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Author Topic: Legends of Ellaria  (Read 37678 times)

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Legends of Ellaria
« on: September 16, 2017, 05:42:54 PM »

Legends of Ellaria is a first person adventure and Role Playing Game where you can build your own kingdom and fight epic battles in an immersive world. Alter this world every step of the way with the decisions you make.

Official Site: Here
Official forum: Here
YouTube Channel:Here
Steam: Here


Early Access Trailer

About This Game
Legends of Ellaria is a First-Person/Real-Time Strategy Adventure and Role Playing Sandbox game where you can build your own kingdom, fight epic battles and explore an immersive fantasy world. Command your armies and lead them from the front lines, all set in a universe where an ancient civilization established portals between worlds.

Your first task is to escape your dying world to Ellaria, and rebuild your kingdom. Your task will not be easy, as your old enemies have followed you, and strange beasts populate this new world. Your greatest threat, however, will come from an entirely different world...

Main Game Features:
•   Swap between real-time strategy and first person modes at any time.
•   Recruit, lead and command your armies.
•   Construct cities building by building, in multiple regions.
•   Rule your kingdom's economy, research upgrades for your cities, armies and your own skills.
•   Interact with other civilizations and kingdoms through personal dialogues and diplomacy.
•   Control your character in the first person, including his / her skills and abilities
•   Control other characters in your kingdom through First-Person, including your heroes and your soldiers.

This Early Access version will include the following features:
•   Third-Person character control
•   Third-Person combat mode with various melee weapons, bow, and magics
•   Inventory system
•   Army management in RTS and Third-Person modes
•   Construction In RTS
•   Dialogue menu
•   Quests
•   Many dungeons to explore
•   Main Story - Chapter 1

Coming soon features:
•   World and regional map
•   Kingdom management, laws and sphere of influence
•   Espionage, diplomacy and other kingdoms
•   Tech tree, more city buildings, civic events
•   More Main Story chapters
•   More maps
•   Shields, two-handed weapons, and utility magic
•   Siege weapons, cavalry, dwarves, necromancers, elves
•   RPG leveling system and classes
•   Character design
•   Army design
•   Control any character in your kingdom
•   Control and interact with any object
•   First Person

Planned Features:
•   Mac, Linux, Xbox
•   Multiplayer
•   Modding

« Last Edit: September 13, 2019, 02:44:47 PM by Asid »
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Re: Legends of Ellaria
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2017, 04:42:00 PM »
30% 2-Month Celebration Discount!!

Celebration Discount Will Be Up Today!

Hey guys,

Today we're excited to announce that as a celebration of turning 2-months since our Early Access release and reaching an official mostly positive score, and a 'recent reviews' very positive score on Steam we're releasing a 30% Discount on Legends of Ellaria for the whole week!

We want as many people to enjoy Ellaria as possible, we have been committed to grow from your feedback and update consistently to improve the experience, as we've said before, we truly want to build an epic game for all of you.

This means that if you have any feedback, reviews, comments, opinions, bugs, we will definitely listen and get to work ASAP on them.
We will also be releasing a minor update this Wednesday, with some new content & bug fixes to make your adventure more enjoyable :)

As always, thank you for supporting us!

See you in Ellaria,

- The Larkon Studio Team
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Re: Legends of Ellaria
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2017, 12:40:00 AM »
Version is out!

A new version of Legends of Ellaria is now LIVE, with some interface improvements and a new player home. Here are the features and bug-fixes:

New Features:
•   You can select multiple saves in the load window by holding Ctrl / Shift.
•   You can delete unwanted saves in the load window.
•   The loading window displays the thumbnail for the selected save.
•   The aiming cursor is only visible when holding a ranged weapon.
•   You now have a home. You can enter your home through the second door of the City Hall (the opposite door from your advisor's entrance).
•   You can press E to use some items and tools and help construct buildings and use objects. We'll add more in later versions

Fixed Issues:
•   The resolutions dropdown in the options menu would overflow past the screen.
•   Dragging an item from the quick use panel was not equipping the item.
•   The Tavern had missing materials on the upper level.
•   The Blacksmith worker had a dialogue option "Press E to Talk" without a conversation.
•   The barracks section of the barracks had an area where you can go through the wall.
•   The advisor informed you to talk to the tavern owner when there was no tavern owner.
•   Explosion audio had distorted pitch effects.
•   The guarding soldier from the tutorial would wander in the room or disappear.
•   The dialogue text and response was not showing quotes, dots, and other signs.

We want to say thank you for your support during our 2-month celebration. And as always, we will keep improving Legends of Ellaria with your feedback and support!

See you in Ellaria,

- The Larkon Studio Team
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Re: Legends of Ellaria
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2017, 12:35:47 AM »
Version is out!
Legends of Ellaria - Larkon Studio

Version is now Live! We had to do some extra bug-fixes from reports from some of our users after our previous rollback. If you have left a review, feel free to update it with your new experience, if you haven't, it helps us keep updating and polishing the game for you guys, we want to bring you tons of new content over the next few months! Fixed Issues:
•   Removed the possibility to equip the bow with a magic shield
•   When equipping the bow with the magic shield, neither of them worked
•   When your character finished construction, he would go and help on other tasks without your input
•   When helping with construction, the building construction would never be completed
•   Had the possibility to interact with doors and objects that don't exist
•   Fixed an issue where your character would fall through the world when entering a location
•   When having minimal permission to the "MyDocuments" folder, the game would not load
•   Spells could be dragged into the inventory and could not be dragged away from the inventory
•   Dragging a spell from one slot to another would permanently delete the other spell
•   Fixed some minor issues with the dialogue window
•   Removed the weight indicator from the inventory
•   When switching a weapon during a continuous spell (Burning Hands, Frost Ray, Etc.), the spell would continue to shoot forever
•   Removed the ability to switch to the RTS mode in locations that shouldn't allow it
•   Fixed some issues where you could go through the edge of the world
•   The minimap circle was blocking the help (F1 key) display
•   Quest stages were updated in the wrong locations
•   Added "You don't have room in your inventory" when trying to unequip an item with no room in your inventory
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Re: Legends of Ellaria
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2017, 09:43:25 PM »
Version - Bug fixes, Key binding and character movement
Legends of Ellaria - Larkon Studio

Version is now Live with some of the bug fixes and features you have been asking us!

We want to say thank you to all of you that have been leaving reviews and giving us feedback through our different channels; we're working hard on improving the bug reports you have sent as well the suggestions you've mentioned.

This new version includes a basic Key Binding and a smoother movement control for your character. We've also fixed some important issues with Legends of Ellaria by your request.

New Features:
•   Your character has a smoother control. There is no delay between pressing the movement control and the character moves towards the direction you have set without a slow rotation.
•   Character has a "Default Walk or Run" (Set by Caps Lock), both for combat and casual mode
•   Key binding (still missing several commands, including the WASD. We will add them soon)
•   Game configuration and saves now exist in : C:\Users\[USER]\AppData\LocalLow\Larkon Studio\Legends of Ellaria

Fixed Issues:
•   Fixed an issue where LoE is stuck in "Game is Loading."
•   Fixed more issues with permission to "My Documents."
•   May have fixed the spinning camera issue with for people who own a Joystick. See "Known Issues"

Known issues:
•   Can't change the movement (WASD) keys binding
•   When helping to construct a building, the building is not constructed and the game has issues with saving and loading
•   Not all Joysticks and Gamepads were tested for the spinning camera bug. Some Joystick owners may experience an issue where the camera is constantly rotating around them. If you have this issue, please send us a report or email with your Joystick / Gamepad model information.

See you In Ellaria,

Larkon Studio

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Re: Legends of Ellaria
« Reply #5 on: October 26, 2017, 06:43:32 PM »
Version - Bug fixes, Improved combat AI
Legends of Ellaria - Larkon Studio

Dear community,

A new update is now live on the store with many of the bug fixes and improvements from your feedback.

Legends of Ellaria will also be on sale for Halloween and we will have another update on Tuesday with special halloween content for players that play during October 31st :)

Here is what's new:

- Improved the combat AI - Enemies are more aggressive
- Reduced the size of the E / R text
- Changed the aiming crosshair and added a normal crosshair

- When exiting caves and indoors, the frame rate would drop significantly for a long time
- The Item Description tooltip was not showing
- The item dropdown was not working
- Dropping an item was not working
- When pressing the main menu in the RTS mode, and then switching to the FPS mode, the cursor would not disappear
- When a menu was opened while pressing WASD, the mouse cursor was stuck in the center
- RTS Commands were not working properly
- When helping in constructing a house, the house could not be completed
- Fixed a save/load issue after playing the tutorial
- When starting a new game with no saves, the "Continue" button was disabled during the FPS mode
- When pressing Escape during the main menu, the cursor did not disappear
- After a melee swing, your character could not swing for a few seconds
- Sometimes, after dodging, your character was immune to damage forever
- After pressing F8, the mouse cursor would not dissapear and the character could not move

See you in Ellaria
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Re: Legends of Ellaria
« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2017, 02:38:53 AM »
Halloween is here!
Legends of Ellaria - Larkon Studio

Dear community,

we're excited to announce that a brand new Halloween update is now LIVE on the steam store.

In this special update, you will be able to access exclusive Halloween content by picking up a spooky pumpkin in your player's house, and entering the closet for a limited-time Halloween quest, as seen below:

Enter the closet to access the Halloween portal.

Once you beat the Halloween quest, you will get a Halloween exclusive item that boosts your stats :)

This update will be live from Oct 30 - Nov 1st, 2017, so make sure to try it out and complete the quest before then.

See you in Ellaria,

Larkon Studio
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Re: Legends of Ellaria
« Reply #7 on: November 06, 2017, 03:06:44 PM »
5 November - Larkon Studio

Woah, Someone's angry...

Hey guys,
we wanted to give you a quick heads up that a new update is LIVE on the Steam Store.

Here's the list of fixes:

• Switching Bow to sword sometimes ends up with both equipped
• When the character dies in the tutorial, bad things happened
• The camera goes out of the roof on the 2nd floor of the Advisor's building
• The green key temple wrote "Blocked from the other side" instead of "You don't have the key"
• When holster sword and press R twice the combat mechanism has errors and bugs
• Fixed Joystick spinning the camera in some cases
• The shield falls of the guarding soldier at the stairs in the tutorial
• Dialogue fixes to the tutorial soldier
• Some minor spell checks in tutorial and menus
• Your Character can't climb mountains anymore
• Changed the Dialogue menu appearance
• When pressing the X button on windowed mode, an "Are you sure" popup appears
• in the goblin village, there was a flying campfire
• After Interaction with objects the player was switching to combat mode
• Sometimes the player sat in the air on the chair at his home
• Citizens don't hold a broom like it's a pike anymore
• Halloween chest is more visible

Thank you for all your feedback, as always, if you haven't, please make sure to leave a review on the Steam store, we update consistently with your bug reports and suggestions!

See you in Ellaria,

The Larkon Studio Team
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Re: Legends of Ellaria
« Reply #8 on: November 16, 2017, 07:32:09 PM »
Major Update is Coming!

Hey guys, we're excited to announce that on December 11, 2017, we will be launching our first major update on Steam Early Access!

Here's the list of features that we will include initially:
•   Basic character customization
•   Partial RPG system
•   More maps with new quests
•   Sword&Shield Melee combat
•   Spear Melee combat
•   Dual Handed Melee combat
•   More item variety
•   The ability to explore dungeons with your army

On top of this, we will be adding as many bug-fixes & optimizations as we can, so if you haven't, please leave a review on Steam, with your feedback we will be able to fix and optimize as much as we can so that you can have a great holiday season inside LoE!

See you in Ellaria,

The Larkon Studio Team

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Re: Legends of Ellaria
« Reply #9 on: November 30, 2017, 06:11:53 PM »
Major Update Progress

Hey guys, at your request, we've finally finished the basic character customization feature, as well as some of the new armors that are coming, and the base models for new character avatars.

We are now working on the following:

- A fuller RPG system
- New armors
- More weapon variety
- Integration and optimization into the Game's engine
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Re: Legends of Ellaria
« Reply #10 on: December 07, 2017, 10:12:37 PM »
Major Update Progress

Hey guys, we're proud to show you a preview of what the Character Customization feature will look like on this upcoming major update!

Basically, you will have the option to choose between Male and Female genders, and be able to shape them in both sizes and style before entering the game.

You will also have the option to change their skin color, as shown below:

We would love to hear your feedback on this, you can simply reply to this email and we will take care of your suggestions :)

In addition, the NPCs such as citizens and bandits now have new sets of clothes and randomized faces, giving more variety to the population of Ellaria.

We are continuing to polish the Major update features and hope to bring you tons of content and fun for this Holidays.

As always, if you haven't, please leave a review on Steam, with your feedback we will be able to fix and optimize as much as we can so that you can enjoy a much better version of Legends of Ellaria.

See you inside,

The Larkon Studio Team
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Re: Legends of Ellaria
« Reply #11 on: December 11, 2017, 11:14:55 PM »
Major Update Announcement

New NPC and character variety

Hey guys, so we have been working on new features like character customization, new weapons, NPC and enemy variety, RPG system, and more.

We were scheduled to release today our first major update but decided to improve the experience for you guys and add some extra features and fixes before releasing.

The new version will be released on December 14th, and we just might launch a discount to celebrate :).

On top of this, we will have a part 2 major update for Christmas with even more new features, we want you to enjoy Ellaria the best way this Holiday season, so we will be participating in this year's Steam Winter sale as well!

Can't wait to share what we have in store, as always please let us know your feedback so we can continue to improve and polish Legends of Ellaria just for you.

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Re: Legends of Ellaria
« Reply #12 on: December 16, 2017, 06:23:58 PM »
Major update part 1 is here!
Legends of Ellaria - Larkon Studio

Legends of Ellaria players,
We're proud to release our first major update, which will be divided into 3 parts to be able to bring you several major features that the game currently does not have included.

You will now be able to enjoy:

1. Character Customization: You can now choose between male and female characters, and customize them to match your preferred taste. This is a first version to it and will get improved in further updates as we move forward in Early Access.
2. There is now NPC variety, so your population now has sort of a true personality where almost everyone is it's own person.
3. You can now loot bodies to find wearable clothes for aesthetic purposes.
4. There is now more weapon variety, with dual handed weapons, one handed spears, and shields.
5. There is more armor variety, that along with the weapon vary your stats accordingly.

On top of these features, the following fixes have been made:

1. Fixed camera-spinning when playing with joysticks
2. Fixed Blacksmith interaction where he wasn't talking
3. Misc. game engine fixes for optimization

We will be having a major update celebration discount until the 22nd of December as well!
Please know that there will still be bugs, glitches, and many more fixes to come in Early Access, if you encounter one, please send us your feedback through a Steam review, we are consistently updating and learning from our players to improve your experience.

See you in Ellaria,

Larkon Studio
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Re: Legends of Ellaria
« Reply #13 on: December 25, 2017, 09:42:32 PM »
Major update: Part 2 - RPG stats and kingdom info UI
Legends of Ellaria - Larkon Studio

Legends of Ellaria Players,

Part 2 of our first major update is arriving sooner than expected, with tons of fixes (thanks to your feedback and bug reporting).

In this update, you will now have:

• RPG stats and kingdom info UI - hit K, or the scroll icon on the character window
• More RTS info on the features of each building
• Added Character name to dialogues

Bug Fixes:

• Fixed some spell bugs
• Fixed player being thrown in the air after killing an enemy
• Fixed dropped items getting stuck in midair
• Fixed gender-based dialogue issues
• Fixed Ancients device in air on "Elixir of Dexterity" quest
• Fixed Tutorial enemy being too strong
• Fixed some enemies that couldn't equip some weapons
• Fixed the Torch in your back sometimes being on holster
• Fixed lost patrol bodies not appearing.

Thank you to all that have left reviews, comments, messages, and feedback, it is helping us improve greatly to bring you fixes and features quickly.

As always, if you have tried the new update, let us know your thoughts through a review system, it really helps us move quickly to bring you fixes and new features.

See you in Ellaria,

Larkon Studio
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Re: Legends of Ellaria
« Reply #14 on: December 25, 2017, 09:43:18 PM »
Major update part 3 - Christmas version - Merry Christmas!
Legends of Ellaria - Larkon Studio

Legends of Ellaria players,

we're excited to release a special Christmas update with some bonus content for you to discover.

This version includes:

1. Models and clothes graphics improvements
2. The bow has a quiver.
3. Bonus content which will be available during Christmas

The following fixes have taken place:

1. Fixed lost patrol clues and soldiers
2. Fixed eternal fire finishing the quest - indicates to talk to the barracks captain and not to the advisor
3. Barracks captain doesn't disappear or moves anymore
4. Fixed Frost ray animation
5. Player doesn't enter combat after item interaction
6. Goblins stay away from Riverside

We want to take the opportunity to let you know that we will be working on some of the major features you've asked us for, so we will publish a major update in the following weeks.

see you in Ellaria,

Larkon Studio

Edit: Fixed short arms on old saves
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