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Author Topic: Strategic Mind: Fight for Freedom  (Read 8943 times)

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Re: Strategic Mind: Fight for Freedom
« Reply #15 on: February 19, 2021, 03:53:01 AM »
British recon vehicles
Thu, 18 February 2021

Units in Fight for Freedom #9

In 1938, the British government issued a call to design a new army scouting vehicle. The results included not only one of the most successful recon vehicles of the WWII, the Daimler Dingo, but also its up-armed and up-armored cousin - Daimler Armoured Car.

Daimler Dingo

Daimler Dingo saw action comparatively early - on mainland France in 1940, and remained in service throughout the entire war and beyond. It was deployed on every front where the British Expeditionary Force had fought, and proved itself to be fast, reliable and easily maintained. With a height of only 1.5 meters, it was also incredibly stealthy. A combat engineer vehicle, a scouting car, or a command vehicle - the Dingo excelled in every role.

Daimler Armoured Car

Daimler Armoured Car kept most of the Dingo’s virtues, but also added a 2-pounder cannon - a fearsome caliber for a vehicle this small, which led to it being classified as a “light wheeled tank”.

In the game
In the British campaign, one of the unit classes that you can assign your HQ unit to will be the Recon. Additionally, one of the HQ skills makes all Recon units provide bonuses to the nearby units due to intel they gather. So, having powerful Recon units is an extremely good addition to your army.

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Re: Strategic Mind: Fight for Freedom
« Reply #16 on: February 26, 2021, 02:04:12 AM »
British Artillery
Thu, 25 February 2021

Units in Fight for Freedom #10

The Bishop

A tall metal box with a 25-pounder sticking out of it, placed on the Valentine tank chassis - even its lofty name couldn’t redeem the Bishop.

The Bishop was a hasty British attempt at making the 25-pounder-gun howitzer self-propelled - and like anything hasty, the attempt was largely doomed from the start. Due to awkward construction the gun’s maximum angle was sharply reduced, and its effective range was effectively halved compared to the towed variant. It forced the troops operating it to resort to trickery, such as building ramps to elevate the whole front of the vehicle to improve the firing arc.

Although the Bishop saw action throughout the African and Italian campaigns, few tears were shed when it eventually ended up replaced by the American heavy-hitter M7 Priest.

In the game

Bishop is a first self-propelled artillery unit in the British campaign with the Gun range of 3, which serves its purpose up until you get access to a better M7 Priest model with the Gun range of 4.

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Re: Strategic Mind: Fight for Freedom
« Reply #17 on: February 27, 2021, 01:38:07 AM »
Watch the Developer's Gameplay #5: Spanish Civil War
Fri, 26 February 2021

Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg
🔴 Watch the Developer's Gameplay #5: | Spanish Civil War | Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg

Hello, guys! This is the fifth gameplay by our team and it features the Spanish Civil War scenario from the Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg. In this episode, we will have a closer look at how the supply system works in the Strategic Mind series.

We plan to cover the first 2 scenarios in all Strategic Mind campaigns, and then make a full playthrough of one of them. Right now, we want the community to vote on which campaign to cover first. The possible choices:
1. Strategic Mind: The Pacific | United States campaign.
2. Strategic Mind: The Pacific | The Empire of Japan campaign.
3. Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg | German campaign.
4. Strategic Mind: Spectre of Communism | USSR campaign.

Do not forget to give us your feedback about the game in the comments on YouTube 😉. Leave your questions about gameplay or mechanics — we will record some short tutorials about the game mechanics that are especially tricky to understand.

About Developer’s gameplay series
This is a Developer’s gameplay series by Starni Games. In these episodes the Lead game designer of the Strategic Mind series Oleksandr plays our games with the commentary, explaining the game mechanics and telling you more about the game development process.

👉 Watch all the episodes on YouTube.

🤝 Don't forget to support our upcoming project Strategic Mind: Fight for Freedom by adding it to wishlist:

Strategic Mind: Fight for Freedom is a history-driven turn-based strategy set in WW2. Take command of the Allied forces and protect your homeland and the whole of Europe from totalitarian madness. Form armies. Win battles. Change history.

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Re: Strategic Mind: Fight for Freedom
« Reply #18 on: March 05, 2021, 01:33:53 AM »
British Jet Fighter
Thu, 4 March 2021

Units in Fight for Freedom #11
In 1944, the German jet fighters, albeit deployed in limited numbers, made piston-driven aircraft obsolete. Then, jet-propulsion V-1 cruise missiles rained upon London in thousands, too fast for conventional fighter planes to intercept. By then, the British turbojet fighter project had been years in development, but now it had to go into overdrive.

Gloster Meteor

Gloster Meteor was the first Allied jet fighter, and by far the quickest plane of its time. It was the only Allied jet fighter to be deployed during WWII, and only towards the very end. But in our alternate history timeline, it will be seeing a lot more action.

In the game
All jet fighters in Strategic Mind - the German Me-262, the Soviet MiG-9 and the British Gloster Meteor are far superior to all previous non-jet models. So, they provide a very solid boost to your air force capabilities.

With best regards
Starni Games team

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Re: Strategic Mind: Fight for Freedom
« Reply #19 on: March 14, 2021, 07:07:07 PM »
British Heavy Armored Cars
Thu, March 11, 2021

Units in Fight for Freedom #12

Armored cars are commonly used for reconnaissance and other deployments that require speed, maneuverability and discretion.

AEC Armoured Car is not exactly the stealthiest recon vehicle. But boy, could it kill an enemy tank.

The heaviest and the most armored vehicle in its class, AEC Armoured Car was conceived as a wheeled tank, cheaper and faster to make than a tracked one. Its powerful engine also allowed for some heavy armaments, and so AEC Armoured Car Mk II was fitted with a 6-pounder gun, while AEC Armoured Car Mk III received a fearsome 75-mm cannon - weapons matching those of the British tanks.

AEC Armoured Car Mk II

AEC Armoured Car Mk III

In the game
It is somewhat similar to the Soviet BA-10 and German Puma - a recon car with a powerful gun able to penetrate tank’s armour. So, it could both scout out and ambush the enemy’s armor. Thus, it is a very versatile unit.

AEC Armoured Car Mk II

AEC Armoured Car Mk III

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Re: Strategic Mind: Fight for Freedom
« Reply #20 on: March 31, 2021, 11:56:12 PM »
Developer’s Diaries # 13: Voice Over - A Work in Progress
Wed, 31 March 2021

In our previous Developer’s Diaries, we told you about all the difficulties our team faces in the Voice Over production for the Strategic Mind series of games. Today, we will let you know more about the current progress in Voice Over production.

Meet the cast - Bob Skinner (UK) doing the part of Bernard Montgomery

While it was especially tricky to assemble the cast for the Strategic Mind: Fight for Freedom, since we needed a lot of actors from the US, and especially from the UK. Previously, we had only one person from the UK doing VO work for us, so it is quite tricky to find good fits for all roles, taking accent, age, pitch, and everything else into consideration.

Here is one of the voice actors working with us, who turned out to be a really good fit for Montgomery and even looks a lot like him ;).

Of course, it is not easy to fit a perfect fit for every character, but we are doing the best we can considering our budget limitations.

Current progress around 50% recorded - 70 hours (14 days) at the studio

We are right in the middle of recording all the characters, and despite the really tight schedule things are looking quite good so far. Although, even at this point, it is apparent that this is shaping up to be the biggest project of the series in terms of VO volume and complexity.

Kyiv city being in the “red zone” due to the pandemics, meaning partial lockdown, with the full closure of all public transport being highly possible, does not help. Still, we are doing all possible efforts to keep everything on track. Trust me, that is not easy: some actors have to leave the country soon, some have just come to Kyiv for a couple of weeks, others cannot record during the workdays, and so on and so forth. Still, we hope everything will go more or less smoothly.

P.S. While we were preparing this very post, we got the news that public transport will only be available to people with special credentials - the workers of key facilities, like power plants or food stores. So, it seems the majority of the team will have to work remotely once again. We were working remotely through the last 6 weeks of Blitzkrieg production last year, so that not something new for us, but we remained in the office for the most part throughout last year. So, here we go again.

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Re: Strategic Mind: Fight for Freedom
« Reply #21 on: April 10, 2021, 11:38:08 PM »
Historical Personalities in Fight for Freedom #3: Field Marshal Harold Alexander
Thu, 8 April 2021

Field Marshal, though General for most of WWII, Harold Alexander was no typical military man. Far from his generally gruff colleagues, Alexander had an artistic strea, being a lifelong painter, and was known for his likeable, if not necessarily agreeable personality. General Patton once said ”an army is a team” - Alexander fit the role of the fair and personable team captain.

In France, North Africa, Burma and eventually Italy, Alexander led the Allied forces through personal charm, persuasion and mediation - an approach that sometimes bordered on manipulation. Some would say it was warranted, however, in an army full of talented but headstrong types.

Known for Alexander's impeccable manners and modesty, he had established good relations with the key decision makers, like Sir Winston Churchill and Supreme Allied Commander Dwight Eisenhower. The praise and the criticism usually centered on the same trait, simply observing it from a different angle. While some admired his laissez-faire approach, others faulted him for insufficient oversight; some admired Harold's honesty and modesty, others claimed it was a deliberately cultivated image. Some even framed his usual calm under pressure as complete detachment from combat. Field Marshals Montgomery and Brooke claimed he was “intellectually unimpressive”, though some suspect it was another display of modesty - after all, Alexander definitely had a keen mind for interpersonal relations.

The facts, however, spoke for themselves - Harold Alexander was an incredibly experienced war leader, who fought with equal efficiency in the mountains, deserts, jungles or plains. And in 1945, it was him who accepted the first major surrender of the German forces - a one million-strong group of armies in Italy.

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Re: Strategic Mind: Fight for Freedom
« Reply #22 on: May 11, 2021, 11:55:56 PM »
Developer's Gameplay | Strategic Mind: Fight for Freedom Updated Demo
Tue, 11 May 2021

10 Days before the Strategic Mind: Fight for Freedom release

Hello guys! Only 10 days left before the Strategic Mind: Fight for Freedom release. The time is running out and there is still work to be done. Yet, our team works very hard to deliver everything on time, and so far we are on schedule. We want the upcoming release to go as smoothly and enjoyable for all the players as possible. We hope that you would be pleasantly surprised by the game quality. We are still implementing some final changes to the cinematics video quality and have some work to do regarding the sound and localization. There are still some minor issues to be ironed out before the release, but the gameplay itself is very solid.

While our team makes all the final preparations for the Strategic Mind: Fight for Freedom release, you can play the free Demo we have updated on 8 May. The Demo now includes the first operation of the US campaign - the Normandy landings.

Have you already played the new Strategic Mind: Fight for Freedom Demo? What is your first impression? Let us know your thoughts and feedback in the comments and on the community hub.

Additionally, you can watch the new Developer's gameplay episode covering the new Strategic Mind: Fight for Freedom Demo content, where our Lead Game Designer plays through the Normandy Landings. As it turns out he is in for a couple of unpleasant surprises ;).

👉 Watch gameplay of the SM: Fight for Freedom updated Demo by the Lead game designer Oleksandr right now.

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