphibious Assaults into regions with Coastal Defenses
- Added new property to the encyclopedia for Coastal Defenses
- Improved AI performance tracking Region Defenses
- Fixed evaluation that could cause nations to devalue defense in certain regions
- Fixed erroneous error placing embargos
- region select panel now shows only available region mpus
- AI no longer tries to unload troops involved in combat
- Added current military readiness to the readiness tooltip
- Added a tooltip to explain the sources of mobilization rate
- Redefined "significant war" for AI soft goal
- Militarism low and medium now consider military budgets during recruitment
- Removed dependence of AI recruitment on "supportable units"
- AI Readiness choice is now determined by War and Militarism
- Redefined "too many units" penalty to be based directly off of Readiness
- Added the concept of “desired military power”
- AI will ignore invasion triggers from allies if they are also AI
- Fixed sign error in defend nation AI
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Re: Making History: The Second World War
« Reply #6 on: December 03, 2017, 04:36:31 PM »
Early Access Game Update #5
Making History: The Second World War - rmgiv

We spent the last two weeks implementing a brand new combat resolution system. In the process, a lot of code needed to be ripped out and replaced. It was really too much to complete in a single week so we chose to delay update. These changes will have a large impact on the military gameplay and especially the AI. The work is not done but we wanted to get the new system in the hands of the Community as we make refinements.

The biggest feature improvement in this release is the inclusion of Hit Points on all military units. We moved away from a single hit system that resulted in too much randomness to something that relies more on unit combat properties. This means for example, Infantry can incur casualties and Armor can be damaged without necessarily destroying the unit.

This system should give us greater tactical advantages from one unit type to the next. Reinforcements happen automatically using MPUs and Steel. You can also turn reinforcement off at the group level. More UI conveniences will be added as we proceed and there’s still a lot of balancing to fully exploit the potential of this feature.

New events have been added for the United States and Japan that focus on the Pacific War. Most of these modify AI behavior like getting Japan to attack US & UK Colonies, and the US island hopping campaign. Several nations have new Infantry models since there were some uniform distinction we wanted to provide. Like the USA goes from Infantry I doughboy helmets to the traditional M1.

Some key AI revisions are on the schedule for the coming weeks. Defensive tactics will be getting more attention. We’ll be directing the AI to better defend their borders including dependent nations like Puppets and Colonies - something they don’t currently do well enough. And as we progress, the Offensive AI will require adjustments to take advantage of all the Defensive changes. This work will likely be the last major system revision and it will take time to finish and get balanced.

There are plenty of items left on our todo list. And while we want to get to a finished release soon, we fully intend to maintain focus and make The Second World War something we can be proud of. With the assistance of the Early Access community, we’re confident we can get there soon.

Please feel free to inquire about features and changes.

If you have a crash, think you’ve found a bug or maybe just noticed one of my spelling errors, post a note on Steam or email us at

Visit our website to read how to get us debugging information:

Notes for Early Access Update #5

- Fixed some unit model nation decal errors
- Assigned higher-res Horse textures on Artillery units
- Added new Infantry models for Infantry II: American, Italian. Soviet Japanese, Bulgarian. Spanish Nationalist, Polish, Portuguese, Hungarian, South African, Canadian, Yemeni, Ethiopian, Polynesian, Melanesian, Indian
- Increased MPU replacement rates for higher Food tech levels
- Balanced military units to work with new hit-point system
- New Events for American Neutrality, the Pacific War, and Invasion of North Africa
- Many updates to existing events, especially Barbarossa and Japanese Expansion
- Revised Defensive AI evaluations on coastal defense requirements
- Use Master Nations relations when calculating defense needs on dependent borders
- Enemy threat assessment in the defensive AI is now Empire based
- AI prioritizes building trenchworks when is an engagement in the region
- Fixed bug trying to get last region of port related move orders
- Added new Event trigger: TriggerRemoveNFactories
- Added "bEmpire" property to TriggerConditionNationControlsRegions to change check from direct Nation to Intra-Empire
- Increased AI priority on Event fed targeted regions
- AI no longer skips non-sphere regions over water if that region is a target region or controlled by a target nation
- Revised Propose Alliance AI scoring and to consider current enemies
- End AI creating invalid convoy targets
- Updated Combat Resolution routine to reflect new Hit Point system
- Combat Power for land engagements now favors higher combat values
- Damaged land and air units will now regenerate health while not in combat
- Hit Point Reinforcement now charges MPUs and Steel
- Allow players to turn off Hit Point Reinforcement by group
- Updated Group UI panels to show Hit Points, Damages and Casualties
- Group UI List area combines all unit types together despite nationality
- Group UI List area shows nationality in the expanded rows
- Updated Split panel to show Hit Point information
- Adjusted nation power ratio check to lower threshold for nuking an enemy
- Added available MPU check back to AI recruitment
- Fixed math for charging steel and MPUs for Hit Point Reinforcement
- Balanced Factory Output profits and build times
- Increased output for Capacities
- New Icons for Unit Panels
- Fixed bug in Check Subordinate Revolt event
- Changed assumption that kept Humans from getting many Events
- Fixed bug in Total Casualties on the military panel
- Fixed some sorting in the military panel
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Offline Asid

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Re: Making History: The Second World War
« Reply #7 on: December 23, 2017, 03:25:11 PM »
Early Access Game Update #6

The latest version of The Second World War is now live. There's a lot of new AI improvements, fixes and some new content additions. To begin with, we’ve about finished our comprehensive rewrite of the Land Offensive/Defensive AI. For the most part, the changes may not be very noticable. But over the course of a full game, players should experience an AI making wiser large and small scale decisions that will alter outcomes of battles and ultimately wars.

A major effort has gone into making the AI significantly more aware of it’s defensive needs both at home and abroad. They will also now attempt to gather reserves so front line collapses should not always lead to a total collapse. To get the AI to this level of functionality, new logic was required for how they move, split, reinforce unit groups and when to join a battle or consider it a lost cause.

We have a few more elements to complete in the Land Offensive/Defensive AI, including Improving Empire Defense, even better Allied support evaluations and ensuring the US is properly focused on defeating the Axis. The later issue encompasses bolder amphibious attacks and island to island campaigns.

The last update we introduced the new unit hitpoints. This had a fundamental impact on all systems related to the military. Some combat properties became overly powerful like Air to Sea attacks. These have been rebalanced along with other game areas like production times for all ships and the shipping capacity resource. We felt that although in reality a carrier can take a long time to build, reality does not always translate into entertaining. We’ll remain open minded about how best to balance the game and try to settle on a consensus position where possible.

Further adjustments to the overall game have been made to bring the systems in line with the new unit hitpoint mechanics. This is an area we intend to expand on, especially in the UI as we discover better ways to present new combat information. In general, if there something in the UI you feel needs attention, please let us know. Community feedback on this would be appreciated.

There are many new historical and some alternative history events in this update. We are close to finishing the required minimum events spec’d for release on the first scenario, but I keep adding to the wishlist and expect to go well beyond the minimum. The new Ottoman and Turkestan Revival for Turkey fall into that category. They are both in game now and we plan to later incorporate them into the Steam Achievement system. Other events are to be added for most nations that will function in a similar fashion.

As some may have noticed, we’ve shifted from an every week scheduled update to one every 2 weeks. This is primarily due to the type of changes we’ve been working on. AI improvements can take quite a bit of time and results often require additional refinement passes. A week does not give us enough time to properly implement, test and rebalance. Even with a second week, the changes in this update are so comprehensive that some issues are still lingering.

The next update is planned for after the December Holidays and New Year. We’ll be looking to refine and polish Air & Naval AI and begin checking off items from our large but manageable list of smaller tasks that will take us to release. And there’s still Tutorial, Encyclopedia, Achievements and a new scenario to finish. I’ll be starting a 1939 pre-Poland Invasion scenario over the holidays. If things go as planned, it might make the next update.

Please feel free to inquire about changes, offer ideas and provide feedback.

If you have a crash, think you’ve found a bug or maybe just noticed one of my spelling errors, post a note on Steam or email us at

Visit our website to read how to get us debugging information:

Notes for Early Access Update #6

AI Changes:
- Major rewrite of Land Defense AI
- Reworked defense requirement calculations
- Improved AI ability to identify regions that need defending
- Revised AI group splitting for better unit to region allocations
- AI defends against units belonging to non-enemy but unfriendly nations
- Moved defensive AI balance numbers to the xml for modding
- Revised defense AI to distribute groups to defense regions while at war
- Incentivize AI to hold reserve troops adjacent to defense regions and engagements
- Reworked Offensive AI land targeting evaluations
- Changed definition of Obvious target to be undefended Artillery/Air units or undefended City
- Don't consider defense when Obvious target is in range
- Fixed overseas AI from constantly picking the same overseas target
- Reworked engagement AI to avoid “piling on” or sending troops to a "lost cause"
- Fixed bug in AI evaluation of enemy coastal defenses in opportunity attack
- Revised offensive AI to consider defense needs when moving troops
- Reworked Support Allies AI to consider allied defense during peacetime
- Improved power calculation in Support Allies AI
- Fix for rare bug in offensive AI searching for region that a group is already in
- AI turn processing now processes independent nations first
- Reordered AI processing to prioritize military plans and ensure specific order
- Turned on Subordinate Nation recruitment AI

Game System Changes:
- Changed rule on Military Access agreements to be Empire wide
- Fixed bug so AI no longer considers landlocked Gulf of Ob a Coastal Region
- Units stuck behind in peace deals can now get supplies to exit
- Tanks no longer limited to moving 1 region a turn
- Movement table now shows MAX movement for transportation level 0
- Updated Movement Table
- Added strict pathfinding rules to Convoy targets and Artillery units
- Fixed calculations on Ranged attack hits to use Power instead of rolling to hit

Content Changes:
- Added more Soviet forces on the Siberian front
- Fixed Decal on British Light Tank II
- Fixed Animation Glitch in Railway Gun shoot
- Swapped Democratic and Fascist flag
- Swapped Nuclear Labs and Jet Labs levels
- Lowered Power of Coastal Defense
- Reduced time for producing Shipping and Airlift Capacity
- Reduced Production Time for all Ships
- Increased Defensive Power of Militia
- Modified Multiple Unit Properties For Combat Balancing
- Significantly Reduced Air to Sea Attack Power
- New City Added in Caroline Islands call Moen for Truk naval base
- Changed China and Japan nation colors
- Added German Unit Icon Images
- Updated HP tooltips: Replaced Health with Strength & Casualties with Reinforcements
- Relabeled UI Auto Trade Title from Trade Amount to Stockpile Target
- Fixed land engagement UI popup showing the same unit multiple times
- Implemented Annex Nation and All Subordinates function for Event scripts
- Implemented Neutrality Pact function for Event scripts
- Increased AI desire to go after regions referenced as target regions in Events
- An Event failure no longer stops execution of all subsequent Events.
- New Events for American takeover of Greenland and Iceland
- New German Atlantic Wall Events
- New Neutrality Pact Events (Keeps USSR & Japan from fighting & Phoney War)
- New Soviet Factory Relocation Events
- New Thailand Events (Franco-Thai War, Alliance with Japan)
- New Turkish Events (Axis or Allies, Hatay, Ottoman or Turkestan Revival)
- New Vichy French Colonial Revolts Events
- New Japan Events (Vietnam, Thailand Invasion)
- New USA Events: Pacific and North African Campaigns
- New Irish Events (Axis or Allies, Blueshirts)
- New Spain Events (Join Axis, Italy, Germany Attack Republican Spain)
- New Italy Event for Invasion of Malta
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Re: Making History: The Second World War
« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2018, 08:19:02 PM »
Early Access Game Update #7

A newly updated version of The Second World War is now available. The team lost a week or so to the holidays and there were a few sick days to overcome. Even with those obstacles, we executed a long list of improvements to the game. Again, most of our efforts have been AI related but we are continuing to add new content, events, feature improvements and of course bug fixes.

In this release we are introducing a new scenario called Last Days of Peace. It begins a few weeks before the Invasion of Poland. This allows players to skip the buildup years and get right into the war. Neither scenario is 100% complete so expect to see further balancing and content as we work towards release.

A new big addition to the AI has been to give it motivation to create and maintain contiguous fronts against enemies and potential threats. The implementation for this system took us through several variations. Initially the AI tended to become too narrowly focused on specific regions due to strength evaluations. Rather than spreading the units out along a front, we ended up with big stacks that led to gaps in front. Eventually the big stacks became pockets, often surrounded by Heavy Artillery that pounded them to extinction. It was kind of fun to see but not the gameplay we were looking for.

There were many factors to consider beside just having an enemy on the border. There is the opposing nation’s strength to consider but also the relationship status. We do not want Canada to think they need troops on the US border and vice versa. Some nations like the Soviet Union are so large that their defensive needs are always greater than what they have available. So the defense priority evaluations are especially challenging for the Soviet AI. They became our ultimate test case while we worked out the rough edges.

The AI is also considering potential invasion threats by sea or through bordering buffer states. Support Allies improvements allows the AI to better defend on Allied fronts and fill the fronts throughout their empire. Additionally, we’ve introduced the concept of Secondary Fronts so the AI will now try to create lines of reserves.

All the Major nations now have unique Unit Icon images. So you no longer will see a British soldier or Tank in a Japanese unit panel. We’ll soon have all the images in to match the unit you see on the map.

Next week the team will be shifting attention over to Air and Sea gameplay. One goal is to significantly increase the impact of strategic bombing against industrial targets. This will include changes to the way cities receive damage and the presentation of bombing results. Nations should be compelled to focus attention on defending the homeland against attacks by patrolling fighters and constructing air defense infrastructure. The AI is already doing a lot of air operations. But we’d like to increase the activity and add greater emphasis to air weapon systems that truly came of age during WWII.

With the Naval Ai we’ll be looking at improving survivability decisions like convoy grouping for troop transports, knowing when to run away from a fight and avoiding unnecessary engagements with coastal defenses. Carriers are currently good at air attacks but they need to get better at using their fighters to defend the task force.

Thanks again to all the current users out there that take the time to post messages about issues and ideas. This process would be taking us even longer to get through without your support.

Notes for Early Access Update #7

Content Changes:
- Added new pre-Poland invasion scenario “The Last Days of Peace”
- Fixed icons for mapview tooltip for food production
- Lowered Militia Hitpoint & Defensive Strength
- Added Italian, Soviet, French & Japanese Unit Icon Images
- Updated Cossack, Huisu & Kyrgyz Communist Flags
- Added missing Soviet claim on Tajikistan
- Updated Initial Diplomatic Influence for Soviet vs. neighbors
- New Soviet-German Axis Trigger
- Added events that can damage German-Soviet Relations pre-Poland Invasion
- Added Spanish Gibraltar claims
- New Argentina Coup and Axis Decision events
- Added Soviet Armistice event
- New Brazil Joins Allies, Nationalists Coup Attempt and Communist Revolt events
- Added German Claims in Africa event

AI Changes:
- Implemented AI to maintain Front against enemies and threats
- Front AI will avoid creating gaps when evaluating regions to invade
- Revised defensive AI to spread along contiguous fronts
- AI accounts loss of defense in a region for moving troops in the support allies plan
- No longer uses attack power from equipment units for offense planning
- Better accounting for support allies in the return home plan
- Support Allies AI has more defensive awareness
- Added group splitting logic to Support Allies AI
- Implemented AI to create secondary (reserve) fronts
- Increased AI defense for coastal regions in other nation's sphere
- Added Amphibious Assault penalty & Terrain modifiers for offense AI evaluations
- End attack plans when desired power can not be deployed
- Add pre-war land Regions to Sphere of Interest target checks
- Great Powers and Superpowers can invade outside their sphere
- Increased desired strength for overseas invasions
- Fixed AI bug sending wrong group when splitting units for defensive
- Modified desired strength estimate and definition of Obvious Targets
- Regions that don't border the enemy but do border an Ally use less defense
- Ignore equipment units when evaluating target planning
- Expand definition of bordering an enemy to include unfriendly regions with troops
- Include Buffer States when evaluating border defense
- AI won't abandon coastal regions when reorganizing defenses

Game System Changes:
- Neutrality Pacts no longer prevent defensive evaluations
- Revised supply access rules to be based on region control
- Troop Transports no longer contribute to Military Totals
- Troop Transports no longer contribute to World Power Points

UI Changes:
- Fixed fuel penalty displays on non-Naval Group panels

Editor Changes:
- Can now edit sea regions for existing cities
- Fixed adding city buildings when no city building of that type existed
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Re: Making History: The Second World War
« Reply #9 on: February 18, 2018, 08:20:44 PM »
Early Access Game Update #8

In the prior three months, work on The Second World War was dedicated almost entirely to land-based Offensive and Defensive military AI. This process consumed most of our efforts and kept us from moving into other areas. For this release we’ve turned our attention to improving the Air and Sea gameplay.

Bombing your enemy’s cities has become more consequential with the new factory hitpoint system we’ve added in Update #8. When your air units target city industries, the attacks can damage factories and potentially wipe out the buildings. Damaged factories do not run their production but they do automatically heal. While it’s not meant to be easy to destroy factories, sustained bombing can keep them idled while chipping away at the infrastructure hitpoints.

A new air unit property called “Accuracy” has been added to give us a better way of distinguishing technically superior units. The combat routine uses this factor to modify the % chance to achieve a successful hit on the target. Before this feature, bombing results were mostly differentiated by Attack Power which determines how much damage a successful hit might inflict. Accuracy will be applied to both bombing and strafing attacks.

The air Ai is being encouraged to aggressively carryout bombing campaigns on enemy cities. This will require players to take measures to defend their industries from production interruptions. AI fighters are ordered to escort the bombers to the extent of their own range. Beyond that distance, bombers will be at the mercy of enemy fighters and AA guns. There’s upcoming work needed to improve AI air defense priorities, engaging enemy air attacks and air group size management. This should all be completed for Update #9.

We’ve also worked on improving how the AI manages troop transport convoys. Too many of these units were being sent off without escorts. Now the AI will wait and try to find combat vessels to pair with. If a naval group escorting troop transports is intercepted by an enemy force, the AI is now more likely to attempt to retreat in order to save the convoy. Both these measures should make troop transports less vulnerable and reduce the MPU losses at sea.

On the system side, we did another round of memory optimizations that should help minimize issues with game crashes. Going forward, we’ll continue looking for more ways to improve stability and performance. Some players have pointed out that city building demolishing took too long. We’ve alter the time to be 5 turns for all buildings. And finally, because of the changes that added hitpoints to factories, Mods created before this release will not work properly. There is file you can download from the Factus Games Support page that will fix the issue.

Next week the team is scheduled to continue finishing up Air and Naval AI. Some further focus will be given on the American entry and impact on the war. This should involve gameplay improvements associated with invasions and nuclear warfare.

We are also beginning to work through the overall list of remaining must-have items needed for release. There’s still plenty to do, features to polish, bugs to fix and remaining content to balance. Still, with the majority of AI rewrites completed, the final release of the game should be a matter of weeks rather than months.

Notes for Early Access Update #8

AI Changes:
- Revised air AI so that fighters no longer accompany bomber groups
- Fighters will defend bomber groups to the extent of their range
- Bombers will not limit their bombing targets to fighter ranges
- Prioritize Air defense over offensive missions
- Fixed AI bug that improperly handled canceling projects
- Improved accuracy of AI Stockpile evaluation
- AI splits off unsupplied units from groups when wanting to move
- Reworked troop transport AI to use escort ships
- Naval groups more likely to retreat from combat when escorting transports
- Changed Super Power nation status definition to 30% of World Power Points.

UI Changes:
- Added Unit Icons in game for all nations
- UI now shows correct dismantle time and costs
- Predicted time display for construction is fixed
- Summary panel now uses the 'Demolish' text when showing active projects
- Added icon for Carrier Conversion
- Updated Strafing icon in encyclopedia
- Updated factory related UI to show damaged factories
- Added factory Hitpoints and Repair Rate to encyclopedia

Game System Changes:
- Added Hitpoint system for factories to stop production, damage and destroy
- Added Accuracy property to air unit
- Modified Air Combat algorithm to use the Accuracy property
- Air units no longer applies the Morale Modifier to combat power.
- Upgrading city buildings no longer fails if system can't find the old building
- Dismantle for buildings time is now fixed at 5 turns
- More accurate group fuel calculations
- Fixed Research power points calculation
- Fixed bug in event function TriggerInheritResearch
- Removed TriggerInheritResearchFromString

Memory Optimization:
- Fixed bug where AI could research the same topic multiple times
- Revised research data storage
- Removed redundant TriggerConditionMinimumTurn event function
- New Model Options to lower memory impact
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Re: Making History: The Second World War
« Reply #10 on: February 18, 2018, 08:22:22 PM »
Early Access Game Update #9

We were not expecting to offer a new pre-release update this week. The plan was to push through most of the remaining outstanding bugs and feature revisions in preparation for a February official release. Then more of those frustrating memory crash reports popped up. This inspired us to set aside all immediate goals and take one more serious crack at reducing a problem that has plagued the game throughout the Early Access period. It was clear The Second World War would not be ready for final release without finding someway to make these crashes a rarity.

The team had already implemented numerous optimizations across the game engine and art in order to minimize the memory spikes that triggered the crashes. These solutions often reduced the frequency. But as we continued making improvements to the game, we eventually overwhelmed any savings previously gained. And while reducing the number of models definitely helped, it was an unsatisfactory trade-off.

This memory issue is associated with the application not the machine. So no matter how great your PC is, the game could still run out of memory and crash. Fortunately, our lead engineer had one final idea that he’d estimated might give us some relief - more head room so to speak. As it turns out, the solution was rather easy to implement, especially in comparison to the other things we were considering. None of which could have delivered more than a fraction of savings we ended up with.

Essentially the game is no longer rendering every unit in the game on every frame. The camera now defines the viewport and only renders objects within view. This has a huge impact on game memory. So much that we feel these type of memory crashes should no longer occur during a normal game.

It may sound like an obvious modification, and of course I wish we’d done this a year ago. The team inherited this engine and it has taken some time for us to tear through it and make changes. There could have been a good reason for setting the camera up as it was but ultimately, it did not work for the Second World War.

There are many other new fixes and additions with pre-release #9, but this memory solution is just such a big deal, I felt I needed to focus my update on that. Much of the work we’ve done beside optimization has been targeted at finishing the task list and responding to user requests and bug reports.

While the production schedule was slowed down last week, a massive hurdle appears to have been overcome. Like any application, it could still crash but it will unlikely be a game memory crash. We are interested in hearing about issues players may have. It’s always possible we missed something.

The next update will likely be the final one before the official release. We are a little behind schedule.

Notes for Early Access Update #9

AI Changes:
- Air missions no longer suspended for hard-coded number of turns when Fuel is low
- Reworked air patrol and bombing planning for splitting off groups for missions
- AI will now stop repairing ships if there are no ships to repair
- Production AI focuses on reducing overall demand rather than meeting specific demands
- Improved Production AI to be smarter about key production inputs like Steel.
- Increased DesiredBomberPower to encourage larger bomber stacks
- Increased the desired power for AI Sea Invasions
- AI no longer has turn restrictions for limiting nuke targets

Game System Changes:
- MPU growth rate is now based on Population rather than MPUs
- Fixed MPU growth rate calculation error
- Re-balanced MPU growth modifier after change to population based growth
- MPU Recruitment now uses random region culling
- Apply HP reduction penalty to Anti-Air fire
- Bombardment hit generation of cities now more closely matches naval combat
- Shore bombardment of units and coastal defenses now using consistent algorithm
- Upgrading units maintain same health fraction after upgrading
- Fixed projected revenue being less than 0 in the UI
- Ship breakdown now spreads itself across shipyards

Memory Optimization:
- No longer render off-screen unit models (major memory savings)
- Reworked model culling for smooth transitions over x = 0
- Set lower y FOV offset to avoid near camera clipping
- Load models in before showing them when zooming in
- Fixed bug where units located at some air bases would not be shown

UI Changes:
- Fixed Graphic distortion in French Flag
- Added now Strafe Icon to Encyclopedia entries
- Altered string for Health Infrastructure bonus from MPU to Pop. to reflect actual value
- Relabeled "MPU Growth Bonus" to "Pop. Growth Bonus"
- Moved Panama City to correct side of Isthmus
- New Terrain modifier tooltips and Icons
- Updated terrain modifier icons for engagement tooltips
- Added terrain modifiers to the encyclopedia
- Defender resistances tooltip now uses defense bonus from terrain modifiers
- Revised trade and supply access mapviews
- Fixed Supply (battery) icon on group selection panel for air, army, and artillery units
- Added some Treaty background images

Content Changes:
- Lowered Research bonus of Research Buildings
- Reduced requirements for Research to speed up
- Added new D-Day trigger & revised others
- Increased Possible Research Points Per Turn from 4 to 5
- New American Deployment Events
- Revised Altitude values for Aircraft
- Modified (Lowered) Research requirements for some projects
- Fixed misspelling of Gulf of Tonkin
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Re: Making History: The Second World War
« Reply #11 on: March 25, 2018, 02:49:04 AM »
Early Access Game Update #10

A new version of the Second World War is now available. Update #10 is intended to be our final Early Access Update. The plan is to have the game ready for an official release sometime next month. Many of the previous updates were focused on the AI. In this release we begin to turn our attention again towards features and UI clean up.

Submarine detection behavior has been significantly improved. Now ships and aircraft with sub detection capability only have a % chance to see a sub on a given turn. This allows us to give higher level units improved sub sighting ability and expand the stealth gameplay of the submarine units. Enemy subs can more easily sneak up on a fleet, engage and retreat.

The naval AI received some further attention. Nations will no longer send their fleets to bombard land forces while ignoring Coastal Defense attacks against it. This was leading to some unwise shipping losses in the English Channel. The AI will now prioritize target coastal batteries but generally avoid dangerous sea regions - except when enemy transports appear. We also made changes to encourage naval AI to provide escorts for their capital ships.

A couple of features suggested by a Steam Forum user were added. Aircraft, Missiles and Artillery units can now directly target enemy Artillery groups. Before the attack order applied damages to all land units in a region. And the Strafing Order was changed from only running a single turn to being continuous until canceled. Both these ideas seemed good enough to squeeze in, even though we’re not really in an add new features phase.

The UI has been getting small fixes, mostly tasks like adding missing properties in the Encyclopedia and improving labeling consistency. The Encyclopedia is still missing a lot of description information, as is the lobby. Many of these items have been written but not yet put into the game. They will all be filled in for the final release.

In version 10 we have introduced an in-game, light tutorial for new users. This will mostly present information about the UI and also be some introductory gameplay hints. We are looking at adding a Glossary to the Encyclopedia that will also include more howto information.

The Second World War is almost complete. And while there is a lot of work ahead, the remaining items on our must-have list are dwindling fast. It’s been a long haul getting the game to this point - much longer than we planned for. I’m going to save the excuses for the post release recap. In the meantime, thank you to all the current users out there who have offered us feedback and bug reports. This process would have taking us even longer without your support.

Release Notes for Early Access Update #10

AI Changes:
- Reworked AI rebase logic to be more offense minded
- AI no longer targets undetected subs as bombing targets
- AI will now prioritize targeting Coastal Defenses for shore bombardment
- Updated naval AI to try and maintain group composure
- AI will try to keep Carriers and Battleships with support vessels
- Coastal Defenses only fire upon visible subs
- AI will avoid sending ships to sea regions with enemy Coastal Defense
- AI will always try to send ships to stop enemy Troop Ships from unloading

Game System Changes:
- Can now directly target Artillery through bombing and strafing
- Can now specifically target Artillery using Missiles and Artillery
- Aircraft factory types now require an airbase in region to be able to build Air units
- Units and buildings no longer heal the turn they are damaged
- Fixed issue with Cruiser to Carrier Conversion preventing game saves while active
- Improved ordering and results logic for 3 way engagements
- Check for sub detection before showing subs in the sea region selection panel
- Fixed sea engagements to respect new sub detection rules
- Improved sub detection system, no longer automatic, units have different abilities
- Fixed issue that could remove some escort groups before units could load onto them
- Revised capacity costs to either use all rail or all road, but preferring rail
- Reworked capacity costs for road and shipping capacities
- The air unit Altitude property no longer caps vulnerability to attacks, it now declines
- Strafe attacks now repeat instead running once
- Patrolling naval or air units can now detect subs along patrol path
- Set frame rate to 60
- Fixed bug preventing trade on first turn of a new nation created by a player

UI Changes:
- Fixed UI bug when revising a proposed trade agreement
- UI structure and system for in-game tips/light tutorial mode
- Added persistent game option to enable or disable in game tips
- Added toggle to the options menu to turn on or off tips
- Added button on start screen to enter with tips on
- Disabled keyboard shortcuts while game tips are being shown
- Added Offense and Defense values to terrain tooltips in Land unit Encyclopedia
- No longer show unused Land Unit properties in Encyclopedia
- Added Glider Assault Range to Light Gliders in the Encyclopedia
- Added Airborne Assault Ranges to Air Transports in the Encyclopedia
- Added Firing Range to Ships in the Encyclopedia
- Added Fuel and Coal Carry to Ships in the Encyclopedia
- Added Bombardment Strength to Coastal Defense in the Encyclopedia
- Added Shots to Air Defense infrastructure in the Encyclopedia
- Added new Unit property Icons for Encyclopedia
- Changed Assault Penalty icon for Coastal Defense
- UI now shows correct capacity costs for trade agreements
- Updated labels and icons on Military panels to make more consistent
- Added tooltip information to help explain factory output stoppages
- Revised Mapview labels and Tooltips for consistency

Content Changes:
- Renamed Research Project String from Air To Air Rockets to Air To Surface Rockets
- Fighter Strafe and Bombing properties now reflect Air To Surface Rocket capabilities
- Added Sub Detection capability to most Air units
- Modified Recruitment Building limits for top level Infantry units
- Made Seaplane Tenders use Coal instead of Fuel
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Re: Making History: The Second World War
« Reply #12 on: May 02, 2018, 04:23:54 PM »
Official Release Date Set

Making History: The Second World War is scheduled to release on April 27 2018.
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Re: Making History: The Second World War
« Reply #13 on: May 02, 2018, 04:30:08 PM »
Early Access Complete Update
22 April - rmgiv   

Making History: The Second World War
is scheduled to officially release on April 27 2018. An almost complete Pre-Release Final version of the game is now live on Steam.
With the exception of Achievements and Music, this update contains all the system, AI and content for the official final release.

The work for this update was focused on content and game balancing. We’ve added 98 achievements to the game but they will remain off until the final release goes live. Please note, Early Access saved games will not work with achievements. The music soundtrack will be revised in the official release version.

After the game is officially released, we expect there will be a need for improvements and bug fixes. Factus Games will be supporting this game with new updates.

A sincere thank you to the Second World War Early Access Community. The bug reports and feedback were vital to the process.

Release Notes for Early Access Complete Update:

AI Changes:
- AI won't rebase planes without fuel.
- AI now increases defensive value of regions with cities.
- AI will no longer ask nations for an alliance when they have a trade embargo.
- Total War nations extend their target region list to allies in war when considering peace.
- Improve military units versus capacity production logic.
- Skip Total War check when considering peace if nation has been nuked.
- AI will try to meet minimum military strength with regards to land, sea, or air.
- Reworked conditions on deciding whether or not to build military units.
- Regions that have aircraft factories are considered good for airbases.
- Great powers and superpowers consider other like powers when determining desired power.
- Overseas target logic revised.
- Improved convoy pathfinding.
- Nations are more likely to consider peace after being nuked.
- Nations are willing to leave an alliance if they have been nuked.
- Implemented new REGIME_CHANGE treaty term in response to being nuked.
- Fixed bug where subordinates would try to change military access.
- Masters will now ask for money from their puppets.
- Subordinates auto accept money transfers from their masters.
- No longer stop the lowering of tax rates if the nation is in debt.
- Nations now adjust corruption spending whether they have negative stability or not.
- Increased chances of war support for nations with matching ideology.
- Reworked choose sides modifiers for diplomatic status templates.
- Establish relations if new alliance members do not have diplomatic relations,
- AI will only surrender unconditionally if they have a "home" region nuked.
- AI are less likely to consider peace if a "non-home" region is nuked.
- AI won't reduce taxes if they have too much debt instability.
- Added a power divisor for en route groups in the offensive AI.
- Modified AI properties to encourage more successful invasions
- Reduced Unrestricted Sub Warfare Chance from 5 to 3

Game System Changes:
- Implemented new combat stacking restraint system - limits number of units that can be engaged.
- Disabled frontage penalty - replaced with new system.
- Artillery are no longer involved in engagements - ranged attacks only.
- Added infrastructure for scripting Achievements
- Added server attribute to turn Achievements on and off
- Added new Achievements system
- Reworked GetTurnsRemaining query for move orders for accuracy.
- Fixed MPU check for non-MPU units when the number of available MPUs is less than 0.
- Strafing in water now uses Sea Surface Power.
- Clear strafe orders if they are no more valid targets.
- Added a set of triggers that allow for scripting of Convoy targets.
- Added the ability for TriggerCreateNotification to target alliances.
- Decreased stability benefits of a large treasury.
- Increased Tax rate penalties.
- Purge corruption costs now scale by world power points.
- New TriggerConditionAny runs all conditions.
- New TriggerConditionNot and TriggerConditionAll.
- Added "bHideNotice" property to TriggerBreakAlliance tosuppress the popup notification.
- Merged Fighters and Jet Fighters unit categories with respect to AI recruitment.
- Colliers and Oilers now have their own naming class.
- Use actual tax rate stability when determining tax rate.
- Modified Capacity production to complete in single turn cycles.
- Nations at war will have the AtWar status even if they have cut ties.
- Units in nuked regions have a chance to take damage over time.
- Nukes now reduce population in a region based on the number of MPUs killed.
- Linux compiler fixes
- Fix for odd crash in tooltip for supply access mapview.
- Optimization fix for transportation pathfinding.
- Fix for stale pointer crash in return home AI.

UI Changes:
- Updated engagement selection panel to show Total Units & Units in Reserve.
- Added new icons for Total Units & Reserves for Combat Reports.
- Top info bar will dynamically resize based on screen size.
- increased text spacing for unit group stats.
- Added Prospecting Chance to region select resources popup.
- Fixed cost per MPU tooltips to more closely match actual values.
- Added group details to the units popup on the engagement panel.
- Added group health to engagement panel forces popup.
- Revised Political view so dependencies now have their own nation colors.
- Moved Master nation colored subordinates mapview to Empire Mapviews.
- Mapview slideout is now toggleable.
- Removed % from MPU Replacement Rate tooltip.
- Added tooltips to show Government systems.
- Fixed sorting on trade agreement buy/sell in the world market tab.
- Added a "Previous" button to the Tutorial panels.
- Show tax revenue for city buildings in the encyclopedia.
- Changed labels on In-Game Menu buttons.
- Updated labels on UI Panels to make consistent and more accurate.
- Reduced opacity of Continent Map View.
- Implemented Tutorial options menu.
- In-Game Options now uses toggle buttons for shadows and compressed terrain.
- Conformed naval groups & ships icons.
- Added tooltip to naval groups button on the sea region selection panel
- Added spacing to naval units list in the Port popup panel.
- Added DEFAULT Achievement Icon

Content Changes:
- Revised Bomb Region Order string to cover both units and defenses.
- Updated and added to Tutorial content.
- Reduced MPU Replacement Rates by Food Infrastructure.
- Increased Fuel Output per turn.
- Added unique colors to dependent states for new Political Map View.
- Increased Hit points to ship units.
- Altered Movement Table entry for Track - now allows Road use.
- Reduced purge corruption cost to 1 gold per WPP per percent.
- Shortened scenario game length for Last Days of Peace.
- General factory balancing.
- Increased accuracy of planes by about 20%.
- Decreased air infrastructure power.
- Reduced sea surface power for planes by about 20%.
- Increased coastal defense power by 20%.
- Increased Militia hitpoints and defense power.
- Added missing Encyclopedia descriptions.
- Added primary nation lobby description strings.
- Fixed string error in Research Projects - Machine Guns.
- Added ROC recruitment facilities in Last Days of Peace.
- Gave more starting troops to ROC n Last Days of Peace.
- Added oil resources to Dutch East Indies.
- Fixed Indonesian region Oil resource data error.
- New city in Chile Antofagasta.
- Fixed region display name from Tonking to "Tonkin"
- Added Access agreement Denmark/Iceland.
- Fixed region locations for Visaya seas.
- Added Chinese units in Last Days of Peace.
- Added city renaming events for Istanbul/Constantinople.
- New Operation Torch event.
- New British 8th Army event.
- Expanded Afrika Korps event.
- Revised American AI War events.
- Added American nuclear events to Building for War.
- New Japanese and American Pacific War events.
- New Argentine & German Task Force event.
- New Germany Mexico events.
- New Sweden events.
- Fixed bug in Free France events.-
- Fixed Brazil war event loop.
- Fix to D-Day event.
- Fixed some data errors in Argentine events.
- Fixed Hungarian & Romanian Axis events.
- Fixed Greenland Loop trigger error
- Fix to Iraqi Axis event.
- Fix to Egyptian Axis event.
- Fixed bug in Nordic Invasion event.
- Fixed typo "KindomOfItaly" to "KingdomOfItaly" in Italiain Irredentism achievement
- Lowered region control threshold in Soviet-Poland event to have Russians join war sooner.

- Don't double-draw units in the editor (can still make subs visible by checking bEditMode)
- Draw airbases in the editor
- Added UI to edit previously un-editable properties on unit templates
- Only show relevant unit props in the unit template editor
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Re: Making History: The Second World War
« Reply #14 on: May 02, 2018, 04:30:57 PM »
The Second World War Officially Released
27 April - rmgiv   

Factus Games proudly announces the official release of Making History: The Second World War. We wish to extend a special thanks to all the players who assisted the development team through the Early Access period. The feedback and bug reports were extremely helpful to our efforts. We also received many great suggestions and some we were able to add to the game.

Going forward we will continue to support Making History: The Second World War with updates, improvements and any necessary bug fixes.
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